#include "bugsystem.h"
#include "packagelistjob.h"
#include "buglistjob.h"
#include "bugmybugsjob.h"
#include "bugdetailsjob.h"
#include "bugcommand.h"

#include <kstaticdeleter.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kemailsettings.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
#include <kconfig.h>

#include "packageimpl.h"
#include "bugimpl.h"
#include "bugdetailsimpl.h"
#include "mailsender.h"
#include "kbbprefs.h"
#include "bugserver.h"
#include "bugserverconfig.h"
#include "bugcache.h"

KStaticDeleter<BugSystem> bssd;

BugSystem *BugSystem::s_self = 0;

TQString BugSystem::mLastResponse;

BugSystem *BugSystem::self()
    if ( !s_self )
        s_self = bssd.setObject( s_self, new BugSystem );

    return s_self;

    : m_disconnected( false )
    mServer = 0;

    TQValueList<BugServer *>::ConstIterator it;
    for( it = mServerList.begin(); it != mServerList.end(); ++it ) {
        delete *it;

BugCache *BugSystem::cache()const
  return mServer->cache();

void BugSystem::setDisconnected( bool disconnected )
    m_disconnected = disconnected;

bool BugSystem::disconnected() const
    return m_disconnected;

void BugSystem::retrievePackageList()
    mServer->setPackages( mServer->cache()->loadPackageList() );

    if( !mServer->packages().isEmpty() ) {
        emit packageListAvailable( mServer->packages() );
    } else {
        emit packageListCacheMiss();

        if ( !m_disconnected )
            emit packageListLoading();

            PackageListJob *job = new PackageListJob( mServer );
            connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( packageListAvailable( const Package::List & ) ),
                     this, TQT_SIGNAL( packageListAvailable( const Package::List & ) ) );
            connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( packageListAvailable( const Package::List & ) ),
                     this, TQT_SLOT( setPackageList( const Package::List & ) ) );
            connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( error( const TQString & ) ),
                     this, TQT_SIGNAL( loadingError( const TQString & ) ) );
            connectJob( job );

            registerJob( job );


void BugSystem::retrieveBugList( const Package &pkg, const TQString &component )
    kdDebug() << "BugSystem::retrieveBugList(): " << pkg.name() << endl;

    if ( pkg.isNull() )

    mServer->setBugs( pkg, component,
                      mServer->cache()->loadBugList( pkg, component,
                                                     m_disconnected ) );

    // Since the GUI stops showing the splash widget after this signal,
    // we should not emit anything on a cache miss...
    if( !mServer->bugs( pkg, component ).isEmpty() )
        emit bugListAvailable( pkg, component, mServer->bugs( pkg, component ) );
        emit bugListCacheMiss( pkg );

        if ( !m_disconnected )
            kdDebug() << "BugSystem::retrieveBugList() starting job" << endl;
            emit bugListLoading( pkg, component );

            BugListJob *job = new BugListJob( mServer );
            connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( bugListAvailable( const Package &, const TQString &, const Bug::List & ) ),
                     this, TQT_SIGNAL( bugListAvailable( const Package &, const TQString &, const Bug::List & ) ) );
            connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( bugListAvailable( const Package &, const TQString &, const Bug::List & ) ),
                     this, TQT_SLOT( setBugList( const Package &, const TQString &, const Bug::List & ) ) );
            connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( error( const TQString & ) ),
                     this, TQT_SIGNAL( loadingError( const TQString & ) ) );
            connectJob( job );

            registerJob( job );

            job->start( pkg, component );

void BugSystem::retrieveMyBugsList()
    kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;

    if ( m_disconnected )
        // This function is not cached for now
        emit bugListCacheMiss( i18n( "My Bugs" ) );
        kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << "Starting job" << endl;

        emit bugListLoading( i18n( "Retrieving My Bugs list..." ) );

        BugMyBugsJob *job = new BugMyBugsJob( mServer );

        connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( bugListAvailable( const TQString &, const Bug::List & ) ),
                 this, TQT_SIGNAL( bugListAvailable( const TQString &, const Bug::List & ) ) );
        connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( error( const TQString & ) ),
                 this, TQT_SIGNAL( loadingError( const TQString & ) ) );
        connectJob( job );

        registerJob( job );


void BugSystem::retrieveBugDetails( const Bug &bug )
    if ( bug.isNull() )

    kdDebug() << "BugSystem::retrieveBugDetails(): " << bug.number() << endl;

    mServer->setBugDetails( bug, mServer->cache()->loadBugDetails( bug ) );

    if ( !mServer->bugDetails( bug ).isNull() ) {
//        kdDebug() << "Found in cache." << endl;
        emit bugDetailsAvailable( bug, mServer->bugDetails( bug ) );
    } else {
//        kdDebug() << "Not found in cache." << endl;
        emit bugDetailsCacheMiss( bug );

        if ( !m_disconnected ) {
            emit bugDetailsLoading( bug );

            BugDetailsJob *job = new BugDetailsJob( mServer );
            connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( bugDetailsAvailable( const Bug &, const BugDetails & ) ),
                     this, TQT_SIGNAL( bugDetailsAvailable( const Bug &, const BugDetails & ) ) );
            connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( bugDetailsAvailable( const Bug &, const BugDetails & ) ),
                     this, TQT_SLOT( setBugDetails( const Bug &, const BugDetails & ) ) );
            connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( error( const TQString & ) ),
                     this, TQT_SIGNAL( bugDetailsLoadingError() ) );
            connectJob( job );

            registerJob( job );

            job->start( bug );

void BugSystem::connectJob( BugJob *job )
    connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( infoMessage( const TQString & ) ),
             this, TQT_SIGNAL( infoMessage( const TQString & ) ) );
    connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( infoPercent( unsigned long ) ),
             this, TQT_SIGNAL( infoPercent( unsigned long ) ) );
    connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( jobEnded( BugJob * ) ),
             TQT_SLOT( unregisterJob( BugJob * ) ) );

void BugSystem::setPackageList( const Package::List &pkgs )
    mServer->setPackages( pkgs );

    mServer->cache()->savePackageList( pkgs );

void BugSystem::setBugList( const Package &pkg, const TQString &component, const Bug::List &bugs )
    mServer->setBugs( pkg, component, bugs );
    mServer->cache()->saveBugList( pkg, component, bugs );

void BugSystem::setBugDetails( const Bug &bug, const BugDetails &details )
    mServer->setBugDetails( bug , details );

    mServer->cache()->saveBugDetails( bug, details );

Package::List BugSystem::packageList() const
    return mServer->packages();

Package BugSystem::package( const TQString &pkgname ) const
    Package::List::ConstIterator it;
    for( it = mServer->packages().begin(); it != mServer->packages().end(); ++it ) {
        if( pkgname == (*it).name() ) return (*it);
    return Package();

Bug BugSystem::bug( const Package &pkg, const TQString &component, const TQString &number ) const
    Bug::List bugs = mServer->bugs( pkg, component );

    Bug::List::ConstIterator it;
    for( it = bugs.begin(); it != bugs.end(); ++it ) {
        if( number == (*it).number() ) return (*it);
    return Bug();

void BugSystem::queueCommand( BugCommand *cmd )
    if ( mServer->queueCommand( cmd ) ) emit commandQueued( cmd );

void BugSystem::clearCommands( const TQString &bug )
    mServer->clearCommands( bug );

    emit commandCanceled( bug );

void BugSystem::clearCommands()
    TQStringList bugs = mServer->bugsWithCommands();

    TQStringList::ConstIterator it;
    for( it = bugs.begin(); it != bugs.end(); ++it ) {
        clearCommands( *it );

void BugSystem::sendCommands()
    TQString recipient = KBBPrefs::instance()->mOverrideRecipient;
    bool sendBCC = KBBPrefs::instance()->mSendBCC;

    KEMailSettings emailSettings;
    TQString senderName = emailSettings.getSetting( KEMailSettings::RealName );
    TQString senderEmail = emailSettings.getSetting( KEMailSettings::EmailAddress );
    TQString smtpServer = emailSettings.getSetting( KEMailSettings::OutServer );

    MailSender::MailClient client = (MailSender::MailClient)KBBPrefs::instance()->mMailClient;

    // ### connect to signals
    MailSender *mailer = new MailSender( client, smtpServer );
    connect( mailer, TQT_SIGNAL( status( const TQString & ) ),
             TQT_SIGNAL( infoMessage( const TQString & ) ) );

    mServer->sendCommands( mailer, senderName, senderEmail, sendBCC, recipient );

void BugSystem::setServerList( const TQValueList<BugServerConfig> &servers )
    if ( servers.isEmpty() ) return;

    TQString currentServer;
    if ( mServer ) currentServer = mServer->serverConfig().name();
    else currentServer = KBBPrefs::instance()->mCurrentServer;


    TQValueList<BugServer *>::ConstIterator serverIt;
    for( serverIt = mServerList.begin(); serverIt != mServerList.end();
         ++serverIt ) {
        delete *serverIt;

    TQValueList<BugServerConfig>::ConstIterator cfgIt;
    for( cfgIt = servers.begin(); cfgIt != servers.end(); ++cfgIt ) {
        mServerList.append( new BugServer( *cfgIt ) );

    setCurrentServer( currentServer );

TQValueList<BugServer *> BugSystem::serverList()
    return mServerList;

void BugSystem::setCurrentServer( const TQString &name )

    BugServer *server = findServer( name );
    if ( server ) {
        mServer = server;
    } else {
        kdError() << "Server '" << name << "' not known." << endl;
        if ( mServerList.isEmpty() ) {
            kdError() << "Fatal error: server list empty." << endl;
        } else {
            mServer = mServerList.first();

    if ( mServer ) {
      KBBPrefs::instance()->mCurrentServer = mServer->serverConfig().name();

BugServer *BugSystem::findServer( const TQString &name )
    TQValueList<BugServer *>::ConstIterator serverIt;
    for( serverIt = mServerList.begin(); serverIt != mServerList.end();
         ++serverIt ) {
        if ( (*serverIt)->serverConfig().name() == name ) return *serverIt;
    return 0;

void BugSystem::saveQuery( const KURL &url )
  mLastResponse = "Query: " + url.url();
  mLastResponse += "\n\n";

void BugSystem::saveResponse( const TQByteArray &response )
  mLastResponse += response;

TQString BugSystem::lastResponse()
  return mLastResponse;

void BugSystem::readConfig( KConfig *config )
  TQStringList servers = config->readListEntry( "Servers" );

  TQValueList<BugServerConfig> serverList;

  if ( servers.isEmpty() ) {
    serverList.append( BugServerConfig() );
  } else {
    TQStringList::ConstIterator it;
    for( it = servers.begin(); it != servers.end(); ++it ) {
      BugServerConfig cfg;
      cfg.readConfig( config, *it );
      serverList.append( cfg );

  setServerList( serverList );

void BugSystem::writeConfig( KConfig *config )
  TQValueList<BugServer *>::ConstIterator itServer;
  TQStringList servers;
  TQValueList<BugServer *> serverList = BugSystem::self()->serverList();
  for( itServer = serverList.begin(); itServer != serverList.end();
       ++itServer ) {
    BugServerConfig serverConfig = (*itServer)->serverConfig();
    servers.append( serverConfig.name() );
    serverConfig.writeConfig( config );

  config->writeEntry( "Servers", servers );

void BugSystem::registerJob( BugJob *job )
  mJobs.append( job );

void BugSystem::unregisterJob( BugJob *job )
  mJobs.removeRef( job );

void BugSystem::killAllJobs()
  BugJob *job;
  for( job = mJobs.first(); job; job = mJobs.next() ) {
    unregisterJob( job );

#include "bugsystem.moc"

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