    copyright            : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
    email                : robby@periapsis.org

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as  *
 *   published by the Free Software Foundation;                            *
 *                                                                         *


class TQPopupMenu;

namespace Tellico {
  class MainWindow;
  class GroupView;
  class GroupIterator;
  namespace Data {
    class Collection;

#include "entry.h"

#include <tqobject.h>

namespace Tellico {
class Observer;

 * @author Robby Stephenson
class Controller : public TQObject {

  static Controller* self() { return s_self; }
   * Initializes the singleton. Should just be called once, from Tellico::MainWindow
  static void init(MainWindow* parent, const char* name=0) {
    if(!s_self) s_self = new Controller(parent, name);

  const Data::EntryVec& selectedEntries() const { return m_selectedEntries; }
  Data::EntryVec visibleEntries();

  void editEntry(Data::EntryPtr) const;
  void hideTabs() const;
   * Plug the default collection actions into a widget
  void plugCollectionActions(TQPopupMenu* popup);
   * Plug the default entry actions into a widget
  void plugEntryActions(TQPopupMenu* popup);
  void updateActions() const;

  GroupIterator groupIterator() const;
   * Returns the name of the field being used to group the entries.
   * That field name may not be an actual field in the collection, since
   * pseudo-groups like _people exist.
  TQString groupBy() const;
   * Returns a list of the fields being used to group the entries.
   * For ordinary fields, the list has a single item, the field name.
   * For the pseudo-group _people, all the people fields are included.
  TQStringList expandedGroupBy() const;
   * Returns a list of the titles of the fields being used to sort the entries in the detailed column view.
  TQStringList sortTitles() const;
   * Returns the title of the fields currently visible in the detailed column view.
  TQStringList visibleColumns() const;

  void    addObserver(Observer* obs);
  void removeObserver(Observer* obs);

  void addedField(Data::CollPtr coll, Data::FieldPtr field);
  void modifiedField(Data::CollPtr coll, Data::FieldPtr oldField, Data::FieldPtr newField);
  void removedField(Data::CollPtr coll, Data::FieldPtr field);

  void addedEntries(Data::EntryVec entries);
  void modifiedEntries(Data::EntryVec entries);
  void removedEntries(Data::EntryVec entries);

  void addedBorrower(Data::BorrowerPtr borrower);
  void modifiedBorrower(Data::BorrowerPtr borrower);

  void addedFilter(FilterPtr filter);
  void removedFilter(FilterPtr filter);

  void reorderedFields(Data::CollPtr coll);
  void updatedFetchers();

public slots:
   * When a collection is added to the document, certain actions need to be taken
   * by the parent app. The collection toolbar is updated, the entry count is set, and
   * the collection's modified signal is connected to the @ref GroupView widget.
   * @param coll A pointer to the collection being added
  void slotCollectionAdded(Tellico::Data::CollPtr coll);
  void slotCollectionModified(Tellico::Data::CollPtr coll);
   * Removes a collection from all the widgets
   * @param coll A pointer to the collection being added
  void slotCollectionDeleted(Tellico::Data::CollPtr coll);
  void slotRefreshField(Tellico::Data::FieldPtr field);

  void slotClearSelection();
   * Updates the widgets when entries are selected.
   * param widget A pointer to the widget where the entries were selected
   * @param widget The widget doing the selecting, if NULL, then use previous
   * @param entries The list of selected entries
  void slotUpdateSelection(TQWidget* widget, const Tellico::Data::EntryVec& entries);
  void slotUpdateCurrent(const Tellico::Data::EntryVec& entries);
  void slotCopySelectedEntries();
  void slotUpdateSelectedEntries(const TQString& source);
  void slotDeleteSelectedEntries();
  void slotMergeSelectedEntries();
  void slotUpdateFilter(Tellico::FilterPtr filter);
  void slotCheckOut();
  void slotCheckIn();
  void slotCheckIn(const Data::EntryVec& entries);
  void slotGoPrevEntry();
  void slotGoNextEntry();

  void collectionAdded(int collType);

  static Controller* s_self;
  Controller(MainWindow* parent, const char* name);

  void blockAllSignals(bool block) const;
  bool canCheckIn() const;
  void plugUpdateMenu(TQPopupMenu* popup);
  enum EntryDirection { PrevEntry, NextEntry };
  void goEntrySibling(EntryDirection dir);

  MainWindow* m_mainWindow;

  bool m_working;

  typedef PtrVector<Tellico::Observer> ObserverVec;
  ObserverVec m_observers;

   * Keep track of the selected entries so that a top-level delete has something for reference
  Data::EntryVec m_selectedEntries;
  Data::EntryVec m_currentEntries;
  TQWidget* m_widgetWithSelection;

} // end namespace