path: root/superkaramba/src/textlabel.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'superkaramba/src/textlabel.cpp')
1 files changed, 379 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/superkaramba/src/textlabel.cpp b/superkaramba/src/textlabel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69fb841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superkaramba/src/textlabel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 by Hans Karlsson *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <krun.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "textlabel.h"
+TextLabel::TextLabel(karamba *k, int x,int y,int w,int h):
+ Meter(k, x,y,w,h), alignment(Qt::AlignLeft), clip(0), bgColor(0, 0, 0),
+ lineHeight(0), shadow(0), scrollSpeed(0, 0), scrollPos(0, 0), scrollGap(0),
+ scrollPause(0), pauseCounter(0), scrollType(ScrollNone)
+ calculateTextSize();
+ if( h != 0 || w != 0)
+ clip = 0;
+ else
+ clip = Qt::DontClip;
+ if( h == 0 || w == 0)
+ {
+ setWidth(-1);
+ setHeight(-1);
+ }
+TextLabel::TextLabel(karamba *k):
+ Meter(k, 0, 0, 0, 0), alignment(Qt::AlignLeft), clip(0), bgColor(0, 0, 0),
+ lineHeight(0), shadow(0), scrollSpeed(0, 0), scrollPos(0, 0), scrollGap(0),
+ scrollPause(0), pauseCounter(0), scrollType(ScrollNone)
+void TextLabel::show()
+ Meter::show();
+ setEnabled(true);
+void TextLabel::hide()
+ Meter::hide();
+ setEnabled(false);
+void TextLabel::setTextProps( TextField* t )
+ if(t)
+ {
+ text = *t;
+ //lineHeight = t->getLineHeight();
+ shadow = t->getShadow();
+ alignment = t->getAlignment();
+ setFontSize(t->getFontSize());
+ setFont(t->getFont());
+ setColor(t->getColor());
+ setBGColor(t->getBGColor());
+ }
+ calculateTextSize();
+void TextLabel::calculateTextSize()
+ int tmp;
+ QFontMetrics fm(font);
+ lineHeight = fm.height();
+ textSize.setWidth(0);
+ textSize.setHeight(lineHeight * value.count());
+ QStringList::Iterator it = value.begin();
+ while(it != value.end())
+ {
+ tmp = fm.width(*it);
+ if(tmp > textSize.width())
+ textSize.setWidth(tmp);
+ ++it;
+ }
+void TextLabel::setValue( QString text)
+ value = QStringList::split('\n',text);
+ calculateTextSize();
+void TextLabel::setValue( long v)
+ value = QStringList( QString::number( v ) );
+ calculateTextSize();
+void TextLabel::setBGColor(QColor clr)
+ bgColor = clr;
+QColor TextLabel::getBGColor() const
+ return bgColor;
+void TextLabel::setFont(QString f)
+ font.setFamily(f);
+ calculateTextSize();
+QString TextLabel::getFont() const
+ return;
+void TextLabel::setFontSize(int size)
+ font.setPixelSize(size);
+ calculateTextSize();
+int TextLabel::getFontSize() const
+ return font.pixelSize();
+void TextLabel::setAlignment( QString align )
+ QString a = align.upper();
+ if( a == "LEFT" || a.isEmpty() )
+ alignment = Qt::AlignLeft;
+ if( a == "RIGHT" )
+ alignment = Qt::AlignRight;
+ if( a == "CENTER" )
+ alignment = Qt::AlignHCenter;
+QString TextLabel::getAlignment() const
+ if( alignment == Qt::AlignHCenter )
+ return "CENTER";
+ else if( alignment == Qt::AlignRight )
+ return "RIGHT";
+ else
+ return "LEFT";
+void TextLabel::setFixedPitch( bool fp)
+ font.setFixedPitch( fp );
+bool TextLabel::getFixedPitch() const
+ return font.fixedPitch();
+void TextLabel::setShadow ( int s )
+ shadow = s;
+int TextLabel::getShadow() const
+ return shadow;
+void TextLabel::setScroll(char* type, QPoint speed, int gap, int pause)
+ ScrollType t = TextLabel::ScrollNone;
+ QString a = type;
+ a = a.upper();
+ if(a == "NONE")
+ t = TextLabel::ScrollNone;
+ else if( a == "NORMAL" )
+ t = TextLabel::ScrollNormal;
+ else if( a == "BACKANDFORTH" )
+ t = TextLabel::ScrollBackAndForth;
+ else if( a == "ONEPASS" )
+ t = TextLabel::ScrollOnePass;
+ setScroll(t, speed, gap, pause);
+void TextLabel::setScroll(ScrollType type, QPoint speed, int gap, int pause)
+ scrollType = type;
+ scrollSpeed = speed;
+ switch(scrollType)
+ {
+ case ScrollNormal:
+ case ScrollOnePass:
+ {
+ int x = 0, y = 0;
+ if(speed.x() > 0)
+ x = -1 * textSize.width();
+ else if(speed.x() < 0)
+ x = getWidth()-1;
+ if(speed.y() > 0)
+ x = -1 * textSize.height();
+ else if(speed.y() < 0)
+ x = getHeight()-1;
+ scrollPos = QPoint(x,y);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ScrollNone:
+ case ScrollBackAndForth:
+ default:
+ scrollPos = QPoint(0,0);
+ break;
+ }
+ scrollGap = gap;
+ scrollPause = pause;
+ pauseCounter = 1;
+int TextLabel::drawText(QPainter *p, int x, int y, int width, int height,
+ QString text)
+ if( shadow != 0)
+ {
+ p->setPen(getBGColor());
+ p->drawText(x + shadow, y + shadow, width, height,
+ alignment | clip | Qt::ExpandTabs, text);
+ }
+ p->setPen(getColor());
+ p->drawText(x, y, width, height, alignment | clip | Qt::ExpandTabs, text);
+ return 0;
+bool TextLabel::calculateScrollCoords(QRect meterRect, QRect &textRect,
+ QPoint &next, int &x, int &y)
+ if(scrollType == ScrollBackAndForth &&
+ (scrollSpeed.x() != 0 && textSize.width() < getWidth() ||
+ scrollSpeed.y() != 0 && textSize.height() < getHeight()))
+ return true;
+ x += scrollPos.x();
+ y += scrollPos.y();
+ if(pauseCounter < 1)
+ {
+ scrollPos += scrollSpeed;
+ // -1 | 0 | 1
+ QPoint direction(scrollSpeed.x()/abs((scrollSpeed.x() == 0)?
+ 1:scrollSpeed.x()),
+ scrollSpeed.y()/abs((scrollSpeed.y() == 0)?
+ 1:scrollSpeed.y()));
+ next = QPoint(-1 * direction.x() * (scrollGap + textSize.width()),
+ -1 * direction.y() * (scrollGap + textSize.height()));
+ textRect.setCoords(x, y, x + textSize.width(), y + textSize.height());
+ if(scrollType == ScrollBackAndForth)
+ {
+ if(direction.x() < 0 && textRect.right() <= meterRect.right() ||
+ direction.x() > 0 && textRect.left() >= meterRect.left())
+ {
+ scrollSpeed.setX(scrollSpeed.x() * -1);
+ pauseCounter = scrollPause;
+ }
+ if(direction.y() < 0 && textRect.bottom() <= meterRect.bottom() ||
+ direction.y() > 0 && >=
+ {
+ scrollSpeed.setY(scrollSpeed.y() * -1);
+ pauseCounter = scrollPause;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(!textRect.intersects(meterRect))
+ {
+ if(scrollType == ScrollNormal)
+ scrollPos += next;
+ else if(scrollType == ScrollOnePass)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ --pauseCounter;
+ return true;
+void TextLabel::mUpdate(QPainter *p)
+ if (hidden != 1)
+ {
+ int i = 0; //lineHeight;
+ int row = 1;
+ int x = getX();
+ int y = getY();
+ int width = getWidth();
+ int height = getHeight();
+ QRect meterRect(x, y, width, height);
+ QRect textRect;
+ QPoint next;
+ p->setFont(font);
+ if(scrollType != ScrollNone)
+ {
+ p->setClipRect(x, y, width, height);
+ if(!calculateScrollCoords(meterRect, textRect, next, x, y))
+ {
+ p->setClipping(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ width = textSize.width();
+ height = textSize.height();
+ }
+ QStringList::Iterator it = value.begin();
+ while(it != value.end() && (row <= height || height == -1 ))
+ {
+ drawText(p, x, y + i, width, height, *it);
+ // Draw more instances of text if scroll type is normal scroll
+ if(scrollType == ScrollNormal)
+ {
+ textRect.addCoords(next.x(), next.y(), next.x(), next.y());
+ while(textRect.intersects(meterRect))
+ {
+ drawText(p, textRect.x(), textRect.y() + i, width, height, *it);
+ textRect.addCoords(next.x(), next.y(), next.x(), next.y());
+ }
+ }
+ i += lineHeight;
+ it++;
+ row++;
+ }
+ if(scrollType != ScrollNone)
+ p->setClipping(false);
+ }
+bool TextLabel::click(QMouseEvent* e)
+ if (getBoundingBox().contains(e -> x(), e -> y()) && isEnabled())
+ {
+ QString program;
+ if (e -> button() == Qt::LeftButton)
+ {
+ program = leftButtonAction;
+ }
+ else if (e -> button() == Qt::MidButton)
+ {
+ program = middleButtonAction;
+ }
+ else if (e -> button() == Qt::RightButton)
+ {
+ program = rightButtonAction;
+ }
+ if( !program.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ KRun::runCommand(program);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void TextLabel::attachClickArea(QString leftMouseButton,
+ QString middleMouseButton,
+ QString rightMouseButton)
+ leftButtonAction = leftMouseButton;
+ middleButtonAction = middleMouseButton;
+ rightButtonAction = rightMouseButton;
+#include "textlabel.moc"