path: root/src/kiosvn
diff options
authorTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2013-02-10 01:39:19 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2013-02-10 01:39:19 -0600
commitc2bb8c935c0b5c921be31d9c51f0d431129523b2 (patch)
treead10020f0fa4290f6c0fab22de95fa61d04d3231 /src/kiosvn
parentb56cff5bf226c7f40ce469077721ebf60d9d9e24 (diff)
Rename kiosvn
Diffstat (limited to 'src/kiosvn')
17 files changed, 0 insertions, 2112 deletions
diff --git a/src/kiosvn/CMakeLists.txt b/src/kiosvn/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cb84de5..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# (C) 2011 Timothy Pearson
-# kb9vqf (AT)
-# Improvements and feedback are welcome
-# This file is released under GPL >= 2
-##### protocol files ############################
-file( GLOB PROTFILES *.protocol )
diff --git a/src/kiosvn/kiobytestream.cpp b/src/kiosvn/kiobytestream.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 81c6fc8..0000000
--- a/src/kiosvn/kiobytestream.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 by Rajko Albrecht *
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
- * GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the *
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#include "kiobytestream.h"
-KioByteStream::KioByteStream(StreamWrittenCb*aCb,const TQString&filename)
- : svn::stream::SvnStream(false,true,0L),
- m_Cb(aCb),m_Written(0),
- m_mimeSend(false),m_Filename(filename)
- m_MessageTick.start();
-bool KioByteStream::isOk() const
- return m_Cb != 0;
-long KioByteStream::write(const char* data, const unsigned long max)
- bool forceInfo = !m_mimeSend;
- if (m_Cb) {
- if (!m_mimeSend) {
- m_mimeSend = true;
- array.setRawData(data, max);
- KMimeMagicResult * result = KMimeMagic::self()->findBufferFileType(array,m_Filename);
- m_Cb->streamSendMime(result);
- array.resetRawData(data, max);
- m_Cb->streamTotalSizeNull();
- }
- array.setRawData(data, max);
- m_Cb->streamPushData(array);
- array.resetRawData(data, max);
- m_Written+=max;
- if (m_MessageTick.elapsed() >=100 || forceInfo) {
- m_Cb->streamWritten(m_Written);
- m_MessageTick.restart();
- }
- return max;
- }
- return -1;
diff --git a/src/kiosvn/kiobytestream.h b/src/kiosvn/kiobytestream.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 48addfe..0000000
--- a/src/kiosvn/kiobytestream.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 by Rajko Albrecht *
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
- * GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the *
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#include "svnstream.hpp"
-#include <tdeio/global.h>
-#include <kmimetype.h>
-#include <kmimemagic.h>
-#include <tqbuffer.h>
-#include <tqdatetime.h>
-class StreamWrittenCb
- StreamWrittenCb(){}
- virtual ~StreamWrittenCb(){}
- virtual void streamWritten(const TDEIO::filesize_t current) = 0;
- virtual void streamPushData(TQByteArray)=0;
- virtual void streamSendMime(KMimeMagicResult*mt)=0;
- virtual void streamTotalSizeNull()=0;
- @author Rajko Albrecht
-class KioByteStream : public svn::stream::SvnStream
- KioByteStream(StreamWrittenCb*,const TQString&filename);
- ~KioByteStream();
- virtual bool isOk() const;
- virtual long write(const char* data, const unsigned long max);
- TDEIO::filesize_t written(){return m_Written;}
- StreamWrittenCb*m_Cb;
- TDEIO::filesize_t m_Written;
- bool m_mimeSend;
- TQString m_Filename;
- TQByteArray array;
- TQTime m_MessageTick;
diff --git a/src/kiosvn/kiolistener.cpp b/src/kiosvn/kiolistener.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 19c63a7..0000000
--- a/src/kiosvn/kiolistener.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Rajko Albrecht *
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
- * GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the *
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#include "kiolistener.h"
-#include "kiosvn.h"
-#include <kdebug.h>
-#include <klocale.h>
-#include <dcopclient.h>
-namespace TDEIO {
- : svn::ContextListener(),m_notifyCounter(0),m_External(false),m_HasChanges(false),m_FirstTxDelta(false),m_Canceld(false)
- par = _par;
- \fn KioListener::contextCancel()
- */
-bool KioListener::contextCancel()
- return par->wasKilled()||m_Canceld;
- \fn KioListener::contextGetLogMessage (TQString & msg)
- */
-bool KioListener::contextGetLogMessage (TQString & msg,const svn::CommitItemList&_items)
-#if 1
- TQByteArray reply;
- TQByteArray params;
- TQCString replyType;
- TQDataStream stream(params,IO_WriteOnly);
- if (_items.count()>0) {
- TQMap<TQString,TQString> list;
- for (unsigned i = 0;i<_items.count();++i) {
- if (_items[i].path().isEmpty()) {
- list[_items[i].url()]=TQChar(_items[i].actionType());
- } else {
- list[_items[i].path()]=TQChar(_items[i].actionType());
- }
- }
- stream << list;
- if (!par->dcopClient()->call("kded","tdesvnd","get_logmsg(TQMap<TQString,TQString>)",params,replyType,reply)) {
- msg = "Communication with dcop failed";
- kdWarning()<<msg<<endl;
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- if (!par->dcopClient()->call("kded","tdesvnd","get_logmsg()",params,replyType,reply)) {
- msg = "Communication with dcop failed";
- kdWarning()<<msg<<endl;
- return false;
- }
- }
- msg = "Wrong reply type";
- kdWarning()<<msg<<endl;
- return false;
- }
- TQDataStream stream2(reply,IO_ReadOnly);
- TQStringList lt;
- stream2>>lt;
- if (lt.count()!=1) {
- msg = "Wrong or missing log (may cancel pressed).";
- kdDebug()<< msg << endl;
- return false;
- }
- msg = lt[0];
- msg = "Made with a kio::svn client";
- return true;
-/*! the content of that method is taken from the notify in kio::svn in KDE SDK */
-/* this moment we don't use it full 'cause not all is made via KIO */
-void KioListener::contextNotify (const char * path,svn_wc_notify_action_t action,svn_node_kind_t kind ,const char * mime_type ,svn_wc_notify_state_t content_state, svn_wc_notify_state_t prop_state,svn_revnum_t revision)
- if (par->wasKilled()) {
- return;
- }
- TQString userstring;
- switch(action) {
- case svn_wc_notify_add:
- {
- if (mime_type && (svn_mime_type_is_binary (mime_type)))
- userstring = i18n( "A (bin) %1" ).arg( path );
- else
- userstring = i18n( "A %1" ).arg( path );
- break;
- }
- break;
- case svn_wc_notify_copy: //copy
- break;
- case svn_wc_notify_delete: //delete
- m_HasChanges = TRUE;
- userstring = i18n( "D %1" ).arg( path );
- break;
- case svn_wc_notify_restore : //restore
- userstring=i18n( "Restored %1." ).arg( path );
- break;
- case svn_wc_notify_revert : //revert
- userstring=i18n( "Reverted %1." ).arg( path );
- break;
- case svn_wc_notify_failed_revert: //failed revert
- userstring=i18n( "Failed to revert %1.\nTry updating instead." ).arg( path );
- break;
- case svn_wc_notify_resolved: //resolved
- userstring=i18n( "Resolved conflicted state of %1." ).arg( path );
- break;
- case svn_wc_notify_skip: //skip
- if ( content_state == svn_wc_notify_state_missing )
- userstring=i18n("Skipped missing target %1.").arg( path );
- else
- userstring=i18n("Skipped %1.").arg( path );
- break;
- case svn_wc_notify_update_delete: //update_delete
- m_HasChanges = TRUE;
- userstring=i18n( "D %1" ).arg( path );
- break;
- case svn_wc_notify_update_add: //update_add
- m_HasChanges = TRUE;
- userstring=i18n( "A %1" ).arg( path );
- break;
- case svn_wc_notify_update_update: //update_update
- {
- /* If this is an inoperative dir change, do no notification.
- An inoperative dir change is when a directory gets closed
- without any props having been changed. */
- if (! ((kind == svn_node_dir)
- && ((prop_state == svn_wc_notify_state_inapplicable)
- || (prop_state == svn_wc_notify_state_unknown)
- || (prop_state == svn_wc_notify_state_unchanged)))) {
- m_HasChanges = TRUE;
- if (kind == svn_node_file) {
- if (content_state == svn_wc_notify_state_conflicted)
- userstring = "C";
- else if (content_state == svn_wc_notify_state_merged)
- userstring = "G";
- else if (content_state == svn_wc_notify_state_changed)
- userstring = "U";
- }
- if (prop_state == svn_wc_notify_state_conflicted)
- userstring += "C";
- else if (prop_state == svn_wc_notify_state_merged)
- userstring += "G";
- else if (prop_state == svn_wc_notify_state_changed)
- userstring += "U";
- else
- userstring += " ";
- if (! ((content_state == svn_wc_notify_state_unchanged
- || content_state == svn_wc_notify_state_unknown)
- && (prop_state == svn_wc_notify_state_unchanged
- || prop_state == svn_wc_notify_state_unknown)))
- userstring += TQString( " " ) + path;
- }
- break;
- }
- case svn_wc_notify_update_completed: //update_completed
- {
- if (!m_External) {
- if (SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM(revision)) {
- userstring = i18n("Finished at revision %1.").arg(revision);
- } else {
- userstring = i18n("Finished.");
- }
- } else {
- if (SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM(revision)) {
- userstring = i18n("Finished external at revision %1.").arg(revision);
- } else {
- userstring = i18n("Finished external.");
- }
- }
- }
- if (m_External)
- m_External = FALSE;
- break;
- case svn_wc_notify_update_external: //update_external
- m_External = TRUE;
- userstring = i18n("Fetching external item into %1." ).arg( path );
- break;
- case svn_wc_notify_status_completed: //status_completed
- if (SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM (revision))
- userstring = i18n( "Status against revision: %1.").arg( revision );
- break;
- case svn_wc_notify_status_external: //status_external
- userstring = i18n("Performing status on external item at %1.").arg( path );
- break;
- case svn_wc_notify_commit_modified: //commit_modified
- userstring = i18n( "Sending %1.").arg( path );
- break;
- case svn_wc_notify_commit_added: //commit_added
- if (mime_type && svn_mime_type_is_binary (mime_type)) {
- userstring = i18n( "Adding (bin) %1.").arg( path );
- } else {
- userstring = i18n( "Adding %1.").arg( path );
- }
- break;
- case svn_wc_notify_commit_deleted: //commit_deleted
- userstring = i18n( "Deleting %1.").arg( path );
- break;
- case svn_wc_notify_commit_replaced: //commit_replaced
- userstring = i18n( "Replacing %1.").arg( path );
- break;
- case svn_wc_notify_commit_postfix_txdelta: //commit_postfix_txdelta
- if (!m_FirstTxDelta) {
- m_FirstTxDelta = TRUE;
- // check fullstops!
- userstring=i18n("Transmitting file data ");
- } else {
- userstring=".";
- }
- break;
- break;
- case svn_wc_notify_blame_revision: //blame_revision
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- par->setMetaData(TQString::number(counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "path" , TQString::FROMUTF8( path ));
- par->setMetaData(TQString::number( counter() ).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "action", TQString::number( action ));
- par->setMetaData(TQString::number( counter() ).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "kind", TQString::number( kind ));
- par->setMetaData(TQString::number( counter() ).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "mime_t", TQString::FROMUTF8( mime_type ));
- par->setMetaData(TQString::number( counter() ).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "content", TQString::number( content_state ));
- par->setMetaData(TQString::number( counter() ).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "prop", TQString::number( prop_state ));
- par->setMetaData(TQString::number( counter() ).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "rev", TQString::number( revision ));
- par->setMetaData(TQString::number( counter() ).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "string", userstring );
- incCounter();
-void KioListener::contextNotify (const svn_wc_notify_t *action)
- if (!action) return;
-// if (action->action<svn_wc_notify_locked) {
- contextNotify(action->path,action->action,action->kind,action->mime_type,
- action->content_state,action->prop_state,action->revision);
-// return;
-// }
-// TQString aString = NotifyAction(action->action);
-KioListener::contextSslServerTrustPrompt (const SslServerTrustData & data, apr_uint32_t & acceptedFailures)
- TQByteArray reply;
- TQByteArray params;
- TQCString replyType;
- TQDataStream stream(params,IO_WriteOnly);
- stream << data.hostname
- << data.fingerprint
- << data.validFrom
- << data.validUntil
- << data.issuerDName
- << data.realm;
- if (!par->dcopClient()->call("kded","tdesvnd",
- "get_sslaccept(TQString,TQString,TQString,TQString,TQString,TQString)",
- params,replyType,reply)) {
- kdWarning()<<"Communication with dcop failed"<<endl;
- return DONT_ACCEPT;
- }
- if (replyType!="int") {
- kdWarning()<<"Wrong reply type"<<endl;
- return DONT_ACCEPT;
- }
- TQDataStream stream2(reply,IO_ReadOnly);
- int res;
- stream2>>res;
- switch (res) {
- case -1:
- return DONT_ACCEPT;
- break;
- case 1:
- break;
- default:
- case 0:
- break;
- }
- /* avoid compiler warnings */
-bool KioListener::contextLoadSslClientCertPw(TQString&password,const TQString&realm)
- return PwStorage::self()->getCertPw(realm,password);
-bool KioListener::contextSslClientCertPrompt (TQString & certFile)
- TQByteArray reply;
- TQByteArray params;
- TQCString replyType;
- if (!par->dcopClient()->call("kded","tdesvnd",
- "get_sslclientcertfile()",
- params,replyType,reply)) {
- kdWarning()<<"Communication with dcop failed"<<endl;
- return false;
- }
- kdWarning()<<"Wrong reply type"<<endl;
- return false;
- }
- TQDataStream stream2(reply,IO_ReadOnly);
- stream2>>certFile;
- if (certFile.isEmpty()) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-bool KioListener::contextSslClientCertPwPrompt (TQString & password,
- const TQString & realm, bool & maySave)
- return false;
-bool KioListener::contextGetSavedLogin (const TQString & realm,TQString & username,TQString & password)
- PwStorage::self()->getLogin(realm,username,password);
- return true;
-bool KioListener::contextGetCachedLogin (const TQString & realm,TQString & username,TQString & password)
- return true;
-bool KioListener::contextGetLogin (const TQString & realm, TQString & username, TQString & password, bool & maySave)
- TQByteArray reply;
- TQByteArray params;
- TQCString replyType;
- TQDataStream stream(params,IO_WriteOnly);
- stream << realm;
- stream << username;
- if (!par->dcopClient()->call("kded","tdesvnd","get_login(TQString,TQString)",params,replyType,reply)) {
- kdWarning()<<"Communication with dcop failed"<<endl;
- return false;
- }
- kdWarning()<<"Wrong reply type"<<endl;
- return false;
- }
- TQDataStream stream2(reply,IO_ReadOnly);
- TQStringList lt;
- stream2>>lt;
- if (lt.count()!=3) {
- kdDebug()<<"Wrong or missing auth list (may cancel pressed)." << endl;
- return false;
- }
- username = lt[0];
- password = lt[1];
- maySave = lt[2]=="true";
- return true;
- \fn KioListener::contextProgress(long long int current, long long int max)
- */
-void KioListener::contextProgress(long long int cur, long long int max)
- if (par) {
- par->contextProgress(cur,max);
- }
-} // namespace TDEIO
diff --git a/src/kiosvn/kiolistener.h b/src/kiosvn/kiolistener.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f836b65..0000000
--- a/src/kiosvn/kiolistener.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Rajko Albrecht *
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
- * GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the *
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#include "context_listener.hpp"
-#include "pwstorage.h"
-namespace TDEIO {
- class SlaveBase;
- class tdeio_svnProtocol;
-@author Rajko Albrecht
-class KioListener : public svn::ContextListener
- KioListener(TDEIO::tdeio_svnProtocol*_par);
- virtual ~KioListener();
- /* context-listener methods */
- virtual bool contextGetLogin (const TQString & realm,
- TQString & username,
- TQString & password,
- bool & maySave);
- virtual bool contextGetSavedLogin (const TQString & realm,TQString & username,TQString & password);
- virtual bool contextGetCachedLogin (const TQString & realm,TQString & username,TQString & password);
- virtual void contextNotify (const char *path,
- svn_wc_notify_action_t action,
- svn_node_kind_t kind,
- const char *mime_type,
- svn_wc_notify_state_t content_state,
- svn_wc_notify_state_t prop_state,
- svn_revnum_t revision);
- virtual void contextNotify (const svn_wc_notify_t *action);
- virtual bool contextCancel();
- virtual bool contextGetLogMessage (TQString & msg,const svn::CommitItemList&);
- virtual SslServerTrustAnswer contextSslServerTrustPrompt (const SslServerTrustData & data,
- apr_uint32_t & acceptedFailures);
- virtual bool contextSslClientCertPrompt (TQString & certFile);
- virtual bool contextSslClientCertPwPrompt (TQString & password,
- const TQString & realm, bool & maySave);
- virtual bool contextLoadSslClientCertPw(TQString&password,const TQString&realm);
- /* context listener virtuals end */
- unsigned int counter()const{return m_notifyCounter;}
- void incCounter(){++m_notifyCounter;}
- virtual void contextProgress(long long int current, long long int max);
- void setCancel(bool value){m_Canceld=value;}
- TDEIO::tdeio_svnProtocol *par;
- unsigned int m_notifyCounter;
- bool m_External;
- bool m_HasChanges;
- bool m_FirstTxDelta;
- bool m_Canceld;
diff --git a/src/kiosvn/kiosvn.cpp b/src/kiosvn/kiosvn.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d8365c..0000000
--- a/src/kiosvn/kiosvn.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,954 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Rajko Albrecht *
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
- * GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the *
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#include "tdesvn-config.h"
-#include "kiosvn.h"
-#include "kiolistener.h"
-#include "svnqttypes.hpp"
-#include "dirent.hpp"
-#include "url.hpp"
-#include "status.hpp"
-#include "targets.hpp"
-#include "info_entry.hpp"
-#include "tdesvnsettings.h"
-#include "sub2qt.h"
-#include "sshagent.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <netdb.h>
-#include <kapplication.h>
-#include <kdebug.h>
-#include <kdemacros.h>
-#include <kmessagebox.h>
-#include <kinstance.h>
-#include <kglobal.h>
-#include <kstandarddirs.h>
-#include <klocale.h>
-#include <kurl.h>
-#include <ktempdir.h>
-#include <ksock.h>
-#include <dcopclient.h>
-#include <tqcstring.h>
-#include <kmimetype.h>
-#include <krun.h>
-#include <tqtextstream.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <netdb.h>
-namespace TDEIO
-class KioSvnData
- KioSvnData(tdeio_svnProtocol*);
- virtual ~KioSvnData();
- void reInitClient();
- KioListener m_Listener;
- bool first_done;
- bool dispProgress;
- svn::ContextP m_CurrentContext;
- svn::Client* m_Svnclient;
- svn::Revision urlToRev(const KURL&);
- : m_Listener(par),first_done(false)
- m_Svnclient=svn::Client::getobject(0,0);
- m_CurrentContext = 0;
- dispProgress = false;
- reInitClient();
-void KioSvnData::reInitClient()
- if (first_done) {
- return;
- }
- SshAgent ag;
- ag.querySshAgent();
- first_done = true;
- m_CurrentContext = new svn::Context();
- m_CurrentContext->setListener(&m_Listener);
- m_Svnclient->setContext(m_CurrentContext);
- m_Listener.setCancel(true);
- /* wait a little bit */
- sleep(1);
- delete m_Svnclient;
- m_CurrentContext->setListener(0L);
- m_CurrentContext = 0;
-svn::Revision KioSvnData::urlToRev(const KURL&url)
- TQMap<TQString,TQString> q = url.queryItems();
- /* we try to check if it is ssh and try to get a password for it */
- TQString proto = url.protocol();
- if (proto.find("ssh")!=-1) {
- SshAgent ag;
- ag.addSshIdentities();
- }
- svn::Revision rev,tmp;
- rev = svn::Revision::UNDEFINED;
- if (q.find("rev")!=q.end()) {
- TQString v = q["rev"];
- m_Svnclient->url2Revision(v,rev,tmp);
- }
- return rev;
-tdeio_svnProtocol::tdeio_svnProtocol(const TQCString &pool_socket, const TQCString &app_socket)
- : SlaveBase("tdeio_ksvn", pool_socket, app_socket),StreamWrittenCb()
- m_pData=new KioSvnData(this);
- TDEGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue("tdesvn");
- kdDebug()<<"Delete kio protocol"<<endl;
- delete m_pData;
-extern "C"
- KDESVN_EXPORT int kdemain(int argc, char **argv);
-int kdemain(int argc, char **argv)
- kdDebug()<<"kdemain" << endl;
- TDEInstance instance( "tdeio_ksvn" );
- // start the tdesvnd DCOP service
- TQString error;
- TQCString appId;
- kdDebug(7101) << "*** Starting tdeio_ksvn " << endl;
- if (argc != 4) {
- kdDebug(7101) << "Usage: tdeio_ksvn protocol domain-socket1 domain-socket2" << endl;
- exit(-1);
- }
- TDEIO::tdeio_svnProtocol slave(argv[2], argv[3]);
- slave.dispatchLoop();
- kdDebug(7101) << "*** tdeio_ksvn Done" << endl;
- return 0;
-namespace TDEIO
- \fn tdeio_svnProtocol::listDir (const KURL&url)
- */
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::listDir(const KURL&url)
- kdDebug() << "tdeio_svn::listDir(const KURL& url) : " << url.url() << endl ;
- svn::DirEntries dlist;
- svn::Revision rev = m_pData->urlToRev(url);
- if (rev == svn::Revision::UNDEFINED) {
- rev = svn::Revision::HEAD;
- }
- try {
- dlist = m_pData->m_Svnclient->list(makeSvnUrl(url),rev,rev,svn::DepthImmediates,false);
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- TQString ex = e.msg();
- kdDebug()<<ex<<endl;
- return;
- }
- TDEIO::UDSEntry entry;
- totalSize(dlist.size());
- for (unsigned int i=0; i < dlist.size();++i) {
- if (!dlist[i] || dlist[i]->name().isEmpty()) {
- continue;
- }
- TQDateTime dt = svn::DateTime(dlist[i]->time());
- if (createUDSEntry(dlist[i]->name(),
- dlist[i]->lastAuthor(),
- dlist[i]->size(),
- dlist[i]->kind()==svn_node_dir?true:false,
- dt.toTime_t(),
- entry) ) {
- listEntry(entry,false);
- }
- entry.clear();
- }
- listEntry(entry, true );
- finished();
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::stat(const KURL& url)
- kdDebug()<<"tdeio_svn::stat "<< url << endl;
- svn::Revision rev = m_pData->urlToRev(url);
- if (rev == svn::Revision::UNDEFINED) {
- rev = svn::Revision::HEAD;
- }
- svn::Revision peg = rev;
- bool dummy = false;
- svn::InfoEntries e;
- try {
- e = m_pData->m_Svnclient->info(makeSvnUrl(url),svn::DepthEmpty,rev,peg);
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- TQString ex = e.msg();
- kdDebug()<<ex<<endl;
- return;
- }
- if (e.count()==0) {
- dummy = true;
-/* finished();
- return;*/
- }
- TDEIO::UDSEntry entry;
- TQDateTime dt;
- if (dummy) {
- createUDSEntry(url.filename(),"",0,true,dt.toTime_t(),entry);
- } else {
- dt = svn::DateTime(e[0].cmtDate());
- if (e[0].kind()==svn_node_file) {
- createUDSEntry(url.filename(),"",0,false,dt.toTime_t(),entry);
- } else {
- createUDSEntry(url.filename(),"",0,true,dt.toTime_t(),entry);
- }
- }
- statEntry(entry);
- finished();
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::get(const KURL& url)
- kdDebug()<<"tdeio_svn::get "<< url << endl;
- if (m_pData->m_Listener.contextCancel()) {
- finished();
- return;
- }
- svn::Revision rev = m_pData->urlToRev(url);
- if (rev == svn::Revision::UNDEFINED) {
- rev = svn::Revision::HEAD;
- }
- KioByteStream dstream(this,url.filename());
- try {
- m_pData->m_Svnclient->cat(dstream,makeSvnUrl(url),rev,rev);
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- TQString ex = e.msg();
- kdDebug()<<ex<<endl;
- error( TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,"Subversion error "+ex);
- finished();
- return;
- }
- totalSize(dstream.written());
- data(TQByteArray()); // empty array means we're done sending the data
- finished();
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::mkdir(const KURL &url, int)
- kdDebug()<<"tdeio_svn::mkdir "<< url << endl;
- svn::Revision rev = m_pData->urlToRev(url);
- if (rev == svn::Revision::UNDEFINED) {
- rev = svn::Revision::HEAD;
- }
- try {
- svn::Path p(makeSvnUrl(url));
- m_pData->m_Svnclient->mkdir(p,getDefaultLog());
- }catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- error( TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,e.msg());
- }
- kdDebug()<<"tdeio_svn::mkdir finished " << url << endl;
- finished();
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::mkdir(const KURL::List &urls, int)
- svn::Pathes p;
- for ( TQValueListConstIterator<KURL> it = urls.begin(); it != urls.end() ; ++it ) {
- p.append((*it).path());
- }
- try {
- m_pData->m_Svnclient->mkdir(svn::Targets(p),getDefaultLog());
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,e.msg());
- return;
- }
- finished();
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::rename(const KURL&src,const KURL&target,bool force)
- kdDebug()<<"tdeio_svn::rename "<< src << " to " << target << endl;
- TQString msg;
- m_pData->m_CurrentContext->setLogMessage(getDefaultLog());
- try {
- m_pData->m_Svnclient->move(makeSvnUrl(src),makeSvnUrl(target),force);
- }catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- error( TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,e.msg());
- }
- kdDebug()<<"tdeio_svn::rename finished" << endl;
- finished();
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::copy(const KURL&src,const KURL&dest,int permissions,bool overwrite)
- Q_UNUSED(permissions);
- Q_UNUSED(overwrite);
- kdDebug()<<"tdeio_svn::copy "<< src << " to " << dest << endl;
- svn::Revision rev = m_pData->urlToRev(src);
- if (rev == svn::Revision::UNDEFINED) {
- rev = svn::Revision::HEAD;
- }
- m_pData->dispProgress=true;
- m_pData->m_CurrentContext->setLogMessage(getDefaultLog());
- try {
- m_pData->m_Svnclient->copy(makeSvnUrl(src),rev,makeSvnUrl(dest));
- }catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- error( TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,e.msg());
- }
- m_pData->dispProgress=false;
- kdDebug()<<"tdeio_svn::copy finished" << endl;
- finished();
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::del(const KURL&src,bool isfile)
- Q_UNUSED(isfile);
- kdDebug()<<"tdeio_svn::del "<< src << endl;
- //m_pData->reInitClient();
- svn::Revision rev = m_pData->urlToRev(src);
- if (rev == svn::Revision::UNDEFINED) {
- rev = svn::Revision::HEAD;
- }
- m_pData->m_CurrentContext->setLogMessage(getDefaultLog());
- try {
- svn::Targets target(makeSvnUrl(src));
- m_pData->m_Svnclient->remove(target,false);
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- TQString ex = e.msg();
- kdDebug()<<ex<<endl;
- }
- kdDebug()<<"tdeio_svn::del finished" << endl;
- finished();
-bool tdeio_svnProtocol::getLogMsg(TQString&t)
- svn::CommitItemList _items;
- return m_pData->m_Listener.contextGetLogMessage(t,_items);
-bool tdeio_svnProtocol::checkWc(const KURL&url)
- if (url.isEmpty()||!url.isLocalFile()) return false;
- svn::Revision peg(svn_opt_revision_unspecified);
- svn::Revision rev(svn_opt_revision_unspecified);
- svn::InfoEntries e;
- try {
- e = m_pData->m_Svnclient->info(url.prettyURL(),svn::DepthEmpty,rev,peg);
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- if (SVN_ERR_WC_NOT_DIRECTORY==e.apr_err())
- {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-TQString tdeio_svnProtocol::makeSvnUrl(const KURL&url,bool check_Wc)
- TQString res;
- TQString proto = svn::Url::transformProtokoll(url.protocol());
- if (proto=="file" && check_Wc)
- {
- if (checkWc(url))
- {
- return url.path();
- }
- }
- TQStringList s = TQStringList::split("://",res);
- TQString base = url.path();
- TQString host =;
- TQString user = (url.hasUser()?url.user()+(url.hasPass()?":"+url.pass():""):"");
- if (host.isEmpty()) {
- res=proto+"://"+base;
- } else {
- res = proto+"://"+(user.isEmpty()?"":user+"@")+host+base;
- }
- if (base.isEmpty()) {
- throw svn::ClientException(TQString("'")+res+TQString("' is not a valid subversion url"));
- }
- return res;
-bool tdeio_svnProtocol::createUDSEntry( const TQString& filename, const TQString& user, long long int size, bool isdir, time_t mtime, TDEIO::UDSEntry& entry)
-#if 0
- kdDebug() << "MTime : " << ( long )mtime << endl;
- kdDebug() << "UDS filename : " << filename << endl;
- kdDebug()<< "UDS Size: " << size << endl;
- kdDebug()<< "UDS Dir: " << isdir << endl;
- TDEIO::UDSAtom atom;
- atom.m_uds = TDEIO::UDS_NAME;
- atom.m_str = filename;
- entry.append( atom );
- atom.m_uds = TDEIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE;
- atom.m_long = isdir ? S_IFDIR : S_IFREG;
- entry.append( atom );
- atom.m_uds = TDEIO::UDS_ACCESS;
- atom.m_long = isdir?0777:0666;
- entry.append(atom);
- atom.m_uds = TDEIO::UDS_SIZE;
- atom.m_long = size;
- entry.append( atom );
- atom.m_long = mtime;
- entry.append( atom );
- atom.m_uds = TDEIO::UDS_USER;
- atom.m_str = user;
- entry.append( atom );
- return true;
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::special(const TQByteArray& data)
- kdDebug()<<"tdeio_svnProtocol::special"<<endl;
- TQDataStream stream(data,IO_ReadOnly);
- int tmp;
- stream >> tmp;
- kdDebug() << "tdeio_svnProtocol::special " << tmp << endl;
- switch (tmp) {
- {
- KURL repository, wc;
- int revnumber;
- TQString revkind;
- stream >> repository;
- stream >> wc;
- stream >> revnumber;
- stream >> revkind;
- kdDebug(0) << "tdeio_svnProtocol CHECKOUT from " << repository.url() << " to " << wc.url() << " at " << revnumber << " or " << revkind << endl;
- checkout( repository, wc, revnumber, revkind );
- break;
- }
- case SVN_UPDATE:
- {
- KURL wc;
- int revnumber;
- TQString revkind;
- stream >> wc;
- stream >> revnumber;
- stream >> revkind;
- kdDebug(0) << "tdeio_svnProtocol UPDATE " << wc.url() << " at " << revnumber << " or " << revkind << endl;
- update(wc, revnumber, revkind );
- break;
- }
- case SVN_COMMIT:
- {
- KURL::List wclist;
- while ( !stream.atEnd() ) {
- KURL tmp;
- stream >> tmp;
- wclist << tmp;
- }
- kdDebug(0) << "tdeio_svnProtocol COMMIT" << endl;
- commit( wclist );
- break;
- }
- case SVN_LOG:
- {
- kdDebug(0) << "tdeio_svnProtocol LOG" << endl;
- int revstart, revend;
- TQString revkindstart, revkindend;
- KURL::List targets;
- stream >> revstart;
- stream >> revkindstart;
- stream >> revend;
- stream >> revkindend;
- while ( !stream.atEnd() ) {
- KURL tmp;
- stream >> tmp;
- targets << tmp;
- }
- svnlog( revstart, revkindstart, revend, revkindend, targets );
- break;
- }
- case SVN_IMPORT:
- {
- KURL wc,repos;
- stream >> repos;
- stream >> wc;
- kdDebug(0) << "tdeio_ksvnProtocol IMPORT" << endl;
- import(repos,wc);
- break;
- }
- case SVN_ADD:
- {
- KURL wc;
- kdDebug(0) << "tdeio_ksvnProtocol ADD" << endl;
- stream >> wc;
- add(wc);
- break;
- }
- case SVN_DEL:
- {
- KURL::List wclist;
- while ( !stream.atEnd() ) {
- KURL tmp;
- stream >> tmp;
- wclist << tmp;
- }
- wc_delete(wclist);
- break;
- }
- case SVN_REVERT:
- {
- KURL::List wclist;
- while ( !stream.atEnd() ) {
- KURL tmp;
- stream >> tmp;
- wclist << tmp;
- }
- kdDebug(7128) << "tdeio_svnProtocol REVERT" << endl;
- revert(wclist);
- break;
- }
- case SVN_STATUS:
- {
- KURL wc;
- bool checkRepos=false;
- bool fullRecurse=false;
- stream >> wc;
- stream >> checkRepos;
- stream >> fullRecurse;
- kdDebug(0) << "tdeio_svnProtocol STATUS" << endl;
- status(wc,checkRepos,fullRecurse);
- break;
- }
- case SVN_MKDIR:
- {
- KURL::List list;
- stream >> list;
- kdDebug(0) << "tdeio_svnProtocol MKDIR" << endl;
- mkdir(list,0);
- break;
- }
- {
- KURL url;
- bool recurse;
- stream >> url;
- stream >> recurse;
- kdDebug(7128) << "tdeio_svnProtocol RESOLVE" << endl;
- wc_resolve(url,recurse);
- break;
- }
- case SVN_SWITCH:
- {
- KURL wc,url;
- bool recurse;
- int revnumber;
- TQString revkind;
- stream >> wc;
- stream >> url;
- stream >> recurse;
- stream >> revnumber;
- stream >> revkind;
- kdDebug(7128) << "tdeio_svnProtocol SWITCH" << endl;
- wc_switch(wc,url,recurse,revnumber,revkind);
- break;
- }
- case SVN_DIFF:
- {
- KURL url1,url2;
- int rev1, rev2;
- bool recurse;
- TQString revkind1, revkind2;
- stream >> url1;
- stream >> url2;
- stream >> rev1;
- stream >> revkind1;
- stream >> rev2;
- stream >> revkind2;
- stream >> recurse;
- diff(url1,url2,rev1,revkind1,rev2,revkind2,recurse);
- break;
- }
- default:
- {kdDebug()<<"Unknown special" << endl;}
- }
- finished();
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::update(const KURL&url,int revnumber,const TQString&revkind)
- svn::Revision where(revnumber,revkind);
- /* update is always local - so make a path instead URI */
- svn::Path p(url.path());
- try {
- svn::Targets pathes(p.path());
- // always update externals, too. (third last parameter)
- // no unversioned items allowed (second last parameter)
- // sticky depth (last parameter)
- m_pData->m_Svnclient->update(pathes, where,svn::DepthInfinity,false,false,true);
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,e.msg());
- }
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::status(const KURL&wc,bool cR,bool rec)
- svn::Revision where = svn::Revision::UNDEFINED;
- svn::StatusEntries dlist;
- try {
- // rec all up noign
- dlist = m_pData->m_Svnclient->status(wc.path(),rec?svn::DepthInfinity:svn::DepthEmpty,false,cR,false,where);
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,e.msg());
- return;
- }
- kdDebug()<<"Status got " << dlist.count() << " entries." << endl;
- for (unsigned j=0;j<dlist.count();++j) {
- if (!dlist[j]) {
- continue;
- }
- //TQDataStream stream(params, IO_WriteOnly);
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+"path",dlist[j]->path());
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+"text",TQString::number(dlist[j]->textStatus()));
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter() ).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "prop",
- TQString::number(dlist[j]->propStatus()));
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter() ).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "reptxt",
- TQString::number(dlist[j]->reposTextStatus()));
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter() ).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "repprop",
- TQString::number(dlist[j]->reposPropStatus()));
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter() ).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "rev",
- TQString::number(dlist[j]->entry().cmtRev()));
- m_pData->m_Listener.incCounter();
- }
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::commit(const KURL::List&url)
- /// @todo replace with direct call to tdesvn?
- TQByteArray reply;
- TQByteArray params;
- TQCString replyType;
- TQString msg;
- if (!dcopClient()->call("kded","tdesvnd","get_logmsg()",params,replyType,reply)) {
- msg = "Communication with dcop failed";
- kdWarning()<<msg<<endl;
- return;
- }
- msg = "Wrong reply type";
- kdWarning()<<msg<<endl;
- return;
- }
- TQDataStream stream2(reply,IO_ReadOnly);
- TQStringList lt;
- stream2>>lt;
- if (lt.count()!=1) {
- msg = "Wrong or missing log (may cancel pressed).";
- kdDebug()<< msg << endl;
- return;
- }
- msg = lt[0];
- TQValueList<svn::Path> targets;
- for (unsigned j=0; j<url.count();++j) {
- targets.push_back(svn::Path(url[j].path()));
- }
- svn::Revision nnum=svn::Revision::UNDEFINED;
- try {
- nnum = m_pData->m_Svnclient->commit(svn::Targets(targets),msg,svn::DepthInfinity,false);
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,e.msg());
- }
- for (unsigned j=0;j<url.count();++j) {
- TQString userstring;
- if (nnum!=svn::Revision::UNDEFINED) {
- userstring = i18n( "Committed revision %1." ).arg(nnum.toString());
- } else {
- userstring = i18n ( "Nothing to commit." );
- }
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "path", url[j].path() );
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "action", "0" );
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "kind", "0" );
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "mime_t", "" );
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "content", "0" );
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "prop", "0" );
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "rev" , TQString::number(nnum) );
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "string", userstring );
- m_pData->m_Listener.incCounter();
- }
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::checkout(const KURL&src,const KURL&target,const int rev, const TQString&revstring)
- svn::Revision where(rev,revstring);
- svn::Revision peg = svn::Revision::UNDEFINED;
- svn::Path _target(target.path());
- try {
- KURL _src = makeSvnUrl(src);
- m_pData->m_Svnclient->checkout(_src.url(),_target,where,peg,svn::DepthInfinity,false,false);
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,e.msg());
- }
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::svnlog(int revstart,const TQString&revstringstart,int revend, const TQString&revstringend, const KURL::List&urls)
- svn::Revision start(revstart,revstringstart);
- svn::Revision end(revend,revstringend);
- svn::LogEntriesPtr logs;
- for (unsigned j = 0; j<urls.count();++j) {
- logs = 0;
- try {
- logs = m_pData->m_Svnclient->log(makeSvnUrl(urls[j]),start,end,svn::Revision::UNDEFINED,true,true,0);
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,e.msg());
- break;
- }
- if (!logs) {
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify(10,'0')+"path",urls[j].path());
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify(10,'0')+"string",
- i18n("Empty logs"));
- m_pData->m_Listener.incCounter();
- continue;
- }
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < logs->count();++i) {
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "path",urls[j].path());
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "rev",
- TQString::number( (*logs)[i].revision));
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+"author",
- (*logs)[i].author);
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+"logmessage",
- (*logs)[i].message);
- m_pData->m_Listener.incCounter();
- for (unsigned z = 0; z<(*logs)[i].changedPaths.count();++z) {
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "rev",
- TQString::number( (*logs)[i].revision));
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "path",urls[j].path());
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "loggedpath",
- (*logs)[i].changedPaths[z].path);
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "loggedaction",
- TQChar((*logs)[i].changedPaths[z].action));
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "loggedcopyfrompath",
- (*logs)[i].changedPaths[z].copyFromPath);
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "loggedcopyfromrevision",
- TQString::number((*logs)[i].changedPaths[z].copyFromRevision));
- m_pData->m_Listener.incCounter();
- }
- }
- }
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::revert(const KURL::List&l)
- TQValueList<svn::Path> list;
- for (unsigned j=0; j<l.count();++j) {
- list.append(svn::Path(l[j].path()));
- }
- svn::Targets target(list);
- try {
- m_pData->m_Svnclient->revert(target,svn::DepthEmpty);
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,e.msg());
- }
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::wc_switch(const KURL&wc,const KURL&target,bool rec,int rev,const TQString&revstring)
- svn::Revision where(rev,revstring);
- svn::Path wc_path(wc.path());
- try {
- m_pData->m_Svnclient->doSwitch(wc_path,makeSvnUrl(target.url()),where,rec?svn::DepthInfinity:svn::DepthFiles);
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,e.msg());
- }
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::diff(const KURL&uri1,const KURL&uri2,int rnum1,const TQString&rstring1,int rnum2, const TQString&rstring2,bool rec)
- TQByteArray ex;
- /// @todo read settings for diff (ignore contentype)
- try {
- svn::Revision r1(rnum1,rstring1);
- svn::Revision r2(rnum2,rstring2);
- TQString u1 = makeSvnUrl(uri1,true);
- TQString u2 = makeSvnUrl(uri2,true);
- KTempDir tdir;
- kdDebug() << "tdeio_ksvn::diff : " << u1 << " at revision " << r1.toString() << " with "
- << u2 << " at revision " << r2.toString()
- << endl ;
- tdir.setAutoDelete(true);
- ex = m_pData->m_Svnclient->diff(svn::Path(,
- u1,u2,svn::Path(),r1, r2,rec?svn::DepthInfinity:svn::DepthEmpty,false,false,false);
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,e.msg());
- return;
- }
- TQString out = TQString::FROMUTF8(ex);
- TQTextIStream stream(&out);
- while (!stream.atEnd()) {
- setMetaData(TQString::number(m_pData->m_Listener.counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "diffresult",stream.readLine());
- m_pData->m_Listener.incCounter();
- }
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::import(const KURL& repos, const KURL& wc)
- try {
- TQString target = makeSvnUrl(repos);
- TQString path = wc.path();
- m_pData->m_Svnclient->import(svn::Path(path),target,TQString(),svn::DepthInfinity,false,false);
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,e.msg());
- return;
- }
- finished();
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::add(const KURL& wc)
- TQString path = wc.path();
- try {
- /* rec */
- m_pData->m_Svnclient->add(svn::Path(path),svn::DepthInfinity);
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,e.msg());
- return;
- }
- finished();
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::wc_delete(const KURL::List&l)
- svn::Pathes p;
- for ( TQValueListConstIterator<KURL> it = l.begin(); it != l.end() ; ++it ) {
- p.append((*it).path());
- }
- try {
- m_pData->m_Svnclient->remove(svn::Targets(p),false);
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,e.msg());
- return;
- }
- finished();
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::wc_resolve(const KURL&url,bool recurse)
- try {
- svn::Depth depth=recurse?svn::DepthInfinity:svn::DepthEmpty;
- m_pData->m_Svnclient->resolve(url.path(),depth);
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,e.msg());
- return;
- }
- finished();
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::streamWritten(const TDEIO::filesize_t current)
- processedSize(current);
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::streamSendMime(KMimeMagicResult* mt)
- if (mt) {
- mimeType(mt->mimeType());
- }
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::streamPushData(TQByteArray array)
- data(array);
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::contextProgress(long long int current, long long int)
- if (m_pData->dispProgress) {
- processedSize(current);
- }
-void tdeio_svnProtocol::streamTotalSizeNull()
- totalSize(0);
- \fn tdeio_svnProtocol::getDefaultLog()
- */
-TQString tdeio_svnProtocol::getDefaultLog()
- TQString res = TQString();
- Kdesvnsettings::self()->readConfig();
- if (Kdesvnsettings::tdeio_use_standard_logmsg()) {
- res = Kdesvnsettings::tdeio_standard_logmsg();
- }
- return res;
-} // namespace TDEIO
diff --git a/src/kiosvn/kiosvn.h b/src/kiosvn/kiosvn.h
deleted file mode 100644
index eca379a..0000000
--- a/src/kiosvn/kiosvn.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Rajko Albrecht *
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
- * GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the *
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#ifndef KIOSVN_H
-#define KIOSVN_H
-#include "kiobytestream.h"
-#include <tqstring.h>
-#include <tqcstring.h>
-#include <kurl.h>
-#include <tdeio/global.h>
-#include <tdeio/slavebase.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <tqvaluelist.h>
-namespace TDEIO
-class KioSvnData;
-@author Rajko Albrecht
-class tdeio_svnProtocol : public TDEIO::SlaveBase,public StreamWrittenCb
- tdeio_svnProtocol(const TQCString &pool_socket, const TQCString &app_socket);
- virtual ~tdeio_svnProtocol();
- virtual void listDir (const KURL&url);
- virtual void stat(const KURL& url);
- virtual void get(const KURL& url);
- virtual void mkdir (const KURL &url, int permissions);
- virtual void mkdir (const KURL::List &urls, int permissions);
- virtual void rename(const KURL&src,const KURL&target,bool force);
- virtual void del(const KURL&url,bool isfile);
- virtual void copy(const KURL&src,const KURL&dest,int permissions,bool overwrite);
- virtual void checkout(const KURL&src,const KURL&target,const int rev, const TQString&revstring);
- virtual void svnlog(int,const TQString&,int, const TQString&, const KURL::List&);
- virtual void revert(const KURL::List&);
- virtual void wc_switch(const KURL&,const KURL&,bool,int,const TQString&);
- virtual void diff(const KURL&,const KURL&,int,const TQString&,int, const TQString&,bool);
- virtual void import( const KURL& repos, const KURL& wc);
- virtual void add(const KURL& wc);
- virtual void wc_delete(const KURL::List&);
- virtual void special(const TQByteArray& data);
- virtual void wc_resolve(const KURL&,bool);
- /* looked on kio::svn from tdesdk */
- enum KSVN_METHOD {
- /* KURL repository, KURL target, int revnumber, TQString revkind */
- /* KURL wc, int revnumber, TQString revkind */
- /* refkind may empty or HEAD or START, will get parsed if revnumber is -1 */
- /* KURL::List */
- /* int revstart, TQString revstartstring, int revend, TQString revendstring, KURL::List */
- SVN_LOG=4,
- /* KURL */
- SVN_ADD=6,
- /*KURL::List */
- SVN_DEL=7,
- /* KURL::List */
- /* KURL wc,bool checkRepos, bool recurse */
- /* KURL::List */
- /* KURL, bool */
- /* KURL working copy, KURL new_repository_url, bool recurse, int rev, TQString revstring */
- /* KURL uri1, KURL uri2, int r1, TQString rstring1, int r2, TQString rstring 2, bool recursive */
- };
- void contextProgress(long long int current, long long int max);
- virtual void streamWritten(const TDEIO::filesize_t current);
- virtual void streamPushData(TQByteArray);
- virtual void streamSendMime(KMimeMagicResult*mt);
- virtual void streamTotalSizeNull();
- virtual void commit(const KURL::List&);
- virtual void status(const KURL&,bool,bool);
- virtual void update(const KURL&,int,const TQString&);
- KioSvnData*m_pData;
- bool createUDSEntry( const TQString& filename, const TQString& user, long long int size, bool isdir, time_t mtime, TDEIO::UDSEntry& entry);
- TQString makeSvnUrl(const KURL&url,bool check_wc=true);
- bool checkWc(const KURL&url);
- bool getLogMsg(TQString&);
- TQString getDefaultLog();
diff --git a/src/kiosvn/ksvn+file.protocol b/src/kiosvn/ksvn+file.protocol
deleted file mode 100644
index 290ced2..0000000
--- a/src/kiosvn/ksvn+file.protocol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Description=Subversion ioslave
-Description[br]=Sklav E/D Subversion
-Description[ca]=Ioslave de Subversion
-Description[cs]=Subversion protokol
-Description[de]=Ein-/Ausgabemodul für Subversion
-Description[es]=El ioslave de Subversion
-Description[et]=Subversioni IO-moodul
-Description[fr]=ioslave subversion
-Description[ga]=ioslave Subversion
-Description[hu]=Subversion KDE-protokoll
-Description[it]=Slave I/O di Subversion
-Description[pl]=Wtyczka protokołu Subversion
-Description[pt]='Ioslave' para Subversion
-Description[pt_BR]=ioslave de Subversão
-Description[ru]=Доступ к хранилищу Subversion
-Description[sl]=ioslave za Subversion
-Description[sr]=IOSlave за Subversion
-Description[sr@Latn]=IOSlave za Subversion
-Description[sv]=Subversion I/O-slav
-Description[tr]=Alt Version ioslave
-Description[uk]=Підлеглий В/В Subversion
-Description[xx]=xxSubversion ioslavexx
diff --git a/src/kiosvn/ksvn+http.protocol b/src/kiosvn/ksvn+http.protocol
deleted file mode 100644
index 433de96..0000000
--- a/src/kiosvn/ksvn+http.protocol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Description=Subversion ioslave
-Description[br]=Sklav E/D Subversion
-Description[ca]=Ioslave de Subversion
-Description[cs]=Subversion protokol
-Description[de]=Ein-/Ausgabemodul für Subversion
-Description[es]=El ioslave de Subversion
-Description[et]=Subversioni IO-moodul
-Description[fr]=ioslave subversion
-Description[ga]=ioslave Subversion
-Description[hu]=Subversion KDE-protokoll
-Description[it]=Slave I/O di Subversion
-Description[pl]=Wtyczka protokołu Subversion
-Description[pt]='Ioslave' para Subversion
-Description[pt_BR]=ioslave de Subversão
-Description[ru]=Доступ к хранилищу Subversion
-Description[sl]=ioslave za Subversion
-Description[sr]=IOSlave за Subversion
-Description[sr@Latn]=IOSlave za Subversion
-Description[sv]=Subversion I/O-slav
-Description[tr]=Alt Version ioslave
-Description[uk]=Підлеглий В/В Subversion
-Description[xx]=xxSubversion ioslavexx
diff --git a/src/kiosvn/ksvn+https.protocol b/src/kiosvn/ksvn+https.protocol
deleted file mode 100644
index 76a79d1..0000000
--- a/src/kiosvn/ksvn+https.protocol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Description=Subversion ioslave
-Description[br]=Sklav E/D Subversion
-Description[ca]=Ioslave de Subversion
-Description[cs]=Subversion protokol
-Description[de]=Ein-/Ausgabemodul für Subversion
-Description[es]=El ioslave de Subversion
-Description[et]=Subversioni IO-moodul
-Description[fr]=ioslave subversion
-Description[ga]=ioslave Subversion
-Description[hu]=Subversion KDE-protokoll
-Description[it]=Slave I/O di Subversion
-Description[pl]=Wtyczka protokołu Subversion
-Description[pt]='Ioslave' para Subversion
-Description[pt_BR]=ioslave de Subversão
-Description[ru]=Доступ к хранилищу Subversion
-Description[sl]=ioslave za Subversion
-Description[sr]=IOSlave за Subversion
-Description[sr@Latn]=IOSlave za Subversion
-Description[sv]=Subversion I/O-slav
-Description[tr]=Alt Version ioslave
-Description[uk]=Підлеглий В/В Subversion
-Description[xx]=xxSubversion ioslavexx
diff --git a/src/kiosvn/ksvn+ssh.protocol b/src/kiosvn/ksvn+ssh.protocol
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ed1e97..0000000
--- a/src/kiosvn/ksvn+ssh.protocol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Description=Subversion ioslave
-Description[br]=Sklav E/D Subversion
-Description[ca]=Ioslave de Subversion
-Description[cs]=Subversion protokol
-Description[de]=Ein-/Ausgabemodul für Subversion
-Description[es]=El ioslave de Subversion
-Description[et]=Subversioni IO-moodul
-Description[fr]=ioslave subversion
-Description[ga]=ioslave Subversion
-Description[hu]=Subversion KDE-protokoll
-Description[it]=Slave I/O di Subversion
-Description[pl]=Wtyczka protokołu Subversion
-Description[pt]='Ioslave' para Subversion
-Description[pt_BR]=ioslave de Subversão
-Description[ru]=Доступ к хранилищу Subversion
-Description[sl]=ioslave za Subversion
-Description[sr]=IOSlave за Subversion
-Description[sr@Latn]=IOSlave za Subversion
-Description[sv]=Subversion I/O-slav
-Description[tr]=Alt Version ioslave
-Description[uk]=Підлеглий В/В Subversion
-Description[xx]=xxSubversion ioslavexx
diff --git a/src/kiosvn/ksvn.protocol b/src/kiosvn/ksvn.protocol
deleted file mode 100644
index ff40599..0000000
--- a/src/kiosvn/ksvn.protocol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Description=Subversion ioslave
-Description[br]=Sklav E/D Subversion
-Description[ca]=Ioslave de Subversion
-Description[cs]=Subversion protokol
-Description[de]=Ein-/Ausgabemodul für Subversion
-Description[es]=El ioslave de Subversion
-Description[et]=Subversioni IO-moodul
-Description[fr]=ioslave subversion
-Description[ga]=ioslave Subversion
-Description[hu]=Subversion KDE-protokoll
-Description[it]=Slave I/O di Subversion
-Description[pl]=Wtyczka protokołu Subversion
-Description[pt]='Ioslave' para Subversion
-Description[pt_BR]=ioslave de Subversão
-Description[ru]=Доступ к хранилищу Subversion
-Description[sl]=ioslave za Subversion
-Description[sr]=IOSlave за Subversion
-Description[sr@Latn]=IOSlave za Subversion
-Description[sv]=Subversion I/O-slav
-Description[tr]=Alt Version ioslave
-Description[uk]=Підлеглий В/В Subversion
-Description[xx]=xxSubversion ioslavexx
diff --git a/src/kiosvn/svn+file.protocol b/src/kiosvn/svn+file.protocol
deleted file mode 100644
index b6664ba..0000000
--- a/src/kiosvn/svn+file.protocol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Description=Subversion ioslave
-Description[br]=Sklav E/D Subversion
-Description[ca]=Ioslave de Subversion
-Description[cs]=Subversion protokol
-Description[de]=Ein-/Ausgabemodul für Subversion
-Description[es]=El ioslave de Subversion
-Description[et]=Subversioni IO-moodul
-Description[fr]=ioslave subversion
-Description[ga]=ioslave Subversion
-Description[hu]=Subversion KDE-protokoll
-Description[it]=Slave I/O di Subversion
-Description[pl]=Wtyczka protokołu Subversion
-Description[pt]='Ioslave' para Subversion
-Description[pt_BR]=ioslave de Subversão
-Description[ru]=Доступ к хранилищу Subversion
-Description[sl]=ioslave za Subversion
-Description[sr]=IOSlave за Subversion
-Description[sr@Latn]=IOSlave za Subversion
-Description[sv]=Subversion I/O-slav
-Description[tr]=Alt Version ioslave
-Description[uk]=Підлеглий В/В Subversion
-Description[xx]=xxSubversion ioslavexx
diff --git a/src/kiosvn/svn+http.protocol b/src/kiosvn/svn+http.protocol
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fec975..0000000
--- a/src/kiosvn/svn+http.protocol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Description=Subversion ioslave
-Description[br]=Sklav E/D Subversion
-Description[ca]=Ioslave de Subversion
-Description[cs]=Subversion protokol
-Description[de]=Ein-/Ausgabemodul für Subversion
-Description[es]=El ioslave de Subversion
-Description[et]=Subversioni IO-moodul
-Description[fr]=ioslave subversion
-Description[ga]=ioslave Subversion
-Description[hu]=Subversion KDE-protokoll
-Description[it]=Slave I/O di Subversion
-Description[pl]=Wtyczka protokołu Subversion
-Description[pt]='Ioslave' para Subversion
-Description[pt_BR]=ioslave de Subversão
-Description[ru]=Доступ к хранилищу Subversion
-Description[sl]=ioslave za Subversion
-Description[sr]=IOSlave за Subversion
-Description[sr@Latn]=IOSlave za Subversion
-Description[sv]=Subversion I/O-slav
-Description[tr]=Alt Version ioslave
-Description[uk]=Підлеглий В/В Subversion
-Description[xx]=xxSubversion ioslavexx
diff --git a/src/kiosvn/svn+https.protocol b/src/kiosvn/svn+https.protocol
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f32bdd..0000000
--- a/src/kiosvn/svn+https.protocol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Description=Subversion ioslave
-Description[br]=Sklav E/D Subversion
-Description[ca]=Ioslave de Subversion
-Description[cs]=Subversion protokol
-Description[de]=Ein-/Ausgabemodul für Subversion
-Description[es]=El ioslave de Subversion
-Description[et]=Subversioni IO-moodul
-Description[fr]=ioslave subversion
-Description[ga]=ioslave Subversion
-Description[hu]=Subversion KDE-protokoll
-Description[it]=Slave I/O di Subversion
-Description[pl]=Wtyczka protokołu Subversion
-Description[pt]='Ioslave' para Subversion
-Description[pt_BR]=ioslave de Subversão
-Description[ru]=Доступ к хранилищу Subversion
-Description[sl]=ioslave za Subversion
-Description[sr]=IOSlave за Subversion
-Description[sr@Latn]=IOSlave za Subversion
-Description[sv]=Subversion I/O-slav
-Description[tr]=Alt Version ioslave
-Description[uk]=Підлеглий В/В Subversion
-Description[xx]=xxSubversion ioslavexx
diff --git a/src/kiosvn/svn+ssh.protocol b/src/kiosvn/svn+ssh.protocol
deleted file mode 100644
index 90c4ae7..0000000
--- a/src/kiosvn/svn+ssh.protocol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Description=Subversion ioslave
-Description[br]=Sklav E/D Subversion
-Description[ca]=Ioslave de Subversion
-Description[cs]=Subversion protokol
-Description[de]=Ein-/Ausgabemodul für Subversion
-Description[es]=El ioslave de Subversion
-Description[et]=Subversioni IO-moodul
-Description[fr]=ioslave subversion
-Description[ga]=ioslave Subversion
-Description[hu]=Subversion KDE-protokoll
-Description[it]=Slave I/O di Subversion
-Description[pl]=Wtyczka protokołu Subversion
-Description[pt]='Ioslave' para Subversion
-Description[pt_BR]=ioslave de Subversão
-Description[ru]=Доступ к хранилищу Subversion
-Description[sl]=ioslave za Subversion
-Description[sr]=IOSlave за Subversion
-Description[sr@Latn]=IOSlave za Subversion
-Description[sv]=Subversion I/O-slav
-Description[tr]=Alt Version ioslave
-Description[uk]=Підлеглий В/В Subversion
-Description[xx]=xxSubversion ioslavexx
diff --git a/src/kiosvn/svn.protocol b/src/kiosvn/svn.protocol
deleted file mode 100644
index d461e7f..0000000
--- a/src/kiosvn/svn.protocol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Description=Subversion ioslave
-Description[br]=Sklav E/D Subversion
-Description[ca]=Ioslave de Subversion
-Description[cs]=Subversion protokol
-Description[de]=Ein-/Ausgabemodul für Subversion
-Description[es]=El ioslave de Subversion
-Description[et]=Subversioni IO-moodul
-Description[fr]=ioslave subversion
-Description[ga]=ioslave Subversion
-Description[hu]=Subversion KDE-protokoll
-Description[it]=Slave I/O di Subversion
-Description[pl]=Wtyczka protokołu Subversion
-Description[pt]='Ioslave' para Subversion
-Description[pt_BR]=ioslave de Subversão
-Description[ru]=Доступ к хранилищу Subversion
-Description[sl]=ioslave za Subversion
-Description[sr]=IOSlave за Subversion
-Description[sr@Latn]=IOSlave za Subversion
-Description[sv]=Subversion I/O-slav
-Description[tr]=Alt Version ioslave
-Description[uk]=Підлеглий В/В Subversion
-Description[xx]=xxSubversion ioslavexx