/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of TQt Designer. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid TQt Enterprise Edition or TQt Professional Edition ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt Commercial License ** Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for ** information about TQt Commercial License Agreements. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "customwidgeteditorimpl.h" #include "defs.h" #include "pixmapchooser.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "asciivalidator.h" #include "resource.h" #include "widgetfactory.h" #include "widgetdatabase.h" #include <kfiledialog.h> #include <klineedit.h> #include <tqlistbox.h> #include <tqpushbutton.h> #include <tqcombobox.h> #include <tqspinbox.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqmessagebox.h> #include <tqfiledialog.h> #include <tqmessagebox.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #include <tqapplication.h> #include <tqlistview.h> #include <tqfile.h> #include <tqtextstream.h> #include <tqdom.h> #include <tqtextcodec.h> #include <tqcheckbox.h> #include <klocale.h> CustomWidgetEditor::CustomWidgetEditor( TQWidget *parent, MainWindow *mw ) : CustomWidgetEditorBase( parent, 0, TRUE ), mainWindow( mw ) { connect( helpButton, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), MainWindow::self, TQT_SLOT( showDialogHelp() ) ); checkTimer = new TQTimer( this ); connect( checkTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT( checkWidgetName() ) ); editClass->setEnabled( FALSE ); editHeader->setEnabled( FALSE ); buttonChooseHeader->setEnabled( FALSE ); buttonChoosePixmap->setEnabled( FALSE ); spinWidth->setEnabled( FALSE ); spinHeight->setEnabled( FALSE ); sizeHor->setEnabled( FALSE ); sizeVer->setEnabled( FALSE ); checkContainer->setEnabled( FALSE ); localGlobalCombo->setEnabled( FALSE ); editClass->setValidator( new AsciiValidator( TQString(":"), TQT_TQOBJECT(editClass) ) ); editSignal->setValidator( new AsciiValidator( TRUE, TQT_TQOBJECT(editSignal) ) ); editSlot->setValidator( new AsciiValidator( TRUE, TQT_TQOBJECT(editSignal) ) ); editProperty->setValidator( new AsciiValidator( TQT_TQOBJECT(editSignal) ) ); editSignal->setEnabled( FALSE ); buttonRemoveSignal->setEnabled( FALSE ); setupDefinition(); setupSignals(); setupSlots(); setupProperties(); } void CustomWidgetEditor::setupDefinition() { TQPtrList<MetaDataBase::CustomWidget> *lst = MetaDataBase::customWidgets(); for ( MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = lst->first(); w; w = lst->next() ) { TQListBoxItem *i; if ( w->pixmap ) i = new TQListBoxPixmap( boxWidgets, *w->pixmap, w->className ); else i = new TQListBoxText( boxWidgets, w->className ); customWidgets.insert( i, w ); } if ( boxWidgets->firstItem() ) { boxWidgets->setCurrentItem( boxWidgets->firstItem() ); boxWidgets->setSelected( boxWidgets->firstItem(), TRUE ); } oldItem = 0; } void CustomWidgetEditor::setupSignals() { editSignal->setEnabled( FALSE ); buttonRemoveSignal->setEnabled( FALSE ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ) ); if ( !w ) return; listSignals->clear(); for ( TQValueList<TQCString>::Iterator it = w->lstSignals.begin(); it != w->lstSignals.end(); ++it ) listSignals->insertItem( TQString( *it ) ); if ( listSignals->firstItem() ) { listSignals->setCurrentItem( listSignals->firstItem() ); listSignals->setSelected( listSignals->firstItem(), TRUE ); } } void CustomWidgetEditor::setupSlots() { editSlot->setEnabled( FALSE ); comboAccess->setEnabled( FALSE ); buttonRemoveSlot->setEnabled( FALSE ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ) ); if ( !w ) return; listSlots->clear(); for ( TQValueList<MetaDataBase::Function>::Iterator it = w->lstSlots.begin(); it != w->lstSlots.end(); ++it ) (void)new TQListViewItem( listSlots, (*it).function, (*it).access ); if ( listSlots->firstChild() ) { listSlots->setCurrentItem( listSlots->firstChild() ); listSlots->setSelected( listSlots->firstChild(), TRUE ); } } void CustomWidgetEditor::setupProperties() { editProperty->setEnabled( FALSE ); comboType->setEnabled( FALSE ); buttonRemoveProperty->setEnabled( FALSE ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ) ); if ( !w ) return; listProperties->clear(); for ( TQValueList<MetaDataBase::Property>::Iterator it = w->lstProperties.begin(); it != w->lstProperties.end(); ++it ) (void)new TQListViewItem( listProperties, (*it).property, (*it).type ); if ( listProperties->firstChild() ) { listProperties->setCurrentItem( listProperties->firstChild() ); listProperties->setSelected( listProperties->firstChild(), TRUE ); } } void CustomWidgetEditor::currentWidgetChanged( TQListBoxItem *i ) { checkTimer->stop(); checkWidgetName(); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( i ); if ( !i || !w ) { buttonChooseHeader->setEnabled( FALSE ); editClass->setEnabled( FALSE ); editHeader->setEnabled( FALSE ); buttonChoosePixmap->setEnabled( FALSE ); spinWidth->setEnabled( FALSE ); spinHeight->setEnabled( FALSE ); localGlobalCombo->setEnabled( FALSE ); sizeHor->setEnabled( FALSE ); sizeVer->setEnabled( FALSE ); checkContainer->setEnabled( FALSE ); return; } buttonChooseHeader->setEnabled( TRUE ); editClass->setEnabled( TRUE ); editHeader->setEnabled( TRUE ); buttonChoosePixmap->setEnabled( TRUE ); spinWidth->setEnabled( TRUE ); spinHeight->setEnabled( TRUE ); localGlobalCombo->setEnabled( TRUE ); sizeHor->setEnabled( TRUE ); sizeVer->setEnabled( TRUE ); checkContainer->setEnabled( TRUE ); editClass->blockSignals( TRUE ); editClass->setText( w->className ); editClass->blockSignals( FALSE ); editHeader->setText( w->includeFile ); localGlobalCombo->setCurrentItem( (int)w->includePolicy ); if ( w->pixmap ) previewPixmap->setPixmap( *w->pixmap ); else previewPixmap->setText( "" ); spinWidth->setValue( w->sizeHint.width() ); spinHeight->setValue( w->sizeHint.height() ); sizeHor->setCurrentItem( size_type_to_int( w->sizePolicy.horData() ) ); sizeVer->setCurrentItem( size_type_to_int( w->sizePolicy.verData() ) ); checkContainer->setChecked( w->isContainer ); setupSignals(); setupSlots(); setupProperties(); } void CustomWidgetEditor::addWidgetClicked() { oldItem = 0; checkTimer->stop(); checkWidgetName(); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = new MetaDataBase::CustomWidget; TQString s = w->className; if ( !MetaDataBase::addCustomWidget( w ) ) { TQMessageBox::information( this, i18n( "Adding Custom Widget" ), i18n( "Custom widget names must be unique.\n" "A custom widget called '%1' already exists, so it is not possible " "to add another widget with this name." ).arg( s ) ); return; } TQListBoxPixmap *i = new TQListBoxPixmap( boxWidgets, *w->pixmap, w->className ); customWidgets.insert( i, w ); boxWidgets->setCurrentItem( i ); boxWidgets->setSelected( i, TRUE ); } void CustomWidgetEditor::classNameChanged( const TQString &s ) { TQListBoxItem *i = boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( i ); if ( !i || !w ) return; WidgetDatabase::customWidgetClassNameChanged( w->className, s ); checkTimer->stop(); boxWidgets->blockSignals( TRUE ); oldName = w->className; w->className = s; TQListBoxItem *old = i; if ( w->pixmap ) boxWidgets->changeItem( *w->pixmap, s, boxWidgets->currentItem() ); else boxWidgets->changeItem( s, boxWidgets->currentItem() ); i = boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ); oldItem = i; customWidgets.insert( i, w ); customWidgets.remove( old ); boxWidgets->blockSignals( FALSE ); checkTimer->start( 1000, TRUE ); } void CustomWidgetEditor::deleteWidgetClicked() { oldItem = 0; checkTimer->stop(); checkWidgetName(); TQListBoxItem *i = boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( i ); if ( mainWindow->isCustomWidgetUsed( w ) ) { TQMessageBox::information( mainWindow, i18n( "Removing Custom Widget" ), i18n( "The custom widget '%1' is in use, so it cannot be removed." ). arg( w->className ) ); return; } if ( !i || !w ) return; MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *cw = MetaDataBase::customWidget( mainWindow->currentTool() ); if ( cw == w ) mainWindow->resetTool(); MetaDataBase::removeCustomWidget( w ); customWidgets.remove( i ); delete i; i = boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ); if ( i ) { boxWidgets->setCurrentItem( i ); boxWidgets->setSelected( i, TRUE ); } } void CustomWidgetEditor::headerFileChanged( const TQString &s ) { TQListBoxItem *i = boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( i ); if ( !i || !w ) return; w->includeFile = s; } void CustomWidgetEditor::heightChanged( int h ) { TQListBoxItem *i = boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( i ); if ( !i || !w ) return; w->sizeHint.setHeight( h ); updateCustomWidgetSizes(); } void CustomWidgetEditor::includePolicyChanged( int p ) { TQListBoxItem *i = boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( i ); if ( !i || !w ) return; w->includePolicy = (MetaDataBase::CustomWidget::IncludePolicy)p; } void CustomWidgetEditor::pixmapChoosen() { TQListBoxItem *i = boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( i ); if ( !i || !w ) return; TQPixmap pix = qChoosePixmap( this ); if ( pix.isNull() ) return; delete w->pixmap; w->pixmap = new TQPixmap( pix ); boxWidgets->blockSignals( TRUE ); TQListBoxItem *old = i; boxWidgets->changeItem( *w->pixmap, w->className, boxWidgets->currentItem() ); i = boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ); customWidgets.insert( i, w ); customWidgets.remove( old ); boxWidgets->blockSignals( FALSE ); previewPixmap->setPixmap( *w->pixmap ); } void CustomWidgetEditor::widthChanged( int wid ) { TQListBoxItem *i = boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( i ); if ( !i || !w ) return; w->sizeHint.setWidth( wid ); updateCustomWidgetSizes(); } MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *CustomWidgetEditor::findWidget( TQListBoxItem *i ) { if ( !i ) return 0; TQMap<TQListBoxItem*, MetaDataBase::CustomWidget*>::Iterator it = customWidgets.find( i ); if ( it == customWidgets.end() ) return 0; return *it; } void CustomWidgetEditor::chooseHeader() { TQListBoxItem *i = boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( i ); if ( !i || !w ) return; TQString h = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( TQString(), i18n( "*.h *.h++ *.hxx *.hh|Header Files" ), this ); if ( h.isEmpty() ) return; editHeader->setText( h ); localGlobalCombo->setCurrentItem( (int)MetaDataBase::CustomWidget::Global ); } void CustomWidgetEditor::checkWidgetName() { TQListBoxItem *i = oldItem ? oldItem : boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( i ); oldItem = 0; if ( !i || !w ) return; if ( MetaDataBase::isWidgetNameUsed( w ) ) { TQString s = w->className; w->className = oldName; TQMessageBox::information( this, i18n( "Renaming Custom Widget" ), i18n( "Custom widget names must be unique.\n" "A custom widget called '%1' already exists, so it is not possible " "to rename this widget with this name." ).arg( s ) ); if ( i != boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ) ) { boxWidgets->setCurrentItem( i ); tqApp->processEvents(); } editClass->setText( w->className ); classNameChanged( w->className ); } } void CustomWidgetEditor::closeClicked() { oldItem = 0; checkTimer->stop(); checkWidgetName(); accept(); } void CustomWidgetEditor::currentSignalChanged( TQListBoxItem *i ) { editSignal->blockSignals( TRUE ); editSignal->setText( "" ); editSignal->blockSignals( FALSE ); if ( !i ) { editSignal->setEnabled( FALSE ); buttonRemoveSignal->setEnabled( FALSE ); return; } editSignal->blockSignals( TRUE ); editSignal->setEnabled( TRUE ); buttonRemoveSignal->setEnabled( TRUE ); editSignal->setText( i->text() ); editSignal->blockSignals( FALSE ); } void CustomWidgetEditor::addSignal() { TQListBoxItem *i = new TQListBoxText( listSignals, "signal()" ); listSignals->setCurrentItem( i ); listSignals->setSelected( i, TRUE ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ) ); if ( w ) w->lstSignals.append( i->text().latin1() ); } void CustomWidgetEditor::removeSignal() { TQString s = listSignals->currentText(); delete listSignals->item( listSignals->currentItem() ); if ( listSignals->currentItem() != -1 ) listSignals->setSelected( listSignals->currentItem(), TRUE ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ) ); if ( w ) w->lstSignals.remove( s.latin1() ); } void CustomWidgetEditor::signalNameChanged( const TQString &s ) { MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ) ); if ( !w || listSignals->currentItem() == -1 ) return; TQValueList<TQCString>::Iterator it = w->lstSignals.find( listSignals->currentText().latin1() ); if ( it != w->lstSignals.end() ) w->lstSignals.remove( it ); listSignals->blockSignals( TRUE ); listSignals->changeItem( s, listSignals->currentItem() ); listSignals->blockSignals( FALSE ); w->lstSignals.append( s.latin1() ); } void CustomWidgetEditor::slotAccessChanged( const TQString &s ) { MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ) ); if ( !w || !listSlots->currentItem() ) return; MetaDataBase::Function slot; slot.function = listSlots->currentItem()->text( 0 ); slot.access = listSlots->currentItem()->text( 1 ); TQValueList<MetaDataBase::Function>::Iterator it = w->lstSlots.find( slot ); if ( it != w->lstSlots.end() ) w->lstSlots.remove( it ); listSlots->currentItem()->setText( 1, s ); slot.function = listSlots->currentItem()->text( 0 ); slot.access = listSlots->currentItem()->text( 1 ); w->lstSlots.append( slot ); } void CustomWidgetEditor::slotNameChanged( const TQString &s ) { MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ) ); if ( !w || !listSlots->currentItem() ) return; MetaDataBase::Function slot; slot.function = listSlots->currentItem()->text( 0 ); slot.access = listSlots->currentItem()->text( 1 ); slot.type = "slot"; TQValueList<MetaDataBase::Function>::Iterator it = w->lstSlots.find( slot ); if ( it != w->lstSlots.end() ) w->lstSlots.remove( it ); listSlots->currentItem()->setText( 0, s ); slot.function = listSlots->currentItem()->text( 0 ); slot.access = listSlots->currentItem()->text( 1 ); w->lstSlots.append( slot ); } void CustomWidgetEditor::addSlot() { TQListViewItem *i = new TQListViewItem( listSlots, "slot()", "public" ); listSlots->setCurrentItem( i ); listSlots->setSelected( i, TRUE ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ) ); if ( w ) { MetaDataBase::Function slot; slot.function = "slot()"; slot.access = "public"; slot.type = "slot"; w->lstSlots.append( slot ); } } void CustomWidgetEditor::removeSlot() { MetaDataBase::Function slot; slot.function = "1 2 3"; if ( listSlots->currentItem() ) { slot.function = listSlots->currentItem()->text( 0 ); slot.access = listSlots->currentItem()->text( 1 ); } delete listSlots->currentItem(); if ( listSlots->currentItem() ) listSlots->setSelected( listSlots->currentItem(), TRUE ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ) ); if ( w && slot.function != "1 2 3" ) w->lstSlots.remove( slot ); } void CustomWidgetEditor::currentSlotChanged( TQListViewItem *i ) { editSlot->blockSignals( TRUE ); editSlot->setText( "" ); editSignal->blockSignals( FALSE ); if ( !i ) { editSlot->setEnabled( FALSE ); comboAccess->setEnabled( FALSE ); buttonRemoveSlot->setEnabled( FALSE ); return; } editSlot->setEnabled( TRUE ); comboAccess->setEnabled( TRUE ); buttonRemoveSlot->setEnabled( TRUE ); editSlot->blockSignals( TRUE ); comboAccess->blockSignals( TRUE ); editSlot->setText( i->text( 0 ) ); if ( i->text( 1 ) == i18n( "protected" ) ) comboAccess->setCurrentItem( 1 ); else comboAccess->setCurrentItem( 0 ); editSlot->blockSignals( FALSE ); comboAccess->blockSignals( FALSE ); } void CustomWidgetEditor::propertyTypeChanged( const TQString &s ) { MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ) ); if ( !w || !listProperties->currentItem() ) return; MetaDataBase::Property property; property.property = listProperties->currentItem()->text( 0 ); property.type = listProperties->currentItem()->text( 1 ); TQValueList<MetaDataBase::Property>::Iterator it = w->lstProperties.find( property ); if ( it != w->lstProperties.end() ) w->lstProperties.remove( it ); listProperties->currentItem()->setText( 1, s ); property.property = listProperties->currentItem()->text( 0 ); property.type = listProperties->currentItem()->text( 1 ); w->lstProperties.append( property ); } void CustomWidgetEditor::propertyNameChanged( const TQString &s ) { MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ) ); if ( !w || !listProperties->currentItem() ) return; MetaDataBase::Property property; property.property = listProperties->currentItem()->text( 0 ); property.type = listProperties->currentItem()->text( 1 ); TQValueList<MetaDataBase::Property>::Iterator it = w->lstProperties.find( property ); if ( it != w->lstProperties.end() ) w->lstProperties.remove( it ); listProperties->currentItem()->setText( 0, s ); property.property = listProperties->currentItem()->text( 0 ); property.type = listProperties->currentItem()->text( 1 ); w->lstProperties.append( property ); } void CustomWidgetEditor::addProperty() { TQListViewItem *i = new TQListViewItem( listProperties, "property", "String" ); listProperties->setCurrentItem( i ); listProperties->setSelected( i, TRUE ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ) ); if ( w ) { MetaDataBase::Property prop; prop.property = "property"; prop.type = "String"; w->lstProperties.append( prop ); } } void CustomWidgetEditor::removeProperty() { MetaDataBase::Property property; property.property = "1 2 3"; if ( listProperties->currentItem() ) { property.property = listProperties->currentItem()->text( 0 ); property.type = listProperties->currentItem()->text( 1 ); } delete listProperties->currentItem(); if ( listProperties->currentItem() ) listProperties->setSelected( listProperties->currentItem(), TRUE ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ) ); if ( w && property.property != "1 2 3" ) w->lstProperties.remove( property ); } void CustomWidgetEditor::currentPropertyChanged( TQListViewItem *i ) { editProperty->blockSignals( TRUE ); editProperty->setText( "" ); editSignal->blockSignals( FALSE ); if ( !i ) { editProperty->setEnabled( FALSE ); comboType->setEnabled( FALSE ); buttonRemoveProperty->setEnabled( FALSE ); return; } editProperty->setEnabled( TRUE ); comboType->setEnabled( TRUE ); buttonRemoveProperty->setEnabled( TRUE ); editProperty->blockSignals( TRUE ); comboType->blockSignals( TRUE ); editProperty->setText( i->text( 0 ) ); for ( int j = 0; j < comboType->count(); ++j ) { if ( i->text( 1 ) == comboType->text( j ) ) { comboType->setCurrentItem( j ); break; } } editProperty->blockSignals( FALSE ); comboType->blockSignals( FALSE ); } static TQString makeIndent2( int indent ) { TQString s; s.fill( ' ', indent * 4 ); return s; } static TQString entitize2( const TQString &s ) { TQString s2 = s; s2 = s2.replace( "\"", """ ); s2 = s2.replace( "&", "&" ); s2 = s2.replace( ">", ">" ); s2 = s2.replace( "<", "<" ); s2 = s2.replace( "'", "'" ); return s2; } void CustomWidgetEditor::saveDescription() { TQString fn = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( TQString(), i18n( "*.cw|Custom-Widget Description\n*|All Files" ), this ); if ( fn.isEmpty() ) return; if ( TQFileInfo( fn ).extension() != "cw" ) fn += ".cw"; TQFile f( fn ); if ( !f.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) return; TQTextStream ts( &f ); ts.setCodec( TQTextCodec::codecForName( "UTF-8" ) ); int indent = 0; ts << "<!DOCTYPE CW><CW>" << endl; ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "<customwidgets>" << endl; indent++; TQPtrList<MetaDataBase::CustomWidget> *lst = MetaDataBase::customWidgets(); for ( MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = lst->first(); w; w = lst->next() ) { ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "<customwidget>" << endl; indent++; ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "<class>" << w->className << "</class>" << endl; ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "<header location=\"" << ( w->includePolicy == MetaDataBase::CustomWidget::Local ? "local" : "global" ) << "\">" << w->includeFile << "</header>" << endl; ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "<sizehint>" << endl; indent++; ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "<width>" << w->sizeHint.width() << "</width>" << endl; ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "<height>" << w->sizeHint.height() << "</height>" << endl; indent--; ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "</sizehint>" << endl; ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "<container>" << (int)w->isContainer << "</container>" << endl; ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "<sizepolicy>" << endl; indent++; ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "<hordata>" << (int)w->sizePolicy.horData() << "</hordata>" << endl; ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "<verdata>" << (int)w->sizePolicy.verData() << "</verdata>" << endl; indent--; ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "</sizepolicy>" << endl; ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "<pixmap>" << endl; indent++; Resource::saveImageData( w->pixmap->convertToImage(), ts, indent ); indent--; ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "</pixmap>" << endl; if ( !w->lstSignals.isEmpty() ) { for ( TQValueList<TQCString>::Iterator it = w->lstSignals.begin(); it != w->lstSignals.end(); ++it ) ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "<signal>" << entitize2( *it ) << "</signal>" << endl; } if ( !w->lstSlots.isEmpty() ) { for ( TQValueList<MetaDataBase::Function>::Iterator it = w->lstSlots.begin(); it != w->lstSlots.end(); ++it ) ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "<slot access=\"" << (*it).access << "\">" << entitize2( (*it).function ) << "</slot>" << endl; } if ( !w->lstProperties.isEmpty() ) { for ( TQValueList<MetaDataBase::Property>::Iterator it = w->lstProperties.begin(); it != w->lstProperties.end(); ++it ) ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "<property type=\"" << (*it).type << "\">" << entitize2( (*it).property ) << "</property>" << endl; } indent--; ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "</customwidget>" << endl; } indent--; ts << makeIndent2( indent ) << "</customwidgets>" << endl; ts << "</CW>" << endl; } void CustomWidgetEditor::loadDescription() { TQString fn = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( TQString(), i18n( "*.cw|Custom-Widget Description\n*|All Files" ), this ); if ( fn.isEmpty() ) return; TQFile f( fn ); if ( !f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) return; TQDomDocument doc; TQString errMsg; int errLine; if ( !doc.setContent( &f, &errMsg, &errLine ) ) { tqDebug( TQString("Parse error: ") + errMsg + TQString(" in line %d"), errLine ); return; } TQDomElement firstWidget = doc.firstChild().toElement().firstChild().toElement(); while ( firstWidget.tagName() != "customwidgets" ) firstWidget = firstWidget.nextSibling().toElement(); Resource::loadCustomWidgets( firstWidget, 0 ); boxWidgets->clear(); setupDefinition(); setupSignals(); setupSlots(); setupProperties(); } void CustomWidgetEditor::updateCustomWidgetSizes() { if ( cwLst.isEmpty() ) cwLst = *mainWindow->queryList( "CustomWidget" ); for ( TQObject *o = cwLst.first(); o; o = cwLst.next() ) ( (TQWidget*)o )->updateGeometry(); } void CustomWidgetEditor::horDataChanged( int a ) { TQSizePolicy::SizeType st = int_to_size_type( a ); TQListBoxItem *i = boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( i ); if ( !i || !w ) return; TQSizePolicy osp = w->sizePolicy; w->sizePolicy.setHorData( st ); if ( cwLst.isEmpty() ) cwLst = *mainWindow->queryList( "CustomWidget" ); for ( TQObject *o = cwLst.first(); o; o = cwLst.next() ) { CustomWidget *cw = (CustomWidget*)o; if ( cw->realClassName() == boxWidgets->currentText() ) { if ( cw->sizePolicy() == osp ) cw->setSizePolicy( w->sizePolicy ); } } } void CustomWidgetEditor::verDataChanged( int a ) { TQSizePolicy::SizeType st = int_to_size_type( a ); TQListBoxItem *i = boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( i ); if ( !i || !w ) return; TQSizePolicy osp = w->sizePolicy; w->sizePolicy.setVerData( st ); if ( cwLst.isEmpty() ) cwLst = *mainWindow->queryList( "CustomWidget" ); for ( TQObject *o = cwLst.first(); o; o = cwLst.next() ) { CustomWidget *cw = (CustomWidget*)o; if ( cw->realClassName() == boxWidgets->currentText() ) { if ( cw->sizePolicy() == osp ) cw->setSizePolicy( w->sizePolicy ); } } } void CustomWidgetEditor::widgetIsContainer( bool b ) { TQListBoxItem *i = boxWidgets->item( boxWidgets->currentItem() ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( i ); if ( !i || !w ) return; w->isContainer = b; WidgetDatabaseRecord *r = WidgetDatabase::at( w->id ); if ( r ) r->isContainer = b; }