/*************************************************************************** copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson email : robby@periapsis.org ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "csvimporter.h" #include "translators.h" // needed for ImportAction #include "../collectionfieldsdialog.h" #include "../document.h" #include "../collection.h" #include "../progressmanager.h" #include "../tellico_debug.h" #include "../collectionfactory.h" #include "../gui/collectiontypecombo.h" #include "../latin1literal.h" #include "../stringset.h" extern "C" { #include "libcsv.h" } #include <klineedit.h> #include <kcombobox.h> #include <knuminput.h> #include <kpushbutton.h> #include <tdeapplication.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <tdeconfig.h> #include <tdemessagebox.h> #include <tqgroupbox.h> #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqhbox.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqcheckbox.h> #include <tqbuttongroup.h> #include <tqradiobutton.h> #include <tqwhatsthis.h> #include <tqtable.h> #include <tqvaluevector.h> #include <tqregexp.h> using Tellico::Import::CSVImporter; typedef int(*SpaceFunc)(char); static void writeToken(char* buffer, size_t len, void* data); static void writeRow(char buffer, void* data); static int isSpace(char c); static int isSpaceOrTab(char c); static int isTab(char c); class CSVImporter::Parser { public: Parser(const TQString& str) : stream(new TQTextIStream(&str)) { csv_init(&parser, 0); } ~Parser() { csv_free(parser); delete stream; stream = 0; } void setDelimiter(const TQString& s) { Q_ASSERT(s.length() == 1); csv_set_delim(parser, s[0].latin1()); if(s[0] == '\t') csv_set_space_func(parser, isSpace); else if(s[0] == ' ') csv_set_space_func(parser, isTab); else csv_set_space_func(parser, isSpaceOrTab); } void reset(const TQString& str) { delete stream; stream = new TQTextIStream(&str); }; bool hasNext() { return !stream->atEnd(); } void skipLine() { stream->readLine(); } void addToken(const TQString& t) { tokens += t; } void setRowDone(bool b) { done = b; } TQStringList nextTokens() { tokens.clear(); done = false; while(hasNext() && !done) { TQCString line = stream->readLine().utf8() + '\n'; // need the eol char csv_parse(parser, line, line.length(), &writeToken, &writeRow, this); } csv_fini(parser, &writeToken, &writeRow, this); return tokens; } private: struct csv_parser* parser; TQTextIStream* stream; TQStringList tokens; bool done; }; static void writeToken(char* buffer, size_t len, void* data) { CSVImporter::Parser* p = static_cast<CSVImporter::Parser*>(data); p->addToken(TQString::fromUtf8(buffer, len)); } static void writeRow(char c, void* data) { Q_UNUSED(c); CSVImporter::Parser* p = static_cast<CSVImporter::Parser*>(data); p->setRowDone(true); } static int isSpace(char c) { if (c == CSV_SPACE) return 1; return 0; } static int isSpaceOrTab(char c) { if (c == CSV_SPACE || c == CSV_TAB) return 1; return 0; } static int isTab(char c) { if (c == CSV_TAB) return 1; return 0; } CSVImporter::CSVImporter(const KURL& url_) : Tellico::Import::TextImporter(url_), m_coll(0), m_existingCollection(0), m_firstRowHeader(false), m_delimiter(TQString::fromLatin1(",")), m_cancelled(false), m_widget(0), m_table(0), m_hasAssignedFields(false), m_parser(new Parser(text())) { m_parser->setDelimiter(m_delimiter); } CSVImporter::~CSVImporter() { delete m_parser; m_parser = 0; } Tellico::Data::CollPtr CSVImporter::collection() { // don't just check if m_coll is non-null since the collection can be created elsewhere if(m_coll && m_coll->entryCount() > 0) { return m_coll; } if(!m_coll) { m_coll = CollectionFactory::collection(m_comboColl->currentType(), true); } const TQStringList existingNames = m_coll->fieldNames(); TQValueVector<int> cols; TQStringList names; for(int col = 0; col < m_table->numCols(); ++col) { TQString t = m_table->horizontalHeader()->label(col); if(m_existingCollection && m_existingCollection->fieldByTitle(t)) { // the collection might have the right field, but a different title, say for translations Data::FieldPtr f = m_existingCollection->fieldByTitle(t); if(m_coll->hasField(f->name())) { // might have different values settings m_coll->removeField(f->name(), true /* force */); } m_coll->addField(new Data::Field(*f)); cols.push_back(col); names << f->name(); } else if(m_coll->fieldByTitle(t)) { cols.push_back(col); names << m_coll->fieldNameByTitle(t); } } if(names.isEmpty()) { myDebug() << "CSVImporter::collection() - no fields assigned" << endl; return 0; } m_parser->reset(text()); // if the first row are headers, skip it if(m_firstRowHeader) { m_parser->skipLine(); } const uint numLines = text().contains('\n'); const uint stepSize = TQMAX(s_stepSize, numLines/100); const bool showProgress = options() & ImportProgress; ProgressItem& item = ProgressManager::self()->newProgressItem(this, progressLabel(), true); item.setTotalSteps(numLines); connect(&item, TQT_SIGNAL(signalCancelled(ProgressItem*)), TQT_SLOT(slotCancel())); ProgressItem::Done done(this); uint j = 0; while(!m_cancelled && m_parser->hasNext()) { bool empty = true; Data::EntryPtr entry = new Data::Entry(m_coll); TQStringList values = m_parser->nextTokens(); for(uint i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i) { // TQString value = values[cols[i]].simplifyWhiteSpace(); TQString value = values[cols[i]].stripWhiteSpace(); bool success = entry->setField(names[i], value); // we might need to add a new allowed value // assume that if the user is importing the value, it should be allowed if(!success && m_coll->fieldByName(names[i])->type() == Data::Field::Choice) { Data::FieldPtr f = m_coll->fieldByName(names[i]); StringSet allow; allow.add(f->allowed()); allow.add(value); f->setAllowed(allow.toList()); m_coll->modifyField(f); success = entry->setField(names[i], value); } if(empty && success) { empty = false; } } if(!empty) { m_coll->addEntries(entry); } if(showProgress && j%stepSize == 0) { ProgressManager::self()->setProgress(this, j); kapp->processEvents(); } ++j; } { TDEConfigGroup config(TDEGlobal::config(), TQString::fromLatin1("ImportOptions - CSV")); config.writeEntry("Delimiter", m_delimiter); config.writeEntry("First Row Titles", m_firstRowHeader); } return m_coll; } TQWidget* CSVImporter::widget(TQWidget* parent_, const char* name_) { if(m_widget && TQT_BASE_OBJECT(m_widget->parent()) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(parent_)) { return m_widget; } m_widget = new TQWidget(parent_, name_); TQVBoxLayout* l = new TQVBoxLayout(m_widget); TQGroupBox* group = new TQGroupBox(1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("CSV Options"), m_widget); l->addWidget(group); TQHBox* box = new TQHBox(group); box->setSpacing(5); TQLabel* lab = new TQLabel(i18n("Collection &type:"), box); m_comboColl = new GUI::CollectionTypeCombo(box); lab->setBuddy(m_comboColl); TQWhatsThis::add(m_comboColl, i18n("Select the type of collection being imported.")); connect(m_comboColl, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotTypeChanged())); // need a spacer TQWidget* w = new TQWidget(box); box->setStretchFactor(w, 1); m_checkFirstRowHeader = new TQCheckBox(i18n("&First row contains field titles"), group); TQWhatsThis::add(m_checkFirstRowHeader, i18n("If checked, the first row is used as field titles.")); connect(m_checkFirstRowHeader, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(slotFirstRowHeader(bool))); TQHBox* hbox2 = new TQHBox(group); m_delimiterGroup = new TQButtonGroup(0, Qt::Vertical, i18n("Delimiter"), hbox2); TQGridLayout* m_delimiterGroupLayout = new TQGridLayout(m_delimiterGroup->layout(), 3, 3); m_delimiterGroupLayout->setAlignment(TQt::AlignTop); TQWhatsThis::add(m_delimiterGroup, i18n("In addition to a comma, other characters may be used as " "a delimiter, separating each value in the file.")); connect(m_delimiterGroup, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotDelimiter())); m_radioComma = new TQRadioButton(m_delimiterGroup); m_radioComma->setText(i18n("&Comma")); m_radioComma->setChecked(true); TQWhatsThis::add(m_radioComma, i18n("Use a comma as the delimiter.")); m_delimiterGroupLayout->addWidget(m_radioComma, 1, 0); m_radioSemicolon = new TQRadioButton( m_delimiterGroup); m_radioSemicolon->setText(i18n("&Semicolon")); TQWhatsThis::add(m_radioSemicolon, i18n("Use a semi-colon as the delimiter.")); m_delimiterGroupLayout->addWidget(m_radioSemicolon, 1, 1); m_radioTab = new TQRadioButton(m_delimiterGroup); m_radioTab->setText(i18n("Ta&b")); TQWhatsThis::add(m_radioTab, i18n("Use a tab as the delimiter.")); m_delimiterGroupLayout->addWidget(m_radioTab, 2, 0); m_radioOther = new TQRadioButton(m_delimiterGroup); m_radioOther->setText(i18n("Ot&her:")); TQWhatsThis::add(m_radioOther, i18n("Use a custom string as the delimiter.")); m_delimiterGroupLayout->addWidget(m_radioOther, 2, 1); m_editOther = new KLineEdit(m_delimiterGroup); m_editOther->setEnabled(false); m_editOther->setFixedWidth(m_widget->fontMetrics().width('X') * 4); m_editOther->setMaxLength(1); TQWhatsThis::add(m_editOther, i18n("A custom string, such as a colon, may be used as a delimiter.")); m_delimiterGroupLayout->addWidget(m_editOther, 2, 2); connect(m_radioOther, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), m_editOther, TQT_SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(m_editOther, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString&)), TQT_SLOT(slotDelimiter())); w = new TQWidget(hbox2); hbox2->setStretchFactor(w, 1); m_table = new TQTable(5, 0, group); m_table->setSelectionMode(TQTable::Single); m_table->setFocusStyle(TQTable::FollowStyle); m_table->setLeftMargin(0); m_table->verticalHeader()->hide(); m_table->horizontalHeader()->setClickEnabled(true); m_table->setReadOnly(true); m_table->setMinimumHeight(m_widget->fontMetrics().lineSpacing() * 8); TQWhatsThis::add(m_table, i18n("The table shows up to the first five lines of the CSV file.")); connect(m_table, TQT_SIGNAL(currentChanged(int, int)), TQT_SLOT(slotCurrentChanged(int, int))); connect(m_table->horizontalHeader(), TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotHeaderClicked(int))); TQWidget* hbox = new TQWidget(group); TQHBoxLayout* hlay = new TQHBoxLayout(hbox, 5); hlay->addStretch(10); TQWhatsThis::add(hbox, i18n("<qt>Set each column to correspond to a field in the collection by choosing " "a column, selecting the field, then clicking the <i>Assign Field</i> button.</qt>")); lab = new TQLabel(i18n("Co&lumn:"), hbox); hlay->addWidget(lab); m_colSpinBox = new KIntSpinBox(hbox); hlay->addWidget(m_colSpinBox); m_colSpinBox->setMinValue(1); connect(m_colSpinBox, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotSelectColumn(int))); lab->setBuddy(m_colSpinBox); hlay->addSpacing(10); lab = new TQLabel(i18n("&Data field in this column:"), hbox); hlay->addWidget(lab); m_comboField = new KComboBox(hbox); hlay->addWidget(m_comboField); connect(m_comboField, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotFieldChanged(int))); lab->setBuddy(m_comboField); hlay->addSpacing(10); m_setColumnBtn = new KPushButton(i18n("&Assign Field"), hbox); hlay->addWidget(m_setColumnBtn); m_setColumnBtn->setIconSet(SmallIconSet(TQString::fromLatin1("apply"))); connect(m_setColumnBtn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotSetColumnTitle())); hlay->addStretch(10); l->addStretch(1); TDEConfigGroup config(TDEGlobal::config(), TQString::fromLatin1("ImportOptions - CSV")); m_delimiter = config.readEntry("Delimiter", m_delimiter); m_firstRowHeader = config.readBoolEntry("First Row Titles", m_firstRowHeader); m_checkFirstRowHeader->setChecked(m_firstRowHeader); if(m_delimiter == Latin1Literal(",")) { m_radioComma->setChecked(true); slotDelimiter(); // since the comma box was already checked, the slot won't fire } else if(m_delimiter == Latin1Literal(";")) { m_radioSemicolon->setChecked(true); } else if(m_delimiter == Latin1Literal("\t")) { m_radioTab->setChecked(true); } else if(!m_delimiter.isEmpty()) { m_radioOther->setChecked(true); m_editOther->setEnabled(true); m_editOther->setText(m_delimiter); } return m_widget; } bool CSVImporter::validImport() const { // at least one column has to be defined if(!m_hasAssignedFields) { KMessageBox::sorry(m_widget, i18n("At least one column must be assigned to a field. " "Only assigned columns will be imported.")); } return m_hasAssignedFields; } void CSVImporter::fillTable() { if(!m_table) { return; } m_parser->reset(text()); // not skipping first row since the updateHeader() call depends on it int maxCols = 0; int row = 0; for( ; m_parser->hasNext() && row < m_table->numRows(); ++row) { TQStringList values = m_parser->nextTokens(); if(static_cast<int>(values.count()) > m_table->numCols()) { m_table->setNumCols(values.count()); m_colSpinBox->setMaxValue(values.count()); } int col = 0; for(TQStringList::ConstIterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it) { m_table->setText(row, col, *it); m_table->adjustColumn(col); ++col; } if(col > maxCols) { maxCols = col; } } for( ; row < m_table->numRows(); ++row) { for(int col = 0; col < m_table->numCols(); ++col) { m_table->clearCell(row, col); } } m_table->setNumCols(maxCols); } void CSVImporter::slotTypeChanged() { // iterate over the collection names until it matches the text of the combo box Data::Collection::Type type = static_cast<Data::Collection::Type>(m_comboColl->currentType()); m_coll = CollectionFactory::collection(type, true); updateHeader(true); m_comboField->clear(); m_comboField->insertStringList(m_existingCollection ? m_existingCollection->fieldTitles() : m_coll->fieldTitles()); m_comboField->insertItem('<' + i18n("New Field") + '>'); // hack to force a resize m_comboField->setFont(m_comboField->font()); m_comboField->updateGeometry(); } void CSVImporter::slotFirstRowHeader(bool b_) { m_firstRowHeader = b_; updateHeader(false); fillTable(); } void CSVImporter::slotDelimiter() { if(m_radioComma->isChecked()) { m_delimiter = ','; } else if(m_radioSemicolon->isChecked()) { m_delimiter = ';'; } else if(m_radioTab->isChecked()) { m_delimiter = '\t'; } else { m_editOther->setFocus(); m_delimiter = m_editOther->text(); } if(!m_delimiter.isEmpty()) { m_parser->setDelimiter(m_delimiter); fillTable(); updateHeader(false); } } void CSVImporter::slotCurrentChanged(int, int col_) { int pos = col_+1; m_colSpinBox->setValue(pos); //slotSelectColumn() gets called because of the signal } void CSVImporter::slotHeaderClicked(int col_) { int pos = col_+1; m_colSpinBox->setValue(pos); //slotSelectColumn() gets called because of the signal } void CSVImporter::slotSelectColumn(int pos_) { // pos is really the number of the position of the column int col = pos_ - 1; m_table->ensureCellVisible(0, col); m_comboField->setCurrentItem(m_table->horizontalHeader()->label(col)); } void CSVImporter::slotSetColumnTitle() { int col = m_colSpinBox->value()-1; const TQString title = m_comboField->currentText(); m_table->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(col, title); m_hasAssignedFields = true; // make sure none of the other columns have this title bool found = false; for(int i = 0; i < col; ++i) { if(m_table->horizontalHeader()->label(i) == title) { m_table->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(i, TQString::number(i+1)); found = true; break; } } // if found, then we're done if(found) { return; } for(int i = col+1; i < m_table->numCols(); ++i) { if(m_table->horizontalHeader()->label(i) == title) { m_table->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(i, TQString::number(i+1)); break; } } } void CSVImporter::updateHeader(bool force_) { if(!m_table) { return; } if(!m_firstRowHeader && !force_) { return; } Data::CollPtr c = m_existingCollection ? m_existingCollection : m_coll; for(int col = 0; col < m_table->numCols(); ++col) { TQString s = m_table->text(0, col); Data::FieldPtr f; if(c) { c->fieldByTitle(s); if(!f) { f = c->fieldByName(s); } } if(m_firstRowHeader && !s.isEmpty() && c && f) { m_table->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(col, f->title()); m_hasAssignedFields = true; } else { m_table->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(col, TQString::number(col+1)); } } } void CSVImporter::slotFieldChanged(int idx_) { // only care if it's the last item -> add new field if(idx_ < m_comboField->count()-1) { return; } Data::CollPtr c = m_existingCollection ? m_existingCollection : m_coll; uint count = c->fieldTitles().count(); CollectionFieldsDialog dlg(c, m_widget); // dlg.setModal(true); if(dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted) { m_comboField->clear(); m_comboField->insertStringList(c->fieldTitles()); m_comboField->insertItem('<' + i18n("New Field") + '>'); if(count != c->fieldTitles().count()) { fillTable(); } m_comboField->setCurrentItem(0); } } void CSVImporter::slotActionChanged(int action_) { Data::CollPtr currColl = Data::Document::self()->collection(); if(!currColl) { m_existingCollection = 0; return; } switch(action_) { case Import::Replace: { int currType = m_comboColl->currentType(); m_comboColl->reset(); m_comboColl->setCurrentType(currType); m_existingCollection = 0; } break; case Import::Append: case Import::Merge: { m_comboColl->clear(); TQString name = CollectionFactory::nameMap()[currColl->type()]; m_comboColl->insertItem(name, currColl->type()); m_existingCollection = currColl; } break; } slotTypeChanged(); } void CSVImporter::slotCancel() { m_cancelled = true; } #include "csvimporter.moc"