path: root/quanta/src/quanta_init.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'quanta/src/quanta_init.cpp')
1 files changed, 1631 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/quanta/src/quanta_init.cpp b/quanta/src/quanta_init.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91f9f043
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quanta/src/quanta_init.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1631 @@
+ quanta.cpp - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : ?? ??? 9 13:29:57 EEST 2000
+ copyright : (C) 2000 by Dmitry Poplavsky & Alexander Yakovlev <[email protected],[email protected]>
+ (C) 2001-2004 by Andras Mantia <[email protected]>
+ (C) 2000, 2003 by Eric Laffoon <[email protected]>
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+// include files for QT
+#include <qdir.h>
+#include <qprinter.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qtabwidget.h>
+#include <qwidgetstack.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qeventloop.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <qdom.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <qtextcodec.h>
+#include <qpopupmenu.h>
+#include <qdatetime.h>
+#include <qradiobutton.h>
+// include files for KDE
+#include <dcopclient.h>
+#include <kaccel.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kfiledialog.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <kmenubar.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <khtmlview.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kstatusbar.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kstdaction.h>
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include <kprogress.h>
+#include <ktip.h>
+#include <kio/netaccess.h>
+#include <ktabwidget.h>
+#include <kmultitabbar.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/view.h>
+#include "wkafkapart.h"
+#include "kafkacommon.h"
+#include "undoredo.h"
+#include <dom/dom_string.h>
+// application specific includes
+#include "quanta_init.h"
+#include "quanta.h"
+#include "viewmanager.h"
+#include "quantadoc.h"
+#include "resource.h"
+#include "document.h"
+#include "qextfileinfo.h"
+#include "project.h"
+#include "debuggermanager.h"
+#include "wkafkapart.h"
+#include "whtmlpart.h"
+#include "annotationoutput.h"
+#include "messageoutput.h"
+#include "tagaction.h"
+#include "filestreeview.h"
+#include "projecttreeview.h"
+#include "doctreeview.h"
+#include "structtreeview.h"
+#include "templatestreeview.h"
+#include "tagattributetree.h"
+#include "scripttreeview.h"
+#include "toolbartabwidget.h"
+#include "cvsservice.h"
+#include "quantaplugin.h"
+#include "quantaplugininterface.h"
+#include "parser.h"
+#include "filemasks.h"
+#include "dirtydlg.h"
+#include "dirtydialog.h"
+#include "dtds.h"
+#include "qpevents.h"
+#include "quantabookmarks.h"
+#include "tagactionmanager.h"
+#include "tagactionset.h"
+extern QMap<int, QString> replacementMap;
+QuantaInit::QuantaInit(QuantaApp * quantaApp)
+ : QObject()
+ m_quanta = quantaApp;
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(hideSplash()), m_quanta, SLOT(slotHideSplash()));
+/** Delayed initialization. */
+void QuantaInit::initQuanta()
+ m_config = quantaApp->m_config;
+ parser = new Parser();
+ QStringList tmpDirs = KGlobal::dirs()->resourceDirs("tmp");
+ QDir dir;
+ tmpDir = tmpDirs[0];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < tmpDirs.count(); i++)
+ {
+ if (tmpDirs[i].contains("kde-"))
+ tmpDir = tmpDirs[i];
+ }
+ dir.mkdir(tmpDir + "quanta");
+ tmpDir += "quanta/quanta";
+ scriptBeginRx.setCaseSensitive(false);
+ scriptBeginRx.setPattern("(<script)");
+ scriptEndRx.setCaseSensitive(false);
+ scriptEndRx.setPattern("(/script>)");
+ initStatusBar();
+ //defaultDocType must be read before the Project object is created!!
+ m_config->setGroup("General Options");
+ qConfig.defaultDocType = m_config->readEntry("Default DTD",DEFAULT_DTD);
+ if (! DTDs::ref()->find(qConfig.defaultDocType))
+ qConfig.defaultDocType = DEFAULT_DTD;
+ DTDs::ref()->find("dtd"); //load on startup
+ initView();
+ initDocument(); // after initView because of init of treeViews
+ initProject();
+ initActions();
+ DTDs::ref(); // create the class, must be before readOptions() !
+ readOptions();
+ initPlugins(); // needs to be before createGUI because some actions are created inside
+ readAbbreviations();
+ // Initialize debugger
+ m_quanta->m_debugger = new DebuggerManager(m_quanta);
+ connect(Project::ref(), SIGNAL(newProjectLoaded(const QString &, const KURL &, const KURL &)),
+ m_quanta->m_debugger, SLOT(slotNewProjectLoaded(const QString &, const KURL &, const KURL &)));
+ connect(Project::ref(), SIGNAL(eventHappened(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &)),
+ m_quanta->m_debugger, SLOT(slotHandleEvent(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &)));
+ connect(m_quanta->m_debugger, SIGNAL(hideSplash()), m_quanta, SLOT(slotHideSplash()));
+ //m_quanta->KDockMainWindow::createGUI( QString::null, false /* conserveMemory */ );
+ m_quanta->createShellGUI(true);
+ addToolTreeView(m_quanta->fTab, i18n("Files"), UserIcon("ftab"), KDockWidget::DockLeft);
+ addToolTreeView(m_quanta->dTab, i18n("Documentation"), BarIcon("contents"), KDockWidget::DockRight);
+ addToolTreeView(m_quanta->aTab, i18n("Attribute Editor"), UserIcon("tag_misc"), KDockWidget::DockRight);
+ addToolTreeView(ProjectTreeView::ref(), i18n("Project"), UserIcon("ptab"), KDockWidget::DockLeft);
+ addToolTreeView(TemplatesTreeView::ref(), i18n("Templates"), UserIcon("ttab"), KDockWidget::DockLeft);
+ addToolTreeView(StructTreeView::ref(), i18n("Document Structure"), BarIcon("view_sidetree"), KDockWidget::DockLeft);
+ addToolTreeView(m_quanta->scriptTab, i18n("Scripts"), BarIcon("run"), KDockWidget::DockLeft);
+ m_quanta->m_messageOutputView = addToolTreeView(m_quanta->m_messageOutput, i18n("Messages"), SmallIcon("openterm"), KDockWidget::DockBottom);
+ m_quanta->m_problemsOutputView = addToolTreeView(m_quanta->m_problemOutput, i18n("Problems"), SmallIcon("info"), KDockWidget::DockBottom);
+ m_quanta->m_annotationOutputView = addToolTreeView(m_quanta->m_annotationOutput, i18n("Annotations"), SmallIcon("stamp"), KDockWidget::DockBottom);
+ // Restore the dock layout
+ m_config->setGroup ("General Options");
+ QString layout = m_config->readEntry("Window layout", "Default");
+ int mdiMode = m_config->readNumEntry("MDI mode", -1);
+ if (mdiMode != -1 && layout != "Default")
+ {
+ m_quanta->readDockConfig(m_config); //FIXME: This causes the visible widget construction on startup, but is needed to restore the window layout...
+ if (mdiMode != KMdi::IDEAlMode)
+ m_quanta->setToolviewStyle(qConfig.toolviewTabs);
+ }
+ m_quanta->initTabWidget(true);
+ qConfig.windowLayout = "Custom";
+ //FIXME: This is a hack to workaround the starting problem when we are in Toplevel mode.
+ //Without this, the editor becomes the child of the widget holding the menus and toolbars...
+ if (mdiMode == KMdi::ToplevelMode)
+ {
+ m_quanta->switchToChildframeMode();
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, m_quanta, SLOT(switchToToplevelMode()));
+ }
+ // Always hide debugger toolbar at this point
+ m_quanta->toolBar("debugger_toolbar")->hide();
+ m_quanta->m_pluginInterface->setPluginMenu(static_cast<QPopupMenu*>(m_quanta->factory()->container("plugins", m_quanta)));
+ m_quanta->m_pluginInterface->buildPluginMenu();
+//TODO: Remove after upgrade from 3.1 is not supported
+ QDomDocument doc;
+ doc.setContent(KXMLGUIFactory::readConfigFile(m_quanta->xmlFile(), m_quanta->instance()));
+ QDomNodeList nodeList = doc.elementsByTagName("ActionProperties");
+ QDomNode node = nodeList.item(0).firstChild();
+ while (!node.isNull())
+ {
+ if (node.nodeName() == "Action")
+ {
+ QDomElement el = node.toElement();
+ m_quanta->oldShortcuts.insert(el.attribute("name"), el.attribute("shortcut"));
+ node = node.nextSibling();
+ el.parentNode().removeChild(el);
+ } else
+ {
+ node = node.nextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ m_quanta->applyMainWindowSettings(m_config);
+ m_quanta->m_tagsMenu = static_cast<QPopupMenu*>(m_quanta->factory()->container("tags", m_quanta));
+ KMenuBar *mb = m_quanta->menuBar();
+ for (uint i = 0 ; i < mb->count(); i++)
+ {
+ if (mb->text(mb->idAt(i)) == i18n("&Settings"))
+ {
+ mb->insertItem(i18n("&Window"), m_quanta->windowMenu(), -1, i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ KActionMenu *toolviewMenu = (KActionMenu*)(m_quanta->actionCollection()->action("kmdi_toolview_menu"));
+ if (toolviewMenu)
+ toolviewMenu->plug(m_quanta->windowMenu());
+ QPopupMenu *toolbarsMenu = (QPopupMenu*)(m_quanta->guiFactory())->container("toolbars_load", m_quanta);
+ connect(toolbarsMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), m_quanta, SLOT(slotBuildPrjToolbarsMenu()));
+ QPopupMenu *contextMenu = (QPopupMenu*)(m_quanta->guiFactory())->container("popup_editor", m_quanta);
+ connect(contextMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), m_quanta, SLOT(slotContextMenuAboutToShow()));
+ connect(m_quanta->m_messageOutput, SIGNAL(clicked(const QString&, int, int)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(gotoFileAndLine(const QString&, int, int)));
+ connect(m_quanta->m_problemOutput, SIGNAL(clicked(const QString&, int, int)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(gotoFileAndLine(const QString&, int, int)));
+ connect(m_quanta->m_annotationOutput->currentFileAnnotations(), SIGNAL(clicked(const QString&, int, int)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(gotoFileAndLine(const QString&, int, int)));
+ connect(m_quanta->m_annotationOutput, SIGNAL(clicked(const QString&, int, int)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(gotoFileAndLine(const QString&, int, int)));
+ m_quanta->slotFileNew();
+ m_quanta->slotNewStatus();
+ initToolBars();
+ Project::ref()->setProjectToolbarVisible(m_quanta->factory()->container("project_toolbar", m_quanta)->isShown());
+ Project::ref()->slotShowProjectToolbar(Project::ref()->hasProject());
+ KTipDialog::showTip(m_quanta);
+ //get the PID of this running instance
+ qConfig.quantaPID = QString::number(int(getpid()), 10);
+ qConfig.backupDirPath = KGlobal::instance()->dirs()->saveLocation("data", resourceDir + "backups/");
+ m_quanta->autosaveTimer = new QTimer(m_quanta);
+ connect(m_quanta->autosaveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), m_quanta, SLOT(slotAutosaveTimer()));
+ m_quanta->autosaveTimer->start(qConfig.autosaveInterval * 60000, false);
+ connect(m_quanta->m_doc, SIGNAL(hideSplash()), m_quanta, SLOT(slotHideSplash()));
+ connect(parser, SIGNAL(rebuildStructureTree(bool)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotReloadStructTreeView(bool)));
+ // Read list of characters
+ QFile file(locate("appdata","chars"));
+ if ( ) { // file opened successfully
+ QTextStream t( &file ); // use a text stream
+ t.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
+ QString s;
+ while (!t.eof())
+ {
+ s = t.readLine();
+ charList << i18n(s.utf8()); // line excluding '\n'
+ int begin = s.find("(&") + 1;
+ if (begin == 1)
+ continue;
+ int length = s.find(";)") - begin + 1;
+ QString s2 = s.mid(begin, length - 1);
+ replacementMap[s[0].unicode()] = s2;
+ }
+ file.close();
+ }
+ QString infoCss = tmpDir;
+ infoCss.replace(QRegExp("/quanta$"),"");
+ infoCss += "/info.css";
+ QExtFileInfo::copy(KURL().fromPathOrURL(qConfig.globalDataDir + resourceDir + "scripts/info.css"), KURL().fromPathOrURL(infoCss));
+ checkRuntimeDependencies();
+ ViewManager::ref()->activeDocument()->view()->setFocus();
+ m_quanta->refreshTimer = new QTimer(m_quanta);
+ connect(m_quanta->refreshTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), m_quanta, SLOT(slotReparse()));
+ m_quanta->refreshTimer->start( qConfig.refreshFrequency*1000, false ); //update the structure tree every 5 seconds
+ if (qConfig.instantUpdate || qConfig.refreshFrequency == 0)
+ {
+ m_quanta->refreshTimer->stop();
+ }
+void QuantaInit::initToolBars()
+ if (m_quanta->m_toolbarList.count() == 0)
+ m_quanta->slotLoadToolbarForDTD(Project::ref()->defaultDTD());
+void QuantaInit::initStatusBar()
+ m_quanta->statusbarTimer = new QTimer(m_quanta);
+ connect(m_quanta->statusbarTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(statusBarTimeout()));
+ progressBar = new KProgress(m_quanta->statusBar());
+ progressBar->setTextEnabled(false);
+ progressBar->setMaximumHeight(progressBar->fontMetrics().height());
+ progressBar->show();
+ m_quanta->statusBar()->insertItem(i18n(IDS_DEFAULT),IDS_STATUS, 1);
+ m_quanta->statusBar()->addWidget(progressBar);
+ m_quanta->statusBar()->insertItem("", IDS_INS_OVR );
+ m_quanta->statusBar()->insertFixedItem(" * ", IDS_MODIFIED );
+ m_quanta->statusBar()->insertFixedItem(i18n("Line: 00000 Col: 000"), IDS_STATUS_CLM, true);
+ m_quanta->statusBar()->changeItem("", IDS_INS_OVR);
+ m_quanta->statusBar()->changeItem("", IDS_MODIFIED);
+ m_quanta->statusBar()->changeItem("", IDS_STATUS_CLM);
+ m_quanta->statusBar()->setItemAlignment(IDS_STATUS, AlignLeft);
+void QuantaInit::initDocument()
+ m_quanta->m_doc = new QuantaDoc(0L);
+ connect(m_quanta->m_doc, SIGNAL(newStatus()),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotNewStatus()));
+void QuantaInit::initProject()
+ Project *m_project = Project::ref(m_quanta);
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(getTreeStatus(QStringList *)),
+ pTab, SLOT(slotGetTreeStatus(QStringList *)));
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(loadToolbarFile(const KURL &)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotLoadToolbarFile(const KURL &)));
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(getUserToolbarFiles(KURL::List *)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotGetUserToolbarFiles(KURL::List *)));
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(openFiles(const KURL::List &, const QString&)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotFileOpen(const KURL::List &, const QString&)));
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(openFile(const KURL &, const QString&)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotFileOpen(const KURL &, const QString&)));
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(closeFile(const KURL &)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotFileClose(const KURL &)));
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(reloadTree(ProjectList *, bool, const QStringList &)),
+ pTab, SLOT(slotReloadTree(ProjectList *, bool, const QStringList &)));
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(closeFiles()), ViewManager::ref(), SLOT(closeAll()));
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(eventHappened(const QString&, const QString&, const QString& )), QPEvents::ref(m_quanta), SLOT(slotEventHappened(const QString&, const QString&, const QString& )));
+ connect(m_quanta->fTab, SIGNAL(insertDirInProject(const KURL&)),
+ m_project, SLOT(slotAddDirectory(const KURL&)));
+ connect(m_quanta->fTab, SIGNAL(insertFileInProject(const KURL&)),
+ m_project, SLOT(slotInsertFile(const KURL&)));
+ connect(TemplatesTreeView::ref(), SIGNAL(insertDirInProject(const KURL&)),
+ m_project, SLOT(slotAddDirectory(const KURL&)));
+ connect(TemplatesTreeView::ref(), SIGNAL(insertFileInProject(const KURL&)),
+ m_project, SLOT(slotInsertFile(const KURL&)));
+ connect(TemplatesTreeView::ref(), SIGNAL(downloadTemplate()),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotDownloadTemplate()));
+ connect(TemplatesTreeView::ref(), SIGNAL(uploadTemplate(const QString&)), m_quanta, SLOT(slotUploadTemplate(const QString&)));
+ // inform project if something was renamed
+ connect(pTab, SIGNAL(renamed(const KURL&, const KURL&)),
+ m_project, SLOT(slotRenamed(const KURL&, const KURL&)));
+ connect(m_quanta->fTab, SIGNAL(renamed(const KURL&, const KURL&)),
+ m_project, SLOT(slotRenamed(const KURL&, const KURL&)));
+ connect(tTab, SIGNAL(renamed(const KURL&, const KURL&)),
+ m_project, SLOT(slotRenamed(const KURL&, const KURL&)));
+ connect(pTab, SIGNAL(insertToProject(const KURL&)),
+ m_project, SLOT(slotInsertFile(const KURL&)));
+ connect(pTab, SIGNAL(removeFromProject(const KURL&)),
+ m_project, SLOT(slotRemove(const KURL&)));
+ connect(pTab, SIGNAL(uploadSingleURL(const KURL&, const QString&, bool, bool)),
+ m_project, SLOT(slotUploadURL(const KURL&, const QString&, bool, bool)));
+ connect(pTab, SIGNAL(rescanProjectDir()), m_project, SLOT(slotRescanPrjDir()));
+ connect(pTab, SIGNAL(showProjectOptions()), m_project, SLOT(slotOptions()));
+ connect(pTab, SIGNAL(uploadProject()), m_project, SLOT(slotUpload()));
+ connect(m_quanta->dTab, SIGNAL(reloadProjectDocs()), m_project, SLOT(slotReloadProjectDocs()));
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(reloadProjectDocs()), m_quanta->dTab, SLOT(slotReloadProjectDocs()));
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(addProjectDoc(const KURL&)), m_quanta->dTab, SLOT(slotAddProjectDoc(const KURL&)));
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(enableMessageWidget()),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotShowMessagesView()));
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(messages(const QString&)),
+ m_quanta->m_messageOutput, SLOT(showMessage(const QString&)));
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(newStatus()),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotNewStatus()));
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(newProjectLoaded(const QString &, const KURL &, const KURL &)),
+ TemplatesTreeView::ref(), SLOT(slotNewProjectLoaded(const QString &, const KURL &, const KURL &)));
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(newProjectLoaded(const QString &, const KURL &, const KURL &)),
+ pTab, SLOT(slotNewProjectLoaded(const QString &, const KURL &, const KURL &)));
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(newProjectLoaded(const QString &, const KURL &, const KURL &)),
+ m_quanta->fTab, SLOT(slotNewProjectLoaded(const QString &, const KURL &, const KURL &)));
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(newProjectLoaded(const QString &, const KURL &, const KURL &)),
+ m_quanta->annotationOutput(), SLOT(updateAnnotations()));
+ connect(pTab, SIGNAL(changeFileDescription(const KURL&, const QString&)),
+ m_project, SLOT(slotFileDescChanged(const KURL&, const QString&)));
+ connect(pTab, SIGNAL(changeUploadStatus(const KURL&, int)),
+ m_project, SLOT(slotUploadStatusChanged(const KURL&, int)));
+ connect(pTab, SIGNAL(changeDocumentFolderStatus(const KURL&, bool)),
+ m_project, SLOT(slotChangeDocumentFolderStatus(const KURL&, bool)));
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(hideSplash()), m_quanta, SLOT(slotHideSplash()));
+ connect(m_project, SIGNAL(statusMsg(const QString &)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotStatusMsg(const QString & )));
+void QuantaInit::initView()
+ ViewManager *m_viewManager = ViewManager::ref(m_quanta);
+ connect(m_quanta, SIGNAL(viewActivated (KMdiChildView *)), m_viewManager, SLOT(slotViewActivated(KMdiChildView*)));
+ connect(m_quanta, SIGNAL(lastChildViewClosed()), m_viewManager, SLOT(slotLastViewClosed()));
+// connect(m_quanta, SIGNAL(viewDeactivated(KMdiChildView *)), m_viewManager, SLOT(slotViewDeactivated(KMdiChildView*)));
+ KafkaDocument *m_kafkaDocument = KafkaDocument::ref(0, 0, "KafkaPart");
+ m_kafkaDocument->getKafkaWidget()->view()->setMinimumHeight(50);
+ m_kafkaDocument->readConfig(quantaApp->config());
+ loadVPLConfig();
+ ToolbarTabWidget *toolBarTab = ToolbarTabWidget::ref(quantaApp);
+ connect(toolBarTab, SIGNAL(iconTextModeChanged()), quantaApp, SLOT(slotRefreshActiveWindow()));
+ //set the toolview and close button style before the GUI is created
+ m_config->setGroup("General Options");
+ int iconTextMode = m_config->readNumEntry("IconTextMode", KToolBar::IconOnly);
+ toolBarTab->setIconText(KToolBar::IconText(iconTextMode));
+ qConfig.toolviewTabs = m_config->readNumEntry("MDI style", KMdi::IconOnly);
+ m_quanta->initTabWidget();
+ m_quanta->setStandardMDIMenuEnabled(false);
+ m_quanta->setManagedDockPositionModeEnabled(true);
+ m_quanta->fTab = new FilesTreeView(m_config, m_quanta, "filestree");
+ m_quanta->aTab = new EnhancedTagAttributeTree(m_quanta, "TagAttributes");
+ pTab = ProjectTreeView::ref(m_quanta, "Project");
+ tTab = TemplatesTreeView::ref(m_quanta, "Templates"); // creates the treeview
+ m_quanta->dTab = new DocTreeView(m_quanta, "Docs");
+ StructTreeView *sTab = StructTreeView::ref(m_quanta ,"Struct");
+ m_quanta->scriptTab = new ScriptTreeView(m_quanta, "Scripts");
+ m_quanta->m_messageOutput = new MessageOutput(m_quanta, "Messages");
+ m_quanta->m_messageOutput->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::NoFocus);
+ m_quanta->m_messageOutput->showMessage(i18n("Message Window..."));
+ connect(m_quanta, SIGNAL(showMessage(const QString&, bool)), m_quanta->m_messageOutput, SLOT(showMessage(const QString&, bool)));
+ connect(m_quanta, SIGNAL(clearMessages()), m_quanta->m_messageOutput, SLOT(clear()));
+ m_quanta->m_problemOutput = new MessageOutput(m_quanta, "Problems");
+ m_quanta->m_problemOutput->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::NoFocus);
+ m_quanta->m_annotationOutput = new AnnotationOutput(m_quanta, "Annotations");
+ m_quanta->m_annotationOutput->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::NoFocus);
+ m_quanta->createPreviewPart();
+ m_quanta->createDocPart();
+ connect(m_quanta, SIGNAL(reloadAllTrees()),
+ m_quanta->fTab, SLOT(slotReloadAllTrees()));
+ connect(pTab, SIGNAL(loadToolbarFile (const KURL&)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotLoadToolbarFile(const KURL&)));
+ connect(m_viewManager, SIGNAL(viewActivated(const KURL&)),
+ pTab, SLOT(slotViewActivated(const KURL&)));
+ connect(m_viewManager, SIGNAL(documentClosed(const KURL&)),
+ pTab, SLOT(slotDocumentClosed(const KURL&)));
+ connect(m_viewManager, SIGNAL(documentClosed(const KURL&)),
+ tTab, SLOT(slotDocumentClosed(const KURL&)));
+ connect(m_viewManager, SIGNAL(documentClosed(const KURL&)),
+ m_quanta->scriptTab, SLOT(slotDocumentClosed(const KURL&)));
+ connect(m_viewManager, SIGNAL(documentClosed(const KURL&)),
+ m_quanta->fTab, SLOT(slotDocumentClosed(const KURL&)));
+ connect(tTab, SIGNAL(insertFile (const KURL &)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotInsertFile(const KURL &)));
+ connect(m_quanta->scriptTab, SIGNAL(openFileInPreview(const KURL &)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotOpenFileInPreview(const KURL &)));
+ connect(m_quanta->scriptTab, SIGNAL(showPreviewWidget(bool)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotShowPreviewWidget(bool)));
+ connect(m_quanta->scriptTab, SIGNAL(assignActionToScript(const KURL &, const QString&)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotAssignActionToScript(const KURL &, const QString&)));
+ connect(m_quanta->scriptTab, SIGNAL(downloadScript()), m_quanta, SLOT(slotDownloadScript()));
+ connect(m_quanta->scriptTab, SIGNAL(uploadScript(const QString&)), m_quanta, SLOT(slotUploadScript(const QString&)));
+ connect(m_quanta->dTab, SIGNAL(downloadDoc()), m_quanta, SLOT(slotDownloadDoc()));
+ connect(m_quanta->m_htmlPart, SIGNAL(onURL(const QString&)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotStatusMsg(const QString&)));
+ connect(m_quanta->m_htmlPartDoc, SIGNAL(onURL(const QString&)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotStatusMsg(const QString&)));
+ connect(sTab, SIGNAL(newCursorPosition(int,int)), m_quanta, SLOT(setCursorPosition(int,int)));
+ connect(sTab, SIGNAL(selectArea(int,int,int,int)), m_quanta, SLOT( selectArea(int,int,int,int)));
+ connect(sTab, SIGNAL(selectTagArea(Node*)), m_quanta, SLOT(slotSelectTagArea(Node*)));
+ connect(sTab, SIGNAL(needReparse()), m_quanta, SLOT(slotForceReparse()));
+ connect(sTab, SIGNAL(showGroupsForDTEP(const QString&, bool)), m_quanta, SLOT(slotShowGroupsForDTEP(const QString&, bool)));
+ connect(sTab, SIGNAL(openFile(const KURL &)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT (slotFileOpen(const KURL &)));
+ connect(sTab, SIGNAL(openImage (const KURL&)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotImageOpen(const KURL&)));
+ connect(sTab, SIGNAL(showProblemMessage(const QString&)),
+ m_quanta->m_problemOutput, SLOT(showMessage(const QString&)));
+ connect(sTab, SIGNAL(clearProblemOutput()),
+ m_quanta->m_problemOutput, SLOT(clear()));
+ connect(parser, SIGNAL(nodeTreeChanged()), sTab, SLOT(slotNodeTreeChanged()));
+ connect(m_quanta->dTab, SIGNAL(openURL(const QString&)), m_quanta, SLOT(openDoc(const QString&)));
+ connect(m_viewManager, SIGNAL(dragInsert(QDropEvent *)), tTab, SLOT(slotDragInsert(QDropEvent *)));
+ qConfig.windowLayout = "Default";
+KMdiToolViewAccessor* QuantaInit::addToolTreeView(QWidget *widget, const QString &name, const QPixmap &icon, KDockWidget::DockPosition position)
+ widget->setIcon(icon);
+ widget->setCaption(name);
+ return m_quanta->addToolWindow(widget, m_quanta->prevDockPosition(widget, position), m_quanta->getMainDockWidget());
+void QuantaInit::readOptions()
+ m_config->setGroup("General Options");
+ qConfig.markupMimeTypes = m_config->readEntry("Markup mimetypes", qConfig.markupMimeTypes);
+ qConfig.scriptMimeTypes = m_config->readEntry("Script mimetypes", qConfig.scriptMimeTypes);
+ qConfig.imageMimeTypes = m_config->readEntry("Image mimetypes", qConfig.imageMimeTypes);
+ qConfig.textMimeTypes = m_config->readEntry("Text mimetypes", qConfig.textMimeTypes);
+ qConfig.tagCase = m_config->readNumEntry("Capitals for tags", 0);
+ qConfig.attrCase = m_config->readNumEntry("Capitals for attr", 0);
+ qConfig.attrValueQuotation = (m_config->readEntry("Attribute quotation", "double") == "double" )? '"':'\'';
+ qConfig.closeOptionalTags = m_config->readBoolEntry("Close tag if optional", true);
+ qConfig.closeTags = m_config->readBoolEntry("Close tags", true);
+ qConfig.useAutoCompletion = m_config->readBoolEntry("Auto completion",true);
+ qConfig.updateClosingTags = m_config->readBoolEntry("Update Closing Tags", true);
+ qConfig.replaceAccented = m_config->readBoolEntry("Replace Accented Chars", false);
+ qConfig.replaceNotInEncoding = m_config->readBoolEntry("Replace Chars Not In Current Encoding", true);
+ qConfig.defaultEncoding = m_config->readEntry("Default encoding", "UTF8");
+ StructTreeView::ref()->setFollowCursor( m_config->readBoolEntry("Follow Cursor", true));
+ qConfig.previewPosition = m_config->readEntry("Preview area","Editor");
+ qConfig.docPosition = m_config->readEntry("Documentation area","Tab");
+ qConfig.smartTagInsertion = m_config->readBoolEntry("Smart Tag Insertion", false);
+ KAction *action = quantaApp->actionCollection()->action("smart_tag_insertion");
+ (static_cast<KToggleAction* >(action))->setChecked(qConfig.smartTagInsertion);
+ QSize s(800,580);
+ m_quanta->resize( m_config->readSizeEntry("Geometry", &s));
+ qConfig.autosaveInterval = m_config->readNumEntry("Autosave interval", 1);
+ qConfig.enableDTDToolbar = m_config->readBoolEntry("Show DTD Toolbar",true);
+ m_quanta->showDTDToolbar->setChecked(qConfig.enableDTDToolbar);
+ qConfig.showCloseButtons = m_config->readEntry("Close Buttons", "ShowDelayed");
+// m_quanta->initTabWidget(true);
+ m_quanta->fileRecent ->loadEntries(m_config);
+ qConfig.showHiddenFiles = m_config->readBoolEntry("Show Hidden Files", true);
+ qConfig.saveTrees = m_config->readBoolEntry("Save Local Trees", true);
+ int maxRecentItems = m_config->readNumEntry("Recent Files Limit", 32);
+ m_quanta->fileRecent->setMaxItems(maxRecentItems);
+ m_config->setGroup("Parser options");
+ qConfig.showEmptyNodes = m_config->readBoolEntry("Show Empty Nodes", false);
+ qConfig.showClosingTags = m_config->readBoolEntry("Show Closing Tags", false);
+ qConfig.instantUpdate = m_config->readBoolEntry("Instant Update", false);
+ qConfig.refreshFrequency = m_config->readNumEntry("Refresh frequency",5);
+ qConfig.expandLevel = m_config->readNumEntry("Expand Level", 4);
+ qConfig.showDTDSelectDialog = m_config->readBoolEntry("Show DTD Select Dialog", true);
+ m_quanta->m_previewVisible = false;
+ m_quanta->m_noFramesPreview = false;
+ m_quanta->showVPLAction->setChecked( false );
+//KNewStuff config
+ m_config->setGroup("KNewStuff");
+ QString str = m_config->readEntry("ProvidersUrl");
+ if (str.isEmpty())
+ {
+ m_config->writeEntry( "ProvidersUrl", "" );
+ m_config->sync();
+ }
+ Project::ref()->readConfig(m_config); // project
+void QuantaInit::openLastFiles()
+ // Reload previously opened files only if setting allows
+ m_config->setGroup("General Options");
+ if (!m_config->readBoolEntry("Reload Files", true))
+ {
+ m_quanta->setParserEnabled(true);
+ m_quanta->reparse(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ // we need to check config
+ // because project now can be
+ // in load stage ( remote prj )
+ m_config->setGroup("Projects");
+ QString pu = QuantaCommon::readPathEntry(m_config, "Last Project");
+ KURL u;
+ QuantaCommon::setUrl(u, pu);
+ bool isPrj = true;
+ if (pu.isEmpty())
+ isPrj = false;
+ if (!u.isValid())
+ isPrj = false;
+ m_config->setGroup("General Options");
+ QStringList urls = QuantaCommon::readPathListEntry(m_config, "List of opened files");
+ QStringList encodings = QuantaCommon::readPathListEntry(m_config, "Encoding of opened files");
+ m_quanta->m_doc->blockSignals(true);
+ m_quanta->setParserEnabled(false);
+ uint i = 0;
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = urls.begin(); it != urls.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ KURL fu;
+ QuantaCommon::setUrl(fu, *it);
+ if (!ViewManager::ref()->isOpened(fu) && (!isPrj || fu.isLocalFile()))
+ m_quanta->slotFileOpen(fu, encodings[i]);
+ i++;
+ }
+ m_config->sync();
+ m_quanta->m_doc->blockSignals(false);
+ m_quanta->setParserEnabled(true);
+ m_quanta->reparse(true);
+ Document *w = ViewManager::ref()->activeDocument();
+ if (w) //w==0 might happen on quick close on startup
+ {
+ m_quanta->setTitle(w->url().prettyURL(0, KURL::StripFileProtocol) );
+// m_quanta->slotUpdateStatus(w);//FIXME:
+ }
+/** Loads the initial project */
+void QuantaInit::loadInitialProject(const QString& url)
+ if(url.isNull())
+ {
+ if(runningQuantas() == 1)
+ {
+ // Get config
+ KConfig *config = m_quanta->config();
+ config->setGroup("General Options");
+ // Reload last project if setting is enabled
+ Project::ref()->loadLastProject(config->readBoolEntry("Reload Project", true));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ Project::ref()->slotOpenProject(KURL( url ));
+void QuantaInit::initActions()
+ KActionCollection *ac = m_quanta->actionCollection();
+ new KAction(i18n("Annotate..."), 0, m_quanta, SLOT(slotAnnotate()),ac, "annotate");
+ m_quanta->editTagAction = new KAction( i18n( "&Edit Current Tag..." ), CTRL+Key_E,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotEditCurrentTag() ),
+ ac, "edit_current_tag" );
+ m_quanta->selectTagAreaAction = new KAction( i18n( "&Select Current Tag Area" ), 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotSelectTagArea() ),
+ ac, "select_tag_area" );
+ new KAction( i18n( "E&xpand Abbreviation" ), CTRL+SHIFT+Key_J,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotExpandAbbreviation() ),
+ ac, "expand_abbreviation" );
+ new KAction(i18n("&Report Bug..."), 0, m_quanta, SLOT(slotReportBug()), ac, "help_reportbug"); //needed, because quanta_be bugs should be reported for quanta
+ //Kate actions
+//Edit menu
+ KStdAction::undo(m_quanta, SLOT(slotUndo()), ac);
+ KStdAction::redo(m_quanta, SLOT(slotRedo()), ac);
+ KStdAction::cut(m_quanta, SLOT(slotCut()), ac);
+ KStdAction::copy(m_quanta, SLOT(slotCopy()), ac) ;
+ KStdAction::pasteText(m_quanta, SLOT(slotPaste()), ac);
+ (void) new KAction(i18n("Ti&p of the Day"), "idea", "", m_quanta,
+ SLOT(slotHelpTip()), ac, "help_tip");
+ // File actions
+ //
+ KStdAction::openNew( m_quanta, SLOT( slotFileNew() ), ac);
+ KStdAction::open ( m_quanta, SLOT( slotFileOpen() ), ac, "file_open");
+ (void) new KAction(i18n("Close Other Tabs"), 0, ViewManager::ref(), SLOT(slotCloseOtherTabs()), ac, "close_other_tabs");
+ m_quanta->fileRecent = KStdAction::openRecent(m_quanta, SLOT(slotFileOpenRecent(const KURL&)),
+ ac, "file_open_recent");
+ m_quanta->fileRecent->setToolTip(i18n("Open / Open Recent"));
+ connect(m_quanta->fileRecent, SIGNAL(activated()), m_quanta, SLOT(slotFileOpen()));
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "Close All" ), 0, m_quanta,
+ SLOT( slotFileCloseAll() ),
+ ac, "file_close_all" );
+ m_quanta->saveAction = KStdAction::save(m_quanta, SLOT( slotFileSave() ), ac);
+ KStdAction::saveAs( m_quanta, SLOT( slotFileSaveAs() ), ac );
+ m_quanta->saveAllAction = new KAction( i18n( "Save All..." ), "save_all", SHIFT+KStdAccel::shortcut(KStdAccel::Save).keyCodeQt(),
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotFileSaveAll() ),
+ ac, "file_save_all" );
+ (void) new KAction(i18n("Reloa&d"), "revert", SHIFT+Key_F5, m_quanta,
+ SLOT(slotFileReload()), ac, "file_reload");
+// (void) new KAction(i18n("Reload All "), 0, 0, m_quanta,
+// SLOT(slotFileReloadAll()), ac, "file_reload_all");
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "Save as Local Template..." ), 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotFileSaveAsLocalTemplate() ),
+ ac, "save_local_template" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "Save Selection to Local Template File..." ), 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotFileSaveSelectionAsLocalTemplate() ),
+ ac, "save_selection_local_template" );
+ KStdAction::quit( m_quanta, SLOT( slotFileQuit() ), ac );
+ // Edit actions
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "Find in Files..." ),
+ SmallIcon("filefind"), CTRL+ALT+Key_F,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotEditFindInFiles() ),
+ ac, "find_in_files" );
+ KAction* aux = TagActionManager::self()->actionCollection()->action("apply_source_indentation");
+ aux->setEnabled(false);
+ ac->insert(aux);
+ // Tool actions
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "&Context Help..." ), CTRL+Key_H,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotContextHelp() ),
+ ac, "context_help" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "&Quanta Homepage" ), 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotHelpHomepage() ),
+ ac, "help_homepage" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "&User Mailing List" ), 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotHelpUserList() ),
+ ac, "help_userlist" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "Make &Donation" ), 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotMakeDonation() ),
+ ac, "help_donation" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "Tag &Attributes..." ), ALT+Key_Down,
+ m_quanta->m_doc, SLOT( slotAttribPopup() ),
+ ac, "tag_attributes" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "&Change the DTD..." ), 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotChangeDTD() ),
+ ac, "change_dtd" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "&Edit DTD Settings..." ), 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotEditDTD() ),
+ ac, "edit_dtd" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "&Load && Convert DTD..." ), 0,
+ DTDs::ref(), SLOT( slotLoadDTD() ),
+ ac, "load_dtd" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "Load DTD E&ntities..." ), 0,
+ DTDs::ref(), SLOT( slotLoadEntities() ),
+ ac, "load_entities" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "Load DTD &Package (DTEP)..." ), 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotLoadDTEP() ),
+ ac, "load_dtep" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "Send DTD Package (DTEP) in E&mail..." ), "mail_send", 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotEmailDTEP() ),
+ ac, "send_dtep" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "&Download DTD Package (DTEP)..." ), "network", 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotDownloadDTEP() ),
+ ac, "download_dtep" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "&Upload DTD Package (DTEP)..." ), "network", 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotUploadDTEP() ),
+ ac, "upload_dtep" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "&Upload DTD Package (DTEP)..." ), 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotUploadDTEP() ),
+ ac, "send_dtep" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "&Document Properties" ), 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotDocumentProperties() ),
+ ac, "tools_document_properties" );
+ (void) new KAction ( i18n ("F&ormat XML Code"), 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotCodeFormatting() ),
+ ac, "tools_code_formatting");
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "&Convert Tag && Attribute Case..."), 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotConvertCase()),
+ ac, "tools_change_case");
+ // View actions
+ m_quanta->showSourceAction =
+ new KToggleAction( i18n( "&Source Editor"), UserIcon ("view_text"), ALT+Key_F9,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotShowSourceEditor()),
+ ac, "show_quanta_editor");
+ m_quanta->showSourceAction->setExclusiveGroup("view");
+ m_quanta->showVPLAction =
+ new KToggleAction( i18n( "&VPL Editor"), UserIcon ("vpl"), CTRL+SHIFT+Key_F9,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotShowVPLOnly() ),
+ ac, "show_kafka_view");
+ m_quanta->showVPLAction->setExclusiveGroup("view");
+ m_quanta->showVPLSourceAction =
+ new KToggleAction( i18n("VPL && So&urce Editors"), UserIcon ("vpl_text"), Key_F9,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotShowVPLAndSourceEditor() ),
+ ac, "show_kafka_and_quanta");
+ m_quanta->showVPLSourceAction->setExclusiveGroup("view");
+ /**kafkaSelectAction = new KSelectAction(i18n("Main &View"), 0, ac,"show_kafka");
+ QStringList list2;
+ list2.append(i18n("&Source Editor"));
+ list2.append(i18n("&VPL Editor (experimental)"));
+ list2.append(i18n("&Both Editors"));
+ kafkaSelectAction->setItems(list2);
+ connect(kafkaSelectAction, SIGNAL(activated(int)), m_quanta, SLOT(slotShowKafkaPartl(int)));*/
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "&Reload Preview" ), "reload",
+ KStdAccel::shortcut(KStdAccel::Reload).keyCodeQt(),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotRepaintPreview()),
+ ac, "reload" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "&Previous File" ), "1leftarrow", KStdAccel::back(),
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotBack() ),
+ ac, "previous_file" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "&Next File" ), "1rightarrow", KStdAccel::forward(),
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotForward() ),
+ ac, "next_file" );
+ // Options actions
+ //
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "Configure &Actions..." ), UserIcon("ball"),0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotOptionsConfigureActions() ),
+ ac, "configure_actions" );
+ KStdAction::showMenubar(m_quanta, SLOT(slotShowMenuBar()), ac, "options_show_menubar");
+ KStdAction::keyBindings(m_quanta, SLOT( slotOptionsConfigureKeys() ), ac, "configure_shortcuts");
+ KStdAction::configureToolbars( m_quanta, SLOT( slotOptionsConfigureToolbars() ), ac, "options_configure_toolbars");
+ KStdAction::preferences(m_quanta, SLOT( slotOptions() ), ac, "general_options");
+ new KAction(i18n("Configure Pre&view..."), SmallIcon("konqueror"), 0, m_quanta, SLOT(slotPreviewOptions()), ac, "preview_options");
+ // Toolbars actions
+ m_quanta->projectToolbarFiles = new KRecentFilesAction(i18n("Load &Project Toolbar"),0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotLoadToolbarFile(const KURL&)),
+ ac, "toolbars_load_project");
+ new KAction(i18n("Load &Global Toolbar..."), 0, m_quanta, SLOT(slotLoadGlobalToolbar()), ac, "toolbars_load_global");
+ new KAction(i18n("Load &Local Toolbar..."), 0, m_quanta, SLOT(slotLoadToolbar()), ac, "toolbars_load_user");
+ new KAction(i18n("Save as &Local Toolbar..."), 0, m_quanta, SLOT(slotSaveLocalToolbar()), ac, "toolbars_save_local");
+ new KAction(i18n("Save as &Project Toolbar..."), 0, m_quanta, SLOT(slotSaveProjectToolbar()), ac, "toolbars_save_project");
+ new KAction(i18n("&New User Toolbar..."), 0, m_quanta, SLOT(slotAddToolbar()), ac, "toolbars_add");
+ new KAction(i18n("&Remove User Toolbar..."), 0, m_quanta, SLOT(slotRemoveToolbar()), ac, "toolbars_remove");
+ new KAction(i18n("Re&name User Toolbar..."), 0, m_quanta, SLOT(slotRenameToolbar()), ac, "toolbars_rename");
+ new KAction(i18n("Send Toolbar in E&mail..."), "mail_send", 0, m_quanta, SLOT(slotSendToolbar()), ac, "toolbars_send");
+ new KAction(i18n("&Upload Toolbar..." ), "network", 0, m_quanta, SLOT(slotUploadToolbar()), ac, "toolbars_upload" );
+ new KAction(i18n("&Download Toolbar..." ), "network", 0, m_quanta, SLOT(slotDownloadToolbar()), ac, "toolbars_download" );
+ KToggleAction *toggle = new KToggleAction( i18n("Smart Tag Insertion"), 0, ac, "smart_tag_insertion");
+ connect(toggle, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), m_quanta, SLOT(slotSmartTagInsertion()));
+ m_quanta->showDTDToolbar=new KToggleAction(i18n("Show DTD Toolbar"), 0, ac, "view_dtd_toolbar");
+ connect(m_quanta->showDTDToolbar, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), m_quanta, SLOT(slotToggleDTDToolbar(bool)));
+ m_quanta->showDTDToolbar->setCheckedState(i18n("Hide DTD Toolbar"));
+ new KAction(i18n("Complete Text"), CTRL+Key_Space,
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotShowCompletion()), ac,"show_completion");
+ new KAction(i18n("Completion Hints"), CTRL+SHIFT+Key_Space,
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotShowCompletionHint()), ac,"show_completion_hint");
+ KStdAction::back(m_quanta, SLOT( slotBack() ), ac, "w_back");
+ KStdAction::forward(m_quanta, SLOT( slotForward() ), ac, "w_forward");
+ new KAction(i18n("Open File: none"), 0, m_quanta, SLOT(slotOpenFileUnderCursor()), ac, "open_file_under_cursor");
+ new KAction(i18n("Upload..."), 0, m_quanta, SLOT(slotUploadFile()), ac, "upload_file");
+ new KAction(i18n("Delete File"), 0, m_quanta, SLOT(slotDeleteFile()), ac, "delete_file");
+ QString ss = i18n("Upload Opened Project Files...");
+/* new KAction(i18n("Upload Opened Project Files"), 0, m_quanta, SLOT(slotUploadOpenedFiles()), ac, "upload_opened_files"); */
+ QString error;
+ int el, ec;
+ m_quanta->m_actions = new QDomDocument();
+//load the global actions
+ QFile f(qConfig.globalDataDir + resourceDir + "actions.rc");
+ if ( IO_ReadOnly ))
+ {
+ if (m_quanta->m_actions->setContent(&f, &error, &el, &ec))
+ {
+ QDomElement docElem = m_quanta->m_actions->documentElement();
+ QDomNode n = docElem.firstChild();
+ while( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QDomElement e = n.toElement(); // try to convert the node to an element.
+ if( !e.isNull() ) { // the node was really an element.
+ bool toggable = (e.attribute("toggable", "") == "true");
+ new TagAction(&e, m_quanta, toggable);
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ } else
+ kdError(24000) << QString("Error %1 at (%2, %3) in %4").arg(error).arg(el).arg(ec).arg( << endl;
+ f.close();
+ }
+ m_quanta->m_actions->clear();
+//read the user defined actions
+ QString s = locateLocal("appdata","actions.rc");
+ if (!s.isEmpty())
+ {
+ f.setName(s);
+ if ( IO_ReadOnly ))
+ {
+ if (m_quanta->m_actions->setContent(&f, &error, &el, &ec))
+ {
+ QDomElement docElem = m_quanta->m_actions->documentElement();
+ QDomNode n = docElem.firstChild();
+ while( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QDomElement e = n.toElement(); // try to convert the node to an element.
+ if( !e.isNull())
+ { // the node was really an element.
+ delete ac->action(e.attribute("name"));
+ bool toggable = (e.attribute("toggable", "") == "true");
+ new TagAction(&e, m_quanta, toggable);
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ } else
+ kdError(24000) << QString("Error %1 at (%2, %3) in %4").arg(error).arg(el).arg(ec).arg( << endl;
+ f.close();
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ m_quanta->m_actions->setContent(s);
+ }
+ // create the preview action
+ m_quanta->showPreviewAction =
+ new KToolBarPopupAction( i18n( "&Preview" ), "preview", Key_F6,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotToggleShowPreview() ),
+ ac, "show_preview" );
+ KAction *act = new KAction( i18n( "Preview Without Frames" ), "", 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotShowNoFramesPreview()),
+ ac, "show_preview_no_frames" );
+ act->plug(m_quanta->showPreviewAction->popupMenu());
+ act = new KAction( i18n( "View with &Konqueror" ), "konqueror", Key_F12,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotViewInKFM() ),
+ ac, "view_with_konqueror" );
+ act->plug(m_quanta->showPreviewAction->popupMenu());
+ act = ac->action("view_with_firefox");
+ if (act)
+ act->plug(m_quanta->showPreviewAction->popupMenu());
+ act = ac->action("view_with_mozilla");
+ if (act)
+ act->plug(m_quanta->showPreviewAction->popupMenu());
+ act = ac->action("view_with_netscape");
+ if (act)
+ act->plug(m_quanta->showPreviewAction->popupMenu());
+ act = ac->action("view_with_opera");
+ if (act)
+ act->plug(m_quanta->showPreviewAction->popupMenu());
+ act = new KAction( i18n( "View with L&ynx" ), "terminal", 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotViewInLynx() ),
+ ac, "view_with_lynx" );
+ act->plug(m_quanta->showPreviewAction->popupMenu());
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "Table Editor..." ), "quick_table", 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotTagEditTable() ),
+ ac, "tag_edit_table" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "Quick List..." ), "quick_list", 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotTagQuickList() ),
+ ac, "tag_quick_list" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "Color..." ), "colorize", CTRL+SHIFT+Key_C,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotTagColor() ),
+ ac, "tag_color" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "Email..." ), "tag_mail", 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotTagMail() ),
+ ac, "tag_mail" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "Misc. Tag..." ), "tag_misc", CTRL+SHIFT+Key_T,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotTagMisc() ),
+ ac, "tag_misc" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "Frame Wizard..." ), "frame", 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotFrameWizard() ),
+ ac, "tag_frame_wizard" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "Paste &HTML Quoted" ), "editpaste", 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotPasteHTMLQuoted() ),
+ ac, "edit_paste_html_quoted" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "Paste &URL Encoded" ), "editpaste", 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotPasteURLEncoded() ),
+ ac, "edit_paste_url_encoded" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n( "Insert CSS..." ),"css", 0,
+ m_quanta, SLOT( slotInsertCSS() ),
+ ac, "insert_css" );
+ // special-character combo
+ KAction* char_action = new KAction(
+ i18n( "Insert Special Character" ), "charset", 0,
+ ac, "insert_char" );
+ connect( char_action, SIGNAL(activated()),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotInsertChar()) );
+ connect(m_quanta, SIGNAL(eventHappened(const QString&, const QString&, const QString& )), QPEvents::ref(m_quanta), SLOT(slotEventHappened(const QString&, const QString&, const QString& )));
+ connect(m_quanta->doc(), SIGNAL(eventHappened(const QString&, const QString&, const QString& )), QPEvents::ref(m_quanta), SLOT(slotEventHappened(const QString&, const QString&, const QString& )));
+ connect(ViewManager::ref(), SIGNAL(eventHappened(const QString&, const QString&, const QString& )), QPEvents::ref(m_quanta), SLOT(slotEventHappened(const QString&, const QString&, const QString& )));
+ QuantaBookmarks *m_bookmarks = new QuantaBookmarks(ViewManager::ref(m_quanta));
+ m_bookmarks->createActions(ac);
+ connect(m_bookmarks, SIGNAL(gotoFileAndLine(const QString&, int, int)), m_quanta, SLOT(gotoFileAndLine(const QString&, int, int)));
+/** Initialize the plugin architecture. */
+void QuantaInit::initPlugins()
+ // TODO : read option from plugins.rc to see if we should validate the plugins
+ m_quanta->m_pluginInterface = QuantaPluginInterface::ref(m_quanta);
+ connect(m_quanta->m_pluginInterface, SIGNAL(hideSplash()),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotHideSplash()));
+ connect(m_quanta->m_pluginInterface, SIGNAL(statusMsg(const QString &)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotStatusMsg(const QString & )));
+ m_quanta->m_pluginInterface->readConfig();
+ if (!m_quanta->m_pluginInterface->pluginAvailable("KFileReplace"))
+ {
+ delete m_quanta->actionCollection()->action("find_in_files");
+ }
+void QuantaInit::recoverCrashed(QStringList& recoveredFileNameList)
+ m_quanta->m_doc->blockSignals(true);
+ execCommandPS("ps -C quanta -C quanta_be -o pid --no-headers");
+ m_PIDlist = QStringList::split("\n", m_quanta->m_scriptOutput);
+ m_config->setGroup("Projects");
+ QString pu = QuantaCommon::readPathEntry(m_config, "Last Project");
+ KURL u;
+ QuantaCommon::setUrl(u, pu);
+ bool isPrj = true;
+ if (pu.isEmpty())
+ isPrj = false;
+ if (!u.isValid())
+ isPrj = false;
+ m_config->reparseConfiguration();
+ m_config->setGroup("General Options");
+ QStringList backedUpUrlsList = QuantaCommon::readPathListEntry(m_config, "List of backedup files");
+ QStringList autosavedUrlsList = QuantaCommon::readPathListEntry(m_config, "List of autosaved files");
+ QStringList::ConstIterator backedUpUrlsEndIt = backedUpUrlsList.constEnd();
+ for (QStringList::ConstIterator backedUpUrlsIt = backedUpUrlsList.constBegin();
+ backedUpUrlsIt != backedUpUrlsEndIt; ++backedUpUrlsIt )
+ {
+ // when quanta crashes and file autoreloading option is on
+ // then if user restarts quanta, the backup copies will reload
+ QString backedUpFileName = (*backedUpUrlsIt).left((*backedUpUrlsIt).findRev(".")); //the filename without the PID
+ bool notFound;
+ QString autosavedPath = searchPathListEntry(backedUpFileName, autosavedUrlsList, notFound);
+ if (!autosavedPath.isEmpty()) //the current item was autosaved and is not in use by another Quanta
+ {
+ KURL originalVersion;
+ KURL autosavedVersion;
+ QuantaCommon::setUrl(originalVersion, backedUpFileName);
+ QuantaCommon::setUrl(autosavedVersion, autosavedPath);
+ bool isUntitledDocument = false;
+ if (autosavedVersion.path().right(1) == "U")
+ isUntitledDocument = true;
+ if (!isPrj || originalVersion.isLocalFile())
+ {
+ //find some information about local files
+ KIO::UDSEntry entry;
+ KIO::NetAccess::stat(originalVersion, entry, m_quanta);
+ KFileItem* item= new KFileItem(entry, originalVersion, false, true);
+ QString origTime = item->timeString();
+ KIO::filesize_t origSize = item->size();
+ delete item;
+ KIO::NetAccess::stat(autosavedVersion, entry, m_quanta);
+ item= new KFileItem(entry, autosavedVersion, false, true);
+ QString backupTime = item->timeString();
+ KIO::filesize_t backupSize = item->size();
+ delete item;
+ if (QFileInfo(autosavedPath).exists()) //if the backup file exists
+ {
+ emit hideSplash();
+ DirtyDlg *dlg = new DirtyDlg(autosavedVersion.path(), originalVersion.path(), false, m_quanta);
+ dlg->setCaption(i18n("Restore File"));
+ DirtyDialog *w = static_cast<DirtyDialog*>(dlg->mainWidget());
+ w->textLabel->setText(i18n("<qt>A backup copy of a file was found:<br><br>"
+ "Original file: <b>%1</b><br>"
+ "Original file size: <b>%2</b><br>"
+ "Original file last modified on: <b>%3</b><br><br>"
+ "Backup file size: <b>%4</b><br>"
+ "Backup created on: <b>%5</b><br><br>"
+ "</qt>")
+ .arg(originalVersion.prettyURL(0, KURL::StripFileProtocol ))
+ .arg(KIO::convertSize(origSize)).arg(origTime)
+ .arg(KIO::convertSize(backupSize)).arg(backupTime));
+ w->buttonLoad->setText(i18n("&Restore the file from backup"));
+ w->buttonIgnore->setText(i18n("Do &not restore the file from backup"));
+ delete w->warningLabel;
+ w->warningLabel = 0L;
+ w->setMinimumHeight(320);
+ dlg->adjustSize();
+ if (KStandardDirs::findExe("kompare").isEmpty() || isUntitledDocument)
+ {
+ w->buttonCompare->setEnabled(false);
+ w->buttonLoad->setChecked(true);
+ }
+ if (dlg->exec())
+ {
+ //backup the current version and restore it from the autosaved backup
+ KURL backupURL = originalVersion;
+ backupURL.setPath(backupURL.path() + "." + QString::number(getpid(),10) + ".backup");
+ QExtFileInfo::copy(originalVersion, backupURL, -1, true, false, m_quanta);
+ QExtFileInfo::copy(autosavedVersion, originalVersion, -1, true, false, m_quanta);
+ //we save a list of autosaved file names so "KQApplicationPrivate::init()"
+ //can open them. If autosavedVersion.path().right(1) == "U" then we are recovering
+ //an untitled document
+ if(isUntitledDocument)
+ m_quanta->slotFileOpen(autosavedVersion,
+ m_quanta->defaultEncoding()); // load initial files
+ else
+ recoveredFileNameList += backedUpFileName;
+ }
+ delete dlg;
+ QFile::remove(autosavedPath); //we don't need the backup anymore
+ }
+ }
+ //remove the auto-backup file from the list
+ m_config->setGroup("General Options");
+ QStringList autosavedFilesEntryList = QuantaCommon::readPathListEntry(m_config, "List of autosaved files");
+ QStringList::Iterator entryIt = autosavedFilesEntryList.begin();
+ while(entryIt != autosavedFilesEntryList.end())
+ {
+ if ((*entryIt) == KURL::fromPathOrURL(autosavedPath).url())
+ entryIt = autosavedFilesEntryList.remove(entryIt);
+ else
+ ++entryIt;
+ }
+ m_config->writePathEntry("List of autosaved files", autosavedFilesEntryList);
+ autosavedUrlsList = autosavedFilesEntryList;
+ }
+ if (notFound)
+ {
+ //remove processed items
+ m_config->setGroup("General Options");
+ QStringList backedupFilesEntryList = QuantaCommon::readPathListEntry(m_config, "List of backedup files");
+ QStringList::Iterator entryIt = backedupFilesEntryList.begin();
+ while (entryIt != backedupFilesEntryList.end())
+ {
+ if ((*entryIt) == (*backedUpUrlsIt))
+ entryIt = backedupFilesEntryList.remove(entryIt);
+ else
+ ++entryIt;
+ }
+ m_config->writePathEntry("List of backedup files", backedupFilesEntryList);
+ }
+ }
+ //clean up auto-backup list, just in case of an old Quanta was used before
+ QStringList::Iterator entryIt = autosavedUrlsList.begin();
+ while (entryIt != autosavedUrlsList.end())
+ {
+ QString quPID = retrievePID((*entryIt));
+ //check if the file is opened by another running Quanta or not
+ bool isOrphan = true;
+ QStringList::ConstIterator PIDEndIt = m_PIDlist.constEnd();
+ for (QStringList::ConstIterator PIDIt = m_PIDlist.constBegin(); PIDIt != PIDEndIt; ++PIDIt )
+ {
+ if ((*PIDIt) == quPID && qConfig.quantaPID != quPID)
+ {
+ isOrphan = false; //the file is opened
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isOrphan)
+ entryIt = autosavedUrlsList.remove(entryIt);
+ else
+ ++entryIt;
+ }
+ m_config->writePathEntry("List of autosaved files", autosavedUrlsList);
+ void QuantaInit::execCommandPS(const QString& cmd)
+ {
+ //We create a KProcess that executes the "ps" *nix command to get the PIDs of the
+ //other instances of quanta actually running
+ KProcess *execCommand = new KProcess();
+ *(execCommand) << QStringList::split(" ",cmd);
+ connect(execCommand, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess*,char*,int)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotGetScriptOutput(KProcess*,char*,int)));
+ connect(execCommand, SIGNAL(receivedStderr(KProcess*,char*,int)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotGetScriptError(KProcess*,char*,int)));
+ connect(execCommand, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess*)),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotProcessExited(KProcess*)));
+ if (!execCommand->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit,KProcess::All))
+ {
+ KMessageBox::error(m_quanta, i18n("Failed to query for running Quanta instances."));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //To avoid lock-ups, start a timer.
+ QTimer *timer = new QTimer(m_quanta);
+ connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
+ m_quanta, SLOT(slotProcessTimeout()));
+ timer->start(180*1000, true);
+ QExtFileInfo internalFileInfo;
+ m_quanta->m_loopStarted = true;
+ internalFileInfo.enter_loop();
+ delete timer;
+ }
+ }
+ QString QuantaInit::searchPathListEntry(const QString& url, const QStringList& autosavedUrlsList, bool &notFound)
+ QString backedUpUrlHashedPath = retrieveHashedPath('.' + Document::hashFilePath(url));
+ notFound = true;
+ QStringList::ConstIterator autosavedUrlsEndIt = autosavedUrlsList.constEnd();
+ for (QStringList::ConstIterator autosavedUrlsIt = autosavedUrlsList.constBegin();
+ autosavedUrlsIt != autosavedUrlsEndIt;
+ ++autosavedUrlsIt)
+ {
+ QString quPID = retrievePID((*autosavedUrlsIt));
+ //check if the file is opened by another running Quanta or not
+ bool isOrphan = true;
+ QStringList::ConstIterator PIDEndIt = m_PIDlist.constEnd();
+ for (QStringList::ConstIterator PIDIt = m_PIDlist.constBegin(); PIDIt != PIDEndIt; ++PIDIt )
+ {
+ if ((*PIDIt) == quPID && qConfig.quantaPID != quPID)
+ {
+ isOrphan = false; //the file is opened
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (backedUpUrlHashedPath == retrieveHashedPath((*autosavedUrlsIt)))
+ {
+ notFound = false;
+ if (isOrphan)
+ return KURL::fromPathOrURL(*autosavedUrlsIt).path(); //the url was autosaved to this file
+ }
+ }
+ return QString::null;
+/** Retrieves hashed path from the name of a backup file */
+QString QuantaInit::retrieveHashedPath(const QString& filename)
+ int lastPoint = filename.findRev(".");
+ int Ppos = filename.find("P", lastPoint);
+ return filename.mid(lastPoint + 1,
+ Ppos - lastPoint);
+/** Retrieves PID from the name of a backup file */
+QString QuantaInit::retrievePID(const QString& filename)
+ QString strPID = QString::null;
+ strPID = filename.mid(filename.findRev("P") + 1);
+ if (strPID.isEmpty())
+ strPID = filename.mid(filename.findRev("N") + 1);
+ if (strPID.endsWith("U"))
+ strPID = strPID.left(strPID.length() - 1);
+ return strPID;
+void QuantaInit::loadVPLConfig()
+ //load the VPL options
+ m_config->setGroup("Kafka Synchronization options");
+ qConfig.quantaRefreshOnFocus = (m_config->readEntry("Source refresh", "delay") == "focus");
+ qConfig.quantaRefreshDelay = m_config->readNumEntry("Source refresh delay", 500);
+ qConfig.kafkaRefreshOnFocus = (m_config->readEntry("Kafka refresh", "focus") == "focus");
+ qConfig.kafkaRefreshDelay = m_config->readNumEntry("Kafka refresh delay", 4000);
+ /**reloadUpdateTimers();*/
+ m_config->setGroup("Kafka Indentation options");
+ qConfig.inlineNodeIndentation = m_config->readBoolEntry("Inline Node Indentation");
+struct Dependency{
+ QString name;
+ QString execName;
+ QString url;
+ QString description;
+ enum Type{
+ Executable = 0,
+ Plugin
+ };
+ Type type;
+void QuantaInit::checkRuntimeDependencies()
+ QValueList<Dependency> dependencies;
+ Dependency dependency;
+ = "Kommander";
+ dependency.execName = "kmdr-executor";
+ dependency.url = "";
+ dependency.description = i18n("various script based dialogs including the Quick Start dialog");
+ dependency.type = Dependency::Executable;
+ dependencies.append(dependency);
+ = "Tidy";
+ dependency.execName = "tidy";
+ dependency.url = "";
+ dependency.description = i18n("HTML syntax checking");
+ dependency.type = Dependency::Executable;
+ dependencies.append(dependency);
+ = "Kompare";
+ dependency.execName = "kompare";
+ dependency.url = "";
+ dependency.description = i18n("comparing of files by content");
+ dependency.type = Dependency::Executable;
+ dependencies.append(dependency);
+ = i18n("Control Center (kdebase)");
+ dependency.execName = "kcmshell";
+ dependency.url = "";
+ dependency.description = i18n("preview browser configuration");
+ dependency.type = Dependency::Executable;
+ dependencies.append(dependency);
+ = "GPG (OpenPGP)";
+ dependency.execName = "gpg";
+ dependency.url = "";
+ dependency.description = i18n("preview browser configuration");
+ dependency.type = Dependency::Executable;
+ dependencies.append(dependency);
+ = "KFileReplace";
+ dependency.execName = "KFileReplace";
+ dependency.url = "";
+ dependency.description = i18n("search and replace in files");
+ dependency.type = Dependency::Plugin;
+ dependencies.append(dependency);
+ = "KXSLDbg";
+ dependency.execName = "XSLT Debugger";
+ dependency.url = "";
+ dependency.description = i18n("XSLT debugging");
+ dependency.type = Dependency::Plugin;
+ dependencies.append(dependency);
+ = "KImageMapEditor";
+ dependency.execName = "KImageMapEditor";
+ dependency.url = "";
+ dependency.description = i18n("editing HTML image maps");
+ dependency.type = Dependency::Plugin;
+ dependencies.append(dependency);
+ = "KLinkStatus";
+ dependency.execName = "Link Checker";
+ dependency.url = "";
+ dependency.description = i18n("link validity checking");
+ dependency.type = Dependency::Plugin;
+ dependencies.append(dependency);
+ = "Cervisia";
+ dependency.execName = "CVS Management (Cervisia)";
+ dependency.url = "";
+ dependency.description = i18n("CVS management plugin");
+ dependency.type = Dependency::Plugin;
+ dependencies.append(dependency);
+ QString errorStr;
+ QString stdErrorMsg = i18n("<br><b>- %1</b> [<i>%2</i>] - %3 will not be available;");
+ for (QValueList<Dependency>::ConstIterator it = dependencies.constBegin(); it != dependencies.constEnd(); ++it)
+ {
+ dependency = *it;
+ if (dependency.type == Dependency::Executable)
+ {
+ if (KStandardDirs::findExe(dependency.execName).isNull())
+ errorStr += QString(stdErrorMsg).arg(;
+ } else
+ if (dependency.type == Dependency::Plugin)
+ {
+ if (!QuantaPlugin::validatePlugin(m_quanta->m_pluginInterface->plugin(dependency.execName)))
+ errorStr += QString(stdErrorMsg).arg(;
+ }
+ }
+ QString error;
+ QCString appId;
+ KApplication::startServiceByDesktopName("cvsservice", QStringList(), &error,
+ &appId);
+ if (appId.isEmpty())
+ {
+ errorStr += QString(stdErrorMsg).arg("Cervisia (cvsservice)").arg("").arg(i18n("integrated CVS management"));
+ } else
+ {
+ CVSService::ref(m_quanta->actionCollection())->setAppId(appId);
+ connect(CVSService::ref(), SIGNAL(clearMessages()), m_quanta->m_messageOutput, SLOT(clear()));
+ connect(CVSService::ref(), SIGNAL(showMessage(const QString&, bool)), m_quanta->m_messageOutput, SLOT(showMessage(const QString&, bool)));
+ connect(CVSService::ref(), SIGNAL(commandExecuted(const QString&, const QStringList&)), m_quanta, SLOT(slotCVSCommandExecuted(const QString&, const QStringList&)));
+ //connect(CVSService::ref(), SIGNAL(statusMsg(const QString &)), m_quanta, SLOT(slotStatusMsg(const QString & )));
+ m_quanta->fTab->plugCVSMenu();
+ pTab->plugCVSMenu();
+ }
+ if (!errorStr.isEmpty())
+ {
+ m_quanta->slotHideSplash();
+ errorStr[errorStr.length() - 1] = '.';
+ KMessageBox::information(m_quanta, "<qt>" + i18n("Some applications required for full functionality are missing:<br>") + errorStr + i18n("<br><br>You may download the applications from the specified locations.</qt>"), i18n("Missing Applications"), "RuntimeDependencyCheck");
+ }
+void QuantaInit::readAbbreviations()
+ QDomDocument doc;
+ QString groupName;
+ bool mainAbbrevFileFound = false;
+ QStringList mainFileList;
+ mainFileList << qConfig.globalDataDir + resourceDir + "abbreviations.xml";
+ mainFileList << KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("data") + resourceDir + "abbreviations.xml";
+ for (uint i = 0; i < mainFileList.count(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!QFile::exists(mainFileList[i]))
+ continue;
+ QFile file(mainFileList[i]);
+ if (
+ {
+ if (doc.setContent(&file))
+ {
+ QDomNodeList groupList = doc.elementsByTagName("Group");
+ for (uint groupIdx = 0; groupIdx < groupList.count(); groupIdx++)
+ {
+ Abbreviation abbrev;
+ QDomElement el = groupList.item(groupIdx).toElement();
+ groupName = el.attribute("name");
+ QDomNodeList dtepList = el.elementsByTagName("DTEP");
+ for (uint dtepListIdx = 0; dtepListIdx < dtepList.count(); dtepListIdx++)
+ {
+ abbrev.dteps.append(dtepList.item(dtepListIdx).toElement().attribute("name"));
+ }
+ QDomNodeList nodeList = el.elementsByTagName("Template");
+ for (uint nodeIdx = 0; nodeIdx < nodeList.count(); nodeIdx++)
+ {
+ QDomElement e = nodeList.item(nodeIdx).toElement();
+ abbrev.abbreviations.insert(e.attribute("name")+" "+e.attribute("description"), e.attribute("code"));
+ }
+ qConfig.abbreviations.insert(groupName, abbrev);
+ }
+ }
+ mainAbbrevFileFound = true;
+ file.close();
+ }
+ }
+ if (mainAbbrevFileFound) return;
+//Compatibility code: read the abbreviations files from the DTEP directories
+//TODO: Remove when upgrade from 3.2 is not supported.
+ QStringList filenameList = DTDs::ref()->fileNameList(false);
+ QStringList::Iterator it;
+ for (it = filenameList.begin(); it != filenameList.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ int pos =(*it).find('|');
+ QString dirName = (*it).mid(pos + 1);
+ QString dtepName = (*it).left(pos);
+ KURL dirURL(dirName);
+ dirURL.setFileName("");
+ dirName = dirURL.path(1);
+ QString abbrevFile = dirName;
+ QString tmpStr = dirName;
+ QStringList resourceDirs = KGlobal::dirs()->resourceDirs("data");
+ bool dirFound = false;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < resourceDirs.count(); i++)
+ {
+ if (tmpStr.startsWith(resourceDirs[i]))
+ {
+ dirFound = true;
+ tmpStr = tmpStr.right(tmpStr.length() - resourceDirs[i].length());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dirFound)
+ {
+ abbrevFile = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("data", tmpStr) +"/";
+ }
+ abbrevFile.append("abbreviations");
+ if (!QFile::exists(abbrevFile))
+ abbrevFile = dirName + "abbreviations";
+ QFile f(abbrevFile);
+ if (
+ {
+ if (doc.setContent(&f))
+ {
+ Abbreviation abbrev;
+ QDomNodeList nodeList = doc.elementsByTagName("Template");
+ for (uint i = 0; i < nodeList.count(); i++)
+ {
+ QDomElement e = nodeList.item(i).toElement();
+ abbrev.abbreviations.insert(e.attribute("name")+" "+e.attribute("description"), e.attribute("code"));
+ }
+ abbrev.dteps.append(dtepName);
+ qConfig.abbreviations.insert(DTDs::ref()->getDTDNickNameFromName(dtepName), abbrev);
+ }
+ f.close();
+ }
+ }
+int QuantaInit::runningQuantas()
+ QCStringList list = kapp->dcopClient()->registeredApplications();
+ int i = 0;
+ for (QCStringList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (QString(*it).startsWith("quanta", false))
+ ++i;
+ }
+ return i;
+#include "quanta_init.moc"