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                <string>Session Continuity</string>
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                        <string> minutes</string>
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                            <string>Domains                </string>
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                        <string>Maximum Length of Session Time:</string>
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                        <string>&lt;p&gt; This is a list of domains which might give you trouble if you connect from a range of different IP addresses during a single session. Adding them to this list ensures the same IP address is presented to the domain during the session.</string>
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                <string>Don't reuse a connection if it is more than</string>
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                <string> seconds old</string>
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                <string>Networks Services With Long Session Times</string>
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                        <string>&lt;p&gt; These services are known to have long session times. Select any of them that you use and this will ensure that their traffic is routed over servers that have a high-availability rating (i.e. are rarely offline).</string>
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                            <string>Services </string>
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        <slot>TrackHostExits_contextMenuRequested(QListViewItem*,const QPoint&amp;,int)</slot>
    <include location="local" impldecl="in implementation">usability.ui.h</include>
    <slot>TrackHostExits_contextMenuRequested( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &amp; point, int )</slot>
    <function access="private" specifier="non virtual">init()</function>
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