                          BaseTreeView.h  -  description
    begin                : Thu Jun 1 2000
    copyright            : (C) 2000 by Dmitry Poplavsky & Alexander Yakovlev & Eric Laffoon <pdima@users.sourceforge.net,yshurik@linuxfan.com,sequitur@easystreet.com>
                           (C) 2001-2004 Andras Mantia <amantia@kde.org>

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *


//qt includes
#include <tqvaluelist.h>

//kde includes
#include <tdefiletreebranch.h>
#include <tdefiletreeview.h>
#include <tdefiletreeviewitem.h>

// quanta includes
#include "quantacommon.h"

//foward declarations
class TQListViewItem;
class TQString;
class TQPixmap;
class TQPoint;
class TQRegExp;
class TQCloseEvent;

class TDEAction;
class KFileItem;
class TDEPopupMenu;
class KPropertiesDialog;
class KURL;
class FileInfoDlg;
class BaseTreeViewToolTip;
class QuantaPlugin;

 * @short a KFileTreeViewItem with some specials.
 * @author Jens Herden <jens@tdewebdev.org>
class BaseTreeViewItem : public KFileTreeViewItem {

  BaseTreeViewItem( KFileTreeViewItem *parent, KFileItem* item, KFileTreeBranch *brnch );

  sorts folders separate from files
  TQString key (int column, bool ascending) const;

  makes compare independent from locale
  int compare( TQListViewItem *i, int col, bool ascending ) const;

  makes open files bold and the second column lighter
  void paintCell(TQPainter *p, const TQColorGroup &cg, int column, int width, int align);

  refresh icon
  void refreshIcon();

 * @short a KFileTreeBranch that uses @ref BaseTreeViewItem and does some special filtering.
 * @author Jens Herden <jens@tdewebdev.org>
class BaseTreeBranch : public KFileTreeBranch {

  BaseTreeBranch(KFileTreeView *parent, const KURL& url,
                  const TQString& name, const TQPixmap& pix,
                  bool showHidden = false, KFileTreeViewItem *branchRoot = 0);
  get the BaseTreeViewItem
  virtual KFileTreeViewItem* createTreeViewItem( KFileTreeViewItem *parent,
                                                 KFileItem *fileItem );
  does custom filtering
  bool matchesFilter(const KFileItem *item) const;

  files matching to this will not be shown
  TQRegExp excludeFilterRx;

  adds the current open folders of the branch to a stringslist.
  Attention: no check for double entries is done

  @param openFolder the list where to add the URL strings
  void addOpenFolder(TQStringList *openFolder);

  /** opens the next folder in @ref folderToOpen */
  void reopenFolder();

  /** list of folders to open */
  TQStringList folderToOpen;

  /** inform the dirwatcher to update all open folders */
  void updateOpenFolder();


 * @short the base class for many of Quantas treeviews
 * @ref FilesTreeView, @ref ScriptTreeView, @ref ProjectTreeView and
 * @ref TemplatesTreeView use this class.
class BaseTreeView : public KFileTreeView {

  BaseTreeView(TQWidget *parent = 0L, const char *name = 0L);
  virtual ~BaseTreeView();

   * Saves the list view's layout (column widtsh, column order, sort column)
   * to a TDEConfig group. Reimplemented to save the open folders.
   * @param config the TDEConfig object to write to
   * @param group the config group to use
  void saveLayout(TDEConfig *config, const TQString &group);

   * Reads the list view's layout from a TDEConfig group as stored with
   * saveLayout. Reimplemented to load the open folders.
   * @param config the TDEConfig object to read from
   * @param group the config group to use
  void restoreLayout(TDEConfig *config, const TQString &group);

  * en/disable saving a list of open folders in @ref saveLayout and
  * restoring the tree status in @ref restoreLayout
  void setSaveOpenFolder(bool b = true) { m_saveOpenFolder = b; };

  /** reads property @ref setSaveOpenFolder */
  bool saveOpenFolder() { return m_saveOpenFolder; };

public slots:
  sets new project information
  void slotNewProjectLoaded(const TQString &, const KURL &, const KURL &);
  repaints all treeview items
  void slotDocumentClosed(const KURL& url);

protected slots:

  void slotCopy();
  void slotPaste();
  void slotDelete();
  virtual void slotJobFinished( TDEIO::Job *job);
  void slotInsertInProject();
  void slotInsertDirInProject();
  virtual void slotReturnPressed(TQListViewItem *item);
  virtual void slotDropped (TQWidget *, TQDropEvent *, KURL::List&, KURL&);
   sends value from TDEIO::Job to progressbar
  virtual void slotPercent(TDEIO::Job *job, unsigned long value);

  void slotPopulateFinished(KFileTreeViewItem *item);
  shows open with dialog for the current item
  void slotOpenWith();

  /** Opens the current item with the selected associated application */
  void slotOpenWithApplication();
  Called for: double click, return, Open

  emits a signal (@ref openFile or @ref openImage)
  or expands an archiv (@ref expandArchiv) in the tree
  virtual void slotSelectFile(TQListViewItem *item);
  emits the signal @ref insertTag
  void slotInsertTag();
  reloads the current branch
  void slotReload();
  reloads all branches
  virtual void slotReloadAllTrees();
  reloads one branche
  virtual void reload(BaseTreeBranch *btb);
  opens the properties dialog
  void slotProperties();
  applies changed properties
  virtual void slotPropertiesApplied();
  emits the signal @ref open
  void slotOpen();
  emits the signal @ref closeFile
  void slotClose();

  starts the inline rename of the current item
  void slotStartRename();

  connect signal itemRenamed to this slot to handle inline rename
  virtual void slotRenameItem(TQListViewItem* kvtvi, const TQString & newText, int col);
  create a site template tarball from the selected directory
  virtual void slotCreateSiteTemplate();
   Creates a folder under the current item
  virtual void slotCreateFolder();
  Creates a file under the current item
  virtual void slotCreateFile();

  virtual void slotOpenWithActivated(int id);

  implement this to create a branch and add this branch to the treeview
  @param url the root of the branch
  @return the new branch
  virtual KFileTreeBranch* newBranch(const KURL& url) = 0;

  called when an item was renamed in the properties dialog
  the default implementation emits the signal @ref renamed
  virtual void itemRenamed(const KURL& , const KURL& );

  called when the description of an item was changed,
  the default implementation does nothing
  @param item the treeview item
  @param newDesc the new description of item
  virtual void itemDescChanged(KFileTreeViewItem* item, const TQString& newDesc)
  @return true if the clipboard contains one or more valid path
  bool isPathInClipboard();

  adds the Quanta fileinfopage to the properties dialog
  @param propDlg the dialog where to add the page
  @return pointer to to just added page
  virtual FileInfoDlg* addFileInfoPage(KPropertiesDialog *propDlg);

  expands an archiv inside of the tree
  @return true if expanding was possible
  bool expandArchiv (KFileTreeViewItem *item);
  bool acceptDrag(TQDropEvent* e ) const;
  void findDrop(const TQPoint &pos, TQListViewItem *&parent, TQListViewItem *&after);

  this is for project and template tree to reduce includes there
  bool isFileOpen(const KURL &url);

  /** Inserts an Open With submenu into @param menu which lists
  the possible applications that can open the current item and an
  "Other" entry to bring up the Open With dialog. If no application
  is associated with the type of the current item, the menu will bring up the Open With dialog immediately.
  @param menu the menu where the Open With submenu should be inserted
  @param position the position in this menu
  void insertOpenWithMenu(TDEPopupMenu *menu, int position);
  KPropertiesDialog *propDlg;
  TQString m_projectName;
  KURL m_projectBaseURL;
  FileInfoDlg* fileInfoDlg;
  /** the parent of the treeview
      the passwords are cached there
  TQWidget * m_parent;

  BaseTreeViewToolTip * m_tooltip;
  // some stuff for renaming
  void doRename(KFileTreeViewItem* kvtvi, const TQString & newName);
  /** reimplemented to reset renameable */
  void cancelRename(int col);

  void openFile(const KURL&);
  void openImage(const KURL&);
  void open(TQListViewItem *name);
  void insertDirInProject(const KURL&);
  void insertFileInProject(const KURL&);
  void insertTag(const KURL &, DirInfo);
  file or folder has been renamed
  void renamed(const KURL &, const KURL &);
  close the file in Quanta
  void closeFile( const KURL& );

  bool m_saveOpenFolder;
  TDEPopupMenu *m_openWithMenu;
  int m_openWithMenuId;
  TQValueList<TDEAction *> m_openWithActions;
  TQMap<int, QuantaPlugin*> m_pluginIds;
