/* * Mouspedometa * Based on the original Xodometer VMS/Motif sources. * * Written by Armen Nakashian * Compaq Computer Corporation * Houston TX * 22 May 1998 * * If you make improvements or enhancements to Mouspedometa, please send * them back to the author at any of the following addresses: * * armen@nakashian.com * * Thanks to Mark Granoff for writing the original Xodometer, and * the whole KDE team for making such a nice environment to write * programs in. * * * This software is provided as is with no warranty of any kind, * expressed or implied. Neither Digital Equipment Corporation nor * Armen Nakashian will be held accountable for your use of this * software. */ #include "kodometer.h" const double speedInterval = 500.0; const double distanceInterval = 10.0; const int speedSamples = 10; static struct conversionEntry ConversionTable[MAX_UNIT] = { {inch, I18N_NOOP("inch"), I18N_NOOP("inches"), 12.0, 2.54, I18N_NOOP("cm"), I18N_NOOP("cm"), 100.0, 3}, {foot, I18N_NOOP("foot"), I18N_NOOP("feet"), 5280.0, 0.3048, I18N_NOOP("meter"), I18N_NOOP("meters"), 1000.0, 4}, {mile, I18N_NOOP("mile"), I18N_NOOP("miles"), -1.0, 1.609344, I18N_NOOP("km"), I18N_NOOP("km"), -1.0, 5}}; /* * Set the program up, do lots of ugly initialization. * Note that we use installEventFilter on the two KImageNumber's * to make clicks on them bring up the context-menu. */ Kodometer::Kodometer(TQWidget* parent, const char* name) : TQFrame(parent, name), dontRefresh(false), speed(0.0), lastDistance(0.0), XCoord(0), YCoord(0), lastXCoord(0), lastYCoord(0), pointerScreen(-1), lastPointerScreen(-1), Enabled(true), cyclesSinceLastSave(0), pollInterval(10), saveFrequency(10) { display = tdeApp->getDisplay(); FindAllScreens(); root = RootWindow(display, DefaultScreen(display)); readSettings(); if(AutoReset) { dontRefresh = true; resetTrip(); dontRefresh = false; } lastDistance = Distance; lastDUnit = distanceUnit; lastTUnit = tripDistanceUnit; totalLabel = new KImageNumber(locate("appdata", "numbers.png"), this); tripLabel = new KImageNumber(locate("appdata", "numbers.png"), this); totalLabel->installEventFilter(this); tripLabel->installEventFilter(this); // setup help menu help = new KHelpMenu(this, TDEGlobal::instance()->aboutData(), false); TDEPopupMenu* helpMnu = help->menu(); // Make the popup menu menu = new TDEPopupMenu(); menu->insertTitle(tdeApp->miniIcon(), TDEGlobal::instance()->aboutData()->programName()); enabledID = menu->insertItem(i18n("&Enable"), this, TQ_SLOT(toggleEnabled())); metricID = menu->insertItem(i18n("&Metric Display"), this, TQ_SLOT(toggleUnits())); autoResetID = menu->insertItem(i18n("Auto &Reset Trip"), this, TQ_SLOT(toggleAutoReset())); menu->insertItem(i18n("Reset &Trip"), this, TQ_SLOT(resetTrip())); menu->insertItem(i18n("Reset &Odometer"), this, TQ_SLOT(resetTotal())); menu->insertSeparator(); menu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("help"), i18n("&Help"), helpMnu); menu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("system-log-out"), i18n("&Quit"), this, TQ_SLOT(quit())); menu->setCheckable(true); menu->setItemChecked(enabledID, Enabled); menu->setItemChecked(metricID, UseMetric); menu->setItemChecked(autoResetID, AutoReset); //start the timers that will rifresh the counter distanceID = startTimer((int)distanceInterval); speedID = startTimer((int)speedInterval); tripLabel->move(0, totalLabel->height()); setFixedSize(tripLabel->width(), totalLabel->height() + tripLabel->height()); UseMetric =! UseMetric; toggleUnits(); refresh(); } /* * Now I'm not really sure what this does. I assume its here to find * all the displays on your system, and measure them. During the mouse * tracking phase, we use the information stored here to determine how * far the mouse moved on a given screen. * * The point is, since you might have one 17" screen and on 21" screen, * lets measure them differently. Surely this level of accurasy is * only provide to prove that the original author was a man's man. */ void Kodometer::FindAllScreens(void) { int Dh, DhMM, Dw, DwMM; double vPixelsPerMM, hPixelsPerMM; screenCount = ScreenCount(display); // kdDebug() << "Display has " << screenCount << // " screen" << (screenCount == 1 ? "" : "s") << endl; for(int i = 0; i < screenCount; i++) { // kdDebug() << "Screen " << i << endl; screenInfo[i].root = RootWindow(display, i); screenInfo[i].scr = XScreenOfDisplay(display, i); screenInfo[i].height = Dh = HeightOfScreen(screenInfo[i].scr); DhMM = HeightMMOfScreen(screenInfo[i].scr); screenInfo[i].width = Dw = WidthOfScreen(screenInfo[i].scr); DwMM = WidthMMOfScreen(screenInfo[i].scr); // kdDebug() << " Height is " << Dh << " pixels (" << DhMM << // "mm)" << endl; // kdDebug() << " Width is " << Dw << " pixels (" << DwMM << // "mm)" << endl; vPixelsPerMM = (double)Dh / (double)DhMM; hPixelsPerMM = (double)Dw / (double)DwMM; screenInfo[i].PixelsPerMM = (vPixelsPerMM + hPixelsPerMM) / 2.0; // kdDebug() << " Vertical pixels/mm are " << vPixelsPerMM << // "mm" << endl; // kdDebug() << " Horizontal pixels/mm are " << hPixelsPerMM << // "mm" << endl; // kdDebug() << " Average pixels/mm are " << // screenInfo[i].PixelsPerMM << "mm" << endl; } } /* * Here's where we override events to the KImgNum's to display * the context menu */ bool Kodometer::eventFilter( TQObject *, TQEvent *e ) { if ( e->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonPress ) { mousePressEvent((TQMouseEvent*)e); return true; } return false; } /* * Show the context menu */ void Kodometer::mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent* e) { //FIXME fix this! //dontRefresh = true; menu->popup(mapToGlobal(e->pos())); } /* * Called when the timer expires to query the pointer position, * compare it to the last known position, and then to calculate * the distance moved. */ void Kodometer::timerEvent(TQTimerEvent* e) { if (Enabled) { if(e->timerId() == distanceID) { lastPointerScreen = pointerScreen; lastXCoord = XCoord; lastYCoord = YCoord; XQueryPointer (display, root, &RootIDRet, &ChildIDRet, &XCoord, &YCoord, &WinX, &WinY, &StateMask); if (CalcDistance()) { // kdDebug() << "Mouse moved" << endl; if (!dontRefresh) { refresh(); cyclesSinceLastSave++; } } } } } // Guess! void Kodometer::toggleEnabled() { Enabled = !Enabled; menu->setItemChecked(enabledID,Enabled); refresh(); } // Try again! void Kodometer::toggleAutoReset() { AutoReset = !AutoReset; menu->setItemChecked(autoResetID,AutoReset); refresh(); } // You're getting warm! void Kodometer::toggleUnits() { UseMetric =! UseMetric; menu->setItemChecked(metricID, UseMetric); TQToolTip::remove(totalLabel); TQToolTip::remove(tripLabel); if(!UseMetric) { TQToolTip::add(totalLabel, i18n(ConversionTable[distanceUnit].fromUnitTagPlural)); TQToolTip::add(tripLabel, i18n(ConversionTable[tripDistanceUnit].fromUnitTagPlural)); } else { TQToolTip::add(totalLabel, i18n(ConversionTable[distanceUnit].toUnitTagPlural)); TQToolTip::add(tripLabel, i18n(ConversionTable[tripDistanceUnit].toUnitTagPlural)); } refresh(); } // Were you dropped on your head as a child? void Kodometer::resetTrip() { TripDistance = 0.0; tripDistanceUnit = inch; if (!dontRefresh) refresh(); } // I was! void Kodometer::resetTotal() { resetTrip(); Distance = 0.0; distanceUnit = inch; TripDistance = 0.0; tripDistanceUnit = inch; refresh(); } /* * Set the values in all the KImgNums, do metric conversions, * and make the screen look like reality. */ void Kodometer::refresh(void) { if(distanceUnit != lastDUnit) { lastDUnit = distanceUnit; TQToolTip::remove(totalLabel); if(!UseMetric) TQToolTip::add(totalLabel, i18n(ConversionTable[distanceUnit].fromUnitTagPlural)); else TQToolTip::add(totalLabel, i18n(ConversionTable[distanceUnit].toUnitTagPlural)); } if(tripDistanceUnit != lastTUnit) { lastTUnit = tripDistanceUnit; TQToolTip::remove(tripLabel); if(!UseMetric) TQToolTip::add(tripLabel, i18n(ConversionTable[tripDistanceUnit].fromUnitTagPlural)); else TQToolTip::add(tripLabel, i18n(ConversionTable[tripDistanceUnit].toUnitTagPlural)); } //now draw everything TQString distance_s; TQString trip_s; double distance_d = 0; double trip_d = 0; if (Enabled) { distance_d = Distance; distance_s = FormatDistance(distance_d, distanceUnit); trip_d = TripDistance; trip_s = FormatDistance(trip_d, tripDistanceUnit); } else { distance_s = "------"; trip_s = "------"; } totalLabel->setValue(distance_d); tripLabel->setValue(trip_d); } /* * Not sure what this does, its from the original program. */ double Kodometer::multiplier(Units unit) { double m = 10; switch (unit) { case mile : m *= 10.0; case foot : m *= 10.0; case inch : m *= 10.0; break; } return m; } /* * This is the bitch function where the _real_ work is done. I * could have re-invented the query_pointer code, but this one is a best. * * This is code from the original program, responsible for converting the * number of pixels traveled into a real-world coordinates. */ int Kodometer::CalcDistance(void) { double dist, sum; int X, Y; double distMM, distInches, finalNewDist; double oldDistance, oldTripDistance; double newDistance, newTripDistance; int i, j, finalScreen, increment; Units oldDistanceUnit, oldTripDistanceUnit, currentUnit; int distanceChanged, tripDistanceChanged; int screenOrientation = K_Left; i = j = finalScreen = increment = 0; if ((lastXCoord == 0) && (lastYCoord == 0)) return false; if ((lastXCoord == XCoord) && (lastYCoord == YCoord)) return false; //Figure out which screen the pointer is on if (screenCount > 1) { while (i < screenCount) if (RootIDRet == screenInfo[i].root) break; else i++; } pointerScreen = i; // kdDebug() << "CalcDistance: screen: " << pointerScreen << // " x: " << XCoord << " y: " << YCoord << endl; // Adjust XCoord or YCoord for the screen its on, relative to screen 0 // and screenOrientation. if (lastPointerScreen != -1 && pointerScreen != lastPointerScreen) { switch (screenOrientation) { case K_Left: case K_Top: finalScreen = 0; j = TQMAX(pointerScreen,lastPointerScreen) - 1; increment = -1; break; case K_Right: case K_Bottom: finalScreen = TQMAX(pointerScreen,lastPointerScreen) - 1; j = 0; increment = 1; break; } do { switch (screenOrientation) { case K_Left: case K_Right: if (pointerScreen > lastPointerScreen) XCoord += screenInfo[j].width; else lastXCoord += screenInfo[j].width; break; case K_Top: case K_Bottom: if (pointerScreen > lastPointerScreen) YCoord += screenInfo[j].height; else lastYCoord += screenInfo[j].height; break; } if (j != finalScreen) j += increment; } while (j != finalScreen); // kdDebug() << " Adjusted for screen ch: x: " << XCoord << // " y: " << YCoord << endl; } // kdDebug() << "In: Distance: " << Distance << // " Trip Distance: " << TripDistance << endl; // Calculate distance in pixels first // using Pitagora X = XCoord - lastXCoord; X = X*X; Y = YCoord - lastYCoord; Y = Y*Y; sum = (double)X + (double)Y; dist = sqrt(sum); // Convert to millimeters distMM = dist / screenInfo[pointerScreen].PixelsPerMM; // Convert to inches distInches = distMM * 0.04; // Add an appropriate value to Distance, which may be // in a unit other than inches currentUnit = inch; finalNewDist = distInches; while (currentUnit < distanceUnit) { finalNewDist = finalNewDist / ConversionTable[currentUnit].maxFromBeforeNext; currentUnit++; // kdDebug() << " New dist: " << dist << "p, " << distMM << "mm, " << // distInches << "in, " << finalNewDist << " " << // ConversionTable[currentUnit+1].fromUnitTagPlural << endl; } // kdDebug() << " Next part" << endl; oldDistance = Distance * multiplier(distanceUnit); Distance += finalNewDist; oldDistanceUnit = distanceUnit; if (ConversionTable[distanceUnit].maxFromBeforeNext != -1.0 && Distance >= ConversionTable[distanceUnit].maxFromBeforeNext) { Distance = Distance / ConversionTable[distanceUnit].maxFromBeforeNext; distanceUnit++; } newDistance = Distance * multiplier(distanceUnit); distanceChanged = (distanceUnit != oldDistanceUnit || (unsigned int)oldDistance != (unsigned int)newDistance); // Add an appropriate value to TripDistance, which may be // in a unit other than inches currentUnit = inch; finalNewDist = distInches; while (currentUnit < tripDistanceUnit) { finalNewDist = finalNewDist / ConversionTable[currentUnit].maxFromBeforeNext; currentUnit++; } oldTripDistance = TripDistance * multiplier(tripDistanceUnit); TripDistance += finalNewDist; oldTripDistanceUnit = tripDistanceUnit; if (ConversionTable[tripDistanceUnit].maxFromBeforeNext != -1.0 && TripDistance >= ConversionTable[tripDistanceUnit].maxFromBeforeNext) { TripDistance = TripDistance / ConversionTable[tripDistanceUnit].maxFromBeforeNext; tripDistanceUnit++; } newTripDistance = TripDistance * multiplier(tripDistanceUnit); tripDistanceChanged = ((tripDistanceUnit != oldTripDistanceUnit) || ((unsigned int)oldTripDistance != (unsigned int)newTripDistance)); // kdDebug() << "Out: Distance: " << Distance << // "Trip Distance: " << TripDistance << endl; if ((distanceChanged) || (tripDistanceChanged)) return true; else return false; } /* * This code can probably go away. Its doing conversions from inches to * other units. Its ugly C-style stuff, that should't be done in a * pretty OO world. */ #define THERE_IS_A_NEXT (ConversionTable[unit].maxToBeforeNext != -1.0) TQString Kodometer::FormatDistance(double &dist, Units unit) { TQString string; const char *tag; int precision; if (UseMetric) { dist = dist * ConversionTable[unit].conversionFactor; if ((THERE_IS_A_NEXT) && (dist > ConversionTable[unit].maxToBeforeNext)) { dist = dist / ConversionTable[unit].maxToBeforeNext; unit++; } if (dist == 1.0) tag = ConversionTable[unit].toUnitTag; else tag = ConversionTable[unit].toUnitTagPlural; } else { if (dist == 1.0) tag = ConversionTable[unit].fromUnitTag; else tag = ConversionTable[unit].fromUnitTagPlural; } precision = ConversionTable[unit].printPrecision; string.sprintf ("%.*f %s", precision, dist, tag); return string; } /* * Use TDEConfig to read all settings from disk. Note that whatever * happens here overrides the defaults, but there's not much * sanity-checking. */ void Kodometer::readSettings(void) { TDEConfig* config = TDEGlobal::config(); config->setGroup("Settings"); UseMetric = config->readNumEntry("UseMetric", false); AutoReset = config->readNumEntry("AutoReset", true); TripDistance = config->readDoubleNumEntry("Trip", 0.0); Distance = config->readDoubleNumEntry("Distance", 0.0); distanceUnit = config->readNumEntry("DistanceUnit", inch); tripDistanceUnit = config->readNumEntry("TripUnit", inch); } /* * Save reality for use in the next session. */ void Kodometer::saveSettings(void) { TDEConfig* config = TDEGlobal::config(); config->setGroup("Settings"); config->writeEntry("UseMetric", UseMetric); config->writeEntry("AutoReset", AutoReset); config->writeEntry("Trip", TripDistance); config->writeEntry("Distance", Distance); config->writeEntry("TripUnit", tripDistanceUnit); config->writeEntry("DistanceUnit", distanceUnit); config->sync(); } // What in the world can this do? void Kodometer::quit() { saveSettings(); tdeApp->quit(); } #include "kodometer.moc"