/*************************************************************************** quantaview.h - description ------------------- begin : ���� 9 13:29:57 EEST 2000 copyright : (C) 2000 by Dmitry Poplavsky & Alexander Yakovlev & Eric Laffoon <pdima@users.sourceforge.net,yshurik@linuxfan.com,sequitur@easystreet.com> (C) 2001-2005 Andras Mantia <amantia@kde.org> ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef QUANTAVIEW_H #define QUANTAVIEW_H // include files for TQt #include <tqguardedptr.h> #include <tqwidget.h> #include <tqptrlist.h> #include <tqvaluelist.h> #include <tqtimer.h> //kde includes #include <tdemdichildview.h> #include <dom/dom_node.h> class QuantaDoc; class Document; class ToolbarTabWidget; class KafkaDocument; class QuantaPlugin; class TQSplitter; class KURL; class TQGridLayout; namespace DOM { class Node; } namespace KTextEditor { class Mark; } class TQSplitter; class Node; /** The QuantaView class provides the view widget for the QuantaApp * instance. The View instance inherits TQWidget as a base class and * represents the view object of a KTMainWindow. As QuantaView is part * of the docuement-view model, it needs a reference to the document * object connected with it by the QuantaApp class to manipulate and * display the document structure provided by the QuantaDoc class. * * @author Source Framework Automatically Generated by KDevelop, (c) The KDevelop Team. * @version KDevelop version 0.4 code generation */ class QuantaView : public KMdiChildView { Q_OBJECT public: QuantaView(TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name=0, const TQString &caption = TQString()); ~QuantaView(); /** returns true if the view can be removed, false otherwise */ bool mayRemove(); /**Adds a Document object to the view. Also creates the VPL widget for the document. */ void addDocument(Document *document); /** Adds a custom widget to the view. */ void addCustomWidget(TQWidget *widget, const TQString &label); /** returns the Document object associated with this view. Returns 0L if the view holds a non-Document object */ Document *document() {return m_document;}; /**Adds a QuantaPlugin object to the view.*/ void addPlugin(QuantaPlugin *plugin); TQWidget* documentArea() {return m_documentArea;} bool saveDocument(const KURL&); /** Saves the document if it's modified. Ask the user if their @param ask is true. */ bool saveModified(bool ask = true); /** Returns the baseURL of the document. */ KURL baseURL(); /** Tells which widget had the focus the more recently */ int hadLastFocus() {return m_currentFocus;} /** Reloads both views ONLY when changes have been made to the Node tree ONLY. * Set force to true if you want to reload even if not necessary.*/ void reloadBothViews(bool force = false); /** reload the Kafka view from the Node Tree. Set force to true if you want to reload even if not necessary. */ void reloadVPLView(bool force = false); /** reload the Quanta view from the Node Tree. Set force to true if you want to reload even if not necessary. */ void reloadSourceView(bool force = false); /** Return the curren views layout*/ int currentViewsLayout() {return m_currentViewsLayout;} void reloadLayout(); /** Called when this view become the active one */ void activated(); /** Called when this view lost the active status */ void deactivated(); void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent* e); /** Resize the current view */ void resize(int width, int height); /** Redraws the view, resizes the components to their correct size */ void refreshWindow(); /** Updates the icon at the name on the view tab */ void updateTab(); /** Returns the tab name associated with this view */ TQString tabName(); void insertTag( const char *tag); /** Insert a new tag by bringing up the TagDialog. */ void insertNewTag(const TQString &tag, const TQString &attr = TQString(), bool insertInLine = true); /** * This function take the output of the TagAction, parse it into Nodes and insert it * in the Node tree. Then kafka will take care of updating itself from the Node Tree. */ void insertOutputInTheNodeTree(const TQString &str1, const TQString &str2 = TQString(), Node *node = 0L); enum ViewFocus { SourceFocus = 0, VPLFocus }; enum ViewLayout { SourceOnly = 0, SourceAndVPL, VPLOnly }; public slots: void slotSetSourceLayout(); void slotSetSourceAndVPLLayout(); void slotSetVPLOnlyLayout(); /** * Called whenever the KafkaWidget widget get/lost the focus. */ void slotVPLGetFocus(bool focus); /** * Called whenever the KTextEditor::View widget get the focus. */ void slotSourceGetFocus(); /** * Called when we want to set the Quanta cursor. * Record the position until Quanta get the focus again. * Useful when we want to set it when quanta doesn't have the focus. */ void slotSetCursorPositionInSource(int col, int line); /** * Called when an error occured when loading kafka. * Pop up the Error reporter dialog. */ void slotVPLLoadingError(Node *node); /** Restarts the update timers according to the current settings */ void reloadUpdateTimers(); private slots: void slotSavingCompleted(); void slotSavingFailed(const TQString& error); /** * Called to update VPL. */ void VPLUpdateTimerTimeout(); /** * Called to update the source. */ void sourceUpdateTimerTimeout(); signals: /** emitted when a file from the template view is dropped on the view */ void dragInsert(TQDropEvent *); /** asks for hiding the preview widget */ void hidePreview(); void showProblemsView(); void cursorPositionChanged(); void title(const TQString &); /** emitted if this view contained an editor and it is closed */ void documentClosed(const KURL&); void eventHappened(const TQString&, const TQString&, const TQString& ); private: /** Kafka stuff */ TQValueList<int> m_splitterSizes; int m_curCol, m_curLine, m_curOffset; DOM::Node curNode; bool m_kafkaReloadingEnabled, m_quantaReloadingEnabled; TQTimer m_sourceUpdateTimer, m_VPLUpdateTimer; TQWidget *m_documentArea;///< the area of the view which can be used to show the source/VPL Document *m_document; QuantaPlugin *m_plugin; TQWidget *m_customWidget; ///<view holds a custom widget, eg. a documentation TQGuardedPtr<KafkaDocument> m_kafkaDocument; TQSplitter *m_splitter; TQGridLayout *m_viewLayout; int m_currentViewsLayout; ///< holds the current layout, which can be SourceOnly, VPLOnly or SourceAndVPL int m_currentFocus; bool m_saveResult; bool m_eventLoopStarted; protected: virtual void dropEvent(TQDropEvent *e); virtual void dragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent *e); }; #endif // QUANTAVIEW_H