/*************************************************************************** tdefilereplacelib.cpp - File library ------------------- begin : lun mai 3 20:19:52 CEST 1999 copyright : (C) 1999 by Fran�ois Dupoux (C) 2003 Andras Mantia <amantia@kde.org> (C) 2004 Emiliano Gulmini <emi_barbarossa@yahoo.it> email : dupoux@dupoux.com ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ //QT #include <tqstringlist.h> #include <tqwidget.h> #include <tqlistview.h> #include <tqfileinfo.h> //KDE #include <kdebug.h> #include <tdemessagebox.h> #include <tdelistview.h> #include <kiconloader.h> //needed for malloc/free #include <stdlib.h> // local #include "tdefilereplacelib.h" const double kilo = 1024.0; const double mega = 1048576.0;//1024^2 const double giga = 1073741824.0;//1024^3 const double tera = 1099511627776.0;//1024^4 /** Format a path, from a path and a filename, or another sub-path (avoid double '/' risks) Parameters::.....* basePath: fist path (can be "/" if root, or "/usr/bin/" or "/usr/bin" for example) .................* fileName: second path (can be "/doc/html/", or "doc/html/" or "doc/html/index.html" for example) Return values:...* Full valid path (without double "/") */ TQString TDEFileReplaceLib::formatFullPath(const TQString& basePath, const TQString &fileName) { TQString fullPath = basePath; TQString fname = fileName; if (fname.startsWith("/")) // skip beginning '/' fname = fname.remove(0,1); if (fullPath.endsWith("/")) fullPath.append(fname); else fullPath.append("/"+fname); return fullPath; } /** Add an extension to a filename, or a filepath Parameters::.....* fileName: filename or filepath (it can have already the extension) .................* extension: extension to add without "." (ex: "html", "kfr") Return values:...* Filename / Filepath with the extension */ TQString TDEFileReplaceLib::addExtension(const TQString& fileName, const TQString& extension) { TQString fullExtension = "."; TQString fname = fileName; fullExtension.append(extension); // filename cannot contain ".ext" ==> Add it if(fname.length() <= fullExtension.length()) fname.append(fullExtension); else // filename can contain ".ext" { if (fname.right(fullExtension.length()) != fullExtension) fname.append(fullExtension); } return fname; } TQString TDEFileReplaceLib::formatFileSize(double size) { TQString stringSize; if(size < kilo) { const int asInt = (int) size; stringSize = i18n("1 byte", "%n bytes", asInt); } else if(size >= kilo && size < mega) { double d = size / kilo; stringSize = i18n("%1 KB").arg(TQString::number(d,'f',2)); } else if(size >= mega && size < giga) { double d = size / mega; stringSize = i18n("%1 MB").arg(TQString::number(d,'f',2)); } else if(size >= giga) { double d = size / giga; stringSize = i18n("%1 GB").arg(TQString::number(d,'f',2)); } return stringSize; } void TDEFileReplaceLib::convertOldToNewKFRFormat(const TQString& fileName, TDEListView* stringView) { //this method convert old format in new XML-based format typedef struct { char pgm[13]; // Must be "TDEFileReplace" : like MZ for EXE files int stringNumber; // Number of strings in file char reserved[64]; // Reserved for future use } KFRHeader; KFRHeader head; FILE* f = fopen(fileName.ascii(),"rb"); int err = fread(&head, sizeof(KFRHeader), 1, f); TQString pgm(head.pgm); if(!f || (err != 1) || (pgm != "TDEFileReplace")) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("<qt>Cannot open the file <b>%1</b> and load the string list. This file seems not to be a valid old kfr file or it is broken.</qt>").arg(fileName)); return ; } stringView->clear(); int oldTextSize, newTextSize, errors = 0, stringSize; TQStringList l; int i ; for (i=0; i < head.stringNumber; i++) { errors += (fread(&oldTextSize, sizeof(int), 1, f)) != 1; errors += (fread(&newTextSize, sizeof(int), 1, f)) != 1; if(errors > 0) KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Cannot read data.")); else { stringSize = ((oldTextSize > newTextSize) ? oldTextSize : newTextSize) + 2; char* oldString = (char*) malloc(stringSize+10), * newString = (char*) malloc(stringSize+10); memset(oldString, 0, stringSize); memset(newString,0, stringSize); if (oldString == 0 || newString == 0) KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Out of memory.")); else { if (fread(oldString, oldTextSize, 1, f) != 1) KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Cannot read data.")); else { if (newTextSize > 0) // If there is a Replace text { if (fread(newString, newTextSize, 1, f) != 1) KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Cannot read data.")); else { TQListViewItem* lvi = new TQListViewItem(stringView); lvi->setText(0,oldString); lvi->setText(1,newString); if(newString) free(newString); if(oldString) free(oldString); } } } } } } fclose(f); return ; } bool TDEFileReplaceLib::isAnAccessibleFile(const TQString& filePath, const TQString& fileName, RCOptions* info) { TQString bkExt = info->m_backupExtension; if(fileName == ".." || fileName == "." || (!bkExt.isEmpty() && fileName.right(bkExt.length()) == bkExt)) return false; TQFileInfo fi; if(filePath.isEmpty()) fi.setFile(fileName); else fi.setFile(filePath+"/"+fileName); if(fi.isDir()) return true; int minSize = info->m_minSize, maxSize = info->m_maxSize; TQString minDate = info->m_minDate, maxDate = info->m_maxDate, dateAccess = info->m_dateAccess; // Avoid files that not match access date requirements TQString last = "unknown"; if(dateAccess == "Last Writing Access") last = fi.lastModified().toString(Qt::ISODate); if(dateAccess == "Last Reading Access") last = fi.lastRead().toString(Qt::ISODate); if(last != "unknown") { if(minDate != "unknown" && maxDate != "unknown") { //If out of range then exit if((minDate > last) || (maxDate < last)) return false; } else { if(minDate != "unknown") { //If out of range then exit if(minDate > last) return false; } else { if(maxDate != "unknown") //If out of range then exit if(maxDate < last) return false; } } } // Avoid files that not match size requirements int size = fi.size(); if(maxSize != FileSizeOption && minSize != FileSizeOption) if(size > (maxSize*1024) || size < (minSize*1024)) return false; // Avoid files that not match ownership requirements if(info->m_ownerUserIsChecked) { TQString fileOwnerUser; if(info->m_ownerUserType == "Name") fileOwnerUser = fi.owner(); else fileOwnerUser = TQString::number(fi.ownerId(),10); if(info->m_ownerUserBool == "Equals To") { if(info->m_ownerUserValue != fileOwnerUser) return false; } else { if(info->m_ownerUserValue == fileOwnerUser) return false; } } if(info->m_ownerGroupIsChecked) { TQString fileOwnerGroup; if(info->m_ownerGroupType == "Name") fileOwnerGroup = fi.group(); else fileOwnerGroup = TQString::number(fi.groupId(),10); if(info->m_ownerGroupBool == "Equals To") { if(info->m_ownerGroupValue != fileOwnerGroup) return false; } else { if(info->m_ownerGroupValue == fileOwnerGroup) return false; } } //If we are here then all requirements have been verified return true; } void TDEFileReplaceLib::setIconForFileEntry(TQListViewItem* item, TQString path) { TQFileInfo fi(path); TQString extension = fi.extension(), baseName = fi.baseName(); KeyValueMap extensionMap; extensionMap["a"] = "application-octet-stream"; extensionMap["am"] = "text-x-script"; extensionMap["bz"] = "application-vnd.tde.overlay.zip"; extensionMap["bz2"] = "application-vnd.tde.overlay.zip"; extensionMap["c"] = "text-x-csrc"; extensionMap["cc"] = "text-x-c++src"; extensionMap["cpp"] = "text-x-c++src"; extensionMap["eml"] = "message"; extensionMap["exe"] = "application-x-mswinurl"; extensionMap["gz"] = "application-vnd.tde.overlay.zip"; extensionMap["h"] = "text-x-hsrc"; extensionMap["htm"] = "text-html"; extensionMap["html"] = "text-html"; extensionMap["in"] = "text-x-script"; extensionMap["java"] = "text-x-java"; extensionMap["jpg"] = "image-x-generic"; extensionMap["kfr"] = "text-html"; extensionMap["kmdr"] = "application-x-designer"; extensionMap["kwd"] = "x-office-document"; extensionMap["log"] = "text-x-log"; extensionMap["moc"] = "text-x-mocsrc"; extensionMap["mp3"] = "audio-x-generic"; extensionMap["o"] = "text-x-osrc"; extensionMap["pdf"] = "application-pdf"; extensionMap["php"] = "text-x-php"; extensionMap["py"] = "text-x-python"; extensionMap["pl"] = "text-x-perl"; extensionMap["p"] = "text-x-psrc"; extensionMap["ps"] = "application-postscript"; extensionMap["png"] = "image-x-generic"; extensionMap["sa"] = "application-octet-stream"; extensionMap["sh"] = "text-x-script"; extensionMap["so"] = "application-octet-stream"; extensionMap["tar"] = "application-x-tar"; extensionMap["tex"] = "text-x-tex"; extensionMap["tgz"] = "application-x-tarz"; extensionMap["txt"] = "text-plain"; extensionMap["ui"] = "application-x-designer"; extensionMap["uml"] = "umbrellofile"; extensionMap["wav"] = "audio-x-generic"; extensionMap["xml"] = "text-html"; extensionMap["xpm"] = "image-x-generic"; KeyValueMap::Iterator itExtensionMap; for(itExtensionMap = extensionMap.begin(); itExtensionMap != extensionMap.end(); ++itExtensionMap) { if(extension == itExtensionMap.key()) { item->setPixmap(0,SmallIcon(itExtensionMap.data())); return; } } KeyValueMap baseNameMap; baseNameMap["configure"] = "text-x-script"; baseNameMap["core"] = "application-x-core"; baseNameMap["makefile"] = "text-x-makefile"; baseNameMap["readme"] = "text-x-readme"; baseNameMap["README"] = "text-x-readme"; baseNameMap["Readme"] = "text-x-readme"; baseNameMap["TODO"] = "text-plain"; KeyValueMap::Iterator itBaseNameMap; for(itBaseNameMap = baseNameMap.begin(); itBaseNameMap != baseNameMap.end(); ++itBaseNameMap) { if(baseName == itBaseNameMap.key()) { item->setPixmap(0,SmallIcon(itBaseNameMap.data())); return; } } }