/*************************************************************************** ** $Id: torkview.h,v 1.59 2009/10/20 20:16:00 hoganrobert Exp $ * Copyright (C) 2006 - 2008 Robert Hogan * * robert@roberthogan.net * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _TORKVIEW_H_ #define _TORKVIEW_H_ #include <ntqwidget.h> #include "torkview_base.h" #include "hitwidget.h" #include "kwidgetlistbox.h" #include "kerrylabel.h" #include "dndlistview.h" #include <ntqlistview.h> #include <ntqdragobject.h> #include <ntqiconview.h> #include <ntqdatetime.h> #include <kpassivepopup.h> #include "newstreamosd.h" class TQPainter; class KURL; class TQListViewItem; class TQDragEnterEvent; class TQDragDropEvent; class KPassivePopup; class StreamOSD; class HitWidget; class streamItem; /** * This is the main view class for tork. Most of the non-menu, * non-toolbar, and non-statusbar (e.g., non frame) GUI code should go * here. * * @short Main view * @author Robert Hogan <robert@roberthogan.net> * @version 0.1 */ class torkView : public torkview_base { Q_OBJECT enum { HISTORY_SIZE = 300, // Speed history buffer size SPEED_BUFFER_SIZE = 10 // Speed normalization buffer size }; public: /** * Default constructor */ torkView(TQWidget *parent); /** * Destructor */ virtual ~torkView(); void hidePopup(); bool getShowTormon() {return m_tormon;} void setShowTormon(bool tormon) { m_tormon = tormon;} void infoUpdated(const TQString &type, const TQString &summary, const TQString &data); TQStringList subnet16List(){ return m_subnet16List; } TQValueList<int> countryList(){ return m_countryList; } StreamOSD* m_osd; StreamOSD* m_nontorosd; void toggleAnonymizerTork(bool state); HitWidget* welcomeitem; HitWidget* hiddenservicesitem; HitWidget* mixminionitem; HitWidget* sshitem; HitWidget* kopeteitem; HitWidget* gaimitem; HitWidget* pidginitem; HitWidget* konversationitem; HitWidget* gpgitem; HitWidget* konqitem; HitWidget* telnetitem; HitWidget* allpurposeitem; HitWidget* ksircitem; HitWidget* operaitem; HitWidget* firefoxitem; TQValueList<HitWidget*> menuItems; KURLLabel *configurePriv; KURLLabel *configurePrivText; // Rx e Tx to bytes and packets unsigned long mBRx, mBTx, sysmBRx,sysmBTx; // Statistics unsigned long mTotalBytesRx, mTotalBytesTx; // Speed buffers double mSpeedBufferRx[SPEED_BUFFER_SIZE], mSpeedBufferTx[SPEED_BUFFER_SIZE]; double sys_mSpeedBufferRx[SPEED_BUFFER_SIZE], sys_mSpeedBufferTx[SPEED_BUFFER_SIZE]; // pointer to current speed buffer position int mSpeedBufferPtr; int sys_mSpeedBufferPtr; // History buffer TODO: Make it configurable! double mSpeedHistoryRx[HISTORY_SIZE]; double mSpeedHistoryTx[HISTORY_SIZE]; double sys_mSpeedHistoryRx[HISTORY_SIZE]; double sys_mSpeedHistoryTx[HISTORY_SIZE]; int mSpeedHistoryPtr; double mMaxSpeed; int mMaxSpeedAge; int sys_mSpeedHistoryPtr; double sys_mMaxSpeed; int sys_mMaxSpeedAge; const double* speedHistoryRx() const { return mSpeedHistoryRx; } const double* speedHistoryTx() const { return mSpeedHistoryTx; } int historyBufferSize() const { return HISTORY_SIZE; } const int* historyPointer() const { return &mSpeedHistoryPtr; } const double* maxSpeed() const { return &mMaxSpeed; } const double* sys_speedHistoryRx() const { return sys_mSpeedHistoryRx; } const double* sys_speedHistoryTx() const { return sys_mSpeedHistoryTx; } int sys_historyBufferSize() const { return HISTORY_SIZE; } const int* sys_historyPointer() const { return &sys_mSpeedHistoryPtr; } const double* sys_maxSpeed() const { return &sys_mMaxSpeed; } // calc tha max. speed stored in the history buffer inline void calcMaxSpeed(); inline void sys_calcMaxSpeed(); // calc the speed using a speed buffer inline double calcSpeed(const double* buffer) const; /// RX Speed in bytes per second inline double byteSpeedRx() const; /// TX Speed in bytes per second inline double byteSpeedTx() const; /// RX Speed in bytes per second inline double sys_byteSpeedRx() const; /// TX Speed in bytes per second inline double sys_byteSpeedTx() const; static inline TQString byteFormat( double num, const char* ksufix = " KB", const char* msufix = " MB"); void resetBWHistory(); void updateChart(); TQStringList m_subnet16List; TQValueList<int> m_countryList; void clearStreamMaps(); TQTime timeLastTorUse; TQTime timeTorWasLastUsed(){return timeLastTorUse;}; TQString addrLastTorUse; TQString addrTorWasLastUsed(){return addrLastTorUse;}; void setGeoIPAvailable(bool set){geoip_db = set;}; signals: /** * Use this signal to change the content of the caption */ void signalChangeCaption(const TQString& text); void showSecurityNotice(const TQString& cleanedPort); void showScreamingNotice(const TQString& cleanedPort); void showMyKonqueror(); void riskySession(); void aboutTorify(); void aboutTor(); void configurePrivoxy(); void aboutParanoidMode(); void showMyHiddenServices(); void startEverything(); void stopEverything(); void updateStats(); void mixminionHome(); void processWarning(const TQString& , const TQString& ); void signalCheckGuards(); void signalCheckTorNet(); void signalCheckBWSettings(); void updateTrayStats(const TQString &,const TQString &, const TQString &,const TQString &); public slots: void toggleParanoidMode(int); void torify(const TQString &); void sendAnonymousEmail(); void anonymousOpera(); void anonymousFirefox(); void anonymizedOpera(const TQString &); void anonymizedFirefox(const TQString &); void showServerBW(const TQString&); private slots: void switchColors(); void settingsChanged(); void streamStatusUpdated(const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &); void circuitStatusUpdated(const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &); void ORStatusUpdated(const TQString &ORID, const TQString &status); void guardStatusUpdated(const TQString &ORID, const TQString &status); void bwUpdated(const TQString &in, const TQString &out); void streamBwUpdated(const TQString &stream, const TQString &in, const TQString &out); TQPixmap streamProgram(const TQString &port); void activeServersUpdated(const TQStringList &servers); void displayError(const TQString &,const TQString &); void displayServer(const TQString &,const TQString &); void serverStatusUpdated(const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &,const TQString &); void privoxiedBash(); void downloadMixminion(); void downloadTorButton(); void reportBW(int secs); void changeQuickConfigure(int no); private: unsigned long readInterfaceNumValue(TQString interface, const char* name); void setHiddenServicesText(); TQString parseStreamPort(const TQString &); void populateMenu(); bool geoip_db; KPassivePopup* m_pop; bool m_tormon; TQStringList mSysDevPathList; bool mFirstUpdate; bool checkInterface(); bool gotEth0; KURLLabel *paranoidmodeicon; KURLLabel *paranoidmodetext; TQStringList greenonion; TQStringList redonion; TQStringList yellowonion; TQStringList orangeonion; TQStringList littleonion; TQStringList todelete; TQValueList<TQStringList> iconList; TQValueList<TQString> torType; TQStringList guard; TQStringList redguard; TQStringList detachedguard; TQStringList littleguard; TQValueList<TQStringList> guardIconList; TQValueList<TQStringList> circuitIconList; typedef TQMap<TQString, TQString> stringmap; stringmap entryGuards; stringmap streamPurpose; stringmap portStream; typedef TQMap<TQString, streamItem*> streamlist; streamlist streams; typedef TQMap<TQString, TQListViewItem*> osdstreamlist; osdstreamlist osdstreams; osdstreamlist logstreams; osdstreamlist torservers; osdstreamlist circuitExits; typedef TQMap<TQString, TQPixmap> stringToPixmap; stringToPixmap streamStatusIcon; stringToPixmap cachedStreamIcon; typedef TQMap<TQString, int> streamBw; streamBw streamBwIn; streamBw streamBwOut; TQLabel *welcomeheaderLabel; unsigned int torbtx; unsigned int torbrx; unsigned int progDisplayCounter; }; void torkView::calcMaxSpeed() { double max = 0.0; int ptr = mSpeedHistoryPtr; for (int i = 0; i < HISTORY_SIZE; ++i) { if (mSpeedHistoryRx[i] > max) { max = mSpeedHistoryRx[i]; ptr = i; } if (mSpeedHistoryTx[i] > max) { max = mSpeedHistoryTx[i]; ptr = i; } } mMaxSpeed = max; mMaxSpeedAge = (mSpeedHistoryPtr > ptr) ? (mSpeedHistoryPtr - ptr) : (mSpeedHistoryPtr + HISTORY_SIZE - ptr); } void torkView::sys_calcMaxSpeed() { double max = 0.0; int ptr = sys_mSpeedHistoryPtr; for (int i = 0; i < HISTORY_SIZE; ++i) { if (sys_mSpeedHistoryRx[i] > max) { max = sys_mSpeedHistoryRx[i]; ptr = i; } if (sys_mSpeedHistoryTx[i] > max) { max = sys_mSpeedHistoryTx[i]; ptr = i; } } sys_mMaxSpeed = max; sys_mMaxSpeedAge = (sys_mSpeedHistoryPtr > ptr) ? (sys_mSpeedHistoryPtr - ptr) : (sys_mSpeedHistoryPtr + HISTORY_SIZE - ptr); } double torkView::calcSpeed(const double* buffer) const { double total = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < SPEED_BUFFER_SIZE; ++i) total += buffer[i]; return total/SPEED_BUFFER_SIZE; } double torkView::byteSpeedRx() const { return mSpeedHistoryRx[mSpeedHistoryPtr]; } double torkView::byteSpeedTx() const { return mSpeedHistoryTx[mSpeedHistoryPtr]; } double torkView::sys_byteSpeedRx() const { return sys_mSpeedHistoryRx[sys_mSpeedHistoryPtr]; } double torkView::sys_byteSpeedTx() const { return sys_mSpeedHistoryTx[sys_mSpeedHistoryPtr]; } TQString torkView::byteFormat( double num, const char* ksufix, const char* msufix ) { const double ONE_KB = 1024.0; const double ONE_MB = ONE_KB*ONE_KB; if ( num >= ONE_MB ) // MB return TQString::number( num/(ONE_MB), 'f', 1 ) + msufix; else // Kb return TQString::number( num/ONE_KB, 'f', 1 ) + ksufix; } class streamItem : public TQObject, public TQListViewItem { Q_OBJECT public: streamItem( DndListView *parent, const TQString &id, const TQString &program, const TQString &target, const TQString &status, const TQString &bw, const TQString &exit, const TQString &circuit ); streamItem(); enum { HISTORY_SIZE = 300, // Speed history buffer size SPEED_BUFFER_SIZE = 10 // Speed normalization buffer size }; // Rx e Tx to bytes and packets unsigned long mBRx, mBTx; // Statistics unsigned long mTotalBytesRx, mTotalBytesTx; // Speed buffers double mSpeedBufferRx[SPEED_BUFFER_SIZE], mSpeedBufferTx[SPEED_BUFFER_SIZE]; // pointer to current speed buffer position int mSpeedBufferPtr; // History buffer TODO: Make it configurable! double mSpeedHistoryRx[HISTORY_SIZE]; double mSpeedHistoryTx[HISTORY_SIZE]; int mSpeedHistoryPtr; double mMaxSpeed; int mMaxSpeedAge; const double* speedHistoryRx() const { return mSpeedHistoryRx; } const double* speedHistoryTx() const { return mSpeedHistoryTx; } int historyBufferSize() const { return HISTORY_SIZE; } const int* historyPointer() const { return &mSpeedHistoryPtr; } const double* maxSpeed() const { return &mMaxSpeed; } // calc tha max. speed stored in the history buffer inline void calcMaxSpeed(); // calc the speed using a speed buffer inline double calcSpeed(const double* buffer) const; /// RX Speed in bytes per second inline double byteSpeedRx() const; /// TX Speed in bytes per second inline double byteSpeedTx() const; inline void calcBWRate(int torbrx, int torbtx, int secs); private: bool dragging; }; void streamItem::calcBWRate(int torbrx, int torbtx, int secs) { //Calculate Stream Tx/Rx unsigned int btx = (torbtx - mBTx); unsigned int brx = (torbrx - mBRx); mBRx = torbrx; mBTx = torbtx; if (++mSpeedBufferPtr >= SPEED_BUFFER_SIZE) mSpeedBufferPtr = 0; mSpeedBufferTx[mSpeedBufferPtr] = ((btx )*(1000.0f/(secs * 1000))); mSpeedBufferRx[mSpeedBufferPtr] = ((brx )*(1000.0f/(secs * 1000))); if (++mSpeedHistoryPtr >= HISTORY_SIZE) mSpeedHistoryPtr = 0; mSpeedHistoryRx[mSpeedHistoryPtr] = calcSpeed(mSpeedBufferRx); mSpeedHistoryTx[mSpeedHistoryPtr] = calcSpeed(mSpeedBufferTx); mMaxSpeedAge--; if (mSpeedHistoryTx[mSpeedHistoryPtr] > mMaxSpeed) { mMaxSpeed = mSpeedHistoryTx[mSpeedHistoryPtr]; mMaxSpeedAge = HISTORY_SIZE; } if (mSpeedHistoryRx[mSpeedHistoryPtr] > mMaxSpeed) { mMaxSpeed = mSpeedHistoryRx[mSpeedHistoryPtr]; mMaxSpeedAge = HISTORY_SIZE; } if (mMaxSpeedAge < 1) calcMaxSpeed(); } void streamItem::calcMaxSpeed() { double max = 0.0; int ptr = mSpeedHistoryPtr; for (int i = 0; i < HISTORY_SIZE; ++i) { if (mSpeedHistoryRx[i] > max) { max = mSpeedHistoryRx[i]; ptr = i; } if (mSpeedHistoryTx[i] > max) { max = mSpeedHistoryTx[i]; ptr = i; } } mMaxSpeed = max; mMaxSpeedAge = (mSpeedHistoryPtr > ptr) ? (mSpeedHistoryPtr - ptr) : (mSpeedHistoryPtr + HISTORY_SIZE - ptr); } double streamItem::calcSpeed(const double* buffer) const { double total = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < SPEED_BUFFER_SIZE; ++i) total += buffer[i]; return total/SPEED_BUFFER_SIZE; } double streamItem::byteSpeedRx() const { return mSpeedHistoryRx[mSpeedHistoryPtr]; } double streamItem::byteSpeedTx() const { return mSpeedHistoryTx[mSpeedHistoryPtr]; } class circuitItem : public TQObject, public TQListViewItem { Q_OBJECT public: circuitItem( DndListView *parent, const TQString &id, const TQString &status, const TQString &server ); // bool acceptDrop( const TQMimeSource *mime ) const; // void dropped ( TQDropEvent * e ); // void dragEntered( ); }; #endif // _TORKVIEW_H_