path: root/kommander/editor/command.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kommander/editor/command.cpp')
1 files changed, 1838 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kommander/editor/command.cpp b/kommander/editor/command.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6bbe82c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kommander/editor/command.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1838 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of Qt Designer.
+** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
+** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+** See for GPL licensing information.
+** Contact [email protected] if any conditions of this licensing are
+** not clear to you.
+#include <scriptobject.h>
+#include "command.h"
+#include "formwindow.h"
+#include "widgetfactory.h"
+#include "propertyeditor.h"
+#include "metadatabase.h"
+#include "widgetdatabase.h"
+#include "mainwindow.h"
+#include "hierarchyview.h"
+#include "workspace.h"
+#include "actioneditorimpl.h"
+#include "actiondnd.h"
+#include "formfile.h"
+#include <qmap.h>
+#include <qfeatures.h>
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qmetaobject.h>
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
+#include <qlistbox.h>
+#include <qiconview.h>
+#include <qmultilineedit.h>
+#include <qptrstack.h>
+#include <qheader.h>
+#ifndef QT_NO_TABLE
+#include <qtable.h>
+#include <qaction.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+CommandHistory::CommandHistory( int s )
+ : current( -1 ), steps( s ), savedAt( -1 )
+ history.setAutoDelete( true );
+ modified = false;
+ compressedCommand = 0;
+void CommandHistory::addCommand( Command *cmd, bool tryCompress )
+ if ( tryCompress ) {
+ if ( !compressedCommand ||
+ compressedCommand->type() != cmd->type() ||
+ !compressedCommand->canMerge( cmd ) ) {
+ checkCompressedCommand();
+ compressedCommand = 0;
+ }
+ if ( compressedCommand ) {
+ compressedCommand->merge( cmd );
+ modified = true;
+ modificationChanged( modified );
+ return;
+ }
+ compressedCommand = cmd;
+ } else {
+ checkCompressedCommand();
+ }
+ if ( current < (int)history.count() - 1 ) {
+ if ( current < savedAt )
+ savedAt = -2;
+ QPtrList<Command> commands;
+ commands.setAutoDelete( false );
+ for( int i = 0; i <= current; ++i ) {
+ commands.insert( i, 0 ) );
+ history.take( 0 );
+ }
+ commands.append( cmd );
+ history.clear();
+ history = commands;
+ history.setAutoDelete( true );
+ } else {
+ history.append( cmd );
+ }
+ if ( (int)history.count() > steps ) {
+ savedAt--;
+ history.removeFirst();
+ } else {
+ ++current;
+ }
+ emitUndoRedo();
+ modified = true;
+ modificationChanged( modified );
+void CommandHistory::undo()
+ checkCompressedCommand();
+ compressedCommand = 0;
+ if ( current > -1 ) {
+ current )->unexecute();
+ --current;
+ }
+ emitUndoRedo();
+ modified = savedAt != current;
+ modificationChanged( modified );
+void CommandHistory::redo()
+ checkCompressedCommand();
+ compressedCommand = 0;
+ if ( current > -1 ) {
+ if ( current < (int)history.count() - 1 ) {
+ ++current;
+ current )->execute();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( history.count() > 0 ) {
+ ++current;
+ current )->execute();
+ }
+ }
+ emitUndoRedo();
+ modified = savedAt != current;
+ modificationChanged( modified );
+void CommandHistory::emitUndoRedo()
+ Command *undoCmd = 0;
+ Command *redoCmd = 0;
+ if ( current >= 0 && current < (int)history.count() )
+ undoCmd = current );
+ if ( current + 1 >= 0 && current + 1 < (int)history.count() )
+ redoCmd = current + 1 );
+ bool ua = (undoCmd != 0);
+ QString uc;
+ if ( ua )
+ uc = undoCmd->name();
+ bool ra = (redoCmd != 0);
+ QString rc;
+ if ( ra )
+ rc = redoCmd->name();
+ emit undoRedoChanged( ua, ra, uc, rc );
+void CommandHistory::setModified( bool m )
+ modified = m;
+ if ( !modified )
+ savedAt = current;
+ modificationChanged( modified );
+bool CommandHistory::isModified() const
+ return modified;
+void CommandHistory::checkCompressedCommand()
+ if ( compressedCommand && compressedCommand->type() == Command::SetProperty ) {
+ Command *c = compressedCommand;
+ compressedCommand = 0;
+ if ( !( (SetPropertyCommand*)c )->checkProperty() ) {
+ history.remove( current );
+ --current;
+ emitUndoRedo();
+ }
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+Command::Command( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw )
+ : cmdName( n ), formWin( fw )
+QString Command::name() const
+ return cmdName;
+FormWindow *Command::formWindow() const
+ return formWin;
+void Command::merge( Command * )
+bool Command::canMerge( Command * )
+ return false;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+ResizeCommand::ResizeCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QWidget *w, const QRect &oldr, const QRect &nr )
+ : Command( n, fw ), widget( w ), oldRect( oldr ), newRect( nr )
+void ResizeCommand::execute()
+ widget->setGeometry( newRect );
+ formWindow()->updateSelection( widget );
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( widget );
+ if ( WidgetFactory::layoutType( widget ) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout )
+ formWindow()->updateChildSelections( widget );
+void ResizeCommand::unexecute()
+ widget->setGeometry( oldRect );
+ formWindow()->updateSelection( widget );
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( widget );
+ if ( WidgetFactory::layoutType( widget ) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout )
+ formWindow()->updateChildSelections( widget );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+InsertCommand::InsertCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QWidget *w, const QRect &g )
+ : Command( n, fw ), widget( w ), geometry( g )
+void InsertCommand::execute()
+ if ( geometry.size() == QSize( 0, 0 ) ) {
+ widget->move( geometry.topLeft() );
+ widget->adjustSize();
+ } else {
+ QSize s = geometry.size().expandedTo( widget->minimumSize() );
+ s = s.expandedTo( widget->minimumSizeHint() );
+ QRect r( geometry.topLeft(), s );
+ widget->setGeometry( r );
+ }
+ widget->show();
+ formWindow()->widgets()->insert( widget, widget );
+ formWindow()->clearSelection( false );
+ formWindow()->selectWidget( widget );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->widgetInserted( widget );
+void InsertCommand::unexecute()
+ widget->hide();
+ formWindow()->selectWidget( widget, false );
+ formWindow()->widgets()->remove( widget );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->widgetRemoved( widget );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+MoveCommand::MoveCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ const QWidgetList &w,
+ const QValueList<QPoint> op,
+ const QValueList<QPoint> np,
+ QWidget *opr, QWidget *npr )
+ : Command( n, fw ), widgets( w ), oldPos( op ), newPos( np ),
+ oldParent( opr ), newParent( npr )
+ widgets.setAutoDelete( false );
+void MoveCommand::merge( Command *c )
+ MoveCommand *cmd = (MoveCommand*)c;
+ newPos = cmd->newPos;
+bool MoveCommand::canMerge( Command *c )
+ MoveCommand *cmd = (MoveCommand*)c;
+ return widgets == cmd->widgets;
+void MoveCommand::execute()
+ for ( QWidget *w = widgets.first(); w; w = ) {
+ if ( !w->parentWidget() || WidgetFactory::layoutType( w->parentWidget() ) == WidgetFactory::NoLayout ) {
+ if ( newParent && oldParent && newParent != oldParent ) {
+ QPoint pos = newParent->mapFromGlobal( w->mapToGlobal( QPoint( 0,0 ) ) );
+ w->reparent( newParent, pos, true );
+ formWindow()->raiseSelection( w );
+ formWindow()->raiseChildSelections( w );
+ formWindow()->widgetChanged( w );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->widgetRemoved( w );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->widgetInserted( w );
+ }
+ w->move( newPos[ ] );
+ }
+ formWindow()->updateSelection( w );
+ formWindow()->updateChildSelections( w );
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( w );
+ }
+void MoveCommand::unexecute()
+ for ( QWidget *w = widgets.first(); w; w = ) {
+ if ( !w->parentWidget() || WidgetFactory::layoutType( w->parentWidget() ) == WidgetFactory::NoLayout ) {
+ if ( newParent && oldParent && newParent != oldParent ) {
+ QPoint pos = oldParent->mapFromGlobal( w->mapToGlobal( QPoint( 0,0 ) ) );
+ w->reparent( oldParent, pos, true );
+ formWindow()->raiseSelection( w );
+ formWindow()->raiseChildSelections( w );
+ formWindow()->widgetChanged( w );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->widgetRemoved( w );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->widgetInserted( w );
+ }
+ w->move( oldPos[ ] );
+ }
+ formWindow()->updateSelection( w );
+ formWindow()->updateChildSelections( w );
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( w );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+DeleteCommand::DeleteCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ const QWidgetList &w )
+ : Command( n, fw ), widgets( w )
+ widgets.setAutoDelete( false );
+void DeleteCommand::execute()
+ formWindow()->setPropertyShowingBlocked( true );
+ connections.clear();
+ for ( QWidget *w = widgets.first(); w; w = ) {
+ w->hide();
+ QString s = w->name();
+ s.prepend( "qt_dead_widget_" );
+ w->setName( s );
+ formWindow()->selectWidget( w, false );
+ formWindow()->widgets()->remove( w );
+ QValueList<MetaDataBase::Connection> conns = MetaDataBase::connections( formWindow(), w );
+ connections.insert( w, conns );
+ QValueList<MetaDataBase::Connection>::Iterator it = conns.begin();
+ for ( ; it != conns.end(); ++it ) {
+ MetaDataBase::removeConnection( formWindow(), (*it).sender,
+ (*it).signal, (*it).receiver, (*it).slot );
+ }
+ }
+ formWindow()->setPropertyShowingBlocked( false );
+ formWindow()->emitShowProperties();
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->widgetsRemoved( widgets );
+void DeleteCommand::unexecute()
+ formWindow()->setPropertyShowingBlocked( true );
+ formWindow()->clearSelection( false );
+ for ( QWidget *w = widgets.first(); w; w = ) {
+ w->show();
+ QString s = w->name();
+ s.remove( 0, QString( "qt_dead_widget_" ).length() );
+ w->setName( s );
+ formWindow()->widgets()->insert( w, w );
+ formWindow()->selectWidget( w );
+ QValueList<MetaDataBase::Connection> conns = *connections.find( w );
+ QValueList<MetaDataBase::Connection>::Iterator it = conns.begin();
+ for ( ; it != conns.end(); ++it ) {
+ MetaDataBase::addConnection( formWindow(), (*it).sender,
+ (*it).signal, (*it).receiver, (*it).slot );
+ }
+ }
+ formWindow()->setPropertyShowingBlocked( false );
+ formWindow()->emitShowProperties();
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->widgetsInserted( widgets );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+SetPropertyCommand::SetPropertyCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QObject *w, PropertyEditor *e,
+ const QString &pn, const QVariant &ov,
+ const QVariant &nv, const QString &ncut,
+ const QString &ocut, bool reset )
+ : Command( n, fw ), widget( w ), editor( e ), propName( pn ),
+ oldValue( ov ), newValue( nv ), oldCurrentItemText( ocut ), newCurrentItemText( ncut ),
+ wasChanged( true ), isResetCommand( reset )
+ wasChanged = MetaDataBase::isPropertyChanged( w, propName );
+void SetPropertyCommand::execute()
+ if ( !wasChanged )
+ MetaDataBase::setPropertyChanged( widget, propName, true );
+ if ( isResetCommand ) {
+ MetaDataBase::setPropertyChanged( widget, propName, false );
+ if ( WidgetFactory::resetProperty( widget, propName ) ) {
+ if ( !formWindow()->isWidgetSelected( widget ) && widget != formWindow() )
+ formWindow()->selectWidget( widget );
+ if ( editor->widget() != widget )
+ editor->setWidget( widget, formWindow() );
+ editor->propertyList()->setCurrentProperty( propName );
+ PropertyItem *i = (PropertyItem*)editor->propertyList()->currentItem();
+ if ( !i )
+ return;
+ i->setValue( widget->property( propName ) );
+ i->setChanged( false );
+ editor->refetchData();
+ editor->emitWidgetChanged();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ setProperty( newValue, newCurrentItemText );
+void SetPropertyCommand::unexecute()
+ if ( !wasChanged )
+ MetaDataBase::setPropertyChanged( widget, propName, false );
+ if ( isResetCommand )
+ MetaDataBase::setPropertyChanged( widget, propName, true );
+ setProperty( oldValue, oldCurrentItemText );
+bool SetPropertyCommand::canMerge( Command *c )
+ SetPropertyCommand *cmd = (SetPropertyCommand*)c;
+ const QMetaProperty *p =
+ widget->metaObject()->property( widget->metaObject()->findProperty( propName, true ), true );
+ if ( !p ) {
+ if ( propName == "toolTip" || propName == "whatsThis" )
+ return true;
+ if ( widget->inherits( "CustomWidget" ) ) {
+ MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *cw = ( (CustomWidget*)widget )->customWidget();
+ if ( !cw )
+ return false;
+ for ( QValueList<MetaDataBase::Property>::Iterator it = cw->lstProperties.begin(); it != cw->lstProperties.end(); ++it ) {
+ if ( QString( (*it ).property ) == propName ) {
+ if ( (*it).type == "String" || (*it).type == "CString" || (*it).type == "Int" || (*it).type == "UInt" )
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ QVariant::Type t = QVariant::nameToType( p->type() );
+ return ( cmd->propName == propName &&
+ t == QVariant::String || t == QVariant::CString || t == QVariant::Int || t == QVariant::UInt );
+void SetPropertyCommand::merge( Command *c )
+ SetPropertyCommand *cmd = (SetPropertyCommand*)c;
+ newValue = cmd->newValue;
+ newCurrentItemText = cmd->newCurrentItemText;
+bool SetPropertyCommand::checkProperty()
+ if ( propName == "name" /*|| propName == "itemName"*/ ) { // ### fix that
+ QString s = newValue.toString();
+ if ( !formWindow()->unify( widget, s, false ) ) {
+ QMessageBox::information( formWindow()->mainWindow(),
+ i18n("Set 'name' Property" ),
+ i18n("The name of a widget must be unique.\n"
+ "'%1' is already used in form '%2',\n"
+ "so the name has been reverted to '%3'." ).
+ arg( newValue.toString() ).
+ arg( formWindow()->name() ).
+ arg( oldValue.toString() ));
+ setProperty( oldValue, oldCurrentItemText, false );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( s.isEmpty() ) {
+ QMessageBox::information( formWindow()->mainWindow(),
+ i18n("Set 'name' Property" ),
+ i18n("The name of a widget must not be null.\n"
+ "The name has been reverted to '%1'." ).
+ arg( oldValue.toString() ));
+ setProperty( oldValue, oldCurrentItemText, false );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( widget->parent() && widget->parent()->inherits( "FormWindow" ) )
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->formNameChanged( (FormWindow*)( (QWidget*)widget )->parentWidget() );
+ }
+ return true;
+void SetPropertyCommand::setProperty( const QVariant &v, const QString &currentItemText, bool select )
+ if ( !formWindow()->isWidgetSelected( widget ) && !formWindow()->isMainContainer( widget ) && select )
+ formWindow()->selectWidget( widget );
+ if ( editor->widget() != widget && select )
+ editor->setWidget( widget, formWindow() );
+ if ( select )
+ editor->propertyList()->setCurrentProperty( propName );
+ const QMetaProperty *p =
+ widget->metaObject()->property( widget->metaObject()->findProperty( propName, true ), true );
+ if ( !p ) {
+ if ( propName == "hAlign" ) {
+ p = widget->metaObject()->property( widget->metaObject()->findProperty( "alignment", true ), true );
+ int align = widget->property( "alignment" ).toInt();
+ align &= ~( AlignHorizontal_Mask );
+ align |= p->keyToValue( currentItemText );
+ widget->setProperty( "alignment", QVariant( align ) );
+ } else if ( propName == "vAlign" ) {
+ p = widget->metaObject()->property( widget->metaObject()->findProperty( "alignment", true ), true );
+ int align = widget->property( "alignment" ).toInt();
+ align &= ~( AlignVertical_Mask );
+ align |= p->keyToValue( currentItemText );
+ widget->setProperty( "alignment", QVariant( align ) );
+ } else if ( propName == "wordwrap" ) {
+ int align = widget->property( "alignment" ).toInt();
+ align &= ~WordBreak;
+ if ( v.toBool() )
+ align |= WordBreak;
+ widget->setProperty( "alignment", QVariant( align ) );
+ } else if ( propName == "layoutSpacing" ) {
+ MetaDataBase::setSpacing( WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget( (QWidget*)editor->widget() ), v.toInt() );
+ } else if ( propName == "layoutMargin" ) {
+ MetaDataBase::setMargin( WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget( (QWidget*)editor->widget() ), v.toInt() );
+ } else if ( propName == "toolTip" || propName == "whatsThis" || propName == "database" || propName == "frameworkCode" ) {
+ MetaDataBase::setFakeProperty( editor->widget(), propName, v );
+ } else if ( editor->widget()->inherits( "CustomWidget" ) ) {
+ MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *cw = ( (CustomWidget*)widget )->customWidget();
+ if ( cw ) {
+ MetaDataBase::setFakeProperty( editor->widget(), propName, v );
+ }
+ }
+ editor->refetchData();
+ editor->emitWidgetChanged();
+ ( ( PropertyItem* )editor->propertyList()->currentItem() )->setChanged( MetaDataBase::isPropertyChanged( widget, propName ) );
+#ifndef QT_NO_SQL
+ if ( propName == "database" )
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->databasePropertyChanged( (QWidget*)widget, MetaDataBase::fakeProperty( widget, "database" ).toStringList() );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( p->isSetType() ) {
+ ;
+ } else if ( p->isEnumType() ) {
+ widget->setProperty( propName, p->keyToValue( currentItemText ) );
+ } else {
+ QVariant ov;
+ if ( propName == "name" || propName == "itemName" )
+ ov = widget->property( propName );
+ int oldSerNum = -1;
+ if ( v.type() == QVariant::Pixmap )
+ oldSerNum = v.toPixmap().serialNumber();
+ widget->setProperty( propName, v );
+ if ( oldSerNum != -1 && oldSerNum != widget->property( propName ).toPixmap().serialNumber() )
+ MetaDataBase::setPixmapKey( formWindow(),
+ widget->property( propName ).toPixmap().serialNumber(),
+ MetaDataBase::pixmapKey( formWindow(), oldSerNum ) );
+ if ( propName == "cursor" )
+ MetaDataBase::setCursor( (QWidget*)widget, v.toCursor() );
+ if ( propName == "name" && widget->isWidgetType() ) {
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->namePropertyChanged( (QWidget*)widget, ov );
+ if ( formWindow()->isMainContainer( widget ) )
+ formWindow()->setName( v.toCString() );
+ }
+ if ( propName == "name" && widget->inherits( "QAction" ) &&
+ formWindow()->mainContainer() &&
+ formWindow()->mainContainer()->inherits( "QMainWindow" ) ) {
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->actioneditor()->updateActionName( (QAction*)widget );
+ }
+ if ( propName == "iconSet" && widget->inherits( "QAction" ) &&
+ formWindow()->mainContainer() &&
+ formWindow()->mainContainer()->inherits( "QMainWindow" ) ) {
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->actioneditor()->updateActionIcon( (QAction*)widget );
+ }
+ if ( propName == "caption" ) {
+ if ( formWindow()->isMainContainer( widget ) )
+ formWindow()->setCaption( v.toString() );
+ }
+ if ( propName == "icon" ) {
+ if ( formWindow()->isMainContainer( widget ) )
+ formWindow()->setIcon( v.toPixmap() );
+ }
+ }
+ editor->refetchData();
+ if ( editor->propertyList()->currentItem() && select ) {
+ ( ( PropertyItem* )editor->propertyList()->currentItem() )->showEditor();
+ ( ( PropertyItem* )editor->propertyList()->currentItem() )->setChanged( MetaDataBase::isPropertyChanged( widget, propName ) );
+ }
+ editor->emitWidgetChanged();
+ formWindow()->killAccels( widget );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+LayoutHorizontalCommand::LayoutHorizontalCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QWidget *parent, QWidget *layoutBase,
+ const QWidgetList &wl )
+ : Command( n, fw ), layout( wl, parent, fw, layoutBase )
+void LayoutHorizontalCommand::execute()
+ formWindow()->clearSelection( false );
+ layout.doLayout();
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->rebuild();
+void LayoutHorizontalCommand::unexecute()
+ formWindow()->clearSelection( false );
+ layout.undoLayout();
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->rebuild();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+LayoutHorizontalSplitCommand::LayoutHorizontalSplitCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QWidget *parent, QWidget *layoutBase,
+ const QWidgetList &wl )
+ : Command( n, fw ), layout( wl, parent, fw, layoutBase, true, true )
+void LayoutHorizontalSplitCommand::execute()
+ formWindow()->clearSelection( false );
+ layout.doLayout();
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->rebuild();
+void LayoutHorizontalSplitCommand::unexecute()
+ formWindow()->clearSelection( false );
+ layout.undoLayout();
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->rebuild();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+LayoutVerticalCommand::LayoutVerticalCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QWidget *parent, QWidget *layoutBase,
+ const QWidgetList &wl )
+ : Command( n, fw ), layout( wl, parent, fw, layoutBase )
+void LayoutVerticalCommand::execute()
+ formWindow()->clearSelection( false );
+ layout.doLayout();
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->rebuild();
+void LayoutVerticalCommand::unexecute()
+ formWindow()->clearSelection( false );
+ layout.undoLayout();
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->rebuild();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+LayoutVerticalSplitCommand::LayoutVerticalSplitCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QWidget *parent, QWidget *layoutBase,
+ const QWidgetList &wl )
+ : Command( n, fw ), layout( wl, parent, fw, layoutBase, true, true )
+void LayoutVerticalSplitCommand::execute()
+ formWindow()->clearSelection( false );
+ layout.doLayout();
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->rebuild();
+void LayoutVerticalSplitCommand::unexecute()
+ formWindow()->clearSelection( false );
+ layout.undoLayout();
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->rebuild();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+LayoutGridCommand::LayoutGridCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QWidget *parent, QWidget *layoutBase,
+ const QWidgetList &wl, int xres, int yres )
+ : Command( n, fw ), layout( wl, parent, fw, layoutBase, QSize( QMAX(5,xres), QMAX(5,yres) ) )
+void LayoutGridCommand::execute()
+ formWindow()->clearSelection( false );
+ layout.doLayout();
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->rebuild();
+void LayoutGridCommand::unexecute()
+ formWindow()->clearSelection( false );
+ layout.undoLayout();
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->rebuild();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+BreakLayoutCommand::BreakLayoutCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QWidget *layoutBase, const QWidgetList &wl )
+ : Command( n, fw ), lb( layoutBase ), widgets( wl )
+ WidgetFactory::LayoutType lay = WidgetFactory::layoutType( layoutBase );
+ spacing = MetaDataBase::spacing( layoutBase );
+ margin = MetaDataBase::margin( layoutBase );
+ layout = 0;
+ if ( lay == WidgetFactory::HBox )
+ layout = new HorizontalLayout( wl, layoutBase, fw, layoutBase, false, layoutBase->inherits( "QSplitter" ) );
+ else if ( lay == WidgetFactory::VBox )
+ layout = new VerticalLayout( wl, layoutBase, fw, layoutBase, false, layoutBase->inherits( "QSplitter" ) );
+ else if ( lay == WidgetFactory::Grid )
+ layout = new GridLayout( wl, layoutBase, fw, layoutBase, QSize( QMAX( 5, fw->grid().x()), QMAX( 5, fw->grid().y()) ), false );
+void BreakLayoutCommand::execute()
+ if ( !layout )
+ return;
+ formWindow()->clearSelection( false );
+ layout->breakLayout();
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->rebuild();
+ for ( QWidget *w = widgets.first(); w; w = )
+ w->resize( QMAX( 16, w->width() ), QMAX( 16, w->height() ) );
+void BreakLayoutCommand::unexecute()
+ if ( !layout )
+ return;
+ formWindow()->clearSelection( false );
+ layout->doLayout();
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->rebuild();
+ MetaDataBase::setSpacing( WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget( lb ), spacing );
+ MetaDataBase::setMargin( WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget( lb ), margin );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+MacroCommand::MacroCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ const QPtrList<Command> &cmds )
+ : Command( n, fw ), commands( cmds )
+void MacroCommand::execute()
+ for ( Command *c = commands.first(); c; c = )
+ c->execute();
+void MacroCommand::unexecute()
+ for ( Command *c = commands.last(); c; c = commands.prev() )
+ c->unexecute();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+AddTabPageCommand::AddTabPageCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QTabWidget *tw, const QString &label )
+ : Command( n, fw ), tabWidget( tw ), tabLabel( label )
+ tabPage = new QDesignerWidget( formWindow(), tabWidget, "tab" );
+ tabPage->hide();
+ index = -1;
+ MetaDataBase::addEntry( tabPage );
+void AddTabPageCommand::execute()
+ if ( index == -1 )
+ index = ( (QDesignerTabWidget*)tabWidget )->count();
+ tabWidget->insertTab( tabPage, tabLabel, index );
+ tabWidget->showPage( tabPage );
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( formWindow()->currentWidget() );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->tabsChanged( tabWidget );
+void AddTabPageCommand::unexecute()
+ tabWidget->removePage( tabPage );
+ tabPage->hide();
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( formWindow()->currentWidget() );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->tabsChanged( tabWidget );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+AddToolBoxPageCommand::AddToolBoxPageCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QToolBox *tw, const QString &_label )
+ : Command( n, fw ), toolBox( tw ), label( _label )
+ page = new QDesignerWidget( formWindow(), toolBox, "tab" );
+ page->hide();
+ index = -1;
+ MetaDataBase::addEntry( page );
+void AddToolBoxPageCommand::execute()
+ if ( index == -1 )
+ index = ( (EditorToolBox*)toolBox)->count();
+ toolBox->insertItem(index, page, label);
+ toolBox->setCurrentItem( page );
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( formWindow()->currentWidget() );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->tabsChanged( toolBox );
+void AddToolBoxPageCommand::unexecute()
+ toolBox->removeItem( page );
+ page->hide();
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( formWindow()->currentWidget() );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->tabsChanged( toolBox );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+MoveTabPageCommand::MoveTabPageCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QTabWidget *tw, QWidget* page, const QString& label, int nIndex, int oIndex )
+ : Command( n, fw ), tabWidget( tw ), tabPage( page ), tabLabel( label )
+ newIndex = nIndex;
+ oldIndex = oIndex;
+void MoveTabPageCommand::execute()
+ ((QDesignerTabWidget*)tabWidget )->removePage( tabPage );
+ ((QDesignerTabWidget*)tabWidget )->insertTab( tabPage, tabLabel, newIndex );
+ ((QDesignerTabWidget*)tabWidget )->showPage( tabPage );
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( formWindow()->currentWidget() );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->tabsChanged( tabWidget );
+void MoveTabPageCommand::unexecute()
+ ((QDesignerTabWidget*)tabWidget )->removePage( tabPage );
+ ((QDesignerTabWidget*)tabWidget )->insertTab( tabPage, tabLabel, oldIndex );
+ ((QDesignerTabWidget*)tabWidget )->showPage( tabPage );
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( formWindow()->currentWidget() );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->tabsChanged( tabWidget );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+DeleteTabPageCommand::DeleteTabPageCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QTabWidget *tw, QWidget *page )
+ : Command( n, fw ), tabWidget( tw ), tabPage( page )
+ tabLabel = ( (QDesignerTabWidget*)tabWidget )->pageTitle();
+ index = ( (QDesignerTabWidget*)tabWidget )->currentPage();
+void DeleteTabPageCommand::execute()
+ tabWidget->removePage( tabPage );
+ tabPage->hide();
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( formWindow()->currentWidget() );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->tabsChanged( tabWidget );
+void DeleteTabPageCommand::unexecute()
+ tabWidget->insertTab( tabPage, tabLabel, index );
+ tabWidget->showPage( tabPage );
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( formWindow()->currentWidget() );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->tabsChanged( tabWidget );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+DeleteToolBoxPageCommand::DeleteToolBoxPageCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QToolBox *tw, QWidget *_page )
+ : Command( n, fw ), toolBox( tw ), page( _page )
+ label = ( (EditorToolBox*)toolBox )->pageTitle();
+ index = ( (EditorToolBox*)toolBox )->currentPage();
+void DeleteToolBoxPageCommand::execute()
+ toolBox->removeItem( page );
+ page->hide();
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( formWindow()->currentWidget() );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->tabsChanged( toolBox );
+void DeleteToolBoxPageCommand::unexecute()
+ toolBox->insertItem(index, page, label);
+ toolBox->setCurrentItem( page );
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( formWindow()->currentWidget() );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->tabsChanged( toolBox );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+AddWizardPageCommand::AddWizardPageCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QWizard *w, const QString &label, int i, bool s )
+ : Command( n, fw ), wizard( w ), pageLabel( label )
+ page = new QDesignerWidget( formWindow(), wizard, "page" );
+ page->hide();
+ index = i;
+ show = s;
+ MetaDataBase::addEntry( page );
+void AddWizardPageCommand::execute()
+ if ( index == -1 )
+ index = wizard->pageCount();
+ wizard->insertPage( page, pageLabel, index );
+ if ( show )
+ ( (QDesignerWizard*)wizard )->setCurrentPage( ( (QDesignerWizard*)wizard )->pageNum( page ) );
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( formWindow()->currentWidget() );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->pagesChanged( wizard );
+void AddWizardPageCommand::unexecute()
+ wizard->removePage( page );
+ page->hide();
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( formWindow()->currentWidget() );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->pagesChanged( wizard );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+DeleteWizardPageCommand::DeleteWizardPageCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QWizard *w, int i, bool s )
+ : Command( n, fw ), wizard( w ), index( i )
+ show = s;
+void DeleteWizardPageCommand::execute()
+ page = wizard->page( index );
+ pageLabel = wizard->title( page );
+ wizard->removePage( page );
+ page->hide();
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( formWindow()->currentWidget() );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->pagesChanged( wizard );
+void DeleteWizardPageCommand::unexecute()
+ wizard->insertPage( page, pageLabel, index );
+ if ( show )
+ ( (QDesignerWizard*)wizard )->setCurrentPage( ( (QDesignerWizard*)wizard )->pageNum( page ) );
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( formWindow()->currentWidget() );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->pagesChanged( wizard );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+RenameWizardPageCommand::RenameWizardPageCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QWizard *w, int i, const QString& name )
+ : Command( n, fw ), wizard( w ), index( i ), label( name )
+void RenameWizardPageCommand::execute()
+ page = wizard->page( index );
+ QString oldLabel = wizard->title( page );
+ wizard->setTitle( page, label );
+ label = oldLabel;
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( formWindow()->currentWidget() );
+void RenameWizardPageCommand::unexecute()
+ execute();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+SwapWizardPagesCommand::SwapWizardPagesCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw, QWizard *w, int i1, int i2 )
+ : Command( n, fw ), wizard( w ), index1( i1 ), index2( i2 )
+void SwapWizardPagesCommand::execute()
+ QWidget *page1 = wizard->page( index1 );
+ QWidget *page2 = wizard->page( index2 );
+ QString page1Label = wizard->title( page1 );
+ QString page2Label = wizard->title( page2 );
+ wizard->removePage( page1 );
+ wizard->removePage( page2 );
+ wizard->insertPage( page1, page1Label, index2 );
+ wizard->insertPage( page2, page2Label, index1 );
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( formWindow()->currentWidget() );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->pagesChanged( wizard );
+void SwapWizardPagesCommand::unexecute()
+ execute();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+AddConnectionCommand::AddConnectionCommand( const QString &name, FormWindow *fw,
+ MetaDataBase::Connection c )
+ : Command( name, fw ), connection( c )
+void AddConnectionCommand::execute()
+ MetaDataBase::addConnection( formWindow(), connection.sender,
+ connection.signal, connection.receiver, connection.slot );
+#ifndef KOMMANDER
+ if ( connection.receiver == formWindow()->mainContainer() )
+ {
+ // qDebug("AddConnectionCommand::execute(): Would have called EventList::setup()");
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->propertyeditor()->eventList()->setup();
+ }
+void AddConnectionCommand::unexecute()
+ MetaDataBase::removeConnection( formWindow(), connection.sender,
+ connection.signal, connection.receiver, connection.slot );
+#ifndef KOMMANDER
+ if ( connection.receiver == formWindow()->mainContainer() )
+ {
+ // qDebug("AddConnectionCommand::unexecute(): Would have called EventList::setup()");
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->propertyeditor()->eventList()->setup();
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+RemoveConnectionCommand::RemoveConnectionCommand( const QString &name, FormWindow *fw,
+ MetaDataBase::Connection c )
+ : Command( name, fw ), connection( c )
+void RemoveConnectionCommand::execute()
+ MetaDataBase::removeConnection( formWindow(), connection.sender,
+ connection.signal, connection.receiver, connection.slot );
+#ifndef KOMMANDER
+ if ( connection.receiver == formWindow()->mainContainer() )
+ {
+ // qDebug("RemoveConnectionCommand::execute(): Would have called EventList::setup()");
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->propertyeditor()->eventList()->setup();
+ }
+void RemoveConnectionCommand::unexecute()
+ MetaDataBase::addConnection( formWindow(), connection.sender,
+ connection.signal, connection.receiver, connection.slot );
+#ifndef KOMMANDER
+ if ( connection.receiver == formWindow()->mainContainer() )
+ {
+ // qDebug("RemoveConnectionCommand::unexecute(): Would have called EventList::setup()");
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->propertyeditor()->eventList()->setup();
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+/* TODO : We don't need these commands. */
+AddSlotCommand::AddSlotCommand( const QString &name, FormWindow *fw, const QCString &s,
+ const QString& spec, const QString &a, const QString &l, const QString &rt )
+ : Command( name, fw ), slot( s ), specifier( spec ), access( a ), language( l ), returnType( rt )
+ // qDebug("AddSlotCommand::AddSlotCommand()");
+void AddSlotCommand::execute()
+ MetaDataBase::addSlot( formWindow(), slot, specifier, access, language, returnType );
+#ifndef KOMMANDER
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->slotsChanged();
+ if ( formWindow()->formFile() )
+ formWindow()->formFile()->setModified( true );
+void AddSlotCommand::unexecute()
+ MetaDataBase::removeSlot( formWindow(), slot, specifier, access, language, returnType );
+#ifndef KOMMANDER
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->slotsChanged();
+ if ( formWindow()->formFile() )
+ formWindow()->formFile()->setModified( true );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+RemoveSlotCommand::RemoveSlotCommand( const QString &name, FormWindow *fw, const QCString &s,
+ const QString& spec, const QString &a, const QString &l, const QString &rt )
+ : Command( name, fw ), slot( s ), specifier( spec ), access( a ), language( l ), returnType( rt )
+ // qDebug("RemoveSlotCommand::RemoveSlotCommand()");
+void RemoveSlotCommand::execute()
+ MetaDataBase::removeSlot( formWindow(), slot, specifier, access, language, returnType );
+#ifndef KOMMANDER
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->slotsChanged();
+ if ( formWindow()->formFile() )
+ formWindow()->formFile()->setModified( true );
+void RemoveSlotCommand::unexecute()
+ MetaDataBase::addSlot( formWindow(), slot, specifier, access, language, returnType );
+#ifndef KOMMANDER
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->slotsChanged();
+ if ( formWindow()->formFile() )
+ formWindow()->formFile()->setModified( true );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+LowerCommand::LowerCommand( const QString &name, FormWindow *fw, const QWidgetList &w )
+ : Command( name, fw ), widgets( w )
+void LowerCommand::execute()
+ for ( QWidget *w = widgets.first(); w; w = ) {
+ w->lower();
+ formWindow()->raiseSelection( w );
+ }
+void LowerCommand::unexecute()
+ for ( QWidget *w = widgets.first(); w; w = ) {
+ w->raise();
+ formWindow()->raiseSelection( w );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+RaiseCommand::RaiseCommand( const QString &name, FormWindow *fw, const QWidgetList &w )
+ : Command( name, fw ), widgets( w )
+void RaiseCommand::execute()
+ for ( QWidget *w = widgets.first(); w; w = ) {
+ w->raise();
+ formWindow()->raiseSelection( w );
+ }
+void RaiseCommand::unexecute()
+ for ( QWidget *w = widgets.first(); w; w = ) {
+ w->lower();
+ formWindow()->raiseSelection( w );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+PasteCommand::PasteCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ const QWidgetList &w )
+ : Command( n, fw ), widgets( w )
+void PasteCommand::execute()
+ for ( QWidget *w = widgets.first(); w; w = ) {
+ w->show();
+ formWindow()->selectWidget( w );
+ formWindow()->widgets()->insert( w, w );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->widgetInserted( w );
+ }
+void PasteCommand::unexecute()
+ for ( QWidget *w = widgets.first(); w; w = ) {
+ w->hide();
+ formWindow()->selectWidget( w, false );
+ formWindow()->widgets()->remove( w );
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->widgetRemoved( w );
+ }
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+TabOrderCommand::TabOrderCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ const QWidgetList &ol, const QWidgetList &nl )
+ : Command( n, fw ), oldOrder( ol ), newOrder( nl )
+void TabOrderCommand::merge( Command *c )
+ TabOrderCommand *cmd = (TabOrderCommand*)c;
+ newOrder = cmd->newOrder;
+bool TabOrderCommand::canMerge( Command * )
+ return true;
+void TabOrderCommand::execute()
+ MetaDataBase::setTabOrder( formWindow(), newOrder );
+void TabOrderCommand::unexecute()
+ MetaDataBase::setTabOrder( formWindow(), oldOrder );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+PopulateListBoxCommand::PopulateListBoxCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QListBox *lb, const QValueList<Item> &items )
+ : Command( n, fw ), newItems( items ), listbox( lb )
+ QListBoxItem *i = 0;
+ for ( i = listbox->firstItem(); i; i = i->next() ) {
+ Item item;
+ if ( i->pixmap() )
+ item.pix = *i->pixmap();
+ item.text = i->text();
+ oldItems.append( item );
+ }
+void PopulateListBoxCommand::execute()
+ listbox->clear();
+ for ( QValueList<Item>::Iterator it = newItems.begin(); it != newItems.end(); ++it ) {
+ Item i = *it;
+ if ( !i.pix.isNull() )
+ (void)new QListBoxPixmap( listbox, i.pix, i.text );
+ else
+ (void)new QListBoxText( listbox, i.text );
+ }
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->propertyeditor()->refetchData();
+void PopulateListBoxCommand::unexecute()
+ listbox->clear();
+ for ( QValueList<Item>::Iterator it = oldItems.begin(); it != oldItems.end(); ++it ) {
+ Item i = *it;
+ if ( !i.pix.isNull() )
+ (void)new QListBoxPixmap( listbox, i.pix, i.text );
+ else
+ (void)new QListBoxText( listbox, i.text );
+ }
+ formWindow()->mainWindow()->propertyeditor()->refetchData();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+PopulateIconViewCommand::PopulateIconViewCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QIconView *iv, const QValueList<Item> &items )
+ : Command( n, fw ), newItems( items ), iconview( iv )
+ QIconViewItem *i = 0;
+ for ( i = iconview->firstItem(); i; i = i->nextItem() ) {
+ Item item;
+ if ( i->pixmap() )
+ item.pix = *i->pixmap();
+ item.text = i->text();
+ oldItems.append( item );
+ }
+void PopulateIconViewCommand::execute()
+ iconview->clear();
+ for ( QValueList<Item>::Iterator it = newItems.begin(); it != newItems.end(); ++it ) {
+ Item i = *it;
+ (void)new QIconViewItem( iconview, i.text, i.pix );
+ }
+void PopulateIconViewCommand::unexecute()
+ iconview->clear();
+ for ( QValueList<Item>::Iterator it = oldItems.begin(); it != oldItems.end(); ++it ) {
+ Item i = *it;
+ (void)new QIconViewItem( iconview, i.text, i.pix );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+PopulateListViewCommand::PopulateListViewCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QListView *lv, QListView *from )
+ : Command( n, fw ), listview( lv )
+ newItems = new QListView();
+ newItems->hide();
+ transferItems( from, newItems );
+ oldItems = new QListView();
+ oldItems->hide();
+ transferItems( listview, oldItems );
+void PopulateListViewCommand::execute()
+ listview->clear();
+ transferItems( newItems, listview );
+void PopulateListViewCommand::unexecute()
+ listview->clear();
+ transferItems( oldItems, listview );
+void PopulateListViewCommand::transferItems( QListView *from, QListView *to )
+ QHeader *header = to->header();
+ while ( header->count() )
+ to->removeColumn( 0 );
+ QHeader *h2 = from->header();
+ for ( int i = 0; i < h2->count(); ++i ) {
+ to->addColumn( h2->label( i ) );
+ if ( h2->iconSet( i ) && !h2->iconSet( i )->pixmap().isNull() )
+ header->setLabel( i, *h2->iconSet( i ), h2->label( i ) );
+ header->setResizeEnabled( h2->isResizeEnabled( i ), i );
+ header->setClickEnabled( h2->isClickEnabled( i ), i );
+ }
+ QListViewItemIterator it( from );
+ QPtrStack<QListViewItem> fromParents, toParents;
+ fromParents.push( 0 );
+ toParents.push( 0 );
+ QPtrStack<QListViewItem> toLasts;
+ QListViewItem *fromLast = 0;
+ toLasts.push( 0 );
+ int cols = from->columns();
+ to->setSorting( -1 );
+ from->setSorting( -1 );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
+ QListViewItem *i = it.current();
+ if ( i->parent() == ) {
+ QListViewItem *pi =;
+ QListViewItem *ni = 0;
+ if ( pi )
+ ni = new QListViewItem( pi, );
+ else
+ ni = new QListViewItem( to, );
+ for ( int c = 0; c < cols; ++c ) {
+ ni->setText( c, i->text( c ) );
+ if ( i->pixmap( c ) )
+ ni->setPixmap( c, *i->pixmap( c ) );
+ }
+ toLasts.pop();
+ toLasts.push( ni );
+ if ( pi )
+ pi->setOpen( true );
+ } else {
+ if ( i->parent() == fromLast ) {
+ fromParents.push( fromLast );
+ toParents.push( );
+ toLasts.push( 0 );
+ QListViewItem *pi =;
+ QListViewItem *ni = 0;
+ if ( pi )
+ ni = new QListViewItem( pi );
+ else
+ ni = new QListViewItem( to );
+ for ( int c = 0; c < cols; ++c ) {
+ ni->setText( c, i->text( c ) );
+ if ( i->pixmap( c ) )
+ ni->setPixmap( c, *i->pixmap( c ) );
+ }
+ toLasts.pop();
+ toLasts.push( ni );
+ if ( pi )
+ pi->setOpen( true );
+ } else {
+ while ( != i->parent() ) {
+ fromParents.pop();
+ toParents.pop();
+ toLasts.pop();
+ }
+ QListViewItem *pi =;
+ QListViewItem *ni = 0;
+ if ( pi )
+ ni = new QListViewItem( pi, );
+ else
+ ni = new QListViewItem( to, );
+ for ( int c = 0; c < cols; ++c ) {
+ ni->setText( c, i->text( c ) );
+ if ( i->pixmap( c ) )
+ ni->setPixmap( c, *i->pixmap( c ) );
+ }
+ if ( pi )
+ pi->setOpen( true );
+ toLasts.pop();
+ toLasts.push( ni );
+ }
+ }
+ fromLast = i;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+PopulateMultiLineEditCommand::PopulateMultiLineEditCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QMultiLineEdit *mle, const QString &txt )
+ : Command( n, fw ), newText( txt ), mlined( mle )
+ oldText = mlined->text();
+ wasChanged = MetaDataBase::isPropertyChanged( mlined, "text" );
+void PopulateMultiLineEditCommand::execute()
+ mlined->setText( newText );
+ MetaDataBase::setPropertyChanged( mlined, "text", true );
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( mlined );
+void PopulateMultiLineEditCommand::unexecute()
+ mlined->setText( oldText );
+ MetaDataBase::setPropertyChanged( mlined, "text", wasChanged );
+ formWindow()->emitUpdateProperties( mlined );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+PopulateTableCommand::PopulateTableCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw, QTable *t,
+ const QValueList<Row> &rows,
+ const QValueList<Column> &columns )
+ : Command( n, fw ), newRows( rows ), newColumns( columns ), table( t )
+#ifndef QT_NO_TABLE
+ int i = 0;
+ QMap<QString, QString> columnFields = MetaDataBase::columnFields( table );
+ for ( i = 0; i < table->horizontalHeader()->count(); ++i ) {
+ PopulateTableCommand::Column col;
+ col.text = table->horizontalHeader()->label( i );
+ if ( table->horizontalHeader()->iconSet( i ) )
+ col.pix = table->horizontalHeader()->iconSet( i )->pixmap();
+ col.field = *columnFields.find( col.text );
+ oldColumns.append( col );
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i < table->verticalHeader()->count(); ++i ) {
+ PopulateTableCommand::Row row;
+ row.text = table->verticalHeader()->label( i );
+ if ( table->verticalHeader()->iconSet( i ) )
+ row.pix = table->verticalHeader()->iconSet( i )->pixmap();
+ oldRows.append( row );
+ }
+void PopulateTableCommand::execute()
+#ifndef QT_NO_TABLE
+ QMap<QString, QString> columnFields;
+ table->setNumCols( newColumns.count() );
+ int i = 0;
+ for ( QValueList<Column>::Iterator cit = newColumns.begin(); cit != newColumns.end(); ++cit, ++i ) {
+ table->horizontalHeader()->setLabel( i, (*cit).pix, (*cit).text );
+ if ( !(*cit).field.isEmpty() )
+ columnFields.insert( (*cit).text, (*cit).field );
+ }
+ MetaDataBase::setColumnFields( table, columnFields );
+ table->setNumRows( newRows.count() );
+ i = 0;
+ for ( QValueList<Row>::Iterator rit = newRows.begin(); rit != newRows.end(); ++rit, ++i )
+ table->verticalHeader()->setLabel( i, (*rit).pix, (*rit).text );
+void PopulateTableCommand::unexecute()
+#ifndef QT_NO_TABLE
+ QMap<QString, QString> columnFields;
+ table->setNumCols( oldColumns.count() );
+ int i = 0;
+ for ( QValueList<Column>::Iterator cit = oldColumns.begin(); cit != oldColumns.end(); ++cit, ++i ) {
+ table->horizontalHeader()->setLabel( i, (*cit).pix, (*cit).text );
+ if ( !(*cit).field.isEmpty() )
+ columnFields.insert( (*cit).text, (*cit).field );
+ }
+ MetaDataBase::setColumnFields( table, columnFields );
+ table->setNumRows( oldRows.count() );
+ i = 0;
+ for ( QValueList<Row>::Iterator rit = oldRows.begin(); rit != oldRows.end(); ++rit, ++i )
+ table->verticalHeader()->setLabel( i, (*rit).pix, (*rit).text );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+AddActionToToolBarCommand::AddActionToToolBarCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QAction *a, QDesignerToolBar *tb, int idx )
+ : Command( n, fw ), action( a ), toolBar( tb ), index( idx )
+void AddActionToToolBarCommand::execute()
+ action->addTo( toolBar );
+ if ( action->inherits( "QDesignerAction" ) ) {
+ QString s = ( (QDesignerAction*)action )->widget()->name();
+ if ( s.startsWith( "qt_dead_widget_" ) ) {
+ s.remove( 0, QString( "qt_dead_widget_" ).length() );
+ ( (QDesignerAction*)action )->widget()->setName( s );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( action->inherits( "QDesignerAction" ) ) {
+ toolBar->insertAction( ( (QDesignerAction*)action )->widget(), action );
+ ( (QDesignerAction*)action )->widget()->installEventFilter( toolBar );
+ } else if ( action->inherits( "QDesignerActionGroup" ) ) {
+ if ( ( (QDesignerActionGroup*)action )->usesDropDown() ) {
+ toolBar->insertAction( ( (QDesignerActionGroup*)action )->widget(), action );
+ ( (QDesignerActionGroup*)action )->widget()->installEventFilter( toolBar );
+ }
+ } else if ( action->inherits( "QSeparatorAction" ) ) {
+ toolBar->insertAction( ( (QSeparatorAction*)action )->widget(), action );
+ ( (QSeparatorAction*)action )->widget()->installEventFilter( toolBar );
+ }
+ if ( !action->inherits( "QActionGroup" ) || ( (QActionGroup*)action )->usesDropDown()) {
+ if ( index == -1 )
+ toolBar->appendAction( action );
+ else
+ toolBar->insertAction( index, action );
+ toolBar->reInsert();
+ QObject::connect( action, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), toolBar, SLOT( actionRemoved() ) );
+ } else {
+ QObjectListIt it( *action->children() );
+ if ( action->children() ) {
+ int i = 0;
+ while ( it.current() ) {
+ QObject *o = it.current();
+ ++it;
+ if ( !o->inherits( "QAction" ) )
+ continue;
+ // ### fix it for nested actiongroups
+ if ( o->inherits( "QDesignerAction" ) ) {
+ QDesignerAction *ac = (QDesignerAction*)o;
+ toolBar->insertAction( ac->widget(), ac );
+ ac->widget()->installEventFilter( toolBar );
+ if ( index == -1 )
+ toolBar->appendAction( ac );
+ else
+ toolBar->insertAction( index + (i++), ac );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ toolBar->reInsert();
+ QObject::connect( action, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), toolBar, SLOT( actionRemoved() ) );
+ }
+void AddActionToToolBarCommand::unexecute()
+ if ( action->inherits( "QDesignerAction" ) ) {
+ QString s = ( (QDesignerAction*)action )->widget()->name();
+ s.prepend( "qt_dead_widget_" );
+ ( (QDesignerAction*)action )->widget()->setName( s );
+ }
+ toolBar->removeAction( action );
+ action->removeFrom( toolBar );
+ QObject::disconnect( action, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), toolBar, SLOT( actionRemoved() ) );
+ if ( !action->inherits( "QActionGroup" ) || ( (QActionGroup*)action )->usesDropDown()) {
+ action->removeEventFilter( toolBar );
+ } else {
+ if ( action->children() ) {
+ QObjectListIt it( *action->children() );
+ while ( it.current() ) {
+ QObject *o = it.current();
+ ++it;
+ if ( !o->inherits( "QAction" ) )
+ continue;
+ if ( o->inherits( "QDesignerAction" ) ) {
+ o->removeEventFilter( toolBar );
+ toolBar->removeAction( (QAction*)o );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+AddActionToPopupCommand::AddActionToPopupCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw,
+ QAction *a, QDesignerPopupMenu *p, int idx )
+ : Command( n, fw ), action( a ), popup( p ), index( idx )
+void AddActionToPopupCommand::execute()
+ if ( action->inherits( "QActionGroup" ) ) {
+ if ( ( (QActionGroup*)action )->usesDropDown() ) {
+ action->addTo( popup );
+ popup->insertAction( index, action );
+ } else {
+ action->addTo( popup );
+ if ( action->children() ) {
+ QObjectListIt it( *action->children() );
+ int i = 0;
+ while ( it.current() ) {
+ QObject *o = it.current();
+ ++it;
+ if ( !o->inherits( "QAction" ) )
+ continue;
+ QDesignerAction *ac = (QDesignerAction*)o;
+ popup->insertAction( index + (i++), ac );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ popup->reInsert();
+ QObject::connect( action, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), popup, SLOT( actionRemoved() ) );
+ } else {
+ if ( !action->inherits( "QDesignerAction" ) || ( (QDesignerAction*)action )->supportsMenu() ) {
+ action->addTo( popup );
+ popup->insertAction( index, action );
+ popup->reInsert();
+ QObject::connect( action, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), popup, SLOT( actionRemoved() ) );
+ }
+ }
+void AddActionToPopupCommand::unexecute()
+ action->removeFrom( popup );
+ popup->removeAction( action );
+ QObject::disconnect( action, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), popup, SLOT( actionRemoved() ) );
+ if ( !action->inherits( "QActionGroup" ) || ( (QActionGroup*)action )->usesDropDown()) {
+ action->removeEventFilter( popup );
+ } else {
+ if ( action->children() ) {
+ QObjectListIt it( *action->children() );
+ while ( it.current() ) {
+ QObject *o = it.current();
+ ++it;
+ if ( !o->inherits( "QAction" ) )
+ continue;
+ if ( o->inherits( "QDesignerAction" ) ) {
+ o->removeEventFilter( popup );
+ popup->removeAction( (QAction*)o );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+AddMenuCommand::AddMenuCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw, QMainWindow *mw )
+ : Command( n, fw ), menuBar( 0 ), popup( 0 ), mainWindow( mw ), id( -1 ), name( "Menu" )
+void AddMenuCommand::execute()
+ if ( !popup ) {
+ QString n = "PopupMenu";
+ popup = new QDesignerPopupMenu( mainWindow );
+ formWindow()->unify( popup, n, true );
+ popup->setName( n );
+ }
+ if ( !mainWindow->child( 0, "QMenuBar" ) ) {
+ menuBar = new QDesignerMenuBar( (QWidget*)mainWindow );
+ menuBar->setName( "menubar" );
+ } else {
+ menuBar = (QDesignerMenuBar*)mainWindow->menuBar();
+ }
+ if ( id == -1 )
+ id = mainWindow->menuBar()->insertItem( name, popup );
+ else
+ id = mainWindow->menuBar()->insertItem( name, popup, id, index );
+ formWindow()->killAccels( formWindow() );
+void AddMenuCommand::unexecute()
+ if ( !popup || !menuBar )
+ return;
+ menuBar->removeItem( id );
+ formWindow()->killAccels( formWindow() );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+RenameMenuCommand::RenameMenuCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw, QDesignerMenuBar *mb,
+ int i, const QString &on, const QString &nn )
+ : Command( n, fw ), menuBar( mb ), id( i ), oldName( on ), newName( nn )
+void RenameMenuCommand::execute()
+ menuBar->changeItem( id, newName );
+ formWindow()->killAccels( formWindow() );
+void RenameMenuCommand::unexecute()
+ menuBar->changeItem( id, oldName );
+ formWindow()->killAccels( formWindow() );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+MoveMenuCommand::MoveMenuCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw, QDesignerMenuBar *mb,
+ QDesignerPopupMenu *p, int fidx, int tidx, const QString &txt )
+ : Command( n, fw ), menuBar( mb ), popup( p ), fromIdx( fidx ), toIdx( tidx ), text( txt )
+void MoveMenuCommand::execute()
+ menuBar->removeItem( menuBar->idAt( fromIdx ) );
+ menuBar->insertItem( text, popup, -1, toIdx );
+ formWindow()->killAccels( formWindow() );
+void MoveMenuCommand::unexecute()
+ menuBar->removeItem( menuBar->idAt( toIdx ) );
+ menuBar->insertItem( text, popup, -1, fromIdx );
+ formWindow()->killAccels( formWindow() );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+AddToolBarCommand::AddToolBarCommand( const QString &n, FormWindow *fw, QMainWindow *mw )
+ : Command( n, fw ), toolBar( 0 ), mainWindow( mw )
+void AddToolBarCommand::execute()
+ if ( !toolBar ) {
+ toolBar = new QDesignerToolBar( mainWindow );
+ QString n = "Toolbar";
+ formWindow()->unify( toolBar, n, true );
+ toolBar->setName( n );
+ mainWindow->addToolBar( toolBar, n );
+ } else {
+ toolBar->show();
+ }
+void AddToolBarCommand::unexecute()
+ toolBar->hide();
+#include "command.moc"