TorServers TorServers 0 0 556 435 7 7 0 0 MyDialog1 true unnamed tabWidget TabPage Exit Servers To Avoid unnamed CC true true geoipcc true true FP true true Enemy Servers true false ExcludeNodes Extended true AllColumns CountryList 0 110 Multi textLabel1 <b>Countries To Avoid:</b> spacer7 Horizontal Expanding 310 20 spacer8 Horizontal Expanding 140 20 textLabel7_2_2_2 <p> These are exit servers you have chosen to avoid. Exit servers are the computers where your traffic emerges back in to the real world and connects to the service you are using (e.g.the web page you are reading).</p> <p> You have selected countries to avoid below. </p> <p> To select a country or server, right-click on a server in the 'Tor Network' window and select 'From Now On Never Use At All' or 'From Now On Never Use Country At All'. </p> clearSelectedNodes &Delete Selected Alt+D clearSelectedCountries &Delete Selected Alt+D TabPage Preferred Exit Servers unnamed CC true true geoipcc true true FP true true Preferred Exit Servers true false ExitNodes Extended true AllColumns clearSelectedPreferredNodes Delete Selected kcfg_StrictExitNodes Use onl&y these servers for 'Exit'. Alt+Y textLabel7_2 <p> This is the list of servers you prefer to use as the exit point for traffic over the internet. These are the servers where you traffic emerges back in to the real world and connects to the service you are using (e.g.the web page you are reading). <p> To select a country or server, right-click on a server in the 'Tor Network' window and select 'Try to Use Server as an Exit' or 'Always Use Server as an Exit'. </p> TabPage S&pecial Friends unnamed textLabel7_2_2_2_2 <p> This is the list of servers you like to use for particular destinations. For example, all traffic to Google should pop out on to the internet from the friendly server 'trustme'. Destination pushButton6 O&K Alt+K CandidateList true Destination true false Server true true When true true MapAddress Extended true AllColumns Entry Exit WayPoints Widget8 &Servers Status unnamed groupBox14 Unverified Servers unnamed textLabel5 You can direct your traffic over <br> servers that haven't been verified <br> yet. Choose the stages in the route over the internet you feel comfortable trusting unverified servers with. Position on Circuit true true Rendezvous Introduction Middle Exit Entry AllowUnverifiedNodes Extended AllColumns pushButton6_2 Clear Selected groupBox19 Verified Servers unnamed textLabel6_3 seconds kcfg_NewCircuitPeriod 99999 textLabel6_2_2 Build new route on known servers every: MapAddress contextMenuRequested(QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) TorServers MapAddress_contextMenuRequested(QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) MapAddress returnPressed(QListViewItem*) TorServers MapAddress_returnPressed(QListViewItem*) pushButton6 clicked() TorServers pushButton6_clicked() pushButton6_2 clicked() TorServers pushButton6_2_clicked() clearSelectedCountries clicked() TorServers clearSelectedCountries_clicked() clearSelectedNodes clicked() TorServers clearSelectedNodes_clicked() clearSelectedPreferredNodes clicked() TorServers clearSelectedPreferredNodes_clicked() CountryList selectionChanged() TorServers CountryList_clicked() torservers.ui.h pushButton6_clicked() MapAddress_contextMenuRequested( QListViewItem *, const QPoint & point, int ) slotDeleteEntry() MapAddress_returnPressed( QListViewItem * ) clearSelectedCountries_clicked() clearSelectedNodes_clicked() clearSelectedPreferredNodes_clicked() pushButton6_2_clicked() CountryList_clicked() init() destroy() ccode( const QString & country )