/* Copyright (C) 2005 by Nicolas Escuder This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public version 2, License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "phphtmlview.h" #include "phperrorview.h" #include "phpfile.h" using namespace std; PHPFile::PHPFile(PHPSupportPart *phpSupport, const TQString& fileName) { m_fileinfo = new TQFileInfo(fileName); m_part = phpSupport; modified = true; inClass = FALSE; inMethod = FALSE; /* phpCheckProc = new KShellProcess("/bin/sh"); connect(phpCheckProc, TQ_SIGNAL(receivedStdout (TDEProcess*, char*, int)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotReceivedPHPCheckStdout (TDEProcess*, char*, int))); connect(phpCheckProc, TQ_SIGNAL(receivedStderr (TDEProcess*, char*, int)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotReceivedPHPCheckStderr (TDEProcess*, char*, int))); connect(phpCheckProc, TQ_SIGNAL(processExited(TDEProcess*)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotPHPCheckExited(TDEProcess*))); */ } PHPFile::~PHPFile() { if (m_fileinfo) delete m_fileinfo; // delete phpCheckProc; } TQStringList PHPFile::getContents() { return m_contents; } TQString PHPFile::fileName() { return m_fileinfo->filePath(); } TQStringList PHPFile::readFromEditor() { TQStringList contents; kapp->lock(); TQPtrList parts( *m_part->partController()->parts() ); TQPtrListIterator it( parts ); while( it.current() ){ KTextEditor::Document* doc = dynamic_cast( it.current() ); ++it; KTextEditor::EditInterface* editIface = dynamic_cast( doc ); if ( !doc || !editIface || doc->url().path() != fileName() ) continue; contents = TQStringList::split("\n", editIface->text().ascii(), true); break; } kapp->unlock(); return contents; } TQStringList PHPFile::readFromDisk() { TQStringList contents; TQFile f( fileName() ); if (f.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { TQTextStream stream( &f ); TQStringList list; TQString rawline; while (!stream.eof()) { rawline = stream.readLine(); contents.append(rawline.stripWhiteSpace().local8Bit()); } f.close(); } return contents; } bool PHPFile::isModified() { return modified; } void PHPFile::setModified(bool value) { modified = value; } void PHPFile::Analyse() { postEvent( new FileParseEvent( Event_StartParse, this->fileName() ) ); inClass = FALSE; inMethod = FALSE; /* m_contents = readFromEditor(); if (m_contents.isEmpty()) */ m_contents = readFromDisk(); ParseSource(); PHPCheck(); modified = false; postEvent( new FileParseEvent( Event_EndParse, this->fileName() ) ); } bool PHPFile::ParseClass(TQString line, int lineNo) { if (line.find("class ", 0, FALSE) == -1) return FALSE; TQRegExp Class("^[ \t]*(abstract|final|)[ \t]*class[ \t]+([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)[ \t]*(extends[ \t]*([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*))?.*$"); Class.setCaseSensitive(FALSE); if (Class.search(line) != -1) { if (AddClass(Class.cap(2), Class.cap(4), lineNo) == FALSE) return FALSE; /// @fixme Activate when it exists in ClassModel // if (Class.cap(1).lower() == "abstract") // SetClass("abstract"); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bool PHPFile::ParseFunction(TQString line, int lineNo) { if (line.find("function", 0, FALSE) == -1) return FALSE; TQRegExp function("^[ \t]*(final|abstract|static|)[ \t]*(public|private|protected|)[ \t]*(static|)[ \t]*function[ \t&]*([_a-zA-Z\x7f-\xff][_a-zA-Z0-9\x7f-\xff]*)[ \t]*\\(([_a-zA-Z\x7f-\xff]*[_$, &'\\\"0-9A-Za-z\x7f-\xff\t-=]*)\\).*$"); function.setCaseSensitive(FALSE); if (function.search(line) != -1) { if (AddFunction(function.cap(4), function.cap(5), lineNo) == FALSE) return FALSE; if (function.cap(3).lower() == "static" || function.cap(1).lower() == "static") SetFunction("static"); if (function.cap(1).lower() == "abstract") { SetFunction("abstract"); CloseFunction( lineNo ); return FALSE; } /// @fixme Activate when it exists in FunctionModel // if (function.cap(1).lower() == "final") // SetFunction("final"); if (function.cap(2).lower() == "private") SetFunction("private"); if (function.cap(2).lower() == "public" || function.cap(2).isEmpty()) SetFunction("public"); if (function.cap(2).lower() == "protected") SetFunction("protected"); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bool PHPFile::ParseVariable(TQString line, int lineNo) { if (line.find("var") == -1 && line.find("public") == -1 && line.find("private") == -1 && line.find("protected") == -1) return FALSE; TQRegExp variable("^[ \t]*(var|public|private|protected|static)[ \t]*\\$([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][0-9A-Za-z_\x7f-\xff]*)[ \t;=].*$"); variable.setCaseSensitive(FALSE); if (variable.search(line) != -1) { if (AddVariable(variable.cap(2), "", lineNo) == FALSE) return FALSE; if (variable.cap(1).lower() == "private") SetVariable( "private" ); if (variable.cap(1).lower() == "public" || variable.cap(1).lower() == "var") SetVariable( "public" ); if (variable.cap(1).lower() == "protected") SetVariable( "protected" ); if (variable.cap(1).lower() == "static") SetVariable( "static" ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bool PHPFile::ParseThisMember(TQString line, int lineNo) { if (line.find("$this->", 0, FALSE) == -1) return FALSE; TQRegExp createthis; createthis.setCaseSensitive(FALSE); createthis.setPattern("\\$this->([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)[ \t]*=[ \t]*([0-9]*)[ \t]*;"); if (createthis.search(line) != -1) { if (AddVariable(createthis.cap(1), "integer", lineNo, TRUE) == FALSE) return FALSE; return TRUE; } if (line.find("true", 0, FALSE) != -1 || line.find("false", 0, FALSE) != -1) { createthis.setPattern("\\$(this->([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)[ \t]*=[ \t]*(true|false)[ \t]*;"); if (createthis.search(line) != -1) { if (AddVariable(createthis.cap(1), "boolean", lineNo, TRUE) == FALSE) return FALSE; return TRUE; } } if (line.find("new", 0, FALSE) != -1) { createthis.setPattern("\\$this->([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)[ \t]*=[ \t&]*new[ \t]+([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)"); if (createthis.search(line) != -1) { if (AddVariable(createthis.cap(1), createthis.cap(2), lineNo, TRUE) == FALSE) return FALSE; return TRUE; } } if (line.find("array", 0, FALSE) != -1) { createthis.setPattern("\\$this->([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)[ \t]*=[ \t&]*(new|)[ \t&]*(array)[ \t]*[\\(;]+"); if (createthis.search(line) != -1) { if (AddVariable(createthis.cap(1), "array", lineNo, TRUE) == FALSE) return FALSE; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } bool PHPFile::ParseMember(TQString line, int lineNo) { if (line.find("$", 0, FALSE) == -1) return FALSE; /// @todo Ajouter plus de test .... TQRegExp createmember; createmember.setCaseSensitive(FALSE); createmember.setPattern("\\$([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)[ \t]*=[ \t]*([0-9]*)[ \t]*;"); if (createmember.search(line) != -1) { if (AddVariable(createmember.cap(1), "integer", lineNo) == FALSE) return FALSE; return TRUE; } createmember.setPattern("\\$([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)[ \t]*=[ \t]*[\"']+(.*)[\"']+[ \t]*;"); if (createmember.search(line) != -1) { if (AddVariable(createmember.cap(1), "string", lineNo) == FALSE) return FALSE; return TRUE; } if (line.find("true", 0, FALSE) != -1 || line.find("false", 0, FALSE) != -1) { createmember.setPattern("\\$([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)[ \t]*=[ \t]*(true|false)[ \t]*;"); if (createmember.search(line) != -1) { if (AddVariable(createmember.cap(1), "boolean", lineNo) == FALSE) return FALSE; return TRUE; } } if (line.find("new", 0, FALSE) != -1) { createmember.setPattern("\\$([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)[ \t]*=[ \t&]*new[ \t]+([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)"); if (createmember.search(line) != -1) { if (AddVariable(createmember.cap(1), createmember.cap(2), lineNo) == FALSE) return FALSE; return TRUE; } } if (line.find("array", 0, FALSE) != -1) { createmember.setPattern("\\$([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)[ \t]*=[ \t&]*(new|)[ \t&]*(array)[ \t]*[\\(;]+"); if (createmember.search(line) != -1) { if (AddVariable(createmember.cap(1), "array", lineNo) == FALSE) return FALSE; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } bool PHPFile::ParseReturn(TQString line, int lineNo) { TQString rettype; if (line.find("return", 0, FALSE) == -1) return FALSE; TQRegExp typeex; typeex.setCaseSensitive(FALSE); typeex.setPattern("return[ \t]*(\\(|)([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff$][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)(\\)|)[ \t]*;"); if (typeex.search(line) != -1) { TQString varname = typeex.cap(2).ascii(); rettype = varname; if (varname.find("$") == 0) { /// @todo search in variable /* varname = varname.mid(1); TQValueList::ConstIterator it = m_vars.begin(); while ( it != m_vars.end() ) { Action *p = *it++; if (p->parent() == current && p->name() == varname) { rettype = p->args(); } } */ } else if (varname == "true" || varname == "false") { rettype = "boolean"; } else if (varname == "null") { rettype = "null"; } if (rettype.find("$") == 0) kdDebug(9018) << "ParseReturn value" << " " << rettype.latin1() << endl; } SetFunction("result", rettype); return TRUE; } bool PHPFile::ParseTodo(TQString line, int lineNo) { if (line.find("todo", 0, FALSE) == -1) return FALSE; TQRegExp todo("/[/]+[ \t]*[@]*todo([ \t]*:[ \t]*|[ \t]*)[ \t]*(.*)$"); todo.setCaseSensitive(FALSE); if (todo.search(line) != -1) { AddTodo( todo.cap(2), lineNo ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bool PHPFile::ParseFixme(TQString line, int lineNo) { if (line.find("fixme", 0, FALSE) == -1) return FALSE; TQRegExp fixme("/[/]+[ \t]*[@]*fixme([ \t]*:[ \t]*|[ \t]*)[ \t]*(.*)$"); fixme.setCaseSensitive(FALSE); if (fixme.search(line) != -1) { AddFixme( fixme.cap(2), lineNo ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void PHPFile::ParseSource() { TQString line; int lineNo = 0; int bracketOpen = 0; int bracketClose = 0; int bracketFuncOpen = 0; int bracketFuncClose = 0; TQRegExp includere("^[ \t]*(include|require|include_once|require_once)[ \t]*(\\(|)[ \t]*[\"'](.*)[\"'][ \t]*(\\)|)[ \t]*;$"); includere.setCaseSensitive(FALSE); for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = m_contents.begin(); it != m_contents.end(); ++it ) { line = (*it).local8Bit(); if (!line.isNull()) { if (line.find("include", 0, FALSE) != -1 || line.find("require", 0, FALSE) != -1) { if (includere.search(line) != -1) { TQStringList include_path; include_path = include_path.split(":", m_part->getIncludePath()); include_path.append(URLUtil::directory(fileName()) + "/"); include_path.append(""); TQStringList list = includere.capturedTexts(); for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = include_path.begin(); it != include_path.end(); ++it ) { TQString abso = URLUtil::canonicalPath(*it + "/" + list[3]); if (!abso.isNull()) { TQString rel = URLUtil::relativePathToFile (m_part->project()->projectDirectory(), abso); postEvent( new FileParseEvent( Event_AddFile, abso ) ); } } } } if ( inMethod == TRUE ) { bracketFuncOpen += line.contains("{"); bracketFuncClose += line.contains("}"); if (bracketFuncOpen == bracketFuncClose && bracketFuncOpen != 0 && bracketFuncClose != 0) { CloseFunction( lineNo ); } } if ( inMethod == FALSE ) { bracketOpen += line.contains("{"); bracketClose += line.contains("}"); if (bracketOpen == bracketClose && bracketOpen != 0 && bracketClose != 0 && inClass == TRUE) { CloseClass( lineNo ); } } if ( inClass == FALSE ) { if (ParseClass(line, lineNo) == TRUE) { bracketOpen = line.contains("{"); bracketClose = line.contains("}"); } } if ( inClass == TRUE ) { ParseThisMember(line, lineNo); } if (ParseFunction(line, lineNo) == TRUE) { bracketFuncOpen = line.contains("{"); bracketFuncClose = line.contains("}"); } if ( inMethod == TRUE ) ParseReturn(line, lineNo); ParseVariable(line, lineNo); ParseMember(line, lineNo); ParseTodo(line, lineNo); ParseFixme(line, lineNo); ++lineNo; } } } void PHPFile::PHPCheck() { // int status = 0; m_phpCheckOutput = ""; /// @todo try with tdeprocess in futur version actually this create zombie /* phpCheckProc->clearArguments(); *phpCheckProc << m_phpSupport->getExePath(); *phpCheckProc << "-l -f" << KShellProcess::quote(fileName()); phpCheckProc->start(TDEProcess::DontCare, TDEProcess::All); */ /* char buf[255]; FILE *fd = popen(TQString(m_phpSupport->getExePath() + " -l -f " + KShellProcess::quote(fileName())).ascii(), "r"); while (!feof(fd)) { memset(buf, 0, 255); fgets(buf, 255, fd); m_phpCheckOutput += buf; } pclose(fd); ParseStdout(m_phpCheckOutput); */ } /* void PHPFile::slotReceivedPHPCheckStdout (TDEProcess* proc, char* buffer, int buflen) { kdDebug(9018) << "slotPHPExeStdout()" << endl; m_phpCheckOutput += TQString::fromLocal8Bit(buffer,buflen+1); } void PHPFile::slotReceivedPHPCheckStderr (TDEProcess* proc, char* buffer, int buflen) { kdDebug(9018) << "slotPHPExeStderr()" << endl; m_phpCheckOutput += TQString::fromLocal8Bit(buffer,buflen+1); } void PHPFile::slotPHPCheckExited (TDEProcess* proc) { kdDebug(v) << "slotPHPExeExited()" << endl; } */ void PHPFile::ParseStdout(TQString phpOutput) { kdDebug(9018) << "ParseStdout()" << endl; TQRegExp parseError("^(|)Parse error(|): parse error, (.*) in (|)(.*)(|) on line (|)(.*)(|).*$"); TQRegExp undefFunctionError("^(|)Fatal error(|): Call to undefined function: (.*) in (|)(.*)(|) on line (|)(.*)(|).*$"); TQRegExp warning("^(|)Warning(|): (|)(.*)(|) in (.*) on line (|)(.*)(|).*$"); TQRegExp generalFatalError("^(|)Fatal error(|): (.*) in (|)(.*)(|) on line (|)(.*)(|).*$"); TQStringList list = TQStringList::split("\n", phpOutput); TQStringList::Iterator it; for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { if (generalFatalError.search(*it) >= 0) { // m_errorview->reportProblem(Error, parseError.cap(5), parseError.cap(8).toInt(), parseError.cap(3)); } if(parseError.search(*it) >= 0){ // m_errorview->reportProblem(ErrorParse, parseError.cap(5), parseError.cap(8).toInt(), parseError.cap(3)); } if(undefFunctionError.search(*it) >= 0){ // m_errorview->reportProblem(ErrorNoSuchFunction, parseError.cap(5), parseError.cap(8).toInt(), parseError.cap(3)); } if (warning.search(*it) >= 0){ // m_errorview->reportProblem(ErrorNoSuchFunction, parseError.cap(6), parseError.cap(8).toInt(), parseError.cap(4)); } } } /* ClassDom PHPFile::classByName(TQString filename, TQString classname) { TQValueList CList; TQString abso = URLUtil::canonicalPath(filename); ClassList classList = m_model->globalNamespace()->classList(); ClassList::Iterator classIt; for (classIt = classList.begin(); classIt != classList.end(); ++classIt) { ClassDom nClass = *classIt; if (nClass->name().lower() == classname.lower() && nClass->fileName() == abso) return nClass; } return NULL; } TQValueList PHPFile::classByName(TQString classname) { TQValueList CList; ClassList classList = m_model->globalNamespace()->classList(); ClassList::Iterator classIt; for (classIt = classList.begin(); classIt != classList.end(); ++classIt) { ClassDom nClass = *classIt; if (nClass->name().lower() == classname.lower()) CList.append( nClass ); } return CList; } */ void PHPFile::postEvent(FileParseEvent *event) { TDEApplication::postEvent( m_part, event ); usleep(100); } bool PHPFile::AddClass(TQString name, TQString extends, int start) { postEvent( new FileParseEvent( Event_AddClass, this->fileName(), name, extends, start ) ); inClass = TRUE; return TRUE; } bool PHPFile::SetClass(TQString arguments) { postEvent( new FileParseEvent( Event_SetClass, this->fileName(), "", arguments ) ); return TRUE; } bool PHPFile::CloseClass(int end) { postEvent( new FileParseEvent( Event_CloseClass, this->fileName(), end ) ); inClass = FALSE; return TRUE; } bool PHPFile::AddFunction(TQString name, TQString arguments, int start) { postEvent( new FileParseEvent( Event_AddFunction, this->fileName(), name, arguments, start ) ); inMethod = TRUE; return TRUE; } bool PHPFile::SetFunction(TQString name, TQString arguments) { postEvent( new FileParseEvent( Event_SetFunction, this->fileName(), name, arguments ) ); return TRUE; } bool PHPFile::CloseFunction(int end) { postEvent( new FileParseEvent( Event_CloseFunction, this->fileName(), end ) ); inMethod = FALSE; return TRUE; } bool PHPFile::AddVariable(TQString name, TQString type, int position, bool classvar) { postEvent( new FileParseEvent( Event_AddVariable, this->fileName(), name, type, position, classvar ) ); return TRUE; } bool PHPFile::SetVariable(TQString arguments) { postEvent( new FileParseEvent( Event_SetVariable, this->fileName(), "", arguments ) ); return TRUE; } bool PHPFile::AddTodo(TQString arguments, int position) { postEvent( new FileParseEvent( Event_AddTodo, this->fileName(), "", arguments, position ) ); inClass = TRUE; return TRUE; } bool PHPFile::AddFixme(TQString arguments, int position) { postEvent( new FileParseEvent( Event_AddFixme, this->fileName(), "", arguments, position ) ); inClass = TRUE; return TRUE; } #include "phpfile.moc"