/*************************************************************************** copyright : (C) 2001-2006 by Robby Stephenson email : robby@periapsis.org ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "document.h" #include "mainwindow.h" // needed for calling fileSave() #include "collectionfactory.h" #include "translators/tellicoimporter.h" #include "translators/tellicosaximporter.h" #include "translators/tellicozipexporter.h" #include "translators/tellicoxmlexporter.h" #include "collection.h" #include "filehandler.h" #include "controller.h" #include "borrower.h" #include "tellico_kernel.h" #include "latin1literal.h" #include "tellico_debug.h" #include "imagefactory.h" #include "image.h" #include "stringset.h" #include "progressmanager.h" #include "core/tellico_config.h" #include <tdemessagebox.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <tdeglobal.h> #include <tdeapplication.h> #include <tqregexp.h> #include <tqtimer.h> // use a vector so we can use a sort functor #include <vector> #include <algorithm> using Tellico::Data::Document; Document* Document::s_self = 0; Document::Document() : TQObject(), m_coll(0), m_isModified(false), m_loadAllImages(false), m_validFile(false), m_importer(0), m_cancelImageWriting(false), m_fileFormat(Import::TellicoImporter::Unknown) { m_allImagesOnDisk = Config::imageLocation() != Config::ImagesInFile; newDocument(Collection::Book); } Document::~Document() { delete m_importer; m_importer = 0; } Tellico::Data::CollPtr Document::collection() const { return m_coll; } void Document::setURL(const KURL& url_) { m_url = url_; if(m_url.fileName() != i18n("Untitled")) { ImageFactory::setLocalDirectory(m_url); } } void Document::slotSetModified(bool m_/*=true*/) { m_isModified = m_; emit signalModified(m_isModified); } void Document::slotDocumentRestored() { slotSetModified(false); } bool Document::newDocument(int type_) { // kdDebug() << "Document::newDocument()" << endl; delete m_importer; m_importer = 0; deleteContents(); m_coll = CollectionFactory::collection(static_cast<Collection::Type>(type_), true); m_coll->setTrackGroups(true); Kernel::self()->resetHistory(); Controller::self()->slotCollectionAdded(m_coll); slotSetModified(false); KURL url; url.setFileName(i18n("Untitled")); setURL(url); m_validFile = false; m_fileFormat = Import::TellicoImporter::Unknown; return true; } bool Document::openDocument(const KURL& url_) { myLog() << "Document::openDocument() - " << url_.prettyURL() << endl; m_loadAllImages = false; // delayed image loading only works for local files if(!url_.isLocalFile()) { m_loadAllImages = true; } delete m_importer; #ifdef SAX_SUPPORT myLog() << "Document::openDocument() - using SAX loader" << endl; m_importer = new Import::TellicoSaxImporter(url_, m_loadAllImages); #else m_importer = new Import::TellicoImporter(url_, m_loadAllImages); #endif CollPtr coll = m_importer->collection(); // delayed image loading only works for zip files // format is only known AFTER collection() is called m_fileFormat = m_importer->format(); m_allImagesOnDisk = !m_importer->hasImages(); if(!m_importer->hasImages() || m_fileFormat != Import::TellicoImporter::Zip) { m_loadAllImages = true; } if(!coll) { // myDebug() << "Document::openDocument() - returning false" << endl; Kernel::self()->sorry(m_importer->statusMessage()); m_validFile = false; return false; } deleteContents(); m_coll = coll; m_coll->setTrackGroups(true); setURL(url_); m_validFile = true; Kernel::self()->resetHistory(); Controller::self()->slotCollectionAdded(m_coll); // m_importer might have been deleted? slotSetModified(m_importer && m_importer->modifiedOriginal()); // if(pruneImages()) { // slotSetModified(true); // } if(m_importer->hasImages()) { m_cancelImageWriting = false; TQTimer::singleShot(500, this, TQ_SLOT(slotLoadAllImages())); } else { emit signalCollectionImagesLoaded(m_coll); m_importer->deleteLater(); m_importer = 0; } return true; } bool Document::saveModified() { bool completed = true; if(m_isModified) { MainWindow* app = static_cast<MainWindow*>(Kernel::self()->widget()); TQString str = i18n("The current file has been modified.\n" "Do you want to save it?"); int want_save = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(Kernel::self()->widget(), str, i18n("Unsaved Changes"), KStdGuiItem::save(), KStdGuiItem::discard()); switch(want_save) { case KMessageBox::Yes: completed = app->fileSave(); break; case KMessageBox::No: slotSetModified(false); completed = true; break; case KMessageBox::Cancel: default: completed = false; break; } } return completed; } bool Document::saveDocument(const KURL& url_) { if(!FileHandler::queryExists(url_)) { return false; } // DEBUG_BLOCK; // in case we're still loading images, give that a chance to cancel m_cancelImageWriting = true; tdeApp->processEvents(); ProgressItem& item = ProgressManager::self()->newProgressItem(this, i18n("Saving file..."), false); ProgressItem::Done done(this); // will always save as zip file, no matter if has images or not int imageLocation = Config::imageLocation(); bool includeImages = imageLocation == Config::ImagesInFile; int totalSteps; // write all images to disk cache if needed // have to do this before executing exporter in case // the user changed the imageInFile setting from Yes to No, in which // case saving will over write the old file that has the images in it! if(includeImages) { totalSteps = 10; item.setTotalSteps(10); // since TellicoZipExporter uses 100 steps, then it will get 100/110 of the total progress } else { totalSteps = 100; item.setTotalSteps(100); m_cancelImageWriting = false; writeAllImages(imageLocation == Config::ImagesInAppDir ? ImageFactory::DataDir : ImageFactory::LocalDir, url_); } Export::Exporter* exporter; if(m_fileFormat == Import::TellicoImporter::XML) { exporter = new Export::TellicoXMLExporter(); static_cast<Export::TellicoXMLExporter*>(exporter)->setIncludeImages(includeImages); } else { exporter = new Export::TellicoZipExporter(); static_cast<Export::TellicoZipExporter*>(exporter)->setIncludeImages(includeImages); } item.setProgress(int(0.8*totalSteps)); exporter->setEntries(m_coll->entries()); exporter->setURL(url_); // since we already asked about overwriting the file, force the save long opt = exporter->options() | Export::ExportForce | Export::ExportProgress; // only write the image sizes if they're known already opt &= ~Export::ExportImageSize; exporter->setOptions(opt); bool success = exporter->exec(); item.setProgress(int(0.9*totalSteps)); if(success) { Kernel::self()->resetHistory(); setURL(url_); // if successful, doc is no longer modified slotSetModified(false); } else { myDebug() << "Document::saveDocument() - not successful saving to " << url_.prettyURL() << endl; } delete exporter; return success; } bool Document::closeDocument() { delete m_importer; m_importer = 0; deleteContents(); return true; } void Document::deleteContents() { if(m_coll) { Controller::self()->slotCollectionDeleted(m_coll); } // don't delete the m_importer here, bad things will happen // since the collection holds a pointer to each entry and each entry // hold a pointer to the collection, and they're both sharedptrs, // neither will ever get deleted, unless the entries are removed from the collection if(m_coll) { m_coll->clear(); } m_coll = 0; // old collection gets deleted as a TDESharedPtr m_cancelImageWriting = true; } void Document::appendCollection(CollPtr coll_) { if(!coll_) { return; } m_coll->blockSignals(true); Data::FieldVec fields = coll_->fields(); for(FieldVec::Iterator field = fields.begin(); field != fields.end(); ++field) { m_coll->mergeField(field); } EntryVec entries = coll_->entries(); for(EntryVec::Iterator entry = entries.begin(); entry != entries.end(); ++entry) { Data::EntryPtr newEntry = new Data::Entry(*entry); newEntry->setCollection(m_coll); } m_coll->addEntries(entries); // TODO: merge filters and loans m_coll->blockSignals(false); } Tellico::Data::MergePair Document::mergeCollection(CollPtr coll_) { MergePair pair; if(!coll_) { return pair; } m_coll->blockSignals(true); Data::FieldVec fields = coll_->fields(); for(FieldVec::Iterator field = fields.begin(); field != fields.end(); ++field) { m_coll->mergeField(field); } EntryVec currEntries = m_coll->entries(); EntryVec newEntries = coll_->entries(); for(EntryVec::Iterator newIt = newEntries.begin(); newIt != newEntries.end(); ++newIt) { int bestMatch = 0; Data::EntryPtr matchEntry; for(EntryVec::Iterator currIt = currEntries.begin(); currIt != currEntries.end(); ++currIt) { int match = m_coll->sameEntry(&*currIt, &*newIt); if(match >= Collection::ENTRY_PERFECT_MATCH) { matchEntry = currIt; break; } else if(match >= Collection::ENTRY_GOOD_MATCH && match > bestMatch) { bestMatch = match; matchEntry = currIt; // don't break, keep looking for better one } } if(matchEntry) { m_coll->mergeEntry(matchEntry, &*newIt, false /*overwrite*/); } else { Data::EntryPtr e = new Data::Entry(*newIt); e->setCollection(m_coll); // keep track of which entries got added pair.first.append(e); } } m_coll->addEntries(pair.first); // TODO: merge filters and loans m_coll->blockSignals(false); return pair; } void Document::replaceCollection(CollPtr coll_) { if(!coll_) { return; } // kdDebug() << "Document::replaceCollection()" << endl; KURL url; url.setFileName(i18n("Untitled")); setURL(url); m_validFile = false; // the collection gets cleared by the CollectionCommand that called this function // no need to do it here m_coll = coll_; m_coll->setTrackGroups(true); m_cancelImageWriting = true; // CollectionCommand takes care of calling Controller signals } void Document::unAppendCollection(CollPtr coll_, FieldVec origFields_) { if(!coll_) { return; } m_coll->blockSignals(true); StringSet origFieldNames; for(FieldVec::Iterator field = origFields_.begin(); field != origFields_.end(); ++field) { m_coll->modifyField(field); origFieldNames.add(field->name()); } EntryVec entries = coll_->entries(); for(EntryVec::Iterator entry = entries.begin(); entry != entries.end(); ++entry) { // probably don't need to do this, but on the safe side... entry->setCollection(coll_); } m_coll->removeEntries(entries); // since Collection::removeField() iterates over all entries to reset the value of the field // don't removeField() until after removeEntry() is done FieldVec currFields = m_coll->fields(); for(FieldVec::Iterator field = currFields.begin(); field != currFields.end(); ++field) { if(!origFieldNames.has(field->name())) { m_coll->removeField(field); } } m_coll->blockSignals(false); } void Document::unMergeCollection(CollPtr coll_, FieldVec origFields_, MergePair entryPair_) { if(!coll_) { return; } m_coll->blockSignals(true); TQStringList origFieldNames; for(FieldVec::Iterator field = origFields_.begin(); field != origFields_.end(); ++field) { m_coll->modifyField(field); origFieldNames << field->name(); } // first item in pair are the entries added by the operation, remove them EntryVec entries = entryPair_.first; m_coll->removeEntries(entries); // second item in pair are the entries which got modified by the original merge command const TQString track = TQString::fromLatin1("track"); PairVector trackChanges = entryPair_.second; // need to go through them in reverse since one entry may have been modified multiple times // first item in the pair is the entry pointer // second item is the old value of the track field for(int i = trackChanges.count()-1; i >= 0; --i) { trackChanges[i].first->setField(track, trackChanges[i].second); } // since Collection::removeField() iterates over all entries to reset the value of the field // don't removeField() until after removeEntry() is done FieldVec currFields = m_coll->fields(); for(FieldVec::Iterator field = currFields.begin(); field != currFields.end(); ++field) { if(origFieldNames.findIndex(field->name()) == -1) { m_coll->removeField(field); } } m_coll->blockSignals(false); } bool Document::isEmpty() const { //an empty doc may contain a collection, but no entries return (!m_coll || m_coll->entries().isEmpty()); } bool Document::loadImage(const TQString& id_) { // myLog() << "Document::loadImage() - id = " << id_ << endl; if(!m_coll) { return false; } bool b = !m_loadAllImages && m_validFile && m_importer && m_importer->loadImage(id_); if(b) { m_allImagesOnDisk = false; } return b; } bool Document::loadAllImagesNow() const { // myLog() << "Document::loadAllImagesNow()" << endl; if(!m_coll || !m_validFile) { return false; } if(m_loadAllImages) { myDebug() << "Document::loadAllImagesNow() - all valid images should already be loaded!" << endl; return false; } return Import::TellicoImporter::loadAllImages(m_url); } Tellico::Data::EntryVec Document::filteredEntries(Filter::Ptr filter_) const { Data::EntryVec matches; Data::EntryVec entries = m_coll->entries(); for(EntryVec::Iterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it) { if(filter_->matches(it.data())) { matches.append(it); } } return matches; } void Document::checkOutEntry(Data::EntryPtr entry_) { if(!entry_) { return; } const TQString loaned = TQString::fromLatin1("loaned"); if(!m_coll->hasField(loaned)) { FieldPtr f = new Field(loaned, i18n("Loaned"), Field::Bool); f->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped); f->setCategory(i18n("Personal")); m_coll->addField(f); } entry_->setField(loaned, TQString::fromLatin1("true")); EntryVec vec; vec.append(entry_); m_coll->updateDicts(vec); } void Document::checkInEntry(Data::EntryPtr entry_) { if(!entry_) { return; } const TQString loaned = TQString::fromLatin1("loaned"); if(!m_coll->hasField(loaned)) { return; } entry_->setField(loaned, TQString()); m_coll->updateDicts(EntryVec(entry_)); } void Document::renameCollection(const TQString& newTitle_) { m_coll->setTitle(newTitle_); } // this only gets called when a zip file with images is opened // by loading every image, it gets pulled out of the zip file and // copied to disk. then the zip file can be closed and not retained in memory void Document::slotLoadAllImages() { TQString id; StringSet images; Data::EntryVec entries = m_coll->entries(); Data::FieldVec imageFields = m_coll->imageFields(); for(Data::EntryVec::Iterator entry = entries.begin(); entry != entries.end(); ++entry) { for(Data::FieldVec::Iterator field = imageFields.begin(); field != imageFields.end() && !m_cancelImageWriting; ++field) { id = entry->field(field); if(id.isEmpty() || images.has(id)) { continue; } // this is the early loading, so just by calling imageById() // the image gets sucked from the zip file and written to disk //by ImageFactory::imageById() if(ImageFactory::imageById(id).isNull()) { myDebug() << "Document::slotLoadAllImages() - entry title: " << entry->title() << endl; } images.add(id); } if(m_cancelImageWriting) { break; } // stay responsive, do this in the background tdeApp->processEvents(); } if(m_cancelImageWriting) { myLog() << "Document::slotLoadAllImages() - cancel image writing" << endl; } else { emit signalCollectionImagesLoaded(m_coll); } m_cancelImageWriting = false; } void Document::writeAllImages(int cacheDir_, const KURL& localDir_) { // images get 80 steps in saveDocument() const uint stepSize = 1 + TQMAX(1, m_coll->entryCount()/80); // add 1 since it could round off uint j = 1; TQString oldLocalDir = ImageFactory::localDir(); ImageFactory::setLocalDirectory(localDir_); ImageFactory::CacheDir cacheDir = static_cast<ImageFactory::CacheDir>(cacheDir_); TQString id; StringSet images; EntryVec entries = m_coll->entries(); FieldVec imageFields = m_coll->imageFields(); for(EntryVec::Iterator entry = entries.begin(); entry != entries.end(); ++entry) { for(FieldVec::Iterator field = imageFields.begin(); field != imageFields.end() && !m_cancelImageWriting; ++field) { id = entry->field(field); if(id.isEmpty() || images.has(id)) { continue; } images.add(id); if(ImageFactory::imageInfo(id).linkOnly) { continue; } if(!ImageFactory::writeCachedImage(id, cacheDir)) { myDebug() << "Document::writeAllImages() - did not write image for entry title: " << entry->title() << endl; } } if(j%stepSize == 0) { ProgressManager::self()->setProgress(this, j/stepSize); tdeApp->processEvents(); } ++j; if(m_cancelImageWriting) { break; } } if(m_cancelImageWriting) { myDebug() << "Document::writeAllImages() - cancel image writing" << endl; } m_cancelImageWriting = false; ImageFactory::setLocalDirectory(oldLocalDir); } bool Document::pruneImages() { bool found = false; TQString id; StringSet images; Data::EntryVec entries = m_coll->entries(); Data::FieldVec imageFields = m_coll->imageFields(); for(Data::EntryVec::Iterator entry = entries.begin(); entry != entries.end(); ++entry) { for(Data::FieldVec::Iterator field = imageFields.begin(); field != imageFields.end(); ++field) { id = entry->field(field); if(id.isEmpty() || images.has(id)) { continue; } const Data::Image& img = ImageFactory::imageById(id); if(img.isNull()) { entry->setField(field, TQString()); found = true; myDebug() << "Document::pruneImages() - removing null image for " << entry->title() << ": " << id << endl; } else { images.add(id); } } } return found; } int Document::imageCount() const { if(!m_coll) { return 0; } StringSet images; FieldVec fields = m_coll->imageFields(); EntryVec entries = m_coll->entries(); for(FieldVecIt f = fields.begin(); f != fields.end(); ++f) { for(EntryVecIt e = entries.begin(); e != entries.end(); ++e) { images.add(e->field(f->name())); } } return images.count(); } Tellico::Data::EntryVec Document::sortEntries(EntryVec entries_) const { std::vector<EntryPtr> vec; for(EntryVecIt e = entries_.begin(); e != entries_.end(); ++e) { vec.push_back(e); } TQStringList titles = Controller::self()->sortTitles(); // have to go in reverse for sorting for(int i = titles.count()-1; i >= 0; --i) { if(titles[i].isEmpty()) { continue; } TQString field = m_coll->fieldNameByTitle(titles[i]); std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), EntryCmp(field)); } Data::EntryVec sorted; for(std::vector<EntryPtr>::iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it) { sorted.append(*it); } return sorted; } void Document::removeImagesNotInCollection(EntryVec entries_, EntryVec entriesToKeep_) { // first get list of all images in collection StringSet images; FieldVec fields = m_coll->imageFields(); EntryVec allEntries = m_coll->entries(); for(FieldVecIt f = fields.begin(); f != fields.end(); ++f) { for(EntryVecIt e = allEntries.begin(); e != allEntries.end(); ++e) { images.add(e->field(f->name())); } for(EntryVecIt e = entriesToKeep_.begin(); e != entriesToKeep_.end(); ++e) { images.add(e->field(f->name())); } } // now for all images not in the cache, we can clear them StringSet imagesToCheck = ImageFactory::imagesNotInCache(); // if entries_ is not empty, that means we want to limit the images removed // to those that are referenced in those entries StringSet imagesToRemove; for(FieldVecIt f = fields.begin(); f != fields.end(); ++f) { for(EntryVecIt e = entries_.begin(); e != entries_.end(); ++e) { TQString id = e->field(f->name()); if(!id.isEmpty() && imagesToCheck.has(id) && !images.has(id)) { imagesToRemove.add(id); } } } const TQStringList realImagesToRemove = imagesToRemove.toList(); for(TQStringList::ConstIterator it = realImagesToRemove.begin(); it != realImagesToRemove.end(); ++it) { ImageFactory::removeImage(*it, false); // doesn't delete, just remove link } } #include "document.moc"