Notes about laptop daemon's icons: lo16-app-klaptopdaemon.png - is only used for the context menu only the 16x16 is actually needed in fact with recent changes to the iconloader icons other than the 16x16 (really 20x20) are BAD - please don't create them the 3 icons in the action directory: laptop_charge/laptop_concharge/laptop_nobattery are 'special' - they are read by the application and modified on-the-fly to create a bar-graph of how full the battery is - you can't just edit them the way you would a normal icon - basically any white pixels will be replaced with a proportional number of blue ones from the bottom of the icon to the top (so pure white pixels are 'magic' and should be treated as the portion of the icon that is the graph) you can use slightly off-white or a not-quite-saturated white if you want 'white' I'd love some cool new battery icons but please contact me if you need some testing before committing Paul Campbell - laptop support author We also have some contributed icons: the 2 'alt_' ones came from Percy Leonhardt <percy at> the 3 'alt2_' ones came from Keunwoo Lee <klee at> the 2 'alt3_' ones came from Jason Dixon <jasondixon at> thanks guys!