/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Rajko Albrecht * * ral@alwins-world.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "tdeiolistener.h" #include "tdeiosvn.h" #include <kdebug.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <dcopclient.h> namespace TDEIO { KioListener::KioListener(TDEIO::tdeio_svnProtocol*_par) : svn::ContextListener(),m_notifyCounter(0),m_External(false),m_HasChanges(false),m_FirstTxDelta(false),m_Canceld(false) { par = _par; } KioListener::~KioListener() { } /*! \fn KioListener::contextCancel() */ bool KioListener::contextCancel() { return par->wasKilled()||m_Canceld; } /*! \fn KioListener::contextGetLogMessage (TQString & msg) */ bool KioListener::contextGetLogMessage (TQString & msg,const svn::CommitItemList&_items) { #if 1 TQByteArray reply; TQByteArray params; TQCString replyType; TQDataStream stream(params,IO_WriteOnly); if (_items.count()>0) { TQMap<TQString,TQString> list; for (unsigned i = 0;i<_items.count();++i) { if (_items[i].path().isEmpty()) { list[_items[i].url()]=TQChar(_items[i].actionType()); } else { list[_items[i].path()]=TQChar(_items[i].actionType()); } } stream << list; if (!par->dcopClient()->call("kded","tdesvnd","get_logmsg(TQMap<TQString,TQString>)",params,replyType,reply)) { msg = "Communication with dcop failed"; kdWarning()<<msg<<endl; return false; } } else { if (!par->dcopClient()->call("kded","tdesvnd","get_logmsg()",params,replyType,reply)) { msg = "Communication with dcop failed"; kdWarning()<<msg<<endl; return false; } } if (replyType!="TQStringList") { msg = "Wrong reply type"; kdWarning()<<msg<<endl; return false; } TQDataStream stream2(reply,IO_ReadOnly); TQStringList lt; stream2>>lt; if (lt.count()!=1) { msg = "Wrong or missing log (may cancel pressed)."; kdDebug()<< msg << endl; return false; } msg = lt[0]; #else msg = "Made with a tdeio::svn client"; #endif return true; } /*! the content of that method is taken from the notify in tdeio::svn in KDE SDK */ /* this moment we don't use it full 'cause not all is made via TDEIO */ void KioListener::contextNotify (const char * path,svn_wc_notify_action_t action,svn_node_kind_t kind ,const char * mime_type ,svn_wc_notify_state_t content_state, svn_wc_notify_state_t prop_state,svn_revnum_t revision) { if (par->wasKilled()) { return; } TQString userstring; switch(action) { case svn_wc_notify_add: { if (mime_type && (svn_mime_type_is_binary (mime_type))) userstring = i18n( "A (bin) %1" ).arg( path ); else userstring = i18n( "A %1" ).arg( path ); break; } break; case svn_wc_notify_copy: //copy break; case svn_wc_notify_delete: //delete m_HasChanges = true; userstring = i18n( "D %1" ).arg( path ); break; case svn_wc_notify_restore : //restore userstring=i18n( "Restored %1." ).arg( path ); break; case svn_wc_notify_revert : //revert userstring=i18n( "Reverted %1." ).arg( path ); break; case svn_wc_notify_failed_revert: //failed revert userstring=i18n( "Failed to revert %1.\nTry updating instead." ).arg( path ); break; case svn_wc_notify_resolved: //resolved userstring=i18n( "Resolved conflicted state of %1." ).arg( path ); break; case svn_wc_notify_skip: //skip if ( content_state == svn_wc_notify_state_missing ) userstring=i18n("Skipped missing target %1.").arg( path ); else userstring=i18n("Skipped %1.").arg( path ); break; case svn_wc_notify_update_delete: //update_delete m_HasChanges = true; userstring=i18n( "D %1" ).arg( path ); break; case svn_wc_notify_update_add: //update_add m_HasChanges = true; userstring=i18n( "A %1" ).arg( path ); break; case svn_wc_notify_update_update: //update_update { /* If this is an inoperative dir change, do no notification. An inoperative dir change is when a directory gets closed without any props having been changed. */ if (! ((kind == svn_node_dir) && ((prop_state == svn_wc_notify_state_inapplicable) || (prop_state == svn_wc_notify_state_unknown) || (prop_state == svn_wc_notify_state_unchanged)))) { m_HasChanges = true; if (kind == svn_node_file) { if (content_state == svn_wc_notify_state_conflicted) userstring = "C"; else if (content_state == svn_wc_notify_state_merged) userstring = "G"; else if (content_state == svn_wc_notify_state_changed) userstring = "U"; } if (prop_state == svn_wc_notify_state_conflicted) userstring += "C"; else if (prop_state == svn_wc_notify_state_merged) userstring += "G"; else if (prop_state == svn_wc_notify_state_changed) userstring += "U"; else userstring += " "; if (! ((content_state == svn_wc_notify_state_unchanged || content_state == svn_wc_notify_state_unknown) && (prop_state == svn_wc_notify_state_unchanged || prop_state == svn_wc_notify_state_unknown))) userstring += TQString( " " ) + path; } break; } case svn_wc_notify_update_completed: //update_completed { if (!m_External) { if (SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM(revision)) { userstring = i18n("Finished at revision %1.").arg(revision); } else { userstring = i18n("Finished."); } } else { if (SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM(revision)) { userstring = i18n("Finished external at revision %1.").arg(revision); } else { userstring = i18n("Finished external."); } } } if (m_External) m_External = false; break; case svn_wc_notify_update_external: //update_external m_External = true; userstring = i18n("Fetching external item into %1." ).arg( path ); break; case svn_wc_notify_status_completed: //status_completed if (SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM (revision)) userstring = i18n( "Status against revision: %1.").arg( revision ); break; case svn_wc_notify_status_external: //status_external userstring = i18n("Performing status on external item at %1.").arg( path ); break; case svn_wc_notify_commit_modified: //commit_modified userstring = i18n( "Sending %1.").arg( path ); break; case svn_wc_notify_commit_added: //commit_added if (mime_type && svn_mime_type_is_binary (mime_type)) { userstring = i18n( "Adding (bin) %1.").arg( path ); } else { userstring = i18n( "Adding %1.").arg( path ); } break; case svn_wc_notify_commit_deleted: //commit_deleted userstring = i18n( "Deleting %1.").arg( path ); break; case svn_wc_notify_commit_replaced: //commit_replaced userstring = i18n( "Replacing %1.").arg( path ); break; case svn_wc_notify_commit_postfix_txdelta: //commit_postfix_txdelta if (!m_FirstTxDelta) { m_FirstTxDelta = true; // check fullstops! userstring=i18n("Transmitting file data "); } else { userstring="."; } break; break; case svn_wc_notify_blame_revision: //blame_revision break; default: break; } par->setMetaData(TQString::number(counter()).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "path" , TQString::FROMUTF8( path )); par->setMetaData(TQString::number( counter() ).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "action", TQString::number( action )); par->setMetaData(TQString::number( counter() ).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "kind", TQString::number( kind )); par->setMetaData(TQString::number( counter() ).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "mime_t", TQString::FROMUTF8( mime_type )); par->setMetaData(TQString::number( counter() ).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "content", TQString::number( content_state )); par->setMetaData(TQString::number( counter() ).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "prop", TQString::number( prop_state )); par->setMetaData(TQString::number( counter() ).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "rev", TQString::number( revision )); par->setMetaData(TQString::number( counter() ).rightJustify( 10,'0' )+ "string", userstring ); incCounter(); } void KioListener::contextNotify (const svn_wc_notify_t *action) { if (!action) return; // if (action->action<svn_wc_notify_locked) { contextNotify(action->path,action->action,action->kind,action->mime_type, action->content_state,action->prop_state,action->revision); // return; // } // TQString aString = NotifyAction(action->action); } svn::ContextListener::SslServerTrustAnswer KioListener::contextSslServerTrustPrompt (const SslServerTrustData & data, apr_uint32_t & acceptedFailures) { TQByteArray reply; TQByteArray params; TQCString replyType; TQDataStream stream(params,IO_WriteOnly); stream << data.hostname << data.fingerprint << data.validFrom << data.validUntil << data.issuerDName << data.realm; if (!par->dcopClient()->call("kded","tdesvnd", "get_sslaccept(TQString,TQString,TQString,TQString,TQString,TQString)", params,replyType,reply)) { kdWarning()<<"Communication with dcop failed"<<endl; return DONT_ACCEPT; } if (replyType!="int") { kdWarning()<<"Wrong reply type"<<endl; return DONT_ACCEPT; } TQDataStream stream2(reply,IO_ReadOnly); int res; stream2>>res; switch (res) { case -1: return DONT_ACCEPT; break; case 1: return ACCEPT_PERMANENTLY; break; default: case 0: return ACCEPT_TEMPORARILY; break; } /* avoid compiler warnings */ return ACCEPT_TEMPORARILY; } bool KioListener::contextLoadSslClientCertPw(TQString&password,const TQString&realm) { return PwStorage::self()->getCertPw(realm,password); } bool KioListener::contextSslClientCertPrompt (TQString & certFile) { TQByteArray reply; TQByteArray params; TQCString replyType; if (!par->dcopClient()->call("kded","tdesvnd", "get_sslclientcertfile()", params,replyType,reply)) { kdWarning()<<"Communication with dcop failed"<<endl; return false; } if (replyType!="TQString") { kdWarning()<<"Wrong reply type"<<endl; return false; } TQDataStream stream2(reply,IO_ReadOnly); stream2>>certFile; if (certFile.isEmpty()) { return false; } return true; } bool KioListener::contextSslClientCertPwPrompt (TQString & password, const TQString & realm, bool & maySave) { return false; } bool KioListener::contextGetSavedLogin (const TQString & realm,TQString & username,TQString & password) { PwStorage::self()->getLogin(realm,username,password); return true; } bool KioListener::contextGetCachedLogin (const TQString & realm,TQString & username,TQString & password) { return true; } bool KioListener::contextGetLogin (const TQString & realm, TQString & username, TQString & password, bool & maySave) { TQByteArray reply; TQByteArray params; TQCString replyType; TQDataStream stream(params,IO_WriteOnly); stream << realm; stream << username; if (!par->dcopClient()->call("kded","tdesvnd","get_login(TQString,TQString)",params,replyType,reply)) { kdWarning()<<"Communication with dcop failed"<<endl; return false; } if (replyType!="TQStringList") { kdWarning()<<"Wrong reply type"<<endl; return false; } TQDataStream stream2(reply,IO_ReadOnly); TQStringList lt; stream2>>lt; if (lt.count()!=3) { kdDebug()<<"Wrong or missing auth list (may cancel pressed)." << endl; return false; } username = lt[0]; password = lt[1]; maySave = lt[2]=="true"; return true; } /*! \fn KioListener::contextProgress(long long int current, long long int max) */ void KioListener::contextProgress(long long int cur, long long int max) { if (par) { par->contextProgress(cur,max); } } } // namespace TDEIO