path: root/quanta/project/projectupload.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'quanta/project/projectupload.cpp')
1 files changed, 819 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/quanta/project/projectupload.cpp b/quanta/project/projectupload.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e95f9446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quanta/project/projectupload.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,819 @@
+ projectupload.cpp - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : Wed Nov 15 2000
+ copyright : (C) 2000 by Dmitry Poplavsky & Alexander Yakovlev & Eric Laffoon <[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]>
+ (C) 2001-2003 by Andras Mantia
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+//qt includes
+#include <qlistview.h>
+#include <qeventloop.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qcombobox.h>
+#include <qurl.h>
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <qframe.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+//kde includes
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kurl.h>
+#include <kio/job.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kprotocolinfo.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kinputdialog.h>
+#include <kio/netaccess.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <klineedit.h>
+#include <kcombobox.h>
+#include <kprogress.h>
+#include <kpassdlg.h>
+#include <kpushbutton.h>
+#include <ktempfile.h>
+#include <kuser.h>
+//standard includes
+#include <time.h>
+//own includes
+#include "uploadprofiledlgs.h"
+#include "projectupload.h"
+#include "project.h"
+#include "quantacommon.h"
+#include "qextfileinfo.h"
+#include "resource.h"
+ProjectUpload::ProjectUpload(const KURL& url, const QString& profileName, bool showOnlyProfiles, bool quickUpload, bool markOnly, const char* name)
+ :ProjectUploadS( 0L, name, false, Qt::WDestructiveClose)
+ m_quickUpload = quickUpload;
+ m_profilesOnly = showOnlyProfiles;
+ list->hide();
+ m_project = Project::ref();
+ initProjectInfo(profileName);
+ startUrl = url;
+ if (m_profilesOnly)
+ {
+ clearWFlags(Qt::WDestructiveClose);
+ uploadFrame->hide();
+ buttonCancel->hide();
+ adjustSize();
+ buttonUpload->setText(i18n("&Close"));
+ setCaption(i18n("Upload Profiles"));
+ } else
+ {
+ if (markOnly)
+ markAsUploaded->setChecked(true);
+ QTimer::singleShot(10, this, SLOT(slotBuildTree()));
+ currentItem = 0L;
+ }
+ m_project->setModified(true);
+ delete baseUrl;
+void ProjectUpload::initProjectInfo(const QString& defaultProfile)
+ baseUrl = new KURL();
+// list->setMultiSelection(true);
+ QDomDocument *dom = m_project->sessionDom();
+ m_profilesNode = dom->firstChild().firstChild().namedItem("uploadprofiles");
+ if (m_profilesNode.isNull()) //compat code, remove when upgrade from 3.2 is not supported
+ {
+ m_currentProfileElement = dom->firstChild().firstChild().namedItem("upload").toElement();
+ m_defaultProfile = m_currentProfileElement.attribute("user","") + "@" + m_currentProfileElement.attribute("remote_host","");
+ QDomElement e = dom->createElement("uploadprofiles");
+ e.setAttribute("defaultProfile", m_defaultProfile);
+ QDomElement el = dom->createElement("profile");
+ el.setAttribute("remote_host", m_currentProfileElement.attribute("remote_host",""));
+ el.setAttribute("user", m_currentProfileElement.attribute("user",""));
+ el.setAttribute("remote_path", m_currentProfileElement.attribute("remote_path",""));
+ el.setAttribute("remote_port", m_currentProfileElement.attribute("remote_port",""));
+ el.setAttribute("remote_protocol", m_currentProfileElement.attribute("remote_protocol","ftp"));
+ el.setAttribute("name", m_defaultProfile);
+ e.appendChild(el);
+// m_project->dom.firstChild().firstChild().removeChild(m_currentProfileElement);
+ m_currentProfileElement = el;
+ dom->firstChild().firstChild().appendChild(e);
+ m_profilesNode = e;
+ comboProfile->insertItem(m_defaultProfile);
+ m_project->setModified(true);
+ } else
+ {
+ if (defaultProfile.isEmpty())
+ m_defaultProfile = m_profilesNode.toElement().attribute("defaultProfile");
+ else
+ m_defaultProfile = defaultProfile;
+ QDomNodeList profileList = m_profilesNode.toElement().elementsByTagName("profile");
+ QDomElement e;
+ m_currentProfileElement = profileList.item(0).toElement();
+ QString s;
+ int defaultIdx = 0;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < profileList.count(); i++)
+ {
+ e = profileList.item(i).toElement();
+ s = e.attribute("name");
+ comboProfile->insertItem(s);
+ if (s == m_defaultProfile)
+ {
+ defaultIdx = i;
+ m_currentProfileElement = e;
+ }
+ }
+ comboProfile->setCurrentItem(defaultIdx);
+ }
+ buttonRemoveProfile->setEnabled(comboProfile->count() > 1);
+ keepPasswords->setChecked(m_project->keepPasswd);
+ uploadInProgress = false;
+ connect( this, SIGNAL( uploadNext() ), SLOT( slotUploadNext() ) );
+ setProfileTooltip();
+/** No descriptions */
+void ProjectUpload::slotBuildTree()
+ emit eventHappened("upload_requested", m_project->projectBaseURL().url(), "");
+ loadRemoteUploadInfo();
+ KIO::UDSEntry entry;
+ QString strUrl = QuantaCommon::qUrl(startUrl);
+ bool isDirectory = strUrl.endsWith("/");
+ bool forceUpload = !startUrl.isEmpty();
+ QString s;
+ QDomElement el;
+ QDomNodeList nl = m_project->dom()->elementsByTagName("item");
+ totalProgress->setTotalSteps(nl.count() - 1 );
+ totalProgress->setValue(0);
+ totalText->setText(i18n("Scanning project files..."));
+ KURL u = m_project->projectBaseURL();
+ if (!startUrl.isEmpty())
+ {
+ u = QExtFileInfo::toAbsolute(startUrl, u);
+ }
+ QDict<KFileItem> projectDirFiles;
+ if (startUrl.isEmpty() || strUrl.endsWith("/")) //upload a folder
+ {
+ projectDirFiles = QExtFileInfo::allFilesDetailed(u, "*", this);
+ } else
+ {
+ projectDirFiles.insert(u.url(), new KFileItem(KFileItem::Unknown, KFileItem::Unknown, u, true));
+ }
+ QTime t;
+ t.start();
+ u = m_project->projectBaseURL();
+ KURL absUrl = u;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < nl.count(); i++)
+ {
+ el = nl.item(i).toElement();
+ s = el.attribute("url");
+ if (startUrl.isEmpty() || (s.startsWith(strUrl) && isDirectory) || s == strUrl)
+ {
+ QuantaCommon::setUrl(u, s);
+ absUrl.setPath(m_project->projectBaseURL().path(1)+u.path(-1));
+/* if (!QExtFileInfo::exists(absUrl))
+ continue; */
+ KFileItem *p_item = projectDirFiles.find(absUrl.url());
+ if (!p_item)
+ continue;
+ KFileItem item(*p_item);
+ UploadTreeFile *it = list->addItem(u, item);
+ if ( it != 0 )
+ {
+ int uploadedTime = -1;
+ if (m_uploadTimeList.contains(s))
+ uploadedTime = m_uploadTimeList[s];
+ int modifiedTime = item.time(KIO::UDS_MODIFICATION_TIME);
+ el.setAttribute("modified_time", modifiedTime);
+ int uploadStatus = el.attribute("uploadstatus", "1").toInt();
+ if (m_quickUpload || (forceUpload && uploadStatus == 0))
+ uploadStatus = 1;
+ if (m_quickUpload || (uploadedTime != modifiedTime && uploadStatus != 0))
+ {
+ modified.append( u );
+ it->setSelected(true);
+ }
+ if (uploadStatus == 2)
+ it->setConfirmUpload(true);
+ totalProgress->setValue(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ projectDirFiles.setAutoDelete(true);
+ projectDirFiles.clear();
+ totalText->setText(i18n("Building the tree..."));
+ list->checkboxTree();
+ if (!startUrl.isEmpty())
+ expandAll();
+ list->show();
+ totalText->setText(i18n("Total:"));
+ totalProgress->setTotalSteps(1);
+ totalProgress->setValue(0);
+ //hack to force repainting of the treeview
+ resize(width() + 1, height());
+ resize(width() - 1, height());
+ if (m_quickUpload)
+ startUpload();
+void ProjectUpload::buildSelectedItemList()
+ QListViewItem *item;
+ QListViewItemIterator it(list);
+ toUpload.clear();
+ needsConfirmation.clear();
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ item = it.current();
+ if ( list->isSelected( item ))
+ {
+ KURL u;
+ if (dynamic_cast<UploadTreeFolder*>(item))
+ {
+ u = dynamic_cast<UploadTreeFolder*>(item)->url();
+ } else
+ {
+ UploadTreeFile* fileItem = dynamic_cast<UploadTreeFile*>(item);
+ u = fileItem->url();
+ if (fileItem->confirmUpload() && !u.isEmpty())
+ needsConfirmation.append(item);
+ }
+ if (!u.isEmpty())
+ toUpload.append(item);
+ }
+ }
+void ProjectUpload::initBaseUrl()
+ QString path = m_currentProfileElement.attribute("remote_path","");
+ if (!path.startsWith("/"))
+ path.prepend("/");
+ baseUrl->setProtocol(m_currentProfileElement.attribute("remote_protocol","ftp"));
+ baseUrl->setPort(m_currentProfileElement.attribute("remote_port","").toInt());
+ baseUrl->setHost(m_currentProfileElement.attribute("remote_host",""));
+ baseUrl->setPath(path);
+ baseUrl->setUser(m_currentProfileElement.attribute("user",""));
+ QString password;
+ if (keepPasswords->isChecked())
+ {
+ m_project->keepPasswd = true;
+ password = m_project->password(m_currentProfileElement.attribute("remote_protocol") + "://" + m_currentProfileElement.attribute("user") + "@" + m_currentProfileElement.attribute("remote_host"));
+ } else
+ {
+ m_project->keepPasswd = false;
+ if (m_currentProfileElement != m_lastEditedProfileElement)
+ {
+ m_lastPassword = "";
+ }
+ password = m_lastPassword;
+ }
+ baseUrl->setPass(password);
+void ProjectUpload::startUpload()
+ if (m_profilesOnly)
+ {
+ QDialog::accept();
+ return;
+ }
+ stopUpload = false;
+ initBaseUrl();
+ if (markAsUploaded->isChecked())
+ {
+ QStringList selectedList;
+ QListViewItem *item;
+ QListViewItemIterator it(list);
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ item = it.current();
+ if ( list->isSelected( item ))
+ {
+ KURL u;
+ if (dynamic_cast<UploadTreeFolder*>(item))
+ {
+ u = dynamic_cast<UploadTreeFolder*>(item)->url();
+ } else
+ {
+ u = dynamic_cast<UploadTreeFile*>(item)->url();
+ }
+ if (!u.isEmpty())
+ selectedList.append(QuantaCommon::qUrl(u));
+ }
+ }
+ //update upload time
+ QDomNodeList nl = m_project->dom()->elementsByTagName("item");
+ QDomElement el;
+ for ( uint i = 0; i < nl.count(); i++ )
+ {
+ el = nl.item(i).toElement();
+ if ( selectedList.contains(el.attribute("url")))
+ {
+ m_uploadTimeList[el.attribute("url")] = el.attribute("modified_time").toInt();
+ }
+ }
+ saveRemoteUploadInfo();
+ accept();
+ } else
+ {
+ buildSelectedItemList();
+ int confirmCount = needsConfirmation.count();
+ if (confirmCount > 0)
+ {
+ QValueList<QListViewItem*>::Iterator it;
+ QStringList confirmList;
+ for (it = needsConfirmation.begin(); it != needsConfirmation.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ confirmList.append(((UploadTreeFile*)(*it))->url().prettyURL(0, KURL::StripFileProtocol));
+ }
+ bool ok;
+ QStringList confirmedList = KInputDialog::getItemList(i18n("Confirm Upload"), i18n("Confirm that you want to upload the following files (unselect the files you do not want to upload):"), confirmList, confirmList, true, &ok, this);
+ if (!ok) return;
+ for (it = needsConfirmation.begin(); it != needsConfirmation.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (!confirmedList.contains(((UploadTreeFile*)(*it))->url().prettyURL(0, KURL::StripFileProtocol)))
+ toUpload.remove(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ int selectedNum = toUpload.count();
+ totalProgress->setProgress(0);
+ totalProgress->setTotalSteps(selectedNum);
+ uploadInProgress = true;
+ suspendUpload = false;
+ buttonUpload->setEnabled(false);
+ KURL u = *baseUrl;
+ u.setPath(u.protocol() == "file" ? "/" : "");
+ if (QExtFileInfo::exists(u, false, this) || (u.protocol() == "webdav" && QExtFileInfo::exists(*baseUrl, false, this)))
+ {
+ upload();
+ return;
+ } else
+ {
+ if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("<qt><b>%1</b> seems to be unaccessible.<br>Do you want to proceed with upload?</qt>")
+ .arg(u.prettyURL(0, KURL::StripFileProtocol)),QString::null,KStdGuiItem::cont()) == KMessageBox::Continue)
+ {
+ upload();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ buttonUpload->setEnabled(true);
+ uploadInProgress = false;
+void ProjectUpload::upload()
+ if (stopUpload)
+ {
+ saveRemoteUploadInfo();
+ return;
+ }
+ KURL dir;
+ KURL to;
+ UploadTreeFile *fileItem;
+ UploadTreeFolder *folderItem;
+ if (toUpload.isEmpty())
+ {
+ saveRemoteUploadInfo();
+ accept();
+ return;
+ }
+ currentItem =;
+ if (dynamic_cast<UploadTreeFile*>(currentItem))
+ {
+ fileItem = static_cast<UploadTreeFile*>(currentItem);
+ folderItem = 0L;
+ currentURL = fileItem->url();
+ } else
+ {
+ fileItem = 0L;
+ folderItem = static_cast<UploadTreeFolder*>(currentItem);
+ currentURL = folderItem->url();
+ }
+ KURL from = QExtFileInfo::toAbsolute(currentURL, m_project->projectBaseURL());
+ to = *baseUrl;
+ to.addPath( currentURL.path() );
+ if (to.fileName(false).isEmpty())
+ {
+ dir = to;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dir = to.upURL() ;
+ }
+ if ( !madeDirs.contains(dir) )
+ {
+ madeDirs.append( dir );
+ if (!QExtFileInfo::createDir(dir, this))
+ {
+ QuantaCommon::dirCreationError(this, KURL( dir.prettyURL(0, KURL::StripFileProtocol) ));
+ buttonUpload->setEnabled(true);
+ uploadInProgress = false;
+ saveRemoteUploadInfo();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // qDebug("%s -> %s", from.url().data(), to.url().data() );
+ if (!from.fileName(false).isEmpty() && fileItem)
+ {
+ emit eventHappened("before_upload", from.url(), to.url());
+ KIO::FileCopyJob *job = KIO::file_copy( from, to, fileItem->permissions(), true, false, false );
+ connect( job, SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job * ) ),this,
+ SLOT( uploadFinished( KIO::Job * ) ) );
+ connect( job, SIGNAL( percent( KIO::Job *,unsigned long ) ),
+ this, SLOT( uploadProgress( KIO::Job *,unsigned long ) ) );
+ connect( job, SIGNAL( infoMessage( KIO::Job *,const QString& ) ),
+ this, SLOT( uploadMessage( KIO::Job *,const QString& ) ) );
+ labelCurFile->setText(i18n("Current: %1").arg(currentURL.fileName()));
+ currentProgress->setProgress( 0 );
+ return;
+ } else //it is a dir, so just go to the next item
+ {
+ emit uploadNext();
+ return;
+ }
+ saveRemoteUploadInfo();
+ buttonUpload->setEnabled(true);
+ uploadInProgress = false;
+ reject();
+void ProjectUpload::uploadFinished( KIO::Job *job )
+ if ( !job ) return;
+ if ( job->error() )
+ {
+ job->showErrorDialog( this );
+ uploadInProgress = false;
+ buttonUpload->setEnabled(true);
+ saveRemoteUploadInfo();
+ return;
+ }
+ KIO::FileCopyJob *fJob = dynamic_cast<KIO::FileCopyJob *>(job);
+ if (fJob)
+ emit eventHappened("after_upload", fJob->srcURL().url(), fJob->destURL().url());
+ slotUploadNext();
+void ProjectUpload::uploadProgress ( KIO::Job *, unsigned long percent )
+ currentProgress->setProgress( percent );
+void ProjectUpload::uploadMessage ( KIO::Job *, const QString & msg )
+ labelCurFile->setText( currentURL.fileName() + " : " + msg );
+void ProjectUpload::selectAll()
+ list->selectAll(true);
+ list->checkboxTree();
+void ProjectUpload::selectModified()
+ for ( KURL::List::Iterator file = modified.begin(); file != modified.end(); ++file )
+ {
+ QListViewItem *it = list->findItem( (*file).path() );
+ it->setSelected(true);
+ it->repaint();
+ }
+ list->checkboxTree();
+void ProjectUpload::clearSelection()
+ list->selectAll(false);
+ list->checkboxTree();
+void ProjectUpload::invertSelection()
+ list->invertAll();
+ list->checkboxTree();
+void ProjectUpload::expandAll()
+ list->expandAll();
+void ProjectUpload::collapseAll()
+ list->collapseAll();
+void ProjectUpload::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *t )
+ ProjectUploadS::resizeEvent(t);
+ list->setColumnWidth(0,list->width()-list->columnWidth(1)-list->columnWidth(2)-20);
+/** No descriptions */
+void ProjectUpload::slotUploadNext()
+ if (!suspendUpload)
+ {
+ totalProgress->setProgress(totalProgress->progress()+1);
+ // QListViewItem *it = list->findItem( currentURL.path() );
+ QListViewItem *it = currentItem;
+ if (it)
+ {
+ it->setSelected(false);
+ UploadTreeFile *itf = dynamic_cast<UploadTreeFile*>(it);
+ if (itf)
+ itf->setWhichPixmap( "check_clear" );
+ it->repaint();
+ }
+ toUpload.remove( it );
+ //update upload time
+ QDomNodeList nl = m_project->dom()->elementsByTagName("item");
+ QDomElement el;
+ for ( uint i = 0; i < nl.count(); i++ )
+ {
+ el = nl.item(i).toElement();
+ if ( el.attribute("url") == QuantaCommon::qUrl(currentURL) )
+ {
+ m_uploadTimeList[el.attribute("url")] = el.attribute("modified_time").toInt();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ upload();
+ }
+void ProjectUpload::clearProjectModified()
+ QDomNodeList nl = m_project->dom()->elementsByTagName("item");
+ for ( unsigned int i=0; i<nl.count(); i++ )
+ {
+ QDomElement el = nl.item(i).toElement();
+ m_uploadTimeList[el.attribute("url")] = el.attribute("modified_time").toInt();
+ }
+ modified.clear();
+ list->clearSelection();
+ list->checkboxTree();
+void ProjectUpload::slotNewProfile()
+ UploadProfileDlgS *profileDlg = new UploadProfileDlgS(this);
+ QDomElement el = m_currentProfileElement;
+ m_currentProfileElement = m_project->dom()->createElement("profile");
+ fillProfileDlg(profileDlg);
+ if (profileDlg->exec())
+ {
+ readProfileDlg(profileDlg);
+ m_profilesNode.appendChild(m_currentProfileElement);
+ m_project->setModified(true);
+ comboProfile->insertItem(m_currentProfileElement.attribute("name"), 0);
+ setProfileTooltip();
+ } else
+ m_currentProfileElement = el;
+ delete profileDlg;
+ buttonRemoveProfile->setEnabled(comboProfile->count() > 1);
+void ProjectUpload::slotEditProfile()
+ UploadProfileDlgS *profileDlg = new UploadProfileDlgS(this);
+ fillProfileDlg(profileDlg);
+ if (profileDlg->exec())
+ {
+ readProfileDlg(profileDlg);
+ m_project->setModified(true);
+ comboProfile->changeItem(profileDlg->lineProfileName->text(), comboProfile->currentItem());
+ setProfileTooltip();
+ }
+ delete profileDlg;
+void ProjectUpload::slotRemoveProfile()
+ if (comboProfile->count() == 1)
+ {
+ KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("You cannot remove the last profile."), i18n("Profile Removal Error") );
+ } else
+ {
+ QString profileName = comboProfile->currentText();
+ if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("<qt>Do you really want to remove the <b>%1</b> upload profile?</qt>").arg(profileName),
+ i18n("Profile Removal"), KStdGuiItem::del()) == KMessageBox::Continue)
+ {
+ m_profilesNode.removeChild(m_currentProfileElement);
+ int idx = comboProfile->currentItem();
+ int newIdx = idx + 1;
+ if (newIdx >= comboProfile->count())
+ newIdx = idx - 1;
+ comboProfile->setCurrentItem(newIdx);
+ QString currentProfile = comboProfile->currentText();
+ slotNewProfileSelected(currentProfile);
+ if (profileName == defaultProfile())
+ {
+ KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("<qt>You have removed your default profile.<br>The new default profile will be <b>%1</b>.</qt>").arg(currentProfile), i18n("Profile Removal"));
+ m_profilesNode.toElement().setAttribute("defaultProfile", currentProfile);
+ }
+ comboProfile->removeItem(idx);
+ m_project->setModified(true);
+ }
+ }
+ buttonRemoveProfile->setEnabled(comboProfile->count() > 1);
+void ProjectUpload::fillProfileDlg(UploadProfileDlgS *profileDlg)
+ profileDlg->lineProfileName->setText(m_currentProfileElement.attribute("name",""));
+ profileDlg->lineHost->setText(m_currentProfileElement.attribute("remote_host",""));
+ profileDlg->lineUser->setText(m_currentProfileElement.attribute("user",""));
+ profileDlg->linePath->setText(m_currentProfileElement.attribute("remote_path",""));
+ profileDlg->port->setText( m_currentProfileElement.attribute("remote_port","") );
+ QString def_p = m_currentProfileElement.attribute("remote_protocol","ftp");
+ QStringList protocols = KProtocolInfo::protocols();
+ protocols.sort();
+ for ( uint i=0; i<protocols.count(); i++ )
+ {
+ QString protocol = protocols[i];
+ KURL p;
+ p.setProtocol(protocol);
+ if ( KProtocolInfo::supportsWriting(p) &&
+ KProtocolInfo::supportsMakeDir(p) &&
+ KProtocolInfo::supportsDeleting(p) )
+ {
+ profileDlg->comboProtocol->insertItem(protocol);
+ if ( protocol == def_p )
+ profileDlg->comboProtocol->setCurrentItem(profileDlg->comboProtocol->count()-1 );
+ }
+ }
+ QString entry = profileDlg->comboProtocol->currentText() + "://" + profileDlg->lineUser->text() + "@" + profileDlg->lineHost->text();
+ if (m_project->keepPasswd || m_project->passwordSaved(entry))
+ {
+ profileDlg->linePasswd->insert(m_project->password(entry));
+ profileDlg->keepPasswd->setChecked(m_project->passwordSaved(entry));
+ } else
+ {
+ profileDlg->linePasswd->clear();
+ profileDlg->keepPasswd->setChecked(false);
+ }
+ if (m_profilesNode.toElement().attribute("defaultProfile") == profileDlg->lineProfileName->text())
+ profileDlg->defaultProfile->setChecked(true);
+void ProjectUpload::readProfileDlg(UploadProfileDlgS *profileDlg)
+ QString path = profileDlg->linePath->text();
+ if (path.startsWith("~/"))
+ {
+ KUser user;
+ path = user.homeDir() + path.mid(1);
+ }
+ m_currentProfileElement.setAttribute("name", profileDlg->lineProfileName->text());
+ m_currentProfileElement.setAttribute("remote_host", profileDlg->lineHost->text());
+ m_currentProfileElement.setAttribute("user", profileDlg->lineUser->text());
+ m_currentProfileElement.setAttribute("remote_path", path);
+ m_currentProfileElement.setAttribute("remote_port", profileDlg->port->text());
+ m_currentProfileElement.setAttribute("remote_protocol", profileDlg->comboProtocol->currentText());
+ QString passwd = QString(profileDlg->linePasswd->password());
+ m_project->savePassword(profileDlg->comboProtocol->currentText() + "://" + profileDlg->lineUser->text() + "@" + profileDlg->lineHost->text(), passwd, profileDlg->keepPasswd->isChecked());
+ m_lastEditedProfileElement = m_currentProfileElement;
+ m_lastPassword = passwd;
+ if (profileDlg->defaultProfile->isChecked())
+ m_profilesNode.toElement().setAttribute("defaultProfile", profileDlg->lineProfileName->text());
+void ProjectUpload::slotNewProfileSelected(const QString& profileName)
+ QDomNodeList profileList = m_profilesNode.toElement().elementsByTagName("profile");
+ QDomElement e;
+ QString s;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < profileList.count(); i++)
+ {
+ e = profileList.item(i).toElement();
+ s = e.attribute("name");
+ if (s == profileName)
+ {
+ m_currentProfileElement = e;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ m_project->setModified(true);
+ setProfileTooltip();
+ if (!m_profilesOnly)
+ {
+ list->clear();
+ slotBuildTree();
+ }
+QString ProjectUpload::defaultProfile()
+ return m_profilesNode.toElement().attribute("defaultProfile");
+void ProjectUpload::reject()
+ if (uploadInProgress && !m_profilesOnly)
+ {
+ suspendUpload = true;
+ //TODO when message freeze if lift: i18n("Upload") -> i18n("Continue") or "Continue upload"
+ if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this,i18n("Do you really want to abort the upload?"),
+ i18n("Abort Upload"), i18n("Abort the uploading", "Abort"), i18n("Upload")) == KMessageBox::No)
+ {
+ suspendUpload = false;
+ emit uploadNext();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ QDialog::reject();
+void ProjectUpload::setProfileTooltip()
+ QString tip = m_currentProfileElement.attribute("remote_protocol","ftp") + "://";
+ QString user = m_currentProfileElement.attribute("user","");
+ if (! user.isEmpty()) {
+ tip += user + "@";
+ }
+ tip += m_currentProfileElement.attribute("remote_host","");
+ QString port = m_currentProfileElement.attribute("remote_port","");
+ if (! port.isEmpty()) {
+ tip += ":" + port;
+ }
+ tip += m_currentProfileElement.attribute("remote_path","");
+ QToolTip::add(comboProfile, tip);
+void ProjectUpload::loadRemoteUploadInfo()
+ QDomNodeList nl = m_currentProfileElement.elementsByTagName("uploadeditem");
+ for (uint i = 0; i < nl.count(); i++)
+ {
+ QDomElement el = nl.item(i).toElement();
+ m_uploadTimeList[el.attribute("url")] = el.attribute("upload_time").toInt();
+ }
+void ProjectUpload::saveRemoteUploadInfo()
+ QDomNode parent = m_currentProfileElement.parentNode();
+ QDomNode profileNode = m_currentProfileElement.cloneNode(false);
+ parent.removeChild(m_currentProfileElement);
+ parent.appendChild(profileNode);
+ QMap<QString, int>::ConstIterator it;
+ for (it = m_uploadTimeList.constBegin(); it != m_uploadTimeList.constEnd(); ++it)
+ {
+ QDomElement el = m_uploadStatusDom.createElement("uploadeditem");
+ el.setAttribute("url", it.key());
+ el.setAttribute("upload_time",;
+ profileNode.appendChild(el);
+ }
+ m_project->setModified(true);
+#include "projectupload.moc"