path: root/kradio3/plugins/gui-standard-display/radioview_frequencyradio.cpp
diff options
authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-02-22 18:23:26 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-02-22 18:23:26 +0000
commitae364d9bed0589bf1a22cd5f530c563462379e3e (patch)
treee32727e2664e7ce68d0d30270afa040320ae35a1 /kradio3/plugins/gui-standard-display/radioview_frequencyradio.cpp
Added old KDE3 version of kradio
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'kradio3/plugins/gui-standard-display/radioview_frequencyradio.cpp')
1 files changed, 443 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kradio3/plugins/gui-standard-display/radioview_frequencyradio.cpp b/kradio3/plugins/gui-standard-display/radioview_frequencyradio.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c6d15d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kradio3/plugins/gui-standard-display/radioview_frequencyradio.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+ kradiodisplay.cpp - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : Mit Jan 29 2003
+ copyright : (C) 2003 by Martin Witte
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "../../src/include/utils.h"
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qimage.h>
+#include <qpixmap.h>
+#include <kimageeffect.h> // fading, blending, ...
+#include <kpixmapio.h> // fast conversion between QPixmap/QImage
+#include "radioview_frequencyradio.h"
+#include "displaycfg.h"
+RadioViewFrequencyRadio::RadioViewFrequencyRadio(QWidget *parent, const QString &name )
+ : RadioViewElement(parent, name, clsRadioDisplay),
+ m_power(false),
+ m_valid(false),
+ m_frequency(0),
+ m_quality(0.0),
+ m_stereo(false)
+ setFrameStyle(Box | Sunken);
+ setLineWidth(1);
+ setMidLineWidth(1);
+ // set some sensless default colors
+ // real values are read in restoreState
+ setDisplayColors(QColor(20, 244, 20),
+ QColor(10, 117, 10).light(75),
+ QColor(10, 117, 10));
+ setDisplayFont(QFont("Helvetica"));
+float RadioViewFrequencyRadio::getUsability (Interface *i) const
+ if (dynamic_cast<IFrequencyRadio*>(i))
+ return 1.0;
+ else
+ return 0.0;
+void RadioViewFrequencyRadio::saveState (KConfig *config) const
+ config->writeEntry("frequency-view-colorActiveText", m_colorActiveText);
+ config->writeEntry("frequency-view-colorInactiveText", m_colorInactiveText);
+ config->writeEntry("frequency-view-colorButton", m_colorButton);
+ config->writeEntry("frequency-view-font", m_font);
+void RadioViewFrequencyRadio::restoreState (KConfig *config)
+ QColor defaultActive (20, 244, 20),
+ defaultInactive(QColor(10, 117, 10).light(75)),
+ defaultButton (10, 117, 10);
+ QFont defaultFont ("Helvetica");
+ QColor a, b, c;
+ QFont f;
+ a = config->readColorEntry ("frequency-view-colorActiveText",
+ &defaultActive);
+ b = config->readColorEntry ("frequency-view-colorInactiveText",
+ &defaultInactive);
+ c = config->readColorEntry ("frequency-view-colorButton",
+ &defaultButton);
+ f = config->readFontEntry ("frequency-view-font",
+ &defaultFont);
+ setDisplayColors(a, b, c);
+ setDisplayFont(f);
+ConfigPageInfo RadioViewFrequencyRadio::createConfigurationPage()
+ DisplayConfiguration *a = new DisplayConfiguration(NULL);
+ connectI(a);
+ return ConfigPageInfo (a,
+ i18n("Frequency Display"),
+ i18n("Frequency Display"),
+ QString::null
+ );
+// Interface
+bool RadioViewFrequencyRadio::connectI(Interface *i)
+ bool o = IDisplayCfg::connectI(i);
+ bool c = ISoundStreamClient::connectI(i);
+ if (dynamic_cast<IFrequencyRadio *>(i)) {
+ bool a = IRadioDeviceClient::connectI(i);
+ bool b = IFrequencyRadioClient::connectI(i);
+ return o || a || b || c;
+ } else {
+ return o || c;
+ }
+bool RadioViewFrequencyRadio::disconnectI(Interface *i)
+ // no check for IFrequencyRadio, it's just a disconnect
+ bool a = IRadioDeviceClient::disconnectI(i);
+ bool b = IFrequencyRadioClient::disconnectI(i);
+ bool c = ISoundStreamClient::disconnectI(i);
+ bool o = IDisplayCfg::disconnectI(i);
+ return a || b || c || o;
+void RadioViewFrequencyRadio::noticeConnectedI (ISoundStreamServer *s, bool pointer_valid)
+ ISoundStreamClient::noticeConnectedI(s, pointer_valid);
+ if (s && pointer_valid) {
+ s->register4_notifySignalQualityChanged(this);
+ s->register4_notifyStereoChanged(this);
+ }
+// IDisplayCfg
+bool RadioViewFrequencyRadio::setDisplayColors(const QColor &activeText,
+ const QColor &inactiveText,
+ const QColor &button)
+ bool change = (activeText != m_colorActiveText || inactiveText != m_colorInactiveText || button != m_colorButton);
+ m_colorActiveText = activeText;
+ m_colorInactiveText = inactiveText;
+ m_colorButton = button;
+ QPalette pl = palette();
+ QColorGroup cg = pl.inactive();
+ QBrush fg = cg.brush(QColorGroup::Foreground),
+ btn = cg.brush(QColorGroup::Button),
+ lgt = cg.brush(QColorGroup::Light),
+ drk = cg.brush(QColorGroup::Dark),
+ mid = cg.brush(QColorGroup::Mid),
+ txt = cg.brush(QColorGroup::Text),
+ btx = cg.brush(QColorGroup::BrightText),
+ bas = cg.brush(QColorGroup::Base),
+ bg = cg.brush(QColorGroup::Background);
+ fg.setColor (m_colorActiveText);
+ btn.setColor(m_colorButton);
+ lgt.setColor(m_colorButton.light(180));
+ drk.setColor(m_colorButton.light( 50));
+ mid.setColor(m_colorInactiveText);
+ txt.setColor(m_colorActiveText);
+ btx.setColor(m_colorActiveText);
+ bas.setColor(m_colorButton);
+ bg.setColor (m_colorButton);
+ QColorGroup ncg(fg, btn, lgt, drk, mid, txt, btx, bas, bg);
+ pl.setInactive(ncg);
+ pl.setActive(ncg);
+ setPalette(pl);
+ if (parentWidget() && parentWidget()->backgroundPixmap() ){
+ KPixmapIO io;
+ QImage i = io.convertToImage(*parentWidget()->backgroundPixmap());
+ KImageEffect::fade(i, 0.5, colorGroup().color(QColorGroup::Dark));
+ setPaletteBackgroundPixmap(io.convertToPixmap(i));
+ setBackgroundOrigin(WindowOrigin);
+ } else {
+ setBackgroundColor(colorGroup().color(QColorGroup::Button));
+ }
+ if (change)
+ notifyDisplayColorsChanged(m_colorActiveText, m_colorInactiveText, m_colorButton);
+ return true;
+bool RadioViewFrequencyRadio::setDisplayFont (const QFont &f)
+ if (m_font != f) {
+ m_font = f;
+ notifyDisplayFontChanged(m_font);
+ RadioViewElement::setFont(f);
+ }
+ return true;
+// IRadioDeviceClient
+bool RadioViewFrequencyRadio::noticePowerChanged (bool on, const IRadioDevice */*sender*/)
+ m_power = on;
+ SoundStreamID ssid = queryCurrentSoundStreamID();
+ float q = 0.0;
+ bool s = false;
+ querySignalQuality(ssid, q);
+ noticeSignalQualityChanged(ssid, q);
+ queryIsStereo(ssid, s);
+ noticeStereoChanged(ssid, s);
+ repaint();
+ return true;
+bool RadioViewFrequencyRadio::noticeStationChanged (const RadioStation &, const IRadioDevice */*sender*/)
+ return false; // we don't care
+bool RadioViewFrequencyRadio::noticeDescriptionChanged (const QString &, const IRadioDevice */*sender*/)
+ return false; // we don't care
+// IRadioSoundClient
+bool RadioViewFrequencyRadio::noticeSignalQualityChanged(SoundStreamID id, float q)
+ if (queryCurrentSoundStreamID() != id)
+ return false;
+ m_quality = q;
+ repaint ();
+ return true;
+bool RadioViewFrequencyRadio::noticeStereoChanged(SoundStreamID id, bool s)
+ if (queryCurrentSoundStreamID() != id)
+ return false;
+ m_stereo = s;
+ repaint ();
+ return true;
+// IFrequencyRadioClient
+bool RadioViewFrequencyRadio::noticeFrequencyChanged(float f, const RadioStation *)
+ m_frequency = f;
+ repaint ();
+ return true;
+bool RadioViewFrequencyRadio::noticeMinMaxFrequencyChanged(float /*min*/, float /*max*/)
+ return false; // we don't care
+bool RadioViewFrequencyRadio::noticeDeviceMinMaxFrequencyChanged(float /*min*/, float /*max*/)
+ return false; // we don't care
+bool RadioViewFrequencyRadio::noticeScanStepChanged(float /*s*/)
+ return false; // we don't care
+void RadioViewFrequencyRadio::drawContents(QPainter *paint)
+ if (!paint) return;
+ QRect r = contentsRect();
+ int margin = QMAX(4, QMIN(r.width() / 50, r.height() / 50)),
+ tmp = QMIN(r.height(), (r.width() - 2*margin) / 4),
+ xd_st = QMIN((r.height() - margin * 2) / 3, tmp/3),
+ xw = QMIN(tmp / 2, xd_st * 3 / 2),
+ penw = QMAX(1, xw / 25),
+ xh_st = xd_st,
+ xx_st = r.x() + margin + xw + 2 * margin + penw/2,
+ xy_st = r.y() + margin + penw/2,
+ xx_am = xx_st,
+ xy_am = xy_st + xh_st + margin / 2,
+ xh_am = (r.bottom() - margin - xy_am + 1 - margin/2) / 2,
+ xx_fm = xx_am,
+ xy_fm = xy_am + xh_am + margin/2,
+ xh_fm = xh_am,
+ xh_sg = r.height() - margin * 2,
+ xx_sg = r.x() + margin,
+ xy_sg = r.y() + margin;
+ QPen activePen (colorGroup().color(QColorGroup::Text), penw);
+ QPen inactivePen (colorGroup().color(QColorGroup::Mid), penw);
+ QBrush activeBrush = colorGroup().brush(QColorGroup::Text);
+ QBrush inactiveBrush = colorGroup().brush(QColorGroup::Mid);
+ // draw stereo symbol
+ paint->setPen( (m_stereo && m_power) ? activePen : inactivePen);
+ paint->drawArc((int)xx_st, (int)xy_st,
+ (int)(xd_st - penw), (int)(xd_st - penw),
+ 0, 360*16);
+ paint->drawArc((int)(xx_st + xd_st/2), (int)xy_st,
+ (int)(xd_st - penw), (int)(xd_st - penw),
+ 0, 360*16);
+ // draw signal quality symbol
+ float cx = xx_sg,
+ cy = xy_sg,
+ cw = xw,
+ ch = xw;
+ float open_a = 30.0;
+ // outer circle
+ paint->setPen( (m_quality > 0.75 && m_power) ? activePen : inactivePen);
+ paint->drawArc((int)rint(cx), (int)rint(cy),
+ (int)rint(cw), (int)rint(ch),
+ (int)(-90+open_a)*16, (int)(360 - 2*open_a)*16
+ );
+ // mid circle
+ paint->setPen( (m_quality > 0.50 && m_power) ? activePen : inactivePen);
+ cx += (float)xw/5.0; cy += (float)xw/5.0;
+ cw -= (float)xw/2.5; ch -= (float)xw/2.5;
+ paint->drawArc((int)rint(cx), (int)rint(cy),
+ (int)rint(cw), (int)rint(ch),
+ (int)(-90+open_a)*16, (int)(360 - 2*open_a)*16
+ );
+ // inner circle
+ paint->setPen( (m_quality > 0.25 && m_power) ? activePen : inactivePen);
+ cx += (float)xw/5.0; cy += (float)xw/5.0;
+ cw -= (float)xw/2.5; ch -= (float)xw/2.5;
+ paint->drawArc((int)rint(cx), (int)rint(cy),
+ (int)rint(cw), (int)rint(ch),
+ (int)(-90+open_a)*16, (int)(360 - 2*open_a)*16
+ );
+ // triangle
+ QPen tmppen = (m_quality > 0.1 && m_power) ? activePen : inactivePen;
+ tmppen.setWidth(1);
+ paint->setPen(tmppen);
+ paint->setBrush( (m_quality > 0.1 && m_power) ? activeBrush : inactiveBrush);
+ QPointArray pts(3);
+ pts.setPoint(0, (int)(xx_sg + xw / 4), (int)(xy_sg + xh_sg - penw/2));
+ pts.setPoint(1, (int)(xx_sg + xw *3/4), (int)(xy_sg + xh_sg - penw/2));
+ pts.setPoint(2, (int)(xx_sg + xw / 2), (int)(xy_sg + xw/2 + penw));
+ paint->drawConvexPolygon(pts);
+ // AM/FM display
+ QFont f = m_font;
+ paint->setPen ( (m_frequency <= 10 && m_power) ? activePen : inactivePen);
+ f.setPixelSize(xh_am);
+ paint->setFont(f);
+ paint->drawText(xx_am, xy_am + xh_am - 1, i18n("AM"));
+ int xw_am = QFontMetrics(f).width(i18n("AM"));
+ paint->setPen ( (m_frequency > 10 && m_power) ? activePen : inactivePen);
+ f.setPixelSize(xh_fm);
+ paint->setFont(f);
+ paint->drawText(xx_fm, xy_fm + xh_fm - 1, i18n("FM"));
+ int xw_fm = QFontMetrics(f).width(i18n("FM"));
+ int xx_f = QMAX(xx_fm + xw_fm, QMAX(xw_am + xx_am, QMAX(xx_st + xw, xw + xx_sg))) + margin,
+ xy_f = r.y() + margin,
+ xw_f = r.right() - margin - xx_f + 1,
+ xh_f = r.bottom() - margin - xy_f + 1;
+ // Frequency Display
+ QString s;
+ if (m_frequency < 10) {
+ s = i18n("%1 kHz").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber((int)(m_frequency * 1000), 0));
+ } else {
+ s = i18n("%1 MHz").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(m_frequency, 2));
+ }
+ float pxs = xh_f;
+ paint->setPen ( m_power ? activePen : inactivePen);
+ f.setPixelSize((int)pxs);
+ int n = 30;
+ while (1) {
+ QFontMetrics fm(f);
+ int sw = fm.boundingRect(xx_f, xy_f, xw_f, xh_f, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter, s).width();
+ if (sw <= xw_f || --n <= 0) break;
+ float fact = (float)xw_f / (float)sw;
+ pxs = QMIN(pxs - 1, pxs * fact);
+ f.setPixelSize(QMAX(1,(int)pxs));
+ }
+ paint->setFont(f);
+ paint->drawText(xx_f, xy_f, xw_f, xh_f, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter, s);
+void RadioViewFrequencyRadio::reparent (QWidget *prnt,
+ WFlags f,
+ const QPoint &p,
+ bool showIt)
+ RadioViewElement::reparent(prnt, f, p, showIt);
+ setDisplayColors(m_colorActiveText, m_colorInactiveText, m_colorButton);
+#include "radioview_frequencyradio.moc"