To confuse you these directories mix two binary editor projects.
The first project is the current khexedit app from Espen Sand,
(here called KHE1). The second project is the coming khexedit app
from Friedrich W. H. Kossebau (called KHE2) which has been already
partly moved from kdenonbeta/khexedit2.

What to find in which directory:
  sources of KHE1

  pictures used by KHE1

  sources of the basic library of KHE2

  collection of all parts based on KHE2

  sources of the implementation for the service type KHexEdit/KBytesEdit

Future plans:
* inclusion of the KReadWritePart based HexEdit2Part which can handle
  GB sized files. (-> KDE 3.3)
* a binary diff editor widget in the KHE2 lib
* binary diff editor widget based parts
* a standalone KHE2 app, replacing KHE1