                           viewmanager  -  description
    begin              : Fri Mar 26 2004
    copyright          : (C) 2004 by Andras Mantia <amantia@kde.org>

 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.


#include <kurl.h>

//forward declarations
class Document;
class QuantaView;
class QuantaBookmarks;
class KafkaDocument;
class TDEPopupMenu;

class KMdiChildView;

/** This singleton class takes care of creating new views for documents, help, plugins, preview and so.
* As the name says, it also manages the views. */

class ViewManager : public TQObject
  /** Returns a reference to the viewmanager object */
  static ViewManager* const ref(TQObject *parent = 0L, const char *name = 0L)
    static ViewManager *m_ref;
    if (!m_ref) m_ref = new ViewManager(parent, name);
    return m_ref;
  /** The destructor. */
  virtual ~ViewManager(){};

  /** Creates a QuantaView object */
  QuantaView *createView(const TQString &caption = TQString());
  /** Removes a QuantaView object. Returns false on failure (eg. the view was not saved and it refused
  the delete itself.) If force is true, the view is removed without asking for save.
  bool removeView(QuantaView *view, bool force = false, bool createNew = true);
  /** Returns the active view */
  QuantaView *activeView();
  /** Returns the active document or 0L */
  Document *activeDocument();
  /** Returns the view holding the document loaded from url. */
  QuantaView *isOpened(const KURL &url);

  bool saveAll();

  /** Returns true if at least one view has the modified flag set. */
  bool isOneModified();

  void createNewDocument();
/** Returns a list with the URLs of the opened documents */
  KURL::List openedFiles(bool noUntitled=true);
  /** Returns a list with the Document* object of the opened documents */
  TQValueList<Document*> openedDocuments();

  /** Returns the view holding the documentation widget. If create is true and there is no such view yet,
  it creates one. */
  QuantaView *documentationView(bool create = true);

  /** Returns the last active view which had an editor inside or 0 if there was no such view */
  QuantaView *lastActiveEditorView() {return m_lastActiveEditorView;}
  /** Return the URL of the currently active document */
  TQString currentURL();

public slots:
  /**called when a new view was activated */
  void slotViewActivated(KMdiChildView *view);

  /** Removes the active view Returns false on failure (eg. the view was not saved and it refused the delete itself.) */
  bool removeActiveView(bool createNew = true)  { return removeView(activeView(), false, createNew); }
  /** closes all the other but active tabs */
  void slotCloseOtherTabs();
  /** closes all views. If createNew is true, it creates a new view after closing the others. Return true if all documents were closed.*/
  bool closeAll(bool createNew = true);
  /** called when the last view is closed */
  void slotLastViewClosed();

  /** called when the context menu was invoked on a tab */
  void slotTabContextMenu(TQWidget *widget, const TQPoint & point);
  /** called when the user requests to close a tab with the close button */
  void slotCloseRequest(KMdiChildView *widget);
  /** called from the views and just emits the signal @ref documentClosed */
  void slotDocumentClosed(const KURL&);

  /** emitted when a file from the template view is dropped on a view */
  void dragInsert(TQDropEvent *);
  /** emitted when a view was activated */
  void viewActivated(const KURL &);
  /** emitted when a view was closed */
  void documentClosed(const KURL&);
  void eventHappened(const TQString&, const TQString&, const TQString& );
  /** emitted when all files were closed. The argument is true if the closes
  was successful, false if the unser canceled the closing */
  void filesClosed(bool);

private slots:
 /** called before the file list menu shows up, so it can be updated */
  void slotFileListPopupAboutToShow();
  /** called when an item is selected in the file list menu */
  void slotFileListPopupItemActivated(int id);

  /** Handle tab context menus for editor views */
  void slotReloadFile();
  void slotUploadFile();
  void slotDeleteFile();
  void slotCloseView();

  /** Private constructor for the singleton object. */
  ViewManager(TQObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0);
  /** Returns true if there isn't any opened view holding an editor */
  bool allEditorsClosed();

  QuantaView *m_lastActiveView; ///< Holds the last active view. Used to deactivate it when a new view is selected
  QuantaView *m_lastActiveEditorView; ///< Contains the last active view which has an editor inside
  QuantaView *m_documentationView; ///< Contains the view which holds the documentation browser
  TDEPopupMenu *m_tabPopup; ///< the menu which pops up when the user clicks on a view tab
  TDEPopupMenu *m_fileListPopup; ///< a menu containing the opened views as menu items
  TDEPopupMenu *m_bookmarksMenu;
  QuantaBookmarks *m_bookmarks;
  QuantaView *m_contextView; ///<the tab where the context menu was requested
  bool m_separatorVisible;
  int m_cvsMenuId;
  int m_bookmarksMenuId;
