path: root/include/SString.h
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1 files changed, 280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/SString.h b/include/SString.h
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index 0000000..38a206c
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+++ b/include/SString.h
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+// SciTE - Scintilla based Text Editor
+/** @file SString.h
+ ** A simple string class.
+ **/
+// Copyright 1998-2004 by Neil Hodgson <[email protected]>
+// The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.
+#ifndef SSTRING_H
+#define SSTRING_H
+// These functions are implemented because each platform calls them something different.
+int CompareCaseInsensitive(const char *a, const char *b);
+int CompareNCaseInsensitive(const char *a, const char *b, size_t len);
+bool EqualCaseInsensitive(const char *a, const char *b);
+// Define another string class.
+// While it would be 'better' to use std::string, that doubles the executable size.
+// An SString may contain embedded nul characters.
+ * Base class from which the two other classes (SBuffer & SString)
+ * are derived.
+ */
+class SContainer {
+ /** Type of string lengths (sizes) and positions (indexes). */
+ typedef size_t lenpos_t;
+ /** Out of bounds value indicating that the string argument should be measured. */
+ enum { measure_length=0xffffffffU};
+ char *s; ///< The C string
+ lenpos_t sSize; ///< The size of the buffer, less 1: ie. the maximum size of the string
+ SContainer() : s(0), sSize(0) {}
+ ~SContainer() {
+ delete []s; // Suppose it was allocated using StringAllocate
+ s = 0;
+ sSize = 0;
+ }
+ /** Size of buffer. */
+ lenpos_t size() const {
+ if (s) {
+ return sSize;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Allocate uninitialized memory big enough to fit a string of the given length.
+ * @return the pointer to the new string
+ */
+ static char *StringAllocate(lenpos_t len);
+ /**
+ * Duplicate a buffer/C string.
+ * Allocate memory of the given size, or big enough to fit the string if length isn't given;
+ * then copy the given string in the allocated memory.
+ * @return the pointer to the new string
+ */
+ static char *StringAllocate(
+ const char *s, ///< The string to duplicate
+ lenpos_t len=measure_length); ///< The length of memory to allocate. Optional.
+ * @brief A string buffer class.
+ *
+ * Main use is to ask an API the length of a string it can provide,
+ * then to allocate a buffer of the given size, and to provide this buffer
+ * to the API to put the string.
+ * This class is intended to be shortlived, to be transformed as SString
+ * as soon as it holds the string, so it has little members.
+ * Note: we assume the buffer is filled by the API. If the length can be shorter,
+ * we should set sLen to strlen(sb.ptr()) in related SString constructor and assignment.
+ */
+class SBuffer : protected SContainer {
+ SBuffer(lenpos_t len) {
+ s = StringAllocate(len);
+ if (s) {
+ *s = '\0';
+ sSize = len;
+ } else {
+ sSize = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /// Copy constructor
+ // Here only to be on the safe size, user should avoid returning SBuffer values.
+ SBuffer(const SBuffer &source) : SContainer() {
+ s = StringAllocate(source.s, source.sSize);
+ sSize = (s) ? source.sSize : 0;
+ }
+ /// Default assignment operator
+ // Same here, shouldn't be used
+ SBuffer &operator=(const SBuffer &source) {
+ if (this != &source) {
+ delete []s;
+ s = StringAllocate(source.s, source.sSize);
+ sSize = (s) ? source.sSize : 0;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** Provide direct read/write access to buffer. */
+ char *ptr() {
+ return s;
+ }
+ /** Ownership of the buffer have been taken, so release it. */
+ void reset() {
+ s = 0;
+ sSize = 0;
+ }
+ /** Size of buffer. */
+ lenpos_t size() const {
+ return SContainer::size();
+ }
+ * @brief A simple string class.
+ *
+ * Hold the length of the string for quick operations,
+ * can have a buffer bigger than the string to avoid too many memory allocations and copies.
+ * May have embedded zeroes as a result of @a substitute, but relies too heavily on C string
+ * functions to allow reliable manipulations of these strings, other than simple appends, etc.
+ */
+class SString : protected SContainer {
+ lenpos_t sLen; ///< The size of the string in s
+ lenpos_t sizeGrowth; ///< Minimum growth size when appending strings
+ enum { sizeGrowthDefault = 64 };
+ bool grow(lenpos_t lenNew);
+ SString &assign(const char *sOther, lenpos_t sSize_=measure_length);
+ SString() : sLen(0), sizeGrowth(sizeGrowthDefault) {}
+ SString(const SString &source) : SContainer(), sizeGrowth(sizeGrowthDefault) {
+ s = StringAllocate(source.s, source.sLen);
+ sSize = sLen = (s) ? source.sLen : 0;
+ }
+ SString(const char *s_) : sizeGrowth(sizeGrowthDefault) {
+ s = StringAllocate(s_);
+ sSize = sLen = (s) ? strlen(s) : 0;
+ }
+ SString(SBuffer &buf) : sizeGrowth(sizeGrowthDefault) {
+ s = buf.ptr();
+ sSize = sLen = buf.size();
+ // Consumes the given buffer!
+ buf.reset();
+ }
+ SString(const char *s_, lenpos_t first, lenpos_t last) : sizeGrowth(sizeGrowthDefault) {
+ // note: expects the "last" argument to point one beyond the range end (a la STL iterators)
+ s = StringAllocate(s_ + first, last - first);
+ sSize = sLen = (s) ? last - first : 0;
+ }
+ SString(int i);
+ SString(double d, int precision);
+ ~SString() {
+ sLen = 0;
+ }
+ void clear() {
+ if (s) {
+ *s = '\0';
+ }
+ sLen = 0;
+ }
+ /** Size of buffer. */
+ lenpos_t size() const {
+ return SContainer::size();
+ }
+ /** Size of string in buffer. */
+ lenpos_t length() const {
+ return sLen;
+ }
+ /** Read access to a character of the string. */
+ char operator[](lenpos_t i) const {
+ return (s && i < sSize) ? s[i] : '\0';
+ }
+ SString &operator=(const char *source) {
+ return assign(source);
+ }
+ SString &operator=(const SString &source) {
+ if (this != &source) {
+ assign(source.s, source.sLen);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const SString &sOther) const;
+ bool operator!=(const SString &sOther) const {
+ return !operator==(sOther);
+ }
+ bool operator==(const char *sOther) const;
+ bool operator!=(const char *sOther) const {
+ return !operator==(sOther);
+ }
+ bool contains(char ch) const {
+ return (s && *s) ? strchr(s, ch) != 0 : false;
+ }
+ void setsizegrowth(lenpos_t sizeGrowth_) {
+ sizeGrowth = sizeGrowth_;
+ }
+ const char *c_str() const {
+ return s ? s : "";
+ }
+ /** Give ownership of buffer to caller which must use delete[] to free buffer. */
+ char *detach() {
+ char *sRet = s;
+ s = 0;
+ sSize = 0;
+ sLen = 0;
+ return sRet;
+ }
+ SString substr(lenpos_t subPos, lenpos_t subLen=measure_length) const;
+ SString &lowercase(lenpos_t subPos = 0, lenpos_t subLen=measure_length);
+ SString &uppercase(lenpos_t subPos = 0, lenpos_t subLen=measure_length);
+ SString &append(const char *sOther, lenpos_t sLenOther=measure_length, char sep = '\0');
+ SString &operator+=(const char *sOther) {
+ return append(sOther, static_cast<lenpos_t>(measure_length));
+ }
+ SString &operator+=(const SString &sOther) {
+ return append(sOther.s, sOther.sLen);
+ }
+ SString &operator+=(char ch) {
+ return append(&ch, 1);
+ }
+ SString &appendwithseparator(const char *sOther, char sep) {
+ return append(sOther, strlen(sOther), sep);
+ }
+ SString &insert(lenpos_t pos, const char *sOther, lenpos_t sLenOther=measure_length);
+ /**
+ * Remove @a len characters from the @a pos position, included.
+ * Characters at pos + len and beyond replace characters at pos.
+ * If @a len is 0, or greater than the length of the string
+ * starting at @a pos, the string is just truncated at @a pos.
+ */
+ void remove(lenpos_t pos, lenpos_t len);
+ SString &change(lenpos_t pos, char ch) {
+ if (pos < sLen) { // character changed must be in string bounds
+ *(s + pos) = ch;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** Read an integral numeric value from the string. */
+ int value() const {
+ return s ? atoi(s) : 0;
+ }
+ bool startswith(const char *prefix);
+ bool endswith(const char *suffix);
+ int search(const char *sFind, lenpos_t start=0) const;
+ bool contains(const char *sFind) const {
+ return search(sFind) >= 0;
+ }
+ int substitute(char chFind, char chReplace);
+ int substitute(const char *sFind, const char *sReplace);
+ int remove(const char *sFind) {
+ return substitute(sFind, "");
+ }
+ * Duplicate a C string.
+ * Allocate memory of the given size, or big enough to fit the string if length isn't given;
+ * then copy the given string in the allocated memory.
+ * @return the pointer to the new string
+ */
+inline char *StringDup(
+ const char *s, ///< The string to duplicate
+ SContainer::lenpos_t len=SContainer::measure_length) ///< The length of memory to allocate. Optional.
+ return SContainer::StringAllocate(s, len);