/* libcsv - parse and write csv data Copyright (C) 2007 Robert Gamble available at http://libcsv.sf.net Original available under the terms of the GNU LGPL2, and according to those terms, relicensed under the GNU GPL2 for inclusion in Tellico */ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; * * * ***************************************************************************/ #if ___STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L # include <stdint.h> #else # define SIZE_MAX ((size_t)-1) /* C89 doesn't have stdint.h or SIZE_MAX */ #endif #include "libcsv.h" #define VERSION "2.0.0" #define ROW_NOT_BEGUN 0 #define FIELD_NOT_BEGUN 1 #define FIELD_BEGUN 2 #define FIELD_MIGHT_HAVE_ENDED 3 /* Explanation of states ROW_NOT_BEGUN There have not been any fields encountered for this row FIELD_NOT_BEGUN There have been fields but we are currently not in one FIELD_BEGUN We are in a field FIELD_MIGHT_HAVE_ENDED We encountered a double quote inside a quoted field, the field is either ended or the quote is literal */ #define MEM_BLK_SIZE 128 #define SUBMIT_FIELD(p) \ do { \ if (!quoted) \ entry_pos -= spaces; \ if (cb1) \ cb1(p->entry_buf, entry_pos, data); \ pstate = FIELD_NOT_BEGUN; \ entry_pos = quoted = spaces = 0; \ } while (0) #define SUBMIT_ROW(p, c) \ do { \ if (cb2) \ cb2(c, data); \ pstate = ROW_NOT_BEGUN; \ entry_pos = quoted = spaces = 0; \ } while (0) #define SUBMIT_CHAR(p, c) ((p)->entry_buf[entry_pos++] = (c)) static char *csv_errors[] = {"success", "error parsing data while strict checking enabled", "memory exhausted while increasing buffer size", "data size too large", "invalid status code"}; int csv_error(struct csv_parser *p) { return p->status; } char * csv_strerror(int status) { if (status >= CSV_EINVALID || status < 0) return csv_errors[CSV_EINVALID]; else return csv_errors[status]; } int csv_opts(struct csv_parser *p, unsigned char options) { if (p == NULL) return -1; p->options = options; return 0; } int csv_init(struct csv_parser **p, unsigned char options) { /* Initialize a csv_parser object returns 0 on success, -1 on error */ if (p == NULL) return -1; if ((*p = malloc(sizeof(struct csv_parser))) == NULL) return -1; if ( ((*p)->entry_buf = malloc(MEM_BLK_SIZE)) == NULL ) { free(*p); return -1; } (*p)->pstate = ROW_NOT_BEGUN; (*p)->quoted = 0; (*p)->spaces = 0; (*p)->entry_pos = 0; (*p)->entry_size = MEM_BLK_SIZE; (*p)->status = 0; (*p)->options = options; (*p)->quote_char = CSV_QUOTE; (*p)->delim_char = CSV_COMMA; (*p)->is_space = NULL; (*p)->is_term = NULL; return 0; } void csv_free(struct csv_parser *p) { /* Free the entry_buffer and the csv_parser object */ if (p == NULL) return; if (p->entry_buf) free(p->entry_buf); free(p); return; } int csv_fini(struct csv_parser *p, void (*cb1)(char *, size_t, void *), void (*cb2)(char c, void *), void *data) { /* Finalize parsing. Needed, for example, when file does not end in a newline */ int quoted = p->quoted; int pstate = p->pstate; size_t spaces = p->spaces; size_t entry_pos = p->entry_pos; if (p == NULL) return -1; if (p->pstate == FIELD_BEGUN && p->quoted && p->options & CSV_STRICT && p->options & CSV_STRICT_FINI) { p->status = CSV_EPARSE; return -1; } switch (p->pstate) { case FIELD_MIGHT_HAVE_ENDED: p->entry_pos -= p->spaces + 1; /* get rid of spaces and original quote */ case FIELD_NOT_BEGUN: case FIELD_BEGUN: quoted = p->quoted, pstate = p->pstate; spaces = p->spaces, entry_pos = p->entry_pos; SUBMIT_FIELD(p); SUBMIT_ROW(p, 0); case ROW_NOT_BEGUN: /* Already ended properly */ ; } p->spaces = p->quoted = p->entry_pos = p->status = 0; p->pstate = ROW_NOT_BEGUN; return 0; } void csv_set_delim(struct csv_parser *p, char c) { if (p) p->delim_char = c; } void csv_set_quote(struct csv_parser *p, char c) { if (p) p->quote_char = c; } char csv_get_delim(struct csv_parser *p) { return p->delim_char; } char csv_get_quote(struct csv_parser *p) { return p->quote_char; } void csv_set_space_func(struct csv_parser *p, int (*f)(char)) { if (p) p->is_space = f; } void csv_set_term_func(struct csv_parser *p, int (*f)(char)) { if (p) p->is_term = f; } static int csv_increase_buffer(struct csv_parser *p) { size_t to_add = MEM_BLK_SIZE; void *vp; while ( p->entry_size >= SIZE_MAX - to_add ) to_add /= 2; if (!to_add) { p->status = CSV_ETOOBIG; return -1; } while ((vp = realloc(p->entry_buf, p->entry_size + to_add)) == NULL) { to_add /= 2; if (!to_add) { p->status = CSV_ENOMEM; return -1; } } p->entry_buf = vp; p->entry_size += to_add; return 0; } size_t csv_parse(struct csv_parser *p, const char *s, size_t len, void (*cb1)(char *, size_t, void *), void (*cb2)(char c, void *), void *data) { char c; /* The character we are currently processing */ size_t pos = 0; /* The number of characters we have processed in this call */ char delim = p->delim_char; char quote = p->quote_char; int (*is_space)(char) = p->is_space; int (*is_term)(char) = p->is_term; int quoted = p->quoted; int pstate = p->pstate; size_t spaces = p->spaces; size_t entry_pos = p->entry_pos; while (pos < len) { /* Check memory usage */ if (entry_pos == p->entry_size) if (csv_increase_buffer(p) != 0) { p->quoted = quoted, p->pstate = pstate, p->spaces = spaces, p->entry_pos = entry_pos; return pos; } c = s[pos++]; switch (pstate) { case ROW_NOT_BEGUN: case FIELD_NOT_BEGUN: if (is_space ? is_space(c) : c == CSV_SPACE || c == CSV_TAB) { /* Space or Tab */ continue; } else if (is_term ? is_term(c) : c == CSV_CR || c == CSV_LF) { /* Carriage Return or Line Feed */ if (pstate == FIELD_NOT_BEGUN) { SUBMIT_FIELD(p); SUBMIT_ROW(p, c); } else { /* ROW_NOT_BEGUN */ /* Don't submit empty rows by default */ if (p->options & CSV_REPALL_NL) { SUBMIT_ROW(p, c); } } continue; } else if (c == delim) { /* Comma */ SUBMIT_FIELD(p); break; } else if (c == quote) { /* Quote */ pstate = FIELD_BEGUN; quoted = 1; } else { /* Anything else */ pstate = FIELD_BEGUN; quoted = 0; SUBMIT_CHAR(p, c); } break; case FIELD_BEGUN: if (c == quote) { /* Quote */ if (quoted) { SUBMIT_CHAR(p, c); pstate = FIELD_MIGHT_HAVE_ENDED; } else { /* STRICT ERROR - double quote inside non-quoted field */ if (p->options & CSV_STRICT) { p->status = CSV_EPARSE; p->quoted = quoted, p->pstate = pstate, p->spaces = spaces, p->entry_pos = entry_pos; return pos-1; } SUBMIT_CHAR(p, c); spaces = 0; } } else if (c == delim) { /* Comma */ if (quoted) { SUBMIT_CHAR(p, c); } else { SUBMIT_FIELD(p); } } else if (is_term ? is_term(c) : c == CSV_CR || c == CSV_LF) { /* Carriage Return or Line Feed */ if (!quoted) { SUBMIT_FIELD(p); SUBMIT_ROW(p, c); } else { SUBMIT_CHAR(p, c); } } else if (!quoted && (is_space? is_space(c) : c == CSV_SPACE || c == CSV_TAB)) { /* Tab or space for non-quoted field */ SUBMIT_CHAR(p, c); spaces++; } else { /* Anything else */ SUBMIT_CHAR(p, c); spaces = 0; } break; case FIELD_MIGHT_HAVE_ENDED: /* This only happens when a quote character is encountered in a quoted field */ if (c == delim) { /* Comma */ entry_pos -= spaces + 1; /* get rid of spaces and original quote */ SUBMIT_FIELD(p); } else if (is_term ? is_term(c) : c == CSV_CR || c == CSV_LF) { /* Carriage Return or Line Feed */ entry_pos -= spaces + 1; /* get rid of spaces and original quote */ SUBMIT_FIELD(p); SUBMIT_ROW(p, c); } else if (is_space ? is_space(c) : c == CSV_SPACE || c == CSV_TAB) { /* Space or Tab */ SUBMIT_CHAR(p, c); spaces++; } else if (c == quote) { /* Quote */ if (spaces) { /* STRICT ERROR - unescaped double quote */ if (p->options & CSV_STRICT) { p->status = CSV_EPARSE; p->quoted = quoted, p->pstate = pstate, p->spaces = spaces, p->entry_pos = entry_pos; return pos-1; } spaces = 0; SUBMIT_CHAR(p, c); } else { /* Two quotes in a row */ pstate = FIELD_BEGUN; } } else { /* Anything else */ /* STRICT ERROR - unescaped double quote */ if (p->options & CSV_STRICT) { p->status = CSV_EPARSE; p->quoted = quoted, p->pstate = pstate, p->spaces = spaces, p->entry_pos = entry_pos; return pos-1; } pstate = FIELD_BEGUN; spaces = 0; SUBMIT_CHAR(p, c); } break; default: break; } } p->quoted = quoted, p->pstate = pstate, p->spaces = spaces, p->entry_pos = entry_pos; return pos; } size_t csv_write (char *dest, size_t dest_size, const char *src, size_t src_size) { size_t chars = 0; if (src == NULL) return 0; if (dest == NULL) dest_size = 0; if (dest_size > 0) *dest++ = '"'; chars++; while (src_size) { if (*src == '"') { if (dest_size > chars) *dest++ = '"'; if (chars < SIZE_MAX) chars++; } if (dest_size > chars) *dest++ = *src; if (chars < SIZE_MAX) chars++; src_size--; src++; } if (dest_size > chars) *dest = '"'; if (chars < SIZE_MAX) chars++; return chars; } int csv_fwrite (FILE *fp, const char *src, size_t src_size) { if (fp == NULL || src == NULL) return 0; if (fputc('"', fp) == EOF) return EOF; while (src_size) { if (*src == '"') { if (fputc('"', fp) == EOF) return EOF; } if (fputc(*src, fp) == EOF) return EOF; src_size--; src++; } if (fputc('"', fp) == EOF) { return EOF; } return 0; } size_t csv_write2 (char *dest, size_t dest_size, const char *src, size_t src_size, char quote) { size_t chars = 0; if (src == NULL) return 0; if (dest == NULL) dest_size = 0; if (dest_size > 0) *dest++ = quote; chars++; while (src_size) { if (*src == quote) { if (dest_size > chars) *dest++ = quote; if (chars < SIZE_MAX) chars++; } if (dest_size > chars) *dest++ = *src; if (chars < SIZE_MAX) chars++; src_size--; src++; } if (dest_size > chars) *dest = quote; if (chars < SIZE_MAX) chars++; return chars; } int csv_fwrite2 (FILE *fp, const char *src, size_t src_size, char quote) { if (fp == NULL || src == NULL) return 0; if (fputc(quote, fp) == EOF) return EOF; while (src_size) { if (*src == quote) { if (fputc(quote, fp) == EOF) return EOF; } if (fputc(*src, fp) == EOF) return EOF; src_size--; src++; } if (fputc(quote, fp) == EOF) { return EOF; } return 0; }