// -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 2; -*- /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (c) 2003 Willi Richert <w.richert@gmx.net> Pretty much ripped off from : George Staikos <staikos@kde.org> :) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <kgenericfactory.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kprocess.h> #include <tdeconfig.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "generic_monitor.h" #include "kmilointerface.h" #include <tqmessagebox.h> #include <tqfile.h> #include <tqdir.h> #define CONFIG_FILE "kmilodrc" using namespace KMilo; // now the key data (from kkeyserver_x11.h and $TQTDIR/include/tqnamespace.h) struct ShortcutInfo { const char* name; int symbol; const char *slot; }; static const ShortcutInfo shortcuts[] = { { "Search", TDEShortcut("XF86Search"), TQT_SLOT(launchSearch()) }, { "Home Folder", TDEShortcut("XF86MyComputer"), TQT_SLOT(launchHomeFolder()) }, { "Mail", TDEShortcut("XF86Mail"), TQT_SLOT(launchMail()) }, { "Audio Media", TDEShortcut("XF86AudioMedia"), TQT_SLOT(launchMusic()) }, { "Music", TDEShortcut("XF86Music"), TQT_SLOT(launchMusic()) }, { "Browser", TDEShortcut("XF86WWW"), TQT_SLOT(launchBrowser()) }, { "Calculator", TDEShortcut("XF86Calculator"), TQT_SLOT(launchCalculator()) }, { "Terminal", TDEShortcut("XF86Terminal"), TQT_SLOT(launchTerminal()) }, { "Eject", TDEShortcut("XF86Eject"), TQT_SLOT(eject()) }, { "Help", TDEShortcut("XF86Launch0"), TQT_SLOT(launchHelp()) }, { "Light Bulb", TDEShortcut("XF86LightBulb"), TQT_SLOT(lightBulb()) }, { "Battery", TDEShortcut("XF86LaunchB"), TQT_SLOT(pmBattery()) }, { "FastVolumeUp", TQt::Key_VolumeUp, TQT_SLOT(fastVolumeUp()) }, { "FastVolumeDown", TQt::Key_VolumeDown, TQT_SLOT(fastVolumeDown()) }, { "SlowVolumeUp", TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_VolumeUp, TQT_SLOT(slowVolumeUp()) }, { "SlowVolumeDown", TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_VolumeDown, TQT_SLOT(slowVolumeDown()) }, { "Mute", TDEShortcut("XF86AudioMute"), TQT_SLOT(toggleMute()) }, { "BrightnessUp", TDEShortcut("XF86MonBrightnessUp"), TQT_SLOT(brightnessUp()) }, { "BrightnessDown", TDEShortcut("XF86MonBrightnessDown"), TQT_SLOT(brightnessDown()) } }; GenericMonitor::GenericMonitor(TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList& args) : Monitor(parent, name, args), kmixClient(NULL), kmixWindow(NULL), tdepowersave(NULL), m_progress(0), m_displayType(Monitor::None) { _poll = false; } GenericMonitor::~GenericMonitor() { if (ga) { int len = (int)sizeof(shortcuts)/sizeof(ShortcutInfo); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { ga->remove(shortcuts[i].name); } ga->updateConnections(); delete ga; } } bool GenericMonitor::init() { config = new TDEConfig(CONFIG_FILE); reconfigure(config); if(!m_enabled) return false; // exit early if we are not supposed to run ga = new TDEGlobalAccel(this, "miloGenericAccel"); ShortcutInfo si; int len = (int)sizeof(shortcuts)/sizeof(ShortcutInfo); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { si = shortcuts[i]; ga->insert(si.name, TQString(), TQString(), si.symbol, si.symbol, this, si.slot, false); } ga->readSettings(); ga->updateConnections(); kmixClient = new DCOPRef("kmix", "kmix"); kmixWindow = new DCOPRef("kmix", "kmix-mainwindow#1"); tdepowersave = new DCOPRef("tdepowersave", "tdepowersaveIface"); return true; } void GenericMonitor::reconfigure(TDEConfig *config) { config->setGroup("generic monitor"); m_volumeStepFast = config->readNumEntry("volumeStepFast", 10); m_volumeStepSlow = config->readNumEntry("volumeStepSlow", 1); m_enabled = config->readBoolEntry("enabled", true); } bool GenericMonitor::retrieveVolume(int &volume) { DCOPReply reply = kmixClient->call("volume"); if (reply.isValid()) { volume = reply; return true; } // maybe the error occurred because kmix wasn't running. Try to start it _interface->displayText(i18n("Starting KMix...")); if (kapp->startServiceByDesktopName("kmix") == 0) { // trying again reply = kmixClient->call("volume"); if (reply.isValid()) { volume = reply; kmixWindow->send("hide"); return true; } } kdDebug() << "KMilo: GenericMonitor could not access kmix via dcop" << endl; _interface->displayText(i18n("It seems that KMix is not running.")); return false; } void GenericMonitor::volumeChange(int direction, int percentage) { int volume; if (!direction || !retrieveVolume(volume)) { return; } if (direction > 0) { volume += percentage; if (volume > 100) { volume = 100; } } else { volume -= percentage; if (volume < 0) { volume = 0; } } _interface->displayProgress(i18n("Volume"), volume); kmixClient->send("setVolume", volume); // if mute then unmute bool muted = false; if (retrieveMute(muted) && muted) { kmixClient->send("setMute", false); } } void GenericMonitor::slowVolumeUp() { volumeChange( 1, m_volumeStepSlow); } void GenericMonitor::slowVolumeDown() { volumeChange(-1, m_volumeStepSlow); } void GenericMonitor::fastVolumeUp() { volumeChange( 1, m_volumeStepFast); } void GenericMonitor::fastVolumeDown() { volumeChange(-1, m_volumeStepFast); } bool GenericMonitor::retrieveMute(bool &muted) { DCOPReply reply = kmixClient->call("mute"); if (reply.isValid()) { muted = reply; return true; } // maybe the error occurred because kmix wasn't running. Try to start it _interface->displayText(i18n("Starting KMix...")); if (kapp->startServiceByDesktopName("kmix") == 0) { // trying again reply = kmixClient->call("mute"); if (reply.isValid()) { muted = reply; kmixWindow->send("hide"); return true; } } kdDebug() << "KMilo: GenericMonitor could not access kmix via dcop" << endl; _interface->displayText(i18n("It seems that KMix is not running.")); return false; } void GenericMonitor::toggleMute() { bool muted = false; if (!retrieveMute(muted)) { return; } muted = !muted; TQString muteText; if (muted) { muteText = i18n("System muted"); } else { muteText = i18n("System unmuted"); } kmixClient->send("setMute", muted); _interface->displayText(muteText); } void GenericMonitor::brightnessUp() { brightnessChange(1, 10); } void GenericMonitor::brightnessDown() { brightnessChange(-1, 10); } void GenericMonitor::brightnessChange(int direction, int step) { if (!tdepowersave) { return; } DCOPReply reply = tdepowersave->call("brightnessGet"); if (reply.isValid()) { int brightnessLevel = 100 + (int)reply; // reply value is a negative number between 0 and -100. brightnessLevel += direction * step; // add requested brightness step if (brightnessLevel > 100) { brightnessLevel = 100; } if (brightnessLevel < 0) { brightnessLevel = 0; } if (direction > 0) { tdepowersave->send("do_brightnessUp", step); } else if (direction < 0) { tdepowersave->send("do_brightnessDown", step); } _interface->displayProgress(i18n("Brightness"), brightnessLevel); } } int GenericMonitor::progress() const { return m_progress; } Monitor::DisplayType GenericMonitor::poll() { return m_displayType; } void GenericMonitor::launch(TQString configKey, TQString defaultApplication) { TQString application = config->readEntry(configKey, defaultApplication); TDEProcess proc; proc << application; proc.start(TDEProcess::DontCare); } void GenericMonitor::launchMail() { kdDebug() << "launchMail" << endl; kapp->invokeMailer("", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } void GenericMonitor::launchBrowser() { kapp->invokeBrowser(""); } void GenericMonitor::launchSearch() { launch("search", "kfind"); } void GenericMonitor::launchHomeFolder() { TQString home = TQDir::home().path(); TDEProcess proc; proc << "kfmclient" << "exec" << home; proc.start(TDEProcess::DontCare); } void GenericMonitor::launchMusic() { launch("search", "amarok"); } void GenericMonitor::launchCalculator() { launch("search", "speedcrunch"); } void GenericMonitor::launchTerminal() { launch("search", "konsole"); } void GenericMonitor::launchHelp() { launch("search", "khelpcenter"); } void GenericMonitor::eject() { launch("search", "eject"); } void GenericMonitor::lightBulb() { kdDebug() << "lightBulb()" << endl; _interface->displayText("Screen Light"); } void GenericMonitor::pmBattery() { DCOPRef("guidance*", "power-manager").send("showTip"); } K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(kmilo_generic, KGenericFactory<GenericMonitor>("kmilo_generic")) #include "generic_monitor.moc"