/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 by Julian Rockey * * linux@jrockey.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include <tqptrlist.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #include <tqwhatsthis.h> #include <tdeparts/part.h> #include <klibloader.h> #include <kurl.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <kdevcore.h> #include "kdevproject.h" #include "filecreate_part.h" #include "filecreate_widget2.h" #include "filecreate_filetype.h" #include "filecreate_listitem.h" namespace FileCreate { FriendlyWidget::FriendlyWidget(FileCreatePart *part) : TQTable(0,4,0), TypeChooser(part), m_selected(NULL) { setReadOnly(true); setShowGrid(false); horizontalHeader()->hide(); setTopMargin(0); verticalHeader()->hide(); setLeftMargin(0); setSelectionMode(SingleRow); setFocusStyle(FollowStyle); setColumnStretchable(3, true); m_iconLoader = TDEGlobal::iconLoader(); TQWhatsThis::add(this, i18n("Use this to create new files within your project.")); setDefaultColumnWidths(); } FriendlyWidget::~FriendlyWidget() { } void FriendlyWidget::setCurrent(const FileType * current) { int changeToRow = -1; TQMap<int,FileType*>::Iterator it; kdDebug(9034) << "Checking " << current->descr() << " for matches in row..." << endl; for ( it = typeForRow.begin(); it != typeForRow.end() && changeToRow==-1; ++it ) { kdDebug(9034) << "Checking: " << it.data()->descr() << endl; if (it.data()==current) changeToRow=it.key(); else kdDebug(9034) << "No match!" << endl; } // If an exact match is not found (e.g. current points to a 'parent' type) then // look instead for an extension match if (changeToRow==-1) { for(it = typeForRow.begin(); it!= typeForRow.end() && changeToRow==-1; ++it) { if (it.data()->ext() == current->ext() ) changeToRow = it.key(); } } if (changeToRow!=-1) { m_current = current; kdDebug(9034) << "Found row, setting current to row " << changeToRow << endl; slotCellSelected(changeToRow,0); clearSelection(); selectRow(changeToRow); } } void FriendlyWidget::refresh() { disconnect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(currentChanged(int,int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotCellSelected(int,int)) ); empty(); int row = 0; TQPtrList<FileType> filetypes = m_part->getFileTypes(); for(FileType * filetype = filetypes.first(); filetype; filetype=filetypes.next()) { if (filetype->enabled()) { if (filetype->subtypes().count()==0) setRow(row++, filetype); TQPtrList<FileType> subtypes = filetype->subtypes(); for(FileType * subtype = subtypes.first(); subtype; subtype=subtypes.next()) { if (subtype->enabled()) setRow(row++, subtype); } } } resizeCells(); if (currentSelection()>-1) removeSelection(currentSelection()); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(currentChanged(int,int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotCellSelected(int,int)) ); } void FriendlyWidget::setRow(int row, FileType * filetype) { if (row+1>numRows()) setNumRows(row+1); setText(row, 1, filetype->name() ); setText(row, 2, filetype->ext() ); setText(row, 3, filetype->descr() ); item(row,1)->setWordWrap(true); item(row,3)->setWordWrap(true); //setRowStretchable(row,true); TQPixmap iconPix = m_iconLoader->loadIcon(filetype->icon(), TDEIcon::Desktop, TDEIcon::SizeMedium, TDEIcon::DefaultState, NULL, true); if (!iconPix.isNull()) { setPixmap(row, 0, iconPix); setRowHeight(row, iconPix.height()+4 ); if (iconPix.width()+4>columnWidth(0)) setColumnWidth(0, iconPix.width()+4 ); } typeForRow[row]=filetype; } void FriendlyWidget::empty() { typeForRow.clear(); while(numRows()) removeRow(0); } void FriendlyWidget::setDefaultColumnWidths() { // set some defaults - resizeCells will later ensure that column widths // and row heights are set big enough for the cell contents setColumnWidth(0,1); setColumnWidth(1,60); setColumnWidth(2,30); setColumnWidth(3,150); } void FriendlyWidget::slotCellSelected(int row, int col) { if (col!=0) { setCurrentCell(row, 0); return; } m_selected = typeForRow.contains(row) ? typeForRow[row] : NULL; TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotDoSelection()) ); } void FriendlyWidget::slotDoSelection() { kdDebug(9034) << "widget2: slotDoSelection" << endl; if (m_selected) filetypeSelected(m_selected); kdDebug(9034) << "widget2: slotDoSelection middle" << endl; if (currentSelection()>-1) removeSelection(currentSelection()); kdDebug(9034) << "widget2: slotDoSelection ending" << endl; } void FriendlyWidget::resizeCells() { for(int r=0;r<numRows();r++) resizeRow(r); for(int c=0;c<numCols();c++) resizeColumn(c); } void FriendlyWidget::resizeRow(int row) { if (row>=numRows() || row<0) return; int maxHeight = 0; for(int c=0;c<numCols();c++) { TQTableItem* i = item( row, c ); if( !i ) continue; TQSize size = i->sizeHint(); maxHeight = size.height()>maxHeight ? size.height() : maxHeight; } setRowHeight(row,maxHeight+2); // bit of extra room } void FriendlyWidget::resizeColumn(int col) { if (col>=numCols() || col<0) return; int maxWidth = 0; for(int r=0;r<numRows();r++) { TQTableItem* i = item( r, col ); if( !i ) continue; TQSize size = item(r,col)->sizeHint(); maxWidth = size.width()>maxWidth ? size.width() : maxWidth; } setColumnWidth(col,maxWidth+2); // bit of extra room } #if [[[TQT_VERSION IS DEPRECATED]]] < 0x030100 void FriendlyWidget::selectRow(int row) { if (numCols()>0 && row<numRows()) { TQTableSelection sel; sel.init(row,0); sel.expandTo(row,numCols()); addSelection(sel); } } #endif } #include "filecreate_widget2.moc"