From WebMaker - KDE HTML Editor
Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Alexei Dets
Rewritten for Quanta Plus: (C) 2002 Andras Mantia
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
//qt includes
//kde includes
//app includes
#include "qextfileinfo.h"
QString QExtFileInfo::lastErrorMsg = "";
/** create a relative short url based in baseURL*/
KURL QExtFileInfo::toRelative(const KURL& urlToConvert,const KURL& baseURL)
KURL resultURL = urlToConvert;
if (urlToConvert.protocol() == baseURL.protocol())
QString path = urlToConvert.path();
QString basePath = baseURL.path(1);
if (path.startsWith("/"))
path.remove(0, 1);
basePath.remove(0, 1);
if ( basePath.right(1) != "/" ) basePath.append("/");
int pos=0;
int pos1=0;
for (;;)
if ( pos<0 || pos1<0 ) break;
if ( path.left(pos+1 ) == basePath.left(pos1+1) )
path.remove(0, pos+1);
basePath.remove(0, pos1+1);
if ( basePath == "/" ) basePath="";
int level = basePath.contains("/");
for (int i=0; i=0 )
cutname.remove( 0, pos+3 );
cutdir.remove( cutdir.length()-1, 1 );
cutdir.remove( cutdir.findRev('/')+1 , 1000);
if (urlToConvert.path().endsWith("/")) resultURL.adjustPath(1);
return resultURL;
/** All files in a dir.
The return will also contain the name of the subdirectories.
This is needed for empty directory adding/handling. (Andras)
Currently works only for local directories
KURL::List QExtFileInfo::allFiles( const KURL& path, const QString& mask)
QExtFileInfo internalFileInfo;
return internalFileInfo.allFilesInternal(path, mask);
KURL::List QExtFileInfo::allFilesRelative( const KURL& path, const QString& mask)
QExtFileInfo internalFileInfo;
KURL::List r = internalFileInfo.allFilesInternal( path, mask);
KURL::List::Iterator it;
for ( it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it )
*it = QExtFileInfo::toRelative( *it, path );
return r;
bool QExtFileInfo::createDir( const KURL& path )
int i=0;
bool result;
KURL dir1, dir2 = KURL();
while ( !exists(path) && dir2.path() != path.path() )
dir1 = path;
dir2 = path;
while ( !exists(dir1) && dir1.path() != "/" )
// debug(d1);
// dir2.setPath(dir2.path(-1));
result = KIO::NetAccess::mkdir(dir2, 0L, -1);
result = exists(path);
return result;
KURL QExtFileInfo::cdUp(const KURL &url)
KURL u = url;
QString dir = u.path(-1);
while ( !dir.isEmpty() && dir.right(1) != "/" )
dir.remove( dir.length()-1,1);
return u;
QString QExtFileInfo::shortName(const QString &fname)
return fname.section("/",-1);
KURL QExtFileInfo::path( const KURL &url )
return KURL( url.directory(false,false) );
KURL QExtFileInfo::home()
KURL url;
return url;
bool QExtFileInfo::exists(const KURL& a_url)
// Andras: Don't use it now, as it brings up an extra dialog and need manual
// intervention when usign fish
// return KIO::NetAccess::exists(a_url, false);
// No dialog when stating.
if ( a_url.isLocalFile() )
return QFile::exists( a_url.path() );
} else
QExtFileInfo internalFileInfo;
return internalFileInfo.internalExists(a_url);
/* Synchronouse copy, like NetAccess::file_copy in KDE 3.2 */
bool QExtFileInfo::copy( const KURL& src, const KURL& target, int permissions,
bool overwrite, bool resume, QWidget* window )
QExtFileInfo internalFileInfo;
return internalFileInfo.internalCopy( src, target, permissions, overwrite, resume, window );
/** No descriptions */
KURL::List QExtFileInfo::allFilesInternal(const KURL& startURL, const QString& mask)
if (internalExists(startURL))
// Split on white space
QStringList list = QStringList::split( ' ', mask );
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it )
lstFilters.append( new QRegExp(*it, false, true ) );
bJobOK = true;
KIO::ListJob *job = KIO::listRecursive(startURL, false, true);
connect(job, SIGNAL(entries(KIO::Job *, const KIO::UDSEntryList&)),
this, SLOT(slotNewEntries(KIO::Job *, const KIO::UDSEntryList&)));
connect( job, SIGNAL( result (KIO::Job *) ),
this, SLOT( slotResult (KIO::Job *) ) );
// kdDebug(24000) << "Now listing: " << startURL.url() << endl;
if (!bJobOK)
// kdDebug(24000) << "Error while listing "<< startURL.url() << endl;
return dirListItems;
//Some hackery from KIO::NetAccess as they do not do exactly what we want
/* return true if the url exists*/
bool QExtFileInfo::internalExists(const KURL& url)
bJobOK = true;
// kdDebug(24000)<<"QExtFileInfo::internalExists"<setDetails(0);
job->setSide(false); //check the url for writing
connect( job, SIGNAL( result (KIO::Job *) ),
this, SLOT( slotResult (KIO::Job *) ) );
//To avoid lock-ups, start a timer.
QTimer::singleShot(10*1000, this,SLOT(slotTimeout()));
// kdDebug(24000)<<"QExtFileInfo::internalExists:before enter_loop"<setWindow (window);
connect( job, SIGNAL( result (KIO::Job *) ),
this, SLOT( slotResult (KIO::Job *) ) );
return bJobOK;
void qt_enter_modal( QWidget *widget );
void qt_leave_modal( QWidget *widget );
void QExtFileInfo::enter_loop()
QWidget dummy(0,0,WType_Dialog | WShowModal);
dummy.setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus );
// kdDebug(24000)<<"QExtFileInfo::enter_loop:before qApp->enter_loop()"<enter_loop();
// kdDebug(24000)<<"QExtFileInfo::enter_loop:after qApp->enter_loop()"<error();
if ( !bJobOK )
if ( !lastErrorMsg )
lastErrorMsg = job->errorString();
if ( job->isA("KIO::StatJob") )
m_entry = static_cast(job)->statResult();
void QExtFileInfo::slotNewEntries(KIO::Job *job, const KIO::UDSEntryList& udsList)
KURL url = static_cast(job)->url();
// avoid creating these QStrings again and again
static const QString& dot = KGlobal::staticQString(".");
static const QString& dotdot = KGlobal::staticQString("..");
KIO::UDSEntryListConstIterator it = udsList.begin();
KIO::UDSEntryListConstIterator end = udsList.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
QString name;
// find out about the name
KIO::UDSEntry::ConstIterator entit = (*it).begin();
for( ; entit != (*it).end(); ++entit )
if ( (*entit).m_uds == KIO::UDS_NAME )
name = (*entit).m_str;
if ( ! name.isEmpty() && name != dot && name != dotdot)
KFileItem* item = new KFileItem( *it, url, false, true );
itemURL = item->url();
if (item->isDir()) itemURL.adjustPath(1);
for ( QPtrListIterator filterIt( lstFilters ); filterIt.current(); ++filterIt )
if ( filterIt.current()->exactMatch( item->text() ) )
delete item;
/** Timeout occured while waiting for some network function to return. */
void QExtFileInfo::slotTimeout()
bJobOK = false;
#include "qextfileinfo.moc"