## Makefile.am for ktux

# this has all of the subdirectories that make will recurse into.  if
# there are none, comment this out
SUBDIRS = sprites

# this is the program that gets installed.  it's name is used for all
# of the other Makefile.am variables
bin_PROGRAMS = ktux

# set the include path for X, qt and KDE
INCLUDES         = $(all_includes)

# the library search path. 
ktux_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_RPATH) $(LIB_QT) -lDCOP $(LIB_TDECORE) $(LIB_TDEUI) -ltdefx $(LIB_TDEIO) -ltdetexteditor

# the libraries to link against.
ktux_LDADD   = $(LIB_TDEUI) -ltdescreensaver

# which sources should be compiled for ktux
ktux_SOURCES =	spriteanim.cpp spritemisc.cpp spritepm.cpp sprite.cpp

# these are the headers for your project
noinst_HEADERS   = sprite.h spriteanim.h spritemisc.h spritepm.h

# let automoc handle all of the meta source files (moc)

# make messages.po. Move this one to ../po/ and "make merge" in po
# the -x is for skipping messages already translated in tdelibs
	$(XGETTEXT) *.cpp -o $(podir)/ktux.pot

KDE_ICON = ktux

appsdir   = $(kde_appsdir)/System/ScreenSavers
apps_DATA = ktux.desktop