                          kbigbuffer.cpp  -  description
    begin                : Mit Jun 02 2003
    copyright            : (C) 2003 by Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
    email                : Friedrich.W.H@Kossebau.de

 *                                                                         *
 *   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
 *   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public           *
 *   License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.       *
 *                                                                         *

// c specific
#include <stdlib.h>
// lib specific
#include "kbigbuffer.h"

using namespace KHE;

KBigBuffer::KBigBuffer( int NP, int PS )
 : NoOfUsedPages( NP ),
   NoOfFreePages( NP ),
   PageSize( PS ),
   FirstPage( -1 ),
   LastPage( -1 ),
   Size( 0 )
  IsOpen = false;

//   if( !filename.empty() )
//     open(filename);

  if( File.isOpen() )

bool KBigBuffer::prepareRange( KSection /*Range*/ ) const
  return true;

const char *KBigBuffer::dataSet( KSection /*Section*/ ) const
  return 0;

char KBigBuffer::datum( unsigned int DatumOffset ) const
//   std::cout << "reading datum " << DatumOffset << std::endl;
  int OffsetInPage = DatumOffset - OffsetOfActualPage;
  // there shouldn't be any need to check l
  if( OffsetInPage >= 0 && OffsetInPage < (int)PageSize )
    return ActualPage[OffsetInPage];

  // load the page
  unsigned int PageIndex = DatumOffset / PageSize;
  ensurePageLoaded( PageIndex );
  return ActualPage[DatumOffset-OffsetOfActualPage];

int KBigBuffer::insert( int /*Pos*/, const char*, int /*Length*/ )
  return 0;

int KBigBuffer::remove( KSection /*Section*/ )
  return 0;

unsigned int KBigBuffer::replace( KSection /*Section*/, const char*, unsigned int /*Length*/ )
  return 0;

int KBigBuffer::fill( char /*FillChar*/, int /*Length*/, unsigned int /*Pos*/ )
  return 0;

int KBigBuffer::move( int /*DestPos*/, KSection /*SourceSection*/ ) { return 0; }
//int KBigBuffer::find( const char*, int /*Length*/, int /*Pos*/ ) const  { return 0; }
int KBigBuffer::find( const char*/*KeyData*/, int /*Length*/, KSection /*Section*/ ) const { return 0; }

int KBigBuffer::rfind( const char*, int /*Length*/, int /*Pos*/ ) const { return 0; }

bool KBigBuffer::open( const TQString& FileName )
  // clear old data
  if( isOpen() && !close() ) // only occurs if close somehow fails.
    return false;

  File.setName( FileName );
  if( !File.open(IO_ReadOnly|IO_Raw) )
    return false;

//   std::cout << "loading file " << FileName << std::endl;

  int FileSize = File.size();
  Size = FileSize;

  // calculate necessary number of pages
  int NoOfPages = FileSize/PageSize + 1;

  // initialize Page pointers
  Data.resize( NoOfPages );
  for( KPageOfChar::iterator D=Data.begin(); D!=Data.end(); ++D )
    *D = 0;

  FirstPage = LastPage = 0;

  return ensurePageLoaded( 0 );

bool KBigBuffer::close()
  if( !isOpen() )
    return false;


  if( File.status() == IO_UnspecifiedError )
    return false;

//   std::cout << "closing file " << std::endl;

  // free pages
  for( KPageOfChar::iterator D=Data.begin(); D!=Data.end(); ++D )
    delete [] *D;

  FirstPage = LastPage = -1;
  NoOfFreePages = NoOfUsedPages;

  return true;

bool KBigBuffer::ensurePageLoaded( unsigned int PageIndex ) const
  if( !isOpen() )
    return false;
  // page loaded?
  if( Data[PageIndex] != 0 )
    ActualPage = Data[PageIndex];
    OffsetOfActualPage = PageIndex * PageSize;
    return true;

  // no page available?
  if( NoOfFreePages < 1 )
    // free the page which is the furthest away from the page we are loading
    if( abs(FirstPage-PageIndex) > abs(LastPage-PageIndex) )
      while( !freePage(FirstPage++) );
      while( !freePage(LastPage--) );

//   std::cout << "loading page " << PageIndex << std::endl;
  // create Page
  Data[PageIndex] = new char[PageSize];

  // jump to position and read the page's data in
  bool Success = File.at( (unsigned long)(PageIndex*PageSize) );
  if( Success )
    Success = File.readBlock( Data[PageIndex], PageSize ) > 0;

  if( Success )
    // correct bounds
    if( (int)PageIndex < FirstPage )
      FirstPage = PageIndex;

    if( (int)PageIndex > LastPage )
      LastPage = PageIndex;

    ActualPage = Data[PageIndex];
    OffsetOfActualPage = PageIndex * PageSize;

  return Success;

bool KBigBuffer::freePage( unsigned int PageIndex ) const
  // check range and if is loaded at all
  if( (unsigned int)PageIndex >= Data.size() || !Data[PageIndex] )
    return false;
//   std::cout << "freeing page " << PageIndex << std::endl;
  delete [] Data[PageIndex];
  Data[PageIndex] = 0;
  return true;