path: root/src/LexCLW.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/LexCLW.cpp')
1 files changed, 675 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/LexCLW.cpp b/src/LexCLW.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e28e4b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/LexCLW.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
+// Scintilla source code edit control
+/** @file LexClw.cxx
+ ** Lexer for Clarion.
+ ** 2004/12/17 Updated Lexer
+ **/
+// Copyright 2003-2004 by Ron Schofield <[email protected]>
+// The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "Platform.h"
+#include "PropSet.h"
+#include "Accessor.h"
+#include "StyleContext.h"
+#include "KeyWords.h"
+#include "Scintilla.h"
+#include "SciLexer.h"
+// Is an end of line character
+inline bool IsEOL(const int ch) {
+ return(ch == '\n');
+// Convert character to uppercase
+static char CharacterUpper(char chChar) {
+ if (chChar < 'a' || chChar > 'z') {
+ return(chChar);
+ }
+ else {
+ return(static_cast<char>(chChar - 'a' + 'A'));
+ }
+// Convert string to uppercase
+static void StringUpper(char *szString) {
+ while (*szString) {
+ *szString = CharacterUpper(*szString);
+ szString++;
+ }
+// Is a label start character
+inline bool IsALabelStart(const int iChar) {
+ return(isalpha(iChar) || iChar == '_');
+// Is a label character
+inline bool IsALabelCharacter(const int iChar) {
+ return(isalnum(iChar) || iChar == '_' || iChar == ':');
+// Is the character is a ! and the the next character is not a !
+inline bool IsACommentStart(const int iChar) {
+ return(iChar == '!');
+// Is the character a Clarion hex character (ABCDEF)
+inline bool IsAHexCharacter(const int iChar, bool bCaseSensitive) {
+ // Case insensitive.
+ if (!bCaseSensitive) {
+ if (strchr("ABCDEFabcdef", iChar) != NULL) {
+ return(true);
+ }
+ }
+ // Case sensitive
+ else {
+ if (strchr("ABCDEF", iChar) != NULL) {
+ return(true);
+ }
+ }
+ return(false);
+// Is the character a Clarion base character (B=Binary, O=Octal, H=Hex)
+inline bool IsANumericBaseCharacter(const int iChar, bool bCaseSensitive) {
+ // Case insensitive.
+ if (!bCaseSensitive) {
+ // If character is a numeric base character
+ if (strchr("BOHboh", iChar) != NULL) {
+ return(true);
+ }
+ }
+ // Case sensitive
+ else {
+ // If character is a numeric base character
+ if (strchr("BOH", iChar) != NULL) {
+ return(true);
+ }
+ }
+ return(false);
+// Set the correct numeric constant state
+inline bool SetNumericConstantState(StyleContext &scDoc) {
+ int iPoints = 0; // Point counter
+ char cNumericString[512]; // Numeric string buffer
+ // Buffer the current numberic string
+ scDoc.GetCurrent(cNumericString, sizeof(cNumericString));
+ // Loop through the string until end of string (NULL termination)
+ for (int iIndex = 0; cNumericString[iIndex] != '\0'; iIndex++) {
+ // Depending on the character
+ switch (cNumericString[iIndex]) {
+ // Is a . (point)
+ case '.' :
+ // Increment point counter
+ iPoints++;
+ break;
+ default :
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If points found (can be more than one for improper formatted number
+ if (iPoints > 0) {
+ return(true);
+ }
+ // Else no points found
+ else {
+ return(false);
+ }
+// Get the next word in uppercase from the current position (keyword lookahead)
+inline bool GetNextWordUpper(Accessor &styler, unsigned int uiStartPos, int iLength, char *cWord) {
+ unsigned int iIndex = 0; // Buffer Index
+ // Loop through the remaining string from the current position
+ for (int iOffset = uiStartPos; iOffset < iLength; iOffset++) {
+ // Get the character from the buffer using the offset
+ char cCharacter = styler[iOffset];
+ if (IsEOL(cCharacter)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // If the character is alphabet character
+ if (isalpha(cCharacter)) {
+ // Add UPPERCASE character to the word buffer
+ cWord[iIndex++] = CharacterUpper(cCharacter);
+ }
+ }
+ // Add null termination
+ cWord[iIndex] = '\0';
+ // If no word was found
+ if (iIndex == 0) {
+ // Return failure
+ return(false);
+ }
+ // Else word was found
+ else {
+ // Return success
+ return(true);
+ }
+// Clarion Language Colouring Procedure
+static void ColouriseClarionDoc(unsigned int uiStartPos, int iLength, int iInitStyle, WordList *wlKeywords[], Accessor &accStyler, bool bCaseSensitive) {
+ int iParenthesesLevel = 0; // Parenthese Level
+ int iColumn1Label = false; // Label starts in Column 1
+ WordList &wlClarionKeywords = *wlKeywords[0]; // Clarion Keywords
+ WordList &wlCompilerDirectives = *wlKeywords[1]; // Compiler Directives
+ WordList &wlRuntimeExpressions = *wlKeywords[2]; // Runtime Expressions
+ WordList &wlBuiltInProcsFuncs = *wlKeywords[3]; // Builtin Procedures and Functions
+ WordList &wlStructsDataTypes = *wlKeywords[4]; // Structures and Data Types
+ WordList &wlAttributes = *wlKeywords[5]; // Procedure Attributes
+ WordList &wlStandardEquates = *wlKeywords[6]; // Standard Equates
+ WordList &wlLabelReservedWords = *wlKeywords[7]; // Clarion Reserved Keywords (Labels)
+ WordList &wlProcLabelReservedWords = *wlKeywords[8]; // Clarion Reserved Keywords (Procedure Labels)
+ const char wlProcReservedKeywordList[] =
+ WordList wlProcReservedKeywords;
+ wlProcReservedKeywords.Set(wlProcReservedKeywordList);
+ const char wlCompilerKeywordList[] =
+ WordList wlCompilerKeywords;
+ wlCompilerKeywords.Set(wlCompilerKeywordList);
+ const char wlLegacyStatementsList[] =
+ WordList wlLegacyStatements;
+ wlLegacyStatements.Set(wlLegacyStatementsList);
+ StyleContext scDoc(uiStartPos, iLength, iInitStyle, accStyler);
+ // lex source code
+ for (; scDoc.More(); scDoc.Forward())
+ {
+ //
+ // Determine if the current state should terminate.
+ //
+ // Label State Handling
+ if (scDoc.state == SCE_CLW_LABEL) {
+ // If the character is not a valid label
+ if (!IsALabelCharacter( {
+ // If the character is a . (dot syntax)
+ if ( == '.') {
+ // Turn off column 1 label flag as label now cannot be reserved work
+ iColumn1Label = false;
+ // Uncolour the . (dot) to default state, move forward one character,
+ // and change back to the label state.
+ scDoc.SetState(SCE_CLW_DEFAULT);
+ scDoc.Forward();
+ scDoc.SetState(SCE_CLW_LABEL);
+ }
+ // Else check label
+ else {
+ char cLabel[512]; // Label buffer
+ // Buffer the current label string
+ scDoc.GetCurrent(cLabel,sizeof(cLabel));
+ // If case insensitive, convert string to UPPERCASE to match passed keywords.
+ if (!bCaseSensitive) {
+ StringUpper(cLabel);
+ }
+ // Else if UPPERCASE label string is in the Clarion compiler keyword list
+ if (wlCompilerKeywords.InList(cLabel) && iColumn1Label){
+ // change the label to error state
+ }
+ // Else if UPPERCASE label string is in the Clarion reserved keyword list
+ else if (wlLabelReservedWords.InList(cLabel) && iColumn1Label){
+ // change the label to error state
+ scDoc.ChangeState(SCE_CLW_ERROR);
+ }
+ // Else if UPPERCASE label string is
+ else if (wlProcLabelReservedWords.InList(cLabel) && iColumn1Label) {
+ char cWord[512]; // Word buffer
+ // Get the next word from the current position
+ if (GetNextWordUpper(accStyler,scDoc.currentPos,uiStartPos+iLength,cWord)) {
+ // If the next word is a procedure reserved word
+ if (wlProcReservedKeywords.InList(cWord)) {
+ // Change the label to error state
+ scDoc.ChangeState(SCE_CLW_ERROR);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Else if label string is in the compiler directive keyword list
+ else if (wlCompilerDirectives.InList(cLabel)) {
+ // change the state to compiler directive state
+ }
+ // Terminate the label state and set to default state
+ scDoc.SetState(SCE_CLW_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Keyword State Handling
+ else if (scDoc.state == SCE_CLW_KEYWORD) {
+ // If character is : (colon)
+ if ( == ':') {
+ char cEquate[512]; // Equate buffer
+ // Move forward to include : (colon) in buffer
+ scDoc.Forward();
+ // Buffer the equate string
+ scDoc.GetCurrent(cEquate,sizeof(cEquate));
+ // If case insensitive, convert string to UPPERCASE to match passed keywords.
+ if (!bCaseSensitive) {
+ StringUpper(cEquate);
+ }
+ // If statement string is in the equate list
+ if (wlStandardEquates.InList(cEquate)) {
+ // Change to equate state
+ }
+ }
+ // If the character is not a valid label character
+ else if (!IsALabelCharacter( {
+ char cStatement[512]; // Statement buffer
+ // Buffer the statement string
+ scDoc.GetCurrent(cStatement,sizeof(cStatement));
+ // If case insensitive, convert string to UPPERCASE to match passed keywords.
+ if (!bCaseSensitive) {
+ StringUpper(cStatement);
+ }
+ // If statement string is in the Clarion keyword list
+ if (wlClarionKeywords.InList(cStatement)) {
+ // Change the statement string to the Clarion keyword state
+ scDoc.ChangeState(SCE_CLW_KEYWORD);
+ }
+ // Else if statement string is in the compiler directive keyword list
+ else if (wlCompilerDirectives.InList(cStatement)) {
+ // Change the statement string to the compiler directive state
+ }
+ // Else if statement string is in the runtime expressions keyword list
+ else if (wlRuntimeExpressions.InList(cStatement)) {
+ // Change the statement string to the runtime expressions state
+ }
+ // Else if statement string is in the builtin procedures and functions keyword list
+ else if (wlBuiltInProcsFuncs.InList(cStatement)) {
+ // Change the statement string to the builtin procedures and functions state
+ }
+ // Else if statement string is in the tructures and data types keyword list
+ else if (wlStructsDataTypes.InList(cStatement)) {
+ // Change the statement string to the structures and data types state
+ }
+ // Else if statement string is in the procedure attribute keyword list
+ else if (wlAttributes.InList(cStatement)) {
+ // Change the statement string to the procedure attribute state
+ scDoc.ChangeState(SCE_CLW_ATTRIBUTE);
+ }
+ // Else if statement string is in the standard equate keyword list
+ else if (wlStandardEquates.InList(cStatement)) {
+ // Change the statement string to the standard equate state
+ }
+ // Else if statement string is in the deprecated or legacy keyword list
+ else if (wlLegacyStatements.InList(cStatement)) {
+ // Change the statement string to the standard equate state
+ scDoc.ChangeState(SCE_CLW_DEPRECATED);
+ }
+ // Else the statement string doesn't match any work list
+ else {
+ // Change the statement string to the default state
+ scDoc.ChangeState(SCE_CLW_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ // Terminate the keyword state and set to default state
+ scDoc.SetState(SCE_CLW_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ }
+ // String State Handling
+ else if (scDoc.state == SCE_CLW_STRING) {
+ // If the character is an ' (single quote)
+ if ( == '\'') {
+ // Set the state to default and move forward colouring
+ // the ' (single quote) as default state
+ // terminating the string state
+ scDoc.SetState(SCE_CLW_DEFAULT);
+ scDoc.Forward();
+ }
+ // If the next character is an ' (single quote)
+ if (scDoc.chNext == '\'') {
+ // Move forward one character and set to default state
+ // colouring the next ' (single quote) as default state
+ // terminating the string state
+ scDoc.ForwardSetState(SCE_CLW_DEFAULT);
+ scDoc.Forward();
+ }
+ }
+ // Picture String State Handling
+ else if (scDoc.state == SCE_CLW_PICTURE_STRING) {
+ // If the character is an ( (open parenthese)
+ if ( == '(') {
+ // Increment the parenthese level
+ iParenthesesLevel++;
+ }
+ // Else if the character is a ) (close parenthese)
+ else if ( == ')') {
+ // If the parenthese level is set to zero
+ // parentheses matched
+ if (!iParenthesesLevel) {
+ scDoc.SetState(SCE_CLW_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ // Else parenthese level is greater than zero
+ // still looking for matching parentheses
+ else {
+ // Decrement the parenthese level
+ iParenthesesLevel--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Standard Equate State Handling
+ else if (scDoc.state == SCE_CLW_STANDARD_EQUATE) {
+ if (!isalnum( {
+ scDoc.SetState(SCE_CLW_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ }
+ // Integer Constant State Handling
+ else if (scDoc.state == SCE_CLW_INTEGER_CONSTANT) {
+ // If the character is not a digit (0-9)
+ // or character is not a hexidecimal character (A-F)
+ // or character is not a . (point)
+ // or character is not a numberic base character (B,O,H)
+ if (!(isdigit(
+ || IsAHexCharacter(, bCaseSensitive)
+ || == '.'
+ || IsANumericBaseCharacter(, bCaseSensitive))) {
+ // If the number was a real
+ if (SetNumericConstantState(scDoc)) {
+ // Colour the matched string to the real constant state
+ scDoc.ChangeState(SCE_CLW_REAL_CONSTANT);
+ }
+ // Else the number was an integer
+ else {
+ // Colour the matched string to an integer constant state
+ }
+ // Terminate the integer constant state and set to default state
+ scDoc.SetState(SCE_CLW_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Determine if a new state should be entered.
+ //
+ // Beginning of Line Handling
+ if (scDoc.atLineStart) {
+ // Reset the column 1 label flag
+ iColumn1Label = false;
+ // If column 1 character is a label start character
+ if (IsALabelStart( {
+ // Label character is found in column 1
+ // so set column 1 label flag and clear last column 1 label
+ iColumn1Label = true;
+ // Set the state to label
+ scDoc.SetState(SCE_CLW_LABEL);
+ }
+ // else if character is a space or tab
+ else if (IsASpace({
+ // Set to default state
+ scDoc.SetState(SCE_CLW_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ // else if comment start (!) or is an * (asterisk)
+ else if (IsACommentStart( || == '*' ) {
+ // then set the state to comment.
+ scDoc.SetState(SCE_CLW_COMMENT);
+ }
+ // else the character is a ? (question mark)
+ else if ( == '?') {
+ // Change to the compiler directive state, move forward,
+ // colouring the ? (question mark), change back to default state.
+ scDoc.Forward();
+ scDoc.SetState(SCE_CLW_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ // else an invalid character in column 1
+ else {
+ // Set to error state
+ scDoc.SetState(SCE_CLW_ERROR);
+ }
+ }
+ // End of Line Handling
+ else if (scDoc.atLineEnd) {
+ // Reset to the default state at the end of each line.
+ scDoc.SetState(SCE_CLW_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ // Default Handling
+ else {
+ // If in default state
+ if (scDoc.state == SCE_CLW_DEFAULT) {
+ // If is a letter could be a possible statement
+ if (isalpha( {
+ // Set the state to Clarion Keyword and verify later
+ scDoc.SetState(SCE_CLW_KEYWORD);
+ }
+ // else is a number
+ else if (isdigit( {
+ // Set the state to Integer Constant and verify later
+ }
+ // else if the start of a comment or a | (line continuation)
+ else if (IsACommentStart( || == '|') {
+ // then set the state to comment.
+ scDoc.SetState(SCE_CLW_COMMENT);
+ }
+ // else if the character is a ' (single quote)
+ else if ( == '\'') {
+ // If the character is also a ' (single quote)
+ // Embedded Apostrophe
+ if (scDoc.chNext == '\'') {
+ // Move forward colouring it as default state
+ scDoc.ForwardSetState(SCE_CLW_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ else {
+ // move to the next character and then set the state to comment.
+ scDoc.ForwardSetState(SCE_CLW_STRING);
+ }
+ }
+ // else the character is an @ (ampersand)
+ else if ( == '@') {
+ // Case insensitive.
+ if (!bCaseSensitive) {
+ // If character is a valid picture token character
+ if (strchr("DEKNPSTdeknpst", scDoc.chNext) != NULL) {
+ // Set to the picture string state
+ }
+ }
+ // Case sensitive
+ else {
+ // If character is a valid picture token character
+ if (strchr("DEKNPST", scDoc.chNext) != NULL) {
+ // Set the picture string state
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // lexing complete
+ scDoc.Complete();
+// Clarion Language Case Sensitive Colouring Procedure
+static void ColouriseClarionDocSensitive(unsigned int uiStartPos, int iLength, int iInitStyle, WordList *wlKeywords[], Accessor &accStyler) {
+ ColouriseClarionDoc(uiStartPos, iLength, iInitStyle, wlKeywords, accStyler, true);
+// Clarion Language Case Insensitive Colouring Procedure
+static void ColouriseClarionDocInsensitive(unsigned int uiStartPos, int iLength, int iInitStyle, WordList *wlKeywords[], Accessor &accStyler) {
+ ColouriseClarionDoc(uiStartPos, iLength, iInitStyle, wlKeywords, accStyler, false);
+// Fill Buffer
+static void FillBuffer(unsigned int uiStart, unsigned int uiEnd, Accessor &accStyler, char *szBuffer, unsigned int uiLength) {
+ unsigned int uiPos = 0;
+ while ((uiPos < uiEnd - uiStart + 1) && (uiPos < uiLength-1)) {
+ szBuffer[uiPos] = static_cast<char>(toupper(accStyler[uiStart + uiPos]));
+ uiPos++;
+ }
+ szBuffer[uiPos] = '\0';
+// Classify Clarion Fold Point
+static int ClassifyClarionFoldPoint(int iLevel, const char* szString) {
+ if (!(isdigit(szString[0]) || (szString[0] == '.'))) {
+ if (strcmp(szString, "PROCEDURE") == 0) {
+ // iLevel = SC_FOLDLEVELBASE + 1;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(szString, "MAP") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString,"ACCEPT") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString,"BEGIN") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString,"CASE") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString,"EXECUTE") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString,"IF") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString,"ITEMIZE") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString,"INTERFACE") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString,"JOIN") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString,"LOOP") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString,"MODULE") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString,"RECORD") == 0) {
+ iLevel++;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(szString, "APPLICATION") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "CLASS") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "DETAIL") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "FILE") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "FOOTER") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "FORM") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "GROUP") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "HEADER") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "INTERFACE") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "MENU") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "MENUBAR") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "OLE") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "OPTION") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "QUEUE") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "REPORT") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "SHEET") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "TAB") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "TOOLBAR") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "VIEW") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "WINDOW") == 0) {
+ iLevel++;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(szString, "END") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "UNTIL") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(szString, "WHILE") == 0) {
+ iLevel--;
+ }
+ }
+ return(iLevel);
+// Clarion Language Folding Procedure
+static void FoldClarionDoc(unsigned int uiStartPos, int iLength, int iInitStyle, WordList *[], Accessor &accStyler) {
+ unsigned int uiEndPos = uiStartPos + iLength;
+ int iLineCurrent = accStyler.GetLine(uiStartPos);
+ int iLevelPrev = accStyler.LevelAt(iLineCurrent) & SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK;
+ int iLevelCurrent = iLevelPrev;
+ char chNext = accStyler[uiStartPos];
+ int iStyle = iInitStyle;
+ int iStyleNext = accStyler.StyleAt(uiStartPos);
+ int iVisibleChars = 0;
+ int iLastStart = 0;
+ for (unsigned int uiPos = uiStartPos; uiPos < uiEndPos; uiPos++) {
+ char chChar = chNext;
+ chNext = accStyler.SafeGetCharAt(uiPos + 1);
+ int iStylePrev = iStyle;
+ iStyle = iStyleNext;
+ iStyleNext = accStyler.StyleAt(uiPos + 1);
+ bool bEOL = (chChar == '\r' && chNext != '\n') || (chChar == '\n');
+ if (iStylePrev == SCE_CLW_DEFAULT) {
+ // Store last word start point.
+ iLastStart = uiPos;
+ }
+ }
+ if (iStylePrev == SCE_CLW_KEYWORD || iStylePrev == SCE_CLW_STRUCTURE_DATA_TYPE) {
+ if(iswordchar(chChar) && !iswordchar(chNext)) {
+ char chBuffer[100];
+ FillBuffer(iLastStart, uiPos, accStyler, chBuffer, sizeof(chBuffer));
+ iLevelCurrent = ClassifyClarionFoldPoint(iLevelCurrent,chBuffer);
+ // if ((iLevelCurrent == SC_FOLDLEVELBASE + 1) && iLineCurrent > 1) {
+ // accStyler.SetLevel(iLineCurrent-1,SC_FOLDLEVELBASE);
+ // iLevelPrev = SC_FOLDLEVELBASE;
+ // }
+ }
+ }
+ if (bEOL) {
+ int iLevel = iLevelPrev;
+ if ((iLevelCurrent > iLevelPrev) && (iVisibleChars > 0))
+ if (iLevel != accStyler.LevelAt(iLineCurrent)) {
+ accStyler.SetLevel(iLineCurrent,iLevel);
+ }
+ iLineCurrent++;
+ iLevelPrev = iLevelCurrent;
+ iVisibleChars = 0;
+ }
+ if (!isspacechar(chChar))
+ iVisibleChars++;
+ }
+ // Fill in the real level of the next line, keeping the current flags
+ // as they will be filled in later.
+ int iFlagsNext = accStyler.LevelAt(iLineCurrent) & ~SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK;
+ accStyler.SetLevel(iLineCurrent, iLevelPrev | iFlagsNext);
+// Word List Descriptions
+static const char * const rgWordListDescriptions[] = {
+ "Clarion Keywords",
+ "Compiler Directives",
+ "Built-in Procedures and Functions",
+ "Runtime Expressions",
+ "Structure and Data Types",
+ "Attributes",
+ "Standard Equates",
+ "Reserved Words (Labels)",
+ "Reserved Words (Procedure Labels)",
+ 0,
+// Case Sensitive Clarion Language Lexer
+LexerModule lmClw(SCLEX_CLW, ColouriseClarionDocSensitive, "clarion", FoldClarionDoc, rgWordListDescriptions);
+// Case Insensitive Clarion Language Lexer
+LexerModule lmClwNoCase(SCLEX_CLWNOCASE, ColouriseClarionDocInsensitive, "clarionnocase", FoldClarionDoc, rgWordListDescriptions);