path: root/kimagemapeditor/drawzone.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kimagemapeditor/drawzone.cpp')
1 files changed, 896 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kimagemapeditor/drawzone.cpp b/kimagemapeditor/drawzone.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5bf5612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kimagemapeditor/drawzone.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,896 @@
+ drawzone.cpp - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : Wed Apr 4 2001
+ copyright : (C) 2001 by Jan Sch�er
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+// QT
+#include <qbitmap.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qdragobject.h>
+#include <qpixmap.h>
+// KDE
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kurldrag.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kmimetype.h>
+// Local
+#include "drawzone.h"
+#include "kimagemapeditor.h"
+#include "kimecommands.h"
+#include "areacreator.h"
+#include "kimecommon.h"
+DrawZone::DrawZone(QWidget *parent,KImageMapEditor* _imageMapEditor)
+ : QScrollView(parent)
+ imageMapEditor=_imageMapEditor;
+// setPicture(QImage());
+ currentAction=None;
+ currentArea=0L;
+ oldArea=0L;
+ _zoom=1;
+ if (imageMapEditor->isReadWrite()) {
+ viewport()->setMouseTracking(true);
+ viewport()->setAcceptDrops(true);
+ this->setAcceptDrops(true);
+ }
+ else
+ viewport()->setMouseTracking(false);
+ setDragAutoScroll(true);
+ // The cross rectangle cursor
+ QBitmap b(32,32,true);
+ QBitmap b2(32,32,true);
+ QPainter p(&b);
+ // the cross
+ p.drawLine(0,8,6,8);
+ p.drawLine(10,8,16,8);
+ p.drawLine(8,0,8,6);
+ p.drawLine(8,10,8,16);
+ // the rectangle
+ p.drawRect(17,17,8,6);
+ p.end();
+ p.begin(&b2);
+ // the cross black lines
+ p.drawLine(0,8,6,8);
+ p.drawLine(10,8,16,8);
+ p.drawLine(8,0,8,6);
+ p.drawLine(8,10,8,16);
+ // the cross white lines
+ p.drawLine(0,7,6,7);
+ p.drawLine(10,7,16,7);
+ p.drawLine(7,0,7,6);
+ p.drawLine(7,10,7,16);
+ // the cross white lines
+ p.drawLine(0,9,6,9);
+ p.drawLine(10,9,16,9);
+ p.drawLine(9,0,9,6);
+ p.drawLine(9,10,9,16);
+ // the rectangles
+ p.drawRect(17,17,8,6); // black
+ p.drawRect(18,18,6,4); // white
+ p.drawRect(16,16,10,8); // white
+ p.end();
+ RectangleCursor = QCursor(b,b2,8,8);
+ // The cross circle cursor
+ b = QBitmap(32,32,true);
+ b2 = QBitmap(32,32,true);
+ p.begin(&b);
+ // the cross
+ p.drawLine(0,8,6,8);
+ p.drawLine(10,8,16,8);
+ p.drawLine(8,0,8,6);
+ p.drawLine(8,10,8,16);
+ // the circle
+ p.drawEllipse(17,17,8,8);
+ p.end();
+ p.begin(&b2);
+ // the cross black lines
+ p.drawLine(0,8,6,8);
+ p.drawLine(10,8,16,8);
+ p.drawLine(8,0,8,6);
+ p.drawLine(8,10,8,16);
+ // the cross white lines
+ p.drawLine(0,7,6,7);
+ p.drawLine(10,7,16,7);
+ p.drawLine(7,0,7,6);
+ p.drawLine(7,10,7,16);
+ // the cross white lines
+ p.drawLine(0,9,6,9);
+ p.drawLine(10,9,16,9);
+ p.drawLine(9,0,9,6);
+ p.drawLine(9,10,9,16);
+ // the circles
+ p.drawEllipse(17,17,8,8); // black
+ p.drawEllipse(16,16,10,10); // white
+ p.drawEllipse(18,18,6,6); // white
+ p.end();
+ CircleCursor = QCursor(b,b2,8,8);
+ QString path = KGlobal::dirs()->findResourceDir( "data", "kimagemapeditor/polygoncursor.png" ) + "kimagemapeditor/polygoncursor.png";
+ PolygonCursor = QCursor(QPixmap(path),8,8);
+ path = KGlobal::dirs()->findResourceDir( "data", "kimagemapeditor/freehandcursor.png" ) + "kimagemapeditor/freehandcursor.png";
+ FreehandCursor = QCursor(QPixmap(path),8,8);
+ path = KGlobal::dirs()->findResourceDir( "data", "kimagemapeditor/addpointcursor.png" ) + "kimagemapeditor/addpointcursor.png";
+ AddPointCursor = QCursor(QPixmap(path),8,8);
+ path = KGlobal::dirs()->findResourceDir( "data", "kimagemapeditor/removepointcursor.png" ) + "kimagemapeditor/removepointcursor.png";
+ RemovePointCursor = QCursor(QPixmap(path),8,8);
+void DrawZone::setPicture(const QImage &_image) {
+ image=_image;
+//- zoomedImage.convertFromImage(image);
+ setZoom(_zoom);
+void DrawZone::setZoom(double z)
+ _zoom=z;
+ imageRect.setHeight(myround(image.height()*_zoom));
+ imageRect.setWidth(myround(image.width()*_zoom));
+ zoomedImage=QPixmap(imageRect.width(),imageRect.height());
+ QPainter p(&zoomedImage);
+ p.scale(z,z);
+ QPixmap pix;
+ pix.convertFromImage(image);
+ // if the picture has transparent areas,
+ // fill them with Gimp like background
+ if (pix.mask()) {
+ QPixmap backPix(32,32);
+ QPainter p2(&backPix);
+ p2.fillRect(0,0,32,32,QColor(156,149,156));
+ p2.fillRect(0,16,16,16,QColor(98,105,98));
+ p2.fillRect(16,0,16,16,QColor(98,105,98));
+ p2.flush();
+ p.setPen(QPen());
+ p.fillRect(imageRect.left(),,imageRect.width(),imageRect.height(),QBrush(QColor("black"),backPix));
+ }
+ p.drawPixmap(imageRect.left(),,pix);
+ p.flush();
+ resizeContents(visibleWidth()>imageRect.width() ? visibleWidth() : imageRect.width(),
+ visibleHeight()>imageRect.height() ? visibleHeight() : imageRect.height());
+ repaintContents(0,0,contentsWidth(),contentsHeight(),true);
+QPoint DrawZone::translateFromZoom(const QPoint & p) const {
+ return QPoint((int)(p.x()/_zoom),(int)(p.y()/_zoom));
+QRect DrawZone::translateFromZoom(const QRect & p) const {
+ return QRect((int)(p.x()/_zoom),(int) (p.y()/_zoom),
+ (int)(p.width()/_zoom),(int)(p.height()/_zoom));
+QPoint DrawZone::translateToZoom(const QPoint & p) const {
+ return QPoint(myround(p.x()*_zoom),myround(p.y()*_zoom));
+QRect DrawZone::translateToZoom(const QRect & r) const {
+// return QRect(round(r.x()*_zoom),round(r.y()*_zoom),
+// round(r.width()*_zoom),round(r.height()*_zoom));
+ return QRect((int)(r.x()*_zoom),(int)(r.y()*_zoom),
+ (int)(r.width()*_zoom+2),(int)(r.height()*_zoom+2));
+void DrawZone::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* e) {
+ if ( ! imageMapEditor->isReadWrite())
+ return;
+ QPoint point=e->pos();
+ point-=imageRect.topLeft();
+ point=translateFromZoom(point);
+ if ( currentAction==None &&
+ (currentArea=imageMapEditor->onArea(point)))
+ {
+ imageMapEditor->deselectAll();
+ imageMapEditor->select(currentArea);
+ currentArea=imageMapEditor->selected();
+ imageMapEditor->showTagEditor(imageMapEditor->selected());
+ }
+void DrawZone::contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
+ if ( ! imageMapEditor->isReadWrite())
+ return;
+ drawStart=e->pos();
+ // Check if it's on picture if not
+ // move it to the picture's border
+ if (!imageRect.contains(drawStart)) {
+ if (drawStart.x()>imageRect.right())
+ drawStart.setX(imageRect.right());
+ if (drawStart.x()<imageRect.left())
+ drawStart.setX(imageRect.left());
+ if (drawStart.y()>imageRect.bottom())
+ drawStart.setY(imageRect.bottom());
+ if (drawStart.y()<
+ drawStart.setY(;
+ }
+ // Translate it to picture coordinates
+ drawStart-=imageRect.topLeft();
+ QPoint zoomedPoint = drawStart;
+ drawStart=translateFromZoom(drawStart);
+ delete oldArea;
+ oldArea=0L;
+ if (currentArea)
+ {
+ oldArea=currentArea->clone();
+ }
+ if ( currentAction==None ) {
+ if (e->button()==RightButton)
+ {
+ if ( (currentArea=imageMapEditor->onArea(drawStart)) )
+ {
+ if ( ! currentArea->isSelected())
+ {
+ imageMapEditor->deselectAll();
+ imageMapEditor->select(currentArea);
+ }
+ currentArea=imageMapEditor->selected();
+ }
+ imageMapEditor->slotShowMainPopupMenu(e->globalPos());
+ }
+ else
+ if (e->button()==MidButton) {
+ contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(e);
+ }
+ else // LeftClick on selectionpoint
+ if ((currentArea=imageMapEditor->selected()) &&
+ (currentSelectionPoint=currentArea->onSelectionPoint(zoomedPoint,_zoom)))
+ {
+ oldArea=currentArea->clone();
+ if ( (imageMapEditor->currentToolType() == KImageMapEditor::RemovePoint) &&
+ (imageMapEditor->selected()->selectionPoints()->count()>3) )
+ {
+ currentAction=RemovePoint;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ currentAction=MoveSelectionPoint;
+ currentArea->setMoving(true);
+ }
+ } else // leftclick not on selectionpoint but on area
+ if ((currentArea=imageMapEditor->onArea(drawStart)))
+ {
+ if ( imageMapEditor->currentToolType() == KImageMapEditor::AddPoint )
+ {
+ currentAction=AddPoint;
+ viewport()->setCursor(AddPointCursor);
+ oldArea=currentArea->clone();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ currentAction=MoveArea;
+ viewport()->setCursor(sizeAllCursor);
+ if ( currentArea->isSelected() ) {
+ if ( (e->state() & ControlButton) )
+ imageMapEditor->deselect(currentArea);
+ } else
+ {
+ if ( (e->state() & ControlButton) )
+ imageMapEditor->select( currentArea );
+ else {
+ imageMapEditor->deselectAll();
+ imageMapEditor->select( currentArea );
+ }
+ }
+ currentArea = imageMapEditor->selected();
+ currentArea->setMoving(true);
+ oldArea=currentArea->clone();
+ }
+ }
+ else // leftclick on the background
+ if ( (imageMapEditor->currentToolType()==KImageMapEditor::Rectangle) ||
+ (imageMapEditor->currentToolType()==KImageMapEditor::Circle) ||
+ (imageMapEditor->currentToolType()==KImageMapEditor::Polygon) ||
+ (imageMapEditor->currentToolType()==KImageMapEditor::Freehand))
+ {
+ currentArea=AreaCreator::create(imageMapEditor->currentToolType());
+ currentArea->setRect(QRect(drawStart,drawStart));
+ currentArea->setSelected(false);
+ imageMapEditor->deselectAll();
+ switch (imageMapEditor->currentToolType()) {
+ case KImageMapEditor::Rectangle : currentAction=DrawRectangle; break;
+ case KImageMapEditor::Circle : currentAction=DrawCircle; break;
+ case KImageMapEditor::Polygon :
+ currentAction=DrawPolygon;
+ currentArea->addCoord(drawStart);
+ currentSelectionPoint=currentArea->selectionPoints()->last();
+ break;
+ case KImageMapEditor::Freehand :
+ currentAction=DrawFreehand;
+ //currentArea->addCoord(drawStart);
+ currentArea->setFinished(false);
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ // leftclicked with the arrow at an areafree position
+ if (imageMapEditor->currentToolType()==KImageMapEditor::Selection)
+ {
+ currentArea=0L;
+ imageMapEditor->deselectAll();
+ // Start drawing a selection rectangle
+ currentAction=DoSelect;
+ oldSelectionRect = imageRect;
+ }
+ } else
+ if ( currentAction==DrawPolygon) {
+ }
+ QRect r;
+ if (oldArea)
+ r=oldArea->selectionRect();
+ if (currentArea) {
+ r= r | currentArea->selectionRect();
+ repaintContents(translateToZoom(r),false);
+ }
+void DrawZone::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
+ if ( ! imageMapEditor->isReadWrite())
+ return;
+ QPoint drawEnd=e->pos();
+ // Check if it's on picture if not
+ // move it to the picture's border
+ if (!imageRect.contains(drawEnd)) {
+ if (drawEnd.x()>imageRect.right())
+ drawEnd.setX(imageRect.right());
+ if (drawEnd.x()<imageRect.left())
+ drawEnd.setX(imageRect.left());
+ if (drawEnd.y()>imageRect.bottom())
+ drawEnd.setY(imageRect.bottom());
+ if (drawEnd.y()<
+ drawEnd.setY(;
+ }
+ // Translate it to picture coordinates
+ drawEnd-=imageRect.topLeft();
+ QPoint zoomedPoint=drawEnd;
+ drawEnd=translateFromZoom(drawEnd);
+ if (currentAction==DrawCircle || currentAction==DrawRectangle) {
+ currentAction=None;
+ imageMapEditor->commandHistory()->addCommand(
+ new CreateCommand( imageMapEditor, currentArea ), true);
+ } else
+ if (currentAction==DrawPolygon) {
+ // If the number of Polygonpoints is more than 2
+ // and clicked on the first PolygonPoint or
+ // the right Button was pressed the Polygon is finished
+ if ((currentArea->selectionPoints()->count()>2)
+ && (currentArea->selectionPoints()->first()->contains(drawEnd)
+ || (e->button()==RightButton)))
+ {
+ currentArea->setFinished(true);
+ currentAction=None;
+ imageMapEditor->commandHistory()->addCommand(
+ new CreateCommand( imageMapEditor, currentArea ), true);
+ } else
+ {
+ currentArea->insertCoord(currentArea->countSelectionPoints()-1, drawEnd);
+ currentSelectionPoint=currentArea->selectionPoints()->last();
+ }
+ } else
+ if (currentAction==DrawFreehand)
+ {
+ currentArea->setFinished(true);
+ currentArea->simplifyCoords();
+ currentAction=None;
+ imageMapEditor->commandHistory()->addCommand(
+ new CreateCommand( imageMapEditor, currentArea ), true);
+ } else
+ if (currentAction==MoveArea) {
+ QPoint p1 = oldArea->rect().topLeft();
+ QPoint p2 = imageMapEditor->selected()->rect().topLeft();
+ if (p1 != p2)
+ {
+ imageMapEditor->commandHistory()->addCommand(
+ new MoveCommand( imageMapEditor, imageMapEditor->selected(), oldArea->rect().topLeft()),true);
+ imageMapEditor->slotAreaChanged(currentArea);
+ } else
+ imageMapEditor->updateSelection();
+ currentAction=None;
+ } else
+ if (currentAction==MoveSelectionPoint) {
+ imageMapEditor->commandHistory()->addCommand(
+ new ResizeCommand( imageMapEditor, imageMapEditor->selected(), oldArea),true);
+ imageMapEditor->slotAreaChanged(currentArea);
+ currentAction=None;
+ } else
+ if (currentAction==RemovePoint) {
+ if (currentSelectionPoint==currentArea->onSelectionPoint(zoomedPoint,_zoom))
+ {
+ currentArea->removeSelectionPoint(currentSelectionPoint);
+ imageMapEditor->commandHistory()->addCommand(
+ new RemovePointCommand( imageMapEditor, imageMapEditor->selected(), oldArea),true);
+ imageMapEditor->slotAreaChanged(currentArea);
+ }
+ currentAction=None;
+ } else
+ if (currentAction==AddPoint)
+ {
+ if (currentArea==imageMapEditor->onArea(drawEnd))
+ {
+ imageMapEditor->commandHistory()->addCommand(
+ new AddPointCommand( imageMapEditor, imageMapEditor->selected(), drawEnd),true);
+ imageMapEditor->slotAreaChanged(currentArea);
+ }
+ currentAction=None;
+ } else
+ if (currentAction==DoSelect) {
+ currentAction=None;
+ QRect r(drawStart.x(),drawStart.y(),drawCurrent.x()-drawStart.x(),drawCurrent.y()-drawStart.y());
+ r = r.normalize();
+ AreaListIterator it=imageMapEditor->areaList();
+ for ( ; it.current() != 0L ; ++it ) {
+ if ( it.current()->rect().intersects(r) )
+ {
+ if (!it.current()->isSelected() )
+ imageMapEditor->selectWithoutUpdate( it.current() );
+ }
+ else
+ if (it.current()->isSelected())
+ imageMapEditor->deselectWithoutUpdate( it.current() );
+ }
+ imageMapEditor->updateActionAccess();
+ imageMapEditor->updateSelection();
+ repaintContents(imageRect,false);
+ } else {
+ currentAction=None;
+ }
+ imageMapEditor->slotChangeStatusCoords(drawEnd.x(),drawEnd.y());
+ if (currentArea)
+ {
+ currentArea->setMoving(false);
+ repaintArea(*currentArea);
+ }
+ delete oldArea;
+ oldArea=0L;
+// repaintContents(0,0,contentsWidth(),contentsHeight(),false);
+ imageMapEditor->slotUpdateSelectionCoords();
+void DrawZone::contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
+ if ( ! imageMapEditor->isReadWrite())
+ return;
+ drawCurrent=e->pos();
+ // If outside the image
+ // set it to the border
+ if (!imageRect.contains(drawCurrent)) {
+ if (drawCurrent.x()>imageRect.right())
+ drawCurrent.setX(imageRect.right());
+ if (drawCurrent.x()<imageRect.left())
+ drawCurrent.setX(imageRect.left());
+ if (drawCurrent.y()>imageRect.bottom())
+ drawCurrent.setY(imageRect.bottom());
+ if (drawCurrent.y()<
+ drawCurrent.setY(;
+ }
+ // Translate to image coordinates
+ drawCurrent-=imageRect.topLeft();
+ QPoint zoomedPoint=drawCurrent;
+ drawCurrent=translateFromZoom(drawCurrent);
+ if (currentAction==DrawRectangle) {
+ // To avoid flicker, only repaint the minimum rect
+ QRect oldRect=translateToZoom(currentArea->rect());
+ currentArea->setRect(QRect(drawStart,drawCurrent).normalize());
+ QRect newRect=translateToZoom(currentArea->selectionRect());
+ QRect r=oldRect | newRect;
+ repaintContents(r,false);
+ imageMapEditor->slotUpdateSelectionCoords( currentArea->rect() );
+ } else
+ if (currentAction==DrawCircle) {
+ QRect oldRect=translateToZoom(currentArea->rect());
+ // We don't want ellipses
+ int maxDistance=myabs(drawStart.x()-drawCurrent.x()) >
+ myabs(drawStart.y()-drawCurrent.y()) ?
+ myabs(drawStart.x()-drawCurrent.x()) :
+ myabs(drawStart.y()-drawCurrent.y()) ;
+ int xDiff=maxDistance;
+ int yDiff=maxDistance;
+ if ( drawStart.x()-drawCurrent.x() > 0)
+ xDiff=-xDiff;
+ if ( drawStart.y()-drawCurrent.y() > 0)
+ yDiff=-yDiff;
+ QPoint endPoint( drawStart.x()+xDiff, drawStart.y()+yDiff);
+ currentArea->setRect(QRect(drawStart,endPoint).normalize());
+ QRect newRect=translateToZoom(currentArea->rect());
+ QRect r=oldRect | newRect;
+ repaintContents(r,false);
+ imageMapEditor->slotUpdateSelectionCoords( currentArea->rect() );
+ } else
+ if ( currentAction==DrawPolygon ) {
+ QRect oldRect=translateToZoom(currentArea->rect());
+ currentArea->moveSelectionPoint(currentSelectionPoint,drawCurrent);
+ QRect newRect=translateToZoom(currentArea->rect());
+ QRect r=oldRect | newRect;
+ repaintContents(r,false);
+ } else
+ if ( currentAction==DrawFreehand) {
+ QRect oldRect=translateToZoom(currentArea->rect());
+ currentArea->insertCoord(currentArea->countSelectionPoints(), drawCurrent);
+ QRect newRect=translateToZoom(currentArea->rect());
+ QRect r=oldRect | newRect;
+ repaintContents(r,false);
+ } else
+ if ( currentAction==MoveArea ) {
+ QRect oldRect=translateToZoom(currentArea->selectionRect());
+ currentArea->moveBy((drawCurrent-drawStart).x(),(drawCurrent-drawStart).y());
+ QRect newRect=translateToZoom(currentArea->selectionRect());
+ QRect r=oldRect | newRect;
+ currentArea->setMoving(true);
+ repaintContents(r,false);
+ drawStart=drawCurrent;
+ imageMapEditor->slotUpdateSelectionCoords();
+ } else
+ if ( currentAction==MoveSelectionPoint ) {
+ QRect oldRect=translateToZoom(currentArea->selectionRect());
+ currentArea->moveSelectionPoint(currentSelectionPoint,drawCurrent);
+ QRect newRect=translateToZoom(currentArea->selectionRect());
+ QRect r=oldRect | newRect;
+ repaintContents(r,false);
+ imageMapEditor->slotUpdateSelectionCoords();
+ } else
+ if (currentAction==DoSelect) {
+ QRect r(drawStart.x(),drawStart.y(),drawCurrent.x()-drawStart.x(),drawCurrent.y()-drawStart.y());
+ r = r.normalize();
+// r = translateFromZoom(r);
+ AreaListIterator it=imageMapEditor->areaList();
+ for ( ; it.current() != 0L ; ++it ) {
+ if ( it.current()->rect().intersects(r) )
+ {
+ if (!it.current()->isSelected() )
+ imageMapEditor->selectWithoutUpdate( it.current() );
+ }
+ else
+ if (it.current()->isSelected())
+ imageMapEditor->deselectWithoutUpdate( it.current() );
+ }
+ // We don't have to repaint the hole selection rectangle
+ // only the borders have to be repainted.
+ // So we have to create 4 rectangles for every rectangle
+ // which represent the borders and then repaint them.
+ QRect lb,rb,tb,bb;
+ createBorderRectangles(translateToZoom(r),lb,rb,tb,bb);
+ repaintContents(lb,false);
+ repaintContents(rb,false);
+ repaintContents(tb,false);
+ repaintContents(bb,false);
+ createBorderRectangles(translateToZoom(oldSelectionRect),lb,rb,tb,bb);
+ repaintContents(lb,false);
+ repaintContents(rb,false);
+ repaintContents(tb,false);
+ repaintContents(bb,false);
+// repaintContents(oldSelectionRect | r,false);
+ oldSelectionRect = r;
+// repaintContents(translateToZoom(r),false);
+//+ imageMapEditor->updateSelection();
+// QRect r(drawStart.x(),drawStart.y(),drawCurrent.x()-drawStart.x(),drawCurrent.y()-drawStart.y());
+// r = r.normalize();
+// QRect r2(drawStart.x(),drawStart.y(),drawOld.x()-drawStart.x(),drawOld.y()-drawStart.y());
+// r2 = r2.normalize();
+// r = translateToZoom(r | r2);
+// repaintContents(r,false);
+ } else
+ if ( currentAction==None )
+ {
+ if ( imageMapEditor->selected() &&
+ imageMapEditor->selected()->onSelectionPoint(zoomedPoint,_zoom ))
+ {
+ if (imageMapEditor->selected()->type()==Area::Polygon)
+ {
+ if ((imageMapEditor->currentToolType()==KImageMapEditor::RemovePoint) &&
+ (imageMapEditor->selected()->selectionPoints()->count()>3) )
+ {
+ viewport()->setCursor(RemovePointCursor);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ viewport()->setCursor(pointingHandCursor);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QPoint center=imageMapEditor->selected()->rect().center();
+ if (drawCurrent.x() < center.x()) {
+ if (drawCurrent.y() < center.y())
+ viewport()->setCursor(sizeFDiagCursor);
+ else
+ viewport()->setCursor(sizeBDiagCursor);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (drawCurrent.y() < center.y())
+ viewport()->setCursor(sizeBDiagCursor);
+ else
+ viewport()->setCursor(sizeFDiagCursor);
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ if ( imageMapEditor->onArea(drawCurrent) )
+ {
+ if (imageMapEditor->currentToolType()==KImageMapEditor::AddPoint)
+ {
+ viewport()->setCursor(AddPointCursor);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ viewport()->setCursor(sizeAllCursor);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (imageMapEditor->currentToolType()==KImageMapEditor::Rectangle) {
+ viewport()->setCursor(RectangleCursor);
+// kdDebug() << "KImageMapEditor::DrawZone: viewport()->setCursor to Rectangle" << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ if (imageMapEditor->currentToolType()==KImageMapEditor::Circle)
+ viewport()->setCursor(CircleCursor);
+ else
+ if (imageMapEditor->currentToolType()==KImageMapEditor::Polygon)
+ viewport()->setCursor(PolygonCursor);
+ else
+ if (imageMapEditor->currentToolType()==KImageMapEditor::Freehand)
+ viewport()->setCursor(FreehandCursor);
+ else
+ viewport()->setCursor(arrowCursor);
+ }
+ imageMapEditor->slotChangeStatusCoords(drawCurrent.x(),drawCurrent.y());
+void DrawZone::createBorderRectangles(const QRect & r,QRect & rb,QRect & lb,QRect & tb,QRect & bb)
+ int bw;
+ bw = (int) (2+2*_zoom); // Border width
+ rb.setX(r.x()+r.width()-bw);
+ rb.setY(r.y());
+ rb.setWidth(bw+1);
+ rb.setHeight(r.height());
+ lb.setX(r.x());
+ lb.setY(r.y());
+ lb.setWidth(bw);
+ lb.setHeight(r.height());
+ tb.setX(r.x());
+ tb.setY(r.y());
+ tb.setWidth(r.width());
+ tb.setHeight(bw);
+ bb.setX(r.x());
+ bb.setY(r.y()+r.height()-bw);
+ bb.setWidth(r.width());
+ bb.setHeight(bw+1);
+void DrawZone::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e) {
+ QScrollView::resizeEvent(e);
+ int width=(int) (image.width()*_zoom);
+ int height=(int) (image.height()*_zoom);
+ if (visibleWidth()>width)
+ width=visibleWidth();
+ if (visibleHeight()>height)
+ height=visibleHeight();
+ resizeContents(width,height);
+ imageRect.setLeft(0);
+ imageRect.setTop(0);
+ imageRect.setHeight((int)(image.height()*_zoom));
+ imageRect.setWidth((int)(image.width()*_zoom));
+void DrawZone::cancelDrawing()
+ if ( (currentAction == DrawPolygon )
+ || (currentAction == DrawRectangle )
+ || (currentAction == DrawCircle )
+ )
+ {
+ currentAction = None;
+ QRect r = translateToZoom(currentArea->selectionRect());
+ delete currentArea;
+ currentArea = 0L;
+ repaintContents(r,false);
+ imageMapEditor->slotUpdateSelectionCoords();
+ }
+void DrawZone::repaintArea(const Area & a) {
+ repaintContents(translateToZoom(a.selectionRect()),false);
+void DrawZone::repaintRect(const QRect & r) {
+ repaintContents(translateToZoom(r),false);
+void DrawZone::drawContents(QPainter* p,int clipx,int clipy,int clipw,int cliph)
+// Erase background without flicker
+ QRect updateRect(clipx,clipy,clipw,cliph);
+ // Pixmap for double-buffering
+ QPixmap doubleBuffer(updateRect.size());
+ if (doubleBuffer.isNull())
+ return;
+ QPainter p2(&doubleBuffer);
+ p2.drawPixmap(0,0,zoomedImage,clipx,clipy,clipw,cliph);
+ p2.setBackgroundColor(p->backgroundColor());
+ if (zoomedImage.width() < (clipw+clipx) ) {
+ int eraseWidth = clipw+clipx - zoomedImage.width();
+ p2.eraseRect( QRect(clipw-eraseWidth,0,eraseWidth,cliph) );
+ }
+ if (zoomedImage.height() < (cliph+clipy) ) {
+ int eraseHeight = cliph+clipy - zoomedImage.height();
+ p2.eraseRect( QRect(0,cliph-eraseHeight,clipw,eraseHeight) );
+ }
+ p2.translate(-clipx, -clipy);
+ p2.scale(_zoom,_zoom);
+ QRect areaUpdateRect;
+ areaUpdateRect.setX(myround(clipx/_zoom)-1);
+ areaUpdateRect.setY(myround(clipy/_zoom)-1);
+ areaUpdateRect.setWidth(myround(clipw/_zoom)+2);
+ areaUpdateRect.setHeight(myround(cliph/_zoom)+2);
+ AreaListIterator it=imageMapEditor->areaList();
+ for ( it.toLast();it.current() != 0L; --it)
+ {
+ if (it.current()->rect().intersects(areaUpdateRect))
+ it.current()->draw(p2);
+ }
+ // Draw the current drawing Area
+ if (currentAction != MoveArea &&
+ currentAction != MoveSelectionPoint &&
+ currentAction != None &&
+ currentAction != DoSelect)
+ {
+ currentArea->draw(p2);
+ }
+ if (currentAction == DoSelect )
+ {
+ QPen pen = QPen(QColor("white"),1);
+ p2.setRasterOp(Qt::XorROP);
+ pen.setStyle(Qt::DotLine);
+ p2.setPen(pen);
+ QRect r( drawStart.x(),drawStart.y(),drawCurrent.x()-drawStart.x(),drawCurrent.y()-drawStart.y());
+ r = r.normalize();
+ p2.drawRect(r);
+ }
+ p2.end();
+ // Copy the double buffer into the widget
+ p->drawPixmap(clipx,clipy,doubleBuffer);
+void DrawZone::contentsDragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent*e) {
+ if (!KURLDrag::canDecode(e))
+ return;
+// bool accept = false;
+ KURL::List uris;
+ KURLDrag::decode(e,uris);
+ KMimeType::Ptr ptr = KMimeType::findByURL(uris.first());
+// kdDebug() << "***** " <<>name() << endl;
+ if ((>name() == "text/html")
+ || (>name().left(6) == "image/"))
+ e->accept();
+void DrawZone::contentsDropEvent( QDropEvent* e) {
+ viewportDropEvent(e);
+void DrawZone::viewportDropEvent( QDropEvent* e) {
+ KURL::List urlList;
+ // A file from konqueror was dropped
+ if (KURLDrag::decode(e,urlList)) {
+ imageMapEditor->openFile(urlList.first());
+ }