path: root/klaptopdaemon/xautolock_engine.c
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authortoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
committertoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
commit2bda8f7717adf28da4af0d34fb82f63d2868c31d (patch)
tree8d927b7b47a90c4adb646482a52613f58acd6f8c /klaptopdaemon/xautolock_engine.c
Copy the KDE 3.5 branch to branches/trinity for new KDE 3.5 features.
BUG:215923 git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'klaptopdaemon/xautolock_engine.c')
1 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/klaptopdaemon/xautolock_engine.c b/klaptopdaemon/xautolock_engine.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62f968a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/klaptopdaemon/xautolock_engine.c
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+ *
+ * Authors: Michel Eyckmans (MCE) & Stefan De Troch (SDT)
+ *
+ * Content: This file is part of version 2.x of xautolock. It implements
+ * the program's core functions.
+ *
+ * Please send bug reports etc. to [email protected].
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Copyright 1990,1992-1999,2001-2002 by Stefan De Troch and Michel Eyckmans.
+ *
+ * Versions 2.0 and above of xautolock are available under version 2 of the
+ * GNU GPL. Earlier versions are available under other conditions. For more
+ * information, see the License file.
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "xautolock_c.h"
+ * Function for querying the idle time from the server.
+ * Only used if either the Xidle or the Xscreensaver
+ * extension is present.
+ */
+xautolock_queryIdleTime (Display* d)
+ Time idleTime = 0; /* millisecs since last input event */
+#ifdef HasXidle
+ if (xautolock_useXidle)
+ {
+ XGetIdleTime (d, &idleTime);
+ }
+ else
+#endif /* HasXIdle */
+ {
+#ifdef HasScreenSaver
+ if( xautolock_useMit )
+ {
+ static XScreenSaverInfo* mitInfo = 0;
+ if (!mitInfo) mitInfo = XScreenSaverAllocInfo ();
+ XScreenSaverQueryInfo (d, DefaultRootWindow (d), mitInfo);
+ idleTime = mitInfo->idle;
+ }
+ else
+#endif /* HasScreenSaver */
+ {
+ d = d; /* shut up */
+ return; /* DIY */
+ }
+ }
+ if (idleTime < CHECK_INTERVAL )
+ {
+ xautolock_resetTriggers ();
+ }
+ * Function for monitoring pointer movements. This implements the
+ * `corners' feature and as a side effect also tracks pointer
+ * related user activity. The latter actually is only needed when
+ * we're using the DIY mode of operations, but it's much simpler
+ * to do it unconditionally.
+ */
+xautolock_queryPointer (Display* d)
+ Window dummyWin; /* as it says */
+ int dummyInt; /* as it says */
+ unsigned mask; /* modifier mask */
+ int rootX; /* as it says */
+ int rootY; /* as it says */
+ int corner; /* corner index */
+ time_t now; /* as it says */
+ time_t newTrigger; /* temporary storage */
+ int i; /* loop counter */
+ static Window root; /* root window the pointer is on */
+ static Screen* screen; /* screen the pointer is on */
+ static unsigned prevMask = 0; /* as it says */
+ static int prevRootX = -1; /* as it says */
+ static int prevRootY = -1; /* as it says */
+ static Bool firstCall = True; /* as it says */
+ /*
+ * Have a guess...
+ */
+ if (firstCall)
+ {
+ firstCall = False;
+ root = DefaultRootWindow (d);
+ screen = ScreenOfDisplay (d, DefaultScreen (d));
+ }
+ /*
+ * Find out whether the pointer has moved. Using XQueryPointer for this
+ * is gross, but it also is the only way never to mess up propagation
+ * of pointer events.
+ */
+ if (!XQueryPointer (d, root, &root, &dummyWin, &rootX, &rootY,
+ &dummyInt, &dummyInt, &mask))
+ {
+ /*
+ * Pointer has moved to another screen, so let's find out which one.
+ */
+ for (i = -1; ++i < ScreenCount (d); )
+ {
+ if (root == RootWindow (d, i))
+ {
+ screen = ScreenOfDisplay (d, i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( rootX == prevRootX
+ && rootY == prevRootY
+ && mask == prevMask)
+ {
+ xautolock_corner_t* corners = xautolock_corners;
+ /*
+ * If the pointer has not moved since the previous call and
+ * is inside one of the 4 corners, we act according to the
+ * contents of the "corners" array.
+ *
+ * If rootX and rootY are less than zero, don't lock even if
+ * ca_forceLock is set in the upper-left corner. Why? 'cause
+ * on initial server startup, if (and only if) the pointer is
+ * never moved, XQueryPointer() can return values less than
+ * zero (only some servers, Openwindows 2.0 and 3.0 in
+ * particular).
+ */
+ if ( (corner = 0,
+ rootX <= cornerSize && rootX >= 0
+ && rootY <= cornerSize && rootY >= 0)
+ || (corner++,
+ rootX >= WidthOfScreen (screen) - cornerSize - 1
+ && rootY <= cornerSize)
+ || (corner++,
+ rootX <= cornerSize
+ && rootY >= HeightOfScreen (screen) - cornerSize - 1)
+ || (corner++,
+ rootX >= WidthOfScreen (screen) - cornerSize - 1
+ && rootY >= HeightOfScreen (screen) - cornerSize - 1))
+ {
+ now = time (0);
+ switch (corners[corner])
+ {
+ case ca_forceLock:
+#if 0
+ newTrigger = now + (useRedelay ? cornerRedelay : cornerDelay) - 1;
+ newTrigger = now + 2 - 1;
+#if 0
+ if (newTrigger < lockTrigger)
+ {
+ setLockTrigger (newTrigger - now);
+ }
+ xautolock_setTrigger( newTrigger );
+ break;
+ case ca_dontLock:
+ xautolock_resetTriggers ();
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+ default: ; /* Makes gcc -Wall shut up. */
+#endif /* __GNUC__ */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#if 0
+ useRedelay = False;
+ prevRootX = rootX;
+ prevRootY = rootY;
+ prevMask = mask;
+ xautolock_resetTriggers ();
+ }
+#if 0
+ * Support for deciding whether to lock or kill.
+ */
+evaluateTriggers (Display* d)
+ static time_t prevNotification = 0;
+ time_t now = 0;
+ /*
+ * Obvious things first.
+ *
+ * The triggers are being moved all the time while in disabled
+ * mode in order to make absolutely sure we cannot run into
+ * trouble by an enable message coming in at an odd moment.
+ * Otherwise we possibly might lock or kill too soon.
+ */
+ if (disabled)
+ {
+ resetTriggers ();
+ }
+ /*
+ * Next, wait for (or kill, if we were so told) the previous
+ * locker (if any). Note that this must also be done while in
+ * disabled mode. Not only to avoid a potential zombie proces
+ * hanging around until we are re-enabled, but also to prevent
+ * us from incorrectly setting a kill trigger at the moment
+ * when we are finally re-enabled.
+ */
+#ifdef VMS
+ if (vmsStatus == 0)
+ {
+#else /* VMS */
+ if (lockerPid)
+ {
+#if !defined (UTEKV) && !defined (SYSV) && !defined (SVR4)
+ union wait status; /* childs process status */
+#else /* !UTEKV && !SYSV && !SVR4 */
+ int status = 0; /* childs process status */
+#endif /* !UTEKV && !SYSV && !SVR4 */
+ if (unlockNow && !disabled)
+ {
+ (void) kill (lockerPid, SIGTERM);
+ }
+#if !defined (UTEKV) && !defined (SYSV) && !defined (SVR4)
+ if (wait3 (&status, WNOHANG, 0))
+#else /* !UTEKV && !SYSV && !SVR4 */
+ if (waitpid (-1, &status, WNOHANG))
+#endif /* !UTEKV && !SYSV && !SVR4 */
+ {
+ /*
+ * If the locker exited normally, we disable any pending kill
+ * trigger. Otherwise, we assume that it either has crashed or
+ * was not able to lock the display because of an existing
+ * locker (which may have been started manually). In both of
+ * the later cases, disabling the kill trigger would open a
+ * loop hole.
+ */
+ if ( WIFEXITED (status)
+ {
+ disableKillTrigger ();
+ }
+ useRedelay = True;
+ lockerPid = 0;
+ }
+#endif /* VMS */
+ setLockTrigger (lockTime);
+ /*
+ * No return here! The pointer may be sitting in a corner, while
+ * parameter settings may be such that we need to start another
+ * locker without further delay. If you think this cannot happen,
+ * consider the case in which the locker simply crashed.
+ */
+ }
+ unlockNow = False;
+ /*
+ * Note that the above lot needs to be done even when we're in
+ * disabled mode, since we may have entered said mode with an
+ * active locker around.
+ */
+ if (disabled) return;
+ /*
+ * Is it time to run the killer command?
+ */
+ now = time (0);
+ if (killTrigger && now >= killTrigger)
+ {
+ /*
+ * There is a dirty trick here. On the one hand, we don't want
+ * to block until the killer returns, but on the other one
+ * we don't want to have it interfere with the wait() stuff we
+ * do to keep track of the locker. To obtain both, the killer
+ * command has already been patched by KillerChecker() so that
+ * it gets backgrounded by the shell started by system().
+ *
+ * For the time being, VMS users are out of luck: their xautolock
+ * will indeed block until the killer returns.
+ */
+ (void) system (killer);
+ setKillTrigger (killTime);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Now trigger the notifier if required.
+ */
+ if ( notifyLock
+ && now + notifyMargin >= lockTrigger
+ && prevNotification < now - notifyMargin - 1)
+ {
+ if (notifierSpecified)
+ {
+ /*
+ * Here we use the same dirty trick as for the killer command.
+ */
+ (void) system (notifier);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ (void) XBell (d, bellPercent);
+ (void) XSync (d, 0);
+ }
+ prevNotification = now;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Finally fire up the locker if time has somehow come.
+ */
+ if ( lockNow
+ || now >= lockTrigger)
+ {
+#ifdef VMS
+ if (vmsStatus != 0)
+#else /* VMS */
+ if (!lockerPid)
+#endif /* VMS */
+ {
+ switch (lockerPid = vfork ())
+ {
+ case -1:
+ lockerPid = 0;
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ (void) close (ConnectionNumber (d));
+#ifdef VMS
+ vmsStatus = 0;
+ lockerPid = lib$spawn ((lockNow ? &nowLockerDescr : &lockerDescr),
+ 0, 0, &1, 0, 0, &vmsStatus);
+ if (!(lockerPid & 1)) exit (lockerPid);
+#ifdef SLOW_VMS
+ (void) sleep (SLOW_VMS_DELAY);
+#endif /* SLOW_VMS */
+#else /* VMS */
+ (void) execl ("/bin/sh", "/bin/sh", "-c",
+ (lockNow ? nowLocker : locker), 0);
+#endif /* VMS */
+ _exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+ default:
+ /*
+ * In general xautolock should keep its fingers off the real
+ * screensaver because no universally acceptable policy can
+ * be defined. In no case should it decide to disable or enable
+ * it all by itself. Setting the screensaver policy is something
+ * the locker should take care of. After all, xautolock is not
+ * supposed to know what the "locker" does and doesn't do.
+ * People might be using xautolock for totally different
+ * purposes (which, by the way, is why it will accept a
+ * different set of X resources after being renamed).
+ *
+ * Nevertheless, simply resetting the screensaver is a
+ * convenience action that aids many xlock users, and doesn't
+ * harm anyone (*). The problem with older versions of xlock
+ * is that they can be told to replace (= disable) the real
+ * screensaver, but forget to reset that same screensaver if
+ * it was already active at the time xlock starts. I guess
+ * xlock initially wasn't designed to be run without a user
+ * actually typing the comand ;-).
+ *
+ * (*) Well, at least it used not to harm anyone, but with the
+ * advent of DPMS monitors, it now can mess up the power
+ * saving setup. Hence we better make it optional.
+ *
+ * Also, some xlock versions also unconditionally call
+ * XResetScreenSaver, yielding the same kind of problems
+ * with DPMS that xautolock did. The latest and greatest
+ * xlocks also have a -resetsaver option for this very
+ * reason. You may want to upgrade.
+ */
+ if (resetSaver) (void) XResetScreenSaver(d);
+ setLockTrigger (lockTime);
+ (void) XSync (d,0);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Once the locker is running, all that needs to be done is to
+ * set the killTrigger if needed. Notice that this must be done
+ * even if we actually failed to start the locker. Otherwise
+ * the error would "propagate" from one feature to another.
+ */
+ if (killerSpecified) setKillTrigger (killTime);
+ useRedelay = False;
+ }
+ lockNow = False;
+ }