    copyright            : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
    email                : robby@periapsis.org

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as  *
 *   published by the Free Software Foundation;                            *
 *                                                                         *


class KRun;
class KTempFile;

#include "datavectors.h"

#include <tdehtml_part.h>
#include <tdehtmlview.h>

#include <tqguardedptr.h>

namespace Tellico {
  class XSLTHandler;
  class ImageFactory;
  class StyleOptions;

 * @author Robby Stephenson
class EntryView : public TDEHTMLPart {

   * The EntryView shows a HTML representation of the data in the entry.
   * @param parent TQWidget parent
   * @param name TQObject name
  EntryView(TQWidget* parent, const char* name=0);
  virtual ~EntryView();

   * Uses the xslt handler to convert an entry to html, and then writes that html to the view
   * @param entry The entry to show
  void showEntry(Data::EntryPtr entry);
  void showText(const TQString& text);

   * Clear the widget and set Entry pointer to NULL
  void clear();
   * Sets the XSLT file. If the file name does not start with a back-slash, then the
   * standard directories are searched.
   * @param file The XSLT file name
  void setXSLTFile(const TQString& file);
  void setXSLTOptions(const StyleOptions& options);
  void setUseGradientImages(bool b) { m_useGradientImages = b; }

  void signalAction(const KURL& url);

public slots:
   * Helper function to refresh view.
  void slotRefresh();

private slots:
   * Open a URL.
   * @param url The URL to open
  void slotOpenURL(const KURL& url);
  void slotReloadEntry();
  void slotResetColors();

  void resetColors();

  Data::EntryPtr m_entry;
  XSLTHandler* m_handler;
  TQString m_xsltFile;
  TQString m_textToShow;

  // to run any clicked processes
  TQGuardedPtr<KRun> m_run;
  KTempFile* m_tempFile;
  bool m_useGradientImages : 1;
  bool m_checkCommonFile : 1;

// stupid naming on my part, I need to subclass the view to
// add a slot. EntryView is really a part though
class EntryViewWidget : public TDEHTMLView {
  EntryViewWidget(TDEHTMLPart* part, TQWidget* parent);
public slots:
  void copy();

} //end namespace