path: root/kradio3/plugins/gui-standard-display/radioview.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kradio3/plugins/gui-standard-display/radioview.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 807 deletions
diff --git a/kradio3/plugins/gui-standard-display/radioview.cpp b/kradio3/plugins/gui-standard-display/radioview.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 73735d2..0000000
--- a/kradio3/plugins/gui-standard-display/radioview.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,807 +0,0 @@
- radioview.cpp - description
- -------------------
- begin : Mit Mai 28 2003
- copyright : (C) 2003 by Martin Witte
- ***************************************************************************/
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#include <tqwidgetstack.h>
-#include <tqlayout.h>
-#include <tqtoolbutton.h>
-#include <tqslider.h>
-#include <tqfile.h>
-#include <tqtooltip.h>
-#include <tqcheckbox.h>
-#include <tqimage.h>
-#include <kcombobox.h>
-#include <kiconloader.h>
-#include <klocale.h>
-#include <kapplication.h>
-#include <twin.h>
-#include <tdeconfig.h>
-#include <kpopupmenu.h>
-#include "../../src/include/radiodevice_interfaces.h"
-#include "../../src/include/radiostation.h"
-#include "../../src/include/stationlist.h"
-#include "../../src/include/pluginmanager.h"
-#include "../../src/include/plugin_configuration_dialog.h"
-#include "../../src/include/aboutwidget.h"
-#include "radioview.h"
-#include "radioview_frequencyradio.h"
-#include "radioview_volume.h"
-#include "radioview_frequencyseeker.h"
-#include "radioview-configuration.h"
-#include <kaboutdata.h>
-PLUGIN_LIBRARY_FUNCTIONS(RadioView, "kradio-gui-standard-display", i18n("Standard Display for TDERadio"));
-bool RadioView::ElementCfg::operator == (const ElementCfg &x) const
- if (!x.element || !element)
- return x.cfg == cfg;
- if (!x.cfg || !cfg)
- return x.element == element;
- return element == x.element && cfg == x.cfg;
-RadioView::RadioView(const TQString &name)
- : TQWidget(NULL, name.ascii()),
- WidgetPluginBase(name, i18n("Radio Display")),
- enableToolbarFlag(false),
- btnPower(NULL),
- btnConfigure(NULL),
- btnQuit(NULL),
- btnRecording(NULL),
- btnSnooze(NULL),
- btnPlugins(NULL),
- comboStations(NULL),
- currentDevice(NULL),
- m_RecordingMenu(NULL),
- m_PluginMenu(NULL)
- for (int i = 0; i < clsClassMAX; ++i)
- maxUsability[i] = 0;
- TQBoxLayout *l01 = new TQBoxLayout(this, TQBoxLayout::LeftToRight, /*spacing=*/3);
- l01->setMargin(1);
- l01->setSpacing(2);
- widgetStacks[clsRadioSound] = new TQWidgetStack (this);
- l01->addWidget(widgetStacks[clsRadioSound]);
- TQBoxLayout *l02 = new TQBoxLayout(l01, TQBoxLayout::Down);
- TQBoxLayout *l03 = new TQBoxLayout(l02, TQBoxLayout::LeftToRight);
- comboStations = new KComboBox (this);
- l02->addWidget (comboStations);
- TQBoxLayout *l05 = new TQBoxLayout(l03, TQBoxLayout::Down);
- widgetStacks[clsRadioDisplay] = new TQWidgetStack (this);
- l05->addWidget(widgetStacks[clsRadioDisplay]);
- widgetStacks[clsRadioSeek] = new TQWidgetStack (this);
- l05->addWidget(widgetStacks[clsRadioSeek]);
- TQGridLayout *l04 = new TQGridLayout (l03, /*rows=*/ 3, /*cols=*/ 2);
- btnPower = new TQToolButton(this);
- btnPower->setToggleButton(true);
- btnRecording = new TQToolButton(this);
- btnRecording->setToggleButton(true);
- btnConfigure = new TQToolButton(this);
- btnConfigure->setToggleButton(true);
- btnQuit = new TQToolButton(this);
- btnSnooze = new TQToolButton(this);
- btnSnooze->setToggleButton(true);
- btnPlugins = new TQToolButton(this);
- btnPlugins->setPopupDelay(1);
- l04->addWidget (btnPower, 0, 0);
- l04->addWidget (btnRecording, 0, 1);
- l04->addWidget (btnConfigure, 1, 0);
- l04->addWidget (btnQuit, 1, 1);
- l04->addWidget (btnSnooze, 2, 0);
- l04->addWidget (btnPlugins, 2, 1);
- m_pauseMenu = new TDEPopupMenu(btnPower);
- m_pauseMenu->insertItem(SmallIcon("kradio_pause"),
- i18n("Pause TDERadio"),
- this, TQT_SLOT(slotPause()));
- btnPower->setPopupDelay(200);
- m_RecordingMenu = new TDEPopupMenu(btnRecording);
- m_RecordingMenu->insertItem(SmallIcon("kradio_record"),
- i18n("Start Recording"),
- TQObject::connect(m_RecordingMenu, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)),
- this, TQT_SLOT(slotRecordingMenu(int)));
- btnRecording->setPopup(m_RecordingMenu);
- m_SnoozeMenu = new TDEPopupMenu(btnSnooze);
- m_SnoozeMenu->insertItem(i18n("5 min"), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSnooze(int)), 0, 5);
- m_SnoozeMenu->insertItem(i18n("10 min"), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSnooze(int)), 0, 10);
- m_SnoozeMenu->insertItem(i18n("15 min"), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSnooze(int)), 0, 15);
- m_SnoozeMenu->insertItem(i18n("30 min"), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSnooze(int)), 0, 30);
- m_SnoozeMenu->insertItem(i18n("60 min"), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSnooze(int)), 0, 60);
- btnSnooze->setPopup(m_SnoozeMenu);
- btnSnooze->setPopupDelay(200);
- // Plugin-Button/Menu
- m_PluginMenu = new TDEPopupMenu(btnPlugins);
- if (m_manager)
- m_manager->addWidgetPluginMenuItems(m_PluginMenu, m_Plugins2MenuID);
- btnPlugins->setPopup(m_PluginMenu);
- // ICONS
- btnPower->setIconSet(SmallIconSet("kradio_muteon"));
- btnRecording->setIconSet(SmallIconSet("kradio_record"));
- btnConfigure->setIconSet(SmallIconSet("configure"));
- btnQuit->setIconSet(SmallIconSet("exit"));
- btnSnooze->setIconSet(SmallIconSet("kradio_zzz"));
- btnPlugins->setIconSet(SmallIconSet("kradio_plugins"));
- widgetStacks[clsRadioSound] ->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Preferred));
- widgetStacks[clsRadioDisplay]->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Preferred));
- widgetStacks[clsRadioSeek] ->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed));
- comboStations ->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed));
- comboStations->setMinimumHeight(28);
- TQObject::connect(btnPower, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
- this, TQT_SLOT(slotPower(bool)));
- TQObject::connect(btnQuit, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),
- kapp, TQT_SLOT(quit()));
- TQObject::connect(btnConfigure, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
- this, TQT_SLOT(slotConfigure(bool)));
- TQObject::connect(btnRecording, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),
- this, TQT_SLOT(slotRecord()));
- TQObject::connect(btnSnooze, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
- this, TQT_SLOT(slotSnooze(bool)));
- TQObject::connect(comboStations, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)),
- this, TQT_SLOT(slotComboStationSelected(int)));
- TQObject::connect(btnPlugins, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),
- this, TQT_SLOT(slotBtnPluginsClicked()));
- // tooltips
- TQToolTip::add(btnConfigure, i18n("Configure TDERadio"));
- TQToolTip::add(btnPower, i18n("Power On/Off"));
- TQToolTip::add(btnQuit, i18n("Quit TDERadio Application"));
- TQToolTip::add(btnRecording, i18n("Start/Stop Recording"));
- TQToolTip::add(btnSnooze, i18n("Start/Stop Sleep Countdown"));
- TQToolTip::add(btnPlugins, i18n("Show/Hide Plugins"));
- TQToolTip::add(comboStations, i18n("Select a Radio Station"));
- // testing
- addElement (new RadioViewFrequencyRadio (this, TQString()));
- addElement (new RadioViewVolume(this, TQString()));
- addElement (new RadioViewFrequencySeeker(this, TQString()));
- autoSetCaption();
-RadioView::~RadioView ()
- TQPtrListIterator<TQObject> it(configPages);
- while (configPages.first()) {
- delete configPages.first();
- }
- configPages.clear();
-bool RadioView::addElement (RadioViewElement *e)
- if (!e) return false;
- RadioViewClass cls = e->getClass();
- if (cls < 0 || cls >= clsClassMAX)
- return false;
- e->reparent(this, TQPoint(0, 0), true);
- TQObject::connect(e, TQT_SIGNAL(destroyed(TQObject*)),
- this, TQT_SLOT(removeElement(TQObject*)));
- elements.append(e);
- widgetStacks[cls]->addWidget(e);
- // connect Element with device, disconnect doesn't matter (comp. removeElement)
- // other devices follow if currentDevice changes
- if (currentDevice)
- e->connectI(currentDevice);
- e->connectI(getSoundStreamServer());
- TQPtrListIterator<TQObject> it(configPages);
- for (; it.current(); ++it) {
- addConfigurationTabFor(e, (TQTabWidget *)it.current());
- }
- selectTopWidgets();
- return true;
-bool RadioView::removeElement (TQObject *_e)
- RadioViewElement *e = dynamic_cast<RadioViewElement*>(_e);
- if (!e)
- return false;
- ElementCfgListIterator it;
- while ((it = elementConfigPages.find(e)) != elementConfigPages.end()) {
- delete (*it).cfg;
- // it must not used behind, the element will be deleted automatically
- // by slotElementConfigPageDeleted
- }
- e->disconnectI(getSoundStreamServer());
- if (currentDevice)
- e->disconnectI(currentDevice);
- RadioViewClass cls = e->getClass();
- TQObject::disconnect(e, TQT_SIGNAL(destroyed(TQObject*)),
- this, TQT_SLOT(removeElement(TQObject*)));
- widgetStacks[cls]->removeWidget(e);
- elements.remove(e);
- selectTopWidgets();
- return true;
-void RadioView::selectTopWidgets()
- for (int i = 0; i < clsClassMAX; ++i)
- maxUsability[i] = 0;
- for (ElementListIterator i(elements); i.current(); ++i) {
- RadioViewElement *e = i.current();
- RadioViewClass cls = e->getClass();
- float u = e->getUsability(currentDevice);
- if (u > maxUsability[cls]) {
- maxUsability[cls] = u;
- widgetStacks[cls]->raiseWidget(e);
- }
- }
- // adjustLayout!?
-// IRadioClient
-bool RadioView::noticePowerChanged(bool on)
- btnPower->setIconSet(SmallIconSet( on ? "kradio_muteoff" : "kradio_muteon"));
- btnPower->setOn(on);
- if (on) {
- btnPower->setPopup(m_pauseMenu);
- } else {
- btnPower->setPopup(NULL);
- }
- autoSetCaption();
- return true;
-bool RadioView::noticeStationChanged (const RadioStation &, int idx)
- // add 1 for "no preset defined" entry
- comboStations->setCurrentItem(idx + 1);
- autoSetCaption();
- bool r = false;
- SoundFormat sf;
- queryIsRecordingRunning(queryCurrentSoundStreamID(), r, sf);
- m_RecordingMenu->setItemEnabled(POPUP_ID_START_RECORDING_DEFAULT, !r);
- return true;
-bool RadioView::noticeStationsChanged(const StationList &sl)
- const RawStationList &list = sl.all();
- comboStations->clear();
- comboStations->insertItem("<" + i18n("no preset defined") + ">");
- for (RawStationList::Iterator i(list); i.current(); ++i) {
- RadioStation *stn = i.current();
- TQString icon = stn->iconName();
- if (icon.length() && TQFile(icon).exists()) {
- TQImage img(icon);
- int h = img.height();
- float f = (float)(comboStations->height() - 4) / (h ? (float)h : 1.0);
- comboStations->insertItem(img.smoothScale((int)(img.width()*f), (int)(h * f)), stn->name());
- } else {
- comboStations->insertItem(stn->name());
- }
- }
- noticeStationChanged(queryCurrentStation(), queryCurrentStationIdx());
- return true;
-bool RadioView::noticeCurrentSoundStreamIDChanged(SoundStreamID /*id*/)
- // FIXME: perhaps do something
- return false;
-// IRadioDevicePoolClient
-bool RadioView::noticeActiveDeviceChanged(IRadioDevice *newDevice)
- IRadioDevice *oldDevice = currentDevice;
- currentDevice = newDevice;
- for (ElementListIterator i(elements); i.current(); ++i) {
- RadioViewElement *e = i.current();
- if (oldDevice)
- e->disconnectI(oldDevice);
- if (newDevice)
- e->connectI(currentDevice);
- }
- selectTopWidgets();
- return true;
-// Interface
-bool RadioView::connectI(Interface *i)
- bool a = IRadioClient::connectI(i);
- bool b = IRadioDevicePoolClient::connectI(i);
- bool c = PluginBase::connectI(i);
- bool d = ITimeControlClient::connectI(i);
- // Callbacks for ISoundStreamClient
- bool e = ISoundStreamClient::connectI(i);
- return a || b || c || d || e;
-bool RadioView::disconnectI(Interface *i)
- bool a = IRadioClient::disconnectI(i);
- bool b = IRadioDevicePoolClient::disconnectI(i);
- bool c = PluginBase::disconnectI(i);
- bool d = ITimeControlClient::disconnectI(i);
- bool e = ISoundStreamClient::disconnectI(i);
- if (e) {
- // special task for soundstreamclient, different from radio device pool
- for (ElementListIterator it(elements); it.current(); ++it) {
- RadioViewElement *e = it.current();
- e->disconnectI(i);
- }
- }
- return a || b || c || d || e;
-void RadioView::noticeConnectedI (ISoundStreamServer *s, bool pointer_valid)
- ISoundStreamClient::noticeConnectedI(s, pointer_valid);
- if (s && pointer_valid) {
- s->register4_sendStartRecordingWithFormat(this);
- s->register4_sendStopRecording (this);
- s->register4_notifySoundStreamChanged (this);
- // special task for soundstreamclient, different from radio device pool
- for (ElementListIterator it(elements); it.current(); ++it) {
- RadioViewElement *e = it.current();
- e->connectI(s);
- }
- }
-// ISoundStreamClient
-bool RadioView::startRecordingWithFormat(
- SoundStreamID id,
- const SoundFormat &/*proposed_format*/,
- SoundFormat &/*real_format*/)
- if (!id.isValid() || id != queryCurrentSoundStreamID() || m_StreamID2MenuID.contains(id))
- return false;
- TQString descr;
- querySoundStreamDescription(id, descr);
- int menu_id = m_NextRecordingMenuID++;
- m_RecordingMenu->insertItem(SmallIcon("kradio_record"),
- i18n("Stop Recording of %1").arg(descr),
- menu_id);
- m_MenuID2StreamID.insert(menu_id, id);
- m_StreamID2MenuID.insert(id, menu_id);
- btnRecording->setOn(true);
- if (id == queryCurrentSoundStreamID())
- m_RecordingMenu->setItemEnabled(POPUP_ID_START_RECORDING_DEFAULT, false);
- return false; // this is only a "hook" that does not initiate the recording so don't say that we handled the event
-bool RadioView::stopRecording (SoundStreamID id)
- if (!id.isValid() || !m_StreamID2MenuID.contains(id))
- return false;
- int menu_id = m_StreamID2MenuID[id];
- m_RecordingMenu->removeItem(menu_id);
- m_MenuID2StreamID.remove(menu_id);
- m_StreamID2MenuID.remove(id);
- btnRecording->setOn(m_StreamID2MenuID.count() > 0);
- if (id == queryCurrentSoundStreamID())
- m_RecordingMenu->setItemEnabled(POPUP_ID_START_RECORDING_DEFAULT, true);
- return false;
-bool RadioView::noticeSoundStreamChanged(SoundStreamID id)
- if (m_StreamID2MenuID.contains(id)) {
- TQString descr;
- querySoundStreamDescription(id, descr);
- m_RecordingMenu->changeItem(m_StreamID2MenuID[id],
- SmallIcon("kradio_record"),
- i18n("Stop Recording of %1").arg(descr));
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-// ITimeControl
-bool RadioView::noticeCountdownStarted(const TQDateTime &)
- btnSnooze->setOn(true);
- return true;
-bool RadioView::noticeCountdownStopped()
- btnSnooze->setOn(false);
- return true;
-bool RadioView::noticeCountdownZero()
- btnSnooze->setOn(false);
- return true;
-// WidgetPluginBase
-void RadioView::saveState (TDEConfig *config) const
- config->setGroup(TQString("radioview-") + name());
- config->writeEntry("enableToobarFlag", enableToolbarFlag);
- WidgetPluginBase::saveState(config);
- for (ElementListIterator i(elements); i.current(); ++i) {
- RadioViewElement *e = i.current();
- e->saveState(config);
- }
-void RadioView::restoreState (TDEConfig *config)
- config->setGroup(TQString("radioview-") + name());
- enableToolbarFlag = config->readBoolEntry("enableToolbarFlag", false);
- WidgetPluginBase::restoreState(config);
- for (ElementListIterator i(elements); i.current(); ++i) {
- RadioViewElement *e = i.current();
- e->restoreState(config);
- }
-ConfigPageInfo RadioView::createConfigurationPage()
- RadioViewConfiguration *c = new RadioViewConfiguration();
- //addCommonConfigurationTab(c);
- for (ElementListIterator i(elements); i.current(); ++i) {
- addConfigurationTabFor(i.current(), c);
- }
- configPages.append(TQT_TQOBJECT(c));
- TQObject::connect(c, TQT_SIGNAL(destroyed(TQObject *)),
- this, TQT_SLOT(slotConfigPageDeleted(TQObject *)));
- return ConfigPageInfo(
- c,
- i18n("Display"),
- i18n("Display Configuration"),
- "openterm"
- );
-void RadioView::addConfigurationTabFor(RadioViewElement *e, TQTabWidget *c)
- if (!e || !c)
- return;
- ConfigPageInfo inf = e->createConfigurationPage();
- if ( {
- if (inf.iconName.length()) {
- c->addTab(, TQIconSet(SmallIconSet(inf.iconName)), inf.itemName);
- } else {
- c->addTab(, inf.itemName);
- }
- elementConfigPages.push_back(ElementCfg(e, TQT_TQOBJECT(;
- TQObject::connect(, TQT_SIGNAL(destroyed(TQObject *)),
- this, TQT_SLOT(slotElementConfigPageDeleted(TQObject *)));
- }
-void RadioView::addCommonConfigurationTab(TQTabWidget *c)
- if (!c)
- return;
- TQFrame *f = new TQFrame(c);
- TQVBoxLayout *l = new TQVBoxLayout(f, 10);
- l->addWidget(new TQCheckBox(i18n("set Toolbar-Flag for Display"), f));
- l->addItem(new TQSpacerItem(1, 3, TQSizePolicy::Fixed, TQSizePolicy::Expanding));
- c->addTab(f, i18n("Common"));
- elementConfigPages.push_back(ElementCfg(TQT_TQOBJECT(f)));
- TQObject::connect(f, TQT_SIGNAL(destroyed(TQObject *)),
- this, TQT_SLOT(slotElementConfigPageDeleted(TQObject *)));
-AboutPageInfo RadioView::createAboutPage()
-/* TDEAboutData aboutData("kradio",
- I18N_NOOP("Standard Radio Display for TDERadio"),
- TDEAboutData::License_GPL,
- "(c) 2002-2005 Martin Witte, Klas Kalass",
- 0,
- "",
- 0);
- aboutData.addAuthor("Martin Witte", "", "[email protected]");
- aboutData.addAuthor("Klas Kalass", "", "[email protected]");
- return AboutPageInfo(
- new TDERadioAboutWidget(aboutData, TDERadioAboutWidget::AbtTabbed),
- i18n("Display"),
- i18n("Standard Radio Display for TDERadio"),
- "openterm"
- );*/
- return AboutPageInfo();
-void RadioView::noticeWidgetPluginShown(WidgetPluginBase *p, bool shown)
- if (!m_manager || !p)
- return;
- if ((WidgetPluginBase*)m_manager->getConfigDialog() == p) {
- btnConfigure->blockSignals(true);
- btnConfigure->setOn(shown);
- btnConfigure->blockSignals(false);
- }
- if (m_Plugins2MenuID.contains(p)) {
- m_manager->updateWidgetPluginMenuItem(p, m_PluginMenu, m_Plugins2MenuID, shown);
- }
-// own Stuff
-void RadioView::noticePluginsChanged(const PluginList &/*l*/)
- m_Plugins2MenuID.clear();
- m_PluginMenu->clear();
- if (m_manager)
- m_manager->addWidgetPluginMenuItems(m_PluginMenu, m_Plugins2MenuID);
-void RadioView::slotPower(bool on)
- on ? sendPowerOn() : sendPowerOff();
- btnPower->setOn(queryIsPowerOn());
-void RadioView::slotPause()
- if (queryIsPowerOn()) {
- sendPausePlayback(queryCurrentSoundStreamID());
- }
-void RadioView::slotConfigure(bool b)
- TQWidget *w = m_manager ? m_manager->getConfigDialog() : NULL;
- if (w) b ? w->show() : w->hide();
- if (!w)
- btnConfigure->setOn(false);
-void RadioView::slotRecord()
- SoundStreamID id = queryCurrentSoundStreamID();
- bool b = btnRecording->isOn();
- bool r = false;
- SoundFormat sf;
- queryIsRecordingRunning(id, r, sf);
- if (!r && b /*!m_StreamID2MenuID.contains(id)*/) {
- if (!queryIsPowerOn())
- sendPowerOn();
- sendStartRecording(id);
- } else if (r && !b) {
- sendStopRecording(id);
- }
-void RadioView::slotRecordingMenu(int i)
- SoundStreamID id = queryCurrentSoundStreamID();
- bool r = false;
- SoundFormat sf;
- queryIsRecordingRunning(id, r, sf);
- if (!r) {
- if (!queryIsPowerOn())
- sendPowerOn();
- sendStartRecording(id);
- }
- } else if (m_MenuID2StreamID.contains(i)) {
- sendStopRecording(m_MenuID2StreamID[i]);
- }
-void RadioView::slotSnooze(bool on)
- if (on)
- sendStartCountdown();
- else
- sendStopCountdown();
-void RadioView::slotSnooze(int n)
- sendCountdownSeconds(n*60);
- sendStartCountdown();
-void RadioView::slotComboStationSelected(int idx)
- if (idx > 0) {
- sendActivateStation(idx - 1);
- } else {
- comboStations->setCurrentItem(queryCurrentStationIdx() + 1);
- }
-void RadioView::slotBtnPluginsClicked()
- btnPlugins->openPopup();
-void RadioView::slotConfigPageDeleted(TQObject *o)
- configPages.remove(o);
-void RadioView::slotElementConfigPageDeleted(TQObject *o)
- ElementCfgListIterator it;
- while ((it = elementConfigPages.find(o)) != elementConfigPages.end()) {
- elementConfigPages.remove(it);
- }
-void RadioView::show()
- if (enableToolbarFlag)
- KWin::setType(winId(), NET::Toolbar);
- else
- KWin::setType(winId(), NET::Normal);
- WidgetPluginBase::pShow();
- TQWidget::show();
-void RadioView::showOnOrgDesktop()
- WidgetPluginBase::pShowOnOrgDesktop();
- //TQWidget::show();
-void RadioView::hide()
- WidgetPluginBase::pHide();
- TQWidget::hide();
-void RadioView::showEvent(TQShowEvent *e)
- TQWidget::showEvent(e);
- WidgetPluginBase::pShowEvent(e);
-void RadioView::hideEvent(TQHideEvent *e)
- TQWidget::hideEvent(e);
- WidgetPluginBase::pHideEvent(e);
-void RadioView::autoSetCaption()
- const RadioStation &rs = queryCurrentStation();
- setCaption((queryIsPowerOn() && rs.isValid()) ? rs.longName() : TQString("TDERadio"));
-#include "radioview.moc"