/* ------------------------------------------------------------- timeedit.cpp (C) 2003 by Daniel Teske (teske@bigfoot.com) ------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include <tdelocale.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqlayout.h> #include "timeedit.h" #include "timeedit.moc" WrappingSpinBox::WrappingSpinBox(int minValue, int maxValue, int step, TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : TQSpinBox(minValue, maxValue, step, parent, name) { } WrappingSpinBox::~WrappingSpinBox() { } /** Overloaded TQSpinBox method */ void WrappingSpinBox::stepUp() { bool wrap = false; if (value() == 59) wrap = true; if (wrap) emit wrapUp(); // must wrap first (to avoid double-step-up) TQSpinBox::stepUp(); } /** Overloaded TQSpinBox method */ void WrappingSpinBox::stepDown() { bool wrap = false; if (value() == 0) wrap = true; TQSpinBox::stepDown(); if (wrap) emit wrapDown(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TimeEdit::TimeEdit(TQWidget* parent, const char* name) : TQWidget(parent, name) { layout = new TQHBoxLayout(this); minuteBox = new TQSpinBox(0, 300, 1, this); // minuteBox->setFixedSize(minuteBox->sizeHint()); TQLabel* min = new TQLabel(i18n(" min"), this); min->setFixedSize(min->sizeHint()); secondBox = new WrappingSpinBox(0, 59, 1, this); secondBox->setWrapping(true); // secondBox->setFixedSize(secondBox->sizeHint()); TQLabel* sec = new TQLabel(i18n(" sec"),this); sec->setFixedSize(sec->sizeHint()); layout->addWidget(minuteBox); layout->addWidget(min); layout->addWidget(secondBox); layout->addWidget(sec); connect(minuteBox, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(spinBoxValueChanged(int)) ); connect(secondBox, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(spinBoxValueChanged(int)) ); connect(secondBox, TQT_SIGNAL(wrapUp()), TQT_SLOT(wrappedUp())); connect(secondBox, TQT_SIGNAL(wrapDown()), TQT_SLOT(wrappedDown())); } TimeEdit::~TimeEdit() { } /** Set to specified number of seconds. */ void TimeEdit::setValue(int val) { if (val < 0) return; // block signals to avoid receiption of valueChanged() // between changing of minutes and seconds secondBox->blockSignals(true); minuteBox->blockSignals(true); secondBox->setValue(val % 60); minuteBox->setValue(val / 60); secondBox->blockSignals(false); minuteBox->blockSignals(false); emit valueChanged(value()); } /** Return current value in seconds. */ int TimeEdit::value() { return minuteBox->value()*60 + secondBox->value(); } /** SLOT: Handle wrap-up of seconds-box */ void TimeEdit::wrappedUp() { if (minuteBox->value() != minuteBox->maxValue()) { minuteBox->stepUp(); } else { secondBox->setValue(58); // ugly: must cater for wrapping-first } } /** SLOT: Handle wrap-down of seconds-box */ void TimeEdit::wrappedDown() { // well, the "if" should always be true if (minuteBox->value() != minuteBox->minValue()) { minuteBox->stepDown(); } else { secondBox->setValue(0); } } /** SLOT: Handle any change in minutes of seconds */ void TimeEdit::spinBoxValueChanged(int) { if (value() == 0) { secondBox->stepUp(); // this will give another spinBoxValueChanged() invocation return; } emit valueChanged(value()); } /** TQT_SLOT (overloading TQSpinBox): set focus */ void TimeEdit::setFocus() { minuteBox->setFocus(); }