path: root/src/tork.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tork.h')
1 files changed, 435 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tork.h b/src/tork.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f239029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tork.h
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+ * $Id: tork.h,v 1.115 2009/08/12 19:41:23 hoganrobert Exp $
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 - 2008 Robert Hogan *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _TORK_H_
+#define _TORK_H_
+#include <config.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kmainwindow.h>
+#include <ktempfile.h>
+#include "torkview.h"
+#include "torclient.h"
+#include "statgraph.h"
+#include "popupMessage.h"
+#include "torkconfig.h"
+#include "version.h"
+#include "dcoptork.h"
+#include "testprivacyproxy.h"
+#include <kconfigskeleton.h>
+#include <kwinmodule.h>
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+#include <qvaluevector.h>
+#include "update.h"
+#include "trayicon.h"
+#include "upnpmanager.h"
+#include "hiddensrvs.h"
+class KPrinter;
+class KToggleAction;
+class KPopupMenu;
+class KActionMenu;
+class KURL;
+class TrayIcon;
+class QLabel;
+class KProcIO;
+class TorClient;
+class QPoint;
+class StatGraph;
+class TorkConfig;
+class KConfigSkeleton;
+class KConfigSkeletonItem;
+class KTempFile;
+class KWindModule;
+class UPnPManager;
+class SetMaxRate;
+class MyHidden;
+class TestProxy;
+//class QValueVector;
+/** Enumeration of types which option values can take */
+typedef enum display_status_t {
+ DISPLAY_NONE = 0, /**< An arbitrary string. */
+ DISPLAY_QUEUED, /**< A non-negative integer less than MAX_INT */
+} display_status_t;
+ * This class serves as the main window for tork. It handles the
+ * menus, toolbars, and status bars.
+ *
+ * @short Main window class
+ * @author Robert Hogan <[email protected]>
+ * @version 0.03
+ */
+class tork : public KMainWindow, virtual public DCOPTork
+ /**
+ * Default Constructor
+ */
+ tork();
+ /**
+ * Default Destructor
+ */
+ virtual ~tork();
+ torkView *m_view;
+ TrayIcon *_tray;
+ QDict<QListViewItem> inodes;
+ bool connectedToTor(){return (client!=0) ? true : false;};
+ KPopupMenu* m_LaunchMenu;
+ void anonymousFirefox(){m_view->anonymousFirefox();};
+ void anonymousOpera(){m_view->anonymousOpera();};
+ void anonymousEmail(){m_view->sendAnonymousEmail(); hide();};
+ void anonymizedFirefox(const QString & url){m_view->anonymizedFirefox(url);};
+ void anonymizedOpera(const QString & url){m_view->anonymizedOpera(url);};
+ void anonymousKonversation(){torkify( 0 );};
+ void anonymousKopete(){torkify( 1 );};
+ void anonymousGaim(){torkify( 2 );};
+ void anonymousPidgin(){torkify( 3 );};
+ void anonymousKonsole(){torkify( 4 );};
+ bool getKDESetting();
+ bool routerDiscovered(){ return m_routerDiscovered;};
+ void setRouterDiscovered(bool discovered){ m_routerDiscovered = discovered;};
+ QStringList getDiscoveredRouters(){ return discoveredRouters;};
+ void setBandwidthFromSysTray(int rate );
+ void enableKDEAndLaunchKonqWithUrl(const QString &);
+ int upnpORPort(){ return orPort; };
+ int upnpDirPort(){ return dirPort; };
+ void setUpnpDirPort(int port){ dirPort=port; };
+ void setUpnpORPort(int port){ orPort=port; };
+private slots:
+ void fileNew();
+ void optionsShowToolbar();
+ void optionsShowStatusbar();
+ void optionsConfigureKeys();
+ void optionsConfigureToolbars();
+ void optionsPreferences();
+ void newToolbarConfig();
+ void startTor();
+ void startNetStat();
+ void stopNetStat();
+ void updatePrivoxy();
+ void childExited();
+ void privoxyExited();
+ void netStatExited();
+ void filterExited();
+ void startFromBeginning();
+ void isControllerWorking( );
+ void checkRouterDiscovered( );
+ void changeStatusbar(const QString& in,const QString& out);
+ void changeCaption(const QString& text);
+ void startController();
+ void stopController();
+ void receivedOutput(KProcIO *);
+ void processFilter(KProcIO *filterproc);
+ void receivedNetStatOutput(KProcIO *);
+ void toggleKDESetting();
+ void enableKDE(bool enable);
+ void toggleKDESettingAndLaunchKonq();
+ void setKDE(bool set);
+ void turnOffKDE();
+ void sayWhatImDoing(const QString& );
+ void slotOnItem( int, QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int );
+ void slotOnORItem( QListViewItem * );
+ void slotOffItem( );
+ void openConfig(const QCString& page);
+ void slotHandle(/*TFunctor *functor*/);
+ void noClicked(/*TFunctor *functor*/);
+ void popUpClosed();
+ void processHashProc(KProcIO *hashproc);
+ void toggleTorMon();
+ void toggleTorMon2();
+ void toggleTorBar();
+ void hiddenServices();
+ void mixminionHome();
+ void networkList();
+ void infoUpdated(const QString &type, const QString &summary, const QString &data);
+ void shuttingDown();
+ void showMyServer();
+ void showFirewallEvasion();
+ void useNewIdentity();
+ void showMyKonqueror();
+ void showMyHiddenServices();
+ void toggleNonTorTraffic(bool state);
+ void toggleTorTraffic(bool state);
+ void checkForKonqWindow(WId);
+ void configurePrivoxy();
+ void warnNoServerInfo();
+ void startingPeriodOver();
+ void needAlphaVersion( );
+ void filterServers( int );
+ void toggleIP( int );
+ void filterLog( int );
+ void filterSubnets( int );
+ void filterCountries( int );
+ void filterTorTraffic( int );
+ void filterNonTorTraffic( int );
+ void sortByCountry( );
+ void toggleTextFilter( int );
+ void createSubnetList( );
+ void torkify( int );
+ void allowNewIdentityRequests();
+ void populateSubNetMenu();
+ void populatePseudoMenu();
+ void populateCountryMenu();
+ void applyPseudonymity( int country_id );
+ void checkBandwidthSettings();
+ void setTorCaption(const QString &caption);
+ void configureServer(int);
+ void configureSecurity( int id );
+ void updateServerButton( );
+ void torUsedAfterDNSRequest();
+ void updateTrayStats(const QString &,const QString &,const QString &,const QString &);
+ void updateTrayIcon(const QString &);
+ void resetExited();
+ void switchMode();
+ void upnpForwardingOK(kt::UPnPRouter*,const QString &, bool);
+ void upnpForwardingError(kt::UPnPRouter*,const QString &, bool);
+ void routerDiscovered(kt::UPnPRouter* );
+ void configureRouter(bool force,bool silent=false);
+ void checkForSystemManagedPrivoxy();
+ void cannotContactPrivoxy();
+ void privacyProxyPassed();
+public slots:
+ void startPrivoxy();
+ void letTorKManagePrivoxy();
+ void serverHelp();
+ void enterContactInfo();
+ void fixAddressPort();
+ void continueAsClient();
+ void updateTorStable();
+ void reconnectWithCookie();
+ void copyCookie();
+ void updateTork();
+ void quickConfig();
+ void cannotContactTor();
+ void showTip();
+ void showTipOnStart();
+ void runWizard();
+ void copyOldConfig();
+ void shouldIApplySettings();
+ void applySettingsToRunningTor();
+ bool showUsage();
+ bool showSecurityWarnings();
+ bool showGuideQuestions();
+ bool showApplySettingsQuestions();
+ bool contactInfoSet();
+ bool showDNSLeaks();
+ void readEavesdropping();
+ void aboutTorify();
+ void aboutTor();
+ void showSecurityNotice(const QString &port);
+ void showScreamingNotice(const QString &port);
+ void torClosedConnection();
+ void makeTorkStoppable();
+ void createService(const QString& dir,const QString& port);
+ void aboutParanoidMode();
+ void processWarning(const QString& type, const QString& text);
+ void processQuestion(const QString& type, const QString& text);
+ void updateTorUnstable();
+ void currentTabChanged(QWidget* cur );
+ void stopTor();
+ void resetTor();
+ void toggleServerButton( bool on );
+ void dummyAction();
+ void retryUPnP();
+ void allowPlainTextPorts();
+ void assignPortToRemove();
+ void startEverything();
+ void stopTorGracefully();
+ void setupAccel();
+ void setupActions();
+ QString writeConf();
+ QString writePrivoxyConf();
+ void writeCustomOptions(QTextStream &ts);
+ void writeCustomOptions2(QTextStream &ts);
+ void showWarning( display_status_t &msg, const QString &headline,const QString &torsaid,const QString &thismeans, const QString &type, const QString &icon, bool always, bool showstopper);
+ void askQuestion(display_status_t &msg, const QString &headline,const QString &torsaid,const QString &body,const QString &question,void (tork::*pt2Func)(), const QString &type, const QString &icon, bool persistent, bool showstopper);
+ void processQueue();
+ bool elementShouldBeUsed(const KConfigSkeletonItem* it);
+ bool noSpecialProcessing(const KConfigSkeletonItem* it, QTextStream &ts);
+ QString doHashPassword();
+ bool queryClose();
+ void prepareToShut();
+ void filterViewServers( QValueVector<QString> &possibleValues, QListView* &view, KPopupMenu* &menu, int id, int column );
+ void filterView( QValueVector<QString> &possibleValues, QListView* &view, KPopupMenu* &menu, int id, int column );
+ QString createFailSafeCommand( const QStringList &filterRules, bool set );
+ void updateServerClientStatusBar(const QStringList &client, const QStringList &server);
+ void updateToolBar();
+ KPrinter *m_printer;
+ KToggleAction *m_toolbarAction;
+ KToggleAction *m_statusbarAction;
+ KAction *torkConfigure;
+ KAction *torkStop;
+ KAction *torkStart;
+ KAction *torkUpdateTork;
+ KAction *torkUpdateStable;
+ KAction *torkUpdateUnstable;
+ KAction *torkUpdatePrivoxy;
+ KAction *torkFirstRunWizard;
+ KAction *torkTip;
+ KAction *enableKonqi;
+ KAction *enableTormon;
+ //KAction *toggleParanoid;
+ KAction *browseHiddenServices;
+ KAction *browseNetworkList;
+ KAction *toggleTorbar;
+ KActionMenu* m_ServerFilterButton;
+ KActionMenu* m_LaunchMenuButton;
+ KActionMenu* m_LogFilterButton;
+ KActionMenu* m_TrafficFilterButton;
+ KPopupMenu* m_ServerFilterMenu;
+ KPopupMenu* m_LogFilterMenu;
+ KPopupMenu* m_TrafficFilterMenu;
+ KPopupMenu* m_TorTrafficFilterMenu;
+ KPopupMenu* m_NonTorTrafficFilterMenu;
+ KPopupMenu* m_IPFilterMenu;
+ KPopupMenu* m_PseudoMenu;
+ KPopupMenu* m_PseudoMenuEU;
+ KPopupMenu* m_PseudoMenuSA;
+ KPopupMenu* m_PseudoMenuAS;
+ KPopupMenu* m_PseudoMenuNA;
+ KPopupMenu* m_PseudoMenuAN;
+ KPopupMenu* m_PseudoMenuAF;
+ KPopupMenu* m_PseudoMenuNN;
+ KPopupMenu* m_PseudoMenuOC;
+ KActionMenu* m_PseudoButton;
+ KAction* m_IdentityButton;
+ KAction* m_ModeButton;
+ KAction* m_UnCensorButton;
+ KPopupMenu* m_CountryMenu;
+ KPopupMenu* m_CountryMenuEU;
+ KPopupMenu* m_CountryMenuSA;
+ KPopupMenu* m_CountryMenuAS;
+ KPopupMenu* m_CountryMenuNA;
+ KPopupMenu* m_CountryMenuAN;
+ KPopupMenu* m_CountryMenuAF;
+ KPopupMenu* m_CountryMenuNN;
+ KPopupMenu* m_CountryMenuOC;
+ KActionMenu* m_ServerButton;
+ KPopupMenu* m_ServerButtonMenu;
+ KActionMenu* m_SecurityButton;
+ KPopupMenu* m_SecurityButtonMenu;
+ QLabel* m_statusInfo;
+ QLabel* m_statusTransfer;
+ QLabel* m_statusSpeed;
+ StatGraph* m_graphIn;
+ StatGraph* m_graphOut;
+ KProcIO* childproc;
+ KProcIO* filterproc;
+ KProcIO* netstatproc;
+ KProcIO* privoxyproc;
+ TorClient* client;
+ bool m_servererrornag;
+ bool m_contactinfonag;
+ bool m_serverworking;
+ QListViewItem* m_prevItem;
+ QTimer *timer;
+ QTimer *bwtimer;
+ QTimer *bwLimitTimer;
+ void (tork::*m_pt2Func)();
+ KDE::PopupMessage *m_tooltip;
+ QStringList m_list;
+ QString m_body;
+ display_status_t* m_msg;
+ KProcIO *hashproc;
+ QString m_hashedpassword;
+ KConfigSkeletonItem::List previtems;
+ KConfigSkeleton pcopy;
+ PrevConfig::PrevConfigList prevlist;
+ TorkUpdate* updater;
+ KTempFile* tfTor;
+ KTempFile* tfPrivoxy;
+ KWinModule* winModule;
+ QWidget* prev;
+ QValueList<QListViewItem*> ordinaryServerList;
+ QMap<QString,KPopupMenu*> continentMap;
+ QMap<QString,KPopupMenu*> continentMapList;
+ QStringList discoveredRouters;
+ int filterId;
+ bool m_toolTipShowing;
+ bool m_persistent;
+ bool filterWasApplied;
+ bool geoip_db;
+ bool waitingForServers;
+ bool stillStarting;
+ bool m_DNSTorified;
+ bool m_showstopperAlreadyDisplayed;
+ bool m_routerDiscovered;
+ bool recentNewIdentityRequest;
+ bool m_ShutdownRequested;
+ bool m_AppliedSettings;
+ bool m_CanApplyServerSettingsIfSet;
+ QDialog* dialog;
+ MyHidden* myHiddenDialog;
+ QDialog* serverdialog;
+ UPnPManager* upnpmanager;
+ ForwardPortList* forwardPortList;
+ QString filterError;
+ QString torCaption;
+ QString m_program;
+ SetMaxRate* m_set_max_rate;
+ TestPrivoxy *privoxytest;
+ int orPort;
+ int dirPort;
+extern tork *kmain;
+#endif // _TORK_H_