/* Copyright (C) 2003,2004 George Staikos This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "tdewalletmanager.h" #include "tdewalletpopup.h" #include "tdewalleteditor.h" #include "allyourbase.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include TDEWalletManager::TDEWalletManager(TQWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f) : TDEMainWindow(parent, name, f), DCOPObject("TDEWalletManager") { TDEGlobal::dirs()->addResourceType("tdewallet", "share/apps/tdewallet"); _tdewalletdLaunch = false; TQAccel *accel = new TQAccel(this, "tdewalletmanager"); TDEApplication::dcopClient()->setQtBridgeEnabled(false); _shuttingDown = false; TDEConfig cfg("tdewalletrc"); // not sure why this setting isn't in tdewalletmanagerrc... TDEConfigGroup walletConfigGroup(&cfg, "Wallet"); _dcopRef = 0L; if (walletConfigGroup.readBoolEntry("Launch Manager", true)) { _tray = new KSystemTray(this, "tdewalletmanager tray"); _tray->setPixmap(loadSystemTrayIcon("wallet_closed")); TQToolTip::add(_tray, i18n("TDE Wallet: No wallets open.")); connect(_tray, TQ_SIGNAL(quitSelected()), TQ_SLOT(shuttingDown())); TQStringList wl = TDEWallet::Wallet::walletList(); bool isOpen = false; for (TQStringList::Iterator it = wl.begin(); it != wl.end(); ++it) { if (TDEWallet::Wallet::isOpen(*it)) { _tray->setPixmap(loadSystemTrayIcon("wallet_open")); TQToolTip::remove(_tray); TQToolTip::add(_tray, i18n("TDE Wallet: A wallet is open.")); isOpen = true; break; } } if (!isOpen && tdeApp->isRestored()) { delete _tray; _tray = 0L; TQTimer::singleShot( 0, tdeApp, TQ_SLOT( quit())); return; } } else { _tray = 0L; } _iconView = new TDEWalletIconView(this, "tdewalletmanager icon view"); connect(_iconView, TQ_SIGNAL(executed(TQIconViewItem*)), this, TQ_SLOT(openWallet(TQIconViewItem*))); connect(_iconView, TQ_SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested(TQIconViewItem*, const TQPoint&)), this, TQ_SLOT(contextMenu(TQIconViewItem*, const TQPoint&))); updateWalletDisplay(); setCentralWidget(_iconView); _iconView->setMinimumSize(320, 200); _dcopRef = new DCOPRef("kded", "tdewalletd"); _dcopRef->dcopClient()->setNotifications(true); connect(_dcopRef->dcopClient(), TQ_SIGNAL(applicationRemoved(const TQCString&)), this, TQ_SLOT(possiblyRescan(const TQCString&))); connect(_dcopRef->dcopClient(), TQ_SIGNAL(applicationRegistered(const TQCString&)), this, TQ_SLOT(possiblyRescan(const TQCString&))); connectDCOPSignal(_dcopRef->app(), _dcopRef->obj(), "allWalletsClosed()", "allWalletsClosed()", false); connectDCOPSignal(_dcopRef->app(), _dcopRef->obj(), "walletClosed(TQString)", "updateWalletDisplay()", false); connectDCOPSignal(_dcopRef->app(), _dcopRef->obj(), "walletOpened(TQString)", "aWalletWasOpened()", false); connectDCOPSignal(_dcopRef->app(), _dcopRef->obj(), "walletDeleted(TQString)", "updateWalletDisplay()", false); connectDCOPSignal(_dcopRef->app(), _dcopRef->obj(), "walletListDirty()", "updateWalletDisplay()", false); // FIXME: slight race - a wallet can open, then we get launched, but the // wallet closes before we are done opening. We will then stay // open. Must check that a wallet is still open here. new TDEAction(i18n("&New Wallet..."), "tdewalletmanager", 0, this, TQ_SLOT(createWallet()), actionCollection(), "wallet_create"); TDEAction *act = new TDEAction(i18n("Configure &Wallet..."), "configure", 0, this, TQ_SLOT(setupWallet()), actionCollection(), "wallet_settings"); if (_tray) { act->plug(_tray->contextMenu()); } act = new TDEAction(i18n("Close &All Wallets"), 0, 0, this, TQ_SLOT(closeAllWallets()), actionCollection(), "close_all_wallets"); if (_tray) { act->plug(_tray->contextMenu()); } KStdAction::quit(this, TQ_SLOT(shuttingDown()), actionCollection()); KStdAction::keyBindings(guiFactory(), TQ_SLOT(configureShortcuts()), actionCollection()); createGUI("tdewalletmanager.rc"); accel->connectItem(accel->insertItem(Key_Return), this, TQ_SLOT(openWallet())); accel->connectItem(accel->insertItem(Key_Delete), this, TQ_SLOT(deleteWallet())); if (_tray) { _tray->show(); } else { show(); } tdeApp->setName("tdewallet"); // hack to fix docs } TDEWalletManager::~TDEWalletManager() { _tray = 0L; delete _dcopRef; _dcopRef = 0L; } void TDEWalletManager::tdewalletdLaunch() { _tdewalletdLaunch = true; } bool TDEWalletManager::queryClose() { if (!_shuttingDown && !tdeApp->sessionSaving()) { if (!_tray) { tdeApp->quit(); } else { hide(); } return false; } return true; } void TDEWalletManager::aWalletWasOpened() { if (_tray) { _tray->setPixmap(loadSystemTrayIcon("wallet_open")); TQToolTip::remove(_tray); TQToolTip::add(_tray, i18n("TDE Wallet: A wallet is open.")); } updateWalletDisplay(); } void TDEWalletManager::updateWalletDisplay() { TQStringList wl = TDEWallet::Wallet::walletList(); TQPtrStack trash; for (TQIconViewItem *item = _iconView->firstItem(); item; item = item->nextItem()) { if (!wl.contains(item->text())) { trash.push(item); } } trash.setAutoDelete(true); trash.clear(); for (TQStringList::Iterator i = wl.begin(); i != wl.end(); ++i) { if (!_iconView->findItem(*i)) { // FIXME: if TDEWallet::Wallet::isOpen(*i) then show // a different icon! new TDEWalletItem(_iconView, *i); } else { // FIXME: See if icon needs to be updated } } } void TDEWalletManager::contextMenu(TQIconViewItem *item, const TQPoint& pos) { if (item) { TQGuardedPtr popupMenu = new TDEWalletPopup(item->text(), this); connect(popupMenu, TQ_SIGNAL(walletOpened(const TQString&)), this, TQ_SLOT(openWallet(const TQString&))); connect(popupMenu, TQ_SIGNAL(walletClosed(const TQString&)), this, TQ_SLOT(closeWallet(const TQString&))); connect(popupMenu, TQ_SIGNAL(walletDeleted(const TQString&)), this, TQ_SLOT(deleteWallet(const TQString&))); connect(popupMenu, TQ_SIGNAL(walletChangePassword(const TQString&)), this, TQ_SLOT(changeWalletPassword(const TQString&))); connect(popupMenu, TQ_SIGNAL(walletCreated()), this, TQ_SLOT(createWallet())); popupMenu->exec(pos); delete popupMenu; } } void TDEWalletManager::deleteWallet(const TQString& walletName) { int rc = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("Are you sure you wish to delete the wallet '%1'?").arg(walletName),"",KStdGuiItem::del()); if (rc != KMessageBox::Continue) { return; } rc = TDEWallet::Wallet::deleteWallet(walletName); if (rc != 0) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Unable to delete the wallet. Error code was %1.").arg(rc)); } updateWalletDisplay(); } void TDEWalletManager::closeWallet(const TQString& walletName) { int rc = TDEWallet::Wallet::closeWallet(walletName, false); if (rc != 0) { rc = KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, i18n("Unable to close wallet cleanly. It is probably in use by other applications. Do you wish to force it closed?"), TQString(), i18n("Force Closure"), i18n("Do Not Force")); if (rc == KMessageBox::Yes) { rc = TDEWallet::Wallet::closeWallet(walletName, true); if (rc != 0) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Unable to force the wallet closed. Error code was %1.").arg(rc)); } } } updateWalletDisplay(); } void TDEWalletManager::changeWalletPassword(const TQString& walletName) { TDEWallet::Wallet::changePassword(walletName); } void TDEWalletManager::openWalletFile(const TQString& path) { TDEWalletEditor *we = new TDEWalletEditor(path, true, this, "Wallet Editor"); if (we->isOpen()) { connect(we, TQ_SIGNAL(editorClosed(TDEMainWindow*)), this, TQ_SLOT(editorClosed(TDEMainWindow*))); we->show(); } else { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Error opening wallet %1.").arg(path)); delete we; } } void TDEWalletManager::openWallet() { TQIconViewItem *item = _iconView->currentItem(); openWallet(item); } void TDEWalletManager::deleteWallet() { TQIconViewItem *item = _iconView->currentItem(); if (item) { deleteWallet(item->text()); } } void TDEWalletManager::openWallet(const TQString& walletName) { openWallet(walletName, false); } void TDEWalletManager::openWallet(const TQString& walletName, bool newWallet) { // Don't allow a wallet to open in two windows for (TDEMainWindow *w = _windows.first(); w; w = _windows.next()) { TDEWalletEditor *e = static_cast(w); if (e->isOpen() && e->_walletName == walletName) { w->raise(); return; } } TDEWalletEditor *we = new TDEWalletEditor(walletName, false, this, "Wallet Editor"); we->setNewWallet(newWallet); if (we->isOpen()) { connect(we, TQ_SIGNAL(editorClosed(TDEMainWindow*)), this, TQ_SLOT(editorClosed(TDEMainWindow*))); we->show(); _windows.append(we); } else if (!newWallet) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Error opening wallet %1.").arg(walletName)); delete we; } } void TDEWalletManager::openWallet(TQIconViewItem *item) { if (item) { openWallet(item->text()); } } void TDEWalletManager::allWalletsClosed() { if (_tray) { _tray->setPixmap(loadSystemTrayIcon("wallet_closed")); TQToolTip::remove(_tray); TQToolTip::add(_tray, i18n("TDE Wallet: No wallets open.")); } possiblyQuit(); } void TDEWalletManager::possiblyQuit() { TDEConfig cfg("tdewalletrc"); cfg.setGroup("Wallet"); if (_windows.isEmpty() && !isVisible() && !cfg.readBoolEntry("Leave Manager Open", false) && _tdewalletdLaunch) { tdeApp->quit(); } } void TDEWalletManager::editorClosed(TDEMainWindow* e) { _windows.remove(e); } void TDEWalletManager::possiblyRescan(const TQCString& app) { if (app == "kded") { updateWalletDisplay(); } } void TDEWalletManager::createWallet() { TQString n; bool ok; // FIXME: support international names TQRegExp regexp("^[A-Za-z0-9]+[A-Za-z0-9_\\s\\-]*$"); TQString txt = i18n("Please choose a name for the new wallet:"); if (!TDEWallet::Wallet::isEnabled()) { // FIXME: KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, i1_8n("TDEWallet is not enabled. Do you want to enable it?"), TQString(), i18n("Enable"), i18n("Keep Disabled")); return; } do { n = KInputDialog::getText(i18n("New Wallet"), txt, TQString(), &ok, this); if (!ok) { return; } if (_iconView->findItem(n)) { int rc = KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("Sorry, that wallet already exists. Try a new name?"), TQString(), i18n("Try New"), i18n("Do Not Try")); if (rc == KMessageBox::Yes) { continue; } n = TQString(); } else if (regexp.exactMatch(n)) { break; } else { txt = i18n("Please choose a name that contains only alphanumeric characters:"); } } while (true); // Small race here - the wallet could be created on us already. if (!n.isEmpty()) { openWallet(n, true); } } void TDEWalletManager::shuttingDown() { _shuttingDown = true; tdeApp->quit(); } void TDEWalletManager::setupWallet() { TDEApplication::startServiceByDesktopName("tdewallet_config"); } void TDEWalletManager::closeAllWallets() { _dcopRef->call("closeAllWallets"); } TQPixmap TDEWalletManager::loadSystemTrayIcon(const TQString &icon) { #if KDE_IS_VERSION(3, 1, 90) return KSystemTray::loadIcon(icon); #else TDEConfig *appCfg = tdeApp->config(); TDEConfigGroupSaver configSaver(appCfg, "System Tray"); int iconWidth = appCfg->readNumEntry("systrayIconWidth", 22); return tdeApp->iconLoader()->loadIcon( icon, TDEIcon::Panel, iconWidth ); #endif } #include "tdewalletmanager.moc"