path: root/kradio3/plugins/oss-sound/oss-sound.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kradio3/plugins/oss-sound/oss-sound.h')
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kradio3/plugins/oss-sound/oss-sound.h b/kradio3/plugins/oss-sound/oss-sound.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..139ee64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kradio3/plugins/oss-sound/oss-sound.h
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+ oss-sound.h - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : Sun Mar 21 2004
+ copyright : (C) 2004 by Martin Witte
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <config.h>
+#include "../../src/include/ringbuffer.h"
+#include "../../src/include/plugins.h"
+#include "../../src/include/soundstreamclient_interfaces.h"
+#include <qobject.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+struct SoundStreamConfig
+ SoundStreamConfig()
+ : m_ActiveMode(false),
+ m_Channel(-1),
+ m_Volume(-1)
+ {}
+ SoundStreamConfig(int _channel, bool active_mode = true)
+ : m_ActiveMode(active_mode),
+ m_Channel(_channel),
+ m_Volume(-1)
+ {}
+ SoundStreamConfig(const SoundStreamConfig &c)
+ : m_ActiveMode(c.m_ActiveMode),
+ m_Channel(c.m_Channel),
+ m_Volume(c.m_Volume)
+ {}
+ bool m_ActiveMode;
+ int m_Channel;
+ float m_Volume;
+class OSSSoundDevice : public QObject,
+ public PluginBase,
+ public ISoundStreamClient
+ OSSSoundDevice (const QString &name);
+ virtual ~OSSSoundDevice ();
+ virtual bool connectI(Interface *i);
+ virtual bool disconnectI(Interface *i);
+ // PluginBase
+ virtual void saveState (KConfig *) const;
+ virtual void restoreState (KConfig *);
+ virtual QString pluginClassName() const { return "OSSSoundDevice"; }
+ virtual const QString &name() const { return PluginBase::name(); }
+ virtual QString &name() { return PluginBase::name(); }
+ virtual ConfigPageInfo createConfigurationPage();
+ virtual AboutPageInfo createAboutPage();
+ // ISoundStreamClient: direct device access
+ void noticeConnectedI (ISoundStreamServer *s, bool pointer_valid);
+ bool preparePlayback(SoundStreamID id, const QString &channel, bool active_mode, bool start_immediately);
+ bool prepareCapture(SoundStreamID id, const QString &channel);
+ bool releasePlayback(SoundStreamID id);
+ bool releaseCapture(SoundStreamID id);
+ bool supportsPlayback() const;
+ bool supportsCapture() const;
+ QString getSoundStreamClientDescription() const;
+ // ISoundStreamClient: mixer access
+ void getMixerChannels(int query_playback_or_rec_mask, QStringList &retval, QMap<QString, int> &revmap) const;
+ const QStringList &getPlaybackChannels() const;
+ const QStringList &getCaptureChannels() const;
+ bool setPlaybackVolume(SoundStreamID id, float volume);
+ bool setCaptureVolume(SoundStreamID id, float volume);
+ bool getPlaybackVolume(SoundStreamID id, float &volume) const;
+ bool getCaptureVolume(SoundStreamID id, float &volume) const;
+ // ISoundStreamClient: generic broadcasts
+ bool startPlayback(SoundStreamID id);
+ bool pausePlayback(SoundStreamID id);
+ bool stopPlayback(SoundStreamID id);
+ bool isPlaybackRunning(SoundStreamID id, bool &b) const;
+ bool startCaptureWithFormat(SoundStreamID id,
+ const SoundFormat &proposed_format,
+ SoundFormat &real_format,
+ bool force_format);
+ bool stopCapture(SoundStreamID id);
+ bool isCaptureRunning(SoundStreamID id, bool &b, SoundFormat &sf) const;
+ bool noticeSoundStreamClosed(SoundStreamID id);
+ bool noticeSoundStreamRedirected(SoundStreamID oldID, SoundStreamID newID);
+ bool noticeSoundStreamData(SoundStreamID id,
+ const SoundFormat &,
+ const char *data, size_t size, size_t &consumed_size,
+ const SoundMetaData &md
+ );
+ // Config Access
+ int getBufferSize() const { return m_BufferSize; }
+ bool isPlaybackEnabled() const { return m_EnablePlayback; }
+ bool isCaptureEnabled() const { return m_EnableCapture; }
+ const QString &getDSPDeviceName() const { return m_DSPDeviceName; }
+ const QString &getMixerDeviceName() const { return m_MixerDeviceName; }
+ void setBufferSize(int s);
+ void enablePlayback(bool on);
+ void enableCapture(bool on);
+ void setDSPDeviceName(const QString &s);
+ void setMixerDeviceName(const QString &dev_name);
+ // own functions
+ static int getOSSFormat(const SoundFormat &f);
+protected slots:
+ void slotPoll();
+ void sigUpdateConfig();
+ bool openDSPDevice(const SoundFormat &format, bool reopen = false);
+ bool closeDSPDevice(bool force = false);
+ bool openMixerDevice(bool reopen = false);
+ bool closeMixerDevice(bool force = false);
+ void checkMixerVolume(SoundStreamID id);
+ float readMixerVolume(int channel) const;
+ float writeMixerVolume(int channel, float vol);
+ void selectCaptureChannel (int channel);
+ QString m_DSPDeviceName,
+ m_MixerDeviceName;
+ int m_DSP_fd,
+ m_Mixer_fd;
+ DUPLEX_MODE m_DuplexMode;
+ SoundFormat m_DSPFormat;
+ QStringList m_PlaybackChannels,
+ m_CaptureChannels;
+ QMap<QString, int> m_revPlaybackChannels,
+ m_revCaptureChannels;
+ QMap<SoundStreamID, SoundStreamConfig>
+ m_PlaybackStreams,
+ m_CaptureStreams;
+ QValueList<SoundStreamID>
+ m_PassivePlaybackStreams;
+ SoundStreamID m_PlaybackStreamID,
+ m_CaptureStreamID;
+ size_t m_BufferSize;
+ RingBuffer m_PlaybackBuffer,
+ m_CaptureBuffer;
+ unsigned m_CaptureRequestCounter;
+ Q_UINT64 m_CapturePos;
+ time_t m_CaptureStartTime;
+ size_t //m_PlaybackSkipCount,
+ m_CaptureSkipCount;
+ bool m_EnablePlayback,
+ m_EnableCapture;
+ QTimer m_PollingTimer;