path: root/qt/qextscintillalexerlua.cpp
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1 files changed, 346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qt/qextscintillalexerlua.cpp b/qt/qextscintillalexerlua.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05090bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qt/qextscintillalexerlua.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+// This module implements the QextScintillaLexerLua class.
+// Copyright (c) 2006
+// Riverbank Computing Limited <[email protected]>
+// This file is part of QScintilla.
+// This copy of QScintilla is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+// later version.
+// QScintilla is supplied in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+// details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+// QScintilla; see the file LICENSE. If not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <qcolor.h>
+#include <qfont.h>
+#include <qsettings.h>
+#include "qextscintillalexerlua.h"
+// The ctor.
+QextScintillaLexerLua::QextScintillaLexerLua(QObject *parent, const char *name)
+ : QextScintillaLexer(parent,name), fold_compact(TRUE)
+// The dtor.
+// Returns the language name.
+const char *QextScintillaLexerLua::language() const
+ return "Lua";
+// Returns the lexer name.
+const char *QextScintillaLexerLua::lexer() const
+ return "lua";
+// Return the list of characters that can start a block.
+const char *QextScintillaLexerLua::blockStart(int *style) const
+ if (style)
+ *style = Operator;
+ return "";
+// Return the style used for braces.
+int QextScintillaLexerLua::braceStyle() const
+ return Operator;
+// Returns the foreground colour of the text for a style.
+QColor QextScintillaLexerLua::color(int style) const
+ switch (style)
+ {
+ case Default:
+ return QColor(0x00,0x00,0x00);
+ case Comment:
+ case LineComment:
+ return QColor(0x00,0x7f,0x00);
+ case Number:
+ return QColor(0x00,0x7f,0x7f);
+ case Keyword:
+ case BasicFunctions:
+ case StringTableMathsFunctions:
+ case CoroutinesIOSystemFacilities:
+ return QColor(0x00,0x00,0x7f);
+ case String:
+ case Character:
+ case LiteralString:
+ return QColor(0x7f,0x00,0x7f);
+ case Preprocessor:
+ return QColor(0x7f,0x7f,0x00);
+ case Operator:
+ case Identifier:
+ break;
+ }
+ return QextScintillaLexer::color(style);
+// Returns the end-of-line fill for a style.
+bool QextScintillaLexerLua::eolFill(int style) const
+ return (style == Comment || style == UnclosedString);
+// Returns the font of the text for a style.
+QFont QextScintillaLexerLua::font(int style) const
+ QFont f;
+ switch (style)
+ {
+ case Comment:
+ case LineComment:
+ case LiteralString:
+#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
+ f = QFont("Comic Sans MS",9);
+ f = QFont("Bitstream Vera Serif",9);
+ break;
+ default:
+ f = QextScintillaLexer::font(style);
+ }
+ return f;
+// Returns the set of keywords.
+const char *QextScintillaLexerLua::keywords(int set) const
+ if (set == 1)
+ // Keywords.
+ return
+ "and break do else elseif end false for function if "
+ "in local nil not or repeat return then true until "
+ "while";
+ if (set == 2)
+ // Basic functions.
+ return
+ "_STDIN _STDOUT call dostring foreach foreachi getn "
+ "globals newtype rawget rawset require sort tinsert "
+ "tremove "
+ "G getfenv getmetatable ipairs loadlib next pairs "
+ "pcall rawegal rawget rawset require setfenv "
+ "setmetatable xpcall string table math coroutine io "
+ "os debug";
+ if (set == 3)
+ // String, table and maths functions.
+ return
+ "abs acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos deg exp floor "
+ "format frexp gsub ldexp log log10 max min mod rad "
+ "random randomseed sin sqrt strbyte strchar strfind "
+ "strlen strlower strrep strsub strupper tan "
+ "string.byte string.char string.dump string.find "
+ "string.len string.lower string.rep string.sub "
+ "string.upper string.format string.gfind string.gsub "
+ "table.concat table.foreach table.foreachi table.getn "
+ "table.sort table.insert table.remove table.setn "
+ "math.abs math.acos math.asin math.atan math.atan2 "
+ "math.ceil math.cos math.deg math.exp math.floor "
+ "math.frexp math.ldexp math.log math.log10 math.max "
+ "math.min math.mod math.pi math.rad math.random "
+ "math.randomseed math.sin math.sqrt math.tan";
+ if (set == 4)
+ // Coroutine, I/O and system facilities.
+ return
+ "openfile closefile readfrom writeto appendto remove "
+ "rename flush seek tmpfile tmpname read write clock "
+ "date difftime execute exit getenv setlocale time "
+ "coroutine.create coroutine.resume coroutine.status "
+ "coroutine.wrap coroutine.yield io.close io.flush "
+ "io.input io.lines io.output "
+ "io.tmpfile io.type io.write io.stdin io.stdout "
+ "io.stderr os.clock os.difftime os.execute "
+ "os.exit os.getenv os.remove os.rename os.setlocale "
+ "os.time os.tmpname";
+ return 0;
+// Returns the user name of a style.
+QString QextScintillaLexerLua::description(int style) const
+ switch (style)
+ {
+ case Default:
+ return tr("Default");
+ case Comment:
+ return tr("Comment");
+ case LineComment:
+ return tr("Line comment");
+ case Number:
+ return tr("Number");
+ case Keyword:
+ return tr("Keyword");
+ case String:
+ return tr("String");
+ case Character:
+ return tr("Character");
+ case LiteralString:
+ return tr("Literal string");
+ case Preprocessor:
+ return tr("Preprocessor");
+ case Operator:
+ return tr("Operator");
+ case Identifier:
+ return tr("Identifier");
+ case UnclosedString:
+ return tr("Unclosed string");
+ case BasicFunctions:
+ return tr("Basic functions");
+ case StringTableMathsFunctions:
+ return tr("String, table and maths functions");
+ case CoroutinesIOSystemFacilities:
+ return tr("Coroutines, i/o and system facilities");
+ }
+ return QString::null;
+// Returns the background colour of the text for a style.
+QColor QextScintillaLexerLua::paper(int style) const
+ switch (style)
+ {
+ case Comment:
+ return QColor(0xd0,0xf0,0xf0);
+ case LiteralString:
+ return QColor(0xe0,0xff,0xff);
+ case UnclosedString:
+ return QColor(0xe0,0xc0,0xe0);
+ case BasicFunctions:
+ return QColor(0xd0,0xff,0xd0);
+ case StringTableMathsFunctions:
+ return QColor(0xd0,0xd0,0xff);
+ case CoroutinesIOSystemFacilities:
+ return QColor(0xff,0xd0,0xd0);
+ }
+ return QextScintillaLexer::paper(style);
+// Refresh all properties.
+void QextScintillaLexerLua::refreshProperties()
+ setCompactProp();
+// Read properties from the settings.
+bool QextScintillaLexerLua::readProperties(QSettings &qs,const QString &prefix)
+ int rc = TRUE;
+ bool ok, flag;
+ // Read the fold compact flag.
+ flag = qs.readBoolEntry(prefix + "foldcompact",TRUE,&ok);
+ if (ok)
+ fold_compact = flag;
+ else
+ rc = FALSE;
+ return rc;
+// Write properties to the settings.
+bool QextScintillaLexerLua::writeProperties(QSettings &qs,const QString &prefix) const
+ int rc = TRUE;
+ // Write the fold compact flag.
+ if (!qs.writeEntry(prefix + "foldcompact",fold_compact))
+ rc = FALSE;
+ return rc;
+// Return TRUE if folds are compact.
+bool QextScintillaLexerLua::foldCompact() const
+ return fold_compact;
+// Set if folds are compact.
+void QextScintillaLexerLua::setFoldCompact(bool fold)
+ fold_compact = fold;
+ setCompactProp();
+// Set the "fold.compact" property.
+void QextScintillaLexerLua::setCompactProp()
+ emit propertyChanged("fold.compact",(fold_compact ? "1" : "0"));