path: root/quanta/src/document.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'quanta/src/document.cpp')
1 files changed, 3192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/quanta/src/document.cpp b/quanta/src/document.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c3c30ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quanta/src/document.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3192 @@
+ document.cpp - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : Tue Jun 6 2000
+ copyright : (C) 2000 by Dmitry Poplavsky & Alexander Yakovlev & Eric Laffoon <[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]>
+ (C) 2001-2004 Andras Mantia <[email protected]>
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <list>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+//QT includes
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+#include <qdir.h>
+#include <qeventloop.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qtextcodec.h>
+#include <qtextstream.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qradiobutton.h>
+// KDE includes
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kwin.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kactionclasses.h>
+#include <kdialogbase.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kmdcodec.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <ktempfile.h>
+#include <kdirwatch.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kprogress.h>
+#include <kio/netaccess.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/document.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/view.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/cursorinterface.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/clipboardinterface.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/codecompletioninterface.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/configinterface.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/editinterface.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/editinterfaceext.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/encodinginterface.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/selectioninterface.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/selectioninterfaceext.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/viewcursorinterface.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/wordwrapinterface.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/markinterfaceextension.h>
+#include <kate/view.h>
+#include "tag.h"
+#include "quantacommon.h"
+#include "document.h"
+#include "resource.h"
+#include "dirtydlg.h"
+#include "dirtydialog.h"
+#include "casewidget.h"
+#include "project.h"
+#include "dtdselectdialog.h"
+#include "quanta.h"
+#include "quantaview.h"
+#include "structtreeview.h"
+#include "qextfileinfo.h"
+#include "viewmanager.h"
+#include "messageoutput.h"
+#include "undoredo.h"
+#include "dtds.h"
+#include "sagroupparser.h"
+#define STEP 1
+extern GroupElementMapList globalGroupMap;
+Document::Document(KTextEditor::Document *doc,
+ QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f )
+ : QWidget(parent, name, f)
+ m_dirty = false;
+ busy = false;
+ changed = false;
+ m_md5sum = "";
+ m_doc = doc;
+ m_view = 0L; //needed, because createView() calls processEvents() and the "this" may be deleted before m_view gets a value => crash on delete m_view;
+ m_view = m_doc->createView(parent, 0L);
+ completionInProgress = false;
+ argHintVisible = false;
+ completionRequested = false;
+ userTagList.setAutoDelete(true);
+ // remove the unwanted actions
+ KAction *a = m_view->actionCollection()->action( "file_export" );
+ if (a)
+ m_view->actionCollection()->take(a);
+ a = m_view->actionCollection()->action( "file_save" );
+ if (a)
+ m_view->actionCollection()->take(a);
+ a = m_view->actionCollection()->action( "file_save_as" );
+ if (a)
+ m_view->actionCollection()->take(a);
+ a = m_view->actionCollection()->action( "file_reload" );
+ if (a)
+ m_view->actionCollection()->take(a);
+ a = m_view->actionCollection()->action( "edit_undo" );
+ if (a)
+ m_view->actionCollection()->take(a);
+ a = m_view->actionCollection()->action( "edit_redo" );
+ if (a)
+ m_view->actionCollection()->take(a);
+ //because they are not implemented in VPL
+ a = m_view->actionCollection()->action( "edit_copy" );
+ if (a)
+ m_view->actionCollection()->take(a);
+ a = m_view->actionCollection()->action( "edit_cut" );
+ if (a)
+ m_view->actionCollection()->take(a);
+ a = m_view->actionCollection()->action( "edit_paste" );
+ if (a)
+ m_view->actionCollection()->take(a);
+ //conflicting shortcuts, so change them
+ a = m_view->actionCollection()->action("view_border");
+ if (a)
+ a->setShortcut(Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_F9);
+ a = m_view->actionCollection()->action("view_folding_markers");
+ if (a)
+ a->setShortcut(Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_F11);
+ KActionMenu *bookmarkAction = dynamic_cast<KActionMenu*>(m_view->actionCollection()->action( "bookmarks" ));
+ if (bookmarkAction)
+ {
+ m_view->actionCollection()->take(bookmarkAction);
+ //kdDebug(24000) << "Bookmarks found!" << endl;
+ //bookmarkAction->insert(quantaApp->actionCollection()->action( "file_quit" ));
+ }
+ editIf = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::EditInterface *>(m_doc);
+ editIfExt = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::EditInterfaceExt *>(m_doc);
+ encodingIf = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::EncodingInterface*>(m_doc);
+ m_encoding = quantaApp->defaultEncoding();
+ if (encodingIf)
+ m_encoding = encodingIf->encoding();
+ if (m_encoding.isEmpty())
+ m_encoding = "utf8"; //final fallback
+ m_codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(m_encoding);
+ selectionIf = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::SelectionInterface *>(m_doc);
+ selectionIfExt = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::SelectionInterfaceExt *>(m_doc);
+ configIf = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::ConfigInterface*>(m_doc);
+ if (configIf)
+ configIf->readConfig();
+ viewCursorIf = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface *>(m_view);
+ codeCompletionIf = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::CodeCompletionInterface *>(m_view);
+ markIf = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::MarkInterface *>(m_doc);
+ KTextEditor::MarkInterfaceExtension* iface = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::MarkInterfaceExtension*>(m_doc);
+ if (iface)
+ {
+ iface->setPixmap(KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType07, SmallIcon("stop"));
+ iface->setPixmap(KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType02, SmallIcon("debug_breakpoint"));
+ iface->setDescription(KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType02, i18n("Breakpoint"));
+ iface->setPixmap(KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType05, SmallIcon("debug_currentline"));
+ iface->setDescription(KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType08, i18n("Annotation"));
+ iface->setPixmap(KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType08, SmallIcon("stamp"));
+ // This is allows user to set breakpoints and bookmarks by clicking or rightclicking on the icon border.
+ iface->setMarksUserChangable(KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType01 + KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType02);
+ }
+ tempFile = 0;
+ m_tempFileName = QString::null;
+ dtdName = Project::ref()->defaultDTD();
+ reparseEnabled = true;
+ repaintEnabled = true;
+ delayedTextChangedEnabled = true;
+ docUndoRedo = new undoRedo(this);
+ //path of the backup copy file of the document
+ m_backupPathValue = QString::null;
+ connect( m_doc, SIGNAL(charactersInteractivelyInserted (int ,int ,const QString&)),
+ this, SLOT(slotCharactersInserted(int ,int ,const QString&)) );
+ connect( m_view, SIGNAL(completionAborted()),
+ this, SLOT( slotCompletionAborted()) );
+ connect( m_view, SIGNAL(completionDone(KTextEditor::CompletionEntry)),
+ this, SLOT( slotCompletionDone(KTextEditor::CompletionEntry)) );
+ connect( m_view, SIGNAL(filterInsertString(KTextEditor::CompletionEntry*,QString *)),
+ this, SLOT( slotFilterCompletion(KTextEditor::CompletionEntry*,QString *)) );
+ connect( m_doc, SIGNAL(textChanged()), SLOT(slotTextChanged()));
+ connect(m_view, SIGNAL(gotFocus(Kate::View*)), SIGNAL(editorGotFocus()));
+ connect(fileWatcher, SIGNAL(dirty(const QString&)), SLOT(slotFileDirty(const QString&)));
+// connect(m_doc, SIGNAL(marksChanged()), this, SLOT(slotMarksChanged()));
+ connect(m_doc, SIGNAL(markChanged(KTextEditor::Mark, KTextEditor::MarkInterfaceExtension::MarkChangeAction)), this, SLOT(slotMarkChanged(KTextEditor::Mark, KTextEditor::MarkInterfaceExtension::MarkChangeAction)));
+ if (configIf)
+ configIf->writeConfig();
+ parser->clearGroups();
+ // kdDebug(24000) << "Document::~ Document: " << this << endl;
+ m_doc->closeURL(false); //TODO: Workaround for a Kate bug. Remove when KDE < 3.2.0 support is dropped.
+ delete m_doc;
+void Document::setUntitledUrl(const QString &url)
+ untitledUrl = url;
+ openURL(KURL());
+bool Document::isUntitled()
+ return (m_doc->url().url().isEmpty()) ? true : false;
+KURL Document::url()
+ return ( isUntitled() ) ? KURL("file:"+untitledUrl) : m_doc->url();
+// kwrite addons
+void Document::insertTag(const QString &s1, const QString &s2)
+ QString selection;
+ if (selectionIf && selectionIf->hasSelection())
+ {
+ reparseEnabled = false;
+ selection = selectionIf->selection();
+ selectionIf->removeSelectedText();
+ reparseEnabled = true;
+ }
+ insertText(s1 + selection);
+ insertText(s2, false); // don't adjust cursor, thereby leaving it in the middle of tag
+/** Change the current tag's attributes with those from dict */
+void Document::changeTag(Tag *tag, QDict<QString> *dict )
+ tag->modifyAttributes(dict);
+ QString tagStr = tag->toString();
+ reparseEnabled = false;
+ int bLine, bCol, eLine, eCol;
+ tag->beginPos(bLine,bCol);
+ tag->endPos(eLine,eCol);
+ editIf->removeText(bLine, bCol, eLine, eCol+1);
+ viewCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal((uint)bLine, (uint)bCol);
+ insertText(tagStr);
+/**Change the namespace in a tag. Add if it's not present, or remove if the
+namespace argument is empty*/
+void Document::changeTagNamespace(Tag *tag, const QString& nameSpace)
+ int bl, bc;
+ int nl, nc;
+ if (!tag->nameSpace.isEmpty())
+ {
+ tag->beginPos(bl, bc);
+ if (tag->type == Tag::XmlTagEnd)
+ bc++;
+ tag->namePos(nl, nc);
+ reparseEnabled = false;
+ editIf->removeText(bl, bc + 1, nl, nc);
+ reparseEnabled = true;
+ } else
+ {
+ tag->beginPos(bl, bc);
+ if (tag->type == Tag::XmlTagEnd)
+ bc++;
+ }
+ if (!nameSpace.isEmpty())
+ {
+ viewCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal((uint)bl, (uint)(bc + 1));
+ insertText(nameSpace + ":", true, false);
+ }
+ slotDelayedTextChanged(true);
+ quantaApp->slotNewLineColumn();
+/**Change the attr value of the called attrName to attrValue*/
+void Document::changeTagAttribute(Tag *tag, const QString& attrName, const QString& attrValue)
+ QString value;
+ int line, col;
+ int index = tag->attributeIndex(attrName);
+ if (index != -1)
+ {
+ int endCol;
+ value = tag->attributeValue(index);
+ if (value == attrValue)
+ return;
+ int aLine, aCol;
+ tag->attributeNamePos(index, aLine, aCol);
+ tag->attributeValuePos(index, line, col);
+ if (line == aLine && col == aCol)
+ {
+ col += tag->attribute(index).length();
+ value = QString("=") + qConfig.attrValueQuotation + attrValue + qConfig.attrValueQuotation;
+ } else
+ {
+ endCol = col + value.length();
+ if (attrValue.isEmpty())
+ {
+ tag->attributeNamePos(index, line, col);
+ endCol++;
+ }
+ reparseEnabled = false;
+ QString textLine = editIf->textLine(line);
+ while (col > 1 && textLine[col-1].isSpace())
+ col--;
+ editIf->removeText(line, col, line, endCol);
+ reparseEnabled = true;
+ value = attrValue;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ index = tag->attrCount() - 1;
+ if (tag->attribute(index) == "/")
+ {
+ tag->attributeNamePos(index, line, col);
+ col--;
+ } else
+ {
+ tag->endPos(line, col);
+ }
+ if (attrValue.isEmpty())
+ {
+ value = "";
+ } else
+ {
+ value = " " + QuantaCommon::attrCase(attrName) + "=" + qConfig.attrValueQuotation + attrValue + qConfig.attrValueQuotation;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!value.isEmpty())
+ {
+ viewCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal((uint)line, (uint)col);
+ insertText(value);
+ }
+ quantaApp->slotNewLineColumn();
+ //else
+// slotDelayedTextChanged();
+void Document::selectText(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 )
+ if (selectionIf)
+ selectionIf->setSelection(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+void Document::replaceSelected(const QString &s)
+ if (selectionIf)
+ {
+ unsigned int line, col;
+ viewCursorIf->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col);
+ reparseEnabled = false;
+ selectionIf->removeSelectedText();
+ reparseEnabled = true;
+ editIf->insertText(line, col, s);
+ }
+void Document::insertFile(const KURL& url)
+ QString fileName;
+ if (url.isLocalFile())
+ {
+ fileName = url.path();
+ } else
+ {
+ if (!KIO::NetAccess::download(url, fileName, this))
+ {
+ KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("<qt>Cannot download <b>%1</b>.</qt>").arg( url.prettyURL(0, KURL::StripFileProtocol)));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ if (
+ {
+ QTextStream stream( &file );
+ stream.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
+ insertText(;
+ file.close();
+ } else
+ KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("<qt>Cannot open <b>%1</b> for reading.</qt>").arg(url.prettyURL(0, KURL::StripFileProtocol)));
+/** Inserts text at the current cursor position */
+void Document::insertText(const QString &a_text, bool adjustCursor, bool reparse)
+ QString text = a_text;
+ if(text.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ reparseEnabled = false;
+ unsigned int line, col;
+ viewCursorIf->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col);
+ Node *n = parser->nodeAt(line, col, true);
+ if (n && n->tag->dtd()->family != Xml)
+ {
+ int bLine, bCol;
+ n->tag->beginPos(bLine, bCol);
+ QString s = this->text(bLine, bCol, line, col);
+ bool insideQuotes = false;
+ for (int i = 0 ; i < (int)s.length() - 1; i++)
+ {
+ if (s[i] == '"' && (i == 0 || s[i-1] != '\\'))
+ insideQuotes = !insideQuotes;
+ }
+ int eLine, eCol;
+ n->tag->endPos(eLine, eCol);
+ s = this->text(line + 1, col, eLine, eCol);
+ bool closeQuotationFound = false;
+ for (int i = 0 ; i < (int)s.length() - 1; i++)
+ {
+ if (s[i] == '"' && (i == 0 || s[i-1] != '\\'))
+ {
+ closeQuotationFound = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (insideQuotes && closeQuotationFound)
+ {
+ text.replace("\\\"", "\"");
+ text.replace("\"", "\\\"");
+ }
+ }
+ editIf->insertText(line, col, text);
+ // calculate new cursor position
+ // counts the words and whitespace of the text so we can place the
+ // cursor correctly and quickly with the viewCursorInterace, avoiding
+ // the KTexEditor::insertText method
+ if(adjustCursor)
+ {
+ unsigned textLength = text.length();
+ unsigned int wordWrapAt = 80;
+ bool noWordWrap = false;
+ KTextEditor::WordWrapInterface *wordWrapIf = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::WordWrapInterface *>(m_doc);
+ if (wordWrapIf)
+ {
+ wordWrapAt = wordWrapIf->wordWrapAt();
+ noWordWrap = !(wordWrapIf->wordWrap());
+ }
+ uint i=0, j=0;
+ int wordLength;
+ const char *ascii = text.latin1(); // use ascii for maximum speed
+ bool lineLock =false;
+ while(i < textLength)
+ {
+ if(ascii[i] == '\n') // add a line, first column
+ {
+ ++line; col=0; ++i; lineLock = false;
+ }
+ else if(ascii[i] == '\r')
+ {
+ col = 0; ++i;
+ }
+ else if(!noWordWrap && !(isspace(ascii[i]))) // new word, see if it wraps
+ {
+ // TOO SLOW int wordLength = (text.mid(i).section(QRegExp("[ \t\r\n]"), 0, 0).length());
+ wordLength = -1;
+ for(j = i+1;ascii[j];++j) // get word size, ascii is MUCH faster
+ {
+ if(isspace(ascii[j]))
+ {
+ wordLength = j-i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(wordLength == -1)
+ wordLength = (textLength)-i;
+ if((wordLength+col) > wordWrapAt)
+ {
+ if(col && !lineLock) // wraps onto new line unless locked by kate
+ {
+ col=0;
+ ++line;
+ }
+ }
+ col += wordLength;
+ i += wordLength;
+ if(wordLength > (int) wordWrapAt)
+ lineLock = true; // words > wordWrapAt lock the rest of the line
+ }
+ else // whitespace
+ {
+ ++col; ++i;
+ if(!noWordWrap)
+ if(col > wordWrapAt && !lineLock) // wrap like words
+ {
+ col -= wordWrapAt;
+ ++line;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ viewCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal(line, col);
+ reparseEnabled = true;
+ if (reparse)
+ {
+ baseNode = parser->rebuild(this);
+ if (qConfig.instantUpdate && quantaApp->structTreeVisible())
+ {
+ typingInProgress = false;
+ StructTreeView::ref()->slotReparse(this, baseNode , qConfig.expandLevel);
+ }
+ quantaApp->updateTreeViews();
+ }
+bool Document::insertChildTags(QTag *tag, QTag *lastTag)
+ bool childInserted = false;
+ if (!tag || tag == lastTag) //avoid infinite recursion
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ QMap<QString, bool>::Iterator it;
+ for (it = tag->childTags.begin(); it != tag->childTags.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (
+ {
+ childInserted = true;
+ QTag *childTag = QuantaCommon::tagFromDTD(tag->parentDTD, it.key());
+ QString tagStr =QuantaCommon::tagCase(it.key());
+ if ( tag->parentDTD->singleTagStyle == "xml" &&
+ ( childTag->isSingle() ||
+ (childTag->isOptional() && !qConfig.closeOptionalTags)) )
+ {
+ insertText("<" +tagStr + "/>", true, false);
+ } else
+ {
+ insertText("<" +tagStr + ">", true, false);
+ }
+ QString closingStr;
+ if (insertChildTags(childTag, tag))
+ {
+ closingStr = "";
+ }
+ if ( (!childTag->isSingle() && !childTag->isOptional() && qConfig.closeTags) ||
+ (childTag->isOptional() && qConfig.closeOptionalTags) )
+ {
+ insertText(closingStr + "</" + tagStr + ">", true, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return childInserted;
+/** Get the view of the document */
+KTextEditor::View* Document::view()
+ return m_view;
+/** Get the KTextEditor::Document of the document */
+KTextEditor::Document* Document::doc()
+ return m_doc;
+/** Returns true if the document was modified. */
+bool Document::isModified()
+ bool modified = false;
+ if (m_doc)
+ modified = m_doc->isModified();
+ return modified;
+void Document::setModified(bool flag)
+ if (m_doc)
+ m_doc->setModified(flag);
+void Document::createTempFile()
+ closeTempFile();
+ tempFile = new KTempFile(tmpDir);
+ tempFile->setAutoDelete(true);
+ m_tempFileName = QFileInfo(*(tempFile->file())).filePath();
+ QString encoding = quantaApp->defaultEncoding();
+ if (encodingIf)
+ encoding = encodingIf->encoding();
+ if (encoding.isEmpty())
+ encoding = "utf8"; //final fallback
+ tempFile->textStream()->setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName(encoding));
+ * (tempFile->textStream()) << editIf->text();
+ m_tempFileName = QFileInfo(*(tempFile->file())).filePath();
+ tempFile->close();
+// kdDebug(24000) << "Creating tempfile " << m_tempFileName << " for " << url() << endl;
+void Document::closeTempFile()
+ if (tempFile != 0)
+ {
+ delete tempFile;
+ tempFile = 0L;
+ }
+ if (QFileInfo(m_tempFileName).exists())
+ QFile::remove(m_tempFileName);
+ m_tempFileName = QString::null;
+QString Document::tempFileName()
+ return m_tempFileName;
+/** This will return the current tag name at the given position.
+ It will work even if the tag has not been completed yet. An
+ empty string will be returned if no tag is found.
+QString Document::getTagNameAt(int line, int col )
+ QString name = "";
+ QString textLine = editIf->textLine(line);
+ textLine = textLine.left(col);
+ while (line >= 0)
+ {
+ QuantaCommon::removeCommentsAndQuotes(textLine, completionDTD);
+ int pos = textLine.findRev("<");
+ int pos2 = textLine.findRev(">");
+ if (pos != -1 && pos2 < pos)
+ {
+ textLine.remove(0, pos + 1);
+ pos = 0;
+ while (pos < (int)textLine.length() &&
+ !textLine[pos].isSpace() &&
+ textLine[pos] != '>')
+ pos++;
+ name = textLine.left(pos).stripWhiteSpace();
+ pos = name.find(":");
+ if (pos != -1)
+ name = name.mid(pos + 1);
+ break;
+ } else
+ {
+ if (pos2 == -1)
+ {
+ line--;
+ if (line >= 0)
+ textLine = editIf->textLine(line);
+ } else
+ {
+ name = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return name;
+/** Show the code completions passed in as an argument */
+void Document::showCodeCompletions( QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry> *completions ) {
+ bool reparse = reparseEnabled;
+ reparseEnabled = false;
+ codeCompletionIf->showCompletionBox( *completions, false );
+ reparseEnabled = reparse;
+ argHintVisible = false;
+ delete completions;
+/** Once the completed text has been inserted into the document we
+ want to update the cursor position.
+void Document::slotCompletionDone( KTextEditor::CompletionEntry completion )
+ unsigned int line,col;
+ completionInProgress = false;
+ argHintVisible = false;
+ viewCursorIf->cursorPositionReal(&line,&col);
+ const DTDStruct* dtd = currentDTD();
+/* if (completion.type == "charCompletion")
+ {
+ m_lastCompletionList = getCharacterCompletions(completion.userdata);
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotDelayedShowCodeCompletion()));
+ } else*/
+ if (completion.type == "attribute")
+ {
+ viewCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal(line,col-1);
+ if (dtd)
+ {
+ QTag *tag = QuantaCommon::tagFromDTD(dtd,completion.userdata);
+ if (tag)
+ {
+ m_lastCompletionList = getAttributeValueCompletions(tag->name(), completion.text);
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotDelayedShowCodeCompletion()));
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ if (completion.type == "attributeValue")
+ {
+ viewCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal(line, col);
+ } else
+ if (completion.type == "doctypeList")
+ {
+ viewCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal(line,col+1);
+ } else
+ if (completion.type == "script")
+ {
+ viewCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal(line,col);
+ if (dtd)
+ {
+ m_lastLine = line;
+ m_lastCol = col - 1;
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotDelayedScriptAutoCompletion()));
+ }
+ }
+void Document::slotDelayedScriptAutoCompletion()
+ scriptAutoCompletion(m_lastLine, m_lastCol, "");
+void Document::slotDelayedShowCodeCompletion()
+ showCodeCompletions(m_lastCompletionList);
+/** This is called when the user selects a completion. We
+ can filter this completion to allow more intelligent
+ code compeltions
+void Document::slotFilterCompletion( KTextEditor::CompletionEntry *completion ,QString *string )
+ kdDebug(24000) << *string << endl;
+ kdDebug(24000) << completion->userdata << endl;
+ int pos = completion->userdata.find("|");
+ QString s = completion->userdata.left(pos);
+ completion->userdata.remove(0,pos+1);
+ string->remove(0, s.length());
+ kdDebug(24000) << *string << endl;
+ kdDebug(24000) << completion->userdata << endl;
+ if (completion->type == "charCompletion")
+ {
+ *string = completion->userdata;
+ uint line, col;
+ viewCursorIf->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col);
+ QString s2 = editIf->textLine(line).left(col);
+ kdDebug(24000) << s2 << endl;
+ int pos = s2.findRev('&');
+ if (pos != -1)
+ {
+ s2 = s2.mid(pos + 1);
+ string->remove(s2);
+ }
+ string->append(";");
+ kdDebug(24000) << *string << endl;
+ } else
+ if ( completion->type == "attributeValue")
+ {
+ uint line, col;
+ viewCursorIf->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col);
+ QString textLine = editIf->textLine(line);
+ QChar tagSeparator = completionDTD->tagSeparator;
+ if (tagSeparator == '\'' || tagSeparator =='"')
+ tagSeparator = qConfig.attrValueQuotation;
+ if (textLine[col] != tagSeparator)
+ string->append(tagSeparator);
+ } else
+ if ( completion->type == "attribute" )
+ {
+ string->append("="+QString(qConfig.attrValueQuotation)+QString(qConfig.attrValueQuotation));
+ } else
+ if (completion->type == "doctypeList")
+ {
+ s = *string;
+ string->remove(0, string->length());
+ QString s2 = QString("public \""+DTDs::ref()->getDTDNameFromNickName(s)+"\"");
+ const DTDStruct *dtd = DTDs::ref()->find(DTDs::ref()->getDTDNameFromNickName(s));
+ if (dtd && !dtd->url.isEmpty())
+ {
+ s2 += " \""+dtd->url+"\"";
+ }
+ string->append(QuantaCommon::attrCase(s2));
+ } else
+ if (completion->type == "script")
+ {
+ string->append(completionDTD->attrAutoCompleteAfter);
+ }
+void Document::slotReplaceChar()
+ reparseEnabled = false;
+ editIf->removeText(m_replaceLine, m_replaceCol, m_replaceLine, m_replaceCol+1);
+ insertText(m_replaceStr, true, false);
+/** Called when a user types in a character. From this we can show possibile
+ completions based on what they are trying to input.
+void Document::slotCharactersInserted(int line, int column, const QString& string)
+ if (qConfig.replaceNotInEncoding)
+ {
+ if (encodingIf)
+ {
+ QString encoding = encodingIf->encoding();
+ if (encoding != m_encoding)
+ {
+ m_encoding = encoding;
+ m_codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(encoding);
+ }
+ if (!m_codec->canEncode(string[0]))
+ {
+ m_replaceLine = line;
+ m_replaceCol = column;
+ m_replaceStr = QuantaCommon::encodedChar(string[0].unicode());
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotReplaceChar()));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (qConfig.replaceAccented)
+ {
+ uint c = string[0].unicode();
+ if (c > 191)
+ {
+ m_replaceLine = line;
+ m_replaceCol = column;
+ m_replaceStr = QuantaCommon::encodedChar(c);
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotReplaceChar()));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( (string == ">") ||
+ (string == "<") )
+ {
+ slotDelayedTextChanged(true);
+ }
+ bool handled = false;
+ if (qConfig.useAutoCompletion)
+ {
+ if (completionInProgress)
+ {
+ handleCodeCompletion();
+ } else
+ {
+ completionDTD = currentDTD();
+ if (completionDTD->family == Xml)
+ {
+ handled = xmlAutoCompletion(line, column, string);
+ }
+ if (completionDTD->family == Script)
+ {
+ handled = scriptAutoCompletion(line, column, string);
+ if (!handled && string == ">")
+ {
+ Node *node = parser->nodeAt(line, column, false);
+ if (node && node->tag->validXMLTag && node->tag->type == Tag::ScriptTag)
+ {
+ column++;
+ editIf->insertText(line, column, "</" + node->tag->name + ">");
+ viewCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal( line, column );
+ }
+ }
+ handled = true;
+ }
+ if (!handled)
+ {
+ const DTDStruct *lastDTD = completionDTD;
+ completionDTD = defaultDTD();
+ if (lastDTD != completionDTD && completionDTD->family == Xml)
+ {
+ handled = xmlAutoCompletion(line, column, string);
+ }
+/*TODO: Can the default DTD be a script?
+ if (dtd->family == Script)
+ {
+ scriptAutoCompletion(dtd, line, column, string);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/** Called whenever a user inputs text in an XML type document.
+ Returns true if the code completionw as handled.
+bool Document::xmlAutoCompletion(int line, int column, const QString & string)
+ QTag *tag;
+ QString tagName;
+ bool handled = false;
+ tagName = getTagNameAt(line, column);
+ tag = QuantaCommon::tagFromDTD(completionDTD, tagName);
+ if (!tag && !tagName.isEmpty())
+ tag = userTagList.find(tagName.lower());
+ QString s = editIf->textLine(line).left(column + 1);
+ bool namespacecompletion = false;
+ if (!tagName.isEmpty() && string ==":" && s.endsWith("<" + tagName + ":"))
+ namespacecompletion = true;
+ int i = column;
+ while (i > 0 && s[i].isSpace())
+ i--;
+ s = s.left(i + 1);
+ if ( !tag || tagName.isEmpty() || namespacecompletion) //we are outside of any tag
+ {
+ if (s.endsWith(completionDTD->tagAutoCompleteAfter) ||
+ namespacecompletion) // a tag is started, either with < or <namespace:
+ {
+ //we need to complete a tag name
+ showCodeCompletions( getTagCompletions(line, column + 1) );
+ handled = true;
+ } else
+ if (string == ">" && !tagName.isEmpty() && tagName[0] != '!' && tagName[0] != '?' &&
+ tagName[0] != '/' && !tagName.endsWith("/") && !s.endsWith("/>") &&
+ qConfig.closeTags &&
+ currentDTD(true)->family == Xml) //close unknown tags
+ {
+ //add closing tag if wanted
+ column++;
+ editIf->insertText(line, column, "</" + tagName + ">");
+ docUndoRedo->dontAddModifsSet(2);
+ viewCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal( line, column );
+ handled = true;
+ } else
+ if (string == "/" && s.endsWith("</") && tagName.isEmpty())
+ {
+ Node *node = parser->nodeAt(line, column, false);
+ if (node && node->parent )
+ {
+ node = node->parent;
+ if (node->tag->type == Tag::XmlTag && (!node->next || !QuantaCommon::closesTag(node->tag, node->next->tag)))
+ {
+ QString name = node->tag->name;
+ name = name.left(name.find(" | "));
+ if (!node->tag->nameSpace.isEmpty())
+ name.prepend(node->tag->nameSpace + ":");
+ editIf->insertText(line, column + 1, name + ">");
+ docUndoRedo->dontAddModifsSet(2);
+ viewCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal( line, column + name.length() + 2);
+ handled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else // we are inside of a tag
+ {
+ if ( string == ">" && tagName[0] != '/' && !tagName.endsWith("/") &&
+ !s.endsWith("/>") && tag)
+ {
+ if ( tag->parentDTD->singleTagStyle == "xml" &&
+ (tag->isSingle() || (!qConfig.closeOptionalTags && tag->isOptional()))
+ )
+ {
+ editIf->insertText(line, column, " /");
+ docUndoRedo->dontAddModifsSet(2);
+ viewCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal( line, column+3 );
+ handled = true;
+ }
+ if ( ( !tag->isSingle() && !tag->isOptional() && qConfig.closeTags) ||
+ ( tag->isOptional() && qConfig.closeOptionalTags ) )
+ {
+ //add closing tag if wanted
+ Node *node = parser->nodeAt(line, column, false);
+ if (node && (!node->next || !QuantaCommon::closesTag(node->tag, node->next->tag)))
+ {
+ if (node && !node->tag->nameSpace.isEmpty())
+ tagName.prepend(node->tag->nameSpace + ":");
+ column++;
+ editIf->insertText(line, column, "</" + tagName + ">");
+ docUndoRedo->dontAddModifsSet(2);
+ viewCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal( line, column );
+ handled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!tag->childTags.isEmpty())
+ {
+ reparseEnabled = false;
+ // insertText("\n", false, false);
+ insertChildTags(tag);
+ reparseEnabled = true;
+ baseNode = parser->rebuild(this);
+ if (qConfig.instantUpdate && quantaApp->structTreeVisible())
+ {
+ typingInProgress = false;
+ StructTreeView::ref()->slotReparse(this, baseNode , qConfig.expandLevel);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( string == " " )
+ {
+ QString textLine = editIf->textLine(line);
+ if (!QuantaCommon::insideCommentsOrQuotes(column, textLine, completionDTD))
+ {
+ showCodeCompletions(getAttributeCompletions(tagName, ""));
+ handled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( string[0] == qConfig.attrValueQuotation )
+ {
+ //we need to find the attribute name
+ QString textLine = editIf->textLine(line).left(column-1);
+ QString attribute = textLine.mid(textLine.findRev(' ')+1);
+ if (attribute == "style" && completionDTD->insideDTDs.contains("css"))
+ {
+ completionDTD = DTDs::ref()->find("text/css");
+ completionRequested = true;
+ return scriptAutoCompletion(line, column + 1, string);
+ }
+ showCodeCompletions( getAttributeValueCompletions(tagName, attribute) );
+ handled = true;
+ }
+ } // else - we are inside of a tag
+ if (!handled)
+ {
+ //check if we are inside a style attribute, and use css autocompletion if we are
+ QString textLine = editIf->textLine(line);
+ textLine = textLine.left(column);
+ int pos = textLine.findRev('"');
+ if (pos != -1)
+ {
+ pos = textLine.findRev(' ', pos);
+ if (pos != -1)
+ {
+ textLine = textLine.mid(pos + 1);
+ pos = textLine.find('=');
+ if (pos != -1)
+ {
+ QString attribute = textLine.left(pos);
+ if (attribute == "style" && completionDTD->insideDTDs.contains("css"))
+ {
+ completionDTD = DTDs::ref()->find("text/css");
+ completionRequested = true;
+ return scriptAutoCompletion(line, column + 1, string);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ QString s = editIf->textLine(line).left(column + 1);
+ pos = s.findRev('&');
+ if (pos != -1)
+ {
+ //complete character codes
+ s = s.mid(pos + 1);
+ showCodeCompletions(getCharacterCompletions(s));
+ handled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return handled;
+/** Return a list of possible variable name completions */
+QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry>* Document::getGroupCompletions(Node *node, const StructTreeGroup& group, int line, int col)
+ QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry> *completions = new QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry>();
+ KTextEditor::CompletionEntry completion;
+ completion.type = "variable";
+ QString textLine = editIf->textLine(line).left(col);
+ QString word = findWordRev(textLine);
+ if (!group.removeFromAutoCompleteWordRx.pattern().isEmpty())
+ word.remove(group.removeFromAutoCompleteWordRx);
+ completion.userdata = word + "|";
+ GroupElementMapList::Iterator it;
+ QString str =;
+ str.append("|");
+ str.append(word);
+ for ( it = globalGroupMap.begin(); it != globalGroupMap.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ if (it.key().startsWith(str) && it.key() != str )
+ {
+ GroupElementList elementList =;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < elementList.count(); i++)
+ {
+ if (elementList[i]->parentNode == 0L || elementList[i]->global)
+ {
+ completion.text = it.key().section('|', -1).stripWhiteSpace();
+ completions->append(completion);
+ break;
+ } else
+ {
+ Node *n = node;
+ while (n && n != elementList[i]->parentNode)
+ {
+ n = n->parent;
+ }
+ if (n == elementList[i]->parentNode)
+ {
+ completion.text = it.key().section('|', -1).stripWhiteSpace();
+ completions->append(completion);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ IncludedGroupElementsMap elements = parser->includedMap;
+ IncludedGroupElementsMap::Iterator it2;
+ for ( it2 = elements.begin(); it2 != elements.end(); ++it2 )
+ {
+ QStringList list =[].keys();
+ list.sort();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < list.count(); i++)
+ {
+ if (list[i].startsWith(word) && list[i] != word)
+ {
+ completion.text = list[i].stripWhiteSpace();
+ completions->append(completion);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return completions;
+bool Document::isDerivatedFrom(const QString& className, const QString &baseClass)
+ if (className.isEmpty() || !completionDTD->classInheritance.contains(className))
+ return false;
+ QString parentClass = completionDTD->classInheritance[className];
+ int result = 0;
+ do {
+ if (parentClass == baseClass)
+ result = 1; //className extends baseClass
+ else
+ {
+ if (completionDTD->classInheritance.contains(parentClass))
+ parentClass = completionDTD->classInheritance[parentClass];
+ else
+ result = -1;//nothing was found in the inheritance list
+ }
+ } while (result == 0);
+ return (result == 1);
+/** Return a list of possible tag name completions */
+QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry>* Document::getTagCompletions(int line, int col)
+ QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry> *completions = new QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry>();
+ KTextEditor::CompletionEntry completion;
+ switch (completionDTD->family)
+ {
+ case Xml: completion.type = "tag";
+ break;
+ case Script:
+ completion.type = "script";
+ break;
+ }
+ Node *node = parser->nodeAt(line, col);
+ if (node && node->tag->type != Tag::XmlTag)
+ node = node->parent;
+ if (node && node->tag->type != Tag::XmlTag)
+ node = 0L;
+ QTag *parentQTag= 0L;
+ if (node && node->parent)
+ parentQTag = QuantaCommon::tagFromDTD(node->parent);
+ QString textLine = editIf->textLine(line).left(col);
+ QString word = findWordRev(textLine, completionDTD).upper();
+ QString classStr = "";
+ QString objStr;
+ if (completionDTD->classGroupIndex != -1 && completionDTD->objectGroupIndex != -1)
+ {
+ textLine = textLine.left(textLine.length() - word.length());
+ int pos = completionDTD->memberAutoCompleteAfter.searchRev(textLine);
+ if (pos != -1)
+ {
+ textLine = textLine.left(pos);
+ QRegExp *r = &(completionDTD->structTreeGroups[completionDTD->classGroupIndex].usageRx);
+ pos = r->searchRev(textLine);
+ if (pos != -1)
+ {
+ objStr = r->cap(1);
+ if (objStr == "this")
+ {
+ QString parentGroupStr = "";
+ bool classFound = false;
+ parser->synchParseInDetail();
+ Node *n = parser->nodeAt(line, col);
+ while (n && !classFound)
+ {
+ //Need to parser for groups, as the node tree is rebuilt before
+ //autocompletion and none of the node has links to group elements
+ //at this position.
+ SAGroupParser *gParser = new SAGroupParser(0L, this, n, n->nextSibling(), true, false, false);
+ gParser->slotParseForScriptGroup();
+ GroupElementList::Iterator it = n->m_groupElements.begin();
+ while (it != n->m_groupElements.end())
+ {
+ GroupElement *e = *it;
+ if (parentGroupStr.isEmpty() && e->group->appendToTags)
+ {
+ parentGroupStr = e->group->parentGroup;
+ }
+ if (!parentGroupStr.isEmpty() && e->group->name == parentGroupStr)
+ {
+ classStr = e->tag->name;
+ classFound = true;
+ }
+ //detach the groupelement from the node
+ e->node = 0L;
+ e->group = 0L;
+ e->deleted = true;
+ it = n->m_groupElements.erase(it);
+ }
+ delete gParser;
+ n = n->parent;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ GroupElementList groupElementList = globalGroupMap[completionDTD->structTreeGroups[completionDTD->objectGroupIndex].name + "|" + objStr];
+ for (GroupElementList::Iterator it = groupElementList.begin(); it != groupElementList.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (!(*it)->tag)
+ continue;
+ kdDebug(24000) << "GroupElement: " << (*it) << " " << (*it)->tag->area().bLine << " " << (*it)->tag->area().bCol << " "<< (*it)->tag->area().eLine << " "<< (*it)->tag->area().eCol << " " << (*it)->tag->tagStr() << " " << (*it)->type << endl;
+ if (!(*it)->type.isEmpty())
+ {
+ classStr = (*it)->type;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((!objStr.isEmpty() || !completionRequested) && classStr.isEmpty()) //the class cannot be identified for the object or there is no object.
+ return completions;
+ }
+ completion.userdata = word + "|";
+ QStringList tagNameList;
+ QMap<QString, QString> comments;
+ //A QMap to hold the completion type (function/string/class/etc)
+ QMap<QString, QString> type;
+ QString tagName;
+ QDictIterator<QTag> it(*(completionDTD->tagsList));
+ int i = 0;
+ for( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ QTag *tag = it.current();
+ if ((tag->type != "entity") && (tag->className == classStr ||
+ isDerivatedFrom(classStr, tag->className)))
+ {
+ tagName = tag->name();
+ if (!tagName.isEmpty() && tagName.upper().startsWith(word))
+ {
+ if (!parentQTag || (parentQTag && parentQTag->isChild(tagName)))
+ {
+ tagName = tag->name() + QString("%1").arg(i, 10);
+ tagNameList += tagName;
+ comments.insert(tagName, tag->comment);
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ QDictIterator<QTag> it2(userTagList);
+ for( ; it2.current(); ++it2 )
+ {
+ QTag *tag = it2.current();
+ if ((tag->className == classStr ||
+ isDerivatedFrom(classStr, tag->className)) && tag->name().upper().startsWith(word))
+ {
+ tagName = tag->name() + QString("%1").arg(i, 10);
+ tagNameList += tagName;
+ comments.insert(tagName, tag->comment);
+ // If the completion family is script, then we want to update the tag type
+ // it appears we use "script" for adding the completionDTD->attrAutoCompleteAfter when we run the slotFilterCompletion
+ // so we will continue to use that for functions (they need the attribute added), but variables get a new type - and we do not
+ // have to auto-complete them
+ if(completionDTD->family==Script)
+ {
+ if(tag->type=="variable")
+ type.insert(tagName, tag->type);
+ else if(tag->type=="function")
+ type.insert(tagName, "script");
+ // We add the type to the comment variable, so it displays on the screen, giving the user some feedback
+ if(comments[tagName].length())
+ comments[tagName] = tag->type + "\n" + comments[tagName];
+ else
+ comments[tagName] = tag->type + comments[tagName];
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ tagNameList.sort();
+ // tagNameList is sorted above to sort the completions by name alphabetically
+ // Now we want to sort the completions by their types.
+ // We only want to do this if we are completing Script DTDs
+ // We are going to use a couple of iterators to sort the list by Type
+ // Type Sorting is as follows: 0:Other, 1:Variables, 2: Functions (script)
+ QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry>::Iterator otherIt=completions->begin();
+ QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry>::Iterator variableIt=completions->begin();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < tagNameList.count(); i++)
+ {
+ if (completionDTD->family == Xml)
+ completion.text = QuantaCommon::tagCase(tagNameList[i]);
+ else
+ completion.text = tagNameList[i];
+ completion.text = completion.text.left(completion.text.length() - 10).stripWhiteSpace();
+ completion.comment = comments[tagNameList[i]];
+ if(completionDTD->family==Script)
+ {
+ // Here we actually append the completion type
+ completion.type = type[tagNameList[i]];
+ // And here is out sorting...
+ if(completion.type.contains("variable"))
+ {
+ // Insert after the last variable
+ variableIt++;
+ variableIt = completions->insert(variableIt, completion);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(completion.type.contains("script"))
+ {
+ //Scripts can go at the end of the list
+ completions->append(completion);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Other types go first, after the last other type
+ otherIt++;
+ otherIt = completions->insert(otherIt, completion);
+ // If we have no variables in the list, we need to point variableIt to otherIt, so they will go after the 'others'
+ if((*variableIt).text.length()==0)
+ variableIt=otherIt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ completions->append( completion );
+ }
+// completionInProgress = true;
+ return completions;
+/** Return a list of valid attributes for the given tag */
+QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry>* Document::getAttributeCompletions(const QString& tagName, const QString& a_startsWith )
+ QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry> *completions = new QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry>();
+ KTextEditor::CompletionEntry completion;
+ QTag *tag = QuantaCommon::tagFromDTD(completionDTD, tagName);
+ if (!tag)
+ {
+ tag = userTagList.find(tagName.lower());
+ }
+ QString startsWith = a_startsWith.upper();
+ if (tag)
+ {
+ switch (completionDTD->family)
+ {
+ case Xml:
+ {
+ completion.type = "attribute";
+ completion.userdata = startsWith+"|"+tag->name();
+ //list specified attributes for this tag
+ AttributeList *list = tag->attributes();
+ QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry> tempCompletions;
+ QStringList nameList;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < list->count(); i++)
+ {
+ QString item = list->at(i)->name;
+ if (item.upper().startsWith(startsWith))
+ {
+ completion.text = QuantaCommon::attrCase(item);
+ completion.comment = list->at(i)->type;
+ tempCompletions.append( completion );
+ nameList.append(completion.text);
+ }
+ }
+ //list common attributes for this tag
+ for (QStringList::Iterator it = tag->commonGroups.begin(); it != tag->commonGroups.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ AttributeList *attrs = tag->parentDTD->commonAttrs->find(*it);
+ for (uint j = 0; j < attrs->count(); j++)
+ {
+ QString name = attrs->at(j)->name;
+ if (name.upper().startsWith(startsWith))
+ {
+ completion.text = QuantaCommon::attrCase(name);
+ completion.comment = attrs->at(j)->type;
+ tempCompletions.append( completion );
+ nameList.append(completion.text);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (tag->name().contains("!doctype",false)) //special case, list all the known document types
+ {
+ QStringList nickNames = DTDs::ref()->nickNameList(true);
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = nickNames.begin(); it != nickNames.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ completion.type = "doctypeList";
+ completion.text = *it;
+ tempCompletions.append(completion);
+ nameList.append(completion.text);
+ }
+ }
+ //below isn't fast, but enough here. May be better with QMap<QString, KTextEditor::CompletionEntry>
+ nameList.sort();
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = nameList.begin(); it != nameList.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ for (QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry>::Iterator compIt = tempCompletions.begin(); compIt != tempCompletions.end(); ++compIt)
+ {
+ if ( (*compIt).text == *it)
+ {
+ completions->append(*compIt);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Script:
+ {
+ completion.userdata = startsWith+"|"+tag->name();
+ completion.type = "script";
+ AttributeList *list = tag->attributes();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < list->count(); i++)
+ {
+ QString item = list->at(i)->name;
+ completion.text = item;
+ completion.comment = list->at(i)->type;
+ completions->append( completion );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // if (tag)
+// completionInProgress = true;
+ return completions;
+/** Return a list of valid attribute values for the given tag and attribute */
+QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry>* Document::getAttributeValueCompletions(const QString& tagName, const QString& attribute, const QString& startsWith )
+ QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry> *completions = new QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry>();
+ KTextEditor::CompletionEntry completion;
+ completion.type = "attributeValue";
+ completion.userdata = startsWith+"|"+tagName + "," + attribute;
+ bool deleteValues;
+ QStringList *values = tagAttributeValues(completionDTD->name,tagName, attribute, deleteValues);
+ if (attribute.lower() == "class")
+ {
+ if (!values)
+ {
+ values = new QStringList(quantaApp->selectors(tagName));
+ deleteValues = true;
+ }
+ } else
+ if (attribute.lower() == "id")
+ {
+ if (!values)
+ {
+ values = new QStringList(quantaApp->idSelectors());
+ deleteValues = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (values)
+ {
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = values->begin(); it != values->end(); ++it )
+ {
+ completion.text = *it;
+ if (completion.text.startsWith(startsWith))
+ {
+ completions->append( completion );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (deleteValues)
+ delete values;
+ int andSignPos = startsWith.find('&');
+ if (andSignPos != -1)
+ {
+ QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry> *charCompletions = getCharacterCompletions(startsWith.mid(andSignPos + 1));
+ *completions += *charCompletions;
+ delete charCompletions;
+ }
+// completionInProgress = true;
+ return completions;
+/** Return a list of character completions (like &nbsp; ...) */
+QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry>* Document::getCharacterCompletions(const QString& startsWith)
+ QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry> *completions = 0L;
+ QMap<QString, KTextEditor::CompletionEntry> completionMap;
+ //first search for entities defined in the document
+ const DTDStruct *dtdDTD = DTDs::ref()->find("dtd");
+ if (dtdDTD)
+ {
+ StructTreeGroup group;
+ for (uint j = 0; j < dtdDTD->structTreeGroups.count(); j++)
+ {
+ group = dtdDTD->structTreeGroups[j];
+ if (!group.autoCompleteAfterRx.pattern().isEmpty() &&
+"&") != -1)
+ {
+ uint line, col;
+ viewCursorIf->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col);
+ Node *node = parser->nodeAt(line, col, false);
+ completions = getGroupCompletions(node, group, line, col);
+ for (uint i = 0; i < completions->count(); i++)
+ {
+ (*completions)[i].type = "charCompletion";
+ (*completions)[i].userdata = (*completions)[i].text;
+ completionMap[(*completions)[i].text] = (*completions)[i];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!completions)
+ completions = new QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry>();
+ KTextEditor::CompletionEntry completion;
+ completion.type = "charCompletion";
+ //add the entities from the tag files
+ QDictIterator<QTag> it(*(completionDTD->tagsList));
+ for( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ QTag *tag = it.current();
+ if (tag->type == "entity")
+ {
+ QString tagName = tag->name(true);
+ if (tagName.upper().startsWith(startsWith.upper()) || startsWith.isEmpty())
+ {
+ completion.text = tagName;
+ completion.userdata = tagName;
+ completions->append( completion );
+ completionMap[tagName] = completion;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry> *completions2 = new QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry>();
+ for (QMap<QString, KTextEditor::CompletionEntry>::ConstIterator it = completionMap.constBegin(); it != completionMap.constEnd(); ++it)
+ {
+ completions2->append(;
+ }
+ delete completions;
+ completions = completions2;
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = charList.begin(); it != charList.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ completion.text = *it;
+ int begin = completion.text.find("(&") + 2;
+ if (begin == 1)
+ continue;
+ int length = completion.text.find(";)") - begin + 1;
+ QString s = completion.text.mid(begin, length - 1);
+ completion.text = s + " : " + completion.text.left(begin -2) + " - " + completion.text.mid(begin + length + 1);
+ if (s.startsWith(startsWith))
+ {
+ completion.userdata = s.mid(startsWith.length());
+ completions->append( completion );
+ }
+ }
+ return completions;
+/** Returns the DTD identifier for the document */
+QString Document::getDTDIdentifier()
+ return dtdName;
+/** Sets the DTD identifier */
+void Document::setDTDIdentifier(const QString &id)
+ dtdName = id.lower();
+ m_groupsForDTEPs.clear();
+/** Get a pointer to the current active DTD. If fallback is true, this always gives back a valid and known DTD pointer: the active, the document specified and in last case the application default document type. */
+const DTDStruct* Document::currentDTD(bool fallback)
+ uint line, col;
+ viewCursorIf->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col);
+ const DTDStruct *dtd = parser->currentDTD(line, col);
+ if (fallback && !dtd) return defaultDTD();
+ return dtd;
+/** Get a pointer to the default DTD (document, or app). */
+const DTDStruct* Document::defaultDTD() const
+ const DTDStruct* dtd = DTDs::ref()->find(dtdName);
+ if (!dtd) dtd = DTDs::ref()->find(Project::ref()->defaultDTD());
+ if (!dtd) dtd = DTDs::ref()->find(qConfig.defaultDocType); //this will always exists
+ return dtd;
+/** Find the DTD name for a part of the document. */
+QString Document::findDTDName(Tag **tag)
+ //Do some magic to find the document type
+ int endLine = editIf->numLines();
+ QString foundText = "";
+ int pos = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ int line, startPos;
+ QString text;
+ do
+ {
+ text = editIf->textLine(i);
+ //search for !DOCTYPE tags
+ pos = text.find("!doctype",0,false);
+ if (pos != -1) //parse the found !DOCTYPE tag
+ {
+ int bl, bc, el, ec;
+ line = i;
+ bl = line;
+ startPos = text.findRev('<',pos);
+ while (startPos == -1 && line >=0)
+ {
+ text = editIf->textLine(line);
+ startPos = text.findRev('<');
+ bl = line;
+ line--;
+ }
+ if (startPos == -1)
+ {
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ bc = startPos;
+ line = i;
+ text = editIf->textLine(i);
+ startPos = text.find('>',pos);
+ el = line;
+ while (startPos == -1 && line < endLine)
+ {
+ text = editIf->textLine(line);
+ startPos = text.find('>');
+ el = line;
+ line++;
+ }
+ if (startPos == -1)
+ {
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ ec = startPos + 1;
+ *tag = new Tag();
+ (*tag)->setTagPosition(bl, bc, el, ec);
+ text = this->text(bl, bc, el, ec);
+ (*tag)->parse(text, this);
+ (*tag)->type = Tag::XmlTag;
+ text.replace("\\\"", "\"");
+ pos = text.find("public",0,false);
+ if (pos == -1) //if no PUBLIC info, use the word after !DOCTYPE as the doc.type
+ {
+ foundText = (*tag)->attribute(0);
+ } else
+ { //use the quoted string after PUBLIC as doc. type
+ pos = text.find("\"", pos+1);
+ if (pos !=-1)
+ {
+ int endPos = text.find("\"",pos+1);
+ foundText = text.mid(pos+1, endPos-pos-1);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ } while (i < endLine);
+ return foundText.lower();
+/** Called whenever a user inputs text in a script type document. */
+bool Document::scriptAutoCompletion(int line, int column, const QString& insertedString)
+ bool handled = false;
+ Node *node = parser->nodeAt(line, column);
+ if (!node) //happens in some cases in CSS
+ return false;
+ if (node->tag->type == Tag::Comment)
+ return true; //nothing to do
+ const DTDStruct *dtd = node->tag->dtd();
+ if (node->prev)
+ node = node->prev;
+ else
+ if (node->parent)
+ node = node->parent;
+ int bl, bc;
+ node->tag->beginPos(bl, bc);
+ QString s = text(bl, bc, line, column);
+ if (QuantaCommon::insideCommentsOrQuotes(s.length() -1, s, dtd))
+ return true; //again, nothing to do
+ QString s2 = s;
+ int i = s.length() - 1;
+ while (i > 0 && s[i].isSpace())
+ i--;
+ while (i > 0 && (s[i].isLetterOrNumber() || s[i] == '_' ||
+ (completionDTD->minusAllowedInWord && s[i] == '-') ) )
+ i--;
+ QString startStr = s.mid(i + 1).stripWhiteSpace();
+ s = s.left(i + 1);
+ if (s[i] == completionDTD->attributeSeparator)
+ {
+ while (i > 0 && s[i] != completionDTD->attrAutoCompleteAfter)
+ i--;
+ s = s.left(i + 1);
+ } else
+ if (s[i] == completionDTD->tagSeparator)
+ {
+ while (i > 0 && s[i] != completionDTD->tagAutoCompleteAfter)
+ i--;
+ s = s.left(i + 1);
+ }
+ if ( s[i] == completionDTD->attrAutoCompleteAfter ||
+ s[i] == completionDTD->attributeSeparator ) //if we need to list the arguments of a function
+ {
+ QString textLine = s.left(i);
+ QString word = findWordRev(textLine, completionDTD);
+ QValueList<QTag *> tags;
+ if (!word.isEmpty())
+ {
+ tags.append(userTagList.find(word.lower()));
+ QDictIterator<QTag> it(*(completionDTD->tagsList));
+ for( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ if (it.currentKey() == word)
+ tags.append(it.current());
+ }
+ }
+ QStringList argList;
+ for (QValueList<QTag*>::ConstIterator it = tags.constBegin(); it != tags.constEnd(); ++it)
+ {
+ QTag *tag = *it;
+ if (!tag)
+ continue;
+ QString arguments;
+ if (tag->type != "property")
+ {
+ for (int i =0; i < tag->attributeCount(); i++)
+ {
+ Attribute* attr = tag->attributeAt(i);
+ if (attr->status == "optional")
+ {
+ arguments = arguments + "["+attr->type +" "+attr->name +"], ";
+ } else
+ {
+ arguments = arguments + attr->type +" "+attr->name +", ";
+ }
+ }
+ arguments = tag->returnType +" "+tag->name() + "("+arguments.left(arguments.length()-2)+")";
+ argList.append(arguments);
+ codeCompletionIf->showArgHint(argList, "()" , completionDTD->attributeSeparator);
+ argHintVisible = true;
+ } else
+ {
+ if (hintRequested)
+ {
+ arguments = tag->name() + ": " + tag->attributeAt(0)->name + ";";
+ argList.append(arguments);
+ codeCompletionIf->showArgHint(argList, ":;" , completionDTD->attributeSeparator);
+ } else
+ showCodeCompletions( getAttributeValueCompletions(tag->name(), tag->attributeAt(0)->name, startStr));
+ }
+ handled = true;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ StructTreeGroup group;
+ for (uint j = 0; j < completionDTD->structTreeGroups.count(); j++)
+ {
+ group = completionDTD->structTreeGroups[j];
+ if (!group.autoCompleteAfterRx.pattern().isEmpty() &&
+ ( != -1||
+ != -1) )
+ {
+ Node *node = parser->nodeAt(line, column, false);
+ showCodeCompletions(getGroupCompletions(node, group, line, column + 1));
+ handled = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !handled && !argHintVisible &&
+ (completionRequested ||
+ (s[i] == completionDTD->tagAutoCompleteAfter && (insertedString == " " || (insertedString[0] == completionDTD->tagAutoCompleteAfter && !completionDTD->requestSpaceBeforeTagAutoCompletion))) ||
+ completionDTD->tagAutoCompleteAfter == '\1' || (!completionDTD->memberAutoCompleteAfter.pattern().isEmpty() && completionDTD->memberAutoCompleteAfter.searchRev(s) != -1))
+ )
+ {
+ showCodeCompletions(getTagCompletions(line, column + 1));
+ handled = true;
+ }
+ return handled;
+/** Retrives the text from the specified rectangle. The KTextEditor::EditInterface::text seems to not
+work correctly. */
+QString Document::text(int bLine, int bCol, int eLine, int eCol) const
+ if (bLine > eLine)
+ {
+ int tmp = bLine;
+ bLine = eLine;
+ eLine = tmp;
+ tmp = bCol;
+ bCol = eCol;
+ eCol = tmp;
+ }
+ QString t = editIf->textLine(bLine);
+ if (bLine == eLine)
+ {
+ return t.mid(bCol, eCol-bCol +1);
+ }
+ t.remove(0, bCol);
+ t.append("\n");
+//TODO: This is slow if the area is big. We need to speed it up!!
+ for (int i = bLine+1; i < eLine ; i++)
+ {
+ t.append(editIf->textLine(i)+"\n");
+ }
+ t = t+editIf->textLine(eLine).left(eCol+1);
+ return t;
+//TODO: profile which one is used more often and time critical places and use
+//that one as the default and call from that one the other version
+QString Document::text(const AreaStruct &area) const
+ return text(area.bLine, area.bCol, area.eLine, area.eCol);
+QString Document::find(const QRegExp& regExp, int sLine, int sCol, int& fbLine, int&fbCol, int &feLine, int&feCol)
+ QRegExp rx = regExp;
+ QString foundText = "";
+ int maxLine = editIf->numLines();
+ QString textToSearch = text(sLine, sCol, sLine, editIf->lineLength(sLine));
+ int pos;
+ int line = sLine;
+ do
+ {
+ pos =;
+ if (pos == -1)
+ {
+/* if (line + STEP < maxLine)
+ {
+ line += STEP;
+ textToSearch.append("\n"+text(line - STEP + 1, 0, line, editIf->lineLength(line)));
+ } else*/
+ {
+ line ++;
+ if (line < maxLine) textToSearch.append("\n"+editIf->textLine(line));
+ }
+ }
+ } while (line < maxLine && pos == -1);
+// pos =, sCol, maxLine -1, 100));
+ if (pos != -1)
+ {
+ foundText = rx.cap();
+ QString s = textToSearch.left(pos);
+ int linesUntilFound = s.contains("\n");
+ fbLine = sLine + linesUntilFound;
+ fbCol = s.length()-s.findRev("\n")-1;
+ int linesInFound = foundText.contains("\n");
+ feCol = foundText.length()-foundText.findRev("\n")-2;
+ feLine = fbLine + linesInFound;
+ if (linesUntilFound == 0)
+ {
+ fbCol = fbCol + sCol;
+ }
+ if (linesInFound == 0)
+ {
+ feCol = feCol + fbCol;
+ }
+ if (fbCol < 0) fbCol = 0;
+ if (feCol < 0) feCol = 0;
+ s = text(fbLine, fbCol, feLine, feCol);
+ if (s != foundText) //debug, error
+ {
+ KMessageBox::error(this,"Found: "+foundText+"\nRead: "+s);
+ }
+ }
+ return foundText;
+QString Document::findRev(const QRegExp& regExp, int sLine, int sCol, int& fbLine, int&fbCol, int &feLine, int&feCol)
+ QRegExp rx = regExp;
+ QString foundText = "";
+ int pos = -1;
+ int line = sLine;
+ QString textToSearch = text(sLine, 0, sLine, sCol);
+ do
+ {
+ pos = rx.searchRev(textToSearch);
+ if (pos == -1)
+ {
+/* if (line - STEP >= 0)
+ {
+ textToSearch.prepend(text(line - STEP, 0, line - 1, editIf->lineLength(line-1)) + "\n");
+ line -= STEP;
+ } else */
+ {
+ line--;
+ if (line >=0) textToSearch.prepend(editIf->textLine(line) + "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ } while (line >=0 && pos == -1);
+ if (pos != -1)
+ {
+ foundText = rx.cap();
+ fbLine = line;
+ fbCol = pos;
+ int linesInFound = foundText.contains("\n");
+ feCol = foundText.length()-foundText.findRev("\n")-2;
+ feLine = fbLine + linesInFound;
+ if (linesInFound == 0)
+ {
+ feCol = feCol + fbCol;
+ }
+ if (fbCol < 0) fbCol = 0;
+ if (feCol < 0) feCol = 0;
+ QString s = text(fbLine, fbCol, feLine, feCol);
+ if (s != foundText) //debug, error
+ {
+ KMessageBox::error(this,"FindRev\nFound: "+foundText+"\nRead: "+s);
+ }
+ }
+ return foundText;
+/** Code completion was requested by the user. */
+void Document::codeCompletionRequested()
+ completionRequested = true;
+ completionInProgress = false;
+ argHintVisible = false;
+ hintRequested = false;
+ handleCodeCompletion();
+ completionRequested = false;
+void Document::handleCodeCompletion()
+ slotDelayedTextChanged(true);
+ bool handled = false;
+ uint line, col;
+ viewCursorIf->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col);
+ completionDTD = currentDTD();
+ if (completionDTD->family == Xml)
+ {
+ handled = xmlCodeCompletion(line, col);
+ }
+ if (completionDTD->family == Script)
+ {
+ if (completionDTD->tagAutoCompleteAfter == '\0')
+ completionDTD->tagAutoCompleteAfter = '\1';
+ handled = scriptAutoCompletion(line, col - 1, "");
+ if (completionDTD->tagAutoCompleteAfter == '\1')
+ completionDTD->tagAutoCompleteAfter = '\0';
+/* if (!handled)
+ {
+ completionDTD = defaultDTD();
+ QString s = text(line, 0, line, col).stripWhiteSpace();
+ if (s.findRev("<") != -1)
+ {
+ //showCodeCompletions(getTagCompletions(line, col + 1));
+ handled = true;
+ }
+ }*/
+ }
+ if (!handled)
+ {
+ completionDTD = defaultDTD();
+ if (completionDTD->family == Xml)
+ {
+ // xmlCodeCompletion(line, col);
+ xmlAutoCompletion(line, col, " ");
+ }
+ }
+ completionInProgress = true;
+/** Bring up the code completion tooltip. */
+void Document::codeCompletionHintRequested()
+ completionRequested = true;
+ slotDelayedTextChanged(true);
+ uint line, col;
+ viewCursorIf->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col);
+ completionDTD = currentDTD();
+ if (completionDTD->family == Script)
+ {
+// QString textLine = editIf->textLine(line).left(col);
+// int pos = textLine.findRev("(");
+// int pos2 = textLine.findRev(")");
+ //if (pos > pos2 )
+ hintRequested = true;
+ scriptAutoCompletion(line, col - 1, "");
+ }
+ completionRequested = false;
+QString Document::currentWord()
+ uint line, col;
+ viewCursorIf->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col);
+ QString textLine = editIf->textLine(line);
+ int startPos = textLine.findRev(QRegExp("\\W"), col);
+ int endPos = textLine.find(QRegExp("\\W"), col);
+ if (startPos == -1)
+ startPos = 0;
+ else
+ startPos++;
+ if (endPos == -1)
+ endPos = textLine.length();
+ return textLine.mid(startPos, endPos - startPos);
+/** Find the word until the first word boundary backwards */
+QString Document::findWordRev(const QString& textToSearch, const DTDStruct *dtd)
+ QString t = textToSearch;
+ while (t.endsWith(" "))
+ t = t.left(t.length()-1);
+ int startPos = -1;
+ int pos;
+ bool end = false;
+ do{
+ pos = t.findRev(QRegExp("\\W"), startPos);
+ if (t[pos] == '_' ||
+ (dtd && dtd->minusAllowedInWord && t[pos] == '-'))
+ {
+ startPos = pos - t.length()-1;
+ end = false;
+ } else
+ {
+ end = true;
+ }
+ } while (!end);
+ return t.remove(0,pos+1);
+/** Invoke code completion dialog for XML like tags according to the position (line, col), using DTD dtd. */
+bool Document::xmlCodeCompletion(int line, int col)
+ bool handled = false;
+ Node *node = parser->nodeAt(line, col);
+ if (node && node->tag && node->tag->type == Tag::XmlTag )
+ {
+ Tag *tag = node->tag;
+ int bLine, bCol;
+ tag->beginPos(bLine, bCol);
+ QString s;
+ int index;
+ QString tagName = tag->name.section('|', 0, 0).stripWhiteSpace();
+ int nameCol = bCol + tagName.length() + 1;
+ if (!tag->nameSpace.isEmpty())
+ nameCol += 1 + tag->nameSpace.length();
+ if (col > bCol && col <= nameCol) //we are inside a tag name, so show the possible tags
+ {
+ showCodeCompletions( getTagCompletions(line, col) );
+ handled = true;
+ } else
+ {
+ index = tag->valueIndexAtPos(line,col);
+ if (index != -1) //inside a value
+ {
+ s = tag->attribute(index);
+ if (s == "style" && completionDTD->insideDTDs.contains("css"))
+ {
+ completionDTD = DTDs::ref()->find("text/css");
+ return scriptAutoCompletion(line, col, "");
+ } else
+ {
+ tag->attributeValuePos(index, bLine, bCol);
+ s = tag->attributeValue(index).left(col - bCol);
+ showCodeCompletions( getAttributeValueCompletions(tagName, tag->attribute(index), s) );
+ handled = true;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ index = tag->attributeIndexAtPos(line,col);
+ s = text(line,col,line,col);
+ if (index != -1 || s ==" " || s==">" || s == "/") //inside an attribute or between attributes
+ {
+ if (index !=-1)
+ {
+ tag->attributeNamePos(index, bLine, bCol);
+ s = tag->attribute(index).left(col - bCol);
+ } else
+ {
+ s = text(line, 0, line, col -1);
+ s = s.section(' ', -1);
+ }
+ showCodeCompletions( getAttributeCompletions(tagName, s) );
+ handled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!handled)
+ {
+ QString s = editIf->textLine(line).left(col);
+ int pos = s.findRev('&');
+ if (pos != -1)
+ {
+ s = s.mid(pos + 1);
+ if (!s.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty())
+ {
+ //complete character codes
+ showCodeCompletions(getCharacterCompletions(s));
+ handled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return handled;
+void Document::slotCompletionAborted()
+ completionInProgress = false;
+ argHintVisible = false;
+/** Ask for user confirmation if the file was changed outside. */
+void Document::checkDirtyStatus()
+ QString fileName;
+ if (url().isLocalFile())
+ fileName = url().path();
+ if (m_dirty)
+ {
+ createTempFile();
+ if (!fileName.isEmpty())
+ {
+ QDateTime modifTime = QFileInfo(fileName).lastModified();
+ if (modifTime == m_modifTime)
+ m_dirty = false;
+ }
+ if (m_dirty)
+ {
+ if (m_md5sum.isEmpty())
+ {
+ QFile f(fileName);
+ if (
+ {
+ const char* c = "";
+ KMD5 context(c);
+ context.reset();
+ context.update(f);
+ m_md5sum = context.hexDigest();
+ f.close();
+ }
+ m_dirty = false;
+ } else
+ {
+ //check if the file is changed, also by file content. Might help to reduce
+ //unwanted warning on NFS
+ QFile f(fileName);
+ if (
+ {
+ QString md5sum;
+ const char* c = "";
+ KMD5 context(c);
+ context.reset();
+ context.update(f);
+ md5sum = context.hexDigest();
+ kdDebug(24000) << "MD5 sum of current doc: " << m_md5sum << endl;
+ kdDebug(24000) << "MD5 sum of doc on disc : " << md5sum << endl;
+ if (md5sum == m_md5sum)
+ {
+ m_dirty = false;
+ }
+ f.close();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_dirty)
+ {
+ DirtyDlg *dlg = new DirtyDlg(url().path(), m_tempFileName, false, this);
+ DirtyDialog *w = static_cast<DirtyDialog*>(dlg->mainWidget());
+ QString kompareStr = KStandardDirs::findExe("kompare");
+ if (kompareStr.isEmpty())
+ {
+ w->buttonCompare->setEnabled(false);
+ w->buttonLoad->setChecked(true);
+ }
+ if (dlg->exec())
+ {
+ m_doc->setModified(false);
+ openURL(url());
+ }
+ m_modifTime = QFileInfo(fileName).lastModified();
+ delete dlg;
+ }
+ closeTempFile();
+ m_dirty = false;
+ }
+/** Save the document and reset the dirty status. */
+void Document::save()
+ if (url().isLocalFile())
+ {
+ QString fileName;
+ fileName = url().path();
+ fileWatcher->removeFile(fileName);
+// kdDebug(24000) << "removeFile[save]: " << fileName << endl;
+ m_doc->save();
+ m_dirty = false;
+ m_modifTime = QFileInfo(fileName).lastModified();
+ fileWatcher->addFile(fileName);
+// kdDebug(24000) << "addFile[save]: " << fileName << endl;
+ } else
+ {
+ m_doc->save();
+ m_dirty = false;
+ }
+// kdDebug(24000) << "Document " << url() << " saved." << endl;
+bool Document::saveAs(const KURL& url)
+ bool result = m_doc->saveAs(url);
+ if (result)
+ {
+ m_md5sum = "";
+ if (url.isLocalFile())
+ {
+ QFile f(url.path());
+ if (
+ {
+ const char* c = "";
+ KMD5 context(c);
+ context.reset();
+ context.update(f);
+ m_md5sum = context.hexDigest();
+ f.close();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+void Document::enableGroupsForDTEP(const QString& dtepName, bool enable)
+ if (m_groupsForDTEPs.isEmpty())
+ m_groupsForDTEPs = m_DTEPList;
+ if (enable)
+ {
+ if (m_groupsForDTEPs.contains(dtepName) == 0)
+ m_groupsForDTEPs.append(dtepName);
+ } else
+ {
+ m_groupsForDTEPs.remove(dtepName);
+ }
+void Document::resetGroupsForDTEPList()
+ m_groupsForDTEPs.clear();
+/** Returns true if the number of " (excluding \") inside text is even. */
+bool Document::evenQuotes(const QString &text)
+ int num = text.contains(QRegExp("[^\\\\]\""));
+ return (num /2 *2 == num);
+void Document::slotTextChanged()
+ changed = true;
+ parser->setSAParserEnabled(false); //disable special area parsing if the text was changed.
+ if (reparseEnabled && delayedTextChangedEnabled)
+ {
+ kdDebug(24000) << "Delayed text changed called." << endl;
+ //delay the handling, otherwise we may get wrong values for (line,column)
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotDelayedTextChanged()));
+ delayedTextChangedEnabled = false;
+ }
+void Document::slotDelayedTextChanged(bool forced)
+ if (!forced && typingInProgress)
+ {
+ kdDebug(24000) << "Reparsing delayed!" << endl;
+ parser->setParsingNeeded(true);
+ QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(slotDelayedTextChanged()));
+ reparseEnabled = false;
+ delayedTextChangedEnabled = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ uint line, column;
+ QString oldNodeName = "";
+ Node *node;
+ Node *currentNode = 0L; //holds a copy of the node which is at (line,column)
+ Node *previousNode = 0L;//holds a copy of the node before currentNode
+ if (qConfig.updateClosingTags)
+ {
+ viewCursorIf->cursorPositionReal(&line, &column);
+ node = parser->nodeAt(line, column, false);
+ if (node &&
+ ((node->tag->type == Tag::XmlTag && !node->tag->single) ||
+ node->tag->type == Tag::XmlTagEnd)
+ )
+ {
+ Tag *tag;
+ tag = new Tag(*node->tag);
+ currentNode = new Node(0L);
+ currentNode->removeAll = false;
+ currentNode->tag = tag;
+ node = node->previousSibling();
+ if (node)
+ {
+ tag = new Tag(*node->tag);
+ previousNode = new Node(0L);
+ previousNode->removeAll = false;
+ previousNode->tag = tag;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ parser->setSAParserEnabled(true); //enable special area parsing, it was disabled in slotTextChanged()
+ baseNode = parser->rebuild(this);
+ if (qConfig.updateClosingTags && currentNode)
+ {
+ viewCursorIf->cursorPositionReal(&line, &column);
+ node = parser->nodeAt(line, column, false);
+ if (node &&
+ node->tag->nameSpace + node->tag->name != currentNode->tag->nameSpace + currentNode->tag->name &&
+ ((node->tag->type == Tag::XmlTag && !node->tag->single) || node->tag->type == Tag::XmlTagEnd) && node->tag->validXMLTag)
+ {
+ int bl, bc, bl2, bc2;
+ node->tag->beginPos(bl, bc);
+ currentNode->tag->beginPos(bl2,bc2);
+ if ( (bl != bl2 || bc !=bc2) && previousNode)
+ {
+ previousNode->tag->beginPos(bl2, bc2);
+ Node::deleteNode(currentNode);
+ currentNode = previousNode;
+ previousNode = 0L;
+ } else
+ {
+ Node::deleteNode(previousNode);
+ previousNode = 0L;
+ }
+ if (bl == bl2 && bc == bc2 &&
+ ((node->tag->type == Tag::XmlTag && !node->tag->single) || currentNode->tag->type == Tag::XmlTagEnd))
+ {
+ QString newName = node->tag->name;
+ bool updateClosing = (currentNode->tag->type == Tag::XmlTag) && !newName.startsWith("!");
+ int num = 1;
+ if (!node->tag->nameSpace.isEmpty())
+ newName.prepend(node->tag->nameSpace + ":");
+ if (updateClosing)
+ node = node->nextSibling();
+ else
+ node = node->previousSibling();
+ while (node)
+ {
+ if (node->tag->validXMLTag && ((node->tag->type == Tag::XmlTag && !node->tag->single) || node->tag->type == Tag::XmlTagEnd))
+ {
+ if (node->tag->nameSpace + node->tag->name == currentNode->tag->nameSpace + currentNode->tag->name )
+ {
+ num++;
+ }
+ if ( (updateClosing && QuantaCommon::closesTag(currentNode->tag, node->tag)) ||
+ (!updateClosing && QuantaCommon::closesTag(node->tag, currentNode->tag)) )
+ {
+ num--;
+ }
+ if (num == 0)
+ {
+ reparseEnabled = false;
+ node->tag->beginPos(bl, bc);
+ bc++;
+ if(editIfExt)
+ editIfExt->editBegin();
+ int len = node->tag->name.length();
+ if (!node->tag->nameSpace.isEmpty())
+ len += 1 + node->tag->nameSpace.length();
+ editIf->removeText(bl, bc, bl, bc + len);
+ if (updateClosing)
+ {
+ editIf->insertText(bl, bc, "/"+newName);
+ } else
+ {
+ editIf->insertText(bl, bc, newName.mid(1));
+ if (bl == (int)line)
+ {
+ column += (newName.length() - currentNode->tag->name.length());
+ }
+ }
+ if(editIfExt)
+ editIfExt->editEnd();
+ viewCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal(bl, bc);
+ docUndoRedo->mergeNextModifsSet();
+ baseNode = parser->parse(this, true);
+ viewCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal(line, column);
+ reparseEnabled = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (updateClosing)
+ node = node->nextSibling();
+ else
+ node = node->previousSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Node::deleteNode(currentNode);
+ Node::deleteNode(previousNode);
+ }
+ quantaApp->slotNewLineColumn();
+ if (qConfig.instantUpdate && quantaApp->structTreeVisible())
+ {
+ typingInProgress = false;
+ StructTreeView::ref()->slotReparse(this, baseNode , qConfig.expandLevel);
+ }
+ reparseEnabled = true;
+ delayedTextChangedEnabled = true;
+/** Returns list of values for attribute */
+QStringList* Document::tagAttributeValues(const QString& dtdName, const QString& tag, const QString &attribute, bool &deleteResult)
+ QStringList *values = 0L;
+ deleteResult = true;
+ const DTDStruct* dtd = DTDs::ref()->find(dtdName);
+ if (dtd)
+ {
+ QString searchForAttr = (dtd->caseSensitive) ? attribute : attribute.upper();
+ AttributeList* attrs = QuantaCommon::tagAttributes(dtdName, tag);
+ if (attrs)
+ {
+ Attribute *attr;
+ KURL u;
+ KURL base = url();
+ base.setPath(,false));
+ QString s;
+ for ( attr = attrs->first(); attr; attr = attrs->next() )
+ {
+ QString attrName = (dtd->caseSensitive) ? attr->name : attr->name.upper();
+ if (attrName == searchForAttr)
+ {
+ if (attr->type == "url") {
+ Project *project = Project::ref();
+ if (project->hasProject())
+ {
+ values = new QStringList(project->fileNameList());
+ for (uint i = 0; i < values->count(); i++)
+ {
+ u = (*values)[i];
+ u = QExtFileInfo::toRelative(u, base);
+ (*values)[i] = u.path();
+ }
+ values->remove(values->at(0));
+ values->append("mailto:" + project->email());
+ } else
+ {
+ QDir dir = QDir(url().directory());
+ values = new QStringList(dir.entryList());
+ }
+ break;
+ } else {
+ values = &attr->values;
+ deleteResult = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return values;
+bool Document::hasChanged()
+ bool b = changed;
+ changed = false;
+ return b;
+void Document::setChanged(bool newStatus)
+ changed = newStatus;
+void Document::paste()
+ reparseEnabled = false;
+ dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::ClipboardInterface*>(view())->paste();
+ reparseEnabled = true;
+ baseNode = parser->rebuild(this);
+/** returns all the areas that are between tag and it's closing pair */
+QStringList Document::tagAreas(const QString& tag, bool includeCoordinates, bool skipFoundContent)
+ Node *node = baseNode;
+ int bl, bc, el, ec;
+ QStringList result;
+ while (node)
+ {
+ if (node->tag->type == Tag::XmlTag)
+ {
+ if ( (node->tag->dtd()->caseSensitive && node->tag->name == tag) ||
+ (!node->tag->dtd()->caseSensitive && node->tag->name.lower() == tag.lower()) )
+ {
+ node->tag->beginPos(bl, bc);
+ if (node->next)
+ node->next->tag->endPos(el, ec);
+ else
+ {
+ el = editIf->numLines()-1;
+ ec = editIf->lineLength(el);
+ }
+ QString s = text(bl, bc, el, ec);
+ if (includeCoordinates)
+ {
+ s.prepend(QString("%1,%2,%3,%4\n").arg(bl).arg(bc).arg(el).arg(ec));
+ }
+ result += s;
+ if (skipFoundContent)
+ node = node->next;
+ else
+ node = node->nextSibling();
+ } else
+ node = node->nextSibling();
+ } else
+ node = node->nextSibling();
+ }
+ return result;
+void Document::activateRepaintView(bool activation)
+ repaintEnabled = activation;
+ m_view->setUpdatesEnabled(activation);
+void Document::setErrorMark(int line)
+ if (!markIf)
+ return;
+ markIf->addMark(line, KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType07);
+void Document::clearErrorMarks()
+ if (!markIf)
+ return;
+ QPtrList<KTextEditor::Mark> marks = markIf->marks();
+ KTextEditor::Mark* mark;
+ for (mark = marks.first(); mark; mark =
+ {
+ if (mark->type & KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType07)
+ markIf->removeMark(mark->line, KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType07);
+ }
+QString Document::backupPathEntryValue()
+ return m_backupPathValue;
+void Document::setBackupPathEntryValue(const QString& ev)
+ m_backupPathValue = ev;
+/** if the document is modified then backup it and insert an entry in quantarc */
+void Document::createBackup(KConfig* config)
+ if (isModified())
+ {
+ if (isUntitled())
+ {
+ m_backupPathValue = qConfig.backupDirPath + untitledUrl + "." + hashFilePath("file:///" + untitledUrl) + "U";
+ } else
+ {
+ m_backupPathValue = qConfig.backupDirPath + url().fileName() + "." + hashFilePath(url().url());
+ }
+ QString backupPathValueURL = KURL::fromPathOrURL(m_backupPathValue).url();
+ //the encoding used for the current document
+ QString encoding = quantaApp->defaultEncoding();
+ if (encodingIf)
+ encoding = encodingIf->encoding();
+ if (encoding.isEmpty())
+ encoding = "utf8"; //final fallback
+ //creates an entry string in quantarc if it does not exist yet
+ config->setGroup("General Options");
+ QStringList backedupFilesEntryList = QuantaCommon::readPathListEntry(config, "List of backedup files"); //the files that were backedup
+ QStringList autosavedFilesEntryList = QuantaCommon::readPathListEntry(config, "List of autosaved files"); //the list of actual backup files inside $KDEHOME/share/apps/quanta/backups
+ if (!autosavedFilesEntryList.contains(backupPathValueURL)) //not yet backed up, add an entry for this file
+ {
+ autosavedFilesEntryList.append(backupPathValueURL);
+ config->writePathEntry("List of autosaved files", autosavedFilesEntryList);
+ if (!isUntitled())
+ backedupFilesEntryList.append(KURL::fromPathOrURL(url().path() + "." + qConfig.quantaPID).url());
+ else
+ backedupFilesEntryList.append(url().url() + "." + qConfig.quantaPID);
+ config->writePathEntry("List of backedup files", backedupFilesEntryList);
+ config->sync();
+ }
+ //creates a copy of this specific document
+ QFile file(m_backupPathValue);
+ if (
+ {
+ QTextStream stream(&file);
+ stream.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName(encoding));
+ stream << editIf->text();
+ file.close();
+ }
+ }
+/** if there is no more need for a backup copy then remove it */
+void Document::removeBackup(KConfig *config)
+ QString backupPathValueURL = KURL::fromPathOrURL(m_backupPathValue).url();
+ config->reparseConfiguration();
+ config->setGroup("General Options");
+ QStringList backedupFilesEntryList = QuantaCommon::readPathListEntry(config, "List of backedup files");
+ QStringList autosavedFilesEntryList = QuantaCommon::readPathListEntry(config, "List of autosaved files");
+ autosavedFilesEntryList.remove(backupPathValueURL);
+ config->writePathEntry("List of autosaved files", autosavedFilesEntryList);
+ backedupFilesEntryList.remove(KURL::fromPathOrURL(url().path() + "." + qConfig.quantaPID).url());
+ config->writePathEntry("List of backedup files", backedupFilesEntryList);
+ config->sync();
+ if(QFile::exists(m_backupPathValue))
+ QFile::remove(m_backupPathValue);
+/** creates a string by hashing a bit the path string of this document */
+QString Document::hashFilePath(const QString& p)
+ switch(p.length())
+ {
+ case 1: {
+ int c = int(p[0]);
+ return QString::number(c, 10) + "P" + qConfig.quantaPID;
+ }
+ case 2: {
+ int c = int(p[1]) * 2;
+ return QString::number(c, 10) + "P" + qConfig.quantaPID;
+ }
+ default: {
+ int sign = 1,
+ sum = 0;
+ uint plen = p.length();
+ for (uint i = 0; i+1 < plen; i++)
+ {
+ sum += int(p[i]) + int(p[i + 1]) * sign;
+ sign *= -1;
+ }
+ if( sum >= 0 )
+ return QString::number(sum, 10) + "P" + qConfig.quantaPID;
+ else
+ return QString::number(sum*(-1), 10) + "N" + qConfig.quantaPID;
+ }
+ }
+void Document::convertCase()
+ int tagCase = 0;
+ int attrCase = 0;
+ KDialogBase dlg(this, 0L, false, i18n("Change Tag & Attribute Case"), KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Cancel);
+ CaseWidget w(&dlg);
+ dlg.setMainWidget(&w);
+ const DTDStruct *dtd = defaultDTD();
+ switch (qConfig.attrCase)
+ {
+ case 1: {w.lowerAttr->setChecked(true); break;}
+ case 2: {w.upperAttr->setChecked(true); break;}
+ default:{w.unchangedAttr->setChecked(true); break;}
+ }
+ switch (qConfig.tagCase)
+ {
+ case 1: {w.lowerTag->setChecked(true); break;}
+ case 2: {w.upperTag->setChecked(true); break;}
+ default:{w.unchangedTag->setChecked(true); break;}
+ }
+ if (dlg.exec())
+ {
+ KProgressDialog progressDlg(this, 0, i18n("Working..."));
+ progressDlg.setLabel(i18n("Changing tag and attribute case. This may take some time, depending on the document complexity."));
+ progressDlg.setAllowCancel(false);
+ kapp->eventLoop()->processEvents( QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput | QEventLoop::ExcludeSocketNotifiers);
+ KProgress *pBar = progressDlg.progressBar();
+ pBar->setValue(0);
+ pBar->setTotalSteps(nodeNum);
+ pBar->setTextEnabled(true);
+ if (w.lowerTag->isChecked())
+ tagCase = 1;
+ if (w.upperTag->isChecked())
+ tagCase = 2;
+ if (w.lowerAttr->isChecked())
+ attrCase = 1;
+ if (w.upperAttr->isChecked())
+ attrCase = 2;
+ if (tagCase == 0 && attrCase == 0)
+ return;
+ reparseEnabled = false;
+ int bl, bc, ec;
+ uint line, col;
+ viewCursorIf->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col);
+ Node *node = baseNode;
+ while (node)
+ {
+ pBar->advance(1);
+ if (node->tag->dtd() == dtd)
+ {
+ if (tagCase !=0)
+ {
+ if(editIfExt)
+ editIfExt->editBegin();
+ node->tag->namePos(bl, bc);
+ ec = bc + node->tag->name.length();
+ editIf->removeText(bl, bc, bl, ec);
+ viewCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal(bl, bc);
+ QString newName = node->tag->name;
+ if (tagCase == 1)
+ newName = newName.lower();
+ else if (tagCase == 2)
+ newName = newName.upper();
+ editIf->insertText(bl, bc, newName);
+ if(editIfExt)
+ editIfExt->editEnd();
+ }
+ if (attrCase != 0)
+ {
+ QString newName;
+ for (int i = 0; i < node->tag->attrCount(); i++)
+ {
+ if(editIfExt)
+ editIfExt->editBegin();
+ node->tag->attributeNamePos(i, bl, bc);
+ newName = node->tag->attribute(i);
+ ec = bc + newName.length();
+ editIf->removeText(bl, bc, bl, ec);
+ if (attrCase == 1)
+ newName = newName.lower();
+ else if (attrCase == 2)
+ newName = newName.upper();
+ editIf->insertText(bl, bc, newName);
+ if(editIfExt)
+ editIfExt->editEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ node = node->nextSibling();
+ }
+ reparseEnabled = true;
+ viewCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal(line, col);
+ quantaApp->reparse(true);
+ }
+void Document::open(const KURL &url, const QString &encoding)
+ if (encodingIf)
+ {
+ encodingIf->setEncoding(encoding);
+ m_encoding = encoding;
+ m_codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(m_encoding);
+ }
+ connect(m_doc, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotOpeningCompleted()));
+ connect(m_doc, SIGNAL(canceled(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotOpeningFailed(const QString&)));
+ if (!openURL(url))
+ slotOpeningFailed(QString::null);
+ if (!url.isLocalFile())
+ {
+ QExtFileInfo internalFileInfo;
+ internalFileInfo.enter_loop();
+ }
+void Document::slotOpeningCompleted()
+ KURL u = url();
+ if (!u.isLocalFile())
+ {
+ m_modifTime = QDateTime();
+ qApp->exit_loop();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fileWatcher->addFile(u.path());
+ m_modifTime = QFileInfo(u.path()).lastModified();
+// kdDebug(24000) << "addFile[Document::open]: " << u.path() << endl;
+ }
+ disconnect(m_doc, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotOpeningCompleted()));
+ disconnect(m_doc, SIGNAL(canceled(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotOpeningFailed(const QString&)));
+ m_dirty = false;
+ m_view->setFocus();
+ processDTD();
+ emit openingCompleted(u);
+void Document::slotOpeningFailed(const QString &errorMessage)
+ m_md5sum = "";
+ Q_UNUSED(errorMessage); //TODO: append the error message to our own error message
+ if (!url().isLocalFile())
+ qApp->exit_loop();
+ disconnect(m_doc, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotOpeningCompleted()));
+ disconnect(m_doc, SIGNAL(canceled(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotOpeningFailed(const QString&)));
+ emit openingFailed(url());
+void Document::processDTD(const QString& documentType)
+ QString foundName;
+ QString projectDTD = Project::ref()->defaultDTD();
+ setDTDIdentifier(projectDTD);
+ Tag *tag = 0L;
+ if (documentType.isEmpty())
+ {
+ foundName = findDTDName(&tag); //look up the whole file for DTD definition
+ bool found = false;
+ if (!foundName.isEmpty()) //!DOCTYPE found in file
+ {
+ KDialogBase dlg(this, 0L, true, i18n("DTD Selector"), KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Cancel);
+ DTDSelectDialog *dtdWidget = new DTDSelectDialog(&dlg);
+ dlg.setMainWidget(dtdWidget);
+ QStringList lst = DTDs::ref()->nickNameList(true);
+ QString foundNickName = DTDs::ref()->getDTDNickNameFromName(foundName);
+ for (uint i = 0; i < lst.count(); i++)
+ {
+ dtdWidget->dtdCombo->insertItem(lst[i]);
+ if (lst[i] == foundNickName)
+ {
+ setDTDIdentifier(foundName);
+ found =true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!DTDs::ref()->find(foundName))
+ {
+ //try to find the closest matching DTD
+ QString s = foundName.lower();
+ uint spaceNum = s.contains(' ');
+ QStringList dtdList = DTDs::ref()->nameList();
+ QStringList lastDtdList;
+ for (uint i = 0; i <= spaceNum && !dtdList.empty(); i++)
+ {
+ lastDtdList = dtdList;
+ QStringList::Iterator strIt = dtdList.begin();
+ while (strIt != dtdList.end())
+ {
+ if (!(*strIt).startsWith(s.section(' ', 0, i)))
+ {
+ strIt = dtdList.remove(strIt);
+ } else
+ {
+ ++strIt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dtdList = lastDtdList;
+ for (uint i = 0; i <= spaceNum && !dtdList.empty(); i++)
+ {
+ lastDtdList = dtdList;
+ QStringList::Iterator strIt = dtdList.begin();
+ while (strIt != dtdList.end())
+ {
+ if (!(*strIt).endsWith(s.section(' ', -(i+1), -1)))
+ {
+ strIt = dtdList.remove(strIt);
+ } else
+ {
+ ++strIt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (lastDtdList.count() == 1 || lastDtdList[0].startsWith(s.section(' ', 0, 0)))
+ {
+ projectDTD = lastDtdList[0];
+ }
+ }
+// dlg->dtdCombo->insertItem(i18n("Create New DTD Info"));
+ dtdWidget->messageLabel->setText(i18n("This DTD is not known for Quanta. Choose a DTD or create a new one."));
+ dtdWidget->currentDTD->setText(DTDs::ref()->getDTDNickNameFromName(foundName));
+ QString projectDTDNickName = DTDs::ref()->getDTDNickNameFromName(projectDTD);
+ for (int i = 0; i < dtdWidget->dtdCombo->count(); i++)
+ {
+ if (dtdWidget->dtdCombo->text(i) == projectDTDNickName)
+ {
+ dtdWidget->dtdCombo->setCurrentItem(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found && qConfig.showDTDSelectDialog)
+ {
+ quantaApp->slotHideSplash();
+ if (dlg.exec())
+ {
+ qConfig.showDTDSelectDialog = !dtdWidget->useClosestMatching->isChecked();
+ setDTDIdentifier(DTDs::ref()->getDTDNameFromNickName(dtdWidget->dtdCombo->currentText()));
+ const DTDStruct *dtd = DTDs::ref()->find(dtdName);
+ if (dtdWidget->convertDTD->isChecked() && dtd->family == Xml)
+ {
+ int bLine, bCol, eLine, eCol;
+ tag->beginPos(bLine,bCol);
+ tag->endPos(eLine,eCol);
+ editIf->removeText(bLine, bCol, eLine, eCol+1);
+ viewCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal((uint)bLine, (uint)bCol);
+ insertText("<!DOCTYPE" + dtd->doctypeStr +">");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else //DOCTYPE not found in file
+ {
+ KURL u = url();
+ QString dtdId = DTDs::ref()->DTDforURL(u)->name;
+// if (dtdId == "empty")
+ {
+ const DTDStruct * dtd = DTDs::ref()->find(projectDTD);
+ if (DTDs::canHandle(dtd, u))
+ dtdId = projectDTD;
+ else
+ {
+ dtd = DTDs::ref()->find(qConfig.defaultDocType);
+ if (DTDs::canHandle(dtd, u))
+ dtdId = qConfig.defaultDocType;
+ }
+ }
+ setDTDIdentifier(dtdId);
+ }
+ } else //dtdName is read from the method's parameter
+ {
+ setDTDIdentifier(documentType);
+ }
+ if (!isUntitled())
+ {
+ quantaApp->messageOutput()->showMessage(i18n("\"%1\" is used for \"%2\".\n").arg(DTDs::ref()->getDTDNickNameFromName(dtdName)).arg(url().prettyURL(0, KURL::StripFileProtocol)));
+ }
+ quantaApp->slotLoadToolbarForDTD(dtdName);
+ StructTreeView::ref()->useOpenLevelSetting = true;
+ delete tag;
+/** Called when a file on the disk has changed. */
+void Document::slotFileDirty(const QString& fileName)
+ if ( url().path() == fileName && !dirty() )
+ {
+ setDirtyStatus(true);
+ if (this == ViewManager::ref()->activeDocument())
+ {
+ checkDirtyStatus();
+ }
+ }
+void Document::slotMarkChanged(KTextEditor::Mark mark, KTextEditor::MarkInterfaceExtension::MarkChangeAction action)
+ if(mark.type & KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType02)
+ {
+ if(action == KTextEditor::MarkInterfaceExtension::MarkRemoved)
+ emit breakpointUnmarked(this, mark.line);
+ else
+ emit breakpointMarked(this, mark.line);
+ }
+void Document::resetDTEPs()
+ m_DTEPList.clear();
+ m_DTEPList.append(defaultDTD()->name);
+void Document::addDTEP(const QString &dtepName)
+ if (m_DTEPList.contains(dtepName) == 0)
+ {
+ m_DTEPList.append(dtepName);
+ }
+QStringList Document::groupsForDTEPs()
+ if (m_groupsForDTEPs.isEmpty())
+ return m_DTEPList;
+ else
+ return m_groupsForDTEPs;
+QString Document::annotationText(uint line)
+ QMap<uint, QPair<QString, QString> >::Iterator it = m_annotations.find(line);
+ if (it != m_annotations.end())
+ return;
+ else
+ return QString::null;
+void Document::setAnnotationText(uint line, const QString& text)
+ if (text.isEmpty())
+ {
+ m_annotations.remove(line);
+ if (markIf)
+ markIf->removeMark(line, KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType08);
+ } else
+ {
+ m_annotations.insert(line, qMakePair(text, QString("")));
+ if (markIf)
+ markIf->setMark(line, KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType08);
+ uint line, column;
+ viewCursorIf->cursorPositionReal(&line, &column);
+ viewCursorIf->setCursorPositionReal(line, 0);
+ const DTDStruct *dtd = currentDTD(true);
+ QString commentBegin = "";
+ QString commentEnd = "";
+ for (QMap<QString, QString>::ConstIterator it = dtd->comments.constBegin(); it != dtd->comments.constEnd(); ++it)
+ {
+ commentBegin = it.key();
+ commentEnd =;
+ if (commentEnd != "\n")
+ break;
+ }
+ if (commentBegin.isEmpty())
+ {
+ if (dtd->family == Xml)
+ {
+ commentBegin = "<!--";
+ commentEnd = "-->";
+ } else
+ {
+ commentBegin = "/*";
+ commentEnd = "*/";
+ }
+ }
+ QString s = "@annotation: " + text;
+ s.prepend(commentBegin + " ");
+ s.append(" " + commentEnd + "\n");
+ insertText(s, true, true);
+ emit showAnnotation(line, "", qMakePair(text, QString("")));
+ }
+void Document::addAnnotation(uint line, const QPair<QString, QString>& annotation)
+ m_annotations.insert(line, annotation);
+ if (markIf)
+ markIf->setMark(line, KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType08);
+ emit showAnnotation(line, "", annotation);
+void Document::clearAnnotations()
+ if (markIf)
+ {
+ QPtrList<KTextEditor::Mark> m = markIf->marks();
+ for (uint i=0; i < m.count(); i++)
+ markIf->removeMark(>line, KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType08 );
+ }
+ m_annotations.clear();
+bool Document::openURL(const KURL& url)
+ m_md5sum = "";
+ if (url.isLocalFile())
+ {
+ QFile f(url.path());
+ if (
+ {
+ const char* c = "";
+ KMD5 context(c);
+ context.reset();
+ context.update(f);
+ m_md5sum = context.hexDigest();
+ f.close();
+ }
+ }
+ return m_doc->openURL(url);
+#include "document.moc"