 *   khexedit - Versatile hex editor
 *   Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Espen Sand, espensa@online.no
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

#ifndef _HEX_BUFFER_H_
#define _HEX_BUFFER_H_

#include <config.h>

#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>

#include <tqbitarray.h> 
#include <tqdatetime.h> 
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqfont.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>

#include <kapplication.h>

#include "conversion.h"
#include "hexeditstate.h"
#include "hexprinter.h"
#include "progress.h"

// Marco to simplify usage of function pointers
#define THIS_FPTR( func ) ((this->*func))

struct SSearchControl
  TQByteArray key;
  TQByteArray val;
  uint keyType;
  bool fromCursor;
  bool inSelection;
  bool forward;
  bool ignoreCase;
  bool match;
  uint numReplace;

  bool wrapValid;
  bool wrapActive;
  uint wrapMark;

struct SFilterControl
  enum Operation
    OperandAndData = 0,

  int execute( uchar *dest, uchar *src, uint size );

  TQByteArray operand;
  int rotate[2];
  Operation  operation;
  bool fromCursor;
  bool inSelection;
  bool forward;

struct SInsertData
  uint size;
  TQByteArray pattern;
  uint offset;
  bool repeatPattern;
  bool onCursor;

struct SExportRange
  enum EMode
    All = 0,
  EMode mode;
  uint start;
  uint stop;

struct SExportText
  SExportRange range;
  TQString destFile;

struct SExportHtml
  SExportRange range;
  TQString package;
  TQString prefix;
  uint linePerPage;
  uint topCaption;
  uint bottomCaption;
  bool symLink;
  bool navigator;
  bool blackWhite;

struct SExportCArray
  enum ElementType
    Char = 0,
  const char *printFormatted( const char *b, uint maxSize ) const;
  TQString variableName( uint range ) const;
  int elementSize( void ) const;

  SExportRange range;
  TQString destFile;
  TQString arrayName;
  int  elementType;
  uint elementPerLine;
  bool unsignedAsHexadecimal;

struct SStatisticControl
  SStatisticControl( void )
    memset( occurrence, 0, sizeof(occurrence) );
    documentSize = 0;

  uint documentSize;
  uint occurrence[256];
  TQString documentName;

struct SPagePosition
  SPagePosition( time_t now, uint numLine, uint linePerPage )
    init( now, numLine, linePerPage );

  SPagePosition( void )
    init( 0, 1, 1 );

  void init( time_t at, uint numLine, uint linePerPage )
    if( linePerPage == 0 ) { linePerPage = 1; }

    now = at;
    curPage = 1;
    maxPage = numLine / linePerPage + (numLine % linePerPage ? 1 : 0);
    if( maxPage < curPage ) { maxPage = curPage; }

  void step( uint stepSize=1 )
    curPage += stepSize;
    if( curPage > maxPage ) { curPage = maxPage; }

  uint current( void )
    return( curPage );

  uint max( void )
    return( maxPage );

  uint curPage;
  uint maxPage;
  time_t now;

class CStringCollectControl
    CStringCollectControl( void )
      mList.setAutoDelete( true );

    int add( uint offset, const TQByteArray &a )
      TQString *s = new TQString();
      if( s == 0 ) 
	return( Err_NoMemory ); 
      if( decimalOffset == true )
	s->sprintf( "%010u", offset );
	s->sprintf( "%04x:%04x", offset>>16, offset&0x0000FFFF );

      *s += TQString( a );

      mList.append( s );
      return( Err_Success );

    uint offsetLen( void )
      return( decimalOffset ? 10 : 9 );

    void clear( void )
    const TQString *get( uint index )
      return( mList.at( index ) );

    int count( void )
      return( mList.count() );

    TQPtrList<TQString> &list( void )
      return( mList );

    uint minLength;
    bool decimalOffset;
    bool allow8bit;

    TQPtrList<TQString> mList;

struct SCursorConfig
  SCursorConfig( void ) 
    state = 0;

  bool selectOn( void )
    return( state & TQt::ShiftButton );

  bool removeSelection( void )
    return( state & TQt::ShiftButton ? false : true );

  void setKeepSelection( bool val )
    state = val == true ? state|TQt::ShiftButton : state&~TQt::ShiftButton;
  bool controlButton( void )
    return( state & TQt::ControlButton ? true : false );

  bool shiftButton( void )
    return( state & TQt::ShiftButton ? true : false );

  bool altButton( void )
    return( state & TQt::AltButton ? true : false );

  void emulateControlButton( bool val )
    state = val == true ? state|TQt::ControlButton : state&~TQt::ControlButton;

  int state;

struct SCursorSpec
  enum EShape
    solid = 0,
  void reset( void ) 
    offset = 0;
    x1 = x2 = y = cell = maxCell = 0; 

  void setShape( EShape primaryShape, EShape secondaryShape, uint unitWidth,
		 uint numCell )

    if( primaryShape == thin )
      if( onlyBlock == true ) { primaryShape = solid; }
    if( secondaryShape == thin )
      if( onlyBlock == true ) { secondaryShape = solid; }

    mPrimaryShape = primaryShape;
    if( mPrimaryShape == solid )
      drawWidth1  = unitWidth;
      drawOffset1 = 0;
    else if( mPrimaryShape == frame )
      drawWidth1  = unitWidth * numCell;
      drawOffset1 = 0;
      mPrimaryShape = thin;
      if( thickState == true )
	drawWidth1  = 2;
	drawOffset1 = -1;
	drawWidth1  = 5;
	drawOffset1 = -3;

    mSecondaryShape = secondaryShape;
    if( mSecondaryShape == solid )
      drawWidth2  = unitWidth;
      drawOffset2 = 0;
    else if( mSecondaryShape == frame )
      drawWidth2  = unitWidth * numCell;
      drawOffset2 = 0;
      mSecondaryShape = thin;
      if( thickState == true )
	drawWidth2  = 2;
	drawOffset2 = -1;
	drawWidth2  = 5;
	drawOffset2 = -3;

  void setShapeModifier( bool alwaysBlock, bool useThick )
    onlyBlock  = alwaysBlock;
    thickState = useThick;

  void dump( void )
    std::cout << "offset: " << offset << " y: " << y << " x1: " << x1 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "x2: " << x2 << " cell: " << cell << std::endl;

  bool inside( uint min, uint max )
    return( offset >= min && offset < max );

  int drawX1( void )
    return( x1 + drawOffset1 );

  int drawX2( void )
    return( x2 + drawOffset2 );

  int width1( void )
    return( drawWidth1 );

  int width2( void )
    return( drawWidth2 );

  uint offset;
  int  y;
  int  x1;
  int  x2;
  int  cell;
  int  maxCell;
  bool onlyBlock;
  bool thickState;

  char data;

  int mPrimaryShape;
  int mSecondaryShape;
  int drawWidth1;
  int drawWidth2;
  int drawOffset1;
  int drawOffset2;

struct SCursor
  SCursor( void )
    mLineSize = 1;
    mDocumentSize = 0;
    mFixedSizeMode = false;
    mArea = 0;

  void reset( void )

  void setDocumentSize( uint documentSize )
    mDocumentSize = documentSize;

  void setFixedSizeMode( bool fixedSizeMode )
    mFixedSizeMode = fixedSizeMode;

  bool incCell( void )
    if( curr.cell + 1 >= curr.maxCell )
      addOffset( 1 );
      return( true );
      next.cell = curr.cell + 1;
      return( false );

  bool decCell( void )
    if( curr.cell == 0 )
      if( curr.offset > 0 )
	decOffset( 1, true );
	next.cell = curr.maxCell > 0 ? curr.maxCell - 1 : 0;
      return( true );
      next.cell = curr.cell - 1;
      return( false );

  void resetCell( void )
    next.cell = 0;

  void addOffset( uint val )
    setOffset( curr.offset + val );

  void decOffset( uint val, bool ignoreCell )
    if( ignoreCell == true || curr.cell == 0 )
      setOffset( val > curr.offset ? curr.offset%mLineSize : curr.offset-val);
      setOffset( curr.offset );

  void setOffset( uint offset )
    if( offset >= mDocumentSize )
      if( mFixedSizeMode == true )
	offset = mDocumentSize > 0 ? mDocumentSize - 1 : 0;
	offset = mDocumentSize;

    next.offset = offset;
    next.cell = 0;

  uint getOffset( void )
    return( curr.offset );

  void setOffset( uint offset, uint bit, bool backward, bool fromCursor,
		  uint textSize )
    if( fromCursor == true )
      if( backward == true )
	setOffset( offset > curr.offset ? 0 : curr.offset - offset );
	setOffset( curr.offset + offset );
      if( backward == true )
	setOffset( offset > textSize ? 0 : textSize - offset );
	setOffset( offset > textSize ? textSize : offset );
    setBit( bit );

  void setBit( uint bit )
    bit = (bit > 7) ? 0 : 7 - bit;
    next.cell = bit / mCellWeight;

  void home( bool toExtreme )
    if( toExtreme == true )
      setOffset( 0 );
      setOffset( next.offset - curr.offset % mLineSize );

  void end( bool toExtreme )
    uint maxOffset;
    if( mFixedSizeMode == true )
      maxOffset = mDocumentSize > 0 ? mDocumentSize-1 : mDocumentSize;
      maxOffset = mDocumentSize;

    if( toExtreme == true )
      setOffset( maxOffset );
      uint newOffset = next.offset + (mLineSize-1) - curr.offset % mLineSize;
      setOffset( newOffset > maxOffset ? maxOffset : newOffset );


  void up( uint numLines )
    decOffset( numLines * mLineSize, true );

  void down( uint numLines )
    addOffset( numLines * mLineSize );

  bool changed( void )
    return( prev.offset != curr.offset || prev.cell != curr.cell ||
	    prev.data != curr.data ? true : false );

  uint bit( void )
    uint bitValue = mCellWeight*(curr.maxCell - curr.cell) - 1;
    return( bitValue > 7 ? 7 : bitValue );

  uint cellWeight( void )
    return( mCellWeight );

  void setLineSize( uint lineSize )
    mLineSize = lineSize < 1 ? 1 : lineSize;

  void setCellWeight( uint cellWeight )
    mCellWeight = cellWeight;

  int area( void )
    return( mArea );

  void setArea( int area )
    mArea = area;

  void setShape( SCursorSpec::EShape primary, SCursorSpec::EShape secondary,
		 uint unitWidth, uint numCell )
    curr.setShape( primary, secondary, unitWidth, numCell );

  void setShapeModifier( bool alwaysBlock, bool useThick )
    curr.setShapeModifier( alwaysBlock, useThick );

  uint mLineSize;
  uint mDocumentSize;
  uint mCellWeight;
  int  mArea;
  bool mFixedSizeMode;
  SCursorSpec prev;
  SCursorSpec curr;
  SCursorSpec next;

struct SCursorPosition
  int x;
  int y;
  int w;
  int h;

struct SCursorOffset
  uint offset;
  uint bit;

struct SSelectSpec
  void init( uint offset )
    start = stop = anchor = offset;

  void set( uint offset )
    if( offset < anchor )
      start = offset;
      stop  = anchor;
      stop  = offset;
      start = anchor;

  void expand( uint value )
    if( anchor == stop ) { anchor +=value; }
    stop += value;
    //set( stop + value );

  void shrink( uint value )
    uint newVal = start + value > stop ? start : stop - value;
    if( anchor == stop ) { anchor = newVal; }
    stop = newVal;
    if( start + value > stop )
      set( start );
      set( stop - value );

  uint start;
  uint stop;
  uint anchor;

struct SSelect
  SSelect( void )

  bool init( uint offset )
    curr.init( offset );
    if( isValid == true )
      isValid = false;
      return( true );
      return( false );
  void reset( void )
    curr.init( 0 );
    isValid = false;

  bool set( uint offset )
    isValid = true;

    curr.set( offset );
    if( curr.start != prev.start || curr.stop != prev.stop )
      return( true );
      return( false );

  void expand( uint value )
    if( isValid == false )
    curr.expand( value );

  void shrink( uint value )
    if( isValid == false )
    curr.shrink( value );

  void sync( void )
    prev = curr;

  bool inside( uint offset )
    return( isValid == true && offset >= curr.start && offset < curr.stop );

  bool inside( uint offset, uint range )
    return( isValid == true && (offset + range) >= curr.start && 
	    offset < curr.stop );

  bool verify( uint &start, uint &stop )
    if( isValid == false )
      return( false );

    if( start < curr.start ) { start = curr.start; }
    if( stop > curr.stop ) { stop = curr.stop; }
    return( true );

  uint start( uint offset )
    // If 'curr.star' is smaller than  'offset' then the start is at
    // the start of line.
    return( curr.start < offset ? 0 : curr.start - offset );
  uint start( void )
    return( curr.start );

  uint stop( uint offset, uint range )
    return( curr.stop > offset + range ? range : curr.stop - offset );

  uint stop( void )
    return( curr.stop );

  bool valid( void )
    return( isValid );

  uint size( void )
    if( isValid == false )
      return( 0 );
      return( curr.start >= curr.stop ? 0 : curr.stop - curr.start );

  void startChange( uint &first, uint &last )
    if( curr.start <= prev.start )
      first = curr.start;
      last  = prev.start;
      first = prev.start;
      last  = curr.start;

  void stopChange( uint &first, uint &last )
    if( curr.stop <= prev.stop )
      first = curr.stop;
      last  = prev.stop;
      first = prev.stop;
      last  = curr.stop;

  bool isValid;
  SSelectSpec prev;
  SSelectSpec curr;

class CHexAction 
    enum HexAction 
    CHexAction( HexAction action, uint offset );
    ~CHexAction( void );
    void setData( uint size, char *data, uint dataSize );

    HexAction mAction;
    uint mOffset;
    uint mSize;
    char *mData;
    uint mDataSize;
    CHexAction *mNext;

class CHexActionGroup 
    CHexActionGroup( uint startOffset, uint startBit );
    ~CHexActionGroup( void );
    void insertAction( CHexAction *hexAction );

    uint mStartOffset;
    uint mStopOffset;
    uint mStartBit;
    uint mStopBit;
    CHexAction *mHexAction;

struct SCursorState
  bool valid;
  uint selectionOffset;
  uint selectionSize;
  uint offset;
  uint cell;
  unsigned char data[8];
  uint undoState;
  bool charValid;

struct SFileState
  bool valid;
  uint size;
  bool modified;

class CHexBuffer;
typedef int  (CHexBuffer::*PrintCellFunc)( char *buf, unsigned char data );
typedef bool (CHexBuffer::*InputCellFunc)( unsigned char *dest, int value, 
					   uint cell );
typedef void (CHexBuffer::*PrintOffsetFunc)( char *buf, uint offset );

class CHexBuffer : public TQByteArray
    enum EColumn
      VisibleColumn   = 0x0,
      OffsetColumn    = 0x1,
      PrimaryColumn   = 0x2,
      SecondaryColumn = 0x4,
      EveryColumn     = 0x7

    enum EEditArea
      edit_none = 0,

    enum ECursorMode
      cursor_curr = 0,

    enum EEditMode
      EditInsert = 0,

    enum EUndoState
      UndoOk = 1,
      RedoOk = 2

    CHexBuffer( void );
    ~CHexBuffer( void );

    int  setLayout( SDisplayLayout &tqlayout );
    void setColor( SDisplayColor &color );
    void setInputMode( SDisplayInputMode &mode );
    bool toggleEditor( void );

    bool matchWidth( uint width );

    void setNonPrintChar( TQChar nonPrintChar );
    void setShowCursor( bool showCursor );
    void setDisableCursor( bool disableCursor );
    void settqCursorShapeModifier( bool alwaysBlock, bool thickInsert );
    void setEditMode( EEditMode editMode );
    void setEditMode( EEditMode editMode, bool alwaysBlock, bool thickInsert );
    void setMaximumSize( uint size );
    void setDocumentSize( uint size );
    void setUndoLevel( uint level );
    void setSoundState( bool inputSound, bool fatalSound );
    void setBookmarkVisibility( bool showInColumn, bool showInEditor ); 

    void setFont( const SDisplayFontInfo &fontInfo );
    int  setEncoding( CConversion::EMode mode, CProgress &p );

    bool setCursorPosition( int x, int y, bool init, bool cellLevel );

    int  readFile( TQFile &file, const TQString &url, CProgress &p );
    int  insertFile( TQFile &file, CProgress &p );
    int  writeFile( TQFile &file, CProgress &p );
    int  newFile( const TQString &url );
    void closeFile( void );
    void registerDiskModifyTime( const TQFile &file );

    bool changedOnDisk( void );

    void drawText( TQPainter &paint, uint line, int sx, int x, int w );
    void drawText( TQPainter &paint, uint line, int x1, int x2, int y, 
		   bool useBlackWhite );

    void drawHeader( TQPainter &paint, int sx, int width, int y, bool isFooter,
		     const SPageHeader &header,const SPagePosition &position );
    int  headerHeight( TQPainter &paint );
    int  headerMargin( TQPainter &paint );

    bool inputAtCursor( TQChar c );
    int  inputAtCursor( const TQByteArray &buf, uint oldSize );
    bool removeAtCursor( bool beforeCursor );
    int  locateRange( const SExportRange &range, uint &start, uint &stop );
    int  exportText( const SExportText &ex, CProgress &p );
    int  exportHtml( const SExportHtml &ex, CProgress &p );
    int  exportCArray( const SExportCArray &ex, CProgress &p );
    int  copySelectedText( TQByteArray &array, int columnSegment=VisibleColumn);
    int  copyAllText( TQByteArray &array );
    int  copyText( TQByteArray &array, const SExportRange &range, 
		   int columnSegment );
    int  copySelectedData( TQByteArray &array );

    uint numPage( CHexPrinter &printer );
    int  print( CHexPrinter &printer, CProgress &p );

    uint printLine( char *dst, uint line );
    uint printLine( char *dst, uint line, int columnSegment );

    bool cutSelection( void );
    bool undo( void );
    bool redo( void );
    int  addBookmark( int position );
    bool removeBookmark( int position );
    void updateBookmarkMap( bool resize );

    int  findFirst( SSearchControl &sc );
    int  findNext( SSearchControl &sc );
    int  findWrap( SSearchControl &sc );
    int  replaceAll( SSearchControl &sc, bool init );
    int  replaceMarked( SSearchControl &sc );
    int  filter( SFilterControl &fc );
    int  collectStrings( CStringCollectControl &sc );
    int  collectStatistic( SStatisticControl &sc, CProgress &p );

    void doActionGroup( CHexActionGroup *group );
    void doAction( CHexAction *action );

    inline SCursorState &cursorState( void );
    inline void valueOnCursor( TQByteArray &buf, uint size );
    inline SFileState &fileState( void );
    inline const SDisplayLayout &tqlayout( void );

    inline const SDisplayInputMode &inputMode( void );
    inline TQPtrList<SCursorOffset> &bookmarkList( void );

    inline bool documentPresent( void );
    inline bool modified( void );
    inline uint undoState( void );
    inline uint documentSize( void );
    inline EEditMode editMode( void );
    inline const SEncodeState &encoding( void );
    inline bool losslessEncoding( CConversion::EMode mode );

    inline TQString &url( void );
    bool hasFileName( void );
    inline void setUrl( const TQString &url );
    inline void setModified( bool modified );
    inline const TQDateTime &diskModifyTime( void );

    inline uint calculateLine( uint offset );
    inline int  lineSize( void );
    inline int  lineHeight( void );
    inline int  fontAscent( void );
    inline int  lineWidth( void );
    inline int  unitWidth( void );
    inline int  numLines( void );
    inline int  totalHeight( void );
    inline const TQFont &font( void );
    inline SCursor *textCursor( void );
    inline const TQColor &backgroundColor( void );
    inline int  startX( void );
    inline int  startY( void );
    inline void setStartX( int val );
    inline void setStartY( int val );

    inline bool selectionSet( uint offset, bool init );
    inline void selectionSyncronize( void );
    inline void selectionStartChange( uint &offset1, uint &offset2 );
    inline void selectionStopChange( uint &offset1, uint &offset2 );
    inline bool cursorInsideSelection( void ); 
    inline void markSet( uint offset, uint size );
    inline bool markSet( uint offset, bool init );
    inline bool markRemove( void );
    inline void markSyncronize( void );
    inline void markStartChange( uint &offset1, uint &offset2 );
    inline void markStopChange( uint &offset1, uint &offset2 );

    inline uint cursorOffset( void );
    inline uint cursorBit( void );
    inline uint cursorLine( void );
    inline uint prevCursorLine( void );
    inline SCursor &cursor( void );

    inline void currCursor( EEditArea editArea, SCursorPosition &p );
    inline void prevCursor( EEditArea editArea, SCursorPosition &p );

    inline void cursorUp( uint lines );
    inline void cursorDown( uint lines );
    inline void cursorRight( bool cellLevel );
    inline void cursorLeft( bool cellLevel );
    inline void cursorStep( uint size, bool forward, bool modulo );
    inline void cursorHome( bool toExtreme );
    inline void cursorEnd( bool toExtreme );
    inline void cursorGoto( uint offset, uint bit );
    inline void cursorGoto( uint offset, uint bit, bool backward, 
			    bool fromCursor );
    inline bool cursorChanged( void );
    inline void cursorResetEditArea( void );
    inline bool cursorPrimaryEdit( void );
    inline int  cursorFixedPosition( int position, int height );
    inline int  cursorChangePosition( int position, int height );
    void cursorReset( void );
    enum { BookmarkOnLine = 0x01, BookmarkOnCursor = 0x02 };

    void computeLineWidth( void );
    void computeNumLines( void );
    void cursorCompute( void );

    void drawSelection( TQPainter &paint, TQColor &color, uint start, uint stop, 
			int sx );
    int  drawBookmarks(TQPainter &paint, uint line, int startx);
    void drawCursor( TQPainter &paint, uint line, int startx, bool onBookmark );

    void recordStart( SCursor &cursor );
    void recordReplace( SCursor &cursor, uint size, char *data, uint dataSize);
    void recordEnd( SCursor &cursor );
    void doReplace( CHexAction *hexAction, bool removeData );
    int  scanData( SSearchControl &sc, bool init );
    int  initScanData( SSearchControl &sc );

    inline const TQColor &foregroundColor( uint column );
    inline int  printDummyCell( char *buf, unsigned char data );
    inline int  printHexadecimalBigCell( char *buf, unsigned char data );
    inline int  printHexadecimalSmallCell( char *buf, unsigned char data );
    inline int  printDecimalCell( char *buf, unsigned char data );
    inline int  printOctalCell( char *buf, unsigned char data );
    inline int  printBinaryCell( char *buf, unsigned char data );
    inline int  printAsciiCell( char *buf, unsigned char data );
    inline void printDummyOffset( char *buf, uint offset );
    inline void printHexadecimalBigOffset( char *buf, uint offset );
    inline void printHexadecimalSmallOffset( char *buf, uint offset );
    inline void printDecimalOffset( char *buf, uint offset );

    bool inputDummy( unsigned char *dest, int value, uint cell );
    bool inputHexadecimal( unsigned char *dest, int value, uint cell );
    bool inputDecimal( unsigned char *dest, int value, uint cell );
    bool inputOctal( unsigned char *dest, int value, uint cell );
    bool inputBinary( unsigned char *dest, int value, uint cell );
    bool inputAscii( unsigned char *dest, int value, uint cell );

    int  moveBuffer( uint destOffset, uint srcOffset );
    int  resizeBuffer( uint offset );

    void inputSound( void );
    void fatalSound( void );

    int printHtmlDataPage( const TQString &tocName, 
			   const TQStringList &fileNames, uint index, 
			   const SExportHtml &ex, uint line, uint numLine );
    void printHtmlCaption( TQTextStream &os, uint captionType, uint curPage,
			   uint numPage );
    void printHtmlNavigator( TQTextStream &os, const TQString *next, 
			     const TQString *prev, const TQString *toc );
    void printHtmlTocPage( const TQString &tocName, 
			   const TQString &linkName,
			   const TQStringList &fileNames, 
			   const TQStringList &offsets, uint numPage );
    int printHtmlHeader( TQTextStream &os, bool isFront );
    int printHtmlTable( TQTextStream &os, uint line, uint numLine, bool bw );
    int printHtmlLine( TQTextStream &os, uint offset, bool isPrimary, bool bw );

    void fileSize( uint size );

    TQString mUrl;
    TQDateTime mDiskModifyTime;
    SDisplayLayout mLayout;
    SDisplayColor mColor;
    SDisplayFontInfo mFontInfo;
    CConversion mEncode;
    bool mCharValid[256];

    unsigned char *mColorIndex;
    char *mPrintBuf;
    bool mLoadingData;
    int  mStartX;
    int  mStartY;

    int  mFontHeight;
    int  mFontAscent;
    int  mLineWidth;
    int  mFixedWidth;
    int  mUnitWidth;
    int  mSplitWidth;
    int  mNumLines;
    int  mTextStart1;
    int  mTextStart2;
    int  mNumCell;

    uint mDocumentSize;
    uint mMaximumSize;
    bool mFixedSizeMode;
    bool mDocumentModified;
    EEditMode mEditMode;
    SDisplayInputMode mInputMode;

    int  mOffsetSize;
    int  mOffsetIndex;
    int  mPrimaryWidth;
    int  mSecondaryWidth;
    int  mActiveEditor;

    SSelect mSelect;
    SSelect mMark;

    SCursor mCursor;
    bool mShowCursor;
    bool mDisableCursor;

    bool mInputErrorSound;
    bool mFatalErrorSound;

    bool mShowBookmarkInOffsetColumn;
    bool mShowBookmarkInEditor;

    uint mUndoLimit;
    uint mUndoIndex;
    TQPtrList<CHexActionGroup> mUndoList;
    TQPtrList<SCursorOffset> mBookmarkList;
    TQBitArray mBookmarkMap;

    PrintCellFunc   printCell;
    PrintOffsetFunc printOffset;
    InputCellFunc   inputCell;

    static char mHexBigBuffer[16];
    static char mHexSmallBuffer[16];
    static char mDecBuffer[10];
    static char mOctBuffer[8];
    static SCursorState mCursorState;
    static SFileState mFileState;

inline SCursorState &CHexBuffer::cursorState( void )
  if( size() == 0 )
    mCursorState.valid           = false;
    mCursorState.selectionOffset = 0;
    mCursorState.selectionSize   = 0;
    mCursorState.offset          = 0;
    mCursorState.cell            = 0;
    mCursorState.undoState       = 0;
    memset( mCursorState.data, 0, sizeof(mCursorState.data) );
    mCursorState.charValid       = false;
    mCursorState.valid           = true;
    mCursorState.selectionOffset = mSelect.start();
    mCursorState.selectionSize   = mSelect.size();
    mCursorState.offset          = cursorOffset();
    mCursorState.cell            = cursorBit();
    mCursorState.undoState       = undoState();

    for( uint i = 0; i < sizeof( mCursorState.data ); i++ )
      mCursorState.data[i] = (mCursorState.offset+i >= mDocumentSize) ? 0 : 
	(unsigned char)data()[mCursorState.offset+i];

    mCursorState.charValid      = mCharValid[ mCursorState.data[0] ];
  return( mCursorState );

inline void CHexBuffer::valueOnCursor( TQByteArray &buf, uint size )
  int offset = cursorOffset();
  if( offset + size >= mDocumentSize )
    size = mDocumentSize - offset;

  for( uint i=0; i<buf.size(); i++)
    buf[i] = (unsigned char)data()[offset+i];

inline const SDisplayLayout &CHexBuffer::tqlayout( void )
  return( mLayout );

inline const SDisplayInputMode &CHexBuffer::inputMode( void )
  return( mInputMode );

inline TQPtrList<SCursorOffset> &CHexBuffer::bookmarkList( void )
  return( mBookmarkList );

inline SFileState &CHexBuffer::fileState( void )
  if( size() == 0 )
    mFileState.valid    = false;
    mFileState.size     = 0;
    mFileState.modified = false;

    mFileState.valid    = true;
    mFileState.size     = mDocumentSize;
    mFileState.modified = mDocumentModified;

  return( mFileState );

inline bool CHexBuffer::modified( void )
  return( mDocumentModified );

inline void CHexBuffer::setModified( bool modified )
  mDocumentModified = modified;

inline uint CHexBuffer::undoState( void )
  return( (mUndoIndex > 0 ? UndoOk : 0) | 
	  (mUndoIndex < mUndoList.count() ? RedoOk : 0) );

inline uint CHexBuffer::documentSize( void )
  return( mDocumentSize );

inline CHexBuffer::EEditMode CHexBuffer::editMode( void )
  return( mEditMode );

inline const SEncodeState &CHexBuffer::encoding( void )
  return( mEncode.state() );

inline bool CHexBuffer::losslessEncoding( CConversion::EMode mode )
  return( mEncode.lossless(mode) );

inline TQString &CHexBuffer::url( void )
  return( mUrl );

inline bool CHexBuffer::documentPresent( void )
  return( size() == 0 ? false : true );

inline void CHexBuffer::setUrl( const TQString &url )
  mUrl = url;

inline const TQDateTime &CHexBuffer::diskModifyTime( void )
  return( mDiskModifyTime );

inline uint CHexBuffer::calculateLine( uint offset )
  return( mLayout.lineSize == 0 ? 0 : offset / mLayout.lineSize );

inline const TQColor &CHexBuffer::foregroundColor( uint column )  
  if( column > mLayout.lineSize )
    return( TQt::black );
    return( mColor.primaryFg[ mColorIndex[ column ] ] );

inline bool CHexBuffer::selectionSet( uint offset, bool init )
  if( offset >= size() ) { offset = size() > 0 ? size() - 1 : 0; }

  if( init == true )
    return( mSelect.init( offset ) );
    return( mSelect.set( offset ) );

inline void CHexBuffer::selectionSyncronize( void )

inline void CHexBuffer::selectionStartChange( uint &offset1, uint &offset2 )
  mSelect.startChange( offset1, offset2 );

inline void CHexBuffer::selectionStopChange( uint &offset1, uint &offset2 )
  mSelect.stopChange( offset1, offset2 );

inline bool CHexBuffer::cursorInsideSelection( void )
  return( mSelect.inside( cursorOffset() ) );

inline void CHexBuffer::markSet( uint offset, uint size )
  markSet( offset, true );
  markSet( offset+size, false );

inline bool CHexBuffer::markSet( uint offset, bool init )
  if( offset >= size() ) { offset = size() > 0 ? size() - 1 : 0; }

  if( init == true )
    return( mMark.init( offset ) );
    return( mMark.set( offset ) );

inline bool CHexBuffer::markRemove( void )
  return( mMark.init( mMark.start() ) );

inline void CHexBuffer::markSyncronize( void )

inline void CHexBuffer::markStartChange( uint &offset1, uint &offset2 )
  mMark.startChange( offset1, offset2 );

inline void CHexBuffer::markStopChange( uint &offset1, uint &offset2 )
  mMark.stopChange( offset1, offset2 );

inline uint CHexBuffer::cursorOffset( void )
  return( mCursor.curr.offset );

inline uint CHexBuffer::cursorBit( void )
  return( mCursor.bit() );

inline uint CHexBuffer::cursorLine( void )
  return( mCursor.curr.y / lineHeight() );

inline uint CHexBuffer::prevCursorLine( void )
  return( mCursor.prev.y / lineHeight() );

inline SCursor &CHexBuffer::cursor( void )
  return( mCursor );

inline void CHexBuffer::currCursor( EEditArea editArea, SCursorPosition &p )
  if( editArea == edit_primary )
    if( mActiveEditor == edit_primary )
      p.x = mCursor.curr.drawX1();
      p.w = mCursor.curr.width1();
      p.x = mCursor.curr.drawX2();
      p.w = mUnitWidth;
    if( mActiveEditor == edit_primary )
      p.x = mCursor.curr.drawX2();
      p.w = mUnitWidth;
      p.x = mCursor.curr.drawX1();
      p.w = mUnitWidth * mNumCell;

  p.x -= mStartX;
  p.y = mCursor.curr.y - mStartY;
  p.h = lineHeight();


inline void CHexBuffer::prevCursor( EEditArea editArea, SCursorPosition &p )
  if( editArea == edit_primary )
    if( mActiveEditor == edit_primary )
      p.x = mCursor.prev.drawX1();
      p.w = mUnitWidth * mNumCell;
      p.x = mCursor.prev.drawX2();
      p.w = mUnitWidth;
    if( mActiveEditor == edit_primary )
      p.x = mCursor.prev.drawX2();
      p.w = mUnitWidth;
      p.x = mCursor.prev.drawX1();
      p.w = mUnitWidth * mNumCell;

  p.x -= mStartX;
  p.y = mCursor.prev.y - mStartY;
  p.h = lineHeight();

inline void CHexBuffer::cursorUp( uint lines )
  mCursor.up( lines );

inline void CHexBuffer::cursorDown( uint lines )
  mCursor.down( lines );

inline void CHexBuffer::cursorRight( bool cellLevel )
  if( cellLevel == true && mActiveEditor == edit_primary )
    mCursor.addOffset( 1 );

inline void CHexBuffer::cursorStep( uint size, bool forward, bool modulo )
  if( forward == true )
    if( modulo == true )
      uint offset = mCursor.getOffset() + size;
      mCursor.setOffset( offset - offset % size );
      mCursor.addOffset( size );
    if( modulo == true )
      uint offset = mCursor.getOffset();
      if( offset % size )
	mCursor.decOffset( offset % size, false );
	mCursor.setOffset( offset < size ? 0 : offset - size );
      mCursor.decOffset( size, false );

inline void CHexBuffer::cursorLeft( bool cellLevel )
  if( cellLevel == true && mActiveEditor == edit_primary )
    mCursor.decOffset( 1, false );

inline void CHexBuffer::cursorHome( bool toExtreme )
  mCursor.home( toExtreme );

inline void CHexBuffer::cursorEnd( bool toExtreme )
  mCursor.end( toExtreme );

inline void CHexBuffer::cursorGoto( uint offset, uint bit, bool backward, 
				    bool fromCursor )
  uint maxOffset = mFixedSizeMode == true ? mMaximumSize-1 : documentSize();
  mCursor.setOffset( offset, bit, backward, fromCursor, maxOffset );

inline void CHexBuffer::cursorGoto( uint offset, uint bit )
  mCursor.setOffset( offset );
  mCursor.setBit( bit );

inline bool CHexBuffer::cursorChanged( void )
  return( mCursor.changed() );

inline void CHexBuffer::cursorResetEditArea( void )
  mCursor.setArea( edit_none );

inline bool CHexBuffer::cursorPrimaryEdit( void )
  return( mActiveEditor == edit_primary ? true : false );

inline int CHexBuffer::cursorFixedPosition( int position, int height )
  position += mCursor.curr.y - mCursor.prev.y;
  if( position < 0 )
    return( 0 );
  else if( position + height > totalHeight() )
    return( height > totalHeight() ? 0 : totalHeight() - height );
    if( mCursor.curr.y < position )
      return( mCursor.curr.y );
    else if( mCursor.curr.y > position + height )
      return( mCursor.curr.y - height + lineHeight() );
      return( position );

inline int CHexBuffer::cursorChangePosition( int position, int height )
  if( mCursor.curr.y < position || mCursor.curr.y > position + height )
    // When cursor is at top of window
    position = mCursor.curr.y;
  else if( mCursor.curr.y > position + height - lineHeight() )
    // When cursor is at bottom of window
    position = mCursor.curr.y - height + lineHeight();

  return( position );

inline int CHexBuffer::printDummyCell( char *buf, unsigned char )
  buf[0] = 0;
  return( 0 );

inline int CHexBuffer::printHexadecimalBigCell( char *buf, unsigned char data )
  buf[0] = mHexBigBuffer[ (data>>4)&0x0F ];
  buf[1] = mHexBigBuffer[ data&0x0F ];
  return( 0 );

inline int CHexBuffer::printHexadecimalSmallCell( char *buf, 
						  unsigned char data )
  buf[0] = mHexSmallBuffer[ (data>>4)&0x0F ];
  buf[1] = mHexSmallBuffer[ data&0x0F ];
  return( 0 );

inline int CHexBuffer::printDecimalCell( char *buf, unsigned char data )
  buf[0] = mDecBuffer[ data/100 ];
  data -= (data/100) * 100;
  buf[1] = mDecBuffer[ data/10 ];
  data -= (data/10) * 10;
  buf[2] = mDecBuffer[ data ];
  return( 0 );

inline int CHexBuffer::printOctalCell( char *buf, unsigned char data )
  buf[0] = mOctBuffer[ (data>>6)&0x07 ];
  buf[1] = mOctBuffer[ (data>>3)&0x07 ];
  buf[2] = mOctBuffer[ data&0x07 ];
  return( 0 );

inline int CHexBuffer::printBinaryCell( char *buf, unsigned char data )
  for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
    buf[7-i] = (data&(1<<i)) ? '1' : '0';
  return( 0 );

inline int CHexBuffer::printAsciiCell( char *buf, unsigned char data )
  if( mCharValid[data] == 0 )
    buf[0] = mFontInfo.nonPrintChar;
    return( 1 );
    buf[0] = data;
    return( 0 );

inline void CHexBuffer::printDummyOffset( char *buf, uint /*offset*/ )
  buf[0] = 0;

inline void CHexBuffer::printHexadecimalBigOffset( char *buf, uint offset )
  sprintf( buf, "%04X:%04X", offset>>16, offset&0x0000FFFF );

inline void CHexBuffer::printHexadecimalSmallOffset( char *buf, uint offset )
  sprintf( buf, "%04x:%04x", offset>>16, offset&0x0000FFFF );

inline void CHexBuffer::printDecimalOffset( char *buf, uint offset )
  sprintf( buf, "%010u", offset );

inline int CHexBuffer::lineSize( void )
  return( mLayout.lineSize );

inline int CHexBuffer::lineHeight( void )
  return( mFontHeight + mLayout.horzGridWidth );

inline int CHexBuffer::fontAscent( void )
  return( mFontAscent );

inline int CHexBuffer::lineWidth( void )
  return( mLineWidth );

inline int CHexBuffer::unitWidth( void )
  return( mUnitWidth );

inline int CHexBuffer::numLines( void )
  return( mNumLines );

inline int CHexBuffer::totalHeight( void )
  return( mNumLines * (mFontHeight+mLayout.horzGridWidth) );

inline const TQFont &CHexBuffer::font( void )
  return( mFontInfo.font );

inline SCursor *CHexBuffer::textCursor( void )
  return( &mCursor );

inline const TQColor &CHexBuffer::backgroundColor( void )
  return( documentPresent() == true ? mColor.textBg : mColor.inactiveBg );

inline int CHexBuffer::startX( void )
  return( mStartX );

inline int CHexBuffer::startY( void )
  return( mStartY );

inline void CHexBuffer::setStartX( int val )
  mStartX = val;

inline void CHexBuffer::setStartY( int val )
  mStartY = val;
