// blah blah standard LGPL license
// Copyright 2002-2003, Otto Bruggeman <otto.bruggeman@home.nl>


#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <kdemacros.h>

class TDEConfig;
class KURL;

class KompareInterfacePrivate;

class KDE_EXPORT KompareInterface
	virtual ~KompareInterface();

	KompareInterface( const KompareInterface& );
	KompareInterface& operator=(const KompareInterface& );

	 * Open and parse the diff file at url.
	virtual bool openDiff( const KURL& diffUrl ) = 0;

	 * Open and parse the supplied diff output
	virtual bool openDiff( const TQString& diffOutput ) = 0;

	 * Open and parse the diff3 file at url.
	virtual bool openDiff3( const KURL& diff3Url ) = 0;

	 * Open and parse the supplied diff3 output
	virtual bool openDiff3( const TQString& diff3Output ) = 0;

	 * Compare, with diff, source with destination, can also be used if you dont
	 * know what source and destination are. The part will try to figure out what
	 * they are (directory, file, diff output file) and call the
	 * appropriate method(s)
	virtual void compare( const KURL& sourceFile, const KURL& destinationFile ) = 0;

	 * Compare, with diff, source with destination files
	virtual void compareFiles( const KURL& sourceFile, const KURL& destinationFile ) = 0;

	 * Compare, with diff, source with destination directories
	virtual void compareDirs ( const KURL& sourceDir, const KURL& destinationDir ) = 0;

	 * Compare, with diff3, originalFile with changedFile1 and changedFile2
	virtual void compare3Files( const KURL& originalFile, const KURL& changedFile1, const KURL& changedFile2 ) = 0;

	 * This will show the file and the file with the diff applied
	virtual void openFileAndDiff( const KURL& file, const KURL& diffFile ) = 0;

	 * This will show the directory and the directory with the diff applied
	virtual void openDirAndDiff ( const KURL& dir,  const KURL& diffFile ) = 0;

	 * This will set the encoding to use for all files that are read or for the diffoutput
	virtual void setEncoding( const TQString& encoding );

	 * Warning this should be in class Part in KDE 4.0, not here !
	 * Around that time the methods will disappear here
	virtual int readProperties( TDEConfig* config ) = 0;
	virtual int saveProperties( TDEConfig* config ) = 0;

	 * Warning this should be in class ReadWritePart in KDE 4.0, not here !
	 * Around that time the method will disappear here
	virtual bool queryClose() = 0;

	// Add all variables to the KompareInterfacePrivate class and access them through the kip pointer
	KompareInterfacePrivate* kip;
	TQString                  m_encoding;