                          sigslotview.cpp  -  description
    begin                : Tue May 1 2001
    copyright            : (C) 2001 by Richard Moore
    email                : rich@kde.org

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

#include <tqobjectdict.h>
#include <tqobjectlist.h>
#include <tqmetaobject.h>
#include <tqstrlist.h>
#include <tqvariant.h>

#include <klocale.h>

#include "sigslotview.h"

SigSlotView::SigSlotView(TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : KListView(parent,name)
  addColumn( i18n( "Signals/Slots" ) );

  setRootIsDecorated( true );
  setAllColumnsShowFocus( true );
  setFullWidth( true );


void SigSlotView::buildList( TQObject *o )
  TQMetaObject *mo = o->metaObject();

  KListViewItem *sigs = new KListViewItem( this, "Signals" );
  TQStrList sigList = mo->signalNames( true );
  TQStrListIterator sigIt( sigList );
  char *si;
  while ( (si=sigIt.current()) != 0 ) {
    new KListViewItem( sigs, si /*, "someSignal()"*/ );

  KListViewItem *slts = new KListViewItem( this, "Slots" );
  TQStrList sltList = mo->slotNames( true );
  TQStrListIterator sltIt( sltList );
  char *sl;
  while ( (sl=sltIt.current()) != 0 ) {
    new KListViewItem( slts, sl/*, "someSlot()"*/ );

  setOpen( sigs, false );
  setOpen( slts, false );

void SigSlotView::setTarget( TQObject *o )
  buildList( o );

#include "sigslotview.moc"