/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Jesper K. Pedersen <blackie@kde.org> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ #ifdef TQT_ONLY #include "compat.h" #else #include <klineeditdlg.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include "userdefinedregexps.moc" #endif #include "userdefinedregexps.h" #include <tqheader.h> #include <tqpopupmenu.h> #include <tqdir.h> #include "widgetfactory.h" #include "compoundregexp.h" #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqlabel.h> UserDefinedRegExps::UserDefinedRegExps( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQDockWindow( TQDockWindow::InDock, parent, name) { TQWidget* top = new TQWidget( this ); TQVBoxLayout* lay = new TQVBoxLayout( top, 6 ); lay->setAutoAdd( true ); TQLabel* label = new TQLabel( i18n("Compound regular expressions:"), top ); // This is to avoid that the label set the minimum width for the window. label->setMinimumSize(1,0); _userDefined = new TQListView( top, "UserDefinedRegExps::_userDefined" ); _userDefined->addColumn( TQString() ); _userDefined->header()->hide(); // _userDefined->setRootIsDecorated( true ); setWidget( top ); slotPopulateUserRegexps(); connect( _userDefined, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(TQListViewItem*)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotLoad(TQListViewItem*)) ); connect( _userDefined, TQT_SIGNAL(rightButtonPressed(TQListViewItem*,const TQPoint&, int )), this, TQT_SLOT( slotEdit( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint& ) ) ); } void UserDefinedRegExps::slotPopulateUserRegexps() { _userDefined->clear(); _regExps.clear(); createItems( i18n("User Defined"), WidgetWinItem::path(), true ); #ifdef TQT_ONLY TQStringList dirs; dirs << TQString::fromLatin1( "predefined" ); #else TQStringList dirs = KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs( "data", TQString::fromLocal8Bit("kregexpeditor/predefined/") ); #endif for ( TQStringList::iterator it1 = dirs.begin(); it1 != dirs.end(); ++it1 ) { TQDir dir( *it1, TQString(), TQDir::Name, TQDir::Dirs ); TQStringList subdirs = dir.entryList(); for ( TQStringList::iterator it2 = subdirs.begin(); it2 != subdirs.end(); ++it2 ) { if ( *it2 == TQString::fromLocal8Bit(".") || *it2 == TQString::fromLocal8Bit("..") ) continue; createItems( *it2, *it1 + TQString::fromLocal8Bit("/") + *it2, false ); } } } void UserDefinedRegExps::createItems( const TQString& _title, const TQString& dir, bool usersRegExp ) { TQString title = _title; if (_title == TQString::fromLatin1("general")) title = i18n("General"); TQListViewItem* lvItem = new TQListViewItem( _userDefined, title ); lvItem->setOpen( true ); TQDir directory( dir ); TQStringList files = directory.entryList( TQString::fromLocal8Bit("*.regexp") ); for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it ) { TQString fileName = dir + TQString::fromLocal8Bit("/") + *it; TQFile file( fileName ); if ( ! file.open(IO_ReadOnly) ) { KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("Could not open file for reading: %1").arg(fileName) ); continue; } TQTextStream stream( &file ); TQString data = stream.read(); file.close(); RegExp* regexp = WidgetFactory::createRegExp( data ); if ( ! regexp ) { KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("File %1 containing user defined regular expression contained an error").arg( fileName ) ); continue; } new WidgetWinItem( *it, regexp, usersRegExp, lvItem ); // Insert the regexp into the list of compound regexps if ( regexp->type() == RegExp::COMPOUND ) { CompoundRegExp* cregexp = dynamic_cast<CompoundRegExp*>( regexp ); if ( cregexp && cregexp->allowReplace() ) _regExps.append( cregexp ); } } } const TQPtrList<CompoundRegExp> UserDefinedRegExps::regExps() const { return _regExps; } void UserDefinedRegExps::slotUnSelect() { _userDefined->clearSelection(); } void UserDefinedRegExps::slotLoad(TQListViewItem* item) { if ( !item || ! dynamic_cast<WidgetWinItem*>(item) ) { // Mouse pressed outside a widget. return; } WidgetWinItem* wwi = dynamic_cast<WidgetWinItem*>(item); if (wwi) { emit load( wwi->regExp() ); } } void UserDefinedRegExps::slotEdit( TQListViewItem* item, const TQPoint& pos ) { TQPopupMenu* menu = new TQPopupMenu( this ); menu->insertItem(i18n("Delete"), 1 ); menu->insertItem(i18n("Rename..."), 2 ); if ( !item || ! dynamic_cast<WidgetWinItem*>( item ) ) { // menu not selected on an item menu->setItemEnabled( 1, false ); menu->setItemEnabled( 2, false ); } else { // Only allow rename and delete of users own regexps. WidgetWinItem* winItem = dynamic_cast<WidgetWinItem*>( item ); if ( winItem && ! winItem->isUsersRegExp() ) { menu->setItemEnabled( 1, false ); menu->setItemEnabled( 2, false ); } } int which = menu->exec( pos ); if ( which == 1 ) { // Delete WidgetWinItem* winItem = dynamic_cast<WidgetWinItem*>( item ); Q_ASSERT( winItem ); TQFile file( winItem->fileName() ); Q_ASSERT( file.exists() ); file.remove(); delete item; } else if ( which == 2 ) { // Rename WidgetWinItem* winItem = dynamic_cast<WidgetWinItem*>( item ); Q_ASSERT( winItem ); TQString oldFile = winItem->fileName(); TQString oldName = winItem->name(); TQString txt; #ifdef TQT_ONLY txt = TQInputDialog::getText( tr("Rename Regular Expression"), tr("New name:") ); #else KLineEditDlg dlg(i18n("New name:"), oldName, this); dlg.setCaption(i18n("Rename Item")); bool ok = dlg.exec(); if ( ok ) txt = dlg.text(); #endif if ( !txt.isNull() && oldName != txt ) { TQString fileName = WidgetWinItem::path() + TQString::fromLocal8Bit("/") + txt + TQString::fromLocal8Bit(".regexp"); TQFileInfo finfo( fileName ); if ( finfo.exists() ) { int answer = KMessageBox::warningYesNo( this, i18n("<p>Overwrite named regular expression <b>%1</b>?</p>").arg(txt), TQString(), i18n("Overwrite"), i18n("Do Not Overwrite") ); if ( answer != KMessageBox::Yes ) return; // An item with this name already exists. delete winItem; } else winItem->setName( txt ); TQDir dir; dir.rename( oldFile, fileName ); } } delete menu; } void UserDefinedRegExps::slotSelectNewAction() { slotUnSelect(); } WidgetWinItem::WidgetWinItem( TQString fileName, RegExp* regexp, bool usersRegExp, TQListViewItem* parent ) :TQListViewItem( parent ), _regexp( regexp ), _usersRegExp ( usersRegExp ) { int index = fileName.findRev(TQString::fromLocal8Bit(".regexp")); _name = fileName.left(index); setText( 0, _name ); } TQString WidgetWinItem::fileName() const { return path() + TQString::fromLocal8Bit("/") +_name + TQString::fromLocal8Bit(".regexp"); } RegExp* WidgetWinItem::regExp() const { return _regexp; } TQString WidgetWinItem::name() const { return _name; } void WidgetWinItem::setName( const TQString& nm ) { _name = nm; setText( 0, nm ); } TQString WidgetWinItem::path() { #ifdef TQT_ONLY return TQString::fromLatin1( "predefined" ); #else return locateLocal("data", TQString::fromLocal8Bit("KRegExpEditor/")); #endif }