path: root/kommander/editor/mainwindowactions.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kommander/editor/mainwindowactions.cpp')
1 files changed, 1201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kommander/editor/mainwindowactions.cpp b/kommander/editor/mainwindowactions.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7657d26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kommander/editor/mainwindowactions.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1201 @@
+ This file is based on Qt Designer, Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
+ This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
+ GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+ packaging of this file.
+ This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+ See for GPL licensing information.
+ Modified for Kommander:
+ (C) 2002-2003 Marc Britton <[email protected]>
+ (C) 2004 Michal Rudolf <[email protected]>
+#include "mainwindow.h"
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qclipboard.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qlistbox.h>
+#include <qsignalmapper.h>
+#include <qspinbox.h>
+#include <qstatusbar.h>
+#include <qstylefactory.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+#include <qwhatsthis.h>
+#include <qworkspace.h>
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "widgetdatabase.h"
+#include "widgetfactory.h"
+#include "preferences.h"
+#include "formwindow.h"
+#include "newformimpl.h"
+#include "resource.h"
+#include "workspace.h"
+#include "createtemplate.h"
+#include "hierarchyview.h"
+#include "formsettingsimpl.h"
+#include "styledbutton.h"
+#include "connectioneditorimpl.h"
+#include "actioneditorimpl.h"
+#include "formfile.h"
+#ifndef QT_NO_SQL
+#include "dbconnectionsimpl.h"
+#include "dbconnectionimpl.h"
+#include "command.h"
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kfiledialog.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kkeydialog.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kmenubar.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kstatusbar.h>
+#include <kstdguiitem.h>
+#include <kurl.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/document.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/view.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/configinterface.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+const QString toolbarHelp = "<p>Toolbars contain a number of buttons to "
+"provide quick access to often used functions.%1"
+"<br>Click on the toolbar handle to hide the toolbar, "
+"or drag and place the toolbar to a different location.</p>";
+static QIconSet createIconSet( const QString &name )
+ QIconSet ic( PixmapChooser::loadPixmap( name, PixmapChooser::Small ) );
+ ic.setPixmap( PixmapChooser::loadPixmap( name, PixmapChooser::Disabled ), QIconSet::Small, QIconSet::Disabled );
+ return ic;
+int forms = 0;
+void MainWindow::setupEditActions()
+ actionEditUndo = KStdAction::undo(this, SLOT(editUndo()), actionCollection());
+ actionEditUndo->setText(i18n("&Undo: Not Available"));
+ actionEditUndo->setToolTip(i18n("Undoes the last action"));
+ actionEditUndo->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Edit|Undo"));
+ actionEditUndo->setEnabled(false);
+ actionEditRedo = KStdAction::redo(this, SLOT(editRedo()), actionCollection());
+ actionEditRedo->setText(i18n("&Redo: Not Available"));
+ actionEditRedo->setToolTip(i18n("Redoes the last undone operation"));
+ actionEditRedo->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Edit|Redo"));
+ actionEditRedo->setEnabled(false);
+ actionEditCut = KStdAction::cut(this, SLOT(editCut()), actionCollection());
+ actionEditCut->setToolTip(i18n("Cuts the selected widgets and puts them on the clipboard"));
+ actionEditCut->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Edit|Cut"));
+ actionEditCut->setEnabled(false);
+ actionEditCopy = KStdAction::copy(this, SLOT(editCopy()), actionCollection());
+ actionEditCopy->setToolTip(i18n("Copies the selected widgets to the clipboard"));
+ actionEditCopy->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Edit|Copy"));
+ actionEditCopy->setEnabled(false);
+ actionEditPaste = KStdAction::paste(this, SLOT(editPaste()), actionCollection());
+ actionEditPaste->setToolTip(i18n("Pastes the clipboard's contents"));
+ actionEditPaste->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Edit|Paste"));
+ actionEditPaste->setEnabled(false);
+ actionEditDelete = new KAction(i18n("Delete"), Key_Delete, this, SLOT(editDelete()),
+ actionCollection(), "edit_delete");
+ actionEditDelete->setToolTip(i18n("Deletes the selected widgets"));
+ actionEditDelete->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Edit|Delete"));
+ actionEditDelete->setEnabled(false);
+ actionEditSelectAll = KStdAction::selectAll(this, SLOT(editSelectAll()), actionCollection());
+ actionEditSelectAll->setToolTip(i18n("Selects all widgets"));
+ actionEditSelectAll->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Edit|Select All"));
+ actionEditRaise = new KAction(i18n("Bring to Front"), createIconSet("editraise.xpm"),
+ KShortcut::null(), this, SLOT(editRaise()), actionCollection(), "edit_raise");
+ actionEditRaise->setToolTip(i18n("Raises the selected widgets"));
+ actionEditRaise->setEnabled(false);
+ actionEditLower = new KAction(i18n("Send to Back"), createIconSet("editlower.xpm"),
+ KShortcut::null(), this, SLOT(editLower()), actionCollection(), "edit_lower");
+ actionEditLower->setToolTip(i18n("Lowers the selected widgets"));
+ actionEditLower->setWhatsThis(i18n("Lowers the selected widgets"));
+ actionEditLower->setEnabled(false);
+ actionEditFindGlobal = new KAction(i18n("Find in Form..."), CTRL + ALT + Key_F, this, SLOT(editFindGlobal()), actionCollection(), "edit_find_global");
+ actionEditFindGlobal->setToolTip(i18n("Search for a text in the whole form."));
+ actionEditFindGlobal->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Edit|Find in Form"));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(hasActiveForm(bool)), actionEditFindGlobal, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ actionEditAccels = new KAction(i18n("Check Accelerators"), ALT + Key_R, this, SLOT(editAccels()),
+ actionCollection(), "edit_check_accel");
+ actionEditAccels->setToolTip(i18n("Checks if the accelerators used in the form are unique"));
+ actionEditAccels->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Edit|Check Accelerator"));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(hasActiveForm(bool)), actionEditAccels, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ actionEditConnections = new KAction(i18n("Connections"), createIconSet("connecttool.xpm"),
+ KShortcut::null(), this, SLOT(editConnections()), actionCollection(),
+ "edit_connections");
+ actionEditConnections->setToolTip(i18n("Opens a dialog for editing connections"));
+ actionEditConnections->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Edit|Connections"));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(hasActiveForm(bool)), actionEditConnections, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ actionEditFormSettings = new KAction(i18n("Form Settings..."), KShortcut::null(),
+ this, SLOT(editFormSettings()), actionCollection(), "edit_form");
+ actionEditFormSettings->setToolTip(i18n("Opens a dialog to change the form's settings"));
+ actionEditFormSettings->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Edit|Form Settings"));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(hasActiveForm(bool)), actionEditFormSettings, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ KToolBar *tb = new KToolBar(this, "Edit");
+ tb->setFullSize(false);
+ QWhatsThis::add(tb, i18n("<b>The Edit toolbar</b>%1").arg(toolbarHelp));
+ addToolBar(tb, i18n("Edit"));
+ actionEditUndo->plug(tb);
+ actionEditRedo->plug(tb);
+ tb->addSeparator();
+ actionEditCut->plug(tb);
+ actionEditCopy->plug(tb);
+ actionEditPaste->plug(tb);
+ QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu(this, "Edit");
+ menuBar()->insertItem(i18n("&Edit"), menu);
+ actionEditUndo->plug(menu);
+ actionEditRedo->plug(menu);
+ menu->insertSeparator();
+ actionEditCut->plug(menu);
+ actionEditCopy->plug(menu);
+ actionEditPaste->plug(menu);
+ actionEditDelete->plug(menu);
+ actionEditSelectAll->plug(menu);
+ actionEditAccels->plug(menu);
+ menu->insertSeparator();
+// actionEditFindGlobal->plug(menu); //enable when implemented
+ actionEditConnections->plug(menu);
+ actionEditFormSettings->plug(menu);
+ menu->insertSeparator();
+void MainWindow::setupLayoutActions()
+ actionEditAdjustSize = new KAction(i18n("Adjust Size"), createIconSet("adjustsize.xpm"),
+ CTRL + Key_J, this, SLOT(editAdjustSize()), actionCollection(), "edit_adjust_size");
+ actionEditAdjustSize->setToolTip(i18n("Adjusts the size of the selected widget"));
+ actionEditAdjustSize->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Layout|Adjust Size"));
+ actionEditAdjustSize->setEnabled(false);
+ actionEditHLayout = new KAction(i18n("Lay Out Horizontally"), createIconSet("edithlayout.xpm"),
+ CTRL + Key_H, this, SLOT(editLayoutHorizontal()), actionCollection(), "edit_layout_h");
+ actionEditHLayout->setToolTip(i18n("Lays out the selected widgets horizontally"));
+ actionEditHLayout->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Layout|Lay Out Horizontally"));
+ actionEditHLayout->setEnabled(false);
+ actionEditVLayout = new KAction(i18n("Lay Out Vertically"), createIconSet("editvlayout.xpm"),
+ CTRL + Key_L, this, SLOT(editLayoutVertical()), actionCollection(), "edit_layout_v");
+ actionEditVLayout->setToolTip(i18n("Lays out the selected widgets vertically"));
+ actionEditVLayout->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Layout|Lay Out Vertically"));
+ actionEditVLayout->setEnabled(false);
+ actionEditGridLayout = new KAction(i18n("Lay Out in a Grid"), createIconSet("editgrid.xpm"),
+ CTRL + Key_G, this, SLOT(editLayoutGrid()), actionCollection(), "edit_layout_grid");
+ actionEditGridLayout->setToolTip(i18n("Lays out the selected widgets in a grid"));
+ actionEditGridLayout->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Layout|Lay Out in a Grid"));
+ actionEditGridLayout->setEnabled(false);
+ actionEditSplitHorizontal = new KAction(i18n("Lay Out Horizontally in Splitter"), createIconSet("editvlayoutsplit.xpm"),
+ KShortcut::null(), this, SLOT(editLayoutHorizontalSplit()), actionCollection(),
+ "edit_split_h");
+ actionEditSplitHorizontal->setToolTip(i18n("Lays out the selected widgets horizontally in a splitter"));
+ actionEditSplitHorizontal->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Layout|Lay Out Horizontally in Splitter"));
+ actionEditSplitHorizontal->setEnabled(false);
+ actionEditSplitVertical = new KAction(i18n("Lay Out Vertically in Splitter"), createIconSet("edithlayoutsplit.xpm"),
+ KShortcut::null(), this, SLOT(editLayoutVerticalSplit()), actionCollection(),
+ "edit_split_v");
+ actionEditSplitVertical->setToolTip(i18n("Lays out the selected widgets vertically in a splitter"));
+ actionEditSplitVertical->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Layout|Lay Out Vertically (in Splitter)"));
+ actionEditSplitVertical->setEnabled(false);
+ actionEditBreakLayout = new KAction(i18n("Break Layout"), createIconSet("editbreaklayout.xpm"),
+ CTRL + Key_B, this, SLOT(editBreakLayout()), actionCollection(), "edit_break_layout");
+ actionEditBreakLayout->setToolTip(i18n("Breaks the selected layout"));
+ actionEditBreakLayout->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Layout|Break Layout"));
+ int id = WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName("Spacer");
+ KToggleAction *a = new KToggleAction(i18n("Spacer"), createIconSet("spacer.xpm"), KShortcut::null(), this, SLOT(toolSelected()),
+ actionCollection(), QString::number(id).latin1());
+ a->setExclusiveGroup("tool");
+ a->setText(i18n("Add ") + WidgetDatabase::className(id));
+ a->setToolTip(i18n("Insert a %1").arg(WidgetDatabase::toolTip(id)));
+ a->setWhatsThis(i18n("<b>A %1</b><p>%2</p>"
+ "<p>Click to insert a single %3,"
+ "or double click to keep the tool selected.").arg(WidgetDatabase::toolTip(id)).
+ arg(WidgetDatabase::whatsThis(id)).arg(WidgetDatabase::toolTip(id)));
+ QWhatsThis::add(layoutToolBar, i18n("<b>The Layout toolbar</b>%1").arg(toolbarHelp));
+ actionEditAdjustSize->plug(layoutToolBar);
+ layoutToolBar->addSeparator();
+ actionEditHLayout->plug(layoutToolBar);
+ actionEditVLayout->plug(layoutToolBar);
+ actionEditGridLayout->plug(layoutToolBar);
+ actionEditSplitHorizontal->plug(layoutToolBar);
+ actionEditSplitVertical->plug(layoutToolBar);
+ actionEditBreakLayout->plug(layoutToolBar);
+ layoutToolBar->addSeparator();
+ a->plug(layoutToolBar);
+ QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu(this, "Layout");
+ menuBar()->insertItem(i18n("&Layout"), menu);
+ actionEditAdjustSize->plug(menu);
+ menu->insertSeparator();
+ actionEditHLayout->plug(menu);
+ actionEditVLayout->plug(menu);
+ actionEditGridLayout->plug(menu);
+ actionEditSplitHorizontal->plug(menu);
+ actionEditSplitVertical->plug(menu);
+ actionEditBreakLayout->plug(menu);
+ menu->insertSeparator();
+ a->plug(menu);
+void MainWindow::setupToolActions()
+ actionPointerTool = new KToggleAction(i18n("Pointer"), "arrow", Key_F2,
+ this, SLOT(toolSelected()), actionCollection(),
+ QString::number(POINTER_TOOL).latin1());
+ actionPointerTool->setToolTip(i18n("Selects the pointer tool"));
+ actionPointerTool->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Tools|Pointer"));
+ actionPointerTool->setExclusiveGroup("tool");
+ actionConnectTool = new KToggleAction(i18n("Connect Signal/Slots"), createIconSet("connecttool.xpm"),
+ Key_F3, this, SLOT(toolSelected()), actionCollection(),
+ QString::number(CONNECT_TOOL).latin1());
+ actionConnectTool->setToolTip(i18n("Selects the connection tool"));
+ actionConnectTool->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Tools|Connect Signals and Slots"));
+ actionConnectTool->setExclusiveGroup("tool");
+ actionOrderTool = new KToggleAction(i18n("Tab Order"), createIconSet("ordertool.xpm"),
+ Key_F4, this, SLOT(toolSelected()), actionCollection(),
+ QString::number(ORDER_TOOL).latin1());
+ actionOrderTool->setToolTip(i18n("Selects the tab order tool"));
+ actionOrderTool->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Tools|Tab Order"));
+ actionOrderTool->setExclusiveGroup("tool");
+ KToolBar *tb = new KToolBar(this, "Tools");
+ tb->setFullSize(false);
+ QWhatsThis::add(tb, i18n("<b>The Tools toolbar</b>%1").arg(toolbarHelp));
+ addToolBar(tb, i18n("Tools"), QMainWindow::DockTop, true);
+ actionPointerTool->plug(tb);
+ actionConnectTool->plug(tb);
+ actionOrderTool->plug(tb);
+ QPopupMenu *mmenu = new QPopupMenu(this, "Tools");
+ menuBar()->insertItem(i18n("&Tools"), mmenu);
+ actionPointerTool->plug(mmenu);
+ actionConnectTool->plug(mmenu);
+ actionOrderTool->plug(mmenu);
+ mmenu->insertSeparator();
+ for (int j = 0; j < WidgetDatabase::numWidgetGroups(); ++j)
+ {
+ QString grp = WidgetDatabase::widgetGroup(j);
+ if (!WidgetDatabase::isGroupVisible(grp) || WidgetDatabase::isGroupEmpty(grp))
+ continue;
+ KToolBar *tb = new KToolBar(this, grp.latin1());
+ tb->setFullSize(false);
+ bool plural = grp[(int) grp.length() - 1] == 's';
+ if (plural)
+ {
+ QWhatsThis::add(tb, i18n("<b>The %1</b>%2").arg(grp).arg(toolbarHelp).
+ arg(i18n(" Click on a button to insert a single widget, "
+ "or double click to insert multiple %1.")).arg(grp));
+ } else
+ {
+ QWhatsThis::add(tb, i18n("<b>The %1 Widgets</b>%2").arg(grp).arg(toolbarHelp).
+ arg(i18n(" Click on a button to insert a single %1 widget, "
+ "or double click to insert multiple widgets.")).arg(grp));
+ }
+ addToolBar(tb, grp);
+ QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu(this, grp.latin1());
+ mmenu->insertItem(grp, menu);
+ for (int i = 0; i < WidgetDatabase::count(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (WidgetDatabase::group(i) != grp)
+ continue; // only widgets, i.e. not forms and temp stuff
+ KToggleAction *a = new KToggleAction(WidgetDatabase::className(i), KShortcut::null(),
+ this, SLOT(toolSelected()), actionCollection(), QString::number(i).latin1());
+ a->setExclusiveGroup("tool");
+ QString atext = WidgetDatabase::className(i);
+ if (atext[0] == 'Q')
+ atext = atext.mid(1);
+ while (atext.length() && atext[0] >= 'a' && atext[0] <= 'z')
+ atext = atext.mid(1);
+ if (atext.isEmpty())
+ atext = WidgetDatabase::className(i);
+ a->setText(atext);
+ QString ttip = WidgetDatabase::toolTip(i);
+ a->setIconSet(WidgetDatabase::iconSet(i));
+ a->setToolTip(ttip);
+ if (!WidgetDatabase::isWhatsThisLoaded())
+ WidgetDatabase::loadWhatsThis(documentationPath());
+ a->setToolTip(i18n("Insert a %1").arg(WidgetDatabase::className(i)));
+ QString whats = i18n("<b>A %1</b>").arg(WidgetDatabase::className(i));
+ if (!WidgetDatabase::whatsThis(i).isEmpty())
+ whats += QString("<p>%1</p>").arg(WidgetDatabase::whatsThis(i));
+ a->setWhatsThis(whats + i18n("<p>Double click on this tool to keep it selected.</p>"));
+ if (grp != "KDE")
+ a->plug(tb);
+ a->plug(menu);
+ }
+ }
+ // add external Kommander dialogs for Editor
+ m_editorTools.clear();
+ QPopupMenu* editMenu = new QPopupMenu(this);
+ QStringList searchPaths = KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("data", "kmdr-editor/editor");
+ for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = searchPaths.begin(); it != searchPaths.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (!QFile::exists(*it))
+ continue;
+ QDir dir(*it);
+ const QFileInfoList* fileList = dir.entryInfoList(QDir::DefaultFilter, QDir::DirsFirst | QDir::Name);
+ if (fileList)
+ for (QFileInfoListIterator fit(*fileList); fit.current(); ++fit)
+ {
+ QFileInfo* fi = fit.current();
+ if (!fi->isFile() || fi->extension() != "kmdr")
+ continue;
+ QString name = fi->baseName();
+ name = name.replace("_", " ");
+ editMenu->insertItem(name, this, SLOT(editExternalTool(int)), 0, m_editorTools.count());
+ m_editorTools.append(fi->filePath());
+ }
+ }
+ if (editMenu->count())
+ mmenu->insertItem(i18n("Editor"), editMenu);
+ resetTool();
+void MainWindow::setupFileActions()
+ fileTb = new KToolBar(this, "File");
+ fileTb->setFullSize(false);
+ QWhatsThis::add(fileTb, i18n("<b>The File toolbar</b>%1").arg(toolbarHelp));
+ addToolBar(fileTb, i18n("File"));
+ fileMenu = new QPopupMenu(this, "File");
+ menuBar()->insertItem(i18n("&File"), fileMenu);
+ KAction *a = KStdAction::openNew(this, SLOT(fileNew()), actionCollection());
+ a->setToolTip(i18n("Creates a new dialog"));
+ a->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("File|New"));
+ a->plug(fileTb);
+ a->plug(fileMenu);
+ a = KStdAction::open(this, SLOT(fileOpen()), actionCollection());
+ a->setToolTip(i18n("Opens an existing dialog"));
+ a->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("File|Open"));
+ a->plug(fileTb);
+ a->plug(fileMenu);
+ actionRecent = KStdAction::openRecent(this, SLOT(fileOpenRecent(const KURL&)), actionCollection());
+ actionRecent->setToolTip(i18n("Opens recently open file"));
+ actionRecent->plug(fileMenu);
+ fileMenu->insertSeparator();
+ a = KStdAction::close(this, SLOT(fileClose()), actionCollection());
+ a->setToolTip(i18n("Closes the current dialog"));
+ a->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("File|Close"));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(hasActiveWindow(bool)), a, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ a->plug(fileMenu);
+ fileMenu->insertSeparator();
+ a = KStdAction::save(this, SLOT(fileSave()), actionCollection());
+ a->setToolTip(i18n("Saves the current dialog"));
+ a->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("File|Save"));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(hasActiveWindow(bool)), a, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ a->plug(fileTb);
+ a->plug(fileMenu);
+ a = KStdAction::saveAs(this, SLOT(fileSaveAs()), actionCollection());
+ a->setToolTip(i18n("Saves the current dialog with a new filename"));
+ a->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("File|Save As"));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(hasActiveWindow(bool)), a, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ a->plug(fileMenu);
+ a = new KAction(i18n("Save All"), "save_all", KShortcut::null(), this, SLOT(fileSaveAll()),
+ actionCollection(), "file_close_all");
+ a->setToolTip(i18n("Saves all open dialogs"));
+ a->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("File|Save All"));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(hasActiveWindow(bool)), a, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ a->plug(fileMenu);
+ fileMenu->insertSeparator();
+ a = KStdAction::quit(kapp, SLOT(closeAllWindows()), actionCollection());
+ a->setToolTip(i18n("Quits the application and prompts to save any changed dialogs"));
+ a->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("File|Exit"));
+ a->plug(fileMenu);
+void MainWindow::setupRunActions()
+ QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu(this, "Run");
+ menuBar()->insertItem(i18n("&Run"), menu);
+ KAction* a = new KAction(i18n("Run Dialog"), "run", CTRL + Key_R,
+ this, SLOT(runForm()), actionCollection(), "run");
+ a->setToolTip(i18n("Executes dialog"));
+ a->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Run|Run dialog"));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(hasActiveForm(bool)), a, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ a->plug(fileTb);
+ a->plug(menu);
+ // add KDE4 executor
+ KAction* b = new KAction(i18n("Run Dialog K4"), "launch", CTRL + SHIFT + Qt::Key_R,
+ this, SLOT(runForm4()), actionCollection(), "run4");
+ b->setToolTip(i18n("Executes dialog in KDE4"));
+ b->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Run|Run dialog"));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(hasActiveForm(bool)), b, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ b->plug(menu);
+void MainWindow::setupWindowActions()
+ static bool windowActionsSetup = false;
+ if (!windowActionsSetup)
+ {
+ windowActionsSetup = true;
+ KAction* actionWindowTile = new KAction(i18n("Tile"), KShortcut::null(), qworkspace, SLOT(tile()),
+ actionCollection(), "window_tile");
+ actionWindowTile->setToolTip(i18n("Tiles the windows so that they are all visible"));
+ actionWindowTile->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Window|Tile"));
+ KAction* actionWindowCascade = new KAction(i18n("Cascade"), KShortcut::null(), qworkspace, SLOT(cascade()),
+ actionCollection(), "window_cascade");
+ actionWindowCascade->setToolTip(i18n("Cascades the windows so that all their title bars are visible"));
+ actionWindowCascade->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Window|Cascade"));
+ KAction* actionWindowClose = new KAction(i18n("Cascade"), KShortcut::null(), qworkspace, SLOT(closeActiveWindow()),
+ actionCollection(), "window_close");
+ actionWindowClose->setToolTip(i18n("Closes the active window"));
+ actionWindowClose->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Window|Close"));
+ KAction* actionWindowCloseAll = new KAction(i18n("Close All"), KShortcut::null(), qworkspace,
+ SLOT(closeAllWindows()), actionCollection(), "window_close_all");
+ actionWindowCloseAll->setToolTip(i18n("Closes all form windows"));
+ actionWindowCloseAll->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Window|Close All"));
+ KAction* actionWindowNext = new KAction(i18n("Next"), Key_F6, qworkspace,
+ SLOT(activateNextWindow()), actionCollection(), "window_next");
+ actionWindowNext->setToolTip(i18n("Activates the next window"));
+ actionWindowNext->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Window|Next"));
+ KAction* actionWindowPrevious = new KAction(i18n("Previous"), CTRL + SHIFT + Key_F6, qworkspace,
+ SLOT(activatePreviousWindow()), actionCollection(), "window_prev");
+ actionWindowPrevious->setToolTip(i18n("Activates the previous window"));
+ actionWindowPrevious->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Window|Previous"));
+ windowMenu = new KPopupMenu(this, "Window");
+ menuBar()->insertItem(i18n("&Window"), windowMenu);
+ connect(windowMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(setupWindowActions()));
+ actionWindowClose->plug(windowMenu);
+ actionWindowCloseAll->plug(windowMenu);
+ windowMenu->insertSeparator();
+ actionWindowNext->plug(windowMenu);
+ actionWindowPrevious->plug(windowMenu);
+ windowMenu->insertSeparator();
+ actionWindowTile->plug(windowMenu);
+ actionWindowCascade->plug(windowMenu);
+ windowMenu->insertSeparator();
+ windowMenu->insertItem(i18n("Vie&ws"), dockHideShowMenu());
+ windowMenu->insertItem(i18n("Tool&bars"), createDockWindowMenu(OnlyToolBars));
+ }
+ //FIXME find a better way to remove only menu items linked to dialogs/forms
+ while (windowMenu->count() > 11)
+ windowMenu->removeItemAt(windowMenu->count() - 1);
+ QWidgetList windows = qworkspace->windowList();
+ if (windows.count() && formWindow())
+ windowMenu->insertSeparator();
+ int j = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < int (windows.count()); ++i)
+ {
+ QWidget *w =;
+ if (!w->inherits("FormWindow") && !w->inherits("SourceEditor"))
+ continue;
+ j++;
+ QString itemText;
+ if (j < 10)
+ itemText = QString("&%1 ").arg(j);
+ if (w->inherits("FormWindow"))
+ itemText += w->name();
+ else
+ itemText += w->caption();
+ int id = windowMenu->insertItem(itemText, this, SLOT(windowsMenuActivated(int)));
+ windowMenu->setItemParameter(id, i);
+ windowMenu->setItemChecked(id, qworkspace->activeWindow() ==;
+ }
+void MainWindow::setupSettingsActions()
+ KPopupMenu *settings = new KPopupMenu(this, "Settings");
+ KAction* a = KStdAction::keyBindings(this, SLOT(editShortcuts()), actionCollection());
+ a->setToolTip(i18n("Opens a dialog to change shortcuts"));
+ a->plug(settings);
+ a = new KAction(i18n("Configure &Plugins..."), KShortcut::null(), this, SLOT(editPlugins()),
+ actionCollection(), "configure_plugins");
+ a->setToolTip(i18n("Opens a dialog to configure plugins"));
+ a->plug(settings);
+ a = new KAction(i18n("&Configure Editor..."), KShortcut::null(), this, SLOT(configureEditor()),
+ actionCollection(), "configure_editor");
+ a->setToolTip(i18n("Configure various aspects of this editor."));
+ a->plug(settings);
+ a = KStdAction::preferences(this, SLOT(editPreferences()), actionCollection());
+ a->setToolTip(i18n("Opens a dialog to change preferences"));
+ a->setWhatsThis(whatsThisFrom("Edit|Preferences"));
+ a->plug(settings);
+ menuBar()->insertItem( i18n("&Settings"), settings);
+void MainWindow::setupHelpActions()
+ KPopupMenu *help = helpMenu();
+ menuBar()->insertItem( i18n("&Help"), help);
+void MainWindow::fileNew()
+ statusBar()->message(i18n("Create a new dialog..."));
+ NewForm dlg(this, QString::null);
+ dlg.exec();
+ statusBar()->clear();
+void MainWindow::fileClose()
+ QWidget *w = qworkspace->activeWindow();
+ if (w->inherits("FormWindow"))
+ {
+ emit removedFormFile(((FormWindow *) w)->formFile());
+ ((FormWindow *) w)->formFile()->close();
+ }
+void MainWindow::fileOpen() // as called by the menu
+ fileOpen("");
+void MainWindow::fileOpen(const QString & fn)
+ statusBar()->message(i18n("Open a file..."));
+ QStringList additionalSources;
+ QStringList filenames;
+ if (fn.isEmpty())
+ filenames = KFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(QString::null, i18n("*.kmdr|Kommander Files"), this, i18n("Open Files"));
+ else
+ filenames << fn;
+ for (QStringList::ConstIterator fit = filenames.constBegin(); fit != filenames.constEnd(); ++fit)
+ {
+ QString filename = *fit;
+ if (!filename.isEmpty())
+ {
+ QFileInfo fi(filename);
+ if (fi.exists() && openFormWindow(filename))
+ actionRecent->addURL(filename);
+ }
+ }
+FormWindow *MainWindow::openFormWindow(const QString &filename, bool validFileName, FormFile *ff)
+ if (filename.isEmpty())
+ return 0;
+ bool makeNew = false;
+ if (!QFile::exists(filename))
+ {
+ makeNew = true;
+ } else
+ {
+ QFile f(filename);
+ QTextStream ts(&f);
+ makeNew = < 2;
+ }
+ if (!makeNew)
+ {
+ statusBar()->message(i18n("Reading file '%1'...").arg(filename));
+ if (QFile::exists(filename))
+ {
+ QApplication::setOverrideCursor(WaitCursor);
+ Resource resource(this);
+ if (!ff)
+ ff = new FormFile(filename, false);
+ bool b = resource.load(ff) && (FormWindow *) resource.widget();
+ if (!validFileName && resource.widget())
+ ((FormWindow *) resource.widget())->setFileName(QString::null);
+ QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
+ if (b)
+ {
+ statusBar()->message(i18n("Loaded file '%1'").arg(filename), 3000);
+ } else
+ {
+ emit removedFormFile(ff);
+ ff->close();
+ delete ff;
+ statusBar()->message(i18n("Could not load file '%1'").arg(filename), 5000);
+ KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Could not load file '%1'").arg(filename), i18n("Load File"));
+ }
+ return (FormWindow *) resource.widget();
+ } else
+ {
+ statusBar()->clear();
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ fileNew();
+ if (formWindow())
+ formWindow()->setFileName(filename);
+ return formWindow();
+ }
+ return 0;
+bool MainWindow::fileSave()
+ return fileSaveForm();
+bool MainWindow::fileSaveForm()
+ FormWindow* fw = 0;
+ if (!fw)
+ fw = formWindow();
+ if (!fw || !fw->formFile()->save())
+ return false;
+ QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
+ return true;
+bool MainWindow::fileSaveAs()
+ statusBar()->message(i18n("Enter a filename..."));
+ QWidget *w = qworkspace->activeWindow();
+ if (!w)
+ return true;
+ if (w->inherits("FormWindow"))
+ return ((FormWindow *) w)->formFile()->saveAs();
+ return false;
+void MainWindow::fileSaveAll()
+ QWidgetList windows = qworkspace->windowList(QWorkspace::StackingOrder);
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int)windows.count(); ++i)
+ {
+ FormWindow* fw = dynamic_cast<FormWindow*>(;
+ if (fw)
+ fw->formFile()->save();
+ }
+static bool inSaveAllTemp = false;
+void MainWindow::saveAllTemp()
+ if (inSaveAllTemp)
+ return;
+ inSaveAllTemp = true;
+ statusBar()->message(i18n("Qt Designer is crashing. Attempting to save files..."));
+ QWidgetList windows = qWorkspace()->windowList();
+ QString baseName = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.designer/saved-form-";
+ int i = 1;
+ for (QWidget * w = windows.first(); w; w =
+ {
+ if (!w->inherits("FormWindow"))
+ continue;
+ QString fn = baseName + QString::number(i++) + ".kmdr";
+ ((FormWindow *) w)->setFileName(fn);
+ ((FormWindow *) w)->formFile()->save();
+ }
+ inSaveAllTemp = false;
+void MainWindow::fileCreateTemplate()
+ CreateTemplate dia(this, 0, true);
+ int i = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < WidgetDatabase::count(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (WidgetDatabase::isForm(i) && WidgetDatabase::widgetGroup(i) != "Temp")
+ {
+ dia.listClass->insertItem(WidgetDatabase::className(i));
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < WidgetDatabase::count(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (WidgetDatabase::isContainer(i) && !WidgetDatabase::isForm(i) &&
+ WidgetDatabase::className(i) != "QTabWidget" && WidgetDatabase::widgetGroup(i) != "Temp")
+ {
+ dia.listClass->insertItem(WidgetDatabase::className(i));
+ }
+ }
+ dia.editName->setText(i18n("NewTemplate"));
+ connect(dia.buttonCreate, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(createNewTemplate()));
+ dia.exec();
+void MainWindow::createNewTemplate()
+ CreateTemplate *dia = (CreateTemplate *) sender()->parent();
+ QString fn = dia->editName->text();
+ QString cn = dia->listClass->currentText();
+ if (fn.isEmpty() || cn.isEmpty())
+ {
+ KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Could not create the template"), i18n("Create Template"));
+ return;
+ }
+ QStringList templRoots;
+ const char *qtdir = getenv("QTDIR");
+ if (qtdir)
+ templRoots << qtdir;
+ templRoots << QT_INSTALL_PREFIX;
+ templRoots << QT_INSTALL_DATA;
+ if (qtdir) //try the tools/designer directory last!
+ templRoots << QString(qtdir) + "/tools/designer";
+ QFile f;
+ for (QStringList::Iterator it = templRoots.begin(); it != templRoots.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (QFile::exists((*it) + "/templates/"))
+ {
+ QString tmpfn = (*it) + "/templates/" + fn + ".kmdr";
+ f.setName(tmpfn);
+ if (
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!f.isOpen())
+ {
+ KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Could not create the template"), i18n("Create Template"));
+ return;
+ }
+ QTextStream ts(&f);
+ ts << "<!DOCTYPE UI><UI>" << endl;
+ ts << "<widget>" << endl;
+ ts << "<class>" << cn << "</class>" << endl;
+ ts << "<property stdset=\"1\">" << endl;
+ ts << " <name>name</name>" << endl;
+ ts << " <cstring>" << cn << "Form</cstring>" << endl;
+ ts << "</property>" << endl;
+ ts << "<property stdset=\"1\">" << endl;
+ ts << " <name>geometry</name>" << endl;
+ ts << " <rect>" << endl;
+ ts << " <width>300</width>" << endl;
+ ts << " <height>400</height>" << endl;
+ ts << " </rect>" << endl;
+ ts << "</property>" << endl;
+ ts << "</widget>" << endl;
+ ts << "</UI>" << endl;
+ dia->editName->setText(i18n("NewTemplate"));
+ f.close();
+void MainWindow::editUndo()
+ if (formWindow())
+ formWindow()->undo();
+void MainWindow::editRedo()
+ if (formWindow())
+ formWindow()->redo();
+void MainWindow::editCut()
+ editCopy();
+ editDelete();
+void MainWindow::editCopy()
+ if (formWindow())
+ qApp->clipboard()->setText(formWindow()->copy());
+void MainWindow::editPaste()
+ if (!formWindow())
+ return;
+ QWidget *w = formWindow()->mainContainer();
+ QWidgetList l(formWindow()->selectedWidgets());
+ if (l.count() == 1)
+ {
+ w = l.first();
+ if (WidgetFactory::layoutType(w) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout ||
+ (!WidgetDatabase::isContainer(WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName(WidgetFactory::
+ classNameOf(w))) && w != formWindow()->mainContainer()))
+ w = formWindow()->mainContainer();
+ }
+ if (w && WidgetFactory::layoutType(w) == WidgetFactory::NoLayout)
+ {
+ formWindow()->paste(qApp->clipboard()->text(), WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget(w));
+ hierarchyView->widgetInserted(0);
+ formWindow()->commandHistory()->setModified(true);
+ } else
+ {
+ KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Cannot paste widgets. Designer could not find a container\n"
+ "to paste into which does not contain a layout. Break the layout\n"
+ "of the container you want to paste into and select this container\n"
+ "and then paste again."), i18n("Paste Error"));
+ }
+void MainWindow::editDelete()
+ if (formWindow())
+ formWindow()->deleteWidgets();
+void MainWindow::editSelectAll()
+ if (formWindow())
+ formWindow()->selectAll();
+void MainWindow::editLower()
+ if (formWindow())
+ formWindow()->lowerWidgets();
+void MainWindow::editRaise()
+ if (formWindow())
+ formWindow()->raiseWidgets();
+void MainWindow::editAdjustSize()
+ if (formWindow())
+ formWindow()->editAdjustSize();
+void MainWindow::editLayoutHorizontal()
+ if (layoutChilds)
+ editLayoutContainerHorizontal();
+ else if (layoutSelected && formWindow())
+ formWindow()->layoutHorizontal();
+void MainWindow::editLayoutVertical()
+ if (layoutChilds)
+ editLayoutContainerVertical();
+ else if (layoutSelected && formWindow())
+ formWindow()->layoutVertical();
+void MainWindow::editLayoutHorizontalSplit()
+ if (layoutChilds)
+ ; // no way to do that
+ else if (layoutSelected && formWindow())
+ formWindow()->layoutHorizontalSplit();
+void MainWindow::editLayoutVerticalSplit()
+ if (layoutChilds)
+ ; // no way to do that
+ else if (layoutSelected && formWindow())
+ formWindow()->layoutVerticalSplit();
+void MainWindow::editLayoutGrid()
+ if (layoutChilds)
+ editLayoutContainerGrid();
+ else if (layoutSelected && formWindow())
+ formWindow()->layoutGrid();
+void MainWindow::editLayoutContainerVertical()
+ if (!formWindow())
+ return;
+ QWidget *w = formWindow()->mainContainer();
+ QWidgetList l(formWindow()->selectedWidgets());
+ if (l.count() == 1)
+ w = l.first();
+ if (w)
+ formWindow()->layoutVerticalContainer(w);
+void MainWindow::editLayoutContainerHorizontal()
+ if (!formWindow())
+ return;
+ QWidget *w = formWindow()->mainContainer();
+ QWidgetList l(formWindow()->selectedWidgets());
+ if (l.count() == 1)
+ w = l.first();
+ if (w)
+ formWindow()->layoutHorizontalContainer(w);
+void MainWindow::editLayoutContainerGrid()
+ if (!formWindow())
+ return;
+ QWidget *w = formWindow()->mainContainer();
+ QWidgetList l(formWindow()->selectedWidgets());
+ if (l.count() == 1)
+ w = l.first();
+ if (w)
+ formWindow()->layoutGridContainer(w);
+void MainWindow::editBreakLayout()
+ if (!formWindow() || !breakLayout)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ QWidget *w = formWindow()->mainContainer();
+ if (formWindow()->currentWidget())
+ w = formWindow()->currentWidget();
+ if (WidgetFactory::layoutType(w) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout ||
+ w->parentWidget() && WidgetFactory::layoutType(w->parentWidget()) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout)
+ {
+ formWindow()->breakLayout(w);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QWidgetList widgets = formWindow()->selectedWidgets();
+ for (w = widgets.first(); w; w =
+ {
+ if (WidgetFactory::layoutType(w) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout ||
+ w->parentWidget()
+ && WidgetFactory::layoutType(w->parentWidget()) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (w)
+ {
+ formWindow()->breakLayout(w);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ w = formWindow()->mainContainer();
+ if (WidgetFactory::layoutType(w) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout ||
+ w->parentWidget() && WidgetFactory::layoutType(w->parentWidget()) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout)
+ {
+ formWindow()->breakLayout(w);
+ }
+void MainWindow::editAccels()
+ if (formWindow())
+ formWindow()->checkAccels();
+void MainWindow::editConnections()
+ if (!formWindow())
+ return;
+ statusBar()->message(i18n("Edit connections..."));
+ ConnectionEditor editor(this, 0, 0, formWindow());
+ editor.exec();
+ statusBar()->clear();
+void MainWindow::editFindGlobal()
+ if (!formWindow())
+ return;
+void MainWindow::editFormSettings()
+ if (!formWindow())
+ return;
+ statusBar()->message(i18n("Edit the current form's settings..."));
+ FormSettings dlg(this, formWindow());
+ dlg.exec();
+ statusBar()->clear();
+void MainWindow::editPreferences()
+ statusBar()->message(i18n("Edit preferences..."));
+ Preferences *dia = new Preferences(this, 0, true);
+ prefDia = dia;
+ connect(dia->helpButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), MainWindow::self, SLOT(showDialogHelp()));
+ dia->buttonColor->setEditor(StyledButton::ColorEditor);
+ dia->buttonPixmap->setEditor(StyledButton::PixmapEditor);
+ dia->checkBoxShowGrid->setChecked(sGrid);
+ dia->checkBoxGrid->setChecked(snGrid);
+ dia->spinGridX->setValue(grid().x());
+ dia->spinGridY->setValue(grid().y());
+ dia->checkBoxWorkspace->setChecked(restoreConfig);
+ dia->checkBoxBigIcons->setChecked(usesBigPixmaps());
+ dia->checkBoxBigIcons->hide(); // ##### disabled for now
+ dia->checkBoxTextLabels->setChecked(usesTextLabel());
+ dia->buttonColor->setColor(qworkspace->backgroundColor());
+ if (qworkspace->backgroundPixmap())
+ dia->buttonPixmap->setPixmap(*qworkspace->backgroundPixmap());
+ if (backPix)
+ dia->radioPixmap->setChecked(true);
+ else
+ dia->radioColor->setChecked(true);
+ dia->checkBoxSplash->setChecked(splashScreen);
+ dia->editDocPath->setText(docPath);
+ dia->checkAutoEdit->setChecked(!databaseAutoEdit);
+ connect(dia->buttonDocPath, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(chooseDocPath()));
+ if (dia->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
+ {
+ setSnapGrid(dia->checkBoxGrid->isChecked());
+ setShowGrid(dia->checkBoxShowGrid->isChecked());
+ setGrid(QPoint(dia->spinGridX->value(), dia->spinGridY->value()));
+ restoreConfig = dia->checkBoxWorkspace->isChecked();
+ setUsesBigPixmaps(false /*dia->checkBoxBigIcons->isChecked() */ ); // ### disable for now
+ setUsesTextLabel(dia->checkBoxTextLabels->isChecked());
+ if (dia->radioPixmap->isChecked() && dia->buttonPixmap->pixmap())
+ {
+ qworkspace->setBackgroundPixmap(*dia->buttonPixmap->pixmap());
+ backPix = true;
+ } else
+ {
+ qworkspace->setBackgroundColor(dia->buttonColor->color());
+ backPix = false;
+ }
+ splashScreen = dia->checkBoxSplash->isChecked();
+ docPath = dia->editDocPath->text();
+ databaseAutoEdit = !dia->checkAutoEdit->isChecked();
+ }
+ delete dia;
+ prefDia = 0;
+ statusBar()->clear();
+void MainWindow::editShortcuts()
+ KKeyDialog K(false);
+ K.configure(actionCollection());
+void MainWindow::editPlugins()
+ KProcess process;
+ process << "kmdr-plugins";
+ process.start(KProcess::Block);
+void MainWindow::configureEditor()
+ KTextEditor::Document *doc = KTextEditor::createDocument ("libkatepart", 0L, "KTextEditor::Document");
+ KTextEditor::View *view = doc->createView(0);
+ KTextEditor::ConfigInterface *configIf = KTextEditor::configInterface(doc);
+ configIf->configDialog();
+ delete doc;
+void MainWindow::editExternalTool(int id)
+ KProcess* process = new KProcess;
+ (*process) << "kmdr-executor" << m_editorTools[id];
+ connect(process, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess*)), SLOT(editToolExited(KProcess*)));
+ connect(process, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess*, char*, int)), SLOT(editToolOutput(KProcess*, char*, int)));
+ m_toolOutput = '\0';
+ process->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::Stdout);
+void MainWindow::editToolExited(KProcess* process)
+ delete process;
+void MainWindow::editToolOutput(KProcess*, char* buffer, int buflen)
+ m_toolOutput += QString::fromLocal8Bit(buffer, buflen);
+void MainWindow::chooseDocPath()
+ if (!prefDia)
+ return;
+ QString fn = KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(QString::null, this);
+ if (!fn.isEmpty())
+ prefDia->editDocPath->setText(fn);