                          dtds.h  -  description
    begin                : 12.02.2004  (extract from quanta_init and others)

    copyright            : (C) 2000 by Dmitry Poplavsky & Alexander Yakovlev <pdima@users.sourceforge.net,yshurik@linuxfan.com>
                           (C) 2001-2003 by Andras Mantia <amantia@kde.org>
                           (C) 2000, 2003 by Eric Laffoon <sequitur@kde.org>
                           (C) 2004 by Jens Herden <jhe at epost.de>

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.               *
 *                                                                         *

#ifndef DTDS_H
#define DTDS_H

// application specific includes
#include "qtag.h"
#include "tqobject.h"
#include "tqfile.h"

//qt includes
#include <tqdict.h>

//kde includes
#include <kdebug.h>

class TQDomNode;
class TQDomDocument;
class TQTag;
class TQString;
class TQStringList;
class TDEConfig;
struct DTDStruct;

/** @short This class manages the DTD's for Quanta.
 *  The constructor only loads the necessary information from the description.rc file.
 *  The rest is later loaded on demand of the find() function.
class DTDs : public TQObject


   *  since this class is a singleton you must use this function to access it
   *  @return the class pointer
  static DTDs* ref(TQObject *parent = 0L)
    static DTDs *m_ref;
    if (!m_ref) m_ref = new DTDs(parent);
    return m_ref;


   * searchs a dtd and loads it from disk if not present in memory
   * @param dtdName name of the dtd, will be converted to lowercase inside
   * @return the found dtd structure
  const DTDStruct * find (const TQString &dtdName)
//    kdDebug(24000) << "dtds::find " << dtdName << endl;
    DTDStruct *dtd = m_dict->find(dtdName.lower()) ;
    if (dtd && ! dtd->loaded ) readTagDir2(dtd);
    return dtd;
   * @param nickName nickname of the DTD
   * @return the name (identifier) to the nickname. If the DTD is not found you get
   *         nickName back!
  TQString getDTDNameFromNickName(const TQString& nickName);
   * @param name name of the DTD
   * @return the nickname to the name. If the DTD is not found you get
   *         name back!
  TQString getDTDNickNameFromName(const TQString& name)
    DTDStruct *dtd = m_dict->find(name);
    if ( dtd )
      return dtd->nickName;
      return name;

   * creates a list of all available nicknames
   * @param topLevelOnly true = only the DTD's which can be the main DTD of a document
   *                     are included
   * @return all known nick names
  TQStringList nickNameList (bool topLevelOnly=false);

   * creates a list of all available names
   * @param topLevelOnly true = only the DTD's which can be the main DTD of a document
   *                     are included
   * @return all known names
  TQStringList nameList (bool topLevelOnly=false);
   * creates a list with the path to the description.rc of all available DTEPs
   * @param topLevelOnly true = only the DTD's which can be the main DTD of a document
   *                     are included
   * @return a list with the name and the path to the description.rc of all available DTEPs in form of
   *               DTEPName | path to description.rc
  TQStringList fileNameList (bool topLevelOnly=false);

  /** finds a dtd for a given url
   * @param url look for this file
   * @return the first DTD for this mimetype or the "empty" DTD if not found
  const DTDStruct * DTDforURL(const KURL &url);

   * Checks if a DTD can handle the file or not.
   * @param dtd the DTD to check against
   * @param url the url pointing to the file
   * @return true if it can handle
  static bool canHandle(const DTDStruct *dtd, const KURL &url);

public slots:

  /** Load a DTD and convert to a DTEP */
  void slotLoadDTD();

  /** Loads a DTEP from a directory
   *  @param dirName The directory containing the DTEP
   *  @param askForAutoLoad if true and the user answer with yes to the autoload question
   *                the DTEP will be copied to the local resource directory and will be autoloaded on
   *                startup
  void slotLoadDTEP(const TQString& dirName, bool askForAutoLoad);

   * Loads (replaces) the entities for a DTEP.
  void slotLoadEntities();

  /** used to hide the splash screen */
  void hideSplash();

  /** DTD has changed need reparse */
  void forceReparse();

  /** Enable/disbale the idle timer*/
  void enableIdleTimer(bool);

  void loadToolbarForDTD(const TQString&);


  /** The constructor is privat because we use singleton patter.
   *  If you need the class use DTDs::ref() for
   *  construction and reference
  DTDs(TQObject *parent);

  /** Reads the tag files and the description.rc from tagDir in order to
   *  build up the internal DTD and tag structures.
   * @param dirName folder where dtd definition is located
   * @param loadAll true = all information and tags will be loaded now (@ref readTagDir2 will be called)
   * @return true = no error
  bool readTagDir(const TQString &dirName, bool loadAll=true);

  /**  Reads the tag files and the description.rc from tagDir in order to
    *  build up the internal DTD and tag structures.
    * @param dtd the already preloaded dtd structure
    * @return true = no error
  bool readTagDir2(DTDStruct *dtd);

  /**  helper for @ref readTagDir2
    * @param dtd the already preloaded dtd structure
  void resolveInherited (DTDStruct *dtd);

  /** Reads the tags from the tag files.
   * @param fileName path of the tag file
   * @param parentDTD the DTD where the tags belog to
   * @param tagList the list where the tags are inserted
   * @return the number of read tags.
  uint readTagFile(const TQString& fileName, DTDStruct* parentDTD, TQTagList *tagList);

  /** Parses the dom document and retrieve the tag attributes
  * @param dom the DOM node containing the tag definition
  * @param tag the TQTag object that will be initialized by using the information in dom
  * @param common will be true, if the tag is a just a list of common group attributes
  void setAttributes(TQDomNode *dom, TQTag* tag, bool &common);
  /** removes dtd from dictonary and deletes all components
   * @param dtd the dtd to delete
  void removeDTD(DTDStruct *dtd);

  /** helper to read the tag files */
  TQDomDocument *m_doc;

  /** dictonary with references to all DTD's in memory */
  TQDict<DTDStruct> *m_dict;
