path: root/doc
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
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index 8bb40ff..d84e212 100644
--- a/doc/cs/
+++ b/doc/cs/
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-KDE_DOCS = kpowersave
+KDE_DOCS = tdepowersave
diff --git a/doc/cs/hi48-app-kpowersave.png b/doc/cs/hi48-app-tdepowersave.png
index 26e2b89..26e2b89 100644
--- a/doc/cs/hi48-app-kpowersave.png
+++ b/doc/cs/hi48-app-tdepowersave.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/cs/index.docbook b/doc/cs/index.docbook
index 1917b38..f1e90f7 100644
--- a/doc/cs/index.docbook
+++ b/doc/cs/index.docbook
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
- <!ENTITY app "<application>KPowersave</application>">
+ <!ENTITY app "<application>TDEPowersave</application>">
<!ENTITY apprelease " ">
<!-- chapters in separate docbook files -->
<!-- book related entities -->
- <!ENTITY kappname "KPowersave">
+ <!ENTITY kappname "TDEPowersave">
<!ENTITY % addindex "INCLUDE">
<!ENTITY % Czech "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here -->
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
- <keyword>KPowersave</keyword>
+ <keyword>TDEPowersave</keyword>
@@ -69,42 +69,42 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<chapter id="introduction">
- <keyword>KPowersave</keyword>
+ <keyword>TDEPowersave</keyword>
- <imagedata fileref="hi48-app-kpowersave.png" format="PNG"/>
+ <imagedata fileref="hi48-app-tdepowersave.png" format="PNG"/>
- <para>KPowersave, KDE uživatelské rozhraní pro powersave, používejte k
+ <para>TDEPowersave, KDE uživatelské rozhraní pro powersave, používejte k
řízení správy napájení a sledování stavu baterie vašeho notebooku. Například
můžete nastavit, aby se obrazovka vašeho počítače po určité době nečinnosti
vypnula, čímž prodloužíte běh na baterie.
<sect1 id="starting">
- <title>Spouštění KPowersave</title>
- <para>Chcete-li spustit KPowersave, zadejte na příkazové řádce příkaz
- <command>kpowersave &amp;</command> nebo zvolte <menuchoice>
+ <title>Spouštění TDEPowersave</title>
+ <para>Chcete-li spustit TDEPowersave, zadejte na příkazové řádce příkaz
+ <command>tdepowersave &amp;</command> nebo zvolte <menuchoice>
- <guimenu>KPowersave</guimenu>
+ <guimenu>TDEPowersave</guimenu>
</menuchoice> z hlavní nabídky GNOME nebo KDE.
- KPowersave se otevře v systémové části panelu.</para>
- <para>Chcete-li nastavit, zda se má KPowersave spouštět při vašem
+ TDEPowersave se otevře v systémové části panelu.</para>
+ <para>Chcete-li nastavit, zda se má TDEPowersave spouštět při vašem
přihlášení automaticky, klikněte na <guimenu>Obecná nastavení</guimenu>
- a aktivujte či deaktivujte volbu <guimenu>KPowersave se po přihlášení
+ a aktivujte či deaktivujte volbu <guimenu>TDEPowersave se po přihlášení
automaticky spouští</guimenu>. Také nastavte, zda chcete aby se vás
- KPowersave ptal na automatické spouštění, pokud ho ručně ukončíte.
+ TDEPowersave ptal na automatické spouštění, pokud ho ručně ukončíte.
<sect1 id="understandingicon">
- <title>Význam ikony KPowersave</title>
+ <title>Význam ikony TDEPowersave</title>
- Ikona KPowersave vypadá jako elektrická zástrčka vedle indikátoru stavu
+ Ikona TDEPowersave vypadá jako elektrická zástrčka vedle indikátoru stavu
baterie. Ikona informuje o aktuálním stavu baterie a o tom, zda je počítač
právě napájen z baterie nebo ze sítě. Je-li baterie téměř vybitá, pozadí
ikony bliká - oranžově jako upozornění a červeně při nízkém či kritickém
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="cs_applet_schemes.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>Nabídka KPowersave s položkami pro přepínání schémat</phrase>
+ <phrase>Nabídka TDEPowersave s položkami pro přepínání schémat</phrase>
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
Modul správy napájení programu YaST2 poskytuje řadu možností nastavení pro
šetření energií. Chcete-li modul spustit, klikněte pravým tlačítkem myši
- na ikonu KPowersave a zvolte <guimenu>Spustit modul správy napájení programu
+ na ikonu TDEPowersave a zvolte <guimenu>Spustit modul správy napájení programu
YaST2</guimenu>. Podrobné instrukce pro každé nastavení jsou dostupné
přímo v YaSTu.
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="cs_applet_yast.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>Nabídka KPowersave s položkou pro spuštění YaSTu</phrase>
+ <phrase>Nabídka TDEPowersave s položkou pro spuštění YaSTu</phrase>
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<title>Uspání systému</title>
Systém můžete kdykoliv uspat kliknutím pravým tlačítkem myši na ikonu
- KPowersave a volbou <guimenu>Uspání na disk</guimenu>,
+ TDEPowersave a volbou <guimenu>Uspání na disk</guimenu>,
<guimenu>Uspání do RAM</guimenu> nebo <guimenu>Pohotovostní
režim</guimenu> (pokud je pohotovostní režim počítačem podporován).
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="cs_applet_suspend.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>Nabídka KPowersave s položkami pro uspání a pohotovostní režim</phrase>
+ <phrase>Nabídka TDEPowersave s položkami pro uspání a pohotovostní režim</phrase>
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<title>Vypnutí automatického uspání</title>
Pokud je pro právě používané schéma zapnuto automatické uspávání, objeví
- se v nabídce KPowersave položka <guimenu>Zakázat akce při
+ se v nabídce TDEPowersave položka <guimenu>Zakázat akce při
neaktivitě</guimenu>. Její volbou zakážete jakékoliv akce, které se mají
při neaktivitě vykonat, čímž se vypne automatické uspání.
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="cs_applet_autosuspend.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>Nabídka KPowersave s volbou "Zakázat akce při neaktivitě"</phrase>
+ <phrase>Nabídka TDEPowersave s volbou "Zakázat akce při neaktivitě"</phrase>
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
Množství energie spotřebovávané procesorem lze ovládat změnou politiky
frekvence procesoru. Učiníte tak kliknutím pravým tlačítkem myši na ikonu
- KPowersave, volbou <guimenu>Nastavit politiku frekvence CPU</guimenu> a
+ TDEPowersave, volbou <guimenu>Nastavit politiku frekvence CPU</guimenu> a
výběrem jedné z dostupných možností:
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="cs_applet_cpufreq.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>Nabídka KPowersave s podnabídkou nastavení politiky
+ <phrase>Nabídka TDEPowersave s podnabídkou nastavení politiky
frekvence procesoru</phrase>
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<title>Schémata správy napájení</title>
Schéma obsahuje základní konfiguraci správy napájení používanou při běhu
- KPowersave. Množství dostupných schémat závisí na konfiguraci powersave.
+ TDEPowersave. Množství dostupných schémat závisí na konfiguraci powersave.
Schémata můžete přidávat nebo mazat pomocí modulu správy napájení nástroje
YaST. Mezi běžně používaná schémata patří:
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="cs_configdialog_schemes.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>Dialog KPowersave pro nastavení schémat</phrase>
+ <phrase>Dialog TDEPowersave pro nastavení schémat</phrase>
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
- Klikněte pravým tlačítkem myši na ikonu KPowersave
+ Klikněte pravým tlačítkem myši na ikonu TDEPowersave
v systémové části panelu.
- Zvolte <guimenu>Nastavit KPowersave</guimenu>.
+ Zvolte <guimenu>Nastavit TDEPowersave</guimenu>.
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="cs_configdialog_schemes_screen.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>Dialog KPowersave pro nastavení šetřiče obrazovky</phrase>
+ <phrase>Dialog TDEPowersave pro nastavení šetřiče obrazovky</phrase>
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="en_configdialog_schemes.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>Dialog KPowersave pro nastavení šetřiče/DPMS obrazovky</phrase>
+ <phrase>Dialog TDEPowersave pro nastavení šetřiče/DPMS obrazovky</phrase>
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<sect2 id="procedure_autosuspend">
<title>Nastavení automatického uspání</title>
- <step><para>Pokud chcete, aby KPowersave automaticky uspal počítač,
+ <step><para>Pokud chcete, aby TDEPowersave automaticky uspal počítač,
není-li aktuální uživatel grafického prostředí po určitou dobu aktivní,
klikněte na <guimenu>Automatické uspání</guimenu> a proveďte potřebná
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="cs_configdialog_schemes_autosuspend.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>Dialog KPowersave pro nastavení automatického uspání</phrase>
+ <phrase>Dialog TDEPowersave pro nastavení automatického uspání</phrase>
@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="en_configdialog_general.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>Dialog KPowersave pro obecná nastavení.</phrase>
+ <phrase>Dialog TDEPowersave pro obecná nastavení.</phrase>
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<sect1 id="autosuspendblacklist">
<title>Vytvoření černé listiny automatického uspání</title>
- KPowersave obsahuje černou listinu automatického uspání. Pokud běží
+ TDEPowersave obsahuje černou listinu automatického uspání. Pokud běží
některá z aplikací na tomto seznamu, je automatické uspání zakázáno.
Například byste si asi nepřáli, aby váš notebook usnul během přehrávání
DVD, jen proto, že jste dlouho nestiskli žádnou klávesu. Listinu můžete
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="en_configdialog_general.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>Dialog KPowersave pro nastavení
+ <phrase>Dialog TDEPowersave pro nastavení
černé listiny automatického uspání</phrase>
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="cs_configdialog_blacklist.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>Dialog KPowersave pro úpravy
+ <phrase>Dialog TDEPowersave pro úpravy
černé listiny automatického uspání</phrase>
diff --git a/doc/de/ b/doc/de/
index 1ec2ef9..df4330f 100644
--- a/doc/de/
+++ b/doc/de/
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-KDE_DOCS = kpowersave
+KDE_DOCS = tdepowersave
diff --git a/doc/de/hi48-app-kpowersave.png b/doc/de/hi48-app-tdepowersave.png
index 26e2b89..26e2b89 100644
--- a/doc/de/hi48-app-kpowersave.png
+++ b/doc/de/hi48-app-tdepowersave.png
Binary files differ
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index c0d6574..19c3183 100644
--- a/doc/de/index.docbook
+++ b/doc/de/index.docbook
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
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- <!ENTITY app "<application>KPowersave</application>">
+ <!ENTITY app "<application>TDEPowersave</application>">
<!ENTITY apprelease " ">
<!-- chapters in separate docbook files -->
<!-- book related entities -->
- <!ENTITY kappname "KPowersave">
+ <!ENTITY kappname "TDEPowersave">
<!ENTITY % addindex "INCLUDE">
<!ENTITY % German "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here -->
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
- <keyword>KPowersave</keyword>
+ <keyword>TDEPowersave</keyword>
@@ -71,17 +71,17 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<chapter id="introduction">
- <keyword>KPowersave</keyword>
+ <keyword>TDEPowersave</keyword>
- <imagedata fileref="hi48-app-kpowersave.png" format="PNG"/>
+ <imagedata fileref="hi48-app-tdepowersave.png" format="PNG"/>
- Verwenden Sie KPowersave, das KDE Front-End für powersave, um das Energiemangement
+ Verwenden Sie TDEPowersave, das KDE Front-End für powersave, um das Energiemangement
zu verwalten und den Batteriestand Ihres Gerätes anzuzeigen. Sie können
beispielsweise konfigurieren, das der Bildschirm Ihres Laptops abgeschaltet
wird, wenn Sie Ihre Laptop eine bestimmte Zeit nicht benutzen um die
@@ -89,28 +89,28 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<sect1 id="starting">
- <title>KPowersave starten</title>
+ <title>TDEPowersave starten</title>
- <para>Um KPowersave zu starten, öffnen Sie eine Shell und geben das Kommando
- <command>kpowersave &amp;</command> ein oder wählen <menuchoice><guimenu>
+ <para>Um TDEPowersave zu starten, öffnen Sie eine Shell und geben das Kommando
+ <command>tdepowersave &amp;</command> ein oder wählen <menuchoice><guimenu>
System</guimenu><guimenu>Desktop Applet</guimenu>
- <guimenu>KPowersave</guimenu></menuchoice> aus dem KDE oder GNOME Menü aus.
- KPowersave wird dann in der Kontrollleiste bzw. im System Tray geöffnet.
+ <guimenu>TDEPowersave</guimenu></menuchoice> aus dem KDE oder GNOME Menü aus.
+ TDEPowersave wird dann in der Kontrollleiste bzw. im System Tray geöffnet.
- <para>Um einzustellen ob KPowersave beim Anmelden an den Desktop automatisch
- gestartet wird klicken Sie im KPowersave Konfigurations Dialog auf
+ <para>Um einzustellen ob TDEPowersave beim Anmelden an den Desktop automatisch
+ gestartet wird klicken Sie im TDEPowersave Konfigurations Dialog auf
<guimenu>Allgemeine Einstellungen</guimenu> und wählen/abwählen dort die
- Ankreuzfeld <guimenu>KPowersave automatisch beim Anmelden starten</guimenu>.
+ Ankreuzfeld <guimenu>TDEPowersave automatisch beim Anmelden starten</guimenu>.
Sie können dort auch einstellen, ob Sie beim Beenden gefragt werden ob
- KPowersave das nächste mal automatisch gestartet werden soll.
+ TDEPowersave das nächste mal automatisch gestartet werden soll.
<sect1 id="understandingicon">
- <title>Das KPowersave Icon/Symbol verstehen</title>
+ <title>Das TDEPowersave Icon/Symbol verstehen</title>
- Das KPowersave Icon sieht aus wie ein Netzstecker neben einer Batterie
+ Das TDEPowersave Icon sieht aus wie ein Netzstecker neben einer Batterie
Füllstandsanzeige. Das Symbol zeigt den aktuellen Batteriefüllstand an und
ob der Computer sich am Stromnetz oder auf Batterie befindet.
Wenn der Batteriestand niedrig ist beginnt der Hintergrund des Icons zu
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<title>Das aktive Schema wechseln</title>
Um das aktive Schema zu setzen, klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf
- das KPowersave Symbol in der Kontrollleiste und wählen
+ das TDEPowersave Symbol in der Kontrollleiste und wählen
<guimenu>Setze aktives Schema</guimenu>. Dort wählen Sie dann das gewünschte
Schema aus. Wenn Sie das aktive Schema wechseln werden die Konfigurationen der
verschiedenen Systemkomponenten verändert. Ein Energieschema beinhaltet
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="de_applet_schemes.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave Applet mit dem Menü zum Schema wechseln.</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave Applet mit dem Menü zum Schema wechseln.</phrase>
@@ -157,9 +157,9 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
Das YaST Power-Management-Modul (zur Zeit nur für SUSE verfügbar) bietet
verschiedene Einstellungsmöglichkeiten um Energie zu sparen. Mit diesem
- Modul können Sie Einstellungen ändern, auf die Sie als Bentzer über KPowersave
+ Modul können Sie Einstellungen ändern, auf die Sie als Bentzer über TDEPowersave
keinen Einfluss haben. Um das Modul zu starten klicken Sie mit der rechten
- Maustaste auf das KPowersave Symbol und wählen <guimenu> YaST2
+ Maustaste auf das TDEPowersave Symbol und wählen <guimenu> YaST2
Power-Management-Modul starten ...</guimenu>
Detailierte Anweisungen für die verschiedenen Einstellungsmöglichkeiten finden
Sie in YaST.
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="de_applet_yast.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave Applet Menü mit dem YaST Eintrag.</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave Applet Menü mit dem YaST Eintrag.</phrase>
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<sect1 id="suspend">
<title>Suspendieren des Systems</title>
- Sie können das System jederzeit mit Rechtsklick auf das KPowersave
+ Sie können das System jederzeit mit Rechtsklick auf das TDEPowersave
Symbol und das Auswählen von <guimenu>Suspend to Disk</guimenu>,
<guimenu>Suspend to RAM</guimenu>, oder <guimenu>Stand-by</guimenu>
(wenn dies von Ihrem Gerät unterstützt wird) suspendieren bzw. in
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="de_applet_suspend.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave Applet mit dem Meüeinträgen für Suspend/Stand-by</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave Applet mit dem Meüeinträgen für Suspend/Stand-by</phrase>
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
Wenn Autosuspend - das automatische Suspendieren, wenn der Benutzer eine
definierte Zeit inaktiv war - für das aktuelle Schema aktiviert ist, erscheint
- im KPowersave Applet Menü der Eintrag
+ im TDEPowersave Applet Menü der Eintrag
<guimenu>Aktionen bei Inaktivität deaktivieren</guimenu>. Wenn Sie diesen
Menüeintrag auswählen, werden alle konfigurierten Aktionen, wie bsplw.
Suspend to Disk, bei Inaktivität des Benutzers verhindert. Dies bedeutet
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="de_applet_autosuspend.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave Applet Menü mit dem Eintrag "Aktionen bei Inaktivität deaktivieren"</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave Applet Menü mit dem Eintrag "Aktionen bei Inaktivität deaktivieren"</phrase>
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
Um den Energieverbrauch der CPU zu steuern kann - wenn dies die CPU
Ihres Gerätes unterstützt - das CPU Frequenzverhalten verändert werden. Dazu
- öffnen Sie mit einem Rechtsklick auf das KPowersave Symbol das Menü und
+ öffnen Sie mit einem Rechtsklick auf das TDEPowersave Symbol das Menü und
wählen den Menüpunkt <guimenu>Setze CPU-Frequenzverhalten</guimenu> und wählen
eine der angebotenen Optionen.
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="de_applet_cpufreq.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave Menü mit dem Untermenü'CPU-Frequenzverhalten'</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave Menü mit dem Untermenü'CPU-Frequenzverhalten'</phrase>
@@ -301,10 +301,10 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<chapter id="conf_powerscheme">
<title>Ein Energieverwaltungs Schema konfigurieren</title>
<sect1 id="understand_scheme">
- <title>KPowersave Schema verstehen</title>
+ <title>TDEPowersave Schema verstehen</title>
Ein Schema beinhaltet die grundlegenenden Energieverwaltungseinstellungen
- die von KPowersave auf Ihrem Computer benutzt werden. Die Anzahl der
+ die von TDEPowersave auf Ihrem Computer benutzt werden. Die Anzahl der
verfügbaren Schema hängt von Ihrer Powersave Konfiguration ab. Um zusätzliche
Schema hinzuzufügen oder bestehenden Schemes zu löschen - können Sie
das YaST Power-Management-Modul oder den Editor ihrer Wahl benutzen.
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="de_configdialog_schemes.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave Konfigurations Dialog (Schema wählen).</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave Konfigurations Dialog (Schema wählen).</phrase>
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
- Ob KPowersave Benachrichtigungen senden soll.
+ Ob TDEPowersave Benachrichtigungen senden soll.
@@ -388,11 +388,11 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
- Machen Sie einen Rechtsklick auf das KPowersave Applet Symbol in
+ Machen Sie einen Rechtsklick auf das TDEPowersave Applet Symbol in
der Kontrollleiste.
- Wählen Sie <guimenu>KPowersave konfigurieren ...</guimenu>.
+ Wählen Sie <guimenu>TDEPowersave konfigurieren ...</guimenu>.
Wenn der <guimenu>Schema Einstellungen</guimenu> Reiter nicht bereits
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="de_configdialog_schemes_screen.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave Konfigurationsdialog für Bildschirmschoner und DPMS Einstellungen.</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave Konfigurationsdialog für Bildschirmschoner und DPMS Einstellungen.</phrase>
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<title>Autosuspend Einstellungen</title>
<step><para> Klicken Sie auf <guimenu>Autosuspend</guimenu>, wenn Sie
- wollen das KPowersave Ihr System automatisch suspendiert, wenn der aktuelle
+ wollen das TDEPowersave Ihr System automatisch suspendiert, wenn der aktuelle
Desktopbenutzer für eine bestimmte Zeit inaktiv war und benutzen Sie
den folgenden Dialog um die speziellen Einstellungen zu konfigurieren.
Diese Option ist in der Regel nicht vorausgewählt und muss von Ihnen
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="de_configdialog_schemes_autosuspend.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave Konfigurationsdialog für die Autosuspend Einstellungen.</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave Konfigurationsdialog für die Autosuspend Einstellungen.</phrase>
@@ -494,14 +494,14 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<sect2 id="procedure_notification">
<title>Benachrichtigungen aktivieren</title>
- <step><para>KPowersave blendet verschiedene Benachrichtigungen bei definierten
+ <step><para>TDEPowersave blendet verschiedene Benachrichtigungen bei definierten
Ereignissen auf den Desktop. Dies können Nachrichten in Pop-Up Dialogen oder aber auch
das abspielen von Sounddateien sein. Um alle Nachrichten für ein Schema zu deaktivieren
oder aber auch wieder zu aktivieren klicken Sie auf <guimenu>Verschiedenens</guimenu>.
Dort anderen Sie den Status von <guimenu>Benachrichtigungen abschalten</guimenu>
nach Ihren Wünschen.</para>
<para>Sie können verschiedenen definierten Benachrichtigungen über
- das KPowersave Applet Menü konfigurieren indem Sie auf
+ das TDEPowersave Applet Menü konfigurieren indem Sie auf
<guimenu>Benachrichtigungen konfigurieren ...</guimenu> klicken. Dort können Sie
beispielsweise festlegen in welcher Form die Nachricht auf dem Desktop angezeigt wird,
ob und welche Sounddatei abgespielt wird und ob beim Eintreffen der Nachricht ein
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="de_notification_settings.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave Konfigurationdialog für die Benachrichtigungen.</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave Konfigurationdialog für die Benachrichtigungen.</phrase>
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<sect1 id="lockscreen">
<title>Bildschirm sperren</title>
- Zur besseren Sicherheit Ihrer Daten, kann KPowersave für Sie den
+ Zur besseren Sicherheit Ihrer Daten, kann TDEPowersave für Sie den
Bildschirm sperren bevor der Computer supendiert wird oder wenn Sie
den Deckel des Bildschirms schließen. Sie können wählen, ob der
Bildschirm mit der automatisch verfügbaren Methode, mit einem
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="de_configdialog_general.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave Konfigurationsdialog für Allgemeinen Einstellungen.</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave Konfigurationsdialog für Allgemeinen Einstellungen.</phrase>
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<sect1 id="autosuspendblacklist">
<title>Eine Blacklist für Autosuspend erstellen</title>
- KPowersave bietet eine Blacklist für Autosuspend. Diese Liste verhindert
+ TDEPowersave bietet eine Blacklist für Autosuspend. Diese Liste verhindert
das automatische suspendieren bei Inaktivität des Benutzers. Ist eines der
in der Liste enhaltenen Programme aktiv, so wird kein Autosuspend
ausgelöst. Sie wollen beispielsweise sicherlich nicht, das während
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="de_configdialog_general.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave Konfiguratinsdialog für die Autosuspend Blacklist</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave Konfiguratinsdialog für die Autosuspend Blacklist</phrase>
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="de_configdialog_blacklist.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave Dialog zum bearbeiten einer Blacklist</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave Dialog zum bearbeiten einer Blacklist</phrase>
diff --git a/doc/doxy/README b/doc/doxy/README
index f7224bd..e6cdd2c 100644
--- a/doc/doxy/README
+++ b/doc/doxy/README
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ The directory contains:
- header and footerfiles
- central project informations
-for the Doxygen Documentation of KPowersave.
+for the Doxygen Documentation of TDEPowersave.
diff --git a/doc/doxy/changelog.dox b/doc/doxy/changelog.dox
index 70851d1..4bc2978 100644
--- a/doc/doxy/changelog.dox
+++ b/doc/doxy/changelog.dox
@@ -25,20 +25,20 @@
* GUI to be better accessible via keyboard.
* - code and code documentation cleanups and updates
* - fixed bugs (from if no other comment):
-* - #245081: KPowersave does not set (ondemand) governor on startup
+* - #245081: TDEPowersave does not set (ondemand) governor on startup
* - #244052: Close lid of a laptop and suspend to ram cause 100% CPU usage
* - #229960: CPUFREQ_DYNAMIC_PERFORMANCE seems to be ignored during boot and scheme change
-* - #230686: KPowersave need to be restarted to apply changed DPMS settings
+* - #230686: TDEPowersave need to be restarted to apply changed DPMS settings
* - #230965: puzzling battery state info
-* - #231709: kpowersave-0.7.1-12: comparison with string literal
-* - #231184: KPowersave crashes due to uninitalized LibHalContext
-* - #229234: KPowersave does not fall back to userspace governor
+* - #231709: tdepowersave-0.7.1-12: comparison with string literal
+* - #231184: TDEPowersave crashes due to uninitalized LibHalContext
+* - #229234: TDEPowersave does not fall back to userspace governor
* - #215262: Suspend to disk with attached usb storage not working
* - #223164: After suspend, second core has performance governor set
* - #223517: Powersave: CPU scheme "dynamic" reduces speed if only nice -19 processes run
-* - #223637: kpowersave crashes in first login
-* - #225212: KPowersave crash on ThinkPad X60s
-* - #221715: Functionality for configuring lid close event etc. missing in KPowersave
+* - #223637: tdepowersave crashes in first login
+* - #225212: TDEPowersave crash on ThinkPad X60s
+* - #221715: Functionality for configuring lid close event etc. missing in TDEPowersave
* - #223922: System not shuting down on pressing power button
* - updated translations:
* - german: Danny Kukawka
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@
* Mon Nov 20 19:17:11 CET 2006 - [email protected]
* - released new version 0.7.1:
* - closed bugs: #220271, #220222, #220212, #220553, #167919
-* - KPowersave should now basicly provide the same major functions as last stable version of
-* KPowersave. For more read NEWS and Changelog.
+* - TDEPowersave should now basicly provide the same major functions as last stable version of
+* TDEPowersave. For more read NEWS and Changelog.
* Mon Nov 6 21:03:53 CET 2006 - [email protected]
* - release new version 0.7.0:
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
* Sun Jun 11 17:00:30 CEST 2006 - [email protected]
* - released offical update version 0.6.2 with following changes:
-* - KPowersave depends now on powersave >= 0.12.18
+* - TDEPowersave depends now on powersave >= 0.12.18
* - fixed bugs:
* - #1483392/ SUSE #177792: set changes for autosuspend state via DCOP back to the applet menu,
* added DCOP functions to set the current scheme, the current CPUFreq policy and to open/close the
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
* Mon Mar 6 21:46:37 CET 2006 - [email protected]
* - updated to new release 0.5.10-rc4:
-* - KPowersave depends now on: powersave >= 0.12.2
+* - TDEPowersave depends now on: powersave >= 0.12.2
* - fixed lidclose handling: added call xset to off the backlight of LCD displays and reset DPMS
* settings on lidopen
* - fixed read throttling state for multiprocessor machines (patch from Daniel Gollub <[email protected]>)
@@ -264,14 +264,14 @@
* Tue Jan 17 16:12:21 CET 2006 - [email protected]
* - release 0.5.3-3 for
-* - added capability for brightness to tell powersave daemon that KPowersave do this, patch
+* - added capability for brightness to tell powersave daemon that TDEPowersave do this, patch
* - changed scheme 'Aggressive' to 'Advanced' Powersave
* - added default config/settings for 'Advanced Powersave' scheme
* Tue Jan 17 00:51:07 CET 2006 - [email protected]
* - updated to new release 0.5.3:
-* - added set scheme specific brigthness settings to kpowersave and the configuration dialog
+* - added set scheme specific brigthness settings to tdepowersave and the configuration dialog
* - added patch to fix compiler warning from Daniel Gollub <[email protected]>
* - updated translation (nl) and code documentation
* - replaced usage of QString::null with QString()
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
* - fixed bug #121965: added new dialog/error message if powersaveis not running, with
* 'Don't show again' checkbox
* - changed handling with not available connection to powersave on startup of KDE (special for autologin)
-* - added popup if HAL is not running (and also powersave not available) and kpowersave get no
+* - added popup if HAL is not running (and also powersave not available) and tdepowersave get no
* battery/AC information
* - changed settings of sounds filedialog to be more portable
* - removed old and not needed qt1/qt2 includes
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
* Thu Sep 1 10:54:59 CEST 2005 - [email protected]
* - merged DBUS_INTEGRATION branch back to cvs-head and use now for this package
* - fixed and updated code documentation
-* - fixed bug #95250, now KPowersave have a online help
+* - fixed bug #95250, now TDEPowersave have a online help
* - removed several debug messages
* - fixed redefinition of DBUS_API_SUBJECT_TO_CHANGE
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
* - fixed bug #106177: use now scaling_cur_freq
* - fixed activaton of widgets in configure dialog
* - added and changed english helpfile (from [email protected])
-* - fixes to prevent crash of kpowersave if connection to D-BUS lost
+* - fixes to prevent crash of tdepowersave if connection to D-BUS lost
* - fixed bug #113559 for autosuspend after a resume
* - fixed store changes of time for autosuspend in the configure dialog
* - changed configure: detection of distributions and changed to pkg-config to find the
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
* - Add hal libraries to neededforbuild.
* Fri Aug 5 13:12:52 CEST 2005 - [email protected]
-* - ported KPowersave to new powersave dbus structure (hmacht and dkukawka)
+* - ported TDEPowersave to new powersave dbus structure (hmacht and dkukawka)
* - updated version to 0.4.100, final will be 0.5.0
* Wed Jul 20 09:15:10 CEST 2005 - [email protected]
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@
* "General Blacklist" in the dialog.
* - corrected typo of i18n-strings and merged en_US.po changes to the source code
* - updated de.po
-* - fixed bug #95279, now the suspend/progress dialog is Qt::WDestructiveClose and kpowersave connect
+* - fixed bug #95279, now the suspend/progress dialog is Qt::WDestructiveClose and tdepowersave connect
* to the destroyed() signal of the dialog
* - changed workflow for schemes to enable/disable autosuspend. (added new checkbox and new config key)
* - added misc-icon to configure dialog (scheme part)
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@
* - configurable sound for battery warning states, ac events and autosuspend
* - fixed bug within parsing messages for progress dialog.
* - updated (code-)documentation
-* - updated README for compile kpowersave on other distributions
+* - updated README for compile tdepowersave on other distributions
* Thu May 26 21:45:58 CEST 2005 - [email protected]
* - added new menu entry to disable autosuspend trough applet-menu if autosuspend activated on the current
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@
* - fixed bug within the activation of widgets in the configure dialog
* - fixed text on labels in configure dialog
* - fixed bug in load KDE settings from configfile, to prevent wrong settings if user changed KDE
-* settings in TDE Control Center while KPowersave is running
+* settings in TDE Control Center while TDEPowersave is running
* Mon Mar 14 17:13:31 CET 2005 - [email protected]
* - updated icon for kmenu (now 16x16 and 32x32 the same)
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@
* - undo change in QPowersaveClientSocket::connect() depends on undo in last powersave fixes
* Thu Mar 10 18:40:37 CET 2005 - [email protected]
-* - fixed bugs #71955 and #71875 (kpowersave related part and needed adaptations to changed powersave)
+* - fixed bugs #71955 and #71875 (tdepowersave related part and needed adaptations to changed powersave)
* - removed unneeded functions and declarations
* - added errormessages to do_setSpeedPolicy() and lockscreen_on_lidcloseEvent()
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@
* Mon Mar 7 17:47:33 CET 2005 - [email protected]
* - fixed bug #71016
* - added dcop interfaces for lock screen, suspend/standby and to get information about current scheme and CPUFreqPolicy
-* - fixed bug: now the configure entry in kpowersave isn't displayed if the powersavedaemon is not running
+* - fixed bug: now the configure entry in tdepowersave isn't displayed if the powersavedaemon is not running
* - fixed message strings
* - updated documentation
@@ -532,26 +532,26 @@
* - updated code documentation and additional doc files
* Sun Feb 27 23:16:23 CET 2005 - [email protected]
-* - removed unneeded config values from kpowersaverc
-* - implemented all functions to read the general, scheme and KDE settings from the kpowersave/KDE configuration file(s)
+* - removed unneeded config values from tdepowersaverc
+* - implemented all functions to read the general, scheme and KDE settings from the tdepowersave/KDE configuration file(s)
* - added functions for 'lock screen' and 'blank only screen'
-* - integrated screensaver and lock settings to kpowersave.cpp
+* - integrated screensaver and lock settings to tdepowersave.cpp
* Fri Feb 25 14:00:46 CET 2005 - [email protected]
* - fixed configure dialog for better look with bigger fonts
-* - fix/workaround for the kpowersave related part of bug #66502 on Workstations
+* - fix/workaround for the tdepowersave related part of bug #66502 on Workstations
* - fixed dialog bug, now the user can open only one configure dialog at the same time
-* - changed displayed application name from kpowersave to KPowersave
+* - changed displayed application name from tdepowersave to TDEPowersave
* - added function to load the general settings in the dialog
* - added 'user-inactivity-actions' to dialog, configfiles and menu. This is atm only 'dummy' and not visible for the user.
-* - added autostart options to dialog and a new option to prevent the dialog on exit kpowersave
+* - added autostart options to dialog and a new option to prevent the dialog on exit tdepowersave
* - updated the default config file
* - updated strings for translation
* Tue Feb 22 10:45:45 CET 2005 - [email protected]
* - updated configure dialog
* - changed configure dialog, renamed widgets, integrated schemes and general config section
-* - changed call of the configure dialog, now kpowersave not blocked while dialog is open
+* - changed call of the configure dialog, now tdepowersave not blocked while dialog is open
* - added different slots and logic to disable/enable widgets
* - added load and store the configuration
* - added configoptions and funtions to make 'lock screen' configureable by user
@@ -580,8 +580,8 @@
* Wed Dec 15 12:45:09 CET 2004 - [email protected]
* - added new icons to the applet for stand-by, suspend* and the different schemes
-* - modified kpowersave desktop icon
-* - changed some code in kpowersave, fixed some little bugs (not reported), removed some unneeded or unreachable code
+* - modified tdepowersave desktop icon
+* - changed some code in tdepowersave, fixed some little bugs (not reported), removed some unneeded or unreachable code
* Mon Dec 13 12:06:08 CET 2004 - [email protected]
* - implemented new icons/iconfunctions for better user interaction if the battery is in the different states
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@
* Tue Oct 12 20:14:54 CEST 2004 - [email protected]
* - fix Bugzilla #47113 (hopefully), remove some debug messages, change version
-* - fix problem from Bugzilla #46685, now kpowersave check really if scheme is successfully set by powersaved
+* - fix problem from Bugzilla #46685, now tdepowersave check really if scheme is successfully set by powersaved
* Mon Oct 4 12:58:04 CEST 2004 - [email protected]
* - fixed bug in screensaver menuentry, now only checked on start if screensaver and dpms off or if screensaver off
@@ -605,10 +605,10 @@
* Fri Oct 1 15:42:43 CEST 2004 - [email protected]
* - added new an revised translationfiles
-* - make a workaround to reduce systemload if powersaved not present and kpowersave need to get systeminformations from /proc/
+* - make a workaround to reduce systemload if powersaved not present and tdepowersave need to get systeminformations from /proc/
* Wed Sep 29 15:54:35 CEST 2004 - [email protected]
-* - correct redrawPixmap so that now kpowersave correctly func under GNOME
+* - correct redrawPixmap so that now tdepowersave correctly func under GNOME
* - added new translations (jp, sk), added revised translations (bg,cs,es,nb)
* Mon Sep 27 23:01:39 CEST 2004 - [email protected]
@@ -625,7 +625,7 @@
* - do not poll for scheme changes -> only update on right mouse click
* Mon Sep 20 19:55:37 CEST 2004 - [email protected]
-* - changes from [email protected] to faster start kpowersave through tdeinit
+* - changes from [email protected] to faster start tdepowersave through tdeinit
* Tue Aug 31 14:11:02 CEST 2004 - [email protected]
* - disk<->ram typo which prevented suspend2ram to be enabled correctly
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@
* - disabling suspend/standby menu entries if not available
* Fri Apr 2 16:02:49 CEST 2004 - [email protected]
-* - avoid double start of kpowersave added italian and russian translation
+* - avoid double start of tdepowersave added italian and russian translation
* Wed Mar 31 17:51:14 CEST 2004 - [email protected]
* - delay window that daemon is not running (possible restart of daemon)
diff --git a/doc/doxy/enhance.dox b/doc/doxy/enhance.dox
index 2e8464a..84855ea 100644
--- a/doc/doxy/enhance.dox
+++ b/doc/doxy/enhance.dox
@@ -4,21 +4,21 @@
* \subsection enhance_device_powermanagemnt Runtime device powermanagement
* \b [Priority: \b M] (for v0.8) \n \n
-* Add device/runtime powermanagement to KPowersave and make it scheme specifi configurable via
+* Add device/runtime powermanagement to TDEPowersave and make it scheme specifi configurable via
* the configure dialog. At least allow this for 'Advanced Powersave' scheme. \n \n
* The powersave interface for this feature already exist, now we should allow the user to
* change it. \n \n \n
* \subsection enhance_CPUhotplugging CPU Hotplugging
* \b [Priority: \b M] (for v0.8) \n \n
-* Add CPU hotplugging to KPowersave. Allow enable/disable CPUs/Cores on multiprocessor/multicore
+* Add CPU hotplugging to TDEPowersave. Allow enable/disable CPUs/Cores on multiprocessor/multicore
* machines. We need scheme specific configuration. (translations and needed strings are already
-* added to KPowersave) \n \n \n
+* added to TDEPowersave) \n \n \n
* \subsection enhance_configure_display Display battery and CPU informations in the configure dialog
* \b [Priority: \b I] (for v0.8) \n \n
* It would be really usefull to display all known information about the current state of the machine
-* and powersave/KPowersave in a new page in the configure dialog. This enclose CPU, Battery and
+* and powersave/TDEPowersave in a new page in the configure dialog. This enclose CPU, Battery and
* current scheme.\n \n \n
* \subsection enh_ControlCenter_plugin Plugin for the TDE Control Center
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
* It would be nice to be able to add the current CPU temperature to the tool tip. We maybe could get this
* information from powersave or we need to poll a configured path in /proc/acpi/* . The user should be
* able to configure if he would like use this new or the normal tooltip. The best would be to read
-* the settings by default from the kicker settings and add also an own kpowersave option.
+* the settings by default from the kicker settings and add also an own tdepowersave option.
* \subsection enh_osd On Screen Display
* \b [Priority: \b F] \n \n
diff --git a/doc/doxy/fixed_bugs.dox b/doc/doxy/fixed_bugs.dox
index 5634132..e478b96 100644
--- a/doc/doxy/fixed_bugs.dox
+++ b/doc/doxy/fixed_bugs.dox
@@ -8,184 +8,184 @@
* \section fixed_bugs_sec_0_7_x All fixed bugs for the 0.7.x tree
-* \li Bug \b #245081 - KPowersave does not set (ondemand) governor on startup \n
-* \li Bug \b #244052 - Close lid of a laptop and suspend to ram cause KPowersave 100% CPU \n \n
+* \li Bug \b #245081 - TDEPowersave does not set (ondemand) governor on startup \n
+* \li Bug \b #244052 - Close lid of a laptop and suspend to ram cause TDEPowersave 100% CPU \n \n
* Needed to uncouple Action calls (as e.g. suspend on lidclose) which include blocking dialogs
* from the related events. This is needed because otherwise the D-Bus QT3 bindings run amok
* if the dialog block the filterfunction, since signals in QT are not really independent
* (they are more function calls). Used QTimer:SingleShot() for this since they go into the
* QT event loop and don't follow the workflow of the rest of the program. \n \n
* \li Bug \b #229960 - CPUFREQ_DYNAMIC_PERFORMANCE seems to be ignored during boot and scheme change \n
-* \li Bug \b #230686 - KPowersave need to be restarted to set changed DPMS settings \n
+* \li Bug \b #230686 - TDEPowersave need to be restarted to set changed DPMS settings \n
* \li Bug \b #230965 - puzzling battery state info \n
-* \li Bug \b #231709 - kpowersave-0.7.1-12: comparison with string literal \n
-* \li Bug \b #231184 - KPowersave crashes due to uninitalized LibHalContext \n
-* \li Bug \b #229234 - KPowersave does not fall back to userspace governor \n
+* \li Bug \b #231709 - tdepowersave-0.7.1-12: comparison with string literal \n
+* \li Bug \b #231184 - TDEPowersave crashes due to uninitalized LibHalContext \n
+* \li Bug \b #229234 - TDEPowersave does not fall back to userspace governor \n
* \li Bug \b #215262 - Suspend to disk with attached usb storage not working \n \n
-* Depending on a KDE feature KPowersave umount all external media before suspend and display
+* Depending on a KDE feature TDEPowersave umount all external media before suspend and display
* an error message if the umount fail. This need a special patch for the KDE mediamanager.\n \n
* \li Bug \b #223164 - After suspend, second core has performance governor set \n
* \li Bug \b #223517 - Powersave: CPU scheme "dynamic" reduces speed if only nice -19 processes run \n
-* \li Bug \b #223637 - kpowersave crashes in first login \n
-* \li Bug \b #225212 - KPowersave crash on ThinkPad X60s \n
+* \li Bug \b #223637 - tdepowersave crashes in first login \n
+* \li Bug \b #225212 - TDEPowersave crash on ThinkPad X60s \n
* \li Bug \b #221715 - Functionality for configuring lid close event etc. to trigger suspend not in YaST
-* any more, but kpowersave doesn't have them either \n \n
-* Needed changes in KPowersave to adapt the new powermanagement structur and allow the user
+* any more, but tdepowersave doesn't have them either \n \n
+* Needed changes in TDEPowersave to adapt the new powermanagement structur and allow the user
* to configure options we had former in the powersave daemon. This include also changes in
* the configure dialog to provide a way to change settings as user. \n \n
* \li Bug \b #223922 - System not shuting down on pressing power button \n \n
* Changes due to new powermanagement infrastructure. (see also #221715) \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #220289 - kpowersave 0.7.0 gives battery level notifications while charging \n
-* \li Bug \b #220271 - CPU Frequency Policy setting not possible with kpowersave \n \n
+* \li Bug \b #220289 - tdepowersave 0.7.0 gives battery level notifications while charging \n
+* \li Bug \b #220271 - CPU Frequency Policy setting not possible with tdepowersave \n \n
* Changes due to new powermanagement infrastructure. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #220222 - Restarting D-Bus makes KPowersave unusable \n
-* \li Bug \b #220212 - KPowersave: Changing brightness does not work reliably \n
+* \li Bug \b #220222 - Restarting D-Bus makes TDEPowersave unusable \n
+* \li Bug \b #220212 - TDEPowersave: Changing brightness does not work reliably \n
* \li Bug \b #220553 - suspend2disk doesn't lock the screen in KDE \n
* \li Bug \b #167919 - DPMS energy settings are ignored / lost in new kde session \n \n
-* Added DCOP interface to allow KDE to check if KPowersave set special DPMS settings. \n \n
+* Added DCOP interface to allow KDE to check if TDEPowersave set special DPMS settings. \n \n
* \section fixed_bugs_sec_0_6_x All fixed bugs for the 0.6.x tree
* \li Bug \b #198237 - message: DBUS daemon not running appears (part 1/2) \n \n
* For easier bugreporting and assign of warning messages about powersave/HAL/DBUS state added
-* string "KPowersave" to window caption. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #184076 - KPowersave: display wrong command to start dbus daemon in errormessages \n \n
-* If the dbus daemon is not running KPowersave popup a errormessage. This message contains the
+* string "TDEPowersave" to window caption. \n \n
+* \li Bug \b #184076 - TDEPowersave: display wrong command to start dbus daemon in errormessages \n \n
+* If the dbus daemon is not running TDEPowersave popup a errormessage. This message contains the
* command to restart/start dbus. This is the wrong command on SUSE/Debian/Ubuntu and other. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #183745 - KPowersave: open on SLES/SLED the wrong bugzilla site \n \n
-* If the user clock on "Report a bug ..." in the kpowersave help menu on SLES/SLED, the wrong bugzilla
+* \li Bug \b #183745 - TDEPowersave: open on SLES/SLED the wrong bugzilla site \n \n
+* If the user clock on "Report a bug ..." in the tdepowersave help menu on SLES/SLED, the wrong bugzilla
* website is used. Instead of we should open \n \n
* \b Fix-comment: Added new configure option (--enable-suse-sles) to force SLES/SLED as detected
* distribution and changed detection if SUSE Linux to detect SLES/SLED. Changed
* the bugzilla site for the SUSE Enterprise products. (NOTE: the bug isn't public) \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #176782 - KPowersave: Changing display brightness is to long winded \n \n
-* If you like to change the display brightness with KPowersave (temporary), you have to perform five
+* \li Bug \b #176782 - TDEPowersave: Changing display brightness is to long winded \n \n
+* If you like to change the display brightness with TDEPowersave (temporary), you have to perform five
* clicks, going through all the menus and the configuration dialog settings until reaching the
* brightness settings [...]. \n \n
* \b Fix-comment: Added slightly adopted patch from Timo Hoenig <[email protected]> to allow change
* brightness if supported by hardware and enabled in the scheme via mouse wheel. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #182515 - KPowersave: configure dialog allow set invalid dpms settings\n \n
-* The KPowersave config dialog allow to not valid DPMS setting, wich result in not set DPMS timeouts.
-* KPowersave does not follow the rules for the X-Server from \n \n
+* \li Bug \b #182515 - TDEPowersave: configure dialog allow set invalid dpms settings\n \n
+* The TDEPowersave config dialog allow to not valid DPMS setting, wich result in not set DPMS timeouts.
+* TDEPowersave does not follow the rules for the X-Server from \n \n
* \li Bug \b #168619 - Access to devices from remote session. \n \n
-* If you start a remote desktop session, e.g. via VNC, KPowersave display "Powersave is not running ..."
+* If you start a remote desktop session, e.g. via VNC, TDEPowersave display "Powersave is not running ..."
* message also if the powersave daemon is running, but the remote user has not the rights to
* access the DBUS interface of powersave. \n \n
* \b Fix-comment: Reworked detection if DBUS, HAL and powersave is not running and if the user has the
* needed rights. Added new error messages and translations. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #177792 - KPowersave: changes via dcop are not set to applet menu, some dcop functions missing \n \n
+* \li Bug \b #177792 - TDEPowersave: changes via dcop are not set to applet menu, some dcop functions missing \n \n
* If autosuspend is disabled via the DCOP interface, the change is not set back to the
* applet menu (enable applet entry). There is already a dcop function to get current scheme and
* CPUFreq policy, but there is no function to change them.\n \n
* \b Fix-comment: fixed disableAutosuspend(), added missing functions. This bug partly effect
* bug #1483392. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #177788 - KPowersave: autosuspend does not suspend after set time if dpms is on
+* \li Bug \b #177788 - TDEPowersave: autosuspend does not suspend after set time if dpms is on
* (also: (partial) bug #1483392) \n \n
* If the timeout for autosuspend is longer than a timeout for a dpms state (standb/suspend/off)
-* KPowersave suspend first if the user was as long as timout for current dpms state plus timout
+* TDEPowersave suspend first if the user was as long as timout for current dpms state plus timout
* for autosuspend was idle. If dpms state changed befor reached autosuspend timout all start
* again from zero. The problem is: idleTime from XScreenSaver extension does not give (as descriped
* in the code comment in the header) the complete user idle time but minus the timeout for the current
* dpms state. \n \n
* \b Fix-comment: Added a function to workaround this. This was also effected by \b bug \b #180000 (dpms
* timeouts are additive, but they shouldn't) \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #168838 - KPowersave: event for resumeFromSuspendToDisk displayed twice in knotify dialog \n \n
+* \li Bug \b #168838 - TDEPowersave: event for resumeFromSuspendToDisk displayed twice in knotify dialog \n \n
* Fixed typo for resumeFromSuspendToRAM and corrected translations. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #167296 - KPowersave: always show the last known remaining time in tooltip on APM if charge \n \n
+* \li Bug \b #167296 - TDEPowersave: always show the last known remaining time in tooltip on APM if charge \n \n
* Remove no longer needed (useless) checks from pdaemon. With this the time is set to -1 if charging and
* if the powersave daemon reports UNKNOW for remaining time. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #165462 - kpowersave: knotify messages have a strange source \n \n
+* \li Bug \b #165462 - tdepowersave: knotify messages have a strange source \n \n
* Fixed bad UTF in eventsrc from translation. \n \n
-* \section fixed_bugs_sec_old All fixed bugs since kpowersave-0.3.9-1 release until v0.6.0
+* \section fixed_bugs_sec_old All fixed bugs since tdepowersave-0.3.9-1 release until v0.6.0
-* \li Bug \b #134683 - KPowersave: Disables CPUs show as "Processor 2: 100% 734017 MHz" \n \n
+* \li Bug \b #134683 - TDEPowersave: Disables CPUs show as "Processor 2: 100% 734017 MHz" \n \n
* Fixed update processor info on machines with more than one CPU/Core and/or no CPUFreq support.
* Check now every two seconds for updates/changes in /sys and /proc. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #121965 - KPowersave should not complain about missing powersaved \n \n
+* \li Bug \b #121965 - TDEPowersave should not complain about missing powersaved \n \n
Added new errormessage with checkbox to disable the message. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #116440 - KPowersave: missing space in minute field in several languages [de,fr,it,pt_BR] \n
-* \li Bug \b #116439 - KPowersave: not update translation files [sv, tr, uk, sk, ru] \n
-* \li Bug \b #116438 - KPowersave: missing Polish translation file \n
-* \li Bug \b #116353 - KPowersave: ooopps, my desktop comp is "Charging" [KDE; Hungarian]. \n
-* \li Bug \b #116079 - KPowersave: missing translation in the suspend progress dialog \n \n
-* If machine suspend KPowersave display a suspend progress dialog. The messages in the dialog are
+* \li Bug \b #116440 - TDEPowersave: missing space in minute field in several languages [de,fr,it,pt_BR] \n
+* \li Bug \b #116439 - TDEPowersave: not update translation files [sv, tr, uk, sk, ru] \n
+* \li Bug \b #116438 - TDEPowersave: missing Polish translation file \n
+* \li Bug \b #116353 - TDEPowersave: ooopps, my desktop comp is "Charging" [KDE; Hungarian]. \n
+* \li Bug \b #116079 - TDEPowersave: missing translation in the suspend progress dialog \n \n
+* If machine suspend TDEPowersave display a suspend progress dialog. The messages in the dialog are
* not translated, also if there are translations in the po files. \n
* Fix: The related messages come from powersave scripts and only start with the translated strings
* from the po files. Added function to parse and replace them against translated messages. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #116079 - KPowersave: missing translation in the suspend progress dialog \n
-* \li Bug \b #115903 - KPowersave: menu entry "set active scheme" visible if powersave is stopped \n
-* \li Bug \b #115914 - KPowersave: problems with edit blacklist dialog with bigger fonts \n \n
+* \li Bug \b #116079 - TDEPowersave: missing translation in the suspend progress dialog \n
+* \li Bug \b #115903 - TDEPowersave: menu entry "set active scheme" visible if powersave is stopped \n
+* \li Bug \b #115914 - TDEPowersave: problems with edit blacklist dialog with bigger fonts \n \n
* The dialog for edit blacklist is not correct resized for bigger fonts. There are also some overlays
* of some widgets in the dialog. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #115584 - KPowersave displays warning twice when powersave shuts down \n
-* \li Bug \b #78953 - KPowersave: does not start at all (beta1, NLD9)\n \n
+* \li Bug \b #115584 - TDEPowersave displays warning twice when powersave shuts down \n
+* \li Bug \b #78953 - TDEPowersave: does not start at all (beta1, NLD9)\n \n
* Added new option --force-acpi-check to dektop file and added a new file for autostart, to force
* start and recheck for acpi on a machine where acpi ckeck failed at the first time. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #95250 - KPowersave has no online help. \n
-* \li Bug \b #106177 - KPowersave: Show again the cpuinfo_cur_freq in tooltip. \n \n
-* KPowersave currently does not display the cpu freqency in the tooltip. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #113559 - KPowersave: only one autosuspend. \n \n
-* KPowersave make only one autosuspend. After resume you must restart KPowersave for the next autosuspend. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #105555 - KPowersave: Patch against ugly disabled icons. \n \n
-* Attached patch is against ugly (=all grey) icons on disabled buttons within KPowerSave dialogs. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #104382 - SIGSEGV in KPowersave. \n \n
-* When starting YaST Powermanagement module from the context menu of KPowersave's tray, the application exits
+* \li Bug \b #95250 - TDEPowersave has no online help. \n
+* \li Bug \b #106177 - TDEPowersave: Show again the cpuinfo_cur_freq in tooltip. \n \n
+* TDEPowersave currently does not display the cpu freqency in the tooltip. \n \n
+* \li Bug \b #113559 - TDEPowersave: only one autosuspend. \n \n
+* TDEPowersave make only one autosuspend. After resume you must restart TDEPowersave for the next autosuspend. \n \n
+* \li Bug \b #105555 - TDEPowersave: Patch against ugly disabled icons. \n \n
+* Attached patch is against ugly (=all grey) icons on disabled buttons within TDEPowerSave dialogs. \n \n
+* \li Bug \b #104382 - SIGSEGV in TDEPowersave. \n \n
+* When starting YaST Powermanagement module from the context menu of TDEPowersave's tray, the application exits
* with a SEGV. (fixed also some file descriptor leaks) \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #104603 - kpowersave says "Battery is chargin" - even if I run on battery. \n
-* \li Bug \b #104445 - kpowersave: Suspend only possible if power is connected. \n \n
-* As long as power is connected, could suspend via kpowersave but as soon as plug oput the cable, the menu
+* \li Bug \b #104603 - tdepowersave says "Battery is chargin" - even if I run on battery. \n
+* \li Bug \b #104445 - tdepowersave: Suspend only possible if power is connected. \n \n
+* As long as power is connected, could suspend via tdepowersave but as soon as plug oput the cable, the menu
* entries are greyed out. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #95279 - kpowersave progress bar popup does not handle "close" event. \n \n
+* \li Bug \b #95279 - tdepowersave progress bar popup does not handle "close" event. \n \n
* If the progressbar popup does not get closed by a "101%"-event, it does never
-* close. If you close it via the window manager, kpowersave never opens a popup again.
-* Fix: Now the suspend/progress dialog is Qt::WDestructiveClose and KPowersave connect to the
+* close. If you close it via the window manager, tdepowersave never opens a popup again.
+* Fix: Now the suspend/progress dialog is Qt::WDestructiveClose and TDEPowersave connect to the
* destroyed() signal of the dialog \n \n
* \li Bug \b #82880 - KDE: KMessageBox::error not on top since KDE 3.4 \n \n
-* All KPowersave error messages are not on the top, and popup in the background. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #81681 - kpowersave: progress shown below active window \n \n
+* All TDEPowersave error messages are not on the top, and popup in the background. \n \n
+* \li Bug \b #81681 - tdepowersave: progress shown below active window \n \n
* If you suspend with powersave (e.g. powersave -U or Fn-keys) the suspend dialog is not on top level. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #73805 - KPowersave files descriptor leak \n \n
-* Bug in kpowersave: If kpowersave can't access /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_setspeed the
+* \li Bug \b #73805 - TDEPowersave files descriptor leak \n \n
+* Bug in tdepowersave: If tdepowersave can't access /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_setspeed the
* open filedescriptor is never closed. \n \n
* And: The update_info_cpufreq_speed_changed isn't set in all cases of the function. So could it happen that
-* kpowersave display wrong CPU Freq. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #73810 - KPowersave ignore screensaver/dpms settings under gnome/xscreensaver \n \n
+* tdepowersave display wrong CPU Freq. \n \n
+* \li Bug \b #73810 - TDEPowersave ignore screensaver/dpms settings under gnome/xscreensaver \n \n
* If you use GNOME and have a scheme setting where 'Enable specific screensaver settings' or 'Enable specific
* display power management' is not enabled and you change from a scheme where it is, the settings are ignored
-* and not set back to user default. Same Problem on exit (selected by the user): kpowersave don't set
+* and not set back to user default. Same Problem on exit (selected by the user): tdepowersave don't set
* back to usersettings. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #72939 - kpowersave should set the KDE screensaver and dpms settings back if quit \n \n
-* At the moment KPowersave don't set the KDE screensaver and dpms settings back on exit if changed trough
+* \li Bug \b #72939 - tdepowersave should set the KDE screensaver and dpms settings back if quit \n \n
+* At the moment TDEPowersave don't set the KDE screensaver and dpms settings back on exit if changed trough
* the scheme settings. This should be fixed. I think its enough to reset the settings in _quit() and not in
-* the destructor, because them need only to reset if the user exit kpowersave and not if the user logoff from
+* the destructor, because them need only to reset if the user exit tdepowersave and not if the user logoff from
* KDE. \n \n
-* \b Comment: Problem also: kpowersave try to set KDE settings if scheme changed also if KDE isn't runnig
+* \b Comment: Problem also: tdepowersave try to set KDE settings if scheme changed also if KDE isn't runnig
* (e.g. GNOME). \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #72846 - passive-popups are not sufficient for kpowersave \n \n
-* Almost everything that is signalled through kpowersave popups now is important, so passive popups that
+* \li Bug \b #72846 - passive-popups are not sufficient for tdepowersave \n \n
+* Almost everything that is signalled through tdepowersave popups now is important, so passive popups that
* disappear after a short time are nut sufficient for this task. \n \n
* \b FIX-Comment: Now the user can choose between KPassivPopup and KMessageBox be change configure variable
-* in kpowersaverc by hand. Default is KBessageBox. \n \n
+* in tdepowersaverc by hand. Default is KBessageBox. \n \n
* \li Bug \b #71955 - not set the schemesettings if user changed them via configure dialog \n \n
-* If the user change the scheme or/and general settings of kpowersave trough the configure dialog kpowersave
+* If the user change the scheme or/and general settings of tdepowersave trough the configure dialog tdepowersave
* set this settings first if there is a scheme change. \n \n
* \li Bug \b #71192 - wrong enabled items in configure dialog if DPMS diabled \n \n
-* If you disable in the kpowersave configure dialog DPMS, all work correct and the textlabel and spinboxes
+* If you disable in the tdepowersave configure dialog DPMS, all work correct and the textlabel and spinboxes
* for the DPMS settings get disabled. But if you change a scheme or restart the configure dialog them are
* enabled also if DPMS is diabled. \n \n
-* \li Bug \b #71016 - kpowersave never update the menu if powersaved not running on start \n \n
-* If you start kpowersave (v0.3.10-6) without a running powersaved the user get no warning message. If you
-* start powersaved later kpowersave don't register that and never update the menu. \n \n
+* \li Bug \b #71016 - tdepowersave never update the menu if powersaved not running on start \n \n
+* If you start tdepowersave (v0.3.10-6) without a running powersaved the user get no warning message. If you
+* start powersaved later tdepowersave don't register that and never update the menu. \n \n
* \li Bug \b #66662 - kde screensaver disable problem \n \n
-* Kpowersave overwrite the settings of the KDE Controlcenter. If the user select there 'disable screensaver'
-* kpowersave ignore this settings on start or if a scheme is changed depending on the global settings of
+* TDEpowersave overwrite the settings of the KDE Controlcenter. If the user select there 'disable screensaver'
+* tdepowersave ignore this settings on start or if a scheme is changed depending on the global settings of
* powersave. The screensaver settings should be configurable by the user and should not depending on 'root'
* settings. \n \n
* For more informations about the solution take a look at the \ref changelog . \n \n
-* \li Bugs \b #66502 and \b #66652 - kpowersave icon shows empty batteries on non-laptop \n \n
-* " ... The tools panel in kde contains a kpowersave icon. For my workstation, which is
+* \li Bugs \b #66502 and \b #66652 - tdepowersave icon shows empty batteries on non-laptop \n \n
+* " ... The tools panel in kde contains a tdepowersave icon. For my workstation, which is
* definitly to heavy to be a laptop, it shows empty batteries, next to a mains
* connector. The connector is fine, but the batteries symbol should not be there. ..." \n \n
* \b Comment: Also a problem with the tooltip. The problem: powersave have the right status of AC-Adapter
@@ -198,18 +198,18 @@
* If we use Xscreensaver under KDE we don't get any information about this.
* The Problem is the function \ref screen::checkScreenSaverStatus() . We don't check
* for the XScreensaver, because we jump out of the KScreensaver-block. \n \n
-* \li Bugzilla \b #49844 - 'disable screensaver' - 'overwritten' by scheme if AC removed [from kpowersave.cpp] \n \n
-* Interaction between mplayer and kpowersave if AC removed during the enterprise.
+* \li Bugzilla \b #49844 - 'disable screensaver' - 'overwritten' by scheme if AC removed [from tdepowersave.cpp] \n \n
+* Interaction between mplayer and tdepowersave if AC removed during the enterprise.
* This is the same problem, if 'disable screensaver' in the menu is activated and AC removed
* or powersave change the scheme to 'powersave'. It's better to ignore the 'AC off' for the
* screensaver if user set 'disable screensaver'. \n \n
-* \li Bugzilla \b #49632 - wrong path in message if powersaved not running [from kpowersave.cpp] \n \n
+* \li Bugzilla \b #49632 - wrong path in message if powersaved not running [from tdepowersave.cpp] \n \n
* There is an error in the message, which pop-up if powersave is stopped: \n
* "The powersave daemon is not running. Starting it will improve performance: /usr/sbin/rcpowersave
* start". \n This is the wrong path. It must mean: /usr/sbin/rcpowersaved . Must be fix in the code and
* the translation-files. \n \n
-* \li Bugzilla \b #49445 - kpowersave: empty cs-translation-file \n \n
-* The czech translation don't work (no translation, kpowersave only with english text) because of empty
+* \li Bugzilla \b #49445 - tdepowersave: empty cs-translation-file \n \n
+* The czech translation don't work (no translation, tdepowersave only with english text) because of empty
* cs.po-file in the source. The file is empty in the cvs-tree since SUSE 9.2 final, the reason is unknown. \n \n
diff --git a/doc/doxy/main.dox b/doc/doxy/main.dox
index a451f75..727cf2f 100644
--- a/doc/doxy/main.dox
+++ b/doc/doxy/main.dox
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-\mainpage KPowersave - a KDE Kickerapplet/fontend for Powermanagement
+\mainpage TDEPowersave - a KDE Kickerapplet/fontend for Powermanagement
\section intro_sec Introduction
- KPowersave provides battery monitoring and suspend/standby triggers.
+ TDEPowersave provides battery monitoring and suspend/standby triggers.
It is based on HAL and D-Bus and therefore supports APM, ACPI and PMU.
- Together with the powersave package (to provide powermanagement if KPowersave
+ Together with the powersave package (to provide powermanagement if TDEPowersave
is not running) and the YaST Powermanagement module it is the preferred package
that should be used for battery monitoring and control of power management
related tasks.
- KPowersave is currently, as we know, available/running for/on these distributions:
+ TDEPowersave is currently, as we know, available/running for/on these distributions:
\li SUSE Linux: defaultly on distribution
- openSUSE 10.2: from the available releases and via sourceforge
- - SUSE 10.1/SLED10: from the available releases and updates (for KPowersave 0.6.x)
+ - SUSE 10.1/SLED10: from the available releases and updates (for TDEPowersave 0.6.x)
- SUSE 10.0: from
<a href=""></a>
- SUSE 9.3 and 9.2: last available version 0.4.5 from:
<a href=""></a>
- \li Debian: available in unstable and testing tree via 'apt-get install kpowersave'
+ \li Debian: available in unstable and testing tree via 'apt-get install tdepowersave'
\li Ubuntu/Kubuntu:
- for Dapper Drake from universe repository
- for 'Breezy Badger' from
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@
<a href=""></a>
\li Mandriva 2006.1: from
<a href=""></a>
- \li ALT Linux: KPowersave v0.4.5 defaultly on distribution
- \li Pardus: KPowersave default on the distribution
+ \li ALT Linux: TDEPowersave v0.4.5 defaultly on distribution
+ \li Pardus: TDEPowersave default on the distribution
\li Gentoo, Slackware and other: <a href=""></a>
-\section using_sec Using kpowersave
+\section using_sec Using tdepowersave
This Applet work under <a href="">KDE</a> (and also <a href="">GNOME</a>).
- To use kpowersave, you need the following programms/packages:
+ To use tdepowersave, you need the following programms/packages:
- linux kernel 2.6.x (<a href="">Homepage</a>)
- HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) >= (<a href="">Homepage</a>)
- D-Bus >= >= 0.6.x (recommended >= 0.9.x) (<a href="">Homepage</a>)
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@
\subsection contact_web_sec Websites
- \li <a href="">[email protected]</a>
- \li <a href="">[email protected]</a>
+ \li <a href="">[email protected]</a>
+ \li <a href="">[email protected]</a>
\li <a href="">[email protected]</a>
\li <a href="">[email protected]</a>
diff --git a/doc/doxy/process.dox b/doc/doxy/process.dox
index 7ce86c2..2fe265e 100644
--- a/doc/doxy/process.dox
+++ b/doc/doxy/process.dox
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
* \b Todo:
* \li add widgets and related code to write/read in settings and config dialog
-* \li integrate in KPowersave use case
+* \li integrate in TDEPowersave use case
* \li testing
* \n \n \n
* \subsection process_gnome_screensaver Runtime device powermanagement
* \b [Priority: \b D] (for v0.7 tree) \n \n
-* Since gnomescreen-saver is default under GNOME on our products and no longer XScreenSaver, KPowersave
+* Since gnomescreen-saver is default under GNOME on our products and no longer XScreenSaver, TDEPowersave
* should support this in a running GNOME session. Do this for a better GNOME default support.
* \b Status: [\b 40%]
@@ -29,20 +29,20 @@
* \li added support lock screen with gnome screensaver via gnome-screensaver-command
* \b Todo:
-* \li evaluate if KPowersave should support more settings in gnome-screensaver
+* \li evaluate if TDEPowersave should support more settings in gnome-screensaver
* \li add support for enable/disable screensaver (via DBUS interface?)
* \li add support for set time values
* \n \n \n
* \subsection process_help Online-Help / user guide
* \b [Priority: \b I] \n \n
-* Since the funtionality of KPowersave is grown, we need a user guide and a help-feature for better
+* Since the funtionality of TDEPowersave is grown, we need a user guide and a help-feature for better
* help for the users. \n \n
* \b Status: [\b 75%]
* \li Added english version of online help
* \li reformated and added screenshots
-* \li added help button to kpowersave and the configure dialog
+* \li added help button to tdepowersave and the configure dialog
* \b To \b do:
* \li translate to other languages (min. german version)
diff --git a/doc/en/ b/doc/en/
index c00bb73..3a62a55 100644
--- a/doc/en/
+++ b/doc/en/
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-KDE_DOCS = kpowersave
+KDE_DOCS = tdepowersave
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--- a/doc/en/hi48-app-kpowersave.png
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Binary files differ
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@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
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- <!ENTITY app "<application>KPowersave</application>">
+ <!ENTITY app "<application>TDEPowersave</application>">
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<!-- chapters in separate docbook files -->
<!-- book related entities -->
- <!ENTITY kappname "KPowersave">
+ <!ENTITY kappname "TDEPowersave">
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@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
- <keyword>KPowersave</keyword>
+ <keyword>TDEPowersave</keyword>
@@ -70,44 +70,44 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<chapter id="introduction">
- <keyword>KPowersave</keyword>
+ <keyword>TDEPowersave</keyword>
- <imagedata fileref="hi48-app-kpowersave.png" format="PNG"/>
+ <imagedata fileref="hi48-app-tdepowersave.png" format="PNG"/>
- <para>Use KPowersave, the KDE front-end to powersave, to control power
+ <para>Use TDEPowersave, the KDE front-end to powersave, to control power
management and monitor your laptop battery strength. For example, you can
configure the screen on your laptop to turn off if the computer is not used
for a specified amount of time, extending battery life.
<sect1 id="starting">
- <title>Starting KPowersave</title>
+ <title>Starting TDEPowersave</title>
- <para>To start KPowersave, open a shell and enter <command>kpowersave
+ <para>To start TDEPowersave, open a shell and enter <command>tdepowersave
&amp;</command> or select
<menuchoice><guimenu>System</guimenu><guimenu>Desktop Applet</guimenu>
- <guimenu>KPowersave</guimenu></menuchoice> from the GNOME or KDE
- menu. KPowersave opens in the system
+ <guimenu>TDEPowersave</guimenu></menuchoice> from the GNOME or KDE
+ menu. TDEPowersave opens in the system
- <para>To configure whether KPowersave starts automatically when you log in,
+ <para>To configure whether TDEPowersave starts automatically when you log in,
click <guimenu>General Settings</guimenu> then check or uncheck
- <guimenu>KPowersave starts automatically on login</guimenu>. Also specify
- whether you want KPowersave to ask you about starting automatically if you
+ <guimenu>TDEPowersave starts automatically on login</guimenu>. Also specify
+ whether you want TDEPowersave to ask you about starting automatically if you
exit the application.
<sect1 id="understandingicon">
- <title>Understanding the KPowersave Icon</title>
+ <title>Understanding the TDEPowersave Icon</title>
- The KPowersave icon looks like a power plug next to a battery strength
+ The TDEPowersave icon looks like a power plug next to a battery strength
indicator. The icon shows the current battery strength and whether the
computer is powered by the battery or the power supply. When the battery
power is low, the background of the icon flashes, orange for Warning
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<sect1 id="selectschemes">
<title>Switch active scheme</title>
- To set the active scheme, right-click the KPowersave icon and select
+ To set the active scheme, right-click the TDEPowersave icon and select
<guimenu>Set Active Scheme</guimenu> then select the scheme to use. If you
change the active power management scheme with <guimenu>Set Active
Scheme</guimenu>, all components of your system are part of the power
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="en_applet_schemes.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave menu with entries to switch schemes</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave menu with entries to switch schemes</phrase>
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
The YaST Power Management module (currently only available on SUSE) provides
several settings designed to help conserve power. To start the module,
- right-click the KPowersave icon and click
+ right-click the TDEPowersave icon and click
<guimenu>Start YaST2 Power Management Module</guimenu>.
Detailed instructions for each setting are available in YaST.
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="en_applet_yast.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave menu with entry to start YaST</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave menu with entry to start YaST</phrase>
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<title>Suspending the System</title>
You can suspend the system at any time by right-clicking the
- KPowersave icon and selecting <guimenu>Suspend to Disk</guimenu>,
+ TDEPowersave icon and selecting <guimenu>Suspend to Disk</guimenu>,
<guimenu>Suspend to RAM</guimenu>, or
<guimenu>Standby</guimenu> (if standby is supported by the
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="en_applet_suspend.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave menu with entries for suspend/standby</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave menu with entries for suspend/standby</phrase>
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<title>Deactivating Autosuspend</title>
If autosuspend is activated for the scheme currently used,
- <guimenu>Disable Actions on Inactivity</guimenu> appears in the KPowersave
+ <guimenu>Disable Actions on Inactivity</guimenu> appears in the TDEPowersave
menu. If you select this option, any actions that are configured to take
place when the computer is inactive do not happen, effectively deactivating
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="en_applet_autosuspend.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave menu with option "Disable Actions on Inactivity"</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave menu with option "Disable Actions on Inactivity"</phrase>
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<title>Setting the CPU Frequency Policy</title>
To control the amount of power used by the CPU by changing the CPU
- frequency policy, right-click the KPowersave icon, click <guimenu>Set CPU
+ frequency policy, right-click the TDEPowersave icon, click <guimenu>Set CPU
Frequency Policy</guimenu>, and choose one of the available options:
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="en_applet_cpufreq.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave menu with submenu 'CPU Frequency Policy'</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave menu with submenu 'CPU Frequency Policy'</phrase>
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<title>Understanding a Power Management Scheme</title>
A scheme contains the basic power management configuration that is
- used when you use KPowersave with your computer. The number of available
+ used when you use TDEPowersave with your computer. The number of available
schemes depends on your Powersave configuration. Add or delete schemes with
the YaST Power Management Module. Some common schemes include
the following:
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="en_configdialog_schemes.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave configure dialog (select schemes).</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave configure dialog (select schemes).</phrase>
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
- Whether KPowersave should emit notifications
+ Whether TDEPowersave should emit notifications
@@ -364,8 +364,8 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<sect2 id="procedure_ss">
<title>Screen Saver</title>
- <step><para>Right-click the KPowersave icon in the sytem tray.</para></step>
- <step><para>Select <guimenu>Configure KPowersave</guimenu>.</para></step>
+ <step><para>Right-click the TDEPowersave icon in the sytem tray.</para></step>
+ <step><para>Select <guimenu>Configure TDEPowersave</guimenu>.</para></step>
<step><para>If the <guimenu>Scheme Settings</guimenu> tab is not already
selected, click <guimenu>Scheme Settings</guimenu>.</para></step>
<step><para>Optionally, click <guimenu>Enable Specific Screensaver
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="en_configdialog_schemes_screen.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave configure dialog for screen saver and DPMS settings.</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave configure dialog for screen saver and DPMS settings.</phrase>
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<title>Setup Autosuspend</title>
<step><para> Click <guimenu>Autosuspend</guimenu> if you want
- KPowersave to suspend the system automatically if the current desktop
+ TDEPowersave to suspend the system automatically if the current desktop
user is inactive for a specified amount of time then use the dialog to
configure specific autosuspend settings.</para>
<para>For example, if you want the system to suspend to disk after 30
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="en_configdialog_schemes_autosuspend.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave configure dialog for Autosuspend settings.</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave configure dialog for Autosuspend settings.</phrase>
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="en_configdialog_general.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave configure dialog for general settings.</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave configure dialog for general settings.</phrase>
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<sect1 id="autosuspendblacklist">
<title>Creating an Autosuspend Blacklist</title>
- KPowersave provides an autosuspend blacklist. The blacklist prevents
+ TDEPowersave provides an autosuspend blacklist. The blacklist prevents
the system from being suspended if one of the listed applications is
running. For example, you probably do not want your laptop to go into
suspend mode while you are watching a DVD, just because you have not
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="en_configdialog_general.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave configure dialog for Autosuspend Blacklist</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave configure dialog for Autosuspend Blacklist</phrase>
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<imagedata fileref="en_configdialog_blacklist.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave dialog to edit Blacklist</phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave dialog to edit Blacklist</phrase>
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index 0401ff5..ae1fef4 100644
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-KDE_DOCS = kpowersave
+KDE_DOCS = tdepowersave
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- <!ENTITY app "<application>KPowersave</application>">
+ <!ENTITY app "<application>TDEPowersave</application>">
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+ <!ENTITY kappname "TDEPowersave">
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@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
- <imagedata fileref="hi48-app-kpowersave.png" format="PNG"/>
+ <imagedata fileref="hi48-app-tdepowersave.png" format="PNG"/>
<para>Käytä K-virransäästöä, KDE:n virranhallinta käyttöliittymää, ohjataksesi
@@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
<sect1 id="starting">
<title>K-virransäästön käynnistäminen</title>
- <para>Käynnistääksesi K-virransäästön, avaa komentotulkki ja anna komento <command>kpowersave
+ <para>Käynnistääksesi K-virransäästön, avaa komentotulkki ja anna komento <command>tdepowersave
&amp;</command> tai valitse
- <guimenu>KPowersave</guimenu></menuchoice> GNOMEn tai KDE:n
+ <guimenu>TDEPowersave</guimenu></menuchoice> GNOMEn tai KDE:n
valikosta. K-virransäästö avautuu järjestelmätarjottimelle.
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index b055a02..1868e28 100644
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-KDE_DOCS = kpowersave
+KDE_DOCS = tdepowersave
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- <!ENTITY app "<application>KPowersave</application>">
+ <!ENTITY app "<application>TDEPowersave</application>">
<!ENTITY apprelease " ">
<!-- chapters in separate docbook files -->
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- <!ENTITY kappname "KPowersave">
+ <!ENTITY kappname "TDEPowersave">
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<!ENTITY % Hungarian "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here -->
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ beállítására szolgál.
- <keyword>KPowersave</keyword>
+ <keyword>TDEPowersave</keyword>
@@ -71,16 +71,16 @@ beállítására szolgál.
<chapter id="introduction">
- <keyword>KPowersave</keyword>
+ <keyword>TDEPowersave</keyword>
- <imagedata fileref="hi48-app-kpowersave.png" format="PNG"/>
+ <imagedata fileref="hi48-app-tdepowersave.png" format="PNG"/>
- <para>A KPowersave nevű program a KDE része, grafikus felület az
+ <para>A TDEPowersave nevű program a KDE része, grafikus felület az
energiagazdálkodásra és a noteszgép-akkumulátor erősségének mérésére
szolgáló powersave segédprogramhoz. Használatával beállítható például,
hogy a noteszgép képernyője kikapcsoljon meghatározott tétlenség
@@ -88,29 +88,29 @@ után, így megnövelhető az akkumulátor hasznos üzemideje.
<sect1 id="starting">
- <title>A KPowersave elindítása</title>
+ <title>A TDEPowersave elindítása</title>
- <para>A KPowersave elindításához nyisson meg egy parancsértelmezőt
+ <para>A TDEPowersave elindításához nyisson meg egy parancsértelmezőt
és írja be, hogy:
-<command>kpowersave &amp;</command> vagy válassza ki a GNOME vagy KDE
+<command>tdepowersave &amp;</command> vagy válassza ki a GNOME vagy KDE
menüjéből a <menuchoice><guimenu>Rendszer</guimenu><guimenu>Asztal
-kisalkalmazás</guimenu> <guimenu>KPowersave</guimenu></menuchoice>
-menüpontot. A KPowersave a rendszertálcán nyílik meg.
+kisalkalmazás</guimenu> <guimenu>TDEPowersave</guimenu></menuchoice>
+menüpontot. A TDEPowersave a rendszertálcán nyílik meg.
- <para>Beállítható az is, hogy a KPowersave automatikusan elinduljon,
+ <para>Beállítható az is, hogy a TDEPowersave automatikusan elinduljon,
amikor bejelentkezik: kattintson az <guimenu>Általános
-beállítások</guimenu> menüpontra, majd jelölje meg <guimenu>A KPowersave
+beállítások</guimenu> menüpontra, majd jelölje meg <guimenu>A TDEPowersave
automatikusan elindul bejelentkezéskor</guimenu> lehetőséget. Ezenfelül
-azt is megadhatja, hogy a KPowersave rákérdezzen-e az automatikus
+azt is megadhatja, hogy a TDEPowersave rákérdezzen-e az automatikus
indításra az alkalmazásból kilépéskor.
<sect1 id="understandingicon">
- <title>A KPowersave ikon működése</title>
+ <title>A TDEPowersave ikon működése</title>
- A KPowersave ikon az akkumulátor erősségét jelző ábra melletti
+ A TDEPowersave ikon az akkumulátor erősségét jelző ábra melletti
villásdugóra hasonlít. Az ikon jelzik az akkumulátor aktuális
töltöttségét, valamint azt, hogy a számítógép éppen akkumulátorról vagy az
elektromos hálózatról üzemel. Ha az akkumulátor töltöttsége lecsökken,
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ akkumulátor teljesen lemerül.
<sect1 id="selectschemes">
<title>Aktív séma váltása</title>
- Az aktív séma beállításához kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a KPowersave
+ Az aktív séma beállításához kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a TDEPowersave
ikonra, majd válassza az előugró menü <guimenu>Aktív séma
beállítása</guimenu> menüpontját, majd válassza ki a kívánt sémát.
Ha megváltoztatja az aktív energiagazdálkodási sémát az <guimenu>Aktív séma
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ vezérlésével és a rendszer hűtésével kapcsolatban.
<imagedata fileref="hu_applet_schemes.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>A KPowersave menüje a sémák váltására szolgáló bejegyzésekkel</phrase>
+ <phrase>A TDEPowersave menüje a sémák váltására szolgáló bejegyzésekkel</phrase>
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ vezérlésével és a rendszer hűtésével kapcsolatban.
A YaST energiagazdálkodási modulja számos beállítást kínál az
energia takarékosabb felhasználásához. A modul indításához kattintson a
-jobb egérgombbal a KPowersave ikoknra, majd válassza az előugró menü
+jobb egérgombbal a TDEPowersave ikoknra, majd válassza az előugró menü
<guimenu>YaST2 energiagazdálkodási modul indítása</guimenu> pontját. A
YaST részletesen magyarázatot tartalmaz az egyes beállításokra vonatkozóan.
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ YaST részletesen magyarázatot tartalmaz az egyes beállításokra vonatkozóan
<imagedata fileref="hu_applet_yast.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>A KPowersave menüje a YaST indítására szolgáló bejegyzéssel</phrase>
+ <phrase>A TDEPowersave menüje a YaST indítására szolgáló bejegyzéssel</phrase>
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ YaST részletesen magyarázatot tartalmaz az egyes beállításokra vonatkozóan
<sect1 id="suspend">
<title>A rendszer felfüggesztése</title>
- A rendszer bármikor felfüggeszthető, ha jobb gombbal a KPowersave
+ A rendszer bármikor felfüggeszthető, ha jobb gombbal a TDEPowersave
ikonra kattint, és kiválasztja a <guimenu>Felfüggesztés lemezre</guimenu>,
<guimenu>Felfüggesztés memóriába</guimenu> vagy
<guimenu>Készenlét</guimenu> lehetőséget (amennyiben a számítógép
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ hogy mennyire valószínű az adatvesztés.
<imagedata fileref="hu_applet_suspend.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>A KPowersave menüje a felfüggesztésre/készenlétre kapcsolásra szolgáló bejegyzésekkel</phrase>
+ <phrase>A TDEPowersave menüje a felfüggesztésre/készenlétre kapcsolásra szolgáló bejegyzésekkel</phrase>
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ hogy mennyire valószínű az adatvesztés.
<title>Az automatikus felfüggesztés kikapcsolása</title>
Ha az aktuálisan használt sémában be van kapcsolva az automatikus
-felfüggesztés, akkor a KPowersave menüben megjelenik a <guimenu>Tétlenség
+felfüggesztés, akkor a TDEPowersave menüben megjelenik a <guimenu>Tétlenség
esetén a műveletek kikapcsolása</guimenu> menüpont. Ha kiválasztja ezt a
lehetőséget, akkor mindazok a műveletek, amelyek be vannak állítva, hogy
megtörténjenek a számítógép inaktív állapotba kapcsolásakor, nem történnek
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ meg, vagyis az automatikus felfüggesztés lényegében nem történik meg.
<imagedata fileref="hu_applet_autosuspend.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>A KPowersave menüje a "Tétlenség esetén a műveletek kikapcsolása" menüponttal</phrase>
+ <phrase>A TDEPowersave menüje a "Tétlenség esetén a műveletek kikapcsolása" menüponttal</phrase>
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ meg, vagyis az automatikus felfüggesztés lényegében nem történik meg.
<title>A CPU frekvencia irányelv beállítása</title>
A CPU által használt energia a CPU frekvencia irányelv módosításával
-szabályozható: kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a KPowersave ikonra, majd
+szabályozható: kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a TDEPowersave ikonra, majd
válassza az előugró menü <guimenu>CPU frekvencia irányelv
beállítása</guimenu> pontját, majd válassza az alábbi lehetőségek egyikét:
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ rendszer nem támogatja a funkciót.
<imagedata fileref="hu_applet_cpufreq.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>A KPowersave menü a "CPU frekvencia irányelv" almenüvel</phrase>
+ <phrase>A TDEPowersave menü a "CPU frekvencia irányelv" almenüvel</phrase>
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ rendszer nem támogatja a funkciót.
Egy séma az energiagazdálkodással kapcsolatos legfontosabb
beállításokat tartalmazza, amelyek akkor kerülnek beállításra, ha a
-KPowersave-et használja a számítógépen. A rendelkezésre álló sémák száma
+TDEPowersave-et használja a számítógépen. A rendelkezésre álló sémák száma
a Powersave beállításaitól függenek. A sémák a YaST energiagazdálkodási
moduljával hozhatók létre és törölhetők. Néhány a leggyakoribb sémák
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ sémára, majd kattintson az <guimenu>OK</guimenu> gombra.
<imagedata fileref="hu_configdialog_schemes.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>A KPowersave konfigurációs párbeszédablaka (sémák kiválasztása). </phrase>
+ <phrase>A TDEPowersave konfigurációs párbeszédablaka (sémák kiválasztása). </phrase>
@@ -384,8 +384,8 @@ engedi a sok energiát fogyasztó folyamatokat futni. A sémák beállítása:
<sect2 id="procedure_ss">
- <step><para>Kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a tálcán a KPowersave ikonra. </para></step>
- <step><para>Válassza ki a <guimenu>KPowersave beállítása</guimenu> lehetőséget.</para></step>
+ <step><para>Kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a tálcán a TDEPowersave ikonra. </para></step>
+ <step><para>Válassza ki a <guimenu>TDEPowersave beállítása</guimenu> lehetőséget.</para></step>
<step><para>Ha a <guimenu>Sémabeállítások</guimenu> lap még nincs
kiválasztva, akkor kattintson a <guimenu>Sémabeállítások</guimenu> lapra.
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ teljesen lekapcsolásra kerül. </para></step>
<imagedata fileref="hu_configdialog_schemes_screen.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>A KPowersave konfigurációs párbeszédablaka a képernyővédő beállításaival. </phrase>
+ <phrase>A TDEPowersave konfigurációs párbeszédablaka a képernyővédő beállításaival. </phrase>
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ teljesen lekapcsolásra kerül. </para></step>
<title>Az automatikus felfüggesztés beállítása</title>
<step><para> Kattintson az <guimenu>Automatikus
-felfüggesztés</guimenu> gombra, ha azt kívánja, hogy a KPowersave
+felfüggesztés</guimenu> gombra, ha azt kívánja, hogy a TDEPowersave
automatikusan felfüggessze a rendszert, ha az aktuális asztali
felhasználó adott ideig tétlen. Ezután a párbeszédablakban adja meg az
automatikus felfüggesztés kívánt beállításait.</para>
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ felfüggesztésre kerül.
<imagedata fileref="hu_configdialog_schemes_autosuspend.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>A KPowersave konfigurációs párbeszédablaka az automatikus felfüggesztés beállításaival. </phrase>
+ <phrase>A TDEPowersave konfigurációs párbeszédablaka az automatikus felfüggesztés beállításaival. </phrase>
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ beállításokat.
<imagedata fileref="hu_configdialog_general.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>A KPowersave konfigurációs párbeszédablaka az általános beállításokkal. </phrase>
+ <phrase>A TDEPowersave konfigurációs párbeszédablaka az általános beállításokkal. </phrase>
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ beállításokat.
<sect1 id="autosuspendblacklist">
<title>Automatikus felfüggesztési feketelista létrehozása</title>
- A KPowersave lehetővé teszi egy automatikus felfüggesztési feketelista
+ A TDEPowersave lehetővé teszi egy automatikus felfüggesztési feketelista
használatát. A feketelista használatával megakadályozható a rendszer
felfüggesztése, ha a felsorolt alkalmazások valamelyike fut. Például
filmnézés közben valószínűleg nem akarja felfüggeszteni a gépet csak
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ fel alkalmazásokat a feketelistára, illetve törölheti őket onnan.
<imagedata fileref="hu_configdialog_general.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>A KPowersave konfigurációs párbeszédablaka az automatikus felfüggesztési feketelistával</phrase>
+ <phrase>A TDEPowersave konfigurációs párbeszédablaka az automatikus felfüggesztési feketelistával</phrase>
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ felülbírálják az általános feketelista beállításait.
<imagedata fileref="hu_configdialog_blacklist.png" format="PNG" align="center"/>
- <phrase>KPowersave párbeszédablak a feketelisták módosításához </phrase>
+ <phrase>TDEPowersave párbeszédablak a feketelisták módosításához </phrase>
diff --git a/doc/nb/ b/doc/nb/
index 946868c..a5b5f87 100644
--- a/doc/nb/
+++ b/doc/nb/
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-KDE_DOCS = kpowersave
+KDE_DOCS = tdepowersave
diff --git a/doc/nb/hi48-app-kpowersave.png b/doc/nb/hi48-app-tdepowersave.png
index 26e2b89..26e2b89 100644
--- a/doc/nb/hi48-app-kpowersave.png
+++ b/doc/nb/hi48-app-tdepowersave.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/nb/index.docbook b/doc/nb/index.docbook
index 5134350..8a79adc 100644
--- a/doc/nb/index.docbook
+++ b/doc/nb/index.docbook
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
-<!ENTITY app "<application>KPowersave</application>">
+<!ENTITY app "<application>TDEPowersave</application>">
<!ENTITY apprelease " ">
-<!-- chapters in separate docbook files --><!-- book related entities --><!ENTITY kappname "KPowersave">
+<!-- chapters in separate docbook files --><!-- book related entities --><!ENTITY kappname "TDEPowersave">
<!ENTITY % addindex "INCLUDE">
<!ENTITY % Norwegian "INCLUDE">
<!-- change language only here -->]>
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ Entries which require special treatment are marked with comments starting with '
- <imagedata fileref="hi48-app-kpowersave.png" format="PNG"/>
+ <imagedata fileref="hi48-app-tdepowersave.png" format="PNG"/>
<para>Bruk &kappname;, det grafiske strømstyringsgrensesnittet i KDE, for å administrere strømstyringsfunksjonene og overvåke batteriet på din bærbare datamaskin. For å spare batteristrøm kan du for eksempel velge at skjermen skal slås av etter et bestemt tidsrom dersom du ikke bruker den bærbare maskinen. </para>
<sect1 id="starting">
<title>Starte &kappname;</title>
- <para>For å starte &kappname; kan du skrive <command moreinfo="none">kpowersave &amp;</command> i en terminal eller velge <menuchoice moreinfo="none"><guimenu moreinfo="none">System</guimenu><guimenu moreinfo="none">Panelprogrammer</guimenu> <guimenu moreinfo="none">&kappname;</guimenu></menuchoice> i GNOME- eller KDE-menyen. &kappname;-ikonet blir lagt til i systemkurven. </para>
+ <para>For å starte &kappname; kan du skrive <command moreinfo="none">tdepowersave &amp;</command> i en terminal eller velge <menuchoice moreinfo="none"><guimenu moreinfo="none">System</guimenu><guimenu moreinfo="none">Panelprogrammer</guimenu> <guimenu moreinfo="none">&kappname;</guimenu></menuchoice> i GNOME- eller KDE-menyen. &kappname;-ikonet blir lagt til i systemkurven. </para>
<para>Du kan velge at &kappname; skal starte automatisk når du logger inn, ved å klikke på <guimenu moreinfo="none">Generelle innstillinger</guimenu> og krysse av for <guimenu moreinfo="none">'&kappname; starter automatisk når du logger inn'</guimenu>. Du kan også velge om du vil bli spurt om &kappname; skal starte automatisk når du avslutter programmet. </para>
<sect1 id="understandingicon">