                          kbytesedit.h  -  description
    begin                : Die Jul 9 2003
    copyright            : (C) 2003 by Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
    email                : Friedrich.W.H@Kossebau.de

 *                                                                         *
 *   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
 *   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public           *
 *   License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.       *
 *                                                                         *


#include "khexedit.h"

#include <khexedit_export.h>

namespace KHE

class KDataBuffer;
class KBytesEditPrivate;

/** the beginner's hex edit widget ;)
  * It hides the concept of the KDataBuffer and accepts a pure pointer
  * to a reasonable large array of bytes
  * 1. used as viewer
  *    a) static data ranges -> no changes for data pointer and length
  *       possible changes are told to the widget by repaintRange
  *    b) changing data ranges -> data pointer and length might change
  *       changes told by
  *       * resetData( char *, int size, bool repaint );
  *       *
  * 2. used as editor
  *    a) static data ranges
  *       data pointer stays the same
  *    b) changing data ranges
  *       pointer to the data changes in charge of the widget:
  *       given pointer and intermediate pointer are possibly invalid
  *       problem: who cares about the array if the data is deleted?
  *       -> solved by setAutoDelete()
  *@author Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
//TODO: give the bytes edit widget an empty buffer as default
class KHEXEDIT_EXPORT KBytesEdit : public KHexEdit
  //_PROPERTY( char * Data READ data )
  TQ_PROPERTY( int DataSize READ dataSize )
  TQ_PROPERTY( int MaxDataSize READ maxDataSize WRITE setMaxDataSize )
  TQ_PROPERTY( bool AutoDelete READ isAutoDelete WRITE setAutoDelete DESIGNABLE false )

    /** creates a new widget to view/edit data
      * @param D pointer to memory
      * @param S size of used memory
      * @param RS_ real size of the memory
      * @param KM keep the memory on resize (RS_ is then the maximum size)
      * @param Parent parent widget
      * @param Name name for this widget
      * @param F flags
    KBytesEdit( char *D, int DS_, int RS_, bool KM, TQWidget *Parent = 0, const char *Name = 0, WFlags F = 0 );
    /** hands over to the editor a new byte array.
      * If there exists an old one and autodelete is set the old one gets deleted.
      * @param D pointer to memory
      * @param S size of used memory
      * @param RS_ real size of the memory
      * @param KM keep the memory on resize (RS_ is the maximum size)
    KBytesEdit( char *D, int DS_, TQWidget *Parent = 0, const char *Name = 0, WFlags F = 0 );
    /** hands over to the editor a new byte array.
      * If there exists an old one and autodelete is set the old one gets deleted.
      * @param D pointer to memory
      * @param S size of used memory
      * @param RS_ real size of the memory
      * @param KM keep the memory on resize (RS_ is the maximum size)
    KBytesEdit( TQWidget *Parent = 0, const char *Name = 0, WFlags F = 0 );
    virtual ~KBytesEdit();

  public: // value access
    /** returns the pointer to the actual byte array. This can be but must not be the one
      * that was given in the constructor.
    char *data() const;
    /** returns the size of the actual byte array */
    int dataSize() const;
    /** returns the maximal allowed size for the byte array */
    int maxDataSize () const;
    /** returns whether autodelete is set for the byte array */
    bool isAutoDelete() const;
    /** returns whether the memory of the byte array is kept */
    bool keepsMemory() const;

  public: // logic value service

  public: // modification access

  public slots:
    /** hands over to the editor a new byte array.
      * If there exists an old one and autodelete is set the old one gets deleted.
      * @param D pointer to memory
      * @param S size of used memory
      * @param RS_ real size of the memory
      * @param KM keep the memory on resize (RS_ is the maximum size)
    void setData( char *D, int S, int RS_ = -1, bool KM = true );

    /** sets whether the given array should be handled read only or not */
    virtual void setReadOnly( bool RO = true );
    /** sets the maximal size of the actual byte array. If the actual array is already larger
      * it will not be modified but there can be only done non-inserting actions
      * until the array's is below the limit
    void setMaxDataSize( int MS );
    /** sets whether the array should be deleted on the widget's end or if a new array is set.
      * Default is false
    void setAutoDelete( bool AD = true );
    /** sets whether the memory given by setData or in the constructor should be kept on resize
    void setKeepsMemory( bool KM = true );

    /** repaint the indizes from i1 to i2 */
    void repaintRange( int i1, int i2 );

    /** deletes the databuffer */
    void clean();

  protected slots:

    /** */
    bool AutoDelete:1;
    /** */
    KBytesEditPrivate *d;

  private: // Disabling copy constructor and operator= - not useful
    KBytesEdit( const KBytesEdit & );
    KBytesEdit &operator=( const KBytesEdit & );

