// // Pascal Tree Super Grammar (symtab.g derives from this) // // Adapted from, // Pascal User Manual And Report (Second Edition-1978) // Kathleen Jensen - Niklaus Wirth // // By // // Hakki Dogusan dogusanh@tr-net.net.tr // // Then significantly enhanced by Piet Schoutteten // with some guidance by Terence Parr. Piet added tree // construction, and some tree walkers. // // // Adopted to KDevelop by Alexander Dymo <cloudtemple@mksat.net> // header "pre_include_hpp" { #include <codemodel.h> #include "PascalAST.h" #include <qstring.h> #include <qstringlist.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> } header "post_include_hpp" { #include <codemodel.h> #include <kdebug.h> } options { language="Cpp"; } class PascalStoreWalker extends TreeParser; options { importVocab = Pascal; defaultErrorHandler = true; ASTLabelType = "RefPascalAST"; } { private: QString m_fileName; QStringList m_currentScope; int m_currentAccess; int m_anon; CodeModel* m_model; public: void setCodeModel( CodeModel* model ) { m_model = model; } CodeModel* codeModel() { return m_model; } const CodeModel* codeModel() const { return m_model; } QString fileName() const { return m_fileName; } void setFileName( const QString& fileName ) { m_fileName = fileName; } void init(){ m_currentScope.clear(); m_currentAccess = CodeModelItem::Public; m_anon = 0; } void wipeout() { m_model->wipeout(); } } program : programHeading block ; programHeading : #(PROGRAM IDENT identifierList) | #(UNIT IDENT) ; identifier : IDENT ; block : ( labelDeclarationPart | constantDefinitionPart | typeDefinitionPart | variableDeclarationPart | procedureAndFunctionDeclarationPart | usesUnitsPart | IMPLEMENTATION )* compoundStatement ; usesUnitsPart : #(USES identifierList) ; labelDeclarationPart : #(LABEL ( label )+) ; label : NUM_INT ; constantDefinitionPart : #(CONST ( constantDefinition )+ ) ; constantDefinition : #(EQUAL IDENT constant) ; constant : NUM_INT | NUM_REAL | #( PLUS ( NUM_INT | NUM_REAL | IDENT ) ) | #( MINUS ( NUM_INT | NUM_REAL | IDENT ) ) | IDENT | STRING_LITERAL | #(CHR (NUM_INT|NUM_REAL)) ; string : STRING_LITERAL ; typeDefinitionPart : #(TYPE ( typeDefinition )+) ; typeDefinition : #(TYPEDECL IDENT ( type | #(FUNCTION (formalParameterList)? resultType) | #(PROCEDURE (formalParameterList)?) ) ) ; type : #(SCALARTYPE identifierList) | #(DOTDOT constant constant) | typeIdentifier | structuredType | #(POINTER typeIdentifier) ; typeIdentifier : IDENT | CHAR | BOOLEAN | INTEGER | REAL | #( STRING ( IDENT | NUM_INT | NUM_REAL | ) ) ; structuredType : #(PACKED unpackedStructuredType) | unpackedStructuredType ; unpackedStructuredType : arrayType | recordType | setType | fileType ; /** Note here that the syntactic diff between brackets disappears. * If the brackets mean different things semantically, we need * two different alternatives here. */ arrayType : #(ARRAY typeList type) ; typeList : #( TYPELIST ( type )+ ) ; recordType : #(RECORD fieldList) ; fieldList : #( FIELDLIST ( fixedPart ( variantPart )? | variantPart ) ) ; fixedPart : ( recordSection )+ ; recordSection : #(FIELD identifierList type) ; variantPart : #( CASE tag ( variant )+ ) ; tag : #(VARIANT_TAG identifier typeIdentifier) | #(VARIANT_TAG_NO_ID typeIdentifier) ; variant : #(VARIANT_CASE constList fieldList) ; setType : #(SET type) ; fileType : #(FILE (type)?) ; /** Yields a list of VARDECL-rooted subtrees with VAR at the overall root */ variableDeclarationPart : #( VAR ( variableDeclaration )+ ) ; variableDeclaration : #(VARDECL identifierList type) ; procedureAndFunctionDeclarationPart : procedureOrFunctionDeclaration ; procedureOrFunctionDeclaration : procedureDeclaration | functionDeclaration ; procedureDeclaration : #(PROCEDURE IDENT (formalParameterList)? block ) ; formalParameterList : #(ARGDECLS ( formalParameterSection )+) ; formalParameterSection : parameterGroup | #(VAR parameterGroup) | #(FUNCTION parameterGroup) | #(PROCEDURE parameterGroup) ; parameterGroup : #(ARGDECL identifierList typeIdentifier) ; identifierList : #(IDLIST (IDENT)+) ; constList : #(CONSTLIST ( constant )+) ; functionDeclaration : #(FUNCTION IDENT (formalParameterList)? resultType block) ; resultType : typeIdentifier ; statement : #(COLON label unlabelledStatement) | unlabelledStatement ; unlabelledStatement : simpleStatement | structuredStatement ; simpleStatement : assignmentStatement | procedureStatement | gotoStatement ; assignmentStatement : #(ASSIGN variable expression) ; /** A variable is an id with a suffix and can look like: * id * id[expr,...] * id.id * id.id[expr,...] * id^ * id^.id * id^.id[expr,...] * ... * * LL has a really hard time with this construct as it's naturally * left-recursive. We have to turn into a simple loop rather than * recursive loop, hence, the suffixes. I keep in the same rule * for easy tree construction. */ variable : #(LBRACK variable (expression)+) | #(LBRACK2 variable (expression)+) | #(DOT variable IDENT) | #(POINTER variable) | #(AT IDENT) | IDENT ; expression : #(EQUAL expression expression) | #(NOT_EQUAL expression expression) | #(LTH expression expression) | #(LE expression expression) | #(GE expression expression) | #(GT expression expression) | #(IN expression expression) | #(PLUS expression (expression)?) | #(MINUS expression (expression)?) | #(OR expression expression) | #(STAR expression expression) | #(SLASH expression expression) | #(DIV expression expression) | #(MOD expression expression) | #(AND expression expression) | #(NOT expression) | variable | functionDesignator | set | NUM_INT | NUM_REAL | #(CHR (NUM_INT|NUM_REAL)) | string | NIL ; functionDesignator : #(FUNC_CALL IDENT (parameterList)?) ; parameterList : #( ARGLIST (actualParameter)+ ) ; set : #(SET (element)*) ; element : #(DOTDOT expression expression) | expression ; procedureStatement : #(PROC_CALL IDENT ( parameterList )?) ; actualParameter : expression ; gotoStatement : #(GOTO label) ; structuredStatement : compoundStatement | conditionalStatement | repetetiveStatement | withStatement ; compoundStatement : statements ; statements : #(BLOCK (statement)*) ; conditionalStatement : ifStatement | caseStatement ; ifStatement : #(IF expression statement (statement)?) ; caseStatement //pspsps ??? : #(CASE expression ( caseListElement )+ ( statements )? ) ; caseListElement : #(COLON constList statement) ; repetetiveStatement : whileStatement | repeatStatement | forStatement ; whileStatement : #(WHILE expression statement) ; repeatStatement : #(REPEAT statements expression) ; forStatement : #(FOR IDENT forList statement) ; forList : #(TO initialValue finalValue) | #(DOWNTO initialValue finalValue) ; initialValue : expression ; finalValue : expression ; withStatement : #(WITH recordVariableList statement) ; recordVariableList : ( variable )+ ;